In Gulp 4, which we use for years now, the `gulp.src()` function
supports the `removeBOM` option to disable the default BOM stripping,
so this commit uses that to get rid of our `vinyl-fs` dependency.
Note that this actually makes disabling BOM stripping work again. It's
currently broken because in `vinyl-fs` 3, that we already use since 2018
in commit 95de23e
, the `stripBOM` option was renamed to `removeBOM`, so
the current code doesn't actually disable BOM stripping which we now
confirmed and sadly broke for years without anyone noticing. Most likely
this is because the BOM is not required for UTF-8 documents, but while
not necessary it also can't hurt to have it for tools that use it to
determine if a document is UTF-8.
73 lines
2.0 KiB
73 lines
2.0 KiB
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