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/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var GlyphsUnicode = {
A: 0x0041,
AE: 0x00C6,
AEacute: 0x01FC,
AEmacron: 0x01E2,
AEsmall: 0xF7E6,
Aacute: 0x00C1,
Aacutesmall: 0xF7E1,
Abreve: 0x0102,
Abreveacute: 0x1EAE,
Abrevecyrillic: 0x04D0,
Abrevedotbelow: 0x1EB6,
Abrevegrave: 0x1EB0,
Abrevehookabove: 0x1EB2,
Abrevetilde: 0x1EB4,
Acaron: 0x01CD,
Acircle: 0x24B6,
Acircumflex: 0x00C2,
Acircumflexacute: 0x1EA4,
Acircumflexdotbelow: 0x1EAC,
Acircumflexgrave: 0x1EA6,
Acircumflexhookabove: 0x1EA8,
Acircumflexsmall: 0xF7E2,
Acircumflextilde: 0x1EAA,
Acute: 0xF6C9,
Acutesmall: 0xF7B4,
Acyrillic: 0x0410,
Adblgrave: 0x0200,
Adieresis: 0x00C4,
Adieresiscyrillic: 0x04D2,
Adieresismacron: 0x01DE,
Adieresissmall: 0xF7E4,
Adotbelow: 0x1EA0,
Adotmacron: 0x01E0,
Agrave: 0x00C0,
Agravesmall: 0xF7E0,
Ahookabove: 0x1EA2,
Aiecyrillic: 0x04D4,
Ainvertedbreve: 0x0202,
Alpha: 0x0391,
Alphatonos: 0x0386,
Amacron: 0x0100,
Amonospace: 0xFF21,
Aogonek: 0x0104,
Aring: 0x00C5,
Aringacute: 0x01FA,
Aringbelow: 0x1E00,
Aringsmall: 0xF7E5,
Asmall: 0xF761,
Atilde: 0x00C3,
Atildesmall: 0xF7E3,
Aybarmenian: 0x0531,
B: 0x0042,
Bcircle: 0x24B7,
Bdotaccent: 0x1E02,
Bdotbelow: 0x1E04,
Becyrillic: 0x0411,
Benarmenian: 0x0532,
Beta: 0x0392,
Bhook: 0x0181,
Blinebelow: 0x1E06,
Bmonospace: 0xFF22,
Brevesmall: 0xF6F4,
Bsmall: 0xF762,
Btopbar: 0x0182,
C: 0x0043,
Caarmenian: 0x053E,
Cacute: 0x0106,
Caron: 0xF6CA,
Caronsmall: 0xF6F5,
Ccaron: 0x010C,
Ccedilla: 0x00C7,
Ccedillaacute: 0x1E08,
Ccedillasmall: 0xF7E7,
Ccircle: 0x24B8,
Ccircumflex: 0x0108,
Cdot: 0x010A,
Cdotaccent: 0x010A,
Cedillasmall: 0xF7B8,
Chaarmenian: 0x0549,
Cheabkhasiancyrillic: 0x04BC,
Checyrillic: 0x0427,
Chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic: 0x04BE,
Chedescendercyrillic: 0x04B6,
Chedieresiscyrillic: 0x04F4,
Cheharmenian: 0x0543,
Chekhakassiancyrillic: 0x04CB,
Cheverticalstrokecyrillic: 0x04B8,
Chi: 0x03A7,
Chook: 0x0187,
Circumflexsmall: 0xF6F6,
Cmonospace: 0xFF23,
Coarmenian: 0x0551,
Csmall: 0xF763,
D: 0x0044,
DZ: 0x01F1,
DZcaron: 0x01C4,
Daarmenian: 0x0534,
Dafrican: 0x0189,
Dcaron: 0x010E,
Dcedilla: 0x1E10,
Dcircle: 0x24B9,
Dcircumflexbelow: 0x1E12,
Dcroat: 0x0110,
Ddotaccent: 0x1E0A,
Ddotbelow: 0x1E0C,
Decyrillic: 0x0414,
Deicoptic: 0x03EE,
Delta: 0x2206,
Deltagreek: 0x0394,
Dhook: 0x018A,
Dieresis: 0xF6CB,
DieresisAcute: 0xF6CC,
DieresisGrave: 0xF6CD,
Dieresissmall: 0xF7A8,
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Djecyrillic: 0x0402,
Dlinebelow: 0x1E0E,
Dmonospace: 0xFF24,
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Dslash: 0x0110,
Dsmall: 0xF764,
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Dzcaron: 0x01C5,
Dzeabkhasiancyrillic: 0x04E0,
Dzecyrillic: 0x0405,
Dzhecyrillic: 0x040F,
E: 0x0045,
Eacute: 0x00C9,
Eacutesmall: 0xF7E9,
Ebreve: 0x0114,
Ecaron: 0x011A,
Ecedillabreve: 0x1E1C,
Echarmenian: 0x0535,
Ecircle: 0x24BA,
Ecircumflex: 0x00CA,
Ecircumflexacute: 0x1EBE,
Ecircumflexbelow: 0x1E18,
Ecircumflexdotbelow: 0x1EC6,
Ecircumflexgrave: 0x1EC0,
Ecircumflexhookabove: 0x1EC2,
Ecircumflexsmall: 0xF7EA,
Ecircumflextilde: 0x1EC4,
Ecyrillic: 0x0404,
Edblgrave: 0x0204,
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Edotaccent: 0x0116,
Edotbelow: 0x1EB8,
Efcyrillic: 0x0424,
Egrave: 0x00C8,
Egravesmall: 0xF7E8,
Eharmenian: 0x0537,
Ehookabove: 0x1EBA,
Eightroman: 0x2167,
Einvertedbreve: 0x0206,
Eiotifiedcyrillic: 0x0464,
Elcyrillic: 0x041B,
Elevenroman: 0x216A,
Emacron: 0x0112,
Emacronacute: 0x1E16,
Emacrongrave: 0x1E14,
Emcyrillic: 0x041C,
Emonospace: 0xFF25,
Encyrillic: 0x041D,
Endescendercyrillic: 0x04A2,
Eng: 0x014A,
Enghecyrillic: 0x04A4,
Enhookcyrillic: 0x04C7,
Eogonek: 0x0118,
Eopen: 0x0190,
Epsilon: 0x0395,
Epsilontonos: 0x0388,
Ercyrillic: 0x0420,
Ereversed: 0x018E,
Ereversedcyrillic: 0x042D,
Escyrillic: 0x0421,
Esdescendercyrillic: 0x04AA,
Esh: 0x01A9,
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Eta: 0x0397,
Etarmenian: 0x0538,
Etatonos: 0x0389,
Eth: 0x00D0,
Ethsmall: 0xF7F0,
Etilde: 0x1EBC,
Etildebelow: 0x1E1A,
Euro: 0x20AC,
Ezh: 0x01B7,
Ezhcaron: 0x01EE,
Ezhreversed: 0x01B8,
F: 0x0046,
Fcircle: 0x24BB,
Fdotaccent: 0x1E1E,
Feharmenian: 0x0556,
Feicoptic: 0x03E4,
Fhook: 0x0191,
Fitacyrillic: 0x0472,
Fiveroman: 0x2164,
Fmonospace: 0xFF26,
Fourroman: 0x2163,
Fsmall: 0xF766,
G: 0x0047,
GBsquare: 0x3387,
Gacute: 0x01F4,
Gamma: 0x0393,
Gammaafrican: 0x0194,
Gangiacoptic: 0x03EA,
Gbreve: 0x011E,
Gcaron: 0x01E6,
Gcedilla: 0x0122,
Gcircle: 0x24BC,
Gcircumflex: 0x011C,
Gcommaaccent: 0x0122,
Gdot: 0x0120,
Gdotaccent: 0x0120,
Gecyrillic: 0x0413,
Ghadarmenian: 0x0542,
Ghemiddlehookcyrillic: 0x0494,
Ghestrokecyrillic: 0x0492,
Gheupturncyrillic: 0x0490,
Ghook: 0x0193,
Gimarmenian: 0x0533,
Gjecyrillic: 0x0403,
Gmacron: 0x1E20,
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Grave: 0xF6CE,
Gravesmall: 0xF760,
Gsmall: 0xF767,
Gsmallhook: 0x029B,
Gstroke: 0x01E4,
H: 0x0048,
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H18543: 0x25AA,
H18551: 0x25AB,
H22073: 0x25A1,
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Haabkhasiancyrillic: 0x04A8,
Hadescendercyrillic: 0x04B2,
Hardsigncyrillic: 0x042A,
Hbar: 0x0126,
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Hcedilla: 0x1E28,
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Hdotbelow: 0x1E24,
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Horicoptic: 0x03E8,
Hsmall: 0xF768,
Hungarumlaut: 0xF6CF,
Hungarumlautsmall: 0xF6F8,
Hzsquare: 0x3390,
I: 0x0049,
IAcyrillic: 0x042F,
IJ: 0x0132,
IUcyrillic: 0x042E,
Iacute: 0x00CD,
Iacutesmall: 0xF7ED,
Ibreve: 0x012C,
Icaron: 0x01CF,
Icircle: 0x24BE,
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Icircumflexsmall: 0xF7EE,
Icyrillic: 0x0406,
Idblgrave: 0x0208,
Idieresis: 0x00CF,
Idieresisacute: 0x1E2E,
Idieresiscyrillic: 0x04E4,
Idieresissmall: 0xF7EF,
Idot: 0x0130,
Idotaccent: 0x0130,
Idotbelow: 0x1ECA,
Iebrevecyrillic: 0x04D6,
Iecyrillic: 0x0415,
Ifraktur: 0x2111,
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Igravesmall: 0xF7EC,
Ihookabove: 0x1EC8,
Iicyrillic: 0x0418,
Iinvertedbreve: 0x020A,
Iishortcyrillic: 0x0419,
Imacron: 0x012A,
Imacroncyrillic: 0x04E2,
Imonospace: 0xFF29,
Iniarmenian: 0x053B,
Iocyrillic: 0x0401,
Iogonek: 0x012E,
Iota: 0x0399,
Iotaafrican: 0x0196,
Iotadieresis: 0x03AA,
Iotatonos: 0x038A,
Ismall: 0xF769,
Istroke: 0x0197,
Itilde: 0x0128,
Itildebelow: 0x1E2C,
Izhitsacyrillic: 0x0474,
Izhitsadblgravecyrillic: 0x0476,
J: 0x004A,
Jaarmenian: 0x0541,
Jcircle: 0x24BF,
Jcircumflex: 0x0134,
Jecyrillic: 0x0408,
Jheharmenian: 0x054B,
Jmonospace: 0xFF2A,
Jsmall: 0xF76A,
K: 0x004B,
KBsquare: 0x3385,
KKsquare: 0x33CD,
Kabashkircyrillic: 0x04A0,
Kacute: 0x1E30,
Kacyrillic: 0x041A,
Kadescendercyrillic: 0x049A,
Kahookcyrillic: 0x04C3,
Kappa: 0x039A,
Kastrokecyrillic: 0x049E,
Kaverticalstrokecyrillic: 0x049C,
Kcaron: 0x01E8,
Kcedilla: 0x0136,
Kcircle: 0x24C0,
Kcommaaccent: 0x0136,
Kdotbelow: 0x1E32,
Keharmenian: 0x0554,
Kenarmenian: 0x053F,
Khacyrillic: 0x0425,
Kheicoptic: 0x03E6,
Khook: 0x0198,
Kjecyrillic: 0x040C,
Klinebelow: 0x1E34,
Kmonospace: 0xFF2B,
Koppacyrillic: 0x0480,
Koppagreek: 0x03DE,
Ksicyrillic: 0x046E,
Ksmall: 0xF76B,
L: 0x004C,
LJ: 0x01C7,
LL: 0xF6BF,
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Lambda: 0x039B,
Lcaron: 0x013D,
Lcedilla: 0x013B,
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Lcommaaccent: 0x013B,
Ldot: 0x013F,
Ldotaccent: 0x013F,
Ldotbelow: 0x1E36,
Ldotbelowmacron: 0x1E38,
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Llinebelow: 0x1E3A,
Lmonospace: 0xFF2C,
Lslash: 0x0141,
Lslashsmall: 0xF6F9,
Lsmall: 0xF76C,
M: 0x004D,
MBsquare: 0x3386,
Macron: 0xF6D0,
Macronsmall: 0xF7AF,
Macute: 0x1E3E,
Mcircle: 0x24C2,
Mdotaccent: 0x1E40,
Mdotbelow: 0x1E42,
Menarmenian: 0x0544,
Mmonospace: 0xFF2D,
Msmall: 0xF76D,
Mturned: 0x019C,
Mu: 0x039C,
N: 0x004E,
NJ: 0x01CA,
Nacute: 0x0143,
Ncaron: 0x0147,
Ncedilla: 0x0145,
Ncircle: 0x24C3,
Ncircumflexbelow: 0x1E4A,
Ncommaaccent: 0x0145,
Ndotaccent: 0x1E44,
Ndotbelow: 0x1E46,
Nhookleft: 0x019D,
Nineroman: 0x2168,
Nj: 0x01CB,
Njecyrillic: 0x040A,
Nlinebelow: 0x1E48,
Nmonospace: 0xFF2E,
Nowarmenian: 0x0546,
Nsmall: 0xF76E,
Ntilde: 0x00D1,
Ntildesmall: 0xF7F1,
Nu: 0x039D,
O: 0x004F,
OE: 0x0152,
OEsmall: 0xF6FA,
Oacute: 0x00D3,
Oacutesmall: 0xF7F3,
Obarredcyrillic: 0x04E8,
Obarreddieresiscyrillic: 0x04EA,
Obreve: 0x014E,
Ocaron: 0x01D1,
Ocenteredtilde: 0x019F,
Ocircle: 0x24C4,
Ocircumflex: 0x00D4,
Ocircumflexacute: 0x1ED0,
Ocircumflexdotbelow: 0x1ED8,
Ocircumflexgrave: 0x1ED2,
Ocircumflexhookabove: 0x1ED4,
Ocircumflexsmall: 0xF7F4,
Ocircumflextilde: 0x1ED6,
Ocyrillic: 0x041E,
Odblacute: 0x0150,
Odblgrave: 0x020C,
Odieresis: 0x00D6,
Odieresiscyrillic: 0x04E6,
Odieresissmall: 0xF7F6,
Odotbelow: 0x1ECC,
Ogoneksmall: 0xF6FB,
Ograve: 0x00D2,
Ogravesmall: 0xF7F2,
Oharmenian: 0x0555,
Ohm: 0x2126,
Ohookabove: 0x1ECE,
Ohorn: 0x01A0,
Ohornacute: 0x1EDA,
Ohorndotbelow: 0x1EE2,
Ohorngrave: 0x1EDC,
Ohornhookabove: 0x1EDE,
Ohorntilde: 0x1EE0,
Ohungarumlaut: 0x0150,
Oi: 0x01A2,
Oinvertedbreve: 0x020E,
Omacron: 0x014C,
Omacronacute: 0x1E52,
Omacrongrave: 0x1E50,
Omega: 0x2126,
Omegacyrillic: 0x0460,
Omegagreek: 0x03A9,
Omegaroundcyrillic: 0x047A,
Omegatitlocyrillic: 0x047C,
Omegatonos: 0x038F,
Omicron: 0x039F,
Omicrontonos: 0x038C,
Omonospace: 0xFF2F,
Oneroman: 0x2160,
Oogonek: 0x01EA,
Oogonekmacron: 0x01EC,
Oopen: 0x0186,
Oslash: 0x00D8,
Oslashacute: 0x01FE,
Oslashsmall: 0xF7F8,
Osmall: 0xF76F,
Ostrokeacute: 0x01FE,
Otcyrillic: 0x047E,
Otilde: 0x00D5,
Otildeacute: 0x1E4C,
Otildedieresis: 0x1E4E,
Otildesmall: 0xF7F5,
P: 0x0050,
Pacute: 0x1E54,
Pcircle: 0x24C5,
Pdotaccent: 0x1E56,
Pecyrillic: 0x041F,
Peharmenian: 0x054A,
Pemiddlehookcyrillic: 0x04A6,
Phi: 0x03A6,
Phook: 0x01A4,
Pi: 0x03A0,
Piwrarmenian: 0x0553,
Pmonospace: 0xFF30,
Psi: 0x03A8,
Psicyrillic: 0x0470,
Psmall: 0xF770,
Q: 0x0051,
Qcircle: 0x24C6,
Qmonospace: 0xFF31,
Qsmall: 0xF771,
R: 0x0052,
Raarmenian: 0x054C,
Racute: 0x0154,
Rcaron: 0x0158,
Rcedilla: 0x0156,
Rcircle: 0x24C7,
Rcommaaccent: 0x0156,
Rdblgrave: 0x0210,
Rdotaccent: 0x1E58,
Rdotbelow: 0x1E5A,
Rdotbelowmacron: 0x1E5C,
Reharmenian: 0x0550,
Rfraktur: 0x211C,
Rho: 0x03A1,
Ringsmall: 0xF6FC,
Rinvertedbreve: 0x0212,
Rlinebelow: 0x1E5E,
Rmonospace: 0xFF32,
Rsmall: 0xF772,
Rsmallinverted: 0x0281,
Rsmallinvertedsuperior: 0x02B6,
S: 0x0053,
SF010000: 0x250C,
SF020000: 0x2514,
SF030000: 0x2510,
SF040000: 0x2518,
SF050000: 0x253C,
SF060000: 0x252C,
SF070000: 0x2534,
SF080000: 0x251C,
SF090000: 0x2524,
SF100000: 0x2500,
SF110000: 0x2502,
SF190000: 0x2561,
SF200000: 0x2562,
SF210000: 0x2556,
SF220000: 0x2555,
SF230000: 0x2563,
SF240000: 0x2551,
SF250000: 0x2557,
SF260000: 0x255D,
SF270000: 0x255C,
SF280000: 0x255B,
SF360000: 0x255E,
SF370000: 0x255F,
SF380000: 0x255A,
SF390000: 0x2554,
SF400000: 0x2569,
SF410000: 0x2566,
SF420000: 0x2560,
SF430000: 0x2550,
SF440000: 0x256C,
SF450000: 0x2567,
SF460000: 0x2568,
SF470000: 0x2564,
SF480000: 0x2565,
SF490000: 0x2559,
SF500000: 0x2558,
SF510000: 0x2552,
SF520000: 0x2553,
SF530000: 0x256B,
SF540000: 0x256A,
Sacute: 0x015A,
Sacutedotaccent: 0x1E64,
Sampigreek: 0x03E0,
Scaron: 0x0160,
Scarondotaccent: 0x1E66,
Scaronsmall: 0xF6FD,
Scedilla: 0x015E,
Schwa: 0x018F,
Schwacyrillic: 0x04D8,
Schwadieresiscyrillic: 0x04DA,
Scircle: 0x24C8,
Scircumflex: 0x015C,
Scommaaccent: 0x0218,
Sdotaccent: 0x1E60,
Sdotbelow: 0x1E62,
Sdotbelowdotaccent: 0x1E68,
Seharmenian: 0x054D,
Sevenroman: 0x2166,
Shaarmenian: 0x0547,
Shacyrillic: 0x0428,
Shchacyrillic: 0x0429,
Sheicoptic: 0x03E2,
Shhacyrillic: 0x04BA,
Shimacoptic: 0x03EC,
Sigma: 0x03A3,
Sixroman: 0x2165,
Smonospace: 0xFF33,
Softsigncyrillic: 0x042C,
Ssmall: 0xF773,
Stigmagreek: 0x03DA,
T: 0x0054,
Tau: 0x03A4,
Tbar: 0x0166,
Tcaron: 0x0164,
Tcedilla: 0x0162,
Tcircle: 0x24C9,
Tcircumflexbelow: 0x1E70,
Tcommaaccent: 0x0162,
Tdotaccent: 0x1E6A,
Tdotbelow: 0x1E6C,
Tecyrillic: 0x0422,
Tedescendercyrillic: 0x04AC,
Tenroman: 0x2169,
Tetsecyrillic: 0x04B4,
Theta: 0x0398,
Thook: 0x01AC,
Thorn: 0x00DE,
Thornsmall: 0xF7FE,
Threeroman: 0x2162,
Tildesmall: 0xF6FE,
Tiwnarmenian: 0x054F,
Tlinebelow: 0x1E6E,
Tmonospace: 0xFF34,
Toarmenian: 0x0539,
Tonefive: 0x01BC,
Tonesix: 0x0184,
Tonetwo: 0x01A7,
Tretroflexhook: 0x01AE,
Tsecyrillic: 0x0426,
Tshecyrillic: 0x040B,
Tsmall: 0xF774,
Twelveroman: 0x216B,
Tworoman: 0x2161,
U: 0x0055,
Uacute: 0x00DA,
Uacutesmall: 0xF7FA,
Ubreve: 0x016C,
Ucaron: 0x01D3,
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Ucircumflexbelow: 0x1E76,
Ucircumflexsmall: 0xF7FB,
Ucyrillic: 0x0423,
Udblacute: 0x0170,
Udblgrave: 0x0214,
Udieresis: 0x00DC,
Udieresisacute: 0x01D7,
Udieresisbelow: 0x1E72,
Udieresiscaron: 0x01D9,
Udieresiscyrillic: 0x04F0,
Udieresisgrave: 0x01DB,
Udieresismacron: 0x01D5,
Udieresissmall: 0xF7FC,
Udotbelow: 0x1EE4,
Ugrave: 0x00D9,
Ugravesmall: 0xF7F9,
Uhookabove: 0x1EE6,
Uhorn: 0x01AF,
Uhornacute: 0x1EE8,
Uhorndotbelow: 0x1EF0,
Uhorngrave: 0x1EEA,
Uhornhookabove: 0x1EEC,
Uhorntilde: 0x1EEE,
Uhungarumlaut: 0x0170,
Uhungarumlautcyrillic: 0x04F2,
Uinvertedbreve: 0x0216,
Ukcyrillic: 0x0478,
Umacron: 0x016A,
Umacroncyrillic: 0x04EE,
Umacrondieresis: 0x1E7A,
Umonospace: 0xFF35,
Uogonek: 0x0172,
Upsilon: 0x03A5,
Upsilon1: 0x03D2,
Upsilonacutehooksymbolgreek: 0x03D3,
Upsilonafrican: 0x01B1,
Upsilondieresis: 0x03AB,
Upsilondieresishooksymbolgreek: 0x03D4,
Upsilonhooksymbol: 0x03D2,
Upsilontonos: 0x038E,
Uring: 0x016E,
Ushortcyrillic: 0x040E,
Usmall: 0xF775,
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Ustraightstrokecyrillic: 0x04B0,
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Utildebelow: 0x1E74,
V: 0x0056,
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Vecyrillic: 0x0412,
Vewarmenian: 0x054E,
Vhook: 0x01B2,
Vmonospace: 0xFF36,
Voarmenian: 0x0548,
Vsmall: 0xF776,
Vtilde: 0x1E7C,
W: 0x0057,
Wacute: 0x1E82,
Wcircle: 0x24CC,
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