The old pre-processor used for CSS, and HTML, files leaves comments intact which unnecessarily contributes to the overall size of the *built* CSS files (note that the built JavaScript files don't include comments).
Rather than trying to "hack" comment removal into the pre-processor it seems easier to use a PostCSS plugin instead. The one potential issue is that it also affects *some* whitespaces, and it's not clear to me if this'll work with the various CSS-related tests that run in mozilla-central.
Please refer to for additional information.
*For many non-English locales the translated strings will be longer, which is easy to forget about during development/review.*
Note how for some locales (e.g. Swedish) the altText-button end up looking horizontally "cramped", hence it seems reasonable to add a bit of inline padding to improve this.
In the scripting integration tests we use a few different typing
delays, mostly 100 or 200 milliseconds. According to for example,
a fast typing speed is around 300 characters per minute, which is 5
characters per second and therefore a delay of 200 milliseconds between
each keystroke. Note that this is already above average, so in practice
the delay will be even larger. Therefore the 100 milliseconds variant
is unrealistically fast and therefore not suitable for the integration
tests which aim to simulate the average user behavior.
On top of that, the quick typing speeds are problematic for the tests
that involve validation alert dialogs appearing during typing. In those
tests a handler is registered to close the dialog once it pops up, but
it takes time for Puppeteer to notice the dialog, trigger the handler
and close it. If the typing delay, which is the delay between the key
down and key up events according to the Puppeteer source code at,
is too short, the key up event will be fired before the dialog is
closed. In that time the text box we're typing in is not focused, so
when the dialog is closed the `page.type()` call on the text box will
never resolve because the key up event never reached the text box.
This commit aims to fix the issues by converting all 100 millisecond
delays to 200 milliseconds. For instance the "must check input for US
zip format" failed pretty consistently locally before and hasn't failed
anymore with a 200 millisecond delay.
This integration test fails often because we wait for scripting to be
ready before we check the printed page, but most of the time the PDF
is already done printing before scripting is reported to be ready.
This happens because the print trigger is on the `Open` event, which is
one of the first events to be dispatched and, most notably, before
scripting is marked as ready; please see
Given that the PDF document is only one page, printing it is usually
finished between triggering the `Open` event and scripting reported
to be ready. If this happens the printed page is already destroyed
before we get to our actual test, which will then timeout because it
will never find the printed page in the DOM.
This commit fixes the problem by not awaiting scripting to be ready
because the fact that the printed page appears is already enough to know
that autoprint was triggered (after all, there is no other user
interaction involved here). While we're here we also switch to the
shorter `page.waitForSelector` function.
but keep it for the text area.
Disable pointerdown on the alt-text button to disable dragging the editor
when the button is clicked (especially when slightly moving the mouse
between the down and the up).
The dialog element handles closing with <kbd>Esc</kbd> automatically, however we're not reporting telemetry in that case.
In order to fix that the easiest solution, as far as I'm concerned, seem to be moving the telemetry reporting into the dialog-close handler since it's always invoked.
This patch addresses an edge-case that'll probably never happen, but it nonetheless seems like something that we want to fix.
Note how we're using the `#currentEditor`-field to prevent opening the dialog when it's already active, and it being reset once the dialog has been closed.
By also resetting the `#currentEditor`-field during destruction, instead of waiting until the dialog has actually closed (assuming it's currently open), there's a *tiny* window of time[1] during which we could theoretically allow to (incorrectly) re-open the dialog and thus getting out-of-sync state in the viewer-component.
[1] Since the "close" event, on a dialog-element, is dispatched asynchronously by the browser.
When the user edit an existing alt-text and remove it, we want to be able
to save this state and consequently remove the done state from the
alt-text button.
Remove the button from its parent when the editor is removed: it should
help to save few Kb of memory.
Radio-buttons can also be toggled by clicking on their associated `label`-elements, and not only the `input`-elements itself, however it seems that "pointerdown" event listeners don't cover that case.
Hence it's possible that telemetry could miss certain cases of a mouse being used, and the easiest solution seem to be to instead use "click" event listeners and just ignore keyboard-based events.
Rather than trying to be "clever" here, and possibly affect code readability negatively, let's just restore the `collectFields` parameter to address the unneeded parsing that now happens when printing new Annotations.
Given the limitations of the old pre-processor that's used for CSS/HTML files, this unfortunately isn't as "easy" to implement as it is for JavaScript code.
Since this is the first case where we've wanted to do conditional CSS imports, rather than trying to completely re-write the pre-processor, this patch settles for handling it explicitly in the `expandCssImports` function.