Rob Wu ac5a8bcdda [l10n] Treat language as case-insensitive
See "Case-insensitive language comparisons per RFC 4646"

Removed the "patch" in compatibility.js and fixed the bug in webL10n,
because the logic belongs to webL10n instead of PDF.js.
The immediate motivation for this patch is that Chrome 40 converts
navigator.language to lower case: https://crbug.com/454331
2015-02-02 22:02:18 +01:00

1029 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Fabien Cazenave, Mozilla.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Additional modifications for PDF.js project:
- Disables language initialization on page loading;
- Removes consoleWarn and consoleLog and use console.log/warn directly.
- Removes window._ assignment.
/*jshint browser: true, devel: true, globalstrict: true */
'use strict';
document.webL10n = (function(window, document, undefined) {
var gL10nData = {};
var gTextData = '';
var gTextProp = 'textContent';
var gLanguage = '';
var gMacros = {};
var gReadyState = 'loading';
* Synchronously loading l10n resources significantly minimizes flickering
* from displaying the app with non-localized strings and then updating the
* strings. Although this will block all script execution on this page, we
* expect that the l10n resources are available locally on flash-storage.
* As synchronous XHR is generally considered as a bad idea, we're still
* loading l10n resources asynchronously -- but we keep this in a setting,
* just in case... and applications using this library should hide their
* content until the `localized' event happens.
var gAsyncResourceLoading = true; // read-only
* DOM helpers for the so-called "HTML API".
* These functions are written for modern browsers. For old versions of IE,
* they're overridden in the 'startup' section at the end of this file.
function getL10nResourceLinks() {
return document.querySelectorAll('link[type="application/l10n"]');
function getL10nDictionary() {
var script = document.querySelector('script[type="application/l10n"]');
// TODO: support multiple and external JSON dictionaries
return script ? JSON.parse(script.innerHTML) : null;
function getTranslatableChildren(element) {
return element ? element.querySelectorAll('*[data-l10n-id]') : [];
function getL10nAttributes(element) {
if (!element)
return {};
var l10nId = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-id');
var l10nArgs = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-args');
var args = {};
if (l10nArgs) {
try {
args = JSON.parse(l10nArgs);
} catch (e) {
console.warn('could not parse arguments for #' + l10nId);
return { id: l10nId, args: args };
function fireL10nReadyEvent(lang) {
var evtObject = document.createEvent('Event');
evtObject.initEvent('localized', true, false);
evtObject.language = lang;
function xhrLoadText(url, onSuccess, onFailure, asynchronous) {
onSuccess = onSuccess || function _onSuccess(data) {};
onFailure = onFailure || function _onFailure() {
console.warn(url + ' not found.');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, asynchronous);
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
} else {
xhr.onerror = onFailure;
xhr.ontimeout = onFailure;
// in Firefox OS with the app:// protocol, trying to XHR a non-existing
// URL will raise an exception here -- hence this ugly try...catch.
try {
} catch (e) {
* l10n resource parser:
* - reads (async XHR) the l10n resource matching `lang';
* - imports linked resources (synchronously) when specified;
* - parses the text data (fills `gL10nData' and `gTextData');
* - triggers success/failure callbacks when done.
* @param {string} href
* URL of the l10n resource to parse.
* @param {string} lang
* locale (language) to parse. Must be a lowercase string.
* @param {Function} successCallback
* triggered when the l10n resource has been successully parsed.
* @param {Function} failureCallback
* triggered when the an error has occured.
* @return {void}
* uses the following global variables: gL10nData, gTextData, gTextProp.
function parseResource(href, lang, successCallback, failureCallback) {
var baseURL = href.replace(/[^\/]*$/, '') || './';
// handle escaped characters (backslashes) in a string
function evalString(text) {
if (text.lastIndexOf('\\') < 0)
return text;
return text.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\')
.replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\\r/g, '\r')
.replace(/\\t/g, '\t')
.replace(/\\b/g, '\b')
.replace(/\\f/g, '\f')
.replace(/\\{/g, '{')
.replace(/\\}/g, '}')
.replace(/\\"/g, '"')
.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
// parse *.properties text data into an l10n dictionary
function parseProperties(text) {
var dictionary = [];
// token expressions
var reBlank = /^\s*|\s*$/;
var reComment = /^\s*#|^\s*$/;
var reSection = /^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$/;
var reImport = /^\s*@import\s+url\((.*)\)\s*$/i;
var reSplit = /^([^=\s]*)\s*=\s*(.+)$/; // TODO: escape EOLs with '\'
// parse the *.properties file into an associative array
function parseRawLines(rawText, extendedSyntax) {
var entries = rawText.replace(reBlank, '').split(/[\r\n]+/);
var currentLang = '*';
var genericLang = lang.split('-', 1)[0];
var skipLang = false;
var match = '';
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var line = entries[i];
// comment or blank line?
if (reComment.test(line))
// the extended syntax supports [lang] sections and @import rules
if (extendedSyntax) {
if (reSection.test(line)) { // section start?
match = reSection.exec(line);
// RFC 4646, section 4.4, "All comparisons MUST be performed
// in a case-insensitive manner."
currentLang = match[1].toLowerCase();
skipLang = (currentLang !== '*') &&
(currentLang !== lang) && (currentLang !== genericLang);
} else if (skipLang) {
if (reImport.test(line)) { // @import rule?
match = reImport.exec(line);
loadImport(baseURL + match[1]); // load the resource synchronously
// key-value pair
var tmp = line.match(reSplit);
if (tmp && tmp.length == 3) {
dictionary[tmp[1]] = evalString(tmp[2]);
// import another *.properties file
function loadImport(url) {
xhrLoadText(url, function(content) {
parseRawLines(content, false); // don't allow recursive imports
}, null, false); // load synchronously
// fill the dictionary
parseRawLines(text, true);
return dictionary;
// load and parse l10n data (warning: global variables are used here)
xhrLoadText(href, function(response) {
gTextData += response; // mostly for debug
// parse *.properties text data into an l10n dictionary
var data = parseProperties(response);
// find attribute descriptions, if any
for (var key in data) {
var id, prop, index = key.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 0) { // an attribute has been specified
id = key.substring(0, index);
prop = key.substr(index + 1);
} else { // no attribute: assuming text content by default
id = key;
prop = gTextProp;
if (!gL10nData[id]) {
gL10nData[id] = {};
gL10nData[id][prop] = data[key];
// trigger callback
if (successCallback) {
}, failureCallback, gAsyncResourceLoading);
// load and parse all resources for the specified locale
function loadLocale(lang, callback) {
// RFC 4646, section 2.1 states that language tags have to be treated as
// case-insensitive. Convert to lowercase for case-insensitive comparisons.
if (lang) {
lang = lang.toLowerCase();
callback = callback || function _callback() {};
gLanguage = lang;
// check all <link type="application/l10n" href="..." /> nodes
// and load the resource files
var langLinks = getL10nResourceLinks();
var langCount = langLinks.length;
if (langCount === 0) {
// we might have a pre-compiled dictionary instead
var dict = getL10nDictionary();
if (dict && dict.locales && dict.default_locale) {
console.log('using the embedded JSON directory, early way out');
gL10nData = dict.locales[lang];
if (!gL10nData) {
var defaultLocale = dict.default_locale.toLowerCase();
for (var anyCaseLang in dict.locales) {
anyCaseLang = anyCaseLang.toLowerCase();
if (anyCaseLang === lang) {
gL10nData = dict.locales[lang];
} else if (anyCaseLang === defaultLocale) {
gL10nData = dict.locales[defaultLocale];
} else {
console.log('no resource to load, early way out');
// early way out
gReadyState = 'complete';
// start the callback when all resources are loaded
var onResourceLoaded = null;
var gResourceCount = 0;
onResourceLoaded = function() {
if (gResourceCount >= langCount) {
gReadyState = 'complete';
// load all resource files
function L10nResourceLink(link) {
var href = link.href;
var type = link.type;
this.load = function(lang, callback) {
var applied = lang;
parseResource(href, lang, callback, function() {
console.warn(href + ' not found.');
applied = '';
return applied; // return lang if found, an empty string if not found
for (var i = 0; i < langCount; i++) {
var resource = new L10nResourceLink(langLinks[i]);
var rv = resource.load(lang, onResourceLoaded);
if (rv != lang) { // lang not found, used default resource instead
console.warn('"' + lang + '" resource not found');
gLanguage = '';
// clear all l10n data
function clear() {
gL10nData = {};
gTextData = '';
gLanguage = '';
// TODO: clear all non predefined macros.
// There's no such macro /yet/ but we're planning to have some...
* Get rules for plural forms (shared with JetPack), see:
* http://unicode.org/repos/cldr-tmp/trunk/diff/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html
* https://github.com/mozilla/addon-sdk/blob/master/python-lib/plural-rules-generator.p
* @param {string} lang
* locale (language) used.
* @return {Function}
* returns a function that gives the plural form name for a given integer:
* var fun = getPluralRules('en');
* fun(1) -> 'one'
* fun(0) -> 'other'
* fun(1000) -> 'other'.
function getPluralRules(lang) {
var locales2rules = {
'af': 3,
'ak': 4,
'am': 4,
'ar': 1,
'asa': 3,
'az': 0,
'be': 11,
'bem': 3,
'bez': 3,
'bg': 3,
'bh': 4,
'bm': 0,
'bn': 3,
'bo': 0,
'br': 20,
'brx': 3,
'bs': 11,
'ca': 3,
'cgg': 3,
'chr': 3,
'cs': 12,
'cy': 17,
'da': 3,
'de': 3,
'dv': 3,
'dz': 0,
'ee': 3,
'el': 3,
'en': 3,
'eo': 3,
'es': 3,
'et': 3,
'eu': 3,
'fa': 0,
'ff': 5,
'fi': 3,
'fil': 4,
'fo': 3,
'fr': 5,
'fur': 3,
'fy': 3,
'ga': 8,
'gd': 24,
'gl': 3,
'gsw': 3,
'gu': 3,
'guw': 4,
'gv': 23,
'ha': 3,
'haw': 3,
'he': 2,
'hi': 4,
'hr': 11,
'hu': 0,
'id': 0,
'ig': 0,
'ii': 0,
'is': 3,
'it': 3,
'iu': 7,
'ja': 0,
'jmc': 3,
'jv': 0,
'ka': 0,
'kab': 5,
'kaj': 3,
'kcg': 3,
'kde': 0,
'kea': 0,
'kk': 3,
'kl': 3,
'km': 0,
'kn': 0,
'ko': 0,
'ksb': 3,
'ksh': 21,
'ku': 3,
'kw': 7,
'lag': 18,
'lb': 3,
'lg': 3,
'ln': 4,
'lo': 0,
'lt': 10,
'lv': 6,
'mas': 3,
'mg': 4,
'mk': 16,
'ml': 3,
'mn': 3,
'mo': 9,
'mr': 3,
'ms': 0,
'mt': 15,
'my': 0,
'nah': 3,
'naq': 7,
'nb': 3,
'nd': 3,
'ne': 3,
'nl': 3,
'nn': 3,
'no': 3,
'nr': 3,
'nso': 4,
'ny': 3,
'nyn': 3,
'om': 3,
'or': 3,
'pa': 3,
'pap': 3,
'pl': 13,
'ps': 3,
'pt': 3,
'rm': 3,
'ro': 9,
'rof': 3,
'ru': 11,
'rwk': 3,
'sah': 0,
'saq': 3,
'se': 7,
'seh': 3,
'ses': 0,
'sg': 0,
'sh': 11,
'shi': 19,
'sk': 12,
'sl': 14,
'sma': 7,
'smi': 7,
'smj': 7,
'smn': 7,
'sms': 7,
'sn': 3,
'so': 3,
'sq': 3,
'sr': 11,
'ss': 3,
'ssy': 3,
'st': 3,
'sv': 3,
'sw': 3,
'syr': 3,
'ta': 3,
'te': 3,
'teo': 3,
'th': 0,
'ti': 4,
'tig': 3,
'tk': 3,
'tl': 4,
'tn': 3,
'to': 0,
'tr': 0,
'ts': 3,
'tzm': 22,
'uk': 11,
'ur': 3,
've': 3,
'vi': 0,
'vun': 3,
'wa': 4,
'wae': 3,
'wo': 0,
'xh': 3,
'xog': 3,
'yo': 0,
'zh': 0,
'zu': 3
// utility functions for plural rules methods
function isIn(n, list) {
return list.indexOf(n) !== -1;
function isBetween(n, start, end) {
return start <= n && n <= end;
// list of all plural rules methods:
// map an integer to the plural form name to use
var pluralRules = {
'0': function(n) {
return 'other';
'1': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 100), 3, 10)))
return 'few';
if (n === 0)
return 'zero';
if ((isBetween((n % 100), 11, 99)))
return 'many';
if (n == 2)
return 'two';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'2': function(n) {
if (n !== 0 && (n % 10) === 0)
return 'many';
if (n == 2)
return 'two';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'3': function(n) {
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'4': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1)))
return 'one';
return 'other';
'5': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 0, 2)) && n != 2)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'6': function(n) {
if (n === 0)
return 'zero';
if ((n % 10) == 1 && (n % 100) != 11)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'7': function(n) {
if (n == 2)
return 'two';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'8': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 3, 6)))
return 'few';
if ((isBetween(n, 7, 10)))
return 'many';
if (n == 2)
return 'two';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'9': function(n) {
if (n === 0 || n != 1 && (isBetween((n % 100), 1, 19)))
return 'few';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'10': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 9)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19)))
return 'few';
if ((n % 10) == 1 && !(isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19)))
return 'one';
return 'other';
'11': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 4)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14)))
return 'few';
if ((n % 10) === 0 ||
(isBetween((n % 10), 5, 9)) ||
(isBetween((n % 100), 11, 14)))
return 'many';
if ((n % 10) == 1 && (n % 100) != 11)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'12': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 2, 4)))
return 'few';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'13': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 4)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14)))
return 'few';
if (n != 1 && (isBetween((n % 10), 0, 1)) ||
(isBetween((n % 10), 5, 9)) ||
(isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14)))
return 'many';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'14': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 100), 3, 4)))
return 'few';
if ((n % 100) == 2)
return 'two';
if ((n % 100) == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'15': function(n) {
if (n === 0 || (isBetween((n % 100), 2, 10)))
return 'few';
if ((isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19)))
return 'many';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'16': function(n) {
if ((n % 10) == 1 && n != 11)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'17': function(n) {
if (n == 3)
return 'few';
if (n === 0)
return 'zero';
if (n == 6)
return 'many';
if (n == 2)
return 'two';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'18': function(n) {
if (n === 0)
return 'zero';
if ((isBetween(n, 0, 2)) && n !== 0 && n != 2)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'19': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 2, 10)))
return 'few';
if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1)))
return 'one';
return 'other';
'20': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 10), 3, 4) || ((n % 10) == 9)) && !(
isBetween((n % 100), 10, 19) ||
isBetween((n % 100), 70, 79) ||
isBetween((n % 100), 90, 99)
return 'few';
if ((n % 1000000) === 0 && n !== 0)
return 'many';
if ((n % 10) == 2 && !isIn((n % 100), [12, 72, 92]))
return 'two';
if ((n % 10) == 1 && !isIn((n % 100), [11, 71, 91]))
return 'one';
return 'other';
'21': function(n) {
if (n === 0)
return 'zero';
if (n == 1)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'22': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1)) || (isBetween(n, 11, 99)))
return 'one';
return 'other';
'23': function(n) {
if ((isBetween((n % 10), 1, 2)) || (n % 20) === 0)
return 'one';
return 'other';
'24': function(n) {
if ((isBetween(n, 3, 10) || isBetween(n, 13, 19)))
return 'few';
if (isIn(n, [2, 12]))
return 'two';
if (isIn(n, [1, 11]))
return 'one';
return 'other';
// return a function that gives the plural form name for a given integer
var index = locales2rules[lang.replace(/-.*$/, '')];
if (!(index in pluralRules)) {
console.warn('plural form unknown for [' + lang + ']');
return function() { return 'other'; };
return pluralRules[index];
// pre-defined 'plural' macro
gMacros.plural = function(str, param, key, prop) {
var n = parseFloat(param);
if (isNaN(n))
return str;
// TODO: support other properties (l20n still doesn't...)
if (prop != gTextProp)
return str;
// initialize _pluralRules
if (!gMacros._pluralRules) {
gMacros._pluralRules = getPluralRules(gLanguage);
var index = '[' + gMacros._pluralRules(n) + ']';
// try to find a [zero|one|two] key if it's defined
if (n === 0 && (key + '[zero]') in gL10nData) {
str = gL10nData[key + '[zero]'][prop];
} else if (n == 1 && (key + '[one]') in gL10nData) {
str = gL10nData[key + '[one]'][prop];
} else if (n == 2 && (key + '[two]') in gL10nData) {
str = gL10nData[key + '[two]'][prop];
} else if ((key + index) in gL10nData) {
str = gL10nData[key + index][prop];
} else if ((key + '[other]') in gL10nData) {
str = gL10nData[key + '[other]'][prop];
return str;
* l10n dictionary functions
// fetch an l10n object, warn if not found, apply `args' if possible
function getL10nData(key, args, fallback) {
var data = gL10nData[key];
if (!data) {
console.warn('#' + key + ' is undefined.');
if (!fallback) {
return null;
data = fallback;
/** This is where l10n expressions should be processed.
* The plan is to support C-style expressions from the l20n project;
* until then, only two kinds of simple expressions are supported:
* {[ index ]} and {{ arguments }}.
var rv = {};
for (var prop in data) {
var str = data[prop];
str = substIndexes(str, args, key, prop);
str = substArguments(str, args, key);
rv[prop] = str;
return rv;
// replace {[macros]} with their values
function substIndexes(str, args, key, prop) {
var reIndex = /\{\[\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\(([a-zA-Z]+)\)\s*\]\}/;
var reMatch = reIndex.exec(str);
if (!reMatch || !reMatch.length)
return str;
// an index/macro has been found
// Note: at the moment, only one parameter is supported
var macroName = reMatch[1];
var paramName = reMatch[2];
var param;
if (args && paramName in args) {
param = args[paramName];
} else if (paramName in gL10nData) {
param = gL10nData[paramName];
// there's no macro parser yet: it has to be defined in gMacros
if (macroName in gMacros) {
var macro = gMacros[macroName];
str = macro(str, param, key, prop);
return str;
// replace {{arguments}} with their values
function substArguments(str, args, key) {
var reArgs = /\{\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}/;
var match = reArgs.exec(str);
while (match) {
if (!match || match.length < 2)
return str; // argument key not found
var arg = match[1];
var sub = '';
if (args && arg in args) {
sub = args[arg];
} else if (arg in gL10nData) {
sub = gL10nData[arg][gTextProp];
} else {
console.log('argument {{' + arg + '}} for #' + key + ' is undefined.');
return str;
str = str.substring(0, match.index) + sub +
str.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
match = reArgs.exec(str);
return str;
// translate an HTML element
function translateElement(element) {
var l10n = getL10nAttributes(element);
if (!l10n.id)
// get the related l10n object
var data = getL10nData(l10n.id, l10n.args);
if (!data) {
console.warn('#' + l10n.id + ' is undefined.');
// translate element (TODO: security checks?)
if (data[gTextProp]) { // XXX
if (getChildElementCount(element) === 0) {
element[gTextProp] = data[gTextProp];
} else {
// this element has element children: replace the content of the first
// (non-empty) child textNode and clear other child textNodes
var children = element.childNodes;
var found = false;
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeType === 3 && /\S/.test(children[i].nodeValue)) {
if (found) {
children[i].nodeValue = '';
} else {
children[i].nodeValue = data[gTextProp];
found = true;
// if no (non-empty) textNode is found, insert a textNode before the
// first element child.
if (!found) {
var textNode = document.createTextNode(data[gTextProp]);
element.insertBefore(textNode, element.firstChild);
delete data[gTextProp];
for (var k in data) {
element[k] = data[k];
// webkit browsers don't currently support 'children' on SVG elements...
function getChildElementCount(element) {
if (element.children) {
return element.children.length;
if (typeof element.childElementCount !== 'undefined') {
return element.childElementCount;
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
count += element.nodeType === 1 ? 1 : 0;
return count;
// translate an HTML subtree
function translateFragment(element) {
element = element || document.documentElement;
// check all translatable children (= w/ a `data-l10n-id' attribute)
var children = getTranslatableChildren(element);
var elementCount = children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
// translate element itself if necessary
// cross-browser API (sorry, oldIE doesn't support getters & setters)
return {
// get a localized string
get: function(key, args, fallbackString) {
var index = key.lastIndexOf('.');
var prop = gTextProp;
if (index > 0) { // An attribute has been specified
prop = key.substr(index + 1);
key = key.substring(0, index);
var fallback;
if (fallbackString) {
fallback = {};
fallback[prop] = fallbackString;
var data = getL10nData(key, args, fallback);
if (data && prop in data) {
return data[prop];
return '{{' + key + '}}';
// debug
getData: function() { return gL10nData; },
getText: function() { return gTextData; },
// get|set the document language
getLanguage: function() { return gLanguage; },
setLanguage: function(lang) { loadLocale(lang, translateFragment); },
// get the direction (ltr|rtl) of the current language
getDirection: function() {
// http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-scripts
// Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu
var rtlList = ['ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ps', 'ur'];
// use the short language code for "full" codes like 'ar-sa' (issue 5440)
var shortCode = gLanguage.split('-')[0];
return (rtlList.indexOf(shortCode) >= 0) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
// translate an element or document fragment
translate: translateFragment,
// this can be used to prevent race conditions
getReadyState: function() { return gReadyState; },
ready: function(callback) {
if (!callback) {
} else if (gReadyState == 'complete' || gReadyState == 'interactive') {
} else if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('localized', callback);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.documentElement.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function(e) {
if (e.propertyName === 'localized') {
}) (window, document);