*It appears that this accidentally broke with PR 8394.*
Currently, the following will be printed in the console:
An error occurred while loading the PDF.
[object Promise],[object Promise]
With this patch we'll again get proper output, e.g. something with this format:
An error occurred while loading the PDF.
PDF.js v? (build: ?)
Message: unknown encryption method
By updating to uglify-es, rather than uglify-js, the minifier *itself* now supports ES6 code. This means that it's now possible to minify code built with `PDFJS_NEXT = true` set, i.e. with Babel transpilation disabled, which wasn't the case previously.
Note that uglify-es is based on the API of uglify-js v3, which differs from the one that we previously used.
Of particular importance is the fact that it's no longer possible to provide a path to a file for minification, but one must instead directly provide the source of the file.
For more information, please see https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/tree/harmony
Since this patch will now treat (some) `NUL` bytes as "ASCII", the number of `followingBytes` checked are thus increased to (hopefully) reduce the risk of introducing new false positives.
Fixes 8823.
According to the specification, see http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf#page=377, a `Dest` entry in an outline item should *not* contain a dictionary.
Unsurprisingly there's PDF generators that completely ignore this, treating is an `A` entry instead.
The patch also adds a little bit more validation code in `Catalog.parseDestDictionary`.
See https://eslint.org/docs/rules/for-direction; helps avoid typos that would cause infinite `for` loops.
Also, updates `eslint` and `eslint-plugin-mozilla` to the latest available versions.
Since the very early days of the viewer, it's been possible to pass in a `scale` when opening a PDF file. However, most of the time it was/is actually being ignored, which limits its usefulness considerably.
In older versions of the viewer, if a document hash was present (i.e. `PDFViewerApplication.initialBookmark` being set) or if the document existed in the `ViewHistory`, the `scale` passed to `PDFViewerApplication.open` would thus always be ignored.
In addition to the above, in the current viewer there's even more cases where the `scale` parameter will be ignored: if a (valid) browser history entry exists on document load, or if the `defaultZoomValue` preference is set to a non-default value.
Hence the result is that in most situation, a `scale` passed to `PDFViewerApplication.open` will be completely ignored.
A much better, not to mention supported, way of setting the initial scale is by using the `defaultZoomLevel` preference. In comparision, this also has the advantage of being used in situations where the `scale` would be ignored.
All in all this leads to the current situation where we have code which is essentially dead, since no part of the viewer (by default) relies on it.
To clean up this code, and to avoid having to pass (basically) unused parameters around, I'd thus like to remove the ability to pass a `scale` to `PDFViewerApplication.open`.
The property and the setter for text rise were already present, but they
were never used or called. This patch completes the implementation by
calling the setter when the operator is encountered and by using the
text rise value when rendering text.
See Bug 1389443 for more information. This allows us to register
PdfJs without waiting for file IO in nsHandlerService to finish.
Once that file IO is finished, we can set everything up properly
and double-check the registration.
The method signature was improved in PR 7440, which has now been present in a number of releases (starting with `v1.6.210`).
Hence we should be able to remove this now, and just print an error message if the old format is used.
This was added in PR 7793, which has now been present in a number of PDF.js releases (from version `v1.7.225`).
Hence we should be able to remove it now, considering that the migration code was only intended as a best effort solution to avoid wiping out all existing user data at once. Also, keep in mind that `ViewHistory` is already limited with regards to the number of documents it will simultaneous store data for.
I've gotten tired of having to manually re-install the `ttest` package on numerous occasions when benchmarking changes, so let's just list it in package.json to simplify things.
As discussed in PR 8673, we cannot solve the general issue (since that would require parsing every single page). However, we can mitigate the effect somewhat, by waiting for the FileAttachment annotations of the initially rendered page.