Given that none of the PDF.js contributors know React, maintaining and/or providing supporting for the example isn't really feasible unfortunately.
Even something as simple as running/testing the example becomes difficult for anyone completely unfamiliar with React, and furthermore:
- It's very difficult to tell if the example demonstrates React best-practices, since the PDF.js contributors don't know React.
- We also have no reasonable way of keeping the example up-to-date with changes in React.
- The React example, in its current form, is even *hard-coding* the PDF.js version to a now unsupported version.
- The example is currently triggering "fake worker" usage, see issue 11729, which is really *really* bad. Note that the "fake worker" functionality is *only* intended as a fallback, and it should absolutely *not* under any circumstances be advertised and certainly shouldn't be triggered in official PDF.js examples.