This rule is *not* currently enabled in mozilla-central, but it appears commented out[1] in the ESLint definition file; see Unfortunately this rule is, for fairly obvious reasons, impossible to `--fix` automatically (even partially) and each case thus required careful manual analysis. Hence this ESLint rule is, by some margin, probably the most difficult one that we've enabled thus far. However, using this rule does seem like a good idea in general since allowing variable shadowing could lead to subtle (and difficult to find) bugs or at the very least confusing code. Please find additional details about the ESLint rule at --- [1] Most likely, a very large number of lint errors have prevented this rule from being enabled thus far.
213 lines
5.7 KiB
213 lines
5.7 KiB
"use strict";
var fs = require("fs");
try {
var ttest = require("ttest");
} catch (e) {
console.log('\nttest is not installed -- to intall, run "npm install ttest"');
console.log("Continuing without significance test...\n");
var VALID_GROUP_BYS = ["browser", "pdf", "page", "round", "stat"];
function parseOptions() {
var yargs = require("yargs")
"Compare the results of two stats files.\n" +
"Usage:\n $0 <BASELINE> <CURRENT> [options]"
"How statistics should grouped. Valid options: " +
.default("groupBy", "browser,stat");
var result = yargs.argv;
result.baseline = result._[0];
result.current = result._[1];
if (result.groupBy) {
result.groupBy = result.groupBy.split(/[;, ]+/);
return result;
function group(stats, groupBy) {
var vals = [];
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var curStat = stats[i];
var keyArr = [];
for (var j = 0; j < groupBy.length; j++) {
var key = keyArr.join(",");
if (vals[key] === undefined) {
vals[key] = [];
return vals;
* Flatten the stats so that there's one row per stats entry.
* Also, if results are not grouped by 'stat', keep only 'Overall' results.
function flatten(stats) {
var rows = [];
stats.forEach(function(curStat) {
curStat["stats"].forEach(function(s) {
browser: curStat["browser"],
page: curStat["page"],
pdf: curStat["pdf"],
round: curStat["round"],
stat: s["name"],
time: s["end"] - s["start"],
// Use only overall results if not grouped by 'stat'
if (!options.groupBy.includes("stat")) {
rows = rows.filter(function(s) {
return s.stat === "Overall";
return rows;
function pad(s, length, dir /* default: 'right' */) {
s = "" + s;
var spaces = new Array(Math.max(0, length - s.length + 1)).join(" ");
return dir === "left" ? spaces + s : s + spaces;
function mean(array) {
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
return array.reduce(add, 0) / array.length;
/* Comparator for row key sorting. */
function compareRow(a, b) {
a = a.split(",");
b = b.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(a.length, b.length); i++) {
var intA = parseInt(a[i], 10);
var intB = parseInt(b[i], 10);
var ai = isNaN(intA) ? a[i] : intA;
var bi = isNaN(intB) ? b[i] : intB;
if (ai < bi) {
return -1;
if (ai > bi) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Dump various stats in a table to compare the baseline and current results.
* T-test Refresher:
* If I understand t-test correctly, p is the probability that we'll observe
* another test that is as extreme as the current result assuming the null
* hypothesis is true. P is NOT the probability of the null hypothesis. The null
* hypothesis in this case is that the baseline and current results will be the
* same. It is generally accepted that you can reject the null hypothesis if the
* p-value is less than 0.05. So if p < 0.05 we can reject the results are the
* same which doesn't necessarily mean the results are faster/slower but it can
* be implied.
function stat(baseline, current) {
var baselineGroup = group(baseline, options.groupBy);
var currentGroup = group(current, options.groupBy);
var keys = Object.keys(baselineGroup);
var labels = options.groupBy.slice(0);
labels.push("Count", "Baseline(ms)", "Current(ms)", "+/-", "% ");
if (ttest) {
var i,
rows = [];
// collect rows and measure column widths
var width = {
return s.length;
for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
var key = keys[k];
var baselineMean = mean(baselineGroup[key]);
var currentMean = mean(currentGroup[key]);
row = key.split(",");
"" + baselineGroup[key].length,
"" + Math.round(baselineMean),
"" + Math.round(currentMean),
"" + Math.round(currentMean - baselineMean),
((100 * (currentMean - baselineMean)) / baselineMean).toFixed(2)
if (ttest) {
var p =
baselineGroup[key].length < 2
? 1
: ttest(baselineGroup[key], currentGroup[key]).pValue();
if (p < 0.05) {
row.push(currentMean < baselineMean ? "faster" : "slower");
} else {
for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
width[i] = Math.max(width[i], row[i].length);
// add horizontal line
var hline = {
return new Array(w + 1).join("-");
rows.splice(1, 0, hline);
// print output
console.log("-- Grouped By " + options.groupBy.join(", ") + " --");
var groupCount = options.groupBy.length;
for (var r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) {
row = rows[r];
for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
row[i] = pad(row[i], width[i], i < groupCount ? "right" : "left");
console.log(row.join(" | "));
function main() {
var baseline, current;
try {
var baselineFile = fs.readFileSync(options.baseline).toString();
baseline = flatten(JSON.parse(baselineFile));
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error reading file "' + options.baseline + '": ' + e);
try {
var currentFile = fs.readFileSync(options.current).toString();
current = flatten(JSON.parse(currentFile));
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error reading file "' + options.current + '": ' + e);
stat(baseline, current);
var options = parseOptions();