Calixte Denizet fd03cd5493 [api-minor] Generate images in the worker instead of the main thread.
We introduced the use of OffscreenCanvas in  and this patch aims
to use them for all kind of images.
It'll slightly improve performances (and maybe slightly decrease memory use).
Since an image can be rendered in using some transfer maps but because of
OffscreenCanvas we don't have the underlying pixels array the transfer maps
stuff is re-implemented in using the SVG filter feComponentTransfer.
2023-03-01 17:40:12 +01:00

164 lines
5.7 KiB

/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* globals __non_webpack_require__ */
import { buildGetDocumentParams } from "./test_utils.js";
import { getDocument } from "../../src/display/api.js";
import { isNodeJS } from "../../src/shared/is_node.js";
import { SVGGraphics } from "../../src/display/svg.js";
const XLINK_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
// withZlib(true, callback); = run test with require('zlib') if possible.
// withZlib(false, callback); = run test without require('zlib').deflateSync.
// The return value of callback is returned as-is.
function withZlib(isZlibRequired, callback) {
if (isZlibRequired) {
// We could try to polyfill zlib in the browser, e.g. using pako.
// For now, only support zlib functionality on Node.js
if (!isNodeJS) {
throw new Error("zlib test can only be run in Node.js");
return callback();
if (!isNodeJS) {
// Assume that require('zlib') is unavailable in non-Node.
return callback();
const zlib = __non_webpack_require__("zlib");
const deflateSync = zlib.deflateSync;
zlib.deflateSync = disabledDeflateSync;
function disabledDeflateSync() {
throw new Error("zlib.deflateSync is explicitly disabled for testing.");
function restoreDeflateSync() {
if (zlib.deflateSync === disabledDeflateSync) {
zlib.deflateSync = deflateSync;
const promise = callback();
promise.then(restoreDeflateSync, restoreDeflateSync);
return promise;
describe("SVGGraphics", function () {
let loadingTask;
let page;
beforeAll(async function () {
loadingTask = getDocument(
buildGetDocumentParams("xobject-image.pdf", {
isOffscreenCanvasSupported: false,
const doc = await loadingTask.promise;
page = await doc.getPage(1);
afterAll(async function () {
await loadingTask.destroy();
describe("paintImageXObject", function () {
function getSVGImage() {
let svgGfx;
return page
.then(function (opList) {
const forceDataSchema = true;
svgGfx = new SVGGraphics(page.commonObjs, page.objs, forceDataSchema);
return svgGfx.loadDependencies(opList);
.then(function () {
let svgImg;
// A mock to steal the svg:image element from paintInlineImageXObject.
const elementContainer = {
append(...elements) {
svgImg = elements.at(-1);
// This points to the XObject image in xobject-image.pdf.
const xobjectObjId = "img_p0_1";
if (isNodeJS) {
const { setStubs } = __non_webpack_require__(
try {
const imgData = svgGfx.objs.get(xobjectObjId);
svgGfx.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, elementContainer);
} finally {
if (isNodeJS) {
const { unsetStubs } = __non_webpack_require__(
return svgImg;
it('should fail require("zlib") unless in Node.js', function () {
function testFunc() {
if (isNodeJS) {
// Verifies that the script loader replaces __non_webpack_require__ with
// require.
} else {
// require not defined, require('zlib') not a module, etc.
it("should produce a reasonably small svg:image", async function () {
if (!isNodeJS) {
pending("zlib.deflateSync is not supported in non-Node environments.");
const svgImg = await withZlib(true, getSVGImage);
expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "width")).toBe("200px");
expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "height")).toBe("100px");
const imgUrl = svgImg.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href");
// forceDataSchema = true, so the generated URL should be a data:-URL.
// Test whether the generated image has a reasonable file size.
// I obtained a data URL of size 366 with Node 8.1.3 and zlib 1.2.11.
// Without zlib (uncompressed), the size of the data URL was excessive
// (80246).
it("should be able to produce a svg:image without zlib", async function () {
const svgImg = await withZlib(false, getSVGImage);
expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "width")).toBe("200px");
expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "height")).toBe("100px");
const imgUrl = svgImg.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href");
// The size of our naively generated PNG file is excessive :(