Given the somewhat "specialized" nature of the `pdf.sandbox.js` building, it ought to be possible to re-factor how some of the options are handled. Note in particular that the `gulp-strip-comments` dependency seems somewhat unncessary, since the *main* source of comments are just the default license header. Hence I seems much more reasonable to simply not include that to begin with, rather than removing it after the fact (the few remaining Webpack-related should be few/small enough to not really matter much in practice). This way we're able to further reduce the special-casing related to the `pdf.sandbox.js`-building, which will make future changes/maintenance easier by bringing this code more in-line with existing patterns in `gulpfile.js`. (If we really want to reduce the filesize, we might want to consider always minifying the `GENERIC`-build of the `pdf.sandbox.js` file.)
75 lines
2.2 KiB
75 lines
2.2 KiB
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