Tilman Hausherr 6d1e0f7e8d fix handling of flags 1-3 in tensor shading
pi is an index in the stream and is explained on page 201 of the 32000-spec (however 1-based there), and ps is an index to something in PDF.js. I used the code from flag 0 (which works) to understand which is which. It is also important to understand that for flags 1,2 and 3, the stream is always assigned to the same coordinates and colors. What changes is which "old" coordinates and colors are assigned to what is "missing" in the stream. This is why for these flags, the code is identical except for the assignments in the first "row". (Same principle as in #6304). Note that this change will not improve the lamp_cairo.pdf file, only the two files mentioned in #6305.
2015-08-04 18:21:29 +02:00

805 lines
28 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* globals ColorSpace, PDFFunction, Util, error, warn, info, isArray, isStream,
assert, isPDFFunction, UnsupportedManager, UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES,
MissingDataException */
'use strict';
var ShadingType = {
var Pattern = (function PatternClosure() {
// Constructor should define this.getPattern
function Pattern() {
error('should not call Pattern constructor');
Pattern.prototype = {
// Input: current Canvas context
// Output: the appropriate fillStyle or strokeStyle
getPattern: function Pattern_getPattern(ctx) {
error('Should not call Pattern.getStyle: ' + ctx);
Pattern.parseShading = function Pattern_parseShading(shading, matrix, xref,
res) {
var dict = isStream(shading) ? shading.dict : shading;
var type = dict.get('ShadingType');
try {
switch (type) {
case ShadingType.AXIAL:
case ShadingType.RADIAL:
// Both radial and axial shadings are handled by RadialAxial shading.
return new Shadings.RadialAxial(dict, matrix, xref, res);
case ShadingType.FREE_FORM_MESH:
case ShadingType.LATTICE_FORM_MESH:
case ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH:
case ShadingType.TENSOR_PATCH_MESH:
return new Shadings.Mesh(shading, matrix, xref, res);
throw new Error('Unsupported ShadingType: ' + type);
} catch (ex) {
if (ex instanceof MissingDataException) {
throw ex;
return new Shadings.Dummy();
return Pattern;
var Shadings = {};
// A small number to offset the first/last color stops so we can insert ones to
// support extend. Number.MIN_VALUE appears to be too small and breaks the
// extend. 1e-7 works in FF but chrome seems to use an even smaller sized number
// internally so we have to go bigger.
Shadings.SMALL_NUMBER = 1e-2;
// Radial and axial shading have very similar implementations
// If needed, the implementations can be broken into two classes
Shadings.RadialAxial = (function RadialAxialClosure() {
function RadialAxial(dict, matrix, xref, res) {
this.matrix = matrix;
this.coordsArr = dict.get('Coords');
this.shadingType = dict.get('ShadingType');
this.type = 'Pattern';
var cs = dict.get('ColorSpace', 'CS');
cs = ColorSpace.parse(cs, xref, res);
this.cs = cs;
var t0 = 0.0, t1 = 1.0;
if (dict.has('Domain')) {
var domainArr = dict.get('Domain');
t0 = domainArr[0];
t1 = domainArr[1];
var extendStart = false, extendEnd = false;
if (dict.has('Extend')) {
var extendArr = dict.get('Extend');
extendStart = extendArr[0];
extendEnd = extendArr[1];
if (this.shadingType === ShadingType.RADIAL &&
(!extendStart || !extendEnd)) {
// Radial gradient only currently works if either circle is fully within
// the other circle.
var x1 = this.coordsArr[0];
var y1 = this.coordsArr[1];
var r1 = this.coordsArr[2];
var x2 = this.coordsArr[3];
var y2 = this.coordsArr[4];
var r2 = this.coordsArr[5];
var distance = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
if (r1 <= r2 + distance &&
r2 <= r1 + distance) {
warn('Unsupported radial gradient.');
this.extendStart = extendStart;
this.extendEnd = extendEnd;
var fnObj = dict.get('Function');
var fn = PDFFunction.parseArray(xref, fnObj);
// 10 samples seems good enough for now, but probably won't work
// if there are sharp color changes. Ideally, we would implement
// the spec faithfully and add lossless optimizations.
var diff = t1 - t0;
var step = diff / 10;
var colorStops = this.colorStops = [];
// Protect against bad domains so we don't end up in an infinte loop below.
if (t0 >= t1 || step <= 0) {
// Acrobat doesn't seem to handle these cases so we'll ignore for
// now.
info('Bad shading domain.');
var color = new Float32Array(cs.numComps), ratio = new Float32Array(1);
var rgbColor;
for (var i = t0; i <= t1; i += step) {
ratio[0] = i;
fn(ratio, 0, color, 0);
rgbColor = cs.getRgb(color, 0);
var cssColor = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor[0], rgbColor[1], rgbColor[2]);
colorStops.push([(i - t0) / diff, cssColor]);
var background = 'transparent';
if (dict.has('Background')) {
rgbColor = cs.getRgb(dict.get('Background'), 0);
background = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor[0], rgbColor[1], rgbColor[2]);
if (!extendStart) {
// Insert a color stop at the front and offset the first real color stop
// so it doesn't conflict with the one we insert.
colorStops.unshift([0, background]);
colorStops[1][0] += Shadings.SMALL_NUMBER;
if (!extendEnd) {
// Same idea as above in extendStart but for the end.
colorStops[colorStops.length - 1][0] -= Shadings.SMALL_NUMBER;
colorStops.push([1, background]);
this.colorStops = colorStops;
RadialAxial.prototype = {
getIR: function RadialAxial_getIR() {
var coordsArr = this.coordsArr;
var shadingType = this.shadingType;
var type, p0, p1, r0, r1;
if (shadingType === ShadingType.AXIAL) {
p0 = [coordsArr[0], coordsArr[1]];
p1 = [coordsArr[2], coordsArr[3]];
r0 = null;
r1 = null;
type = 'axial';
} else if (shadingType === ShadingType.RADIAL) {
p0 = [coordsArr[0], coordsArr[1]];
p1 = [coordsArr[3], coordsArr[4]];
r0 = coordsArr[2];
r1 = coordsArr[5];
type = 'radial';
} else {
error('getPattern type unknown: ' + shadingType);
var matrix = this.matrix;
if (matrix) {
p0 = Util.applyTransform(p0, matrix);
p1 = Util.applyTransform(p1, matrix);
return ['RadialAxial', type, this.colorStops, p0, p1, r0, r1];
return RadialAxial;
// All mesh shading. For now, they will be presented as set of the triangles
// to be drawn on the canvas and rgb color for each vertex.
Shadings.Mesh = (function MeshClosure() {
function MeshStreamReader(stream, context) {
this.stream = stream;
this.context = context;
this.buffer = 0;
this.bufferLength = 0;
var numComps = context.numComps;
this.tmpCompsBuf = new Float32Array(numComps);
var csNumComps = context.colorSpace.numComps;
this.tmpCsCompsBuf = context.colorFn ? new Float32Array(csNumComps) :
MeshStreamReader.prototype = {
get hasData() {
if (this.stream.end) {
return this.stream.pos < this.stream.end;
if (this.bufferLength > 0) {
return true;
var nextByte = this.stream.getByte();
if (nextByte < 0) {
return false;
this.buffer = nextByte;
this.bufferLength = 8;
return true;
readBits: function MeshStreamReader_readBits(n) {
var buffer = this.buffer;
var bufferLength = this.bufferLength;
if (n === 32) {
if (bufferLength === 0) {
return ((this.stream.getByte() << 24) |
(this.stream.getByte() << 16) | (this.stream.getByte() << 8) |
this.stream.getByte()) >>> 0;
buffer = (buffer << 24) | (this.stream.getByte() << 16) |
(this.stream.getByte() << 8) | this.stream.getByte();
var nextByte = this.stream.getByte();
this.buffer = nextByte & ((1 << bufferLength) - 1);
return ((buffer << (8 - bufferLength)) |
((nextByte & 0xFF) >> bufferLength)) >>> 0;
if (n === 8 && bufferLength === 0) {
return this.stream.getByte();
while (bufferLength < n) {
buffer = (buffer << 8) | this.stream.getByte();
bufferLength += 8;
bufferLength -= n;
this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
this.buffer = buffer & ((1 << bufferLength) - 1);
return buffer >> bufferLength;
align: function MeshStreamReader_align() {
this.buffer = 0;
this.bufferLength = 0;
readFlag: function MeshStreamReader_readFlag() {
return this.readBits(this.context.bitsPerFlag);
readCoordinate: function MeshStreamReader_readCoordinate() {
var bitsPerCoordinate = this.context.bitsPerCoordinate;
var xi = this.readBits(bitsPerCoordinate);
var yi = this.readBits(bitsPerCoordinate);
var decode = this.context.decode;
var scale = bitsPerCoordinate < 32 ? 1 / ((1 << bitsPerCoordinate) - 1) :
2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2 ^ -32
return [
xi * scale * (decode[1] - decode[0]) + decode[0],
yi * scale * (decode[3] - decode[2]) + decode[2]
readComponents: function MeshStreamReader_readComponents() {
var numComps = this.context.numComps;
var bitsPerComponent = this.context.bitsPerComponent;
var scale = bitsPerComponent < 32 ? 1 / ((1 << bitsPerComponent) - 1) :
2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2 ^ -32
var decode = this.context.decode;
var components = this.tmpCompsBuf;
for (var i = 0, j = 4; i < numComps; i++, j += 2) {
var ci = this.readBits(bitsPerComponent);
components[i] = ci * scale * (decode[j + 1] - decode[j]) + decode[j];
var color = this.tmpCsCompsBuf;
if (this.context.colorFn) {
this.context.colorFn(components, 0, color, 0);
return this.context.colorSpace.getRgb(color, 0);
function decodeType4Shading(mesh, reader) {
var coords = mesh.coords;
var colors = mesh.colors;
var operators = [];
var ps = []; // not maintaining cs since that will match ps
var verticesLeft = 0; // assuming we have all data to start a new triangle
while (reader.hasData) {
var f = reader.readFlag();
var coord = reader.readCoordinate();
var color = reader.readComponents();
if (verticesLeft === 0) { // ignoring flags if we started a triangle
assert(0 <= f && f <= 2, 'Unknown type4 flag');
switch (f) {
case 0:
verticesLeft = 3;
case 1:
ps.push(ps[ps.length - 2], ps[ps.length - 1]);
verticesLeft = 1;
case 2:
ps.push(ps[ps.length - 3], ps[ps.length - 1]);
verticesLeft = 1;
type: 'triangles',
coords: new Int32Array(ps),
colors: new Int32Array(ps),
function decodeType5Shading(mesh, reader, verticesPerRow) {
var coords = mesh.coords;
var colors = mesh.colors;
var ps = []; // not maintaining cs since that will match ps
while (reader.hasData) {
var coord = reader.readCoordinate();
var color = reader.readComponents();
type: 'lattice',
coords: new Int32Array(ps),
colors: new Int32Array(ps),
verticesPerRow: verticesPerRow
var TRIANGLE_DENSITY = 20; // count of triangles per entire mesh bounds
var getB = (function getBClosure() {
function buildB(count) {
var lut = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
var t = i / count, t_ = 1 - t;
lut.push(new Float32Array([t_ * t_ * t_, 3 * t * t_ * t_,
3 * t * t * t_, t * t * t]));
return lut;
var cache = [];
return function getB(count) {
if (!cache[count]) {
cache[count] = buildB(count);
return cache[count];
function buildFigureFromPatch(mesh, index) {
var figure = mesh.figures[index];
assert(figure.type === 'patch', 'Unexpected patch mesh figure');
var coords = mesh.coords, colors = mesh.colors;
var pi = figure.coords;
var ci = figure.colors;
var figureMinX = Math.min(coords[pi[0]][0], coords[pi[3]][0],
coords[pi[12]][0], coords[pi[15]][0]);
var figureMinY = Math.min(coords[pi[0]][1], coords[pi[3]][1],
coords[pi[12]][1], coords[pi[15]][1]);
var figureMaxX = Math.max(coords[pi[0]][0], coords[pi[3]][0],
coords[pi[12]][0], coords[pi[15]][0]);
var figureMaxY = Math.max(coords[pi[0]][1], coords[pi[3]][1],
coords[pi[12]][1], coords[pi[15]][1]);
var splitXBy = Math.ceil((figureMaxX - figureMinX) * TRIANGLE_DENSITY /
(mesh.bounds[2] - mesh.bounds[0]));
var splitYBy = Math.ceil((figureMaxY - figureMinY) * TRIANGLE_DENSITY /
(mesh.bounds[3] - mesh.bounds[1]));
var verticesPerRow = splitXBy + 1;
var figureCoords = new Int32Array((splitYBy + 1) * verticesPerRow);
var figureColors = new Int32Array((splitYBy + 1) * verticesPerRow);
var k = 0;
var cl = new Uint8Array(3), cr = new Uint8Array(3);
var c0 = colors[ci[0]], c1 = colors[ci[1]],
c2 = colors[ci[2]], c3 = colors[ci[3]];
var bRow = getB(splitYBy), bCol = getB(splitXBy);
for (var row = 0; row <= splitYBy; row++) {
cl[0] = ((c0[0] * (splitYBy - row) + c2[0] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
cl[1] = ((c0[1] * (splitYBy - row) + c2[1] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
cl[2] = ((c0[2] * (splitYBy - row) + c2[2] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
cr[0] = ((c1[0] * (splitYBy - row) + c3[0] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
cr[1] = ((c1[1] * (splitYBy - row) + c3[1] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
cr[2] = ((c1[2] * (splitYBy - row) + c3[2] * row) / splitYBy) | 0;
for (var col = 0; col <= splitXBy; col++, k++) {
if ((row === 0 || row === splitYBy) &&
(col === 0 || col === splitXBy)) {
var x = 0, y = 0;
var q = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j <= 3; j++, q++) {
var m = bRow[row][i] * bCol[col][j];
x += coords[pi[q]][0] * m;
y += coords[pi[q]][1] * m;
figureCoords[k] = coords.length;
coords.push([x, y]);
figureColors[k] = colors.length;
var newColor = new Uint8Array(3);
newColor[0] = ((cl[0] * (splitXBy - col) + cr[0] * col) / splitXBy) | 0;
newColor[1] = ((cl[1] * (splitXBy - col) + cr[1] * col) / splitXBy) | 0;
newColor[2] = ((cl[2] * (splitXBy - col) + cr[2] * col) / splitXBy) | 0;
figureCoords[0] = pi[0];
figureColors[0] = ci[0];
figureCoords[splitXBy] = pi[3];
figureColors[splitXBy] = ci[1];
figureCoords[verticesPerRow * splitYBy] = pi[12];
figureColors[verticesPerRow * splitYBy] = ci[2];
figureCoords[verticesPerRow * splitYBy + splitXBy] = pi[15];
figureColors[verticesPerRow * splitYBy + splitXBy] = ci[3];
mesh.figures[index] = {
type: 'lattice',
coords: figureCoords,
colors: figureColors,
verticesPerRow: verticesPerRow
function decodeType6Shading(mesh, reader) {
// A special case of Type 7. The p11, p12, p21, p22 automatically filled
var coords = mesh.coords;
var colors = mesh.colors;
var ps = new Int32Array(16); // p00, p10, ..., p30, p01, ..., p33
var cs = new Int32Array(4); // c00, c30, c03, c33
while (reader.hasData) {
var f = reader.readFlag();
assert(0 <= f && f <= 3, 'Unknown type6 flag');
var i, ii;
var pi = coords.length;
for (i = 0, ii = (f !== 0 ? 8 : 12); i < ii; i++) {
var ci = colors.length;
for (i = 0, ii = (f !== 0 ? 2 : 4); i < ii; i++) {
var tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
switch (f) {
case 0:
ps[12] = pi + 3; ps[13] = pi + 4; ps[14] = pi + 5; ps[15] = pi + 6;
ps[ 8] = pi + 2; /* values for 5, 6, 9, 10 are */ ps[11] = pi + 7;
ps[ 4] = pi + 1; /* calculated below */ ps[ 7] = pi + 8;
ps[ 0] = pi; ps[ 1] = pi + 11; ps[ 2] = pi + 10; ps[ 3] = pi + 9;
cs[2] = ci + 1; cs[3] = ci + 2;
cs[0] = ci; cs[1] = ci + 3;
case 1:
tmp1 = ps[12]; tmp2 = ps[13]; tmp3 = ps[14]; tmp4 = ps[15];
ps[12] = tmp4; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = tmp3; /* values for 5, 6, 9, 10 are */ ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = tmp2; /* calculated below */ ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = tmp1; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
tmp1 = cs[2]; tmp2 = cs[3];
cs[2] = tmp2; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = tmp1; cs[1] = ci + 1;
case 2:
tmp1 = ps[15];
tmp2 = ps[11];
ps[12] = ps[3]; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = ps[7]; /* values for 5, 6, 9, 10 are */ ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = tmp2; /* calculated below */ ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = tmp1; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
tmp1 = cs[3];
cs[2] = cs[1]; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = tmp1; cs[1] = ci + 1;
case 3:
ps[12] = ps[0]; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = ps[1]; /* values for 5, 6, 9, 10 are */ ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = ps[2]; /* calculated below */ ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = ps[3]; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
cs[2] = cs[0]; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = cs[1]; cs[1] = ci + 1;
// set p11, p12, p21, p22
ps[5] = coords.length;
(-4 * coords[ps[0]][0] - coords[ps[15]][0] +
6 * (coords[ps[4]][0] + coords[ps[1]][0]) -
2 * (coords[ps[12]][0] + coords[ps[3]][0]) +
3 * (coords[ps[13]][0] + coords[ps[7]][0])) / 9,
(-4 * coords[ps[0]][1] - coords[ps[15]][1] +
6 * (coords[ps[4]][1] + coords[ps[1]][1]) -
2 * (coords[ps[12]][1] + coords[ps[3]][1]) +
3 * (coords[ps[13]][1] + coords[ps[7]][1])) / 9
ps[6] = coords.length;
(-4 * coords[ps[3]][0] - coords[ps[12]][0] +
6 * (coords[ps[2]][0] + coords[ps[7]][0]) -
2 * (coords[ps[0]][0] + coords[ps[15]][0]) +
3 * (coords[ps[4]][0] + coords[ps[14]][0])) / 9,
(-4 * coords[ps[3]][1] - coords[ps[12]][1] +
6 * (coords[ps[2]][1] + coords[ps[7]][1]) -
2 * (coords[ps[0]][1] + coords[ps[15]][1]) +
3 * (coords[ps[4]][1] + coords[ps[14]][1])) / 9
ps[9] = coords.length;
(-4 * coords[ps[12]][0] - coords[ps[3]][0] +
6 * (coords[ps[8]][0] + coords[ps[13]][0]) -
2 * (coords[ps[0]][0] + coords[ps[15]][0]) +
3 * (coords[ps[11]][0] + coords[ps[1]][0])) / 9,
(-4 * coords[ps[12]][1] - coords[ps[3]][1] +
6 * (coords[ps[8]][1] + coords[ps[13]][1]) -
2 * (coords[ps[0]][1] + coords[ps[15]][1]) +
3 * (coords[ps[11]][1] + coords[ps[1]][1])) / 9
ps[10] = coords.length;
(-4 * coords[ps[15]][0] - coords[ps[0]][0] +
6 * (coords[ps[11]][0] + coords[ps[14]][0]) -
2 * (coords[ps[12]][0] + coords[ps[3]][0]) +
3 * (coords[ps[2]][0] + coords[ps[8]][0])) / 9,
(-4 * coords[ps[15]][1] - coords[ps[0]][1] +
6 * (coords[ps[11]][1] + coords[ps[14]][1]) -
2 * (coords[ps[12]][1] + coords[ps[3]][1]) +
3 * (coords[ps[2]][1] + coords[ps[8]][1])) / 9
type: 'patch',
coords: new Int32Array(ps), // making copies of ps and cs
colors: new Int32Array(cs)
function decodeType7Shading(mesh, reader) {
var coords = mesh.coords;
var colors = mesh.colors;
var ps = new Int32Array(16); // p00, p10, ..., p30, p01, ..., p33
var cs = new Int32Array(4); // c00, c30, c03, c33
while (reader.hasData) {
var f = reader.readFlag();
assert(0 <= f && f <= 3, 'Unknown type7 flag');
var i, ii;
var pi = coords.length;
for (i = 0, ii = (f !== 0 ? 12 : 16); i < ii; i++) {
var ci = colors.length;
for (i = 0, ii = (f !== 0 ? 2 : 4); i < ii; i++) {
var tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
switch (f) {
case 0:
ps[12] = pi + 3; ps[13] = pi + 4; ps[14] = pi + 5; ps[15] = pi + 6;
ps[ 8] = pi + 2; ps[ 9] = pi + 13; ps[10] = pi + 14; ps[11] = pi + 7;
ps[ 4] = pi + 1; ps[ 5] = pi + 12; ps[ 6] = pi + 15; ps[ 7] = pi + 8;
ps[ 0] = pi; ps[ 1] = pi + 11; ps[ 2] = pi + 10; ps[ 3] = pi + 9;
cs[2] = ci + 1; cs[3] = ci + 2;
cs[0] = ci; cs[1] = ci + 3;
case 1:
tmp1 = ps[12]; tmp2 = ps[13]; tmp3 = ps[14]; tmp4 = ps[15];
ps[12] = tmp4; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = tmp3; ps[ 9] = pi + 9; ps[10] = pi + 10; ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = tmp2; ps[ 5] = pi + 8; ps[ 6] = pi + 11; ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = tmp1; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
tmp1 = cs[2]; tmp2 = cs[3];
cs[2] = tmp2; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = tmp1; cs[1] = ci + 1;
case 2:
tmp1 = ps[15];
tmp2 = ps[11];
ps[12] = ps[3]; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = ps[7]; ps[ 9] = pi + 9; ps[10] = pi + 10; ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = tmp2; ps[ 5] = pi + 8; ps[ 6] = pi + 11; ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = tmp1; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
tmp1 = cs[3];
cs[2] = cs[1]; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = tmp1; cs[1] = ci + 1;
case 3:
ps[12] = ps[0]; ps[13] = pi + 0; ps[14] = pi + 1; ps[15] = pi + 2;
ps[ 8] = ps[1]; ps[ 9] = pi + 9; ps[10] = pi + 10; ps[11] = pi + 3;
ps[ 4] = ps[2]; ps[ 5] = pi + 8; ps[ 6] = pi + 11; ps[ 7] = pi + 4;
ps[ 0] = ps[3]; ps[ 1] = pi + 7; ps[ 2] = pi + 6; ps[ 3] = pi + 5;
cs[2] = cs[0]; cs[3] = ci;
cs[0] = cs[1]; cs[1] = ci + 1;
type: 'patch',
coords: new Int32Array(ps), // making copies of ps and cs
colors: new Int32Array(cs)
function updateBounds(mesh) {
var minX = mesh.coords[0][0], minY = mesh.coords[0][1],
maxX = minX, maxY = minY;
for (var i = 1, ii = mesh.coords.length; i < ii; i++) {
var x = mesh.coords[i][0], y = mesh.coords[i][1];
minX = minX > x ? x : minX;
minY = minY > y ? y : minY;
maxX = maxX < x ? x : maxX;
maxY = maxY < y ? y : maxY;
mesh.bounds = [minX, minY, maxX, maxY];
function packData(mesh) {
var i, ii, j, jj;
var coords = mesh.coords;
var coordsPacked = new Float32Array(coords.length * 2);
for (i = 0, j = 0, ii = coords.length; i < ii; i++) {
var xy = coords[i];
coordsPacked[j++] = xy[0];
coordsPacked[j++] = xy[1];
mesh.coords = coordsPacked;
var colors = mesh.colors;
var colorsPacked = new Uint8Array(colors.length * 3);
for (i = 0, j = 0, ii = colors.length; i < ii; i++) {
var c = colors[i];
colorsPacked[j++] = c[0];
colorsPacked[j++] = c[1];
colorsPacked[j++] = c[2];
mesh.colors = colorsPacked;
var figures = mesh.figures;
for (i = 0, ii = figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
var figure = figures[i], ps = figure.coords, cs = figure.colors;
for (j = 0, jj = ps.length; j < jj; j++) {
ps[j] *= 2;
cs[j] *= 3;
function Mesh(stream, matrix, xref, res) {
assert(isStream(stream), 'Mesh data is not a stream');
var dict = stream.dict;
this.matrix = matrix;
this.shadingType = dict.get('ShadingType');
this.type = 'Pattern';
this.bbox = dict.get('BBox');
var cs = dict.get('ColorSpace', 'CS');
cs = ColorSpace.parse(cs, xref, res);
this.cs = cs;
this.background = dict.has('Background') ?
cs.getRgb(dict.get('Background'), 0) : null;
var fnObj = dict.get('Function');
var fn = fnObj ? PDFFunction.parseArray(xref, fnObj) : null;
this.coords = [];
this.colors = [];
this.figures = [];
var decodeContext = {
bitsPerCoordinate: dict.get('BitsPerCoordinate'),
bitsPerComponent: dict.get('BitsPerComponent'),
bitsPerFlag: dict.get('BitsPerFlag'),
decode: dict.get('Decode'),
colorFn: fn,
colorSpace: cs,
numComps: fn ? 1 : cs.numComps
var reader = new MeshStreamReader(stream, decodeContext);
var patchMesh = false;
switch (this.shadingType) {
case ShadingType.FREE_FORM_MESH:
decodeType4Shading(this, reader);
case ShadingType.LATTICE_FORM_MESH:
var verticesPerRow = dict.get('VerticesPerRow') | 0;
assert(verticesPerRow >= 2, 'Invalid VerticesPerRow');
decodeType5Shading(this, reader, verticesPerRow);
case ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH:
decodeType6Shading(this, reader);
patchMesh = true;
case ShadingType.TENSOR_PATCH_MESH:
decodeType7Shading(this, reader);
patchMesh = true;
error('Unsupported mesh type.');
if (patchMesh) {
// dirty bounds calculation for determining, how dense shall be triangles
for (var i = 0, ii = this.figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
buildFigureFromPatch(this, i);
// calculate bounds
Mesh.prototype = {
getIR: function Mesh_getIR() {
return ['Mesh', this.shadingType, this.coords, this.colors, this.figures,
this.bounds, this.matrix, this.bbox, this.background];
return Mesh;
Shadings.Dummy = (function DummyClosure() {
function Dummy() {
this.type = 'Pattern';
Dummy.prototype = {
getIR: function Dummy_getIR() {
return ['Dummy'];
return Dummy;
function getTilingPatternIR(operatorList, dict, args) {
var matrix = dict.get('Matrix');
var bbox = dict.get('BBox');
var xstep = dict.get('XStep');
var ystep = dict.get('YStep');
var paintType = dict.get('PaintType');
var tilingType = dict.get('TilingType');
return [
'TilingPattern', args, operatorList, matrix, bbox, xstep, ystep,
paintType, tilingType