2011-07-08 16:36:54 -07:00

5288 lines
163 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
'use strict';
var ERRORS = 0, WARNINGS = 1, TODOS = 5;
var verbosity = WARNINGS;
function log(msg) {
if (console && console.log)
else if (print)
function warn(msg) {
if (verbosity >= WARNINGS)
log('Warning: ' + msg);
function error(msg) {
throw new Error(msg);
function TODO(what) {
if (verbosity >= TODOS)
log('TODO: ' + what);
function malformed(msg) {
error('Malformed PDF: ' + msg);
function assert(cond, msg) {
if (!cond)
// In a well-formed PDF, |cond| holds. If it doesn't, subsequent
// behavior is undefined.
function assertWellFormed(cond, msg) {
if (!cond)
function shadow(obj, prop, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: value, enumerable: true });
return value;
function bytesToString(bytes) {
var str = '';
var length = bytes.length;
for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n)
str += String.fromCharCode(bytes[n]);
return str;
function stringToBytes(str) {
var length = str.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n)
bytes[n] = str.charCodeAt(n) & 0xFF;
return bytes;
var Stream = (function() {
function constructor(arrayBuffer, start, length, dict) {
this.bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
this.start = start || 0;
this.pos = this.start;
this.end = (start + length) || this.bytes.length;
this.dict = dict;
// required methods for a stream. if a particular stream does not
// implement these, an error should be thrown
constructor.prototype = {
get length() {
return this.end - this.start;
getByte: function stream_getByte() {
if (this.pos >= this.end)
return null;
return this.bytes[this.pos++];
// returns subarray of original buffer
// should only be read
getBytes: function stream_getBytes(length) {
var bytes = this.bytes;
var pos = this.pos;
var strEnd = this.end;
if (!length)
return bytes.subarray(pos, strEnd);
var end = pos + length;
if (end > strEnd)
end = strEnd;
this.pos = end;
return bytes.subarray(pos, end);
lookChar: function stream_lookChar() {
if (this.pos >= this.end)
return null;
return String.fromCharCode(this.bytes[this.pos]);
getChar: function stream_getChar() {
if (this.pos >= this.end)
return null;
return String.fromCharCode(this.bytes[this.pos++]);
skip: function stream_skip(n) {
if (!n)
n = 1;
this.pos += n;
reset: function stream_reset() {
this.pos = this.start;
moveStart: function stream_moveStart() {
this.start = this.pos;
makeSubStream: function stream_makeSubstream(start, length, dict) {
return new Stream(this.bytes.buffer, start, length, dict);
return constructor;
var StringStream = (function() {
function constructor(str) {
var length = str.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n)
bytes[n] = str.charCodeAt(n);
Stream.call(this, bytes);
constructor.prototype = Stream.prototype;
return constructor;
// super class for the decoding streams
var DecodeStream = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.pos = 0;
this.bufferLength = 0;
this.eof = false;
this.buffer = null;
constructor.prototype = {
ensureBuffer: function decodestream_ensureBuffer(requested) {
var buffer = this.buffer;
var current = buffer ? buffer.byteLength : 0;
if (requested < current)
return buffer;
var size = 512;
while (size < requested)
size <<= 1;
var buffer2 = new Uint8Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < current; ++i)
buffer2[i] = buffer[i];
return this.buffer = buffer2;
getByte: function decodestream_getByte() {
var pos = this.pos;
while (this.bufferLength <= pos) {
if (this.eof)
return null;
return this.buffer[this.pos++];
getBytes: function decodestream_getBytes(length) {
var pos = this.pos;
if (length) {
this.ensureBuffer(pos + length);
var end = pos + length;
while (!this.eof && this.bufferLength < end)
var bufEnd = this.bufferLength;
if (end > bufEnd)
end = bufEnd;
} else {
while (!this.eof)
var end = this.bufferLength;
this.pos = end;
return this.buffer.subarray(pos, end);
lookChar: function decodestream_lookChar() {
var pos = this.pos;
while (this.bufferLength <= pos) {
if (this.eof)
return null;
return String.fromCharCode(this.buffer[this.pos]);
getChar: function decodestream_getChar() {
var pos = this.pos;
while (this.bufferLength <= pos) {
if (this.eof)
return null;
return String.fromCharCode(this.buffer[this.pos++]);
skip: function decodestream_skip(n) {
if (!n)
n = 1;
this.pos += n;
return constructor;
var FakeStream = (function() {
function constructor(stream) {
this.dict = stream.dict;
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
bufferLength += 1024;
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength);
this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
constructor.prototype.getBytes = function(length) {
var pos = this.pos;
if (length) {
this.ensureBuffer(pos + length);
var end = pos + length;
while (!this.eof && this.bufferLength < end)
var bufEnd = this.bufferLength;
if (end > bufEnd)
end = bufEnd;
} else {
this.eof = true;
var end = this.bufferLength;
this.pos = end;
return this.buffer.subarray(pos, end);
return constructor;
var FlateStream = (function() {
var codeLenCodeMap = new Uint32Array([
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
var lengthDecode = new Uint32Array([
0x00003, 0x00004, 0x00005, 0x00006, 0x00007, 0x00008, 0x00009, 0x0000a,
0x1000b, 0x1000d, 0x1000f, 0x10011, 0x20013, 0x20017, 0x2001b, 0x2001f,
0x30023, 0x3002b, 0x30033, 0x3003b, 0x40043, 0x40053, 0x40063, 0x40073,
0x50083, 0x500a3, 0x500c3, 0x500e3, 0x00102, 0x00102, 0x00102
var distDecode = new Uint32Array([
0x00001, 0x00002, 0x00003, 0x00004, 0x10005, 0x10007, 0x20009, 0x2000d,
0x30011, 0x30019, 0x40021, 0x40031, 0x50041, 0x50061, 0x60081, 0x600c1,
0x70101, 0x70181, 0x80201, 0x80301, 0x90401, 0x90601, 0xa0801, 0xa0c01,
0xb1001, 0xb1801, 0xc2001, 0xc3001, 0xd4001, 0xd6001
var fixedLitCodeTab = [new Uint32Array([
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c0,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a0, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e0,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90090, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d0,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b0, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f0,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c8,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a8, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e8,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90098, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d8,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b8, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f8,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c4,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a4, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e4,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90094, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d4,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b4, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f4,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cc,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ac, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ec,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009c, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dc,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bc, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fc,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c2,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a2, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e2,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90092, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d2,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b2, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f2,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900ca,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900aa, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900ea,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009a, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900da,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900ba, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fa,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c6,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a6, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e6,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90096, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d6,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b6, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f6,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900ce,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900ae, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ee,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009e, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900de,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900be, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900fe,
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c1,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a1, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e1,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90091, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d1,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b1, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f1,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c9,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a9, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e9,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90099, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d9,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b9, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f9,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c5,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a5, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e5,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90095, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d5,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b5, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f5,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cd,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ad, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ed,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009d, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dd,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bd, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fd,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c3,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a3, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e3,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90093, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d3,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b3, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f3,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900cb,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900ab, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900eb,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009b, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900db,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900bb, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fb,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c7,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a7, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e7,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90097, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d7,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b7, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f7,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900cf,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900af, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ef,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009f, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900df,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900bf, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900ff
]), 9];
var fixedDistCodeTab = [new Uint32Array([
0x50000, 0x50010, 0x50008, 0x50018, 0x50004, 0x50014, 0x5000c, 0x5001c,
0x50002, 0x50012, 0x5000a, 0x5001a, 0x50006, 0x50016, 0x5000e, 0x00000,
0x50001, 0x50011, 0x50009, 0x50019, 0x50005, 0x50015, 0x5000d, 0x5001d,
0x50003, 0x50013, 0x5000b, 0x5001b, 0x50007, 0x50017, 0x5000f, 0x00000
]), 5];
function constructor(stream) {
var bytes = stream.getBytes();
var bytesPos = 0;
this.dict = stream.dict;
var cmf = bytes[bytesPos++];
var flg = bytes[bytesPos++];
if (cmf == -1 || flg == -1)
error('Invalid header in flate stream');
if ((cmf & 0x0f) != 0x08)
error('Unknown compression method in flate stream');
if ((((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31) != 0)
error('Bad FCHECK in flate stream');
if (flg & 0x20)
error('FDICT bit set in flate stream');
this.bytes = bytes;
this.bytesPos = bytesPos;
this.codeSize = 0;
this.codeBuf = 0;
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.getBits = function(bits) {
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var bytes = this.bytes;
var bytesPos = this.bytesPos;
var b;
while (codeSize < bits) {
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad encoding in flate stream');
codeBuf |= b << codeSize;
codeSize += 8;
b = codeBuf & ((1 << bits) - 1);
this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> bits;
this.codeSize = codeSize -= bits;
this.bytesPos = bytesPos;
return b;
constructor.prototype.getCode = function(table) {
var codes = table[0];
var maxLen = table[1];
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var bytes = this.bytes;
var bytesPos = this.bytesPos;
while (codeSize < maxLen) {
var b;
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad encoding in flate stream');
codeBuf |= (b << codeSize);
codeSize += 8;
var code = codes[codeBuf & ((1 << maxLen) - 1)];
var codeLen = code >> 16;
var codeVal = code & 0xffff;
if (codeSize == 0 || codeSize < codeLen || codeLen == 0)
error('Bad encoding in flate stream');
this.codeBuf = (codeBuf >> codeLen);
this.codeSize = (codeSize - codeLen);
this.bytesPos = bytesPos;
return codeVal;
constructor.prototype.generateHuffmanTable = function(lengths) {
var n = lengths.length;
// find max code length
var maxLen = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (lengths[i] > maxLen)
maxLen = lengths[i];
// build the table
var size = 1 << maxLen;
var codes = new Uint32Array(size);
for (var len = 1, code = 0, skip = 2;
len <= maxLen;
++len, code <<= 1, skip <<= 1) {
for (var val = 0; val < n; ++val) {
if (lengths[val] == len) {
// bit-reverse the code
var code2 = 0;
var t = code;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
code2 = (code2 << 1) | (t & 1);
t >>= 1;
// fill the table entries
for (var i = code2; i < size; i += skip)
codes[i] = (len << 16) | val;
return [codes, maxLen];
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
function repeat(stream, array, len, offset, what) {
var repeat = stream.getBits(len) + offset;
while (repeat-- > 0)
array[i++] = what;
// read block header
var hdr = this.getBits(3);
if (hdr & 1)
this.eof = true;
hdr >>= 1;
if (hdr == 0) { // uncompressed block
var bytes = this.bytes;
var bytesPos = this.bytesPos;
var b;
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad block header in flate stream');
var blockLen = b;
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad block header in flate stream');
blockLen |= (b << 8);
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad block header in flate stream');
var check = b;
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined')
error('Bad block header in flate stream');
check |= (b << 8);
if (check != (~blockLen & 0xffff))
error('Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream');
this.codeBuf = 0;
this.codeSize = 0;
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + blockLen);
var end = bufferLength + blockLen;
this.bufferLength = end;
for (var n = bufferLength; n < end; ++n) {
if (typeof (b = bytes[bytesPos++]) == 'undefined') {
this.eof = true;
buffer[n] = b;
this.bytesPos = bytesPos;
var litCodeTable;
var distCodeTable;
if (hdr == 1) { // compressed block, fixed codes
litCodeTable = fixedLitCodeTab;
distCodeTable = fixedDistCodeTab;
} else if (hdr == 2) { // compressed block, dynamic codes
var numLitCodes = this.getBits(5) + 257;
var numDistCodes = this.getBits(5) + 1;
var numCodeLenCodes = this.getBits(4) + 4;
// build the code lengths code table
var codeLenCodeLengths = Array(codeLenCodeMap.length);
var i = 0;
while (i < numCodeLenCodes)
codeLenCodeLengths[codeLenCodeMap[i++]] = this.getBits(3);
var codeLenCodeTab = this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLenCodeLengths);
// build the literal and distance code tables
var len = 0;
var i = 0;
var codes = numLitCodes + numDistCodes;
var codeLengths = new Array(codes);
while (i < codes) {
var code = this.getCode(codeLenCodeTab);
if (code == 16) {
repeat(this, codeLengths, 2, 3, len);
} else if (code == 17) {
repeat(this, codeLengths, 3, 3, len = 0);
} else if (code == 18) {
repeat(this, codeLengths, 7, 11, len = 0);
} else {
codeLengths[i++] = len = code;
litCodeTable =
this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLengths.slice(0, numLitCodes));
distCodeTable =
this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLengths.slice(numLitCodes, codes));
} else {
error('Unknown block type in flate stream');
var buffer = this.buffer;
var limit = buffer ? buffer.length : 0;
var pos = this.bufferLength;
while (true) {
var code1 = this.getCode(litCodeTable);
if (code1 < 256) {
if (pos + 1 >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + 1);
limit = buffer.length;
buffer[pos++] = code1;
if (code1 == 256) {
this.bufferLength = pos;
code1 -= 257;
code1 = lengthDecode[code1];
var code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0)
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
var len = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
code1 = this.getCode(distCodeTable);
code1 = distDecode[code1];
code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0)
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
var dist = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
if (pos + len >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + len);
limit = buffer.length;
for (var k = 0; k < len; ++k, ++pos)
buffer[pos] = buffer[pos - dist];
return constructor;
var PredictorStream = (function() {
function constructor(stream, params) {
var predictor = this.predictor = params.get('Predictor') || 1;
if (predictor <= 1)
return stream; // no prediction
if (predictor !== 2 && (predictor < 10 || predictor > 15))
error('Unsupported predictor');
if (predictor === 2)
this.readBlock = this.readBlockTiff;
this.readBlock = this.readBlockPng;
this.stream = stream;
this.dict = stream.dict;
if (params.has('EarlyChange')) {
error('EarlyChange predictor parameter is not supported');
var colors = this.colors = params.get('Colors') || 1;
var bits = this.bits = params.get('BitsPerComponent') || 8;
var columns = this.columns = params.get('Columns') || 1;
var pixBytes = this.pixBytes = (colors * bits + 7) >> 3;
// add an extra pixByte to represent the pixel left of column 0
var rowBytes = this.rowBytes = (columns * colors * bits + 7) >> 3;
return this;
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlockTiff = function() {
var rowBytes = this.rowBytes;
var pixBytes = this.pixBytes;
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + rowBytes);
var currentRow = buffer.subarray(bufferLength, bufferLength + rowBytes);
var bits = this.bits;
var colors = this.colors;
var rawBytes = this.stream.getBytes(rowBytes);
if (bits === 1) {
var inbuf = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < rowBytes; ++i) {
var c = rawBytes[i];
inBuf = (inBuf << 8) | c;
// bitwise addition is exclusive or
// first shift inBuf and then add
currentRow[i] = (c ^ (inBuf >> colors)) & 0xFF;
// truncate inBuf (assumes colors < 16)
inBuf &= 0xFFFF;
} else if (bits === 8) {
for (var i = 0; i < colors; ++i)
currentRow[i] = rawBytes[i];
for (; i < rowBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = currentRow[i - colors] + rawBytes[i];
} else {
var compArray = new Uint8Array(colors + 1);
var bitMask = (1 << bits) - 1;
var inbuf = 0, outbut = 0;
var inbits = 0, outbits = 0;
var j = 0, k = 0;
var columns = this.columns;
for (var i = 0; i < columns; ++i) {
for (var kk = 0; kk < colors; ++kk) {
if (inbits < bits) {
inbuf = (inbuf << 8) | (rawBytes[j++] & 0xFF);
inbits += 8;
compArray[kk] = (compArray[kk] +
(inbuf >> (inbits - bits))) & bitMask;
inbits -= bits;
outbuf = (outbuf << bits) | compArray[kk];
outbits += bits;
if (outbits >= 8) {
currentRow[k++] = (outbuf >> (outbits - 8)) & 0xFF;
outbits -= 8;
if (outbits > 0) {
currentRow[k++] = (outbuf << (8 - outbits)) +
(inbuf & ((1 << (8 - outbits)) - 1));
this.bufferLength += rowBytes;
constructor.prototype.readBlockPng = function() {
var rowBytes = this.rowBytes;
var pixBytes = this.pixBytes;
var predictor = this.stream.getByte();
var rawBytes = this.stream.getBytes(rowBytes);
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + rowBytes);
var currentRow = buffer.subarray(bufferLength, bufferLength + rowBytes);
var prevRow = buffer.subarray(bufferLength - rowBytes, bufferLength);
if (prevRow.length == 0)
prevRow = currentRow;
switch (predictor) {
case 0:
case 1:
for (var i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = rawBytes[i];
for (; i < rowBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = (currentRow[i - pixBytes] + rawBytes[i]) & 0xFF;
case 2:
for (var i = 0; i < rowBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = (prevRow[i] + rawBytes[i]) & 0xFF;
case 3:
for (var i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = (prevRow[i] >> 1) + rawBytes[i];
for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) {
currentRow[i] = (((prevRow[i] + currentRow[i - pixBytes]) >> 1) +
rawBytes[i]) & 0xFF;
case 4:
// we need to save the up left pixels values. the simplest way
// is to create a new buffer
for (var i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i)
currentRow[i] = rawBytes[i];
for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) {
var up = prevRow[i];
var upLeft = lastRow[i - pixBytes];
var left = currentRow[i - pixBytes];
var p = left + up - upLeft;
var pa = p - left;
if (pa < 0)
pa = -pa;
var pb = p - up;
if (pb < 0)
pb = -pb;
var pc = p - upLeft;
if (pc < 0)
pc = -pc;
var c = rawBytes[i];
if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc)
currentRow[i] = left + c;
else if (pb <= pc)
currentRow[i] = up + c;
currentRow[i] = upLeft + c;
error('Unsupported predictor');
this.bufferLength += rowBytes;
return constructor;
// A JpegStream can't be read directly. We use the platform to render
// the underlying JPEG data for us.
var JpegStream = (function() {
function constructor(bytes, dict) {
// TODO: per poppler, some images may have "junk" before that
// need to be removed
this.dict = dict;
// create DOM image
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + window.btoa(bytesToString(bytes));
this.domImage = img;
constructor.prototype = {
getImage: function() {
return this.domImage;
getChar: function() {
error('internal error: getChar is not valid on JpegStream');
return constructor;
var DecryptStream = (function() {
function constructor(str, decrypt) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
this.decrypt = decrypt;
var chunkSize = 512;
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
var chunk = this.str.getBytes(chunkSize);
if (!chunk || chunk.length == 0) {
this.eof = true;
var decrypt = this.decrypt;
chunk = decrypt(chunk);
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
var i, n = chunk.length;
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
buffer[bufferLength++] = chunk[i];
this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
this.eof = n < chunkSize;
return constructor;
var Ascii85Stream = (function() {
function constructor(str) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
this.input = new Uint8Array(5);
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
var tildaCode = '~'.charCodeAt(0);
var zCode = 'z'.charCodeAt(0);
var str = this.str;
var c = str.getByte();
while (Lexer.isSpace(String.fromCharCode(c)))
c = str.getByte();
if (!c || c === tildaCode) {
this.eof = true;
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
// special code for z
if (c == zCode) {
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + 4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
buffer[bufferLength + i] = 0;
this.bufferLength += 4;
} else {
var input = this.input;
input[0] = c;
for (var i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
c = str.getByte();
while (Lexer.isSpace(String.fromCharCode(c)))
c = str.getByte();
input[i] = c;
if (!c || c == tildaCode)
var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + i - 1);
this.bufferLength += i - 1;
// partial ending;
if (i < 5) {
for (; i < 5; ++i)
input[i] = 0x21 + 84;
this.eof = true;
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
t = t * 85 + (input[i] - 0x21);
for (var i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
buffer[bufferLength + i] = t & 0xFF;
t >>= 8;
return constructor;
var AsciiHexStream = (function() {
function constructor(str) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
var hexvalueMap = {
9: -1, // \t
32: -1, // space
48: 0,
49: 1,
50: 2,
51: 3,
52: 4,
53: 5,
54: 6,
55: 7,
56: 8,
57: 9,
65: 10,
66: 11,
67: 12,
68: 13,
69: 14,
70: 15,
97: 10,
98: 11,
99: 12,
100: 13,
101: 14,
102: 15
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
var gtCode = '>'.charCodeAt(0), bytes = this.str.getBytes(), c, n,
decodeLength, buffer, bufferLength, i, length;
decodeLength = (bytes.length + 1) >> 1;
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + decodeLength);
bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
for(i = 0, length = bytes.length; i < length; i++) {
c = hexvalueMap[bytes[i]];
while (c == -1 && (i+1) < length) {
c = hexvalueMap[bytes[++i]];
if((i+1) < length && (bytes[i+1] !== gtCode)) {
n = hexvalueMap[bytes[++i]];
buffer[bufferLength++] = c*16+n;
} else {
if(bytes[i] !== gtCode) { // EOD marker at an odd number, behave as if a 0 followed the last digit.
buffer[bufferLength++] = c*16;
this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
this.eof = true;
return constructor;
var CCITTFaxStream = (function() {
var ccittEOL = -2;
var twoDimPass = 0;
var twoDimHoriz = 1;
var twoDimVert0 = 2;
var twoDimVertR1 = 3;
var twoDimVertL1 = 4;
var twoDimVertR2 = 5;
var twoDimVertL2 = 6;
var twoDimVertR3 = 7;
var twoDimVertL3 = 8;
var twoDimTable = [
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 000000x
[7, twoDimVertL3], // 0000010
[7, twoDimVertR3], // 0000011
[6, twoDimVertL2], [6, twoDimVertL2], // 000010x
[6, twoDimVertR2], [6, twoDimVertR2], // 000011x
[4, twoDimPass], [4, twoDimPass], // 0001xxx
[4, twoDimPass], [4, twoDimPass],
[4, twoDimPass], [4, twoDimPass],
[4, twoDimPass], [4, twoDimPass],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz], // 001xxxx
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimHoriz], [3, twoDimHoriz],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1], // 010xxxx
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertL1], [3, twoDimVertL1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1], // 011xxxx
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[3, twoDimVertR1], [3, twoDimVertR1],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0], // 1xxxxxx
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0],
[1, twoDimVert0], [1, twoDimVert0]
var whiteTable1 = [
[-1, -1], // 00000
[12, ccittEOL], // 00001
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 0001x
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 001xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 010xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 011xx
[11, 1792], [11, 1792], // 1000x
[12, 1984], // 10010
[12, 2048], // 10011
[12, 2112], // 10100
[12, 2176], // 10101
[12, 2240], // 10110
[12, 2304], // 10111
[11, 1856], [11, 1856], // 1100x
[11, 1920], [11, 1920], // 1101x
[12, 2368], // 11100
[12, 2432], // 11101
[12, 2496], // 11110
[12, 2560] // 11111
var whiteTable2 = [
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 0000000xx
[8, 29], [8, 29], // 00000010x
[8, 30], [8, 30], // 00000011x
[8, 45], [8, 45], // 00000100x
[8, 46], [8, 46], // 00000101x
[7, 22], [7, 22], [7, 22], [7, 22], // 0000011xx
[7, 23], [7, 23], [7, 23], [7, 23], // 0000100xx
[8, 47], [8, 47], // 00001010x
[8, 48], [8, 48], // 00001011x
[6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], // 000011xxx
[6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13], [6, 13],
[7, 20], [7, 20], [7, 20], [7, 20], // 0001000xx
[8, 33], [8, 33], // 00010010x
[8, 34], [8, 34], // 00010011x
[8, 35], [8, 35], // 00010100x
[8, 36], [8, 36], // 00010101x
[8, 37], [8, 37], // 00010110x
[8, 38], [8, 38], // 00010111x
[7, 19], [7, 19], [7, 19], [7, 19], // 0001100xx
[8, 31], [8, 31], // 00011010x
[8, 32], [8, 32], // 00011011x
[6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], // 000111xxx
[6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1], [6, 1],
[6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], // 001000xxx
[6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12], [6, 12],
[8, 53], [8, 53], // 00100100x
[8, 54], [8, 54], // 00100101x
[7, 26], [7, 26], [7, 26], [7, 26], // 0010011xx
[8, 39], [8, 39], // 00101000x
[8, 40], [8, 40], // 00101001x
[8, 41], [8, 41], // 00101010x
[8, 42], [8, 42], // 00101011x
[8, 43], [8, 43], // 00101100x
[8, 44], [8, 44], // 00101101x
[7, 21], [7, 21], [7, 21], [7, 21], // 0010111xx
[7, 28], [7, 28], [7, 28], [7, 28], // 0011000xx
[8, 61], [8, 61], // 00110010x
[8, 62], [8, 62], // 00110011x
[8, 63], [8, 63], // 00110100x
[8, 0], [8, 0], // 00110101x
[8, 320], [8, 320], // 00110110x
[8, 384], [8, 384], // 00110111x
[5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], // 00111xxxx
[5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10],
[5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10],
[5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10], [5, 10],
[5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], // 01000xxxx
[5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11],
[5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11],
[5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11], [5, 11],
[7, 27], [7, 27], [7, 27], [7, 27], // 0100100xx
[8, 59], [8, 59], // 01001010x
[8, 60], [8, 60], // 01001011x
[9, 1472], // 010011000
[9, 1536], // 010011001
[9, 1600], // 010011010
[9, 1728], // 010011011
[7, 18], [7, 18], [7, 18], [7, 18], // 0100111xx
[7, 24], [7, 24], [7, 24], [7, 24], // 0101000xx
[8, 49], [8, 49], // 01010010x
[8, 50], [8, 50], // 01010011x
[8, 51], [8, 51], // 01010100x
[8, 52], [8, 52], // 01010101x
[7, 25], [7, 25], [7, 25], [7, 25], // 0101011xx
[8, 55], [8, 55], // 01011000x
[8, 56], [8, 56], // 01011001x
[8, 57], [8, 57], // 01011010x
[8, 58], [8, 58], // 01011011x
[6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], // 010111xxx
[6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192], [6, 192],
[6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], // 011000xxx
[6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664], [6, 1664],
[8, 448], [8, 448], // 01100100x
[8, 512], [8, 512], // 01100101x
[9, 704], // 011001100
[9, 768], // 011001101
[8, 640], [8, 640], // 01100111x
[8, 576], [8, 576], // 01101000x
[9, 832], // 011010010
[9, 896], // 011010011
[9, 960], // 011010100
[9, 1024], // 011010101
[9, 1088], // 011010110
[9, 1152], // 011010111
[9, 1216], // 011011000
[9, 1280], // 011011001
[9, 1344], // 011011010
[9, 1408], // 011011011
[7, 256], [7, 256], [7, 256], [7, 256], // 0110111xx
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], // 0111xxxxx
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], // 1000xxxxx
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3],
[5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], // 10010xxxx
[5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128],
[5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128],
[5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128], [5, 128],
[5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], // 10011xxxx
[5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8],
[5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8],
[5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8], [5, 8],
[5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], // 10100xxxx
[5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9],
[5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9],
[5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9], [5, 9],
[6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], // 101010xxx
[6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16], [6, 16],
[6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], // 101011xxx
[6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17], [6, 17],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], // 1011xxxxx
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], // 1100xxxxx
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5],
[6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], // 110100xxx
[6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14], [6, 14],
[6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], // 110101xxx
[6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15], [6, 15],
[5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], // 11011xxxx
[5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64],
[5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64],
[5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64], [5, 64],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], // 1110xxxxx
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], // 1111xxxxx
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7],
[4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7], [4, 7]
var blackTable1 = [
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 000000000000x
[12, ccittEOL], [12, ccittEOL], // 000000000001x
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000001xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000010xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000011xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000100xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000101xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000110xx
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 00000000111xx
[11, 1792], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], [11, 1792], // 00000001000xx
[12, 1984], [12, 1984], // 000000010010x
[12, 2048], [12, 2048], // 000000010011x
[12, 2112], [12, 2112], // 000000010100x
[12, 2176], [12, 2176], // 000000010101x
[12, 2240], [12, 2240], // 000000010110x
[12, 2304], [12, 2304], // 000000010111x
[11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], // 00000001100xx
[11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], // 00000001101xx
[12, 2368], [12, 2368], // 000000011100x
[12, 2432], [12, 2432], // 000000011101x
[12, 2496], [12, 2496], // 000000011110x
[12, 2560], [12, 2560], // 000000011111x
[10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], // 0000001000xxx
[10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18],
[12, 52], [12, 52], // 000000100100x
[13, 640], // 0000001001010
[13, 704], // 0000001001011
[13, 768], // 0000001001100
[13, 832], // 0000001001101
[12, 55], [12, 55], // 000000100111x
[12, 56], [12, 56], // 000000101000x
[13, 1280], // 0000001010010
[13, 1344], // 0000001010011
[13, 1408], // 0000001010100
[13, 1472], // 0000001010101
[12, 59], [12, 59], // 000000101011x
[12, 60], [12, 60], // 000000101100x
[13, 1536], // 0000001011010
[13, 1600], // 0000001011011
[11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], // 00000010111xx
[11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], // 00000011000xx
[13, 1664], // 0000001100100
[13, 1728], // 0000001100101
[12, 320], [12, 320], // 000000110011x
[12, 384], [12, 384], // 000000110100x
[12, 448], [12, 448], // 000000110101x
[13, 512], // 0000001101100
[13, 576], // 0000001101101
[12, 53], [12, 53], // 000000110111x
[12, 54], [12, 54], // 000000111000x
[13, 896], // 0000001110010
[13, 960], // 0000001110011
[13, 1024], // 0000001110100
[13, 1088], // 0000001110101
[13, 1152], // 0000001110110
[13, 1216], // 0000001110111
[10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], // 0000001111xxx
[10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64]
var blackTable2 = [
[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], // 00000100xxxx
[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13],
[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13],
[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13],
[11, 23], [11, 23], // 00000101000x
[12, 50], // 000001010010
[12, 51], // 000001010011
[12, 44], // 000001010100
[12, 45], // 000001010101
[12, 46], // 000001010110
[12, 47], // 000001010111
[12, 57], // 000001011000
[12, 58], // 000001011001
[12, 61], // 000001011010
[12, 256], // 000001011011
[10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], // 0000010111xx
[10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], // 0000011000xx
[12, 48], // 000001100100
[12, 49], // 000001100101
[12, 62], // 000001100110
[12, 63], // 000001100111
[12, 30], // 000001101000
[12, 31], // 000001101001
[12, 32], // 000001101010
[12, 33], // 000001101011
[12, 40], // 000001101100
[12, 41], // 000001101101
[11, 22], [11, 22], // 00000110111x
[8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], // 00000111xxxx
[8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14],
[8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14],
[8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], // 0000100xxxxx
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], // 0000101xxxxx
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11],
[9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], // 000011000xxx
[9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15], [9, 15],
[12, 128], // 000011001000
[12, 192], // 000011001001
[12, 26], // 000011001010
[12, 27], // 000011001011
[12, 28], // 000011001100
[12, 29], // 000011001101
[11, 19], [11, 19], // 00001100111x
[11, 20], [11, 20], // 00001101000x
[12, 34], // 000011010010
[12, 35], // 000011010011
[12, 36], // 000011010100
[12, 37], // 000011010101
[12, 38], // 000011010110
[12, 39], // 000011010111
[11, 21], [11, 21], // 00001101100x
[12, 42], // 000011011010
[12, 43], // 000011011011
[10, 0], [10, 0], [10, 0], [10, 0], // 0000110111xx
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], // 0000111xxxxx
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12],
[7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12], [7, 12]
var blackTable3 = [
[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], // 0000xx
[6, 9], // 000100
[6, 8], // 000101
[5, 7], [5, 7], // 00011x
[4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], [4, 6], // 0010xx
[4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], [4, 5], // 0011xx
[3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], // 010xxx
[3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1],
[3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], // 011xxx
[3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4],
[2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], // 10xxxx
[2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3],
[2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3],
[2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3],
[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], // 11xxxx
[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2],
[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2],
[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]
function constructor(str, params) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
params = params || new Dict();
this.encoding = params.get('K') || 0;
this.eoline = params.get('EndOfLine') || false;
this.byteAlign = params.get('EncodedByteAlign') || false;
this.columns = params.get('Columns') || 1728;
this.rows = params.get('Rows') || 0;
var eoblock = params.get('EndOfBlock');
if (eoblock == null)
eoblock = true;
this.eoblock = eoblock;
this.black = params.get('BlackIs1') || false;
this.codingLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 1);
this.refLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 2);
this.codingLine[0] = this.columns;
this.codingPos = 0;
this.row = 0;
this.nextLine2D = this.encoding < 0;
this.inputBits = 0;
this.outputBits = 0;
this.buf = EOF;
var code1;
while ((code1 = this.lookBits(12)) == 0) {
if (code1 == 1) {
if (this.encoding > 0) {
this.nextLine2D = !this.lookBits(1);
constructor.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
constructor.prototype.readBlock = function() {
while (!this.eof) {
var c = this.lookChar();
this.buf = EOF;
this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + 1);
this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = c;
constructor.prototype.addPixels = function(a1, blackPixels) {
var codingLine = this.codingLine;
var codingPos = this.codingPos;
if (a1 > codingLine[codingPos]) {
if (a1 > this.columns) {
warn('row is wrong length');
this.err = true;
a1 = this.columns;
if ((codingPos & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
codingLine[codingPos] = a1;
this.codingPos = codingPos;
constructor.prototype.addPixelsNeg = function(a1, blackPixels) {
var codingLine = this.codingLine;
var codingPos = this.codingPos;
if (a1 > codingLine[codingPos]) {
if (a1 > this.columns) {
warn('row is wrong length');
this.err = true;
a1 = this.columns;
if ((codingPos & 1) ^ blackPixels)
codingLine[codingPos] = a1;
} else if (a1 < codingLine[codingPos]) {
if (a1 < 0) {
warn('invalid code');
this.err = true;
a1 = 0;
while (codingPos > 0 && a1 < codingLine[codingPos - 1])
codingLine[codingPos] = a1;
this.codingPos = codingPos;
constructor.prototype.lookChar = function() {
var refLine = this.refLine;
var codingLine = this.codingLine;
var columns = this.columns;
var refPos, blackPixels, bits;
if (this.buf != EOF)
return buf;
if (this.outputBits == 0) {
if (this.eof)
this.err = false;
if (this.nextLine2D) {
for (var i = 0; codingLine[i] < columns; ++i)
refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
refLine[i++] = columns;
refLine[i] = columns;
codingLine[0] = 0;
this.codingPos = 0;
refPos = 0;
blackPixels = 0;
while (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
var code1 = this.getTwoDimCode();
switch (code1) {
case twoDimPass:
this.addPixels(refLine[refPos + 1], blackPixels);
if (refLine[refPos + 1] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimHoriz:
var code1 = 0, code2 = 0;
if (blackPixels) {
var code3;
do {
code1 += (code3 = this.getBlackCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
do {
code2 += (code3 = this.getWhiteCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
} else {
var code3;
do {
code1 += (code3 = this.getWhiteCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
do {
code2 += (code3 = this.getBlackCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
this.addPixels(codingLine[this.codingPos] +
code1, blackPixels);
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
this.addPixels(codingLine[this.codingPos] + code2,
blackPixels ^ 1);
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns) {
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertR3:
this.addPixels(refLine[refPos] + 3, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertR2:
this.addPixels(refLine[refPos] + 2, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns) {
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertR1:
this.addPixels(refLine[refPos] + 1, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVert0:
this.addPixels(refLine[refPos], blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertL3:
this.addPixelsNeg(refLine[refPos] - 3, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
if (refPos > 0)
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertL2:
this.addPixelsNeg(refLine[refPos] - 2, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
if (refPos > 0)
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case twoDimVertL1:
this.addPixelsNeg(refLine[refPos] - 1, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
if (refPos > 0)
while (refLine[refPos] <= codingLine[this.codingPos] &&
refLine[refPos] < columns)
refPos += 2;
case EOF:
this.addPixels(columns, 0);
this.eof = true;
warn('bad 2d code');
this.addPixels(columns, 0);
this.err = true;
} else {
codingLine[0] = 0;
this.codingPos = 0;
blackPixels = 0;
while (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
code1 = 0;
if (blackPixels) {
do {
code1 += (code3 = this.getBlackCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
} else {
do {
code1 += (code3 = this.getWhiteCode());
} while (code3 >= 64);
this.addPixels(codingLine[this.codingPos] + code1, blackPixels);
blackPixels ^= 1;
if (this.byteAlign)
this.inputBits &= ~7;
var gotEOL = false;
if (!this.eoblock && this.row == this.rows - 1) {
this.eof = true;
} else {
code1 = this.lookBits(12);
while (code1 == 0) {
code1 = this.lookBits(12);
if (code1 == 1) {
gotEOL = true;
} else if (code1 == EOF) {
this.eof = true;
if (!this.eof && this.encoding > 0) {
this.nextLine2D = !this.lookBits(1);
if (this.eoblock && gotEOL) {
code1 = this.lookBits(12);
if (code1 == 1) {
if (this.encoding > 0) {
if (this.encoding >= 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
code1 = this.lookBits(12);
if (code1 != 1)
warning('bad rtc code');
if (this.encoding > 0) {
this.eof = true;
} else if (this.err && this.eoline) {
var code1;
while (true) {
code1 = this.lookBits(13);
if (code1 == EOF) {
this.eof = true;
if ((code1 >> 1) == 1) {
if (this.encoding > 0) {
this.nextLine2D = !(code1 & 1);
if (codingLine[0] > 0)
this.outputBits = codingLine[this.codingPos = 0];
this.outputBits = codingLine[this.codingPos = 1];
if (this.outputBits >= 8) {
this.buf = (this.codingPos & 1) ? 0 : 0xFF;
this.outputBits -= 8;
if (this.outputBits == 0 && codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
this.outputBits = (codingLine[this.codingPos] -
codingLine[this.codingPos - 1]);
} else {
var bits = 8;
this.buf = 0;
do {
if (this.outputBits > bits) {
this.buf <<= bits;
if (!(this.codingPos & 1)) {
this.buf |= 0xFF >> (8 - bits);
this.outputBits -= bits;
bits = 0;
} else {
this.buf <<= this.outputBits;
if (!(this.codingPos & 1)) {
this.buf |= 0xFF >> (8 - this.outputBits);
bits -= this.outputBits;
this.outputBits = 0;
if (codingLine[this.codingPos] < columns) {
this.outputBits = (codingLine[this.codingPos] -
codingLine[this.codingPos - 1]);
} else if (bits > 0) {
this.buf <<= bits;
bits = 0;
} while (bits);
if (this.black) {
this.buf ^= 0xFF;
return this.buf;
constructor.prototype.getTwoDimCode = function() {
var code = 0;
var p;
if (this.eoblock) {
code = this.lookBits(7);
p = twoDimTable[code];
if (p[0] > 0) {
return p[1];
} else {
for (var n = 1; n <= 7; ++n) {
code = this.lookBits(n);
if (n < 7) {
code <<= 7 - n;
p = twoDimTable[code];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[1];
warn('Bad two dim code');
return EOF;
constructor.prototype.getWhiteCode = function() {
var code = 0;
var p;
var n;
if (this.eoblock) {
code = this.lookBits(12);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if ((code >> 5) == 0)
p = whiteTable1[code];
p = whiteTable2[code >> 3];
if (p[0] > 0) {
return p[1];
} else {
for (var n = 1; n <= 9; ++n) {
code = this.lookBits(n);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if (n < 9)
code <<= 9 - n;
p = whiteTable2[code];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[0];
for (var n = 11; n <= 12; ++n) {
code == this.lookBits(n);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if (n < 12)
code <<= 12 - n;
p = whiteTable1[code];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[1];
warn('bad white code');
return 1;
constructor.prototype.getBlackCode = function() {
var code, p, n;
if (this.eoblock) {
code = this.lookBits(13);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if ((code >> 7) == 0)
p = blackTable1[code];
else if ((code >> 9) == 0 && (code >> 7) != 0)
p = blackTable2[(code >> 1) - 64];
p = blackTable3[code >> 7];
if (p[0] > 0) {
return p[1];
} else {
for (var n = 2; n <= 6; ++n) {
code = this.lookBits(n);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if (n < 6)
code <<= 6 - n;
p = blackTable3[code];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[1];
for (var n = 7; n <= 12; ++n) {
code = this.lookBits(n);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if (n < 12)
code <<= 12 - n;
if (code >= 64) {
p = blackTable2[code - 64];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[1];
for (n = 10; n <= 13; ++n) {
code = this.lookBits(n);
if (code == EOF)
return 1;
if (n < 13)
code << 13 - n;
p = blackTable1[code];
if (p[0] == n) {
return p[1];
warn('bad black code');
return 1;
constructor.prototype.lookBits = function(n) {
var c;
while (this.inputBits < n) {
if ((c = this.str.getByte()) == null) {
if (this.inputBits == 0)
return EOF;
return ((this.inputBuf << (n - this.inputBits)) &
(0xFFFF >> (16 - n)));
this.inputBuf = (this.inputBuf << 8) + c;
this.inputBits += 8;
return (this.inputBuf >> (this.inputBits - n)) & (0xFFFF >> (16 - n));
constructor.prototype.eatBits = function(n) {
if ((this.inputBits -= n) < 0)
this.inputBits = 0;
return constructor;
var Name = (function() {
function constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
constructor.prototype = {
return constructor;
var Cmd = (function() {
function constructor(cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
constructor.prototype = {
return constructor;
var Dict = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.map = Object.create(null);
constructor.prototype = {
get: function(key1, key2, key3) {
var value;
if (typeof (value = this.map[key1]) != 'undefined' || key1 in this.map || typeof key2 == 'undefined') {
return value;
if (typeof (value = this.map[key2]) != 'undefined' || key2 in this.map || typeof key3 == 'undefined') {
return value;
return this.map[key3] || null;
set: function(key, value) {
this.map[key] = value;
has: function(key) {
return key in this.map;
forEach: function(callback) {
for (var key in this.map) {
callback(key, this.map[key]);
return constructor;
var Ref = (function() {
function constructor(num, gen) {
this.num = num;
this.gen = gen;
constructor.prototype = {
return constructor;
function IsBool(v) {
return typeof v == 'boolean';
function IsInt(v) {
return typeof v == 'number' && ((v | 0) == v);
function IsNum(v) {
return typeof v == 'number';
function IsString(v) {
return typeof v == 'string';
function IsNull(v) {
return v === null;
function IsName(v) {
return v instanceof Name;
function IsCmd(v, cmd) {
return v instanceof Cmd && (!cmd || v.cmd == cmd);
function IsDict(v, type) {
return v instanceof Dict && (!type || v.get('Type').name == type);
function IsArray(v) {
return v instanceof Array;
function IsStream(v) {
return typeof v == 'object' && v != null && ('getChar' in v);
function IsRef(v) {
return v instanceof Ref;
function IsPDFFunction(v) {
var fnDict;
if (typeof v != 'object')
return false;
else if (IsDict(v))
fnDict = v;
else if (IsStream(v))
fnDict = v.dict;
return false;
return fnDict.has('FunctionType');
var EOF = {};
function IsEOF(v) {
return v == EOF;
var None = {};
function IsNone(v) {
return v == None;
var Lexer = (function() {
function constructor(stream) {
this.stream = stream;
constructor.isSpace = function(ch) {
return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t';
// A '1' in this array means the character is white space. A '1' or
// '2' means the character ends a name or command.
var specialChars = [
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, // 0x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 1x
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, // 2x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, // 3x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 4x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, // 5x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 6x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, // 7x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 8x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 9x
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // ax
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // bx
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // cx
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // dx
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // ex
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // fx
var MIN_INT = (1 << 31) | 0;
var MAX_INT = (MIN_INT - 1) | 0;
var MIN_UINT = 0;
var MAX_UINT = ((1 << 30) * 4) - 1;
function ToHexDigit(ch) {
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
return ch.charCodeAt(0) - 48;
ch = ch.toUpperCase();
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
return ch.charCodeAt(0) - 55;
return -1;
constructor.prototype = {
getNumber: function(ch) {
var floating = false;
var str = ch;
var stream = this.stream;
do {
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch == '.' && !floating) {
str += ch;
floating = true;
} else if (ch == '-') {
// ignore minus signs in the middle of numbers to match
// Adobe's behavior
warn('Badly formated number');
} else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
str += ch;
} else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
floating = true;
} else {
// the last character doesn't belong to us
} while (true);
var value = parseFloat(str);
if (isNaN(value))
error('Invalid floating point number');
return value;
getString: function() {
var n = 0;
var numParen = 1;
var done = false;
var str = '';
var stream = this.stream;
var ch;
do {
switch (ch = stream.getChar()) {
case undefined:
warn('Unterminated string');
done = true;
case '(':
str += ch;
case ')':
if (--numParen == 0) {
done = true;
} else {
str += ch;
case '\\':
switch (ch = stream.getChar()) {
case undefined:
warn('Unterminated string');
done = true;
case 'n':
str += '\n';
case 'r':
str += '\r';
case 't':
str += '\t';
case 'b':
str += '\b';
case 'f':
str += '\f';
case '\\':
case '(':
case ')':
str += ch;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
var x = ch - '0';
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') {
x = (x << 3) + (ch - '0');
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') {
x = (x << 3) + (ch - '0');
str += String.fromCharCode(x);
case '\r':
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch == '\n')
case '\n':
str += ch;
str += ch;
} while (!done);
if (!str.length)
return EOF;
return str;
getName: function(ch) {
var str = '';
var stream = this.stream;
while (!!(ch = stream.lookChar()) && !specialChars[ch.charCodeAt(0)]) {
if (ch == '#') {
ch = stream.lookChar();
var x = ToHexDigit(ch);
if (x != -1) {
var x2 = ToHexDigit(stream.getChar());
if (x2 == -1)
error('Illegal digit in hex char in name');
str += String.fromCharCode((x << 4) | x2);
} else {
str += '#';
str += ch;
} else {
str += ch;
if (str.length > 128)
error('Warning: name token is longer than allowed by the spec.');
return new Name(str);
getHexString: function(ch) {
var str = '';
var stream = this.stream;
while (1) {
ch = stream.getChar();
if (ch == '>') {
if (!ch) {
warn('Unterminated hex string');
if (specialChars[ch.charCodeAt(0)] != 1) {
var x, x2;
if (((x = ToHexDigit(ch)) == -1) ||
((x2 = ToHexDigit(stream.getChar())) == -1)) {
error('Illegal character in hex string');
str += String.fromCharCode((x << 4) | x2);
return str;
getObj: function() {
// skip whitespace and comments
var comment = false;
var stream = this.stream;
var ch;
while (true) {
if (!(ch = stream.getChar()))
return EOF;
if (comment) {
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
comment = false;
} else if (ch == '%') {
comment = true;
} else if (specialChars[ch.charCodeAt(0)] != 1) {
// start reading token
switch (ch) {
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
case '+': case '-': case '.':
return this.getNumber(ch);
case '(':
return this.getString();
case '/':
return this.getName(ch);
// array punctuation
case '[':
case ']':
return new Cmd(ch);
// hex string or dict punctuation
case '<':
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch == '<') {
// dict punctuation
return new Cmd('<<');
return this.getHexString(ch);
// dict punctuation
case '>':
ch = stream.lookChar();
if (ch == '>') {
return new Cmd('>>');
case '{':
case '}':
return new Cmd(ch);
// fall through
case ')':
error('Illegal character');
return Error;
// command
var str = ch;
while (!!(ch = stream.lookChar()) && !specialChars[ch.charCodeAt(0)]) {
if (str.length == 128) {
error('Command token too long');
str += ch;
if (str == 'true')
return true;
if (str == 'false')
return false;
if (str == 'null')
return null;
return new Cmd(str);
skipToNextLine: function() {
var stream = this.stream;
while (true) {
var ch = stream.getChar();
if (!ch || ch == '\n')
if (ch == '\r') {
if ((ch = stream.lookChar()) == '\n')
return constructor;
var Parser = (function() {
function constructor(lexer, allowStreams, xref) {
this.lexer = lexer;
this.allowStreams = allowStreams;
this.xref = xref;
this.inlineImg = 0;
constructor.prototype = {
refill: function() {
this.buf1 = this.lexer.getObj();
this.buf2 = this.lexer.getObj();
shift: function() {
if (this.inlineImg > 0) {
if (this.inlineImg < 2) {
} else {
// in a damaged content stream, if 'ID' shows up in the middle
// of a dictionary, we need to reset
this.inlineImg = 0;
} else if (IsCmd(this.buf2, 'ID')) {
this.lexer.skip(); // skip char after 'ID' command
this.inlineImg = 1;
this.buf1 = this.buf2;
// don't buffer inline image data
this.buf2 = (this.inlineImg > 0) ? null : this.lexer.getObj();
getObj: function(cipherTransform) {
// refill buffer after inline image data
if (this.inlineImg == 2)
if (IsCmd(this.buf1, '[')) { // array
var array = [];
while (!IsCmd(this.buf1, ']') && !IsEOF(this.buf1))
if (IsEOF(this.buf1))
error('End of file inside array');
return array;
} else if (IsCmd(this.buf1, '<<')) { // dictionary or stream
var dict = new Dict();
while (!IsCmd(this.buf1, '>>') && !IsEOF(this.buf1)) {
if (!IsName(this.buf1)) {
error('Dictionary key must be a name object');
} else {
var key = this.buf1.name;
if (IsEOF(this.buf1))
dict.set(key, this.getObj(cipherTransform));
if (IsEOF(this.buf1))
error('End of file inside dictionary');
// stream objects are not allowed inside content streams or
// object streams
if (this.allowStreams && IsCmd(this.buf2, 'stream')) {
return this.makeStream(dict, cipherTransform);
} else {
return dict;
} else if (IsInt(this.buf1)) { // indirect reference or integer
var num = this.buf1;
if (IsInt(this.buf1) && IsCmd(this.buf2, 'R')) {
var ref = new Ref(num, this.buf1);
return ref;
return num;
} else if (IsString(this.buf1)) { // string
var str = this.buf1;
if (cipherTransform)
str = cipherTransform.decryptString(str);
return str;
// simple object
var obj = this.buf1;
return obj;
makeStream: function(dict, cipherTransform) {
var lexer = this.lexer;
var stream = lexer.stream;
// get stream start position
var pos = stream.pos;
// get length
var length = dict.get('Length');
var xref = this.xref;
if (xref)
length = xref.fetchIfRef(length);
if (!IsInt(length)) {
error("Bad 'Length' attribute in stream");
length = 0;
// skip over the stream data
stream.pos = pos + length;
this.shift(); // '>>'
this.shift(); // 'stream'
if (!IsCmd(this.buf1, 'endstream'))
error("Missing 'endstream'");
stream = stream.makeSubStream(pos, length, dict);
if (cipherTransform)
stream = cipherTransform.createStream(stream);
stream = this.filter(stream, dict, length);
stream.parameters = dict;
return stream;
filter: function(stream, dict, length) {
var filter = dict.get('Filter', 'F');
var params = dict.get('DecodeParms', 'DP');
if (IsName(filter))
return this.makeFilter(stream, filter.name, length, params);
if (IsArray(filter)) {
var filterArray = filter;
var paramsArray = params;
for (var i = 0, ii = filterArray.length; i < ii; ++i) {
filter = filterArray[i];
if (!IsName(filter))
error('Bad filter name');
else {
params = null;
if (IsArray(paramsArray) && (i in paramsArray))
params = paramsArray[i];
stream = this.makeFilter(stream, filter.name, length, params);
return stream;
makeFilter: function(stream, name, length, params) {
if (name == 'FlateDecode' || name == 'Fl') {
if (params) {
return new PredictorStream(new FlateStream(stream), params);
return new FlateStream(stream);
} else if (name == 'DCTDecode') {
var bytes = stream.getBytes(length);
return new JpegStream(bytes, stream.dict);
} else if (name == 'ASCII85Decode') {
return new Ascii85Stream(stream);
} else if (name == 'ASCIIHexDecode') {
return new AsciiHexStream(stream);
} else if (name == 'CCITTFaxDecode') {
TODO('implement fax stream');
return new CCITTFaxStream(stream, params);
} else {
error("filter '" + name + "' not supported yet");
return stream;
return constructor;
var Linearization = (function() {
function constructor(stream) {
this.parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false);
var obj1 = this.parser.getObj();
var obj2 = this.parser.getObj();
var obj3 = this.parser.getObj();
this.linDict = this.parser.getObj();
if (IsInt(obj1) && IsInt(obj2) && IsCmd(obj3, 'obj') &&
IsDict(this.linDict)) {
var obj = this.linDict.get('Linearized');
if (!(IsNum(obj) && obj > 0))
this.linDict = null;
constructor.prototype = {
getInt: function(name) {
var linDict = this.linDict;
var obj;
if (IsDict(linDict) &&
IsInt(obj = linDict.get(name)) &&
obj > 0) {
return obj;
error("'" + name + "' field in linearization table is invalid");
return 0;
getHint: function(index) {
var linDict = this.linDict;
var obj1, obj2;
if (IsDict(linDict) &&
IsArray(obj1 = linDict.get('H')) &&
obj1.length >= 2 &&
IsInt(obj2 = obj1[index]) &&
obj2 > 0) {
return obj2;
error('Hints table in linearization table is invalid');
return 0;
get length() {
if (!IsDict(this.linDict))
return 0;
return this.getInt('L');
get hintsOffset() {
return this.getHint(0);
get hintsLength() {
return this.getHint(1);
get hintsOffset2() {
return this.getHint(2);
get hintsLenth2() {
return this.getHint(3);
get objectNumberFirst() {
return this.getInt('O');
get endFirst() {
return this.getInt('E');
get numPages() {
return this.getInt('N');
get mainXRefEntriesOffset() {
return this.getInt('T');
get pageFirst() {
return this.getInt('P');
return constructor;
var XRef = (function() {
function constructor(stream, startXRef, mainXRefEntriesOffset) {
this.stream = stream;
this.entries = [];
this.xrefstms = {};
var trailerDict = this.readXRef(startXRef);
// prepare the XRef cache
this.cache = [];
var encrypt = trailerDict.get('Encrypt');
if (encrypt) {
var fileId = trailerDict.get('ID');
this.encrypt = new CipherTransformFactory(this.fetch(encrypt),
fileId[0] /*, password */);
// get the root dictionary (catalog) object
if (!IsRef(this.root = trailerDict.get('Root')))
error('Invalid root reference');
constructor.prototype = {
readXRefTable: function readXRefTable(parser) {
var obj;
while (true) {
if (IsCmd(obj = parser.getObj(), 'trailer'))
if (!IsInt(obj))
error('Invalid XRef table');
var first = obj;
if (!IsInt(obj = parser.getObj()))
error('Invalid XRef table');
var n = obj;
if (first < 0 || n < 0 || (first + n) != ((first + n) | 0))
error('Invalid XRef table');
for (var i = first; i < first + n; ++i) {
var entry = {};
if (!IsInt(obj = parser.getObj()))
error('Invalid XRef table');
entry.offset = obj;
if (!IsInt(obj = parser.getObj()))
error('Invalid XRef table');
entry.gen = obj;
obj = parser.getObj();
if (IsCmd(obj, 'n')) {
entry.uncompressed = true;
} else if (IsCmd(obj, 'f')) {
entry.free = true;
} else {
error('Invalid XRef table');
if (!this.entries[i]) {
// In some buggy PDF files the xref table claims to start at 1
// instead of 0.
if (i == 1 && first == 1 &&
entry.offset == 0 && entry.gen == 65535 && entry.free) {
i = first = 0;
this.entries[i] = entry;
// read the trailer dictionary
var dict;
if (!IsDict(dict = parser.getObj()))
error('Invalid XRef table');
// get the 'Prev' pointer
var prev;
obj = dict.get('Prev');
if (IsInt(obj)) {
prev = obj;
} else if (IsRef(obj)) {
// certain buggy PDF generators generate "/Prev NNN 0 R" instead
// of "/Prev NNN"
prev = obj.num;
if (prev) {
// check for 'XRefStm' key
if (IsInt(obj = dict.get('XRefStm'))) {
var pos = obj;
if (pos in this.xrefstms)
error('Invalid XRef table');
this.xrefstms[pos] = 1; // avoid infinite recursion
return dict;
readXRefStream: function readXRefStream(stream) {
var streamParameters = stream.parameters;
var length = streamParameters.get('Length');
var byteWidths = streamParameters.get('W');
var range = streamParameters.get('Index');
if (!range)
range = [0, streamParameters.get('Size')];
var i, j;
while (range.length > 0) {
var first = range[0], n = range[1];
if (!IsInt(first) || !IsInt(n))
error('Invalid XRef range fields');
var typeFieldWidth = byteWidths[0];
var offsetFieldWidth = byteWidths[1];
var generationFieldWidth = byteWidths[2];
if (!IsInt(typeFieldWidth) || !IsInt(offsetFieldWidth) ||
!IsInt(generationFieldWidth)) {
error('Invalid XRef entry fields length');
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var type = 0, offset = 0, generation = 0;
for (j = 0; j < typeFieldWidth; ++j)
type = (type << 8) | stream.getByte();
// if type field is absent, its default value = 1
if (typeFieldWidth == 0)
type = 1;
for (j = 0; j < offsetFieldWidth; ++j)
offset = (offset << 8) | stream.getByte();
for (j = 0; j < generationFieldWidth; ++j)
generation = (generation << 8) | stream.getByte();
var entry = {};
entry.offset = offset;
entry.gen = generation;
switch (type) {
case 0:
entry.free = true;
case 1:
entry.uncompressed = true;
case 2:
error('Invalid XRef entry type');
if (!this.entries[first + i])
this.entries[first + i] = entry;
range.splice(0, 2);
var prev = streamParameters.get('Prev');
if (IsInt(prev))
return streamParameters;
readXRef: function readXref(startXRef) {
var stream = this.stream;
stream.pos = startXRef;
var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true);
var obj = parser.getObj();
// parse an old-style xref table
if (IsCmd(obj, 'xref'))
return this.readXRefTable(parser);
// parse an xref stream
if (IsInt(obj)) {
if (!IsInt(parser.getObj()) ||
!IsCmd(parser.getObj(), 'obj') ||
!IsStream(obj = parser.getObj())) {
error('Invalid XRef stream');
return this.readXRefStream(obj);
error('Invalid XRef');
return null;
getEntry: function(i) {
var e = this.entries[i];
if (e.free)
error('reading an XRef stream not implemented yet');
return e;
fetchIfRef: function(obj) {
if (!IsRef(obj))
return obj;
return this.fetch(obj);
fetch: function(ref) {
var num = ref.num;
var e = this.cache[num];
if (e)
return e;
e = this.getEntry(num);
var gen = ref.gen;
var stream, parser;
if (e.uncompressed) {
if (e.gen != gen)
throw ('inconsistent generation in XRef');
stream = this.stream.makeSubStream(e.offset);
parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, this);
var obj1 = parser.getObj();
var obj2 = parser.getObj();
var obj3 = parser.getObj();
if (!IsInt(obj1) || obj1 != num ||
!IsInt(obj2) || obj2 != gen ||
!IsCmd(obj3)) {
error('bad XRef entry');
if (!IsCmd(obj3, 'obj')) {
// some bad pdfs use "obj1234" and really mean 1234
if (obj3.cmd.indexOf('obj') == 0) {
var num = parseInt(obj3.cmd.substring(3));
if (!isNaN(num))
return num;
error('bad XRef entry');
if (this.encrypt) {
e = parser.getObj(this.encrypt.createCipherTransform(num, gen));
} else {
e = parser.getObj();
// Don't cache streams since they are mutable.
if (!IsStream(e))
this.cache[num] = e;
return e;
// compressed entry
stream = this.fetch(new Ref(e.offset, 0));
if (!IsStream(stream))
error('bad ObjStm stream');
var first = stream.parameters.get('First');
var n = stream.parameters.get('N');
if (!IsInt(first) || !IsInt(n)) {
error('invalid first and n parameters for ObjStm stream');
parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false);
var i, entries = [], nums = [];
// read the object numbers to populate cache
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var num = parser.getObj();
if (!IsInt(num)) {
error('invalid object number in the ObjStm stream');
var offset = parser.getObj();
if (!IsInt(offset)) {
error('invalid object offset in the ObjStm stream');
// read stream objects for cache
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
this.cache[nums[i]] = entries[i];
e = entries[e.gen];
if (!e) {
error('bad XRef entry for compressed object');
return e;
getCatalogObj: function() {
return this.fetch(this.root);
return constructor;
var Page = (function() {
function constructor(xref, pageNumber, pageDict) {
this.xref = xref;
this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
this.pageDict = pageDict;
constructor.prototype = {
getPageProp: function(key) {
return this.xref.fetchIfRef(this.pageDict.get(key));
inheritPageProp: function(key) {
var dict = this.pageDict;
var obj = dict.get(key);
while (!obj) {
dict = this.xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Parent'));
if (!dict)
obj = dict.get(key);
return obj;
get content() {
return shadow(this, 'content', this.getPageProp('Contents'));
get resources() {
return shadow(this, 'resources', this.inheritPageProp('Resources'));
get mediaBox() {
var obj = this.inheritPageProp('MediaBox');
return shadow(this, 'mediaBox',
((IsArray(obj) && obj.length == 4) ? obj : null));
compile: function(gfx, fonts) {
if (this.code) {
// content was compiled
var xref = this.xref;
var content;
var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources);
if (!IsArray(this.content)) {
// content is not an array, shortcut
content = xref.fetchIfRef(this.content);
this.code = gfx.compile(content, xref, resources, fonts);
// the content is an array, compiling all items
var i, n = this.content.length, compiledItems = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
content = xref.fetchIfRef(this.content[i]);
compiledItems.push(gfx.compile(content, xref, resources, fonts));
// creating the function that executes all compiled items
this.code = function(gfx) {
var i, n = compiledItems.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
display: function(gfx) {
assert(this.code instanceof Function,
'page content must be compiled first');
var xref = this.xref;
var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources);
var mediaBox = xref.fetchIfRef(this.mediaBox);
assertWellFormed(IsDict(resources), 'invalid page resources');
gfx.beginDrawing({ x: mediaBox[0], y: mediaBox[1],
width: mediaBox[2] - mediaBox[0],
height: mediaBox[3] - mediaBox[1] });
gfx.execute(this.code, xref, resources);
return constructor;
var Catalog = (function() {
function constructor(xref) {
this.xref = xref;
var obj = xref.getCatalogObj();
assertWellFormed(IsDict(obj), 'catalog object is not a dictionary');
this.catDict = obj;
constructor.prototype = {
get toplevelPagesDict() {
var obj = this.catDict.get('Pages');
assertWellFormed(IsRef(obj), 'invalid top-level pages reference');
var obj = this.xref.fetch(obj);
assertWellFormed(IsDict(obj), 'invalid top-level pages dictionary');
// shadow the prototype getter
return shadow(this, 'toplevelPagesDict', obj);
get numPages() {
var obj = this.toplevelPagesDict.get('Count');
'page count in top level pages object is not an integer'
// shadow the prototype getter
return shadow(this, 'num', obj);
traverseKids: function(pagesDict) {
var pageCache = this.pageCache;
var kids = pagesDict.get('Kids');
'page dictionary kids object is not an array');
for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; ++i) {
var kid = kids[i];
'page dictionary kid is not a reference');
var obj = this.xref.fetch(kid);
if (IsDict(obj, 'Page') || (IsDict(obj) && !obj.has('Kids'))) {
pageCache.push(new Page(this.xref, pageCache.length, obj));
} else { // must be a child page dictionary
'page dictionary kid reference points to wrong type of object'
getPage: function(n) {
var pageCache = this.pageCache;
if (!pageCache) {
pageCache = this.pageCache = [];
return this.pageCache[n - 1];
return constructor;
var PDFDoc = (function() {
function constructor(stream) {
assertWellFormed(stream.length > 0, 'stream must have data');
this.stream = stream;
function find(stream, needle, limit, backwards) {
var pos = stream.pos;
var end = stream.end;
var str = '';
if (pos + limit > end)
limit = end - pos;
for (var n = 0; n < limit; ++n)
str += stream.getChar();
stream.pos = pos;
var index = backwards ? str.lastIndexOf(needle) : str.indexOf(needle);
if (index == -1)
return false; /* not found */
stream.pos += index;
return true; /* found */
constructor.prototype = {
get linearization() {
var length = this.stream.length;
var linearization = false;
if (length) {
linearization = new Linearization(this.stream);
if (linearization.length != length)
linearization = false;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'linearization', linearization);
get startXRef() {
var stream = this.stream;
var startXRef = 0;
var linearization = this.linearization;
if (linearization) {
// Find end of first obj.
if (find(stream, 'endobj', 1024))
startXRef = stream.pos + 6;
} else {
// Find startxref at the end of the file.
var start = stream.end - 1024;
if (start < 0)
start = 0;
stream.pos = start;
if (find(stream, 'startxref', 1024, true)) {
var ch;
while (Lexer.isSpace(ch = stream.getChar()))
var str = '';
while ((ch - '0') <= 9) {
str += ch;
ch = stream.getChar();
startXRef = parseInt(str);
if (isNaN(startXRef))
startXRef = 0;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'startXRef', startXRef);
get mainXRefEntriesOffset() {
var mainXRefEntriesOffset = 0;
var linearization = this.linearization;
if (linearization)
mainXRefEntriesOffset = linearization.mainXRefEntriesOffset;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'mainXRefEntriesOffset', mainXRefEntriesOffset);
// Find the header, remove leading garbage and setup the stream
// starting from the header.
checkHeader: function() {
var stream = this.stream;
if (find(stream, '%PDF-', 1024)) {
// Found the header, trim off any garbage before it.
// May not be a PDF file, continue anyway.
setup: function(ownerPassword, userPassword) {
this.xref = new XRef(this.stream,
this.catalog = new Catalog(this.xref);
get numPages() {
var linearization = this.linearization;
var num = linearization ? linearization.numPages : this.catalog.numPages;
// shadow the prototype getter
return shadow(this, 'numPages', num);
getPage: function(n) {
var linearization = this.linearization;
// assert(!linearization, "linearized page access not implemented");
return this.catalog.getPage(n);
return constructor;
var Encodings = {
get ExpertEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'ExpertEncoding', [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall',, 'dollaroldstyle',
'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior',
'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma',
'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle',
'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle',
'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon',
'semicolon', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior',
'questionsmall',, 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior',
'esuperior',,, 'isuperior',,, 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior',
'osuperior',,, 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior',, 'ff', 'fi', 'fl',
'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior',, 'parenrightinferior',
'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall',
'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall',
'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall',
'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall',
'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah',
'Tildesmall',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'exclamdownsmall',
'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall',,, 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall',
'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall',, 'Dotaccentsmall',,,
'Macronsmall',,, 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior',,, 'Ogoneksmall',
'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall',,,, 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters',
'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths',
'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds',,, 'zerosuperior', 'onesuperior',
'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior',
'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior',
'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior',
'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior',
'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior',
'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall',
'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall',
'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall',
'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall',
'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall',
'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall',
'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall',
'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall',
get MacExpertEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'MacExpertEncoding', [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'centoldstyle',
'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall',
'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader',
'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction',
'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle',
'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle',
'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon',,
'threequartersemdash',, 'questionsmall',,,,, 'Ethsmall',,, 'onequarter',
'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths',
'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds',,,,,,, 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi',
'ffl', 'parenleftinferior',, 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall',
'hypheninferior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall',
'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall',
'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall',
'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall',
'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall',,,
'asuperior', 'centsuperior',,,,, 'Aacutesmall', 'Agravesmall',
'Acircumflexsmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Aringsmall',
'Ccedillasmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall',
'Edieresissmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall',
'Idieresissmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ogravesmall',
'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Uacutesmall',
'Ugravesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall',, 'eightsuperior',
'fourinferior', 'threeinferior', 'sixinferior', 'eightinferior',
'seveninferior', 'Scaronsmall',, 'centinferior', 'twoinferior',,
'Dieresissmall',, 'Caronsmall', 'osuperior', 'fiveinferior',,
'commainferior', 'periodinferior', 'Yacutesmall',, 'dollarinferior',,
'Thornsmall',, 'nineinferior', 'zeroinferior', 'Zcaronsmall', 'AEsmall',
'Oslashsmall', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneinferior', 'Lslashsmall',,,,,,,
'Cedillasmall',,,,,, 'OEsmall', 'figuredash', 'hyphensuperior',,,,,
'exclamdownsmall',, 'Ydieresissmall',, 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior',
'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior',
'sevensuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zerosuperior',, 'esuperior',
'rsuperior', 'tsuperior',,, 'isuperior', 'ssuperior', 'dsuperior',,,,,,
'lsuperior', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Macronsmall', 'bsuperior',
'nsuperior', 'msuperior', 'commasuperior', 'periodsuperior',
'Dotaccentsmall', 'Ringsmall'
get MacRomanEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'MacRomanEncoding', [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent',
'ampersand', 'quotesingle', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk',
'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two',
'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon',
'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C',
'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q',
'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash',
'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'grave', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r',
's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright',
'asciitilde',, 'Adieresis', 'Aring', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ntilde',
'Odieresis', 'Udieresis', 'aacute', 'agrave', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis',
'atilde', 'aring', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'egrave', 'ecircumflex',
'edieresis', 'iacute', 'igrave', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'ntilde',
'oacute', 'ograve', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'otilde', 'uacute',
'ugrave', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'dagger', 'degree', 'cent',
'sterling', 'section', 'bullet', 'paragraph', 'germandbls', 'registered',
'copyright', 'trademark', 'acute', 'dieresis', 'notequal', 'AE',
'Oslash', 'infinity', 'plusminus', 'lessequal', 'greaterequal', 'yen',
'mu', 'partialdiff', 'summation', 'product', 'pi', 'integral',
'ordfeminine', 'ordmasculine', 'Omega', 'ae', 'oslash', 'questiondown',
'exclamdown', 'logicalnot', 'radical', 'florin', 'approxequal', 'Delta',
'guillemotleft', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'space', 'Agrave',
'Atilde', 'Otilde', 'OE', 'oe', 'endash', 'emdash', 'quotedblleft',
'quotedblright', 'quoteleft', 'quoteright', 'divide', 'lozenge',
'ydieresis', 'Ydieresis', 'fraction', 'currency', 'guilsinglleft',
'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered',
'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'perthousand', 'Acircumflex',
'Ecircumflex', 'Aacute', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex',
'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'apple', 'Ograve',
'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Ugrave', 'dotlessi', 'circumflex', 'tilde',
'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut',
'ogonek', 'caron'
get StandardEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'StandardEncoding', [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent',
'ampersand', 'quoteright', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk',
'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two',
'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon',
'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B',
'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft',
'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'quoteleft',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft',
'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde',,, 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling',
'fraction', 'yen', 'florin', 'section', 'currency', 'quotesingle',
'quotedblleft', 'guillemotleft', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi',
'fl',, 'endash', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered',, 'paragraph',
'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'quotedblright',
'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'perthousand',, 'questiondown',, 'grave',
'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent',
'dieresis',, 'ring', 'cedilla',, 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron',
'emdash',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'AE',, 'ordfeminine',,,,, 'Lslash', 'Oslash',
'OE', 'ordmasculine',,,,,, 'ae',,,, 'dotlessi',,, 'lslash', 'oslash',
'oe', 'germandbls'
get WinAnsiEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'WinAnsiEncoding',
'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent',
'ampersand', 'quotesingle', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk',
'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two',
'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon',
'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C',
'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q',
'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash',
'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'grave', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r',
's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright',
'asciitilde', 'bullet', 'Euro', 'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'florin',
'quotedblbase', 'ellipsis', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'circumflex',
'perthousand', 'Scaron', 'guilsinglleft', 'OE', 'bullet', 'Zcaron',
'bullet', 'bullet', 'quoteleft', 'quoteright', 'quotedblleft',
'quotedblright', 'bullet', 'endash', 'emdash', 'tilde', 'trademark',
'scaron', 'guilsinglright', 'oe', 'bullet', 'zcaron', 'Ydieresis',
'space', 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling', 'currency', 'yen', 'brokenbar',
'section', 'dieresis', 'copyright', 'ordfeminine', 'guillemotleft',
'logicalnot', 'hyphen', 'registered', 'macron', 'degree', 'plusminus',
'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'acute', 'mu', 'paragraph',
'periodcentered', 'cedilla', 'onesuperior', 'ordmasculine',
'guillemotright', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters',
'questiondown', 'Agrave', 'Aacute', 'Acircumflex', 'Atilde', 'Adieresis',
'Aring', 'AE', 'Ccedilla', 'Egrave', 'Eacute', 'Ecircumflex',
'Edieresis', 'Igrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Eth',
'Ntilde', 'Ograve', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'Otilde', 'Odieresis',
'multiply', 'Oslash', 'Ugrave', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Udieresis',
'Yacute', 'Thorn', 'germandbls', 'agrave', 'aacute', 'acircumflex',
'atilde', 'adieresis', 'aring', 'ae', 'ccedilla', 'egrave', 'eacute',
'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'igrave', 'iacute', 'icircumflex',
'idieresis', 'eth', 'ntilde', 'ograve', 'oacute', 'ocircumflex',
'otilde', 'odieresis', 'divide', 'oslash', 'ugrave', 'uacute',
'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'yacute', 'thorn', 'ydieresis'
get zapfDingbatsEncoding() {
return shadow(this, 'zapfDingbatsEncoding',
'space', 'a1', 'a2', 'a202', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a119', 'a118', 'a117',
'a11', 'a12', 'a13', 'a14', 'a15', 'a16', 'a105', 'a17', 'a18', 'a19',
'a20', 'a21', 'a22', 'a23', 'a24', 'a25', 'a26', 'a27', 'a28', 'a6',
'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'a10', 'a29', 'a30', 'a31', 'a32', 'a33', 'a34', 'a35',
'a36', 'a37', 'a38', 'a39', 'a40', 'a41', 'a42', 'a43', 'a44', 'a45',
'a46', 'a47', 'a48', 'a49', 'a50', 'a51', 'a52', 'a53', 'a54', 'a55',
'a56', 'a57', 'a58', 'a59', 'a60', 'a61', 'a62', 'a63', 'a64', 'a65',
'a66', 'a67', 'a68', 'a69', 'a70', 'a71', 'a72', 'a73', 'a74', 'a203',
'a75', 'a204', 'a76', 'a77', 'a78', 'a79', 'a81', 'a82', 'a83', 'a84',
'a97', 'a98', 'a99', 'a100',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'a101',
'a102', 'a103', 'a104', 'a106', 'a107', 'a108', 'a112', 'a111', 'a110',
'a109', 'a120', 'a121', 'a122', 'a123', 'a124', 'a125', 'a126', 'a127',
'a128', 'a129', 'a130', 'a131', 'a132', 'a133', 'a134', 'a135', 'a136',
'a137', 'a138', 'a139', 'a140', 'a141', 'a142', 'a143', 'a144', 'a145',
'a146', 'a147', 'a148', 'a149', 'a150', 'a151', 'a152', 'a153', 'a154',
'a155', 'a156', 'a157', 'a158', 'a159', 'a160', 'a161', 'a163', 'a164',
'a196', 'a165', 'a192', 'a166', 'a167', 'a168', 'a169', 'a170', 'a171',
'a172', 'a173', 'a162', 'a174', 'a175', 'a176', 'a177', 'a178', 'a179',
'a193', 'a180', 'a199', 'a181', 'a200', 'a182',, 'a201', 'a183', 'a184',
'a197', 'a185', 'a194', 'a198', 'a186', 'a195', 'a187', 'a188', 'a189',
'a190', 'a191'
var IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
// <canvas> contexts store most of the state we need natively.
// However, PDF needs a bit more state, which we store here.
var CanvasExtraState = (function() {
function constructor() {
// Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities?
this.alphaIsShape = false;
this.fontSize = 0;
this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
this.leading = 0;
// Current point (in user coordinates)
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
// Start of text line (in text coordinates)
this.lineX = 0;
this.lineY = 0;
// Character and word spacing
this.charSpace = 0;
this.wordSpace = 0;
this.textHScale = 100;
// Color spaces
this.fillColorSpace = null;
this.strokeColorSpace = null;
constructor.prototype = {
return constructor;
function ScratchCanvas(width, height) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
return canvas;
var CanvasGraphics = (function() {
function constructor(canvasCtx, imageCanvas) {
this.ctx = canvasCtx;
this.current = new CanvasExtraState();
this.stateStack = [];
this.pendingClip = null;
this.res = null;
this.xobjs = null;
this.ScratchCanvas = imageCanvas || ScratchCanvas;
var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square'];
var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel'];
var NORMAL_CLIP = {};
var EO_CLIP = {};
// Used for tiling patterns
constructor.prototype = {
map: {
// Graphics state
w: 'setLineWidth',
J: 'setLineCap',
j: 'setLineJoin',
M: 'setMiterLimit',
d: 'setDash',
ri: 'setRenderingIntent',
i: 'setFlatness',
gs: 'setGState',
q: 'save',
Q: 'restore',
cm: 'transform',
// Path
m: 'moveTo',
l: 'lineTo',
c: 'curveTo',
v: 'curveTo2',
y: 'curveTo3',
h: 'closePath',
re: 'rectangle',
S: 'stroke',
s: 'closeStroke',
f: 'fill',
F: 'fill',
'f*': 'eoFill',
B: 'fillStroke',
'B*': 'eoFillStroke',
b: 'closeFillStroke',
'b*': 'closeEOFillStroke',
n: 'endPath',
// Clipping
W: 'clip',
'W*': 'eoClip',
// Text
BT: 'beginText',
ET: 'endText',
Tc: 'setCharSpacing',
Tw: 'setWordSpacing',
Tz: 'setHScale',
TL: 'setLeading',
Tf: 'setFont',
Tr: 'setTextRenderingMode',
Ts: 'setTextRise',
Td: 'moveText',
TD: 'setLeadingMoveText',
Tm: 'setTextMatrix',
'T*': 'nextLine',
Tj: 'showText',
TJ: 'showSpacedText',
"'": 'nextLineShowText',
'"': 'nextLineSetSpacingShowText',
// Type3 fonts
d0: 'setCharWidth',
d1: 'setCharWidthAndBounds',
// Color
CS: 'setStrokeColorSpace',
cs: 'setFillColorSpace',
SC: 'setStrokeColor',
SCN: 'setStrokeColorN',
sc: 'setFillColor',
scn: 'setFillColorN',
G: 'setStrokeGray',
g: 'setFillGray',
RG: 'setStrokeRGBColor',
rg: 'setFillRGBColor',
K: 'setStrokeCMYKColor',
k: 'setFillCMYKColor',
// Shading
sh: 'shadingFill',
// Images
BI: 'beginInlineImage',
// XObjects
Do: 'paintXObject',
// Marked content
MP: 'markPoint',
DP: 'markPointProps',
BMC: 'beginMarkedContent',
BDC: 'beginMarkedContentProps',
EMC: 'endMarkedContent',
// Compatibility
BX: 'beginCompat',
EX: 'endCompat'
translateFont: function(fontDict, xref, resources) {
var fd = fontDict.get('FontDescriptor');
if (!fd)
// XXX deprecated "special treatment" for standard
// fonts? What do we need to do here?
return null;
var descriptor = xref.fetch(fd);
var fontName = descriptor.get('FontName');
assertWellFormed(IsName(fontName), 'invalid font name');
fontName = fontName.name.replace('+', '_');
var fontFile = descriptor.get('FontFile', 'FontFile2', 'FontFile3');
if (!fontFile)
error('FontFile not found for font: ' + fontName);
fontFile = xref.fetchIfRef(fontFile);
var encodingMap = {};
var charset = [];
if (fontDict.has('Encoding')) {
var encoding = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get('Encoding'));
if (IsDict(encoding)) {
// Build a map of between codes and glyphs
// Load the base encoding
var baseName = encoding.get('BaseEncoding');
if (baseName) {
var base = Encodings[baseName.name];
var index = 0;
for (var j = 0, end = base.length; j < end; j++)
encodingMap[index++] = GlyphsUnicode[base[j]];
} else {
TODO('need to load default encoding');
// Load the differences between the base and original
var differences = encoding.get('Differences');
var index = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < differences.length; j++) {
var data = differences[j];
IsNum(data) ? index = data : encodingMap[index++] = data;
// Get the font charset if any
var charset = descriptor.get('CharSet');
if (charset) {
assertWellFormed(IsString(charset), 'invalid charset');
charset = charset.split('/');
} else if (IsName(encoding)) {
var encoding = Encodings[encoding.name];
if (!encoding)
error('Unknown font encoding');
var index = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < encoding.length; j++)
encodingMap[index++] = GlyphsUnicode[encoding[j]];
var firstChar = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get('FirstChar'));
var widths = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get('Widths'));
assertWellFormed(IsArray(widths) && IsInt(firstChar),
'invalid font Widths or FirstChar');
for (var j = 0; j < widths.length; j++) {
if (widths[j])
charset.push(encoding[j + firstChar]);
} else if (fontDict.has('ToUnicode')) {
encodingMap = {empty: true};
var cmapObj = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get('ToUnicode'));
if (IsName(cmapObj)) {
error('ToUnicode file cmap translation not implemented');
} else if (IsStream(cmapObj)) {
var encoding = Encodings['WinAnsiEncoding'];
var firstChar = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get('FirstChar'));
var tokens = [];
var token = '';
var cmap = cmapObj.getBytes(cmapObj.length);
for (var i = 0; i < cmap.length; i++) {
var byte = cmap[i];
if (byte == 0x20 || byte == 0x0A || byte == 0x3C || byte == 0x3E) {
switch (token) {
case 'useCMap':
error('useCMap is not implemented');
case 'beginbfrange':
case 'begincodespacerange':
token = '';
tokens = [];
case 'endcodespacerange':
TODO('Support CMap ranges');
case 'endbfrange':
for (var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j += 3) {
var startRange = parseInt('0x' + tokens[j]);
var endRange = parseInt('0x' + tokens[j + 1]);
var code = parseInt('0x' + tokens[j + 2]);
for (var k = startRange; k <= endRange; k++) {
// The encoding mapping table will be filled
// later during the building phase
//encodingMap[k] = GlyphsUnicode[encoding[code]];
charset.push(encoding[code++] || '.notdef');
case 'beginfbchar':
case 'endfbchar':
error('fbchar parsing is not implemented');
if (token.length) {
token = '';
} else if (byte == 0x5B || byte == 0x5D) {
error('CMAP list parsing is not implemented');
} else {
token += String.fromCharCode(byte);
var subType = fontDict.get('Subtype');
assertWellFormed(IsName(subType), 'invalid font Subtype');
var properties = {
type: subType.name,
encoding: encodingMap,
charset: charset,
firstChar: fontDict.get('FirstChar'),
lastChar: fontDict.get('LastChar'),
bbox: descriptor.get('FontBBox'),
ascent: descriptor.get('Ascent'),
descent: descriptor.get('Descent'),
xHeight: descriptor.get('XHeight'),
capHeight: descriptor.get('CapHeight'),
flags: descriptor.get('Flags'),
italicAngle: descriptor.get('ItalicAngle'),
fixedPitch: false,
return {
name: fontName,
fontDict: fontDict,
file: fontFile,
properties: properties
beginDrawing: function(mediaBox) {
var cw = this.ctx.canvas.width, ch = this.ctx.canvas.height;
this.ctx.scale(cw / mediaBox.width, -ch / mediaBox.height);
this.ctx.translate(0, -mediaBox.height);
execute: function(code, xref, resources) {
resources = xref.fetchIfRef(resources) || new Dict();
var savedXref = this.xref, savedRes = this.res, savedXobjs = this.xobjs;
this.xref = xref;
this.res = resources || new Dict();
this.xobjs = xref.fetchIfRef(this.res.get('XObject')) || new Dict();
this.xobjs = savedXobjs;
this.res = savedRes;
this.xref = savedXref;
compile: function(stream, xref, resources, fonts) {
resources = xref.fetchIfRef(resources) || new Dict();
var xobjs = xref.fetchIfRef(resources.get('XObject')) || new Dict();
var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false);
var objpool = [];
function emitArg(arg) {
if (typeof arg == 'object' || typeof arg == 'string') {
var index = objpool.length;
objpool[index] = arg;
return 'objpool[' + index + ']';
return arg;
var src = '';
var args = [];
var map = this.map;
var obj;
while (!IsEOF(obj = parser.getObj())) {
if (IsCmd(obj)) {
var cmd = obj.cmd;
var fn = map[cmd];
assertWellFormed(fn, "Unknown command '" + cmd + "'");
// TODO figure out how to type-check vararg functions
if (cmd == 'Do' && !args[0].code) { // eagerly compile XForm objects
var name = args[0].name;
var xobj = xobjs.get(name);
if (xobj) {
xobj = xref.fetchIfRef(xobj);
assertWellFormed(IsStream(xobj), 'XObject should be a stream');
var type = xobj.dict.get('Subtype');
'XObject should have a Name subtype'
if ('Form' == type.name) {
args[0].code = this.compile(xobj,
} else if (cmd == 'Tf') { // eagerly collect all fonts
var fontRes = resources.get('Font');
if (fontRes) {
fontRes = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRes);
var font = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRes.get(args[0].name));
if (!font.translated) {
font.translated = this.translateFont(font, xref, resources);
if (fonts && font.translated) {
// keep track of each font we translated so the caller can
// load them asynchronously before calling display on a page
src += 'this.';
src += fn;
src += '(';
src += args.map(emitArg).join(',');
src += ');\n';
args.length = 0;
} else {
assertWellFormed(args.length <= 33, 'Too many arguments');
var fn = Function('objpool', src);
return function(gfx) { fn.call(gfx, objpool); };
endDrawing: function() {
// Graphics state
setLineWidth: function(width) {
this.ctx.lineWidth = width;
setLineCap: function(style) {
this.ctx.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style];
setLineJoin: function(style) {
this.ctx.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style];
setMiterLimit: function(limit) {
this.ctx.miterLimit = limit;
setDash: function(dashArray, dashPhase) {
this.ctx.mozDash = dashArray;
this.ctx.mozDashOffset = dashPhase;
setRenderingIntent: function(intent) {
TODO('set rendering intent');
setFlatness: function(flatness) {
TODO('set flatness');
setGState: function(dictName) {
TODO('set graphics state from dict');
save: function() {
if (this.ctx.$saveCurrentX) {
this.current = new CanvasExtraState();
restore: function() {
var prev = this.stateStack.pop();
if (prev) {
if (this.ctx.$restoreCurrentX) {
this.current = prev;
transform: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
// Path
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y);
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
curveTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
curveTo2: function(x2, y2, x3, y3) {
TODO("'v' operator: need current point in gfx context");
curveTo3: function(x1, y1, x3, y3) {
this.curveTo(x1, y1, x3, y3, x3, y3);
closePath: function() {
rectangle: function(x, y, width, height) {
this.ctx.rect(x, y, width, height);
stroke: function() {
closeStroke: function() {
fill: function() {
eoFill: function() {
var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule();
fillStroke: function() {
eoFillStroke: function() {
var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule();
closeFillStroke: function() {
return this.fillStroke();
closeEOFillStroke: function() {
var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule();
endPath: function() {
// Clipping
clip: function() {
this.pendingClip = NORMAL_CLIP;
eoClip: function() {
this.pendingClip = EO_CLIP;
// Text
beginText: function() {
this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
if (this.ctx.$setCurrentX) {
this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
endText: function() {
setCharSpacing: function(spacing) {
this.ctx.charSpacing = spacing;
setWordSpacing: function(spacing) {
this.ctx.wordSpacing = spacing;
setHScale: function(scale) {
this.ctx.textHScale = (scale % 100) * 0.01;
setLeading: function(leading) {
this.current.leading = leading;
setFont: function(fontRef, size) {
var font = this.xref.fetchIfRef(this.res.get('Font'));
if (!IsDict(font))
font = font.get(fontRef.name);
font = this.xref.fetchIfRef(font);
if (!font)
var fontName = '';
var fontObj = font.fontObj;
if (fontObj)
fontName = fontObj.loadedName;
if (!fontName) {
// TODO: fontDescriptor is not available, fallback to default font
fontName = 'sans-serif';
this.current.font = fontObj;
this.current.fontSize = size;
if (this.ctx.$setFont) {
this.ctx.$setFont(fontName, size);
} else {
this.ctx.font = size + 'px "' + fontName + '"';
Fonts.setActive(fontName, fontObj, size);
setTextRenderingMode: function(mode) {
TODO('text rendering mode');
setTextRise: function(rise) {
TODO('text rise');
moveText: function(x, y) {
this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x;
this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y;
if (this.ctx.$setCurrentX) {
setLeadingMoveText: function(x, y) {
this.moveText(x, y);
setTextMatrix: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.current.textMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
if (this.ctx.$setCurrentX) {
this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
nextLine: function() {
this.moveText(0, this.current.leading);
showText: function(text) {
// TODO: apply charSpacing, wordSpacing, textHScale
var ctx = this.ctx;
var current = this.current;
ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix);
ctx.scale(1, -1);
if (this.ctx.$showText) {
ctx.$showText(current.y, text);
} else {
ctx.translate(current.x, -1 * current.y);
var font = this.current.font;
if (font) {
ctx.transform.apply(ctx, font.textMatrix);
text = font.charsToUnicode(text);
ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
current.x += Fonts.measureText(text);
showSpacedText: function(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
var e = arr[i];
if (IsNum(e)) {
if (this.ctx.$addCurrentX) {
this.ctx.$addCurrentX(-e * 0.001 * this.current.fontSize);
} else {
this.current.x -= e * 0.001 * this.current.fontSize;
} else if (IsString(e)) {
} else {
malformed('TJ array element ' + e + " isn't string or num");
nextLineShowText: function(text) {
nextLineSetSpacingShowText: function(wordSpacing, charSpacing, text) {
// Type3 fonts
setCharWidth: function(xWidth, yWidth) {
TODO("type 3 fonts ('d0' operator)");
setCharWidthAndBounds: function(xWidth, yWidth, llx, lly, urx, ury) {
TODO("type 3 fonts ('d1' operator)");
// Color
setStrokeColorSpace: function(space) {
this.current.strokeColorSpace =
ColorSpace.parse(space, this.xref, this.res);
setFillColorSpace: function(space) {
this.current.fillColorSpace =
ColorSpace.parse(space, this.xref, this.res);
setStrokeColor: function(/*...*/) {
var cs = this.getStrokeColorSpace();
var color = cs.getRgb(arguments);
this.setStrokeRGBColor.apply(this, color);
setStrokeColorN: function(/*...*/) {
// TODO real impl
TODO('check for special color spaces');
this.setStrokeColor.apply(this, arguments);
setFillColor: function(/*...*/) {
var cs = this.getFillColorSpace();
var color = cs.getRgb(arguments);
this.setFillRGBColor.apply(this, color);
setFillColorN: function(/*...*/) {
var cs = this.getFillColorSpace();
if (cs.name == 'Pattern') {
var patternName = arguments[0];
} else {
// TODO real impl
this.setFillColor.apply(this, arguments);
setFillPattern: function(patternName) {
if (!IsName(patternName))
error("Bad args to getPattern");
var xref = this.xref;
var patternRes = xref.fetchIfRef(this.res.get("Pattern"));
if (!patternRes)
error("Unable to find pattern resource");
var pattern = xref.fetchIfRef(patternRes.get(patternName.name));
var dict = IsStream(pattern) ? pattern.dict : pattern;
var types = [null, this.setTilingPattern, this.setShadingPattern];
var typeNum = dict.get("PatternType");
var patternFn = types[typeNum];
if (!patternFn)
error("Unhandled pattern type");
patternFn.call(this, pattern, dict);
setShadingPattern: function(pattern, dict) {
var matrix = dict.get("Matrix");
var inv = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
var det = 1 / (matrix[0] * matrix[3] - matrix[1] * matrix[2]);
inv[0] = matrix[3] * det;
inv[1] = -matrix[1] * det;
inv[2] = -matrix[2] * det;
inv[3] = matrix[0] * det;
inv[4] = det * (matrix[2] * matrix[5] - matrix[3] * matrix[4]);
inv[5] = det * (matrix[1] * matrix[4] - matrix[0] * matrix[5]);
this.transform.apply(this, matrix);
var shading = this.getShading(pattern.get("Shading"));
this.ctx.fillStyle = shading;
// HACK to get the gradient to show at the right location. If
// removed, the gradient will show at the pre-transform coordinates.
this.transform.apply(this, inv);
setTilingPattern: function(pattern, dict) {
function multiply(m, tm) {
var a = m[0] * tm[0] + m[1] * tm[2];
var b = m[0] * tm[1] + m[1] * tm[3];
var c = m[2] * tm[0] + m[3] * tm[2];
var d = m[2] * tm[1] + m[3] * tm[3];
var e = m[4] * tm[0] + m[5] * tm[2] + tm[4];
var f = m[4] * tm[1] + m[5] * tm[3] + tm[5];
return [a, b, c, d, e, f];
var ctx = this.ctx;
var paintType = dict.get('PaintType');
switch (paintType) {
// should go to default for color space
ctx.fillStyle = this.makeCssRgb(1, 1, 1);
ctx.strokeStyle = this.makeCssRgb(0, 0, 0);
error('Unsupported paint type');
var matrix = dict.get('Matrix') || IDENTITY_MATRIX;
var bbox = dict.get('BBox');
var x0 = bbox[0], y0 = bbox[1], x1 = bbox[2], y1 = bbox[3];
var xstep = dict.get('XStep');
var ystep = dict.get('YStep');
// top left corner should correspond to the top left of the bbox
var topLeft = this.applyTransform(x0, y0, matrix);
// we want the canvas to be as large as the step size
var botRight = this.applyTransform(x0 + xstep, y0 + ystep, matrix);
var width = botRight[0] - topLeft[0];
var height = botRight[1] - topLeft[1];
// TODO: hack to avoid OOM, remove then pattern code is fixed
if (Math.abs(width) > 8192 || Math.abs(height) > 8192)
return false;
var tmpCanvas = new this.ScratchCanvas(width, height);
// set the new canvas element context as the graphics context
var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');
var savedCtx = ctx;
this.ctx = tmpCtx;
// normalize transform matrix so each step
// takes up the entire tmpCanvas (need to remove white borders)
if (matrix[1] === 0 && matrix[2] === 0) {
matrix[0] = tmpCanvas.width / xstep;
matrix[3] = tmpCanvas.height / ystep;
topLeft = this.applyTransform(x0, y0, matrix);
// move the top left corner of bounding box to [0,0]
matrix = multiply(matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, -topLeft[0], -topLeft[1]]);
this.transform.apply(this, matrix);
if (bbox && IsArray(bbox) && 4 == bbox.length) {
this.rectangle.apply(this, bbox);
var xref = this.xref;
var res = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Resources'));
if (!pattern.code)
pattern.code = this.compile(pattern, xref, res, []);
this.execute(pattern.code, xref, res);
this.ctx = savedCtx;
TODO('Inverse pattern is painted');
pattern = this.ctx.createPattern(tmpCanvas, 'repeat');
this.ctx.fillStyle = pattern;
setStrokeGray: function(gray) {
this.setStrokeRGBColor(gray, gray, gray);
setFillGray: function(gray) {
this.setFillRGBColor(gray, gray, gray);
setStrokeRGBColor: function(r, g, b) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
setFillRGBColor: function(r, g, b) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
setStrokeCMYKColor: function(c, m, y, k) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.makeCssCmyk(c, m, y, k);
setFillCMYKColor: function(c, m, y, k) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.makeCssCmyk(c, m, y, k);
// Shading
shadingFill: function(shadingName) {
var xref = this.xref;
var res = this.res;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var shadingRes = xref.fetchIfRef(res.get('Shading'));
if (!shadingRes)
error('No shading resource found');
var shading = xref.fetchIfRef(shadingRes.get(shadingName.name));
if (!shading)
error('No shading object found');
var shadingFill = this.getShading(shading);
ctx.fillStyle = shadingFill;
var inv = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
if (inv) {
var canvas = ctx.canvas;
var width = canvas.width;
var height = canvas.height;
var bl = this.applyTransform(0, 0, inv);
var br = this.applyTransform(0, width, inv);
var ul = this.applyTransform(height, 0, inv);
var ur = this.applyTransform(height, width, inv);
var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);
var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);
this.ctx.fillRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
} else {
// HACK to draw the gradient onto an infinite rectangle.
// PDF gradients are drawn across the entire image while
// Canvas only allows gradients to be drawn in a rectangle
// The following bug should allow us to remove this.
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664884
this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10);
getShading: function(shading) {
shading = this.xref.fetchIfRef(shading);
var bbox = shading.get('BBox');
if (bbox && IsArray(bbox) && 4 == bbox.length) {
this.rectangle.apply(this, bbox);
var background = shading.get('Background');
if (background)
TODO('handle background colors');
var cs = shading.get('ColorSpace', 'CS');
cs = ColorSpace.parse(cs, this.xref, this.res);
var types = [null,
var typeNum = shading.get('ShadingType');
var shadingFn = types[typeNum];
if (!shadingFn)
error("Unknown or NYI type of shading '"+ typeNum +"'");
return shadingFn.call(this, shading, cs);
getAxialShading: function(sh, cs) {
var coordsArr = sh.get('Coords');
var x0 = coordsArr[0], y0 = coordsArr[1],
x1 = coordsArr[2], y1 = coordsArr[3];
var t0 = 0.0, t1 = 1.0;
if (sh.has('Domain')) {
var domainArr = sh.get('Domain');
t0 = domainArr[0], t1 = domainArr[1];
var extendStart = false, extendEnd = false;
if (sh.has('Extend')) {
var extendArr = sh.get('Extend');
extendStart = extendArr[0], extendEnd = extendArr[1];
TODO('Support extend');
var fnObj = sh.get('Function');
fnObj = this.xref.fetchIfRef(fnObj);
if (IsArray(fnObj))
error('No support for array of functions');
else if (!IsPDFFunction(fnObj))
error('Invalid function');
var fn = new PDFFunction(this.xref, fnObj);
var gradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1);
// 10 samples seems good enough for now, but probably won't work
// if there are sharp color changes. Ideally, we would implement
// the spec faithfully and add lossless optimizations.
var step = (t1 - t0) / 10;
var diff = t1 - t0;
for (var i = t0; i <= t1; i += step) {
var color = fn.func([i]);
var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(color);
gradient.addColorStop((i - t0) / diff,
this.makeCssRgb.apply(this, rgbColor));
return gradient;
getRadialShading: function(sh, cs) {
var coordsArr = sh.get('Coords');
var x0 = coordsArr[0], y0 = coordsArr[1], r0 = coordsArr[2];
var x1 = coordsArr[3], y1 = coordsArr[4], r1 = coordsArr[5];
var t0 = 0.0, t1 = 1.0;
if (sh.has('Domain')) {
var domainArr = sh.get('Domain');
t0 = domainArr[0], t1 = domainArr[1];
var extendStart = false, extendEnd = false;
if (sh.has('Extend')) {
var extendArr = sh.get('Extend');
extendStart = extendArr[0], extendEnd = extendArr[1];
TODO('Support extend');
var fnObj = sh.get('Function');
fnObj = this.xref.fetchIfRef(fnObj);
if (IsArray(fnObj))
error('No support for array of functions');
else if (!IsPDFFunction(fnObj))
error('Invalid function');
var fn = new PDFFunction(this.xref, fnObj);
var gradient =
this.ctx.createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
// 10 samples seems good enough for now, but probably won't work
// if there are sharp color changes. Ideally, we would implement
// the spec faithfully and add lossless optimizations.
var step = (t1 - t0) / 10;
var diff = t1 - t0;
for (var i = t0; i <= t1; i += step) {
var color = fn.func([i]);
var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(color);
gradient.addColorStop((i - t0) / diff,
this.makeCssRgb.apply(this, rgbColor));
return gradient;
// Images
beginInlineImage: function() {
TODO('inline images');
error('(Stream will not be parsed properly, bailing now)');
// Like an inline stream:
// - key/value pairs up to Cmd(ID)
// - then image data up to Cmd(EI)
// XObjects
paintXObject: function(obj) {
var xobj = this.xobjs.get(obj.name);
if (!xobj)
xobj = this.xref.fetchIfRef(xobj);
assertWellFormed(IsStream(xobj), 'XObject should be a stream');
var oc = xobj.dict.get('OC');
if (oc) {
TODO('oc for xobject');
var opi = xobj.dict.get('OPI');
if (opi) {
TODO('opi for xobject');
var type = xobj.dict.get('Subtype');
assertWellFormed(IsName(type), 'XObject should have a Name subtype');
if ('Image' == type.name) {
this.paintImageXObject(obj, xobj, false);
} else if ('Form' == type.name) {
this.paintFormXObject(obj, xobj);
} else if ('PS' == type.name) {
warn('(deprecated) PostScript XObjects are not supported');
} else {
malformed('Unknown XObject subtype ' + type.name);
paintFormXObject: function(ref, stream) {
var matrix = stream.dict.get('Matrix');
if (matrix && IsArray(matrix) && 6 == matrix.length)
this.transform.apply(this, matrix);
var bbox = stream.dict.get('BBox');
if (bbox && IsArray(bbox) && 4 == bbox.length) {
this.rectangle.apply(this, bbox);
this.execute(ref.code, this.xref, stream.dict.get('Resources'));
paintImageXObject: function(ref, image, inline) {
var ctx = this.ctx;
var dict = image.dict;
var w = dict.get('Width', 'W');
var h = dict.get('Height', 'H');
// scale the image to the unit square
ctx.scale(1 / w, -1 / h);
// If the platform can render the image format directly, the
// stream has a getImage property which directly returns a
// suitable DOM Image object.
if (image.getImage) {
var domImage = image.getImage();
ctx.drawImage(domImage, 0, 0, domImage.width, domImage.height,
0, -h, w, h);
var imageObj = new PDFImage(this.xref, this.res, image, inline);
var tmpCanvas = new this.ScratchCanvas(w, h);
var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');
var imgData = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
var pixels = imgData.data;
tmpCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, -h);
// Marked content
markPoint: function(tag) {
TODO('Marked content');
markPointProps: function(tag, properties) {
TODO('Marked content');
beginMarkedContent: function(tag) {
TODO('Marked content');
beginMarkedContentProps: function(tag, properties) {
TODO('Marked content');
endMarkedContent: function() {
TODO('Marked content');
// Compatibility
beginCompat: function() {
TODO('ignore undefined operators (should we do that anyway?)');
endCompat: function() {
TODO('stop ignoring undefined operators');
// Helper functions
consumePath: function() {
if (this.pendingClip) {
var savedFillRule = null;
if (this.pendingClip == EO_CLIP)
savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule();
this.pendingClip = null;
if (savedFillRule !== null)
makeCssRgb: function(r, g, b) {
var ri = (255 * r) | 0, gi = (255 * g) | 0, bi = (255 * b) | 0;
return 'rgb(' + ri + ',' + gi + ',' + bi + ')';
makeCssCmyk: function(c, m, y, k) {
// while waiting on CSS's cmyk()...
// http://www.ilkeratalay.com/colorspacesfaq.php#rgb
var ri = (255 * (1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k))) | 0;
var gi = (255 * (1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k))) | 0;
var bi = (255 * (1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k))) | 0;
return 'rgb(' + ri + ',' + gi + ',' + bi + ')';
getFillColorSpace: function() {
var cs = this.current.fillColorSpace;
if (cs)
return cs;
var states = this.stateStack;
var i = states.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && !(cs = states[i].fillColorSpace))
if (cs)
return cs;
return new DeviceRgbCS();
getStrokeColorSpace: function() {
var cs = this.current.strokeColorSpace;
if (cs)
return cs;
var states = this.stateStack;
var i = states.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && !(cs = states[i].strokeColorSpace))
if (cs)
return cs;
return new DeviceRgbCS();
// We generally keep the canvas context set for
// nonzero-winding, and just set evenodd for the operations
// that need them.
setEOFillRule: function() {
var savedFillRule = this.ctx.mozFillRule;
this.ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd';
return savedFillRule;
restoreFillRule: function(rule) {
this.ctx.mozFillRule = rule;
applyTransform: function(x0, y0, m) {
var xt = x0 * m[0] + y0 * m[2] + m[4];
var yt = x0 * m[1] + y0 * m[3] + m[5];
return [xt, yt];
return constructor;
var ColorSpace = (function() {
// Constructor should define this.numComps, this.defaultColor, this.name
function constructor() {
error('should not call ColorSpace constructor');
constructor.prototype = {
// Input: array of size numComps representing color component values
// Output: array of rgb values, each value ranging from [0.1]
getRgb: function cs_getRgb(color) {
error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgb');
// Input: Uint8Array of component values, each value scaled to [0,255]
// Output: Uint8Array of rgb values, each value scaled to [0,255]
getRgbBuffer: function cs_getRgbBuffer(input) {
error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbBuffer');
constructor.parse = function colorspace_parse(cs, xref, res) {
if (IsName(cs)) {
var colorSpaces = res.get('ColorSpace');
if (colorSpaces) {
var refcs = colorSpaces.get(cs.name);
if (refcs)
cs = refcs;
cs = xref.fetchIfRef(cs);
if (IsName(cs)) {
var mode = cs.name;
this.mode = mode;
switch (mode) {
case 'DeviceGray':
case 'G':
return new DeviceGrayCS();
case 'DeviceRGB':
case 'RGB':
return new DeviceRgbCS();
case 'DeviceCMYK':
case 'CMYK':
return new DeviceCmykCS();
case 'Pattern':
return new PatternCS(null);
error('unrecognized colorspace ' + mode);
} else if (IsArray(cs)) {
var mode = cs[0].name;
this.mode = mode;
switch (mode) {
case 'DeviceGray':
case 'G':
return new DeviceGrayCS();
case 'DeviceRGB':
case 'RGB':
return new DeviceRgbCS();
case 'DeviceCMYK':
case 'CMYK':
return new DeviceCmykCS();
case 'CalGray':
return new DeviceGrayCS();
case 'CalRGB':
return new DeviceRgbCS();
case 'ICCBased':
var stream = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[1]);
var dict = stream.dict;
var numComps = dict.get('N');
if (numComps == 1)
return new DeviceGrayCS();
else if (numComps == 3)
return new DeviceRgbCS();
else if (numComps == 4)
return new DeviceCmykCS();
case 'Pattern':
return new PatternCS();
case 'Indexed':
var base = ColorSpace.parse(cs[1], xref, res);
var hiVal = cs[2] + 1;
var lookup = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]);
return new IndexedCS(base, hiVal, lookup);
case 'Separation':
var name = cs[1];
var alt = ColorSpace.parse(cs[2], xref, res);
var tintFn = new PDFFunction(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]));
return new SeparationCS(alt, tintFn);
case 'Lab':
case 'DeviceN':
error("unrecognized color space object '" + mode + "'");
} else {
error('unrecognized color space object');
return constructor;
var SeparationCS = (function() {
function constructor(base, tintFn) {
this.name = "Separation";
this.numComps = 1;
this.defaultColor = [1];
this.base = base;
this.tintFn = tintFn;
constructor.prototype = {
getRgb: function sepcs_getRgb(color) {
var tinted = this.tintFn.func(color);
return this.base.getRgb(tinted);
getRgbBuffer: function sepcs_getRgbBuffer(input) {
var tintFn = this.tintFn;
var base = this.base;
var length = 3 * input.length;
var pos = 0;
var numComps = base.numComps;
var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(numComps * input.length);
for (var i = 0, ii = input.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var scaled = input[i] / 255;
var tinted = tintFn.func([scaled]);
for (var j = 0; j < numComps; ++j)
baseBuf[pos++] = 255 * tinted[j];
return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf);
return constructor;
var PatternCS = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.name = 'Pattern';
constructor.prototype = {};
return constructor;
var IndexedCS = (function() {
function constructor(base, highVal, lookup) {
this.name = 'Indexed';
this.numComps = 1;
this.defaultColor = [0];
this.base = base;
var baseNumComps = base.numComps;
this.highVal = highVal;
var length = baseNumComps * highVal;
var lookupArray = new Uint8Array(length);
if (IsStream(lookup)) {
var bytes = lookup.getBytes(length);
} else if (IsString(lookup)) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
lookupArray[i] = lookup.charCodeAt(i);
} else {
error('Unrecognized lookup table');
this.lookup = lookupArray;
constructor.prototype = {
getRgb: function indexcs_getRgb(color) {
var numComps = base.numComps;
var start = color[0] * numComps;
var c = [];
for (var i = start, ii = start + numComps; i < ii; ++i)
return this.base.getRgb(c);
getRgbBuffer: function indexcs_getRgbBuffer(input) {
var base = this.base;
var numComps = base.numComps;
var lookup = this.lookup;
var length = input.length;
var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(length * numComps);
var baseBufPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var lookupPos = input[i] * numComps;
for (var j = 0; j < numComps; ++j) {
baseBuf[baseBufPos++] = lookup[lookupPos + j];
return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf);
return constructor;
var DeviceGrayCS = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.name = 'DeviceGray';
this.numComps = 1;
this.defaultColor = [0];
constructor.prototype = {
getRgb: function graycs_getRgb(color) {
var c = color[0];
return [c, c, c];
getRgbBuffer: function graycs_getRgbBuffer(input) {
var length = input.length * 3;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var c = input[i];
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
return rgbBuf;
return constructor;
var DeviceRgbCS = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.name = 'DeviceRGB';
this.numComps = 3;
this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0];
constructor.prototype = {
getRgb: function rgbcs_getRgb(color) {
return color;
getRgbBuffer: function rgbcs_getRgbBuffer(input) {
return input;
return constructor;
var DeviceCmykCS = (function() {
function constructor() {
this.name = 'DeviceCMYK';
this.numComps = 4;
this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0, 1];
constructor.prototype = {
getRgb: function cmykcs_getRgb(color) {
var c = color[0], m = color[1], y = color[2], k = color[3];
var c1 = 1 - c, m1 = 1 - m, y1 = 1 - y, k1 = 1 - k;
var x, r, g, b;
// this is a matrix multiplication, unrolled for performance
// code is taken from the poppler implementation
x = c1 * m1 * y1 * k1; // 0 0 0 0
r = g = b = x;
x = c1 * m1 * y1 * k; // 0 0 0 1
r += 0.1373 * x;
g += 0.1216 * x;
b += 0.1255 * x;
x = c1 * m1 * y * k1; // 0 0 1 0
r += x;
g += 0.9490 * x;
x = c1 * m1 * y * k; // 0 0 1 1
r += 0.1098 * x;
g += 0.1020 * x;
x = c1 * m * y1 * k1; // 0 1 0 0
r += 0.9255 * x;
b += 0.5490 * x;
x = c1 * m * y1 * k; // 0 1 0 1
r += 0.1412 * x;
x = c1 * m * y * k1; // 0 1 1 0
r += 0.9294 * x;
g += 0.1098 * x;
b += 0.1412 * x;
x = c1 * m * y * k; // 0 1 1 1
r += 0.1333 * x;
x = c * m1 * y1 * k1; // 1 0 0 0
g += 0.6784 * x;
b += 0.9373 * x;
x = c * m1 * y1 * k; // 1 0 0 1
g += 0.0588 * x;
b += 0.1412 * x;
x = c * m1 * y * k1; // 1 0 1 0
g += 0.6510 * x;
b += 0.3137 * x;
x = c * m1 * y * k; // 1 0 1 1
g += 0.0745 * x;
x = c * m * y1 * k1; // 1 1 0 0
r += 0.1804 * x;
g += 0.1922 * x;
b += 0.5725 * x;
x = c * m * y1 * k; // 1 1 0 1
b += 0.0078 * x;
x = c * m * y * k1; // 1 1 1 0
r += 0.2118 * x;
g += 0.2119 * x;
b += 0.2235 * x;
return [r, g, b];
getRgbBuffer: function cmykcs_getRgbBuffer(colorBuf) {
var length = colorBuf.length / 4;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length * 3);
var rgbBufPos = 0;
var colorBufPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var cmyk = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
var rgb = this.getRgb(cmyk);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
rgbBuf[rgbBufPos++] = Math.round(rgb[j] * 255);
return rgbBuf;
return constructor;
var PDFImage = (function() {
function constructor(xref, res, image, inline) {
this.image = image;
if (image.getParams) {
// JPX/JPEG2000 streams directly contain bits per component
// and color space mode information.
TODO('get params from actual stream');
// var bits = ...
// var colorspace = ...
// TODO cache rendered images?
var dict = image.dict;
this.width = dict.get('Width', 'W');
this.height = dict.get('Height', 'H');
if (this.width < 1 || this.height < 1)
error('Invalid image width or height');
this.interpolate = dict.get('Interpolate', 'I') || false;
this.imageMask = dict.get('ImageMask', 'IM') || false;
var bitsPerComponent = image.bitsPerComponent;
if (!bitsPerComponent) {
bitsPerComponent = dict.get('BitsPerComponent', 'BPC');
if (!bitsPerComponent) {
if (this.imageMask)
bitsPerComponent = 1;
error('Bits per component missing in image');
this.bpc = bitsPerComponent;
var colorSpace = dict.get('ColorSpace', 'CS');
this.colorSpace = ColorSpace.parse(colorSpace, xref, res);
this.numComps = this.colorSpace.numComps;
this.decode = dict.get('Decode', 'D');
var mask = xref.fetchIfRef(image.dict.get('Mask'));
var smask = xref.fetchIfRef(image.dict.get('SMask'));
if (mask) {
TODO('masked images');
} else if (smask) {
this.smask = new PDFImage(xref, res, smask);
constructor.prototype = {
getComponents: function getComponents(buffer) {
var bpc = this.bpc;
if (bpc == 8)
return buffer;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var numComps = this.numComps;
var length = width * height;
var bufferPos = 0;
var output = new Uint8Array(length);
if (bpc == 1) {
var rowComps = width * numComps;
var mask = 0;
var buf = 0;
for (var i = 0, ii = length; i < ii; ++i) {
if (i % rowComps == 0) {
mask = 0;
buf = 0;
} else {
mask >>= 1;
if (mask <= 0) {
buf = buffer[bufferPos++];
mask = 128;
var t = buf & mask;
if (t == 0)
output[i] = 0;
output[i] = 255;
} else {
var rowComps = width * numComps;
var bits = 0;
var buf = 0;
for (var i = 0, ii = length; i < ii; ++i) {
while (bits < bpc) {
buf = (buf << 8) | buffer[bufferPos++];
bits += 8;
var remainingBits = bits - bpc;
var ret = buf >> remainingBits;
if (i % rowComps == 0) {
buf = 0;
bits = 0;
} else {
buf = buf & ((1 << remainingBits) - 1);
bits = remainingBits;
output[i] = Math.round(255 * ret / ((1 << bpc) - 1));
return output;
getOpacity: function getOpacity() {
var smask = this.smask;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var buf = new Uint8Array(width * height);
if (smask) {
var sw = smask.width;
var sh = smask.height;
if (sw != this.width || sh != this.height)
error('smask dimensions do not match image dimensions');
return buf;
} else {
for (var i = 0, ii = width * height; i < ii; ++i)
buf[i] = 255;
return buf;
fillRgbaBuffer: function fillRgbaBuffer(buffer) {
var numComps = this.numComps;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var bpc = this.bpc;
// rows start at byte boundary;
var rowBytes = (width * numComps * bpc + 7) >> 3;
var imgArray = this.image.getBytes(height * rowBytes);
var comps = this.colorSpace.getRgbBuffer(this.getComponents(imgArray));
var compsPos = 0;
var opacity = this.getOpacity();
var opacityPos = 0;
var length = width * height * 4;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
buffer[i] = comps[compsPos++];
buffer[i + 1] = comps[compsPos++];
buffer[i + 2] = comps[compsPos++];
buffer[i + 3] = opacity[opacityPos++];
fillGrayBuffer: function fillGrayBuffer(buffer) {
var numComps = this.numComps;
if (numComps != 1)
error('Reading gray scale from a color image');
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var bpc = this.bpc;
// rows start at byte boundary;
var rowBytes = (width * numComps * bpc + 7) >> 3;
var imgArray = this.image.getBytes(height * rowBytes);
var comps = this.getComponents(imgArray);
var length = width * height;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
buffer[i] = comps[i];
return constructor;
var PDFFunction = (function() {
function constructor(xref, fn) {
var dict = fn.dict;
if (!dict)
dict = fn;
var types = [this.constructSampled,
var typeNum = dict.get('FunctionType');
var typeFn = types[typeNum];
if (!typeFn)
error('Unknown type of function');
typeFn.call(this, fn, dict);
constructor.prototype = {
constructSampled: function(str, dict) {
var domain = dict.get('Domain');
var range = dict.get('Range');
if (!domain || !range)
error('No domain or range');
var inputSize = domain.length / 2;
var outputSize = range.length / 2;
if (inputSize != 1)
error('No support for multi-variable inputs to functions');
var size = dict.get('Size');
var bps = dict.get('BitsPerSample');
var order = dict.get('Order');
if (!order)
order = 1;
if (order !== 1)
error('No support for cubic spline interpolation');
var encode = dict.get('Encode');
if (!encode) {
encode = [];
for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
encode.push(size[i] - 1);
var decode = dict.get('Decode');
if (!decode)
decode = range;
var samples = this.getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, str);
this.func = function(args) {
var clip = function(v, min, max) {
if (v > max)
v = max;
else if (v < min)
v = min;
return v;
if (inputSize != args.length)
error('Incorrect number of arguments');
for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; i++) {
var i2 = i * 2;
// clip to the domain
var v = clip(args[i], domain[i2], domain[i2 + 1]);
// encode
v = encode[i2] + ((v - domain[i2]) *
(encode[i2 + 1] - encode[i2]) /
(domain[i2 + 1] - domain[i2]));
// clip to the size
args[i] = clip(v, 0, size[i] - 1);
// interpolate to table
TODO('Multi-dimensional interpolation');
var floor = Math.floor(args[0]);
var ceil = Math.ceil(args[0]);
var scale = args[0] - floor;
floor *= outputSize;
ceil *= outputSize;
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i) {
if (ceil == floor) {
var v = samples[ceil + i];
} else {
var low = samples[floor + i];
var high = samples[ceil + i];
var v = low * scale + high * (1 - scale);
var i2 = i * 2;
// decode
v = decode[i2] + (v * (decode[i2 + 1] - decode[i2]) /
((1 << bps) - 1));
// clip to the domain
output.push(clip(v, range[i2], range[i2 + 1]));
return output;
getSampleArray: function(size, outputSize, bps, str) {
var length = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < size.length; i++)
length *= size[i];
length *= outputSize;
var array = [];
var codeSize = 0;
var codeBuf = 0;
var strBytes = str.getBytes((length * bps + 7) / 8);
var strIdx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var b;
while (codeSize < bps) {
codeBuf <<= 8;
codeBuf |= strBytes[strIdx++];
codeSize += 8;
codeSize -= bps;
array.push(codeBuf >> codeSize);
codeBuf &= (1 << codeSize) - 1;
return array;
constructInterpolated: function() {
error('unhandled type of function');
constructStiched: function() {
error('unhandled type of function');
constructPostScript: function() {
error('unhandled type of function');
return constructor;