Update translations to the most recent versions
This commit is contained in:
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Тэкст
editor_stamp.title=Дадаць выяву
editor_stamp_label=Дадаць выяву
editor_stamp1.title=Дадаць або змяніць выявы
editor_stamp1_label=Дадаць або змяніць выявы
@ -268,3 +265,12 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Дадаць выяву
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Тэкставы рэдактар
editor_ink2_aria_label=Графічны рэдактар
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Выява, створаная карыстальнікам
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Альтэрнатыўны тэкст
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Дадаць апісанне
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Testun
editor_stamp.title=Ychwanegu delwedd
editor_stamp_label=Ychwanegu delwedd
editor_stamp1.title=Ychwanegu neu olygu delweddau
editor_stamp1_label=Ychwanegu neu olygu delweddau
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Ychwanegu delwedd
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Golygydd Testun
editor_ink2_aria_label=Golygydd Lluniadu
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Delwedd wedi'i chreu gan ddefnyddwyr
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Testun amgen (alt)
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Golygu testun amgen
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Mae testun amgen (testun alt) yn helpu pan na all pobl weld y ddelwedd neu pan nad yw'n llwytho.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Ychwanegu disgrifiad
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Anelwch at 1-2 frawddeg sy'n disgrifio'r pwnc, y cefndir neu'r gweithredoedd.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marcio fel addurniadol
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer delweddau addurniadol, fel borderi neu farciau dŵr.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Marcio fel addurniadol
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Er enghraifft, “Mae dyn ifanc yn eistedd wrth fwrdd i fwyta pryd bwyd”
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Tekst
editor_stamp.title=Tilføj et billede
editor_stamp_label=Tilføj et billede
editor_stamp1.title=Tilføj eller rediger billeder
editor_stamp1_label=Tilføj eller rediger billeder
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Tilføj billede
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Brugeroprettet billede
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Alternativ tekst
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Rediger alternativ tekst
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Vælg en indstilling
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alternativ tekst hjælper folk, som ikke kan se billedet eller når det ikke indlæses.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Tilføj en beskrivelse
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Sigt efter en eller to sætninger, der beskriver emnet, omgivelserne eller handlinger.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marker som dekorativ
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Dette bruges for dekorative billeder som rammer eller vandmærker.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Markeret som dekorativ
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=For eksempel: "En ung mand sætter sig ved et bord for at spise et måltid mad"
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Text
editor_stamp.title=Ein Bild hinzufügen
editor_stamp_label=Ein Bild hinzufügen
editor_stamp1.title=Grafiken hinzufügen oder bearbeiten
editor_stamp1_label=Grafiken hinzufügen oder bearbeiten
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Grafik hinzufügen
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Vom Benutzer erstelltes Bild
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Alternativ-Text bearbeiten
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Option wählen
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alt-Text (Alternativtext) hilft, wenn Personen die Grafik nicht sehen können oder wenn sie nicht geladen wird.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Beschreibung hinzufügen
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Ziel sind 1-2 Sätze, die das Thema, das Szenario oder Aktionen beschreiben.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Als dekorativ markieren
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Dies wird für Ziergrafiken wie Ränder oder Wasserzeichen verwendet.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Als dekorativ markiert
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Zum Beispiel: "Ein junger Mann setzt sich an einen Tisch, um zu essen."
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Κείμενο
editor_stamp.title=Προσθήκη εικόνας
editor_stamp_label=Προσθήκη εικόνας
editor_stamp1.title=Προσθήκη ή επεξεργασία εικόνων
editor_stamp1_label=Προσθήκη ή επεξεργασία εικόνων
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Προσθήκη εικόνας
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Επεξεργασία κειμένου
editor_ink2_aria_label=Επεξεργασία σχεδίων
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Εικόνα από τον χρήστη
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Εναλλακτικό κείμενο
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Επεξεργασία εναλλακτικού κειμένου
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Διαλέξτε μια επιλογή
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Το εναλλακτικό κείμενο είναι χρήσιμο όταν οι άνθρωποι δεν μπορούν να δουν την εικόνα ή όταν αυτή δεν φορτώνεται.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Προσθήκη περιγραφής
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Στοχεύστε σε μία ή δύο προτάσεις που περιγράφουν το θέμα, τη ρύθμιση ή τις ενέργειες.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Επισήμανση ως διακοσμητικό
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Χρησιμοποιείται για διακοσμητικές εικόνες, όπως περιγράμματα ή υδατογραφήματα.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Επισημασμένο ως διακοσμητικό
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Για παράδειγμα, «Ένας νεαρός άνδρας κάθεται σε ένα τραπέζι για να φάει ένα γεύμα»
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Texto
editor_stamp.title=Añadir una imagen
editor_stamp_label=Añadir una imagen
editor_stamp1.title=Añadir o editar imágenes
editor_stamp1_label=Añadir o editar imágenes
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Añadir imagen
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Editor de texto
editor_ink2_aria_label=Editor de dibujos
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Imagen creada por el usuario
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Texto alternativo
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Editar el texto alternativo
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Eligir una opción
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=El texto alternativo (texto alternativo) ayuda cuando las personas no pueden ver la imagen o cuando no se carga.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Añadir una descripción
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Intente escribir 1 o 2 frases que describan el tema, el entorno o las acciones.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marcar como decorativa
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Se utiliza para imágenes ornamentales, como bordes o marcas de agua.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Marcada como decorativa
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Por ejemplo: “Un joven se sienta a la mesa a comer”
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Teksti
editor_stamp.title=Lisää kuva
editor_stamp_label=Lisää kuva
editor_stamp1.title=Lisää tai muokkaa kuvia
editor_stamp1_label=Lisää tai muokkaa kuvia
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Lisää kuva
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Käyttäjän luoma kuva
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Vaihtoehtoinen teksti
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Muokkaa vaihtoehtoista tekstiä
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Valitse vaihtoehto
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Vaihtoehtoinen teksti ("alt-teksti") auttaa ihmisiä, jotka eivät näe kuvaa tai kun kuva ei lataudu.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Lisää kuvaus
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Pyri 1-2 lauseeseen, jotka kuvaavat aihetta, ympäristöä tai toimintaa.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Merkitse koristeelliseksi
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Tätä käytetään koristekuville, kuten reunuksille tai vesileimoille.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Merkitty koristeelliseksi
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Esimerkiksi "Nuori mies istuu pöytään syömään aterian"
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Texte
editor_stamp.title=Ajouter une image
editor_stamp_label=Ajouter une image
editor_stamp1.title=Ajouter ou modifier des images
editor_stamp1_label=Ajouter ou modifier des images
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Ajouter une image
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Éditeur de texte
editor_ink2_aria_label=Éditeur de dessin
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Image créée par l’utilisateur·trice
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Texte alternatif
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Modifier le texte alternatif
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Sélectionnez une option
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Le texte alternatif est utile lorsque des personnes ne peuvent pas voir l’image ou que l’image ne se charge pas.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Ajouter une description
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Il est conseillé de rédiger une ou deux phrases décrivant le sujet, le cadre ou les actions.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marquer comme décorative
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Cette option est utilisée pour les images décoratives, comme les bordures ou les filigranes.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Marquée comme décorative
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Par exemple, « Un jeune homme est assis à une table pour prendre un repas »
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Test
editor_stamp.title=Zonte une imagjin
editor_stamp_label=Zonte une imagjin
editor_stamp1.title=Zonte o modifiche imagjins
editor_stamp1_label=Zonte o modifiche imagjins
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Zonte imagjin
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Editôr di test
editor_ink2_aria_label=Editôr dissens
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Imagjin creade dal utent
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Test alternatîf
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Modifiche test alternatîf
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Sielç une opzion
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Il test alternatîf (“alt text”) al jude cuant che lis personis no puedin viodi la imagjin o cuant che la imagjine no ven cjariade.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Zonte une descrizion
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Ponte a une o dôs frasis che a descrivin l’argoment, la ambientazion o lis azions.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Segne come decorative
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Chest al ven doprât pes imagjins ornamentâls, come i ôrs o lis filigranis.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Segnade come decorative
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Par esempli, “Un zovin si sente a taule par mangjâ”
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Tekst
editor_stamp.title=Ofbylding tafoegje
editor_stamp_label=Ofbylding tafoegje
editor_stamp1.title=Ofbyldingen tafoegje of bewurkje
editor_stamp1_label=Ofbyldingen tafoegje of bewurkje
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Ofbylding tafoegje
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Troch brûker makke ôfbylding
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Alternative tekst
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Alternative tekst bewurkje
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Kies in opsje
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alternative tekst helpt wannear’t minsken de ôfbylding net sjen kinne of wannear’t dizze net laden wurdt.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Foegje in beskriuwing ta
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Stribje nei 1-2 sinnen dy’t it ûnderwerp, de omjouwing of de aksjes beskriuwe.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=As dekoratyf markearje
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Dit wurdt brûkt foar sierlike ôfbyldingen, lykas rânen of wettermerken.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=As dekoratyf markearre
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Bygelyks, ‘In jonge man sit oan in tafel om te iten’
@ -272,7 +272,13 @@ editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Ta’ãnga omoheñóiva poruhára
editor_alt_text_button_label=Moñe’ẽrã mokõiháva
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Embojuruja moñe’ẽrã mokõiháva
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Eiporavo poravorã
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Moñe’ẽrã ykepegua (moñe’ẽrã ykepegua) nepytyvõ nderehecháiramo ta’ãnga térã nahenyhẽiramo.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Embojuaju ñemoha’anga
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Ehaimi 1 térã 2 ñe’ẽjuaju oñe’ẽva pe téma rehe, ijere térã mba’eapóre.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Emongurusu jeguakárõ
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Ojeporu ta’ãnga jeguakarã, tembe’y térã ta’ãnga ruguarãramo.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Jeguakárõ mongurusupyre
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Techapyrã: “Peteĩ mitãrusu oguapy mesápe okaru hag̃ua”
@ -282,3 +282,21 @@ editor_alt_text_save_button=Salva
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Contrassegnata come decorativa
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Ad esempio, “Un giovane si siede a tavola per mangiare”
# Editor resizers
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_topLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to nderstand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_topLeft=Angolo in alto a sinistra — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_topMiddle): This is used in an aria label to help to nderstand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_topMiddle=Lato superiore nel mezzo — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_topRight): This is used in an aria label to help to nderstand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_topRight=Angolo in alto a destra — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_middleRight): This is used in an aria label to help o understand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_middleRight=Lato destro nel mezzo — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomRight): This is used in an aria label to help o understand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_bottomRight=Angolo in basso a destra — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomMiddle): This is used in an aria label to help o understand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_bottomMiddle=Lato inferiore nel mezzo — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to nderstand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_bottomLeft=Angolo in basso a sinistra — ridimensiona
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_middleLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to nderstand the role of the resizer.
editor_resizer_label_middleLeft=Lato sinistro nel mezzo — ridimensiona
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=フリーテキスト注釈
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=画像を追加します
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ scroll_wrapped_label=ცხრილური გადაადგილებ
spread_none.title=ორ გვერდზე გაშლის გარეშე
spread_none_label=ცალგვერდიანი ჩვენება
spread_odd.title=ორ გვერდზე გაშლა, კენტი გვერდიდან დაწყებული
spread_odd.title=ორ გვერდზე გაშლა კენტი გვერდიდან
spread_odd_label=ორ გვერდზე კენტიდან
spread_even.title=ორ გვერდზე გაშლა, ლუწი გვერდიდან დაწყებული
spread_even.title=ორ გვერდზე გაშლა ლუწი გვერდიდან
spread_even_label=ორ გვერდზე ლუწიდან
# Document properties dialog box
@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ web_fonts_disabled=ვებშრიფტები გამორთული
# Editor
editor_stamp1.title=სურათების დამატება ან ჩასწორება
editor_stamp1_label=სურათების დამატება ან ჩასწორება
editor_stamp1.title=სურათების დართვა ან ჩასწორება
editor_stamp1_label=სურათების დართვა ან ჩასწორება
@ -269,6 +269,16 @@ editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Door gebruiker gemaakte afbeelding
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Alternatieve tekst
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Alternatieve tekst bewerken
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Kies een optie
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alternatieve tekst helpt wanneer mensen de afbeelding niet kunnen zien of wanneer deze niet wordt geladen.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Voeg een beschrijving toe
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Streef naar 1-2 zinnen die het onderwerp, de omgeving of de acties beschrijven.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Als decoratief markeren
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Dit wordt gebruikt voor sierafbeeldingen, zoals randen of watermerken.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Als decoratief gemarkeerd
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Bijvoorbeeld: ‘Een jonge man gaat aan een tafel zitten om te eten’
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Tekst
editor_stamp.title=Legg til eit bilde
editor_stamp_label=Legg til eit bilde
editor_stamp1.title=Legg til eller rediger bilde
editor_stamp1_label=Legg til eller rediger bilde
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Legg til bilde
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Brukarskapt bilde
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Rediger alt-tekst tekst
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Vel eit alternativ
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alt-tekst (alternativ tekst) hjelper når folk ikkje kan sjå bildet eller når det ikkje vert lasta inn.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Legg til ei skildring
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Gå etter 1-2 setninger som skildrar emnet, settinga eller handlingane.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Merk som dekorativt
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Dette vert brukt til dekorative bilde, som kantlinjer eller vassmerke.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Merkt som dekorativ
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Til dømes, «Ein ung mann set seg ved eit bord for å ete eit måltid»
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=ਲਿਖਤ
editor_stamp.title=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋੜੋ
editor_stamp_label=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋੜੋ
editor_stamp1.title=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋੜੋ ਜਾਂ ਸੋਧੋ
editor_stamp1_label=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋੜੋ ਜਾਂ ਸੋਧੋ
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋੜੋ
editor_free_text2_aria_label=ਲਿਖਤ ਐਡੀਟਰ
editor_ink2_aria_label=ਵਹਾਉਣ ਐਡੀਟਰ
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਚਿੱਤਰ
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=ਬਦਲਵੀਂ ਲਿਖਤ
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=ਬਦਲਵੀ ਲਿਖਤ ਨੂੰ ਸੋਧੋ
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=ਚੋਣ ਕਰੋ
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨਾ ਦਿੱਸਣ ਜਾਂ ਲੋਡ ਨਾ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਵਿੱਚ Alt ਲਿਖਤ (ਬਦਲਵੀਂ ਲਿਖਤ) ਲੋਕਾਂ ਲਈ ਮਦਦਗਾਰ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ।
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=ਵਰਣਨ ਜੋੜੋ
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=1-2 ਵਾਕ ਰੱਖੋ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਵਿਸ਼ੇ, ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਜਾਂ ਕਾਰਵਾਈਆਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦੇ ਹੋਣ।
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=ਸਜਾਵਟ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਲਾਇਆ
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਸਜਾਵਟੀ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਹਾਸ਼ੀਆ ਜਾਂ ਵਾਟਰਮਾਰਕ ਆਦਿ।
editor_alt_text_cancel_button=ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=ਸਜਾਵਟ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਲਾਓ
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=ਮਿਸਾਲ ਵਜੋਂ, “ਗੱਭਰੂ ਭੋਜਨ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਮੇਜ਼ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੈਠਾ ਹੈ”
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Texto
editor_stamp.title=Adicionar uma imagem
editor_stamp_label=Adicionar uma imagem
editor_stamp1.title=Adicionar ou editar imagens
editor_stamp1_label=Adicionar ou editar imagens
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Adicionar imagem
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Editor de texto
editor_ink2_aria_label=Editor de desenho
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Imagem criada pelo usuário
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Texto alternativo
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Editar texto alternativo
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Escolha uma opção
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=O texto alternativo ajuda quando uma imagem não aparece ou não for carregada.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Adicione uma descrição
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Procure usar uma ou duas frases que descrevam o assunto, o cenário ou as ações.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marcar como decorativo
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Isto é usado para imagens ornamentais, como bordas ou marcas d'água.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Marcado como decorativo
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Por exemplo, “Um jovem senta-se à mesa para comer uma refeição”
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Text
editor_stamp.title=Agiuntar in maletg
editor_stamp_label=Agiuntar in maletg
editor_stamp1.title=Agiuntar u modifitgar maletgs
editor_stamp1_label=Agiuntar u modifitgar maletgs
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Agiuntar in maletg
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Editur da text
editor_ink2_aria_label=Editur dissegn
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Maletg creà da l'utilisader
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Text alternativ
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Modifitgar il text alternativ
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Tscherner ina opziun
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Il text alternativ (alt text) gida en cas che persunas na vesan betg il maletg u sch'i na reussescha betg d'al chargiar.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Agiuntar ina descripziun
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Scriva idealmain 1-2 frasas che descrivan l'object, la situaziun u las acziuns.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Marcar sco decorativ
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Quai vegn duvrà per maletgs ornamentals, sco urs u filigranas.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Marcà sco decorativ
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Per exempel: «In um giuven sesa a maisa per mangiar in past»
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Текст
editor_stamp.title=Добавить изображение
editor_stamp_label=Добавить изображение
editor_stamp1.title=Добавить или изменить изображения
editor_stamp1_label=Добавить или изменить изображения
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Добавить изображение
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Текстовый редактор
editor_ink2_aria_label=Редактор рисования
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Созданное пользователем изображение
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Альтернативный текст
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Изменить альтернативный текст
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Выберите вариант
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Альтернативный текст помогает, когда люди не видят изображение или оно не загружается.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Добавить описание
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Старайтесь составлять 1–2 предложения, описывающих предмет, обстановку или действия.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Отметить как декоративное
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Используется для декоративных изображений, таких как рамки или водяные знаки.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Помечен как декоративный
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Например: «Молодой человек садится за стол, чтобы поесть»
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Text
editor_stamp.title=Pridať obrázok
editor_stamp_label=Pridať obrázok
editor_stamp1.title=Pridať alebo upraviť obrázky
editor_stamp1_label=Pridať alebo upraviť obrázky
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Pridať obrázok
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Textový editor
editor_ink2_aria_label=Editor kreslenia
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Obrázok vytvorený používateľom
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Alternatívny text
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Upraviť alternatívny text
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Vyberte možnosť
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alternatívny text (alt text) pomáha, keď ľudia obrázok nevidia alebo sa nenačítava.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Pridať popis
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Zamerajte sa na 1-2 vety, ktoré popisujú predmet, prostredie alebo akcie.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Označiť ako dekoratívny
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Používa sa na ozdobné obrázky, ako sú okraje alebo vodoznaky.
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Označený ako dekoratívny
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Napríklad: „Mladý muž si sadá za stôl, aby sa najedol“
@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Таҳрир кардани матни ива
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Имконеро интихоб намоед
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Илова кардани тавсиф
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Гузоштан ҳамчун матни ороишӣ
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Ин барои тасвирҳои ороишӣ, ба монанди марзҳо ё аломатҳои обӣ, истифода мешавад.
editor_alt_text_cancel_button=Бекор кардан
editor_alt_text_save_button=Нигоҳ доштан
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Ҳамчун матни ороишӣ гузошта шуд
@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Alternatif metni düzenle
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Bir seçenek seçin
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Alternatif metin, insanlar görseli göremediğinde veya görsel yüklenmediğinde işe yarar.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Açıklama ekle
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Konuyu, ortamı veya eylemleri tanımlayan bir iki cümle yazmaya çalışın.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Dekoratif olarak işaretle
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Kenarlıklar veya filigranlar gibi dekoratif görüntüler için kullanılır.
@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ editor_free_text2_label=Văn bản
editor_stamp.title=Thêm một ảnh
editor_stamp_label=Thêm một ảnh
editor_stamp1.title=Thêm hoặc chỉnh sửa hình ảnh
editor_stamp1_label=Thêm hoặc chỉnh sửa hình ảnh
@ -268,3 +265,20 @@ editor_stamp_add_image.title=Thêm hình ảnh
editor_free_text2_aria_label=Trình sửa văn bản
editor_ink2_aria_label=Trình sửa nét vẽ
editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Hình ảnh do người dùng tạo
# Alt-text dialog
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
# when people can't see the image.
editor_alt_text_button_label=Văn bản thay thế
editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Chỉnh sửa văn bản thay thế
editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Chọn một lựa chọn
editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Văn bản thay thế sẽ hữu ích khi mọi người không thể thấy hình ảnh hoặc khi hình ảnh không tải.
editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Thêm một mô tả
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Hãy nhắm tới 1-2 câu mô tả chủ đề, bối cảnh hoặc hành động.
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Đánh dấu là trang trí
editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Điều này được sử dụng cho các hình ảnh trang trí, như đường viền hoặc watermark.
editor_alt_text_cancel_button=Hủy bỏ
editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Đã đánh dấu là trang trí
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Ví dụ: “Một thanh niên ngồi xuống bàn để thưởng thức một bữa ăn”
@ -275,7 +275,10 @@ editor_alt_text_dialog_label=挑選一種
editor_alt_text_add_description_description=用 1-2 句文字描述主題、背景或動作。
# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
Reference in New Issue
Block a user