Jasmine had a major version bump and required a few minor changes in our
booting code. Most notably, using `pending` in a `describe` block is no
longer supported, so we can only return early there. On the positive
side, the unit tests now run in a random order by default, which
eliminates any dependencies between unit tests.
Note that upgrading to Webpack 4 is out of scope for this patch since
the bots cannot work well with the newly generated bundles (both
browsers on both bots do not react within 120 seconds). Webpack 4 is not
faster for us than Webpack 3, so for now there is no need to upgrade.
This function combines the logic of two separate methods into one.
The loop limit is also a good thing to have for the calls in
Moreover, since this is important functionality, a set of unit tests and
documentation is added.
One additional complication with removing this option from the global `PDFJS` object, is that the viewer currently needs to check `disableAutoFetch` in a couple of places. To address this I'm thus proposing adding a getter in `PDFDocumentProxy`, to allow checking the *actually* used values for a particular `getDocument` invocation.
With PDF.js version `2.0` we'll only support browsers with built-in `TypedArray` functionality, hence there doesn't seem to be any good reason not to implement this now.
Fixes 4888.
In order to simplify things, the undocumented `enableStats` option was removed and `pdfBug` is now instead used to enabled general debugging *and* page request/rendering stats.
Considering that in the default viewer the `stats` was only used when debugging was also enabled, this simplification (code wise) definitely seem worthwhile to me.
This removes the `PDFJS.externalLinkTarget`/`PDFJS.externalLinkRel` dependency from the viewer components, but please note that as a *temporary* solution the default viewer still uses it.
This removes the `PDFJS.imageResourcesPath` dependency from the viewer components and the test-suite, but please note that as a *temporary* solution the default viewer still uses it.
The reason for the bug is that we're only computing a checksum of the image data itself, but completely ignore the inline dictionary. The latter is important, since in practice it's not uncommon for inline images to be identical but use e.g. different ColourSpaces.
There's obviously a couple of different ways that we could compute a hash/checksum of the dictionary.
Initially I tried using `MurmurHash3_64` to compute a hash of the keys/values in the dictionary. Unfortunately this approach turned out to be *way* too slow in practice, especially for PDF files with a huge number of inline images; in particular issue 2618 would regresses quite badly with this solution.
The solution that is instead implemented in this patch, is to compute a checksum of the dictionary contents. While this is a much simpler, not to mention a lot more efficient, solution there's one drawback associated with it:
If the contents of inline image dictionaries are ordered differently, they will not be considered equal with this approach which could thus lead to failures to cache repeated inline images. In practice this doesn't seem to be a problem in any of the PDF files I've tested, and generally I'd rather err on the side of *not* caching given that too aggressive caching can easily lead to rendering bugs.
One small, but somewhat annoying, complication is that by the time `Parser.makeInlineImage` is called, we no longer know the *exact* stream position where the inline image dictionary starts. Having access to that information is crucial here, and the easiest solution I could come up with is to track this in the current `Lexer` instance.[1]
With the patch, we're thus able to fix the referenced issues without incurring large regressions in problematic cases such as issue 2618.
Fixes 9398; also improves/fixes the `issue8823` reference test.
[1] Obviously I'd have preferred if this patch could be limited to `Parser.makeInlineImage`, without the need for this "hack", but I'm not sure what that'd look like here.
This rule is available from https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-mozilla, and is enforced in mozilla-central. Note that we have the necessary `Array`/`String` polyfills and that most cases have already been fixed, see PRs 9032 and 9434.
This rule is available from https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-mozilla, and is enforced in mozilla-central. Note that we have a polyfill for `ChildNode.remove()` and that most cases have already been fixed, see PRs 8056 and 8138.
Fallback to the built-in JPEG decoder when browser decoding fails, and attempt to handle JPEG images with DNL (Define Number of Lines) markers (issue 8614)
Please refer to the specification, found at https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf#page=49
Given how the JPEG decoder is currently implemented, we need to know the value of the scanLines parameter (among others) *before* parsing of the SOS (Start of Scan) data begins.
Hence the best solution I could come up with here, is to re-parse the image in the *hopefully* rare case of JPEG images that include a DNL (Define Number of Lines) marker.
Fixes 8614.
In the JPEG images in the referenced PDF file, the DHT (Define Huffman Tables) segments contain more data than expected based on the length parameter.
Fixes 9425.
Despite this patch removing the `disableWorker` option itself, please note that we'll still fallback to loading the worker file(s) on the main-thread when running in environments without proper Web Worker support.
Furthermore it's still possible, even with this patch, to force the use of fake workers by manually loading the necessary file using a `<script>` tag on the main-thread.[1]
That way, the functionality of the now removed `SINGLE_FILE` build target and the resulting `build/pdf.combined.js` file can still be achieved simply by adding e.g. `<script src="build/pdf.worker.js"></script>` to the HTML (obviously with the path adjusted as needed).
Finally note that the `disableWorker` option is a performance footgun, and unfortunately many existing third-party examples actually use it without providing any sort of warning/justification.
[1] This approach is used in the default viewer, since certain kind of debugging may be easier if the code is running directly on the main-thread.
This method returns the currently used `workerSrc`, which thus allows obtaining the fallback `workerSrc` value (e.g. when the option wasn't set by the user).
Remove "returns null when content disposition is form-data".
The name of the test is already misleading: It suggests that
the return value is null if the Content-Disposition starts with
"form-data". This is not the case, anything with the "filename"
parameter is accepted.
So, to correct this, one would have to rephrase the test description to
"returns null when content disposition has no filename".
But this is already tested by the test called
"gets the filename from the response header".
So, remove the test.
This patch updates the `IPDFStreamReader` interface and ensures that the interface/implementation of `network.js`, `fetch_stream.js`, `node_stream.js`, and `transport_stream.js` all match properly.
The unit-tests are also adjusted, to more closely replicate the actual behaviour of the various actual `IPDFStreamReader` implementations.
Finally, this patch adjusts the use of the Content-Disposition filename when setting the title in the viewer, and adds `PDFDocumentProperties` support as well.
The `fetch` API is only supported for http(s), even in Chrome extensions.
Because of this limitation, we should use the XMLHttpRequest API when the
requested URL is not a http(s) URL.
These were removed in PR 9170, since they were unused in the browsers that we'll support in PDF.js version `2.0`.
However looking at the output of Travis, where a subset of the unit-tests are run using Node.js, there's warnings about `btoa` being undefined. This doesn't appear to cause any errors, which probably explains why we didn't notice this before (despite PR 9201).
Please refer to the PDF specification, in particular http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf#G7.3801570
> A colour space shall be specified in one of two ways:
> - Within a content stream, the CS or cs operator establishes the current colour space parameter in the graphics state. The operand shall always be name object, which either identifies one of the colour spaces that need no additional parameters (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, or some cases of Pattern) or shall be used as a key in the ColorSpace subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). In the latter case, the value of the dictionary entry in turn shall be a colour space array or name. A colour space array shall never be inline within a content stream.
> - Outside a content stream, certain objects, such as image XObjects, shall specify a colour space as an explicit parameter, often associated with the key ColorSpace. In this case, the colour space array or name shall always be defined directly as a PDF object, not by an entry in the ColorSpace resource subdictionary. This convention also applies when colour spaces are defined in terms of other colour spaces.
Since multiple empty lines is virtually unused in the code-base, and the few cases that do exist look like "typos", let's enforce greater consistency here; please see https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-multiple-empty-lines.
I've been looking into the remaining point in 8637 about blurry images, to see if we could perhaps improve the rendering quality slightly there. After quite a bit of debugging, it seems that the issue is limited to certain progressive JPEG images.
As mentioned previously, I've got no detailed knowledge of the JPEG format, but this patch does seem to improve things quite a bit for the images in question.
Squinting at https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/6c33dde6ca02b389c52e8db3d22494df8b916f33/media/libjpeg/jdphuff.c#492-639, it seems reasonable that we should take the sign of the data into account. Furthermore, looking at the specification in https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf#page=118, the "F.2.4.3 Decoding the binary decision sequence for non-zero DC differences and AC coefficients" section even contains a description of this (even though I cannot claim to really understand the details).
The bug that this patch fixes is limited to the built-in JPEG decoder, and was unearthed by PR 9260. The underlying issue has existed since PR 6984, where the contents of this patch ought to have been included (if it weren't for the fact that we had no *easy* way to test `src/core/jpg.js` back then).
*Please note:* The slight movement in the reference test is a result of using the `src/core/jpg.js` decoder, rather than the native browser one.