Currently in the tests which check that incorrect passwords are rejected, we don't ensure that the exceptions thrown are the ones we expect. This patch improves the current situation, so that we actually can be sure that the code "fails" in the correct way. *Note:* This patch also fixes some cases of weird indentation in the file.
652 lines
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652 lines
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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
/* globals expect, it, describe, calculateMD5, ARCFourCipher, Name,
CipherTransformFactory, calculateSHA256, calculateSHA384,
calculateSHA512, AES128Cipher, AES256Cipher, PDF17, PDF20,
PasswordException, PasswordResponses */
'use strict';
describe('crypto', function() {
function string2binary(s) {
var n = s.length, i;
var result = new Uint8Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
result[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) % 0xFF;
return result;
function hex2binary(s) {
var digits = '0123456789ABCDEF';
s = s.toUpperCase();
var n = s.length >> 1, i, j;
var result = new Uint8Array(n);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var d1 = s.charAt(j++);
var d2 = s.charAt(j++);
var value = (digits.indexOf(d1) << 4) | (digits.indexOf(d2));
result[i] = value;
return result;
// RFC 1321, A.5 Test suite
describe('calculateMD5', function() {
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #1', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('');
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #2', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('a');
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #3', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abc');
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #4', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('message digest');
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #5', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #6', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv' +
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f');
it('should pass RFC 1321 test #7', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678' +
result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a');
// are used
describe('ARCFourCipher', function() {
it('should pass test #1', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('0123456789abcdef');
input = hex2binary('0123456789abcdef');
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('75b7878099e0c596');
it('should pass test #2', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('0123456789abcdef');
input = hex2binary('0000000000000000');
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('7494c2e7104b0879');
it('should pass test #3', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('0000000000000000');
input = hex2binary('0000000000000000');
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('de188941a3375d3a');
it('should pass test #4', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('ef012345');
input = hex2binary('00000000000000000000');
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('d6a141a7ec3c38dfbd61');
it('should pass test #5', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('0123456789abcdef');
input = hex2binary('010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
'10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010' +
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('7595c3e6114a09780c4ad452338e1ffd9a1be9498f813d76' +
'533449b6778dcad8c78a8d2ba9ac66085d0e53d59c26c2d1c490c1ebbe0ce66d1b6b' +
'1b13b6b919b847c25a91447a95e75e4ef16779cde8bf0a95850e32af9689444fd377' +
'108f98fdcbd4e726567500990bcc7e0ca3c4aaa304a387d20f3b8fbbcd42a1bd311d' +
'7a4303dda5ab078896ae80c18b0af66dff319616eb784e495ad2ce90d7f772a81747' +
'b65f62093b1e0db9e5ba532fafec47508323e671327df9444432cb7367cec82f5d44' +
'c0d00b67d650a075cd4b70dedd77eb9b10231b6b5b741347396d62897421d43df9b4' +
'2e446e358e9c11a9b2184ecbef0cd8e7a877ef968f1390ec9b3d35a5585cb009290e' +
'2fcde7b5ec66d9084be44055a619d9dd7fc3166f9487f7cb272912426445998514c1' +
'5d53a18c864ce3a2b7555793988126520eacf2e3066e230c91bee4dd5304f5fd0405' +
'b35bd99c73135d3d9bc335ee049ef69b3867bf2d7bd1eaa595d8bfc0066ff8d31509' +
'eb0c6caa006c807a623ef84c3d33c195d23ee320c40de0558157c822d4b8c569d849' +
'aed59d4e0fd7f379586b4b7ff684ed6a189f7486d49b9c4bad9ba24b96abf924372c' +
'8a8fffb10d55354900a77a3db5f205e1b99fcd8660863a159ad4abe40fa48934163d' +
'dde542a6585540fd683cbfd8c00f12129a284deacc4cdefe58be7137541c047126c8' +
it('should pass test #6', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('fb029e3031323334');
input = hex2binary('aaaa0300000008004500004e661a00008011be640a0001220af' +
'fffff00890089003a000080a601100001000000000000204543454a4548454346434' +
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('f69c5806bd6ce84626bcbefb9474650aad1f7909b0f64d5f' +
'58a503a258b7ed22eb0ea64930d3a056a55742fcce141d485f8aa836dea18df42c53' +
it('should pass test #7', function() {
var key, input, result, expected, cipher;
key = hex2binary('0123456789abcdef');
input = hex2binary('123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123' +
cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('66a0949f8af7d6891f7f832ba833c00c892ebe30143ce287' +
describe('calculateSHA256', function() {
it('should properly hash abc', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abc');
result = calculateSHA256(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('BA7816BF8F01CFEA414140DE5DAE2223B00361A396177A9C' +
it('should properly hash a multiblock input', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmno' +
result = calculateSHA256(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('248D6A61D20638B8E5C026930C3E6039A33CE45964FF2167' +
describe('calculateSHA384', function() {
it('should properly hash abc', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abc');
result = calculateSHA384(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('CB00753F45A35E8BB5A03D699AC65007272C32AB0EDED163' +
it('should properly hash a multiblock input', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklm' +
'ghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrs' +
result = calculateSHA384(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('09330C33F71147E83D192FC782CD1B4753111B173B3B05D2' +
describe('calculateSHA512', function() {
it('should properly hash abc', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abc');
result = calculateSHA512(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('DDAF35A193617ABACC417349AE20413112E6FA4E89A97EA2' +
'0A9EEEE64B55D39A2192992A274FC1A836BA3C23A3FEEBBD' +
it('should properly hash a multiblock input', function() {
var input, result, expected;
input = string2binary('abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklm' +
'ghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrs' +
result = calculateSHA512(input, 0, input.length);
expected = hex2binary('8E959B75DAE313DA8CF4F72814FC143F8F7779C6EB9F7FA1' +
'7299AEADB6889018501D289E4900F7E4331B99DEC4B5433A' +
describe('AES128', function() {
describe('Encryption', function() {
it('should be able to encrypt a block', function() {
var input, key, result, expected, iv, cipher;
input = hex2binary('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff');
key = hex2binary('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f');
iv = hex2binary('00000000000000000000000000000000');
cipher = new AES128Cipher(key);
result = cipher.encrypt(input,iv);
expected = hex2binary('69c4e0d86a7b0430d8cdb78070b4c55a');
describe('Decryption', function() {
it('should be able to decrypt a block with IV in stream', function() {
var input, key, result, expected, cipher;
input = hex2binary('0000000000000000000000000000000069c4e0d86a7b0430d' +
key = hex2binary('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f');
cipher = new AES128Cipher(key);
result = cipher.decryptBlock(input);
expected = hex2binary('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff');
describe('AES256', function() {
describe('Encryption', function() {
it('should be able to encrypt a block', function() {
var input, key, result, expected, iv, cipher;
input = hex2binary('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff');
key = hex2binary('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718' +
iv = hex2binary('00000000000000000000000000000000');
cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
result = cipher.encrypt(input,iv);
expected = hex2binary('8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089');
describe('Decryption', function() {
it('should be able to decrypt a block with specified iv', function() {
var input, key, result, expected, cipher, iv;
input = hex2binary('8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089');
key = hex2binary('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718' +
iv = hex2binary('00000000000000000000000000000000');
cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
result = cipher.decryptBlock(input,false,iv);
expected = hex2binary('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff');
it('should be able to decrypt a block with IV in stream', function() {
var input, key, result, expected, cipher;
input = hex2binary('000000000000000000000000000000008ea2b7ca516745bf' +
key = hex2binary('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718' +
cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
result = cipher.decryptBlock(input,false);
expected = hex2binary('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff');
describe('PDF17Algorithm', function() {
it('should correctly check a user key', function() {
var password, userValidation, userPassword, alg, result;
alg = new PDF17();
password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
userValidation = new Uint8Array([117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220]);
userPassword = new Uint8Array([
131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79,
253, 189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81,
197, 15, 249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65,
3, 1, 126, 187, 221]);
result = alg.checkUserPassword(password, userValidation, userPassword);
it('should correctly check an owner key', function () {
var password, ownerValidation, ownerPassword, alg, result, uBytes;
alg = new PDF17();
password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
ownerValidation = new Uint8Array([243, 118, 71, 153, 128, 17, 101, 62]);
ownerPassword = new Uint8Array([60, 98, 137, 35, 51, 101, 200, 152, 210,
178, 226, 228, 134, 205, 163, 24, 204,
126, 177, 36, 106, 50, 36, 125, 210, 172,
171, 120, 222, 108, 139, 115]);
uBytes = new Uint8Array([131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79, 253,
189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81, 197, 15,
249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65, 3, 1, 126, 187,
221, 117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220, 168,
94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40]);
result = alg.checkOwnerPassword(password, ownerValidation, uBytes,
it('should generate a file encryption key from the user key', function () {
var password, userKeySalt, expected, alg, result, userEncryption;
alg = new PDF17();
password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
userKeySalt = new Uint8Array([168, 94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40]);
userEncryption = new Uint8Array([35, 150, 195, 169, 245, 51, 51, 255,
158, 158, 33, 242, 231, 75, 125, 190,
25, 126, 172, 114, 195, 244, 137, 245,
234, 165, 42, 74, 60, 38, 17, 17]);
result = alg.getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption);
expected = new Uint8Array([63, 114, 136, 209, 87, 61, 12, 30, 249, 1,
186, 144, 254, 248, 163, 153, 151, 51, 133,
10, 80, 152, 206, 15, 72, 187, 231, 33, 224,
239, 13, 213]);
it('should generate a file encryption key from the owner key', function () {
var password, ownerKeySalt, expected, alg, result, ownerEncryption;
var uBytes;
alg = new PDF17();
password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
ownerKeySalt = new Uint8Array([200, 245, 242, 12, 218, 123, 24, 120]);
ownerEncryption = new Uint8Array([213, 202, 14, 189, 110, 76, 70, 191, 6,
195, 10, 190, 157, 100, 144, 85, 8, 62,
123, 178, 156, 229, 50, 40, 229, 216,
54, 222, 34, 38, 106, 223]);
uBytes = new Uint8Array([131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79, 253,
189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81, 197, 15,
249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65, 3, 1, 126, 187,
221, 117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220, 168,
94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40]);
result = alg.getOwnerKey(password, ownerKeySalt, uBytes, ownerEncryption);
expected = new Uint8Array([63, 114, 136, 209, 87, 61, 12, 30, 249, 1,
186, 144, 254, 248, 163, 153, 151, 51, 133,
10, 80, 152, 206, 15, 72, 187, 231, 33, 224,
239, 13, 213]);
describe('PDF20Algorithm', function() {
it('should correctly check a user key', function () {
var password, userValidation, userPassword, alg, result;
alg = new PDF20();
password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
userValidation = new Uint8Array([83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198]);
userPassword = new Uint8Array([
94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219,
128, 17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46,
103, 176, 160, 156, 187, 233, 166, 223,
163, 253, 147, 235, 95, 184]);
result = alg.checkUserPassword(password, userValidation, userPassword);
it('should correctly check an owner key', function () {
var password, ownerValidation, ownerPassword, alg, result, uBytes;
alg = new PDF20();
password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
ownerValidation = new Uint8Array([142, 232, 169, 208, 202, 214, 5, 185]);
ownerPassword = new Uint8Array([88, 232, 62, 54, 245, 26, 245, 209, 137,
123, 221, 72, 199, 49, 37, 217, 31, 74,
115, 167, 127, 158, 176, 77, 45, 163, 87,
47, 39, 90, 217, 141]);
uBytes = new Uint8Array([94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219, 128,
17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46, 103, 176, 160,
156, 187, 233, 166, 223, 163, 253, 147, 235, 95,
184, 83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198, 191,
11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175]);
result = alg.checkOwnerPassword(password, ownerValidation, uBytes,
it('should generate a file encryption key from the user key', function () {
var password, userKeySalt, expected, alg, result, userEncryption;
alg = new PDF20();
password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
userKeySalt = new Uint8Array([191, 11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175]);
userEncryption = new Uint8Array([121, 208, 2, 181, 230, 89, 156, 60, 253,
143, 212, 28, 84, 180, 196, 177, 173,
128, 221, 107, 46, 20, 94, 186, 135, 51,
95, 24, 20, 223, 254, 36]);
result = alg.getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption);
expected = new Uint8Array([42, 218, 213, 39, 73, 91, 72, 79, 67, 38, 248,
133, 18, 189, 61, 34, 107, 79, 29, 56, 59,
181, 213, 118, 113, 34, 65, 210, 87, 174, 22,
it('should generate a file encryption key from the owner key', function () {
var password, ownerKeySalt, expected, alg, result, ownerEncryption;
var uBytes;
alg = new PDF20();
password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
ownerKeySalt = new Uint8Array([29, 208, 185, 46, 11, 76, 135, 149]);
ownerEncryption = new Uint8Array([209, 73, 224, 77, 103, 155, 201, 181,
190, 68, 223, 20, 62, 90, 56, 210, 5,
240, 178, 128, 238, 124, 68, 254, 253,
244, 62, 108, 208, 135, 10, 251]);
uBytes = new Uint8Array([94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219, 128,
17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46, 103, 176, 160,
156, 187, 233, 166, 223, 163, 253, 147, 235, 95,
184, 83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198, 191,
11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175]);
result = alg.getOwnerKey(password, ownerKeySalt, uBytes, ownerEncryption);
expected = new Uint8Array([42, 218, 213, 39, 73, 91, 72, 79, 67, 38, 248,
133, 18, 189, 61, 34, 107, 79, 29, 56, 59,
181, 213, 118, 113, 34, 65, 210, 87, 174, 22,
describe('CipherTransformFactory', function() {
function DictMock(map) {
| = map;
DictMock.prototype = {
get: function(key) {
function ensureCipherTransformFactoryPasswordIncorrect(
dict, fileId, password) {
var exception = null;
try {
new CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password);
} catch (ex) {
exception = ex;
expect(exception instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true);
var map1 = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 2,
Length: 128,
O: unescape('%80%C3%04%96%91o%20sl%3A%E6%1B%13T%91%F2%0DV%12%E3%FF%5E%BB%' +
U: unescape('j%0C%8D%3EY%19%00%BCjd%7D%91%BD%AA%00%18%00%00%00%00%00%00%0' +
P: -1028,
R: 3
var fileID1 = unescape('%F6%C6%AF%17%F3rR%8DRM%9A%80%D1%EF%DF%18');
var map2 = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 4,
Length: 128,
O: unescape('sF%14v.y5%27%DB%97%0A5%22%B3%E1%D4%AD%BD%9B%3C%B4%A5%89u%15%' +
U: unescape('%93%04%89%A9%BF%8AE%A6%88%A2%DB%C2%A0%A8gn%00%00%00%00%00%00' +
P: -1084,
R: 4
var aes256Map = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 5,
Length: 256,
O: unescape('%3Cb%89%233e%C8%98%D2%B2%E2%E4%86%CD%A3%18%CC%7E%B1%24j2%24%' +
U: unescape('%83%F2%8F%A0W%02%8A%86O%FD%BD%AD%E0I%90%F1%BEQ%C5%0F%F9i%91%' +
'97%0F%C2A%03%01%7E%BB%DDu%A9%04%20%9Fe%16%DC%A8%5E%D7%C0d%26' +
OE: unescape('%D5%CA%0E%BDnLF%BF%06%C3%0A%BE%9Dd%90U%08%3E%7B%B2%9C%E52%2' +
UE: unescape('%23%96%C3%A9%F533%FF%9E%9E%21%F2%E7K%7D%BE%19%7E%ACr%C3%F4%' +
Perms: unescape('%D8%FC%844%E5e%0DB%5D%7Ff%FD%3COMM'),
P: -1084,
R: 5
var aes256IsoMap = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 5,
Length: 256,
O: unescape('X%E8%3E6%F5%1A%F5%D1%89%7B%DDH%C71%25%D9%1FJs%A7%7F%9E%B0M-%' +
U: unescape('%5E%E6%CDK%A6c%FAL%DB%80%11U9%11%21%A4%96.g%B0%A0%9C%BB%E9%A' +
'6%DF%A3%FD%93%EB_%B8S%F5%92e%C6%F7%22%C6%BF%0B%10%5E%ED%D8%1' +
OE: unescape('%D1I%E0Mg%9B%C9%B5%BED%DF%14%3EZ8%D2%05%F0%B2%80%EE%7CD%FE%' +
UE: unescape('y%D0%02%B5%E6Y%9C%3C%FD%8F%D4%1CT%B4%C4%B1%AD%80%DDk.%14%5E' +
Perms: unescape('l%AD%0F%A0%EBM%86WM%3E%CB%B5%E0X%C97'),
P: -1084,
R: 6
var aes256BlankMap = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 5,
Length: 256,
O: unescape('%B8p%04%C3g%26%FCW%CCN%D4%16%A1%E8%950YZ%C9%9E%B1-%97%F3%FE%' +
U: unescape('%83%D4zi%F1O0%961%12%CC%82%CB%CA%BF5y%FD%21%EB%E4%D1%B5%1D%D' +
'6%FA%14%F3%BE%8Fqs%EF%88%DE%E2%E8%DC%F55%E4%B8%16%C8%14%8De%' +
OE: unescape('%8F%19%E8%D4%27%D5%07%CA%C6%A1%11%A6a%5Bt%F4%DF%0F%84%29%0F' +
UE: unescape('%81%F5%5D%B0%28%81%E4%7F_%7C%8F%85b%A0%7E%10%D0%88lx%7B%7EJ' +
Perms: unescape('%86%1562%0D%AE%A2%FB%5D%3B%22%3Dq%12%B2H'),
P: -1084,
R: 5
var aes256IBlankMap = {
Filter: Name.get('Standard'),
V: 5,
Length: 256,
O: unescape('%F7%DB%99U%A6M%ACk%AF%CF%D7AFw%E9%C1%91%CBDgI%23R%CF%0C%15r%' +
U: unescape('%1A%A9%DC%918%83%93k%29%5B%117%B16%DB%E8%8E%FE%28%E5%89%D4%0' +
OE: unescape('%A4a%88%20h%1B%7F%CD%D5%CAc%D8R%83%E5%D6%1C%D2%98%07%984%BA' +
UE: unescape('%A0%0AZU%27%1D%27%2C%0B%FE%0E%A2L%F9b%5E%A1%B9%D6v7b%B26%A9' +
Perms: unescape('%03%F2i%07%0D%C3%F9%F2%28%80%B7%F5%DD%D1c%EB'),
P: -1084,
R: 6
var fileID2 = unescape('%3CL_%3AD%96%AF@%9A%9D%B3%3Cx%1Cv%AC');
describe('#ctor', function() {
describe('AES256 Revision 5', function () {
it('should accept user password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256Map), fileID1, 'user');
it('should accept owner password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256Map), fileID1, 'owner');
it('should not accept wrong password', function () {
new DictMock(aes256Map), fileID1, 'wrong');
it('should accept blank password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256BlankMap), fileID1);
describe('AES256 Revision 6', function () {
it('should accept user password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256IsoMap), fileID1,
it('should accept owner password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256IsoMap), fileID1,
it('should not accept wrong password', function () {
new DictMock(aes256IsoMap), fileID1, 'wrong');
it('should accept blank password', function () {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(aes256IBlankMap), fileID1);
it('should accept user password', function() {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(map1), fileID1, '123456');
it('should accept owner password', function() {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(map1), fileID1, '654321');
it('should not accept wrong password', function() {
new DictMock(map1), fileID1, 'wrong');
it('should accept no password', function() {
new CipherTransformFactory(new DictMock(map2), fileID2);