This patch updates the `IPDFStreamReader` interface and ensures that the interface/implementation of `network.js`, `fetch_stream.js`, `node_stream.js`, and `transport_stream.js` all match properly.
The unit-tests are also adjusted, to more closely replicate the actual behaviour of the various actual `IPDFStreamReader` implementations.
Finally, this patch adjusts the use of the Content-Disposition filename when setting the title in the viewer, and adds `PDFDocumentProperties` support as well.
These were removed in PR 9170, since they were unused in the browsers that we'll support in PDF.js version `2.0`.
However looking at the output of Travis, where a subset of the unit-tests are run using Node.js, there's warnings about `btoa` being undefined. This doesn't appear to cause any errors, which probably explains why we didn't notice this before (despite PR 9201).
When navigating away from the viewer, there's no good reason for disallowing replacement of a *temporary* history entry (in addition to empty ones).
Given that the current position is temporarily added to the browser history using a (short) timeout, the history entry will most likely already be correct when the 'pagehide' event fires. However, if the user is quick enough that might not always be the case, in which case the adjusted logic may help.
Please refer to the PDF specification, in particular
> A colour space shall be specified in one of two ways:
> - Within a content stream, the CS or cs operator establishes the current colour space parameter in the graphics state. The operand shall always be name object, which either identifies one of the colour spaces that need no additional parameters (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, or some cases of Pattern) or shall be used as a key in the ColorSpace subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). In the latter case, the value of the dictionary entry in turn shall be a colour space array or name. A colour space array shall never be inline within a content stream.
> - Outside a content stream, certain objects, such as image XObjects, shall specify a colour space as an explicit parameter, often associated with the key ColorSpace. In this case, the colour space array or name shall always be defined directly as a PDF object, not by an entry in the ColorSpace resource subdictionary. This convention also applies when colour spaces are defined in terms of other colour spaces.
This is something that I noticed while attempting to debug
Just looking at the code, the `YRsiz` parameter seemed immediately wrong and the fact that every component used the *same* data also looked strange.
Comparing with the specification, see!!PDF-E&type=items#page=37, confirmed that this is indeed incorrect.
Note that I haven't got any example of a PDF file that is fixed by this patch, but that might be more luck than anything else. Manually checking a couple of files with included JPEG 2000 images, the `Csiz`/`XRsiz`/`YRsiz` parameters were `1` which could explain why this hasn't been an issue before.
Obviously we shouldn't generally make changes to `core` code without adding tests, but in this case I'm simply not sure how to obtain/create one. However, since the existing code doesn't make sense this patch could hopefully be deemed acceptable anyway.
Since multiple empty lines is virtually unused in the code-base, and the few cases that do exist look like "typos", let's enforce greater consistency here; please see
It is only used in a few places to handle prefixing style properties if
necessary. However, we used it only for `transform`, `transformOrigin`
and `borderRadius`, which according to Can I Use are supported natively
(unprefixed) in the browsers that PDF.js 2.0 supports. Therefore, we can
remove this class, which should help performance too since this avoids
extra function calls in parts of the code that are called often.
The `gulp-util` module is now deprecated and authors are asked to stop
using it (refer to for
more information).
PDF.js does not rely on it that much, fortunately, so it's relatively
easy for us to remove the dependency. This patch does that by making the
following changes:
- Require `gulp-zip` version 4.1.0 or higher since they already removed
their `gulp-util` dependency in that version.
- Replace `gulp-util.log` with the `fancylog` module as recommended in
the article above.
- Replace `gulp-util.File` with the `Vinyl` module as recommended in the
article above.
The only change I had to make for Vinyl is removing the `base` and `cwd`
lines since they may not be empty strings anymore. This way we fall back
to the defaults Vinyl provides, which for us doesn't matter since we
move the file afterwards anyway. Moreover, I used `vfs` for `vinyl-fs`
in the `Gulpfile` to avoid confusion with `vinyl` (which is also how the
documentation names the variable).
This is all we can do on our side; the other modules that still use
`gulp-util` must be updated upstream.
I've been looking into the remaining point in 8637 about blurry images, to see if we could perhaps improve the rendering quality slightly there. After quite a bit of debugging, it seems that the issue is limited to certain progressive JPEG images.
As mentioned previously, I've got no detailed knowledge of the JPEG format, but this patch does seem to improve things quite a bit for the images in question.
Squinting at, it seems reasonable that we should take the sign of the data into account. Furthermore, looking at the specification in, the "F.2.4.3 Decoding the binary decision sequence for non-zero DC differences and AC coefficients" section even contains a description of this (even though I cannot claim to really understand the details).
The bug that this patch fixes is limited to the built-in JPEG decoder, and was unearthed by PR 9260. The underlying issue has existed since PR 6984, where the contents of this patch ought to have been included (if it weren't for the fact that we had no *easy* way to test `src/core/jpg.js` back then).
*Please note:* The slight movement in the reference test is a result of using the `src/core/jpg.js` decoder, rather than the native browser one.
This was an oversight in PR 9095, which unfortunately breaks rendering in some PDF files (e.g. the one from issue 6737).
It thus appears that we don't have any test-coverage for this code-path, and given the relative complexity of the PDF files affected by this bug I wasn't able to easily create a reduced test-case.
*Please note:* The linked test-case included in this patch is currently *not* rendered correctly (that'd be the PR 6606), but it at least gives us some test-coverage here.