The `getVisibleElements` helper function currently requires the viewerContainer to be absolutely positioned; possibly fixing this is tracked in issue 11626.
Without `position: absolute;` set, in the CSS, there's a number of things that won't work correctly such as e.g.
- Determining which pages are currently visible, thus forcing all of them to render on load and increasing resource usage significantly; note
- Scrolling pages into view, by using the `BaseViewer.currentPageNumber` setter or similar.
Based on the number of opened issues over the years, the fact that `position: absolute;` is required has shown to be something that users can very easily overlook unless they follow e.g. the `simpleviewer` example to the letter.
Hence, to improve things until such a time that issue 11626 is fixed, we'll now refuse to initialize a `BaseViewer` instance unless the `container` has the required CSS set. (Forcibly setting `position: absolute;` on the viewerContainer element is bound to cause significantly more issues/confusion, hence the current approach of throwing an Error.)