Now that we no longer depend on the old Babel version in SystemJS we can remove the `static get ...` work-arounds used to define constants, which leads to slightly more compact code.
This was deprecated in PR 15758, which has now been included in three official PDF.js releases.
While PR 15880 did limit the bundle-size impact of this functionality on e.g. the Firefox PDF Viewer, it still leads to some unnecessary "bloat" that these changes remove.
Furthermore, with this being deprecated there'd also be no effort put into e.g. extending the `UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES` list when handling future error cases.
This was deprecated in PR 15758 but it's unfortunately quite difficult to tell if third-party users are depending on this, e.g. to implement custom error reporting, and if so to what extent.
However, thanks to the pre-processor we can limit *most* of this code to GENERIC builds which still seem like a worthwhile change.
These changes reduce the bundle size of the Firefox PDF Viewer by 3.8 kB in total.
At this point all the various Stream-classes extends an abstract base-class, hence this helper function is no longer necessary and only adds unnecessary indirection in the code.
The PDF in bug 1721949 uses many unique pattern objects
that references the same shading many times. This caused
a new canvas pattern to be created and cached many times
driving up memory use.
To fix, I've changed the cache in the worker to key off the
shading object and instead send the shading and matrix
separately. While that worked well to fix the above bug,
there could be PDFs that use many shading that could
cause memory issues, so I've also added a LRU cache
on the main thread for canvas patterns. This should prevent
memory use from getting too high.
This patch replaces the old structure with a abstract base-class, which the new RadialAxial/Mesh-shading classes then inherit from.[1]
The old `MeshClosure` can now be removed, since it's not necessary any more, and most of the functions inside of it are now instead methods on the new `MeshShading` class. This is particularly nice, in my opinion, since we previously were *manually* passing around a reference to the current `Mesh`-instance.
[1] If we want/need to, in the future, split e.g. the Mesh-handling into multiple classes that should now be easy to do.
Neither the `type` or the `cs` properties are used outside of the "constructors", and we can thus remove them.[1]
Note that a lot of this code is very old, and that it actually predates the main/worker-thread split before which the *same* file was used on both the main- *and* worker-threads.
[1] On the main-thread, a similar `type` property was removed in PR 12591.
Previously, we set the base transformation and pattern matrix
directly to the main rendering ctx of the page, however doing this
caused the current transform to be lost. This would cause issues
with things like shear missing so the pattern was misaligned or when
stroke was used the scale of the line width or dash would be wrong.
Instead we should leave the current transform and use setTransfrom
on the pattern so it is applied correctly. For axial and radial shadings I had
to create a temporary canvas to draw the shading so I could in turn
use setTransform.
Fixes: #13325, #6769, #7847, #11018, #11597, #11473
The following already in the corpus are improved:
This is mostly done using `gulp lint --fix` with a few manual changes in
the following diff:
diff --git a/src/core/pattern.js b/src/core/pattern.js
index 365491ed3..eedd8b686 100644
--- a/src/core/pattern.js
+++ b/src/core/pattern.js
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ const Pattern = (function PatternClosure() {
return Pattern;
-var Shadings = {};
+const Shadings = {};
// A small number to offset the first/last color stops so we can insert ones to
// support extend. Number.MIN_VALUE is too small and breaks the extend.
@@ -597,16 +597,15 @@ Shadings.Mesh = (function MeshClosure() {
if (!(0 <= f && f <= 3)) {
throw new FormatError("Unknown type6 flag");
- var i, ii;
const pi = coords.length;
- for (i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 8 : 12; i < ii; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 8 : 12; i < ii; i++) {
const ci = colors.length;
- for (i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 2 : 4; i < ii; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 2 : 4; i < ii; i++) {
- var tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
+ let tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
switch (f) {
// prettier-ignore
case 0:
@@ -729,16 +728,15 @@ Shadings.Mesh = (function MeshClosure() {
if (!(0 <= f && f <= 3)) {
throw new FormatError("Unknown type7 flag");
- var i, ii;
const pi = coords.length;
- for (i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 12 : 16; i < ii; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 12 : 16; i < ii; i++) {
const ci = colors.length;
- for (i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 2 : 4; i < ii; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0, ii = f !== 0 ? 2 : 4; i < ii; i++) {
- var tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
+ let tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
switch (f) {
// prettier-ignore
case 0:
@@ -897,7 +895,7 @@ Shadings.Mesh = (function MeshClosure() {
decodeType4Shading(this, reader);
case ShadingType.LATTICE_FORM_MESH:
- var verticesPerRow = dict.get("VerticesPerRow") | 0;
+ const verticesPerRow = dict.get("VerticesPerRow") | 0;
if (verticesPerRow < 2) {
throw new FormatError("Invalid VerticesPerRow");
There's built-in ESLint rule, see `sort-imports`, to ensure that all `import`-statements are sorted alphabetically, since that often helps with readability.
Unfortunately there's no corresponding rule to sort `export`-statements alphabetically, however there's an ESLint plugin which does this; please see
The only downside here is that it's not automatically fixable, but the re-ordering is a one-time "cost" and the plugin will help maintain a *consistent* ordering of `export`-statements in the future.
*Note:* To reduce the possibility of introducing any errors here, the re-ordering was done by simply selecting the relevant lines and then using the built-in sort-functionality of my editor.
* it's faster to generate the color code in using a table for components
* it's very likely a way faster to parse (when setting the color in the canvas)
In practice it's not uncommon for PDF documents to re-use the same TilingPatterns more than once, and parsing them is essentially equal to parsing of a (small) page since a `getOperatorList` call is required.
By caching the internal TilingPattern representation we can thus avoid having to re-parse the same data over and over, and there's also *less* asynchronous parsing required for repeated TilingPatterns.
Initially I had intended to include (standard) benchmark results with this patch, however it's not entirely clear that this is actually necessary here given the preliminary results.
When testing this manually in the development viewer, using `pdfBug=Stats`, the following (approximate) reduction in rendering times were observed when comparing `master` against this patch:
- (from issue 2765): `6800 ms` -> `4100 ms`.
- (from issue 8473): `54000 ms` -> `13000 ms`
- (from issue 8473): `5900 ms` -> `2500 ms`
As always, whenever you're dealing with documents which are "slow", there's usually a certain level of subjectivity involved with regards to what's deemed acceptable performance.
Hence it's not clear to me that we want to regard any of the referenced issues as fixed, however the improvements are significant enough to warrant caching of TilingPatterns in my opinion.
This simplifies/consolidates the ESLint configuration slightly in the `src/` folder, and prevents the addition of any new files where `var` is being used.[1]
Hence we no longer need to manually add `/* eslint no-var: error */` in files, which is easy to forget, and can instead disable the rule in the `src/core/` files where `var` is still in use.
[1] Obviously the `no-var` rule can, in the same way as every other rule, be disabled on a case-by-case basis where actually necessary.
Note that compared other structures, such as e.g. Images and ColorSpaces, `Function`s are not referred to by name, which however does bring the advantage of being able to share the cache for an *entire* page.
Furthermore, similar to ColorSpaces, the parsing of individual `Function`s are generally fast enough to not really warrant trying to cache them in any "smarter" way than by reference. (Hence trying to do caching similar to e.g. Fonts would most likely be a losing proposition, given the amount of data lookup/parsing that'd be required.)
Originally I tried implementing this similar to e.g. the recently added ColorSpace caching (and in a couple of different ways), however it unfortunately turned out to be quite ugly/unwieldy given the sheer number of functions/methods where you'd thus need to pass in a `LocalFunctionCache` instance. (Also, the affected functions/methods didn't exactly have short signatures as-is.)
After going back and forth on this for a while it seemed to me that the simplest, or least "invasive" if you will, solution would be if each `PartialEvaluator` instance had its *own* `PDFFunctionFactory` instance (since the latter is already passed to all of the required code). This way each `PDFFunctionFactory` instances could have a local `Function` cache, without it being necessary to provide a `LocalFunctionCache` instance manually at every `PDFFunctionFactory.{create, createFromArray}` call-site.
Obviously, with this patch, there's now (potentially) more `PDFFunctionFactory` instances than before when the entire document shared just one. However, each such instance is really quite small and it's also tied to a `PartialEvaluator` instance and those are *not* kept alive and/or cached. To reduce the impact of these changes, I've tried to make as many of these structures as possible *lazily initialized*, specifically:
- The `PDFFunctionFactory`, on `PartialEvaluator` instances, since not all kinds of general parsing actually requires it. For example: `getTextContent` calls won't cause any `Function` to be parsed, and even some `getOperatorList` calls won't trigger `Function` parsing (if a page contains e.g. no Patterns or "complex" ColorSpaces).
- The `LocalFunctionCache`, on `PDFFunctionFactory` instances, since only certain parsing requires it. Generally speaking, only e.g. Patterns, "complex" ColorSpaces, and/or (some) SoftMasks will trigger any `Function` parsing.
To put these changes into perspective, when loading/rendering all (14) pages of the default `tracemonkey.pdf` file there's now a total of 6 `PDFFunctionFactory` and 1 `LocalFunctionCache` instances created thanks to the lazy initialization.
(If you instead would keep the document-"global" `PDFFunctionFactory` instance and pass around `LocalFunctionCache` instances everywhere, the numbers for the `tracemonkey.pdf` file would be instead be something like 1 `PDFFunctionFactory` and 6 `LocalFunctionCache` instances.)
All-in-all, I thus don't think that the `PDFFunctionFactory` changes should be generally problematic.
With these changes, we can also modify (some) call-sites to pass in a `Reference` rather than the actual `Function` data. This is nice since `Function`s can also be `Streams`, which are not cached on the `XRef` instance (given their potential size), and this way we can avoid unnecessary lookups and thus save some additional time/resources.
Obviously I had intended to include (standard) benchmark results with these changes, but for reasons I don't really understand the test run-time (even with `master`) of the document in issue 2541 is quite a bit slower than in the development viewer.
However, logging the time it takes for the relevant `PDFFunctionFactory`/`PDFFunction ` parsing shows that it takes *approximately* `0.5 ms` for the `Function` in question. Looking up a cached `Function`, on the other hand, is *one order of magnitude faster* which does add up when the same `Function` is invoked close to 2000 times.
This patch contains the following *notable* improvements:
- Changes the `ColorSpace.parse` call-sites to, where possible, pass in a reference rather than actual ColorSpace data (necessary for the next point).
- Adds (local) caching of `ColorSpace`s by `Ref`, when applicable, in addition the caching by name. This (generally) improves `ColorSpace` caching for e.g. the SMask code-paths.
- Extends the (local) `ColorSpace` caching to also apply when handling Images and Patterns, thus further reducing unneeded re-parsing.
- Adds a new `ColorSpace.parseAsync` method, almost identical to the existing `ColorSpace.parse` one, but returning a Promise instead (this simplifies some code in the `PartialEvaluator`).
Please note that these changes were done automatically, using `gulp lint --fix`.
Given that the major version number was increased, there's a fair number of (primarily whitespace) changes; please see
In order to reduce the size of these changes somewhat, this patch maintains the old "arrowParens" style for now (once mozilla-central updates Prettier we can simply choose the same formatting, assuming it will differ here).
Given the way that "classes" were previously implemented in PDF.js, using regular functions and closures, there's a fair number of false positives when the `no-shadow` ESLint rule was enabled.
Note that while *some* of these `eslint-disable` statements can be removed if/when the relevant code is converted to proper `class`es, we'll probably never be able to get rid of all of them given our naming/coding conventions (however I don't really see this being a problem).
Please find additional details about the ESLint rule at
With the recent introduction of Prettier this sort of mass enabling of ESLint rules becomes a lot easier, since the code will be automatically reformatted as necessary to account for e.g. changed line lengths.
Note that this patch is generated automatically, by using the ESLint `--fix` argument, and will thus require some additional clean-up (which is done separately).
In order to eventually get rid of SystemJS and start using native `import`s instead, we'll need to provide "complete" file identifiers since otherwise there'll be MIME type errors when attempting to use `import`.
This patch makes the follow changes:
- Remove no longer necessary inline `// eslint-disable-...` comments.
- Fix `// eslint-disable-...` comments that Prettier moved down, thus causing new linting errors.
- Concatenate strings which now fit on just one line.
- Fix comments that are now too long.
- Finally, and most importantly, adjust comments that Prettier moved down, since the new positions often is confusing or outright wrong.
Note that Prettier, purposely, has only limited [configuration options]( The configuration file is based on [the one in `mozilla central`]( with just a few additions (to avoid future breakage if the defaults ever changes).
Prettier is being used for a couple of reasons:
- To be consistent with `mozilla-central`, where Prettier is already in use across the tree.
- To ensure a *consistent* coding style everywhere, which is automatically enforced during linting (since Prettier is used as an ESLint plugin). This thus ends "all" formatting disussions once and for all, removing the need for review comments on most stylistic matters.
Many ESLint options are now redundant, and I've tried my best to remove all the now unnecessary options (but I may have missed some).
Note also that since Prettier considers the `printWidth` option as a guide, rather than a hard rule, this patch resorts to a small hack in the ESLint config to ensure that *comments* won't become too long.
*Please note:* This patch is generated automatically, by appending the `--fix` argument to the ESLint call used in the `gulp lint` task. It will thus require some additional clean-up, which will be done in a *separate* commit.
(On a more personal note, I'll readily admit that some of the changes Prettier makes are *extremely* ugly. However, in the name of consistency we'll probably have to live with that.)
There's a fair number of (primarily) `Array`s/`TypedArray`s whose formatting we don't want disturb, since in many cases that would lead to the code becoming much more difficult to read and/or break existing inline comments.
*Please note:* It may be a good idea to look through these cases individually, and possibly re-write some of the them (especially the `String` ones) to reduce the need for all of these ignore commands.
The `src/shared/util.js` file is being bundled into both the `pdf.js` and `pdf.worker.js` files, meaning that its code is by definition duplicated.
Some main-thread only utility functions have already been moved to a separate `src/display/display_utils.js` file, and this patch simply extends that concept to utility functions which are used *only* on the worker-thread.
Note in particular the `getInheritableProperty` function, which expects a `Dict` as input and thus *cannot* possibly ever be used on the main-thread.
*Follow-up to PR 8909.*
This requires us to pass around `pdfFunctionFactory` to quite a lot of existing code, however I don't see another way of handling this while still guaranteeing that we can access `PDFFunction` as freely as in the old code.
Please note that the patch passes all tests locally (unit, font, reference), and I *very* much hope that we have sufficient test-coverage for the code in question to catch any typos/mistakes in the re-factoring.
This replaces `assert` calls with `throw new FormatError()`/`throw new Error()`.
In a few places, throwing an `Error` (which is what `assert` meant) isn't correct since the enclosing function is supposed to return a `Promise`, hence some cases were changed to `Promise.reject(...)` and similarily for `createPromiseCapability` instances.
Please note that the `glyphlist.js` and `unicode.js` files are converted to CommonJS modules instead, since Babel cannot handle files that large and they are thus excluded from transpilation.
Please see
For the most part, these changes are of the search-and-replace kind, and the previously enabled `no-undef` rule should complement the tests in helping ensure that no stupid errors crept into to the patch.
I happened to notice that some inequalities had the wrong order, and was surprised since I thought that the `yoda` rule should have caught that.
However, reading a bit more closely than previously, it's quite obvious that the `onlyEquality` option does *exactly* what its name suggests. Hence I think that it makes sense to adjust the options such that only ranges are allowed instead.
*Please note that most of the necessary code adjustments were made in PR 7890.*
ESLint has a number of advantageous properties, compared to JSHint. Among those are:
- The ability to find subtle bugs, thanks to more rules (e.g. PR 7881).
- Much more customizable in general, and many rules allow fine-tuned behaviour rather than the just the on/off rules in JSHint.
- Many more rules that can help developers avoid bugs, and a lot of rules that can be used to enforce a consistent coding style. The latter should be particularily useful for new contributors (and reduce the amount of stylistic review comments necessary).
- The ability to easily specify exactly what rules to use/not to use, as opposed to JSHint which has a default set. *Note:* in future JSHint version some of the rules we depend on will be removed, according to warnings in, so we wouldn't be able to update without losing lint coverage.
- More easily disable one, or more, rules temporarily. In JSHint this requires using a numeric code, which isn't very user friendly, whereas in ESLint the rule name is simply used instead.
By default there's no rules enabled in ESLint, but there are some default rule sets available. However, to prevent linting failures if we update ESLint in the future, it seemed easier to just explicitly specify what rules we want.
Obviously this makes the ESLint config file somewhat bigger than the old JSHint config file, but given how rarely that one has been updated over the years I don't think that matters too much.
I've tried, to the best of my ability, to ensure that we enable the same rules for ESLint that we had for JSHint. Furthermore, I've also enabled a number of rules that seemed to make sense, both to catch possible errors *and* various style guide violations.
Despite the ESLint README claiming that it's slower that JSHint,, locally this patch actually reduces the runtime for `gulp` lint (by approximately 20-25%).
A couple of stylistic rules that would have been nice to enable, but where our code currently differs to much to make it feasible:
- `comma-dangle`, controls trailing commas in Objects and Arrays (among others).
- `object-curly-spacing`, controls spacing inside of Objects.
- `spaced-comment`, used to enforce spaces after `//` and `/*. (This is made difficult by the fact that there's still some usage of the old preprocessor left.)
Rules that I indend to look into possibly enabling in follow-ups, if it seems to make sense: `no-else-return`, `no-lonely-if`, `brace-style` with the `allowSingleLine` parameter removed.
Useful links:
As evident from e.g. PRs 6485 and 7118, some bad PDF generators unfortunately create Arrays where *some* elements are indirect objects (i.e. `Ref`s). This seems to mostly affect Arrays that contain numbers, such as e.g. `Matrix/FontMatrix/BBox/FontBBox/Rect/Color/...`, and has manifested itself in PDF files that fail to render correctly (some elements are missing).
The problem in both the cases above, besides broken rendering, was that there were *no* errors/warnings that indicated what the problem was, making it difficult to pinpoint the issue.
Hence this patch, where I've audited all usages of `Dict_get` in `src/core/` files, and replaced it with `Dict_getArray` where appropriate to try and prevent unnecessary future bugs.
pi is an index in the stream and is explained on page 201 of the 32000-spec (however 1-based there), and ps is an index to something in PDF.js. I used the code from flag 0 (which works) to understand which is which. It is also important to understand that for flags 1,2 and 3, the stream is always assigned to the same coordinates and colors. What changes is which "old" coordinates and colors are assigned to what is "missing" in the stream. This is why for these flags, the code is identical except for the assignments in the first "row". (Same principle as in #6304). Note that this change will not improve the lamp_cairo.pdf file, only the two files mentioned in #6305.