Implement a serialization "generator" for `DOMElement` in domutils.js
that yields the serialization of the SVG element. This method is used by
a newly added `ReadableSVGStream` class, which can be used like any
other readable stream in Node.js.
This reduces the memory requirements. Now, it is not needed to require
the serialization to fully fit in memory.
Note: The implementation of the serializer is a state machine in ES5
since the rest of the file is also in ES5. Its functionality is
equivalent to:
function* serializeSVGElement(elem) {
yield '<' + elem.nodeName;
if (elem.nodeName === 'svg:svg') {
yield ' xmlns:xlink=""' +
' xmlns:svg=""';
for (let i in elem.attributes) {
yield ' ' + i + '="' + xmlEncode(elem.attributes[i]) + '"';
yield '>';
if (elem.nodeName === 'svg:tspan' || elem.nodeName === 'svg:style') {
yield xmlEncode(elem.textContent);
} else {
for (let childNode of elem.childNodes) {
yield* serializeSVGElement(childNode);
yield '</' + elem.nodeName + '>';