2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Main toolbar buttons (tooltips and alt text for images)
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
previous.title = Pagina primma
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
previous_label = Precedente
next.title = Pagina dòppo
next_label = Pròscima
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page.title): The tooltip for the pageNumber input.
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
page.title = Pagina
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (of_pages): "{{pagesCount}}" will be replaced by a number
# representing the total number of pages in the document.
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
of_pages = de {{pagesCount}}
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_of_pages): "{{pageNumber}}" and "{{pagesCount}}"
# will be replaced by a number representing the currently visible page,
# respectively a number representing the total number of pages in the document.
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
page_of_pages = ({{pageNumber}} de {{pagesCount}})
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
zoom_out.title = Diminoisci zoom
zoom_out_label = Diminoisci zoom
zoom_in.title = Aomenta zoom
zoom_in_label = Aomenta zoom
zoom.title = Zoom
2015-10-19 18:15:22 +02:00
presentation_mode.title = Vanni into mòddo de prezentaçion
presentation_mode_label = Mòddo de prezentaçion
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
open_file.title = Arvi file
open_file_label = Arvi
print.title = Stanpa
print_label = Stanpa
download.title = Descaregamento
download_label = Descaregamento
bookmark.title = Vixon corente (còpia ò arvi inte 'n neuvo barcon)
bookmark_label = Vixon corente
# Secondary toolbar and context menu
tools.title = Strumenti
tools_label = Strumenti
first_page.title = Vanni a-a primma pagina
first_page.label = Vanni a-a primma pagina
first_page_label = Vanni a-a primma pagina
last_page.title = Vanni a l'urtima pagina
last_page.label = Vanni a l'urtima pagina
last_page_label = Vanni a l'urtima pagina
page_rotate_cw.title = Gia into verso oraio
page_rotate_cw.label = Gia in senso do releuio
page_rotate_cw_label = Gia into verso oraio
page_rotate_ccw.title = Gia into verso antioraio
page_rotate_ccw.label = Gia in senso do releuio a-a reversa
page_rotate_ccw_label = Gia into verso antioraio
hand_tool_enable.title = Ativa strumento man
hand_tool_enable_label = Ativa strumento man
hand_tool_disable.title = Dizativa strumento man
hand_tool_disable_label = Dizativa strumento man
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Document properties dialog box
document_properties.title = Propietæ do documento…
document_properties_label = Propietæ do documento…
document_properties_file_name = Nomme file:
document_properties_file_size = Dimenscion file:
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_kb): "{{size_kb}}" and "{{size_b}}"
# will be replaced by the PDF file size in kilobytes, respectively in bytes.
document_properties_kb = {{size_kb}} kB ({{size_b}} byte)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_mb): "{{size_mb}}" and "{{size_b}}"
# will be replaced by the PDF file size in megabytes, respectively in bytes.
document_properties_mb = {{size_kb}} MB ({{size_b}} byte)
document_properties_title = Titolo:
document_properties_author = Aoto:
document_properties_subject = Ogetto:
document_properties_keywords = Paròlle ciave:
document_properties_creation_date = Dæta creaçion:
document_properties_modification_date = Dæta cangiamento:
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}"
# will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file.
document_properties_date_string = {{date}}, {{time}}
document_properties_creator = Aotô originale:
document_properties_producer = Produtô PDF:
document_properties_version = Verscion PDF:
document_properties_page_count = Contezzo pagine:
document_properties_close = Særa
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
print_progress_message = Praparo o documento pe-a stanpa…
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (print_progress_percent): "{{progress}}" will be replaced by
# a numerical per cent value.
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
print_progress_percent = {{progress}}%
print_progress_close = Anulla
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Tooltips and alt text for side panel toolbar buttons
# (the _label strings are alt text for the buttons, the .title strings are
# tooltips)
toggle_sidebar.title = Ativa/dizativa bara de scianco
2017-03-19 13:46:11 +01:00
toggle_sidebar_notification.title = Cangia bara de löo (o documento o contegne di alegæ)
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
toggle_sidebar_label = Ativa/dizativa bara de scianco
2017-02-26 13:46:58 +01:00
document_outline.title = Fanni vedde o contorno do documento (scicca doggio pe espande/ridue tutti i elementi)
document_outline_label = Contorno do documento
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
attachments.title = Fanni vedde alegæ
attachments_label = Alegæ
thumbs.title = Mostra miniatue
thumbs_label = Miniatue
findbar.title = Treuva into documento
findbar_label = Treuva
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Thumbnails panel item (tooltip and alt text for images)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_title): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page
# number.
thumb_page_title = Pagina {{page}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_canvas): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page
# number.
thumb_page_canvas = Miniatua da pagina {{page}}
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Find panel button title and messages
2017-05-18 12:41:01 +02:00
find_input.title = Treuva
find_input.placeholder = Treuva into documento…
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
find_previous.title = Treuva a ripetiçion precedente do testo da çercâ
find_previous_label = Precedente
find_next.title = Treuva a ripetiçion dòppo do testo da çercâ
find_next_label = Segoente
find_highlight = Evidençia
find_match_case_label = Maioscole/minoscole
find_reached_top = Razonto a fin da pagina, continoa da l'iniçio
find_reached_bottom = Razonto l'iniçio da pagina, continoa da-a fin
find_not_found = Testo no trovou
2014-03-22 16:43:18 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Error panel labels
error_more_info = Ciù informaçioin
error_less_info = Meno informaçioin
error_close = Særa
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_version_info): "{{version}}" and "{{build}}" will be
# replaced by the PDF.JS version and build ID.
error_version_info = PDF.js v{{version}} (build: {{build}})
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_message): "{{message}}" will be replaced by an
# english string describing the error.
error_message = Mesaggio: {{message}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_stack): "{{stack}}" will be replaced with a stack
# trace.
error_stack = Stack: {{stack}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_file): "{{file}}" will be replaced with a filename
error_file = File: {{file}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_line): "{{line}}" will be replaced with a line number
error_line = Linia: {{line}}
rendering_error = Gh'é stæto 'n'erô itno rendering da pagina.
2015-11-22 12:06:06 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Predefined zoom values
page_scale_width = Larghessa pagina
page_scale_fit = Adatta a una pagina
page_scale_auto = Zoom aotomatico
page_scale_actual = Dimenscioin efetive
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_scale_percent): "{{scale}}" will be replaced by a
# numerical scale value.
page_scale_percent = {{scale}}%
2015-11-22 12:06:06 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# Loading indicator messages
loading_error_indicator = Erô
loading_error = S'é verificou 'n'erô itno caregamento do PDF.
invalid_file_error = O file PDF o l'é no valido ò aroinou.
missing_file_error = O file PDF o no gh'é.
unexpected_response_error = Risposta inprevista do-u server
2015-11-22 12:06:06 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
# Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note"
text_annotation_type.alt = [Anotaçion: {{type}}]
password_label = Dimme a paròlla segreta pe arvî sto file PDF.
password_invalid = Paròlla segreta sbalia. Preuva torna.
password_ok = Va ben
password_cancel = Anulla
2015-11-22 12:06:06 +01:00
2016-11-17 11:56:28 +01:00
printing_not_supported = Atençion: a stanpa a no l'é conpletamente soportâ da sto navegatô.
printing_not_ready = Atençion: o PDF o no l'é ancon caregou conpletamente pe-a stanpa.
web_fonts_disabled = I font do web en dizativæ: inposcibile adeuviâ i carateri do PDF.
document_colors_not_allowed = No l'é poscibile adeuviâ i pròpi coî pe-i documenti PDF: l'opçion do navegatô “Permetti a-e pagine de çerne i pròpi coî in cangio de quelli inpostæ” a l'é dizativâ.