718 lines
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718 lines
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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* globals assertWellFormed, calculateMD5, Catalog, error, info, isArray,
isArrayBuffer, isDict, isName, isStream, isString, Lexer,
Linearization, NullStream, PartialEvaluator, shadow, Stream,
StreamsSequenceStream, stringToPDFString, TODO, Util, warn, XRef,
MissingDataException, Promise */
'use strict';
var globalScope = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? this : window;
var isWorker = (typeof window == 'undefined');
var ERRORS = 0, WARNINGS = 1, INFOS = 5;
var verbosity = WARNINGS;
// The global PDFJS object exposes the API
// In production, it will be declared outside a global wrapper
// In development, it will be declared here
if (!globalScope.PDFJS) {
globalScope.PDFJS = {};
globalScope.PDFJS.pdfBug = false;
var Page = (function PageClosure() {
function getDefaultAnnotationAppearance(annotationDict) {
var appearanceState = annotationDict.get('AP');
if (!isDict(appearanceState)) {
var appearance;
var appearances = appearanceState.get('N');
if (isDict(appearances)) {
var as = annotationDict.get('AS');
if (as && appearances.has(as.name)) {
appearance = appearances.get(as.name);
} else {
appearance = appearances;
return appearance;
function Page(pdfManager, xref, pageIndex, pageDict, ref) {
this.pdfManager = pdfManager;
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
this.pageDict = pageDict;
this.xref = xref;
this.ref = ref;
Page.prototype = {
getPageProp: function Page_getPageProp(key) {
return this.pageDict.get(key);
inheritPageProp: function Page_inheritPageProp(key) {
var dict = this.pageDict;
var obj = dict.get(key);
while (obj === undefined) {
dict = dict.get('Parent');
if (!dict)
obj = dict.get(key);
return obj;
get content() {
return shadow(this, 'content', this.getPageProp('Contents'));
get resources() {
return shadow(this, 'resources', this.inheritPageProp('Resources'));
get mediaBox() {
var obj = this.inheritPageProp('MediaBox');
// Reset invalid media box to letter size.
if (!isArray(obj) || obj.length !== 4)
obj = [0, 0, 612, 792];
return shadow(this, 'mediaBox', obj);
get view() {
var mediaBox = this.mediaBox;
var cropBox = this.inheritPageProp('CropBox');
if (!isArray(cropBox) || cropBox.length !== 4)
return shadow(this, 'view', mediaBox);
// From the spec, 6th ed., p.963:
// "The crop, bleed, trim, and art boxes should not ordinarily
// extend beyond the boundaries of the media box. If they do, they are
// effectively reduced to their intersection with the media box."
cropBox = Util.intersect(cropBox, mediaBox);
if (!cropBox)
return shadow(this, 'view', mediaBox);
return shadow(this, 'view', cropBox);
get annotations() {
return shadow(this, 'annotations', this.inheritPageProp('Annots'));
get rotate() {
var rotate = this.inheritPageProp('Rotate') || 0;
// Normalize rotation so it's a multiple of 90 and between 0 and 270
if (rotate % 90 !== 0) {
rotate = 0;
} else if (rotate >= 360) {
rotate = rotate % 360;
} else if (rotate < 0) {
// The spec doesn't cover negatives, assume its counterclockwise
// rotation. The following is the other implementation of modulo.
rotate = ((rotate % 360) + 360) % 360;
return shadow(this, 'rotate', rotate);
getContentStream: function Page_getContentStream() {
var content = this.content;
if (isArray(content)) {
// fetching items
var xref = this.xref;
var i, n = content.length;
var streams = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
content = new StreamsSequenceStream(streams);
} else if (isStream(content)) {
} else if (!content) {
// replacing non-existent page content with empty one
content = new NullStream();
return content;
getOperatorList: function Page_getOperatorList(handler) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise();
var pageListPromise = new Promise();
var annotationListPromise = new Promise();
var pdfManager = this.pdfManager;
var contentStreamPromise = pdfManager.ensure(this, 'getContentStream',
var resourcesPromise = pdfManager.ensure(this, 'resources');
var dataPromises = Promise.all(
[contentStreamPromise, resourcesPromise]);
dataPromises.then(function(data) {
var contentStream = data[0];
var resources = data[1];
var pe = self.pe = new PartialEvaluator(
self.xref, handler, self.pageIndex,
'p' + self.pageIndex + '_');
pdfManager.ensure(pe, 'getOperatorList',
[contentStream, resources]).then(
function(opListPromise) {
opListPromise.then(function(data) {
pdfManager.ensure(this, 'getAnnotationsForDraw', []).then(
function(annotations) {
var annotationEvaluator = new PartialEvaluator(
pdfManager, self.xref, handler, self.pageIndex,
'p' + self.pageIndex + '_annotation');
pdfManager.ensure(annotationEvaluator, 'getAnnotationsOperatorList',
function(opListPromise) {
opListPromise.then(function(data) {
Promise.all([pageListPromise, annotationListPromise]).then(
function(datas) {
var pageData = datas[0];
var pageQueue = pageData.queue;
var annotationData = datas[1];
var annotationQueue = annotationData.queue;
Util.concatenateToArray(pageQueue.fnArray, annotationQueue.fnArray);
Util.extendObj(pageData.dependencies, annotationData.dependencies);
return promise;
extractTextContent: function Page_extractTextContent() {
var handler = {
on: function nullHandlerOn() {},
send: function nullHandlerSend() {}
var self = this;
var textContentPromise = new Promise();
var pdfManager = this.pdfManager;
var contentStreamPromise = pdfManager.ensure(this, 'getContentStream',
var resourcesPromise = new Promise();
pdfManager.ensure(this, 'resources').then(function(resources) {
pdfManager.ensure(self.xref, 'fetchIfRef', [resources]).then(
function(resources) {
var dataPromises = Promise.all([contentStreamPromise,
dataPromises.then(function(data) {
var contentStream = data[0];
var resources = data[1];
var pe = new PartialEvaluator(
self.xref, handler, self.pageIndex,
'p' + self.pageIndex + '_');
pe.getTextContent(contentStream, resources).then(function(bidiTexts) {
bidiTexts: bidiTexts
return textContentPromise;
getLinks: function Page_getLinks() {
var links = [];
var annotations = this.getAnnotations();
var i, n = annotations.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (annotations[i].type != 'Link')
return links;
getAnnotations: function Page_getAnnotations() {
var annotations = this.getAnnotationsBase();
var items = [];
for (var i = 0, length = annotations.length; i < length; ++i) {
return items;
getAnnotationsForDraw: function Page_getAnnotationsForDraw() {
var annotations = this.getAnnotationsBase();
var items = [];
for (var i = 0, length = annotations.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = annotations[i].item;
var annotationDict = annotations[i].dict;
item.annotationFlags = annotationDict.get('F');
var appearance = getDefaultAnnotationAppearance(annotationDict);
if (appearance &&
// TODO(mack): The proper implementation requires that the
// appearance stream overrides Name, but we're currently
// doing it the other way around for 'Text' annotations since we
// have special rendering for it
item.type !== 'Text') {
item.appearance = appearance;
var appearanceDict = appearance.dict;
item.resources = appearanceDict.get('Resources');
item.bbox = appearanceDict.get('BBox') || [0, 0, 1, 1];
item.matrix = appearanceDict.get('Matrix') || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ,0];
var border = annotationDict.get('BS');
if (isDict(border) && !item.appearance) {
var borderWidth = border.has('W') ? border.get('W') : 1;
if (borderWidth !== 0) {
item.border = {
width: borderWidth,
type: border.get('S') || 'S',
rgb: annotationDict.get('C') || [0, 0, 1]
return items;
getAnnotationsBase: function Page_getAnnotationsBase() {
var xref = this.xref;
function getInheritableProperty(annotation, name) {
var item = annotation;
while (item && !item.has(name)) {
item = item.get('Parent');
if (!item)
return null;
return item.get(name);
function isValidUrl(url) {
if (!url)
return false;
var colon = url.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 0)
return false;
var protocol = url.substr(0, colon);
switch (protocol) {
case 'http':
case 'https':
case 'ftp':
case 'mailto':
return true;
return false;
var annotations = this.annotations || [];
var i, n = annotations.length;
var items = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var annotationRef = annotations[i];
var annotation = xref.fetchIfRef(annotationRef);
if (!isDict(annotation))
var subtype = annotation.get('Subtype');
if (!isName(subtype))
var item = {};
item.type = subtype.name;
var rect = annotation.get('Rect');
item.rect = Util.normalizeRect(rect);
var includeAnnotation = true;
switch (subtype.name) {
case 'Link':
var a = annotation.get('A');
if (a) {
switch (a.get('S').name) {
case 'URI':
var url = a.get('URI');
// TODO: pdf spec mentions urls can be relative to a Base
// entry in the dictionary.
if (!isValidUrl(url))
url = '';
item.url = url;
case 'GoTo':
item.dest = a.get('D');
case 'GoToR':
var url = a.get('F');
if (isDict(url)) {
// We assume that the 'url' is a Filspec dictionary
// and fetch the url without checking any further
url = url.get('F') || '';
// TODO: pdf reference says that GoToR
// can also have 'NewWindow' attribute
if (!isValidUrl(url))
url = '';
item.url = url;
item.dest = a.get('D');
TODO('unrecognized link type: ' + a.get('S').name);
} else if (annotation.has('Dest')) {
// simple destination link
var dest = annotation.get('Dest');
item.dest = isName(dest) ? dest.name : dest;
case 'Widget':
var fieldType = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'FT');
if (!isName(fieldType))
// Do not display digital signatures since we do not currently
// validate them.
if (fieldType.name === 'Sig') {
includeAnnotation = false;
item.fieldType = fieldType.name;
// Building the full field name by collecting the field and
// its ancestors 'T' properties and joining them using '.'.
var fieldName = [];
var namedItem = annotation, ref = annotationRef;
while (namedItem) {
var parent = namedItem.get('Parent');
var parentRef = namedItem.getRaw('Parent');
var name = namedItem.get('T');
if (name) {
} else {
// The field name is absent, that means more than one field
// with the same name may exist. Replacing the empty name
// with the '`' plus index in the parent's 'Kids' array.
// This is not in the PDF spec but necessary to id the
// the input controls.
var kids = parent.get('Kids');
var j, jj;
for (j = 0, jj = kids.length; j < jj; j++) {
var kidRef = kids[j];
if (kidRef.num == ref.num && kidRef.gen == ref.gen)
fieldName.unshift('`' + j);
namedItem = parent;
ref = parentRef;
item.fullName = fieldName.join('.');
var alternativeText = stringToPDFString(annotation.get('TU') || '');
item.alternativeText = alternativeText;
var da = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'DA') || '';
var m = /([\d\.]+)\sTf/.exec(da);
if (m)
item.fontSize = parseFloat(m[1]);
item.textAlignment = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Q');
item.flags = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Ff') || 0;
case 'Text':
var content = annotation.get('Contents');
var title = annotation.get('T');
item.content = stringToPDFString(content || '');
item.title = stringToPDFString(title || '');
item.name = !annotation.has('Name') ? 'Note' :
var appearance = getDefaultAnnotationAppearance(annotation);
if (!appearance) {
TODO('unimplemented annotation type: ' + subtype.name);
if (includeAnnotation) {
item: item,
dict: annotation
return items;
return Page;
* The `PDFDocument` holds all the data of the PDF file. Compared to the
* `PDFDoc`, this one doesn't have any job management code.
* Right now there exists one PDFDocument on the main thread + one object
* for each worker. If there is no worker support enabled, there are two
* `PDFDocument` objects on the main thread created.
var PDFDocument = (function PDFDocumentClosure() {
function PDFDocument(pdfManager, arg, password) {
if (isStream(arg))
init.call(this, pdfManager, arg, password);
else if (isArrayBuffer(arg))
init.call(this, pdfManager, new Stream(arg), password);
error('PDFDocument: Unknown argument type');
function init(pdfManager, stream, password) {
assertWellFormed(stream.length > 0, 'stream must have data');
this.pdfManager = pdfManager;
this.stream = stream;
var xref = new XRef(this.stream, password);
this.xref = xref;
function find(stream, needle, limit, backwards) {
var pos = stream.pos;
var end = stream.end;
var str = '';
if (pos + limit > end)
limit = end - pos;
for (var n = 0; n < limit; ++n)
str += stream.getChar();
stream.pos = pos;
var index = backwards ? str.lastIndexOf(needle) : str.indexOf(needle);
if (index == -1)
return false; /* not found */
stream.pos += index;
return true; /* found */
var DocumentInfoValidators = {
get entries() {
// Lazily build this since all the validation functions below are not
// defined until after this file loads.
return shadow(this, 'entries', {
Title: isString,
Author: isString,
Subject: isString,
Keywords: isString,
Creator: isString,
Producer: isString,
CreationDate: isString,
ModDate: isString,
Trapped: isName
PDFDocument.prototype = {
parse: function PDFDocument_parse(recoveryMode) {
this.acroForm = this.catalog.catDict.get('AcroForm');
get linearization() {
var length = this.stream.length;
var linearization = false;
if (length) {
try {
linearization = new Linearization(this.stream);
if (linearization.length != length) {
linearization = false;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof MissingDataException) {
throw err;
warn('The linearization data is not available ' +
'or unreadable pdf data is found');
linearization = false;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'linearization', linearization);
get startXRef() {
var stream = this.stream;
var startXRef = 0;
var linearization = this.linearization;
if (linearization) {
// Find end of first obj.
if (find(stream, 'endobj', 1024))
startXRef = stream.pos + 6;
} else {
// Find startxref by jumping backward from the end of the file.
var step = 1024;
var found = false, pos = stream.end;
while (!found && pos > 0) {
pos -= step - 'startxref'.length;
if (pos < 0)
pos = 0;
stream.pos = pos;
found = find(stream, 'startxref', step, true);
if (found) {
var ch;
do {
ch = stream.getChar();
} while (Lexer.isSpace(ch));
var str = '';
while ((ch - '0') <= 9) {
str += ch;
ch = stream.getChar();
startXRef = parseInt(str, 10);
if (isNaN(startXRef))
startXRef = 0;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'startXRef', startXRef);
get mainXRefEntriesOffset() {
var mainXRefEntriesOffset = 0;
var linearization = this.linearization;
if (linearization)
mainXRefEntriesOffset = linearization.mainXRefEntriesOffset;
// shadow the prototype getter with a data property
return shadow(this, 'mainXRefEntriesOffset', mainXRefEntriesOffset);
// Find the header, remove leading garbage and setup the stream
// starting from the header.
checkHeader: function PDFDocument_checkHeader() {
var stream = this.stream;
if (find(stream, '%PDF-', 1024)) {
// Found the header, trim off any garbage before it.
// Reading file format version
var version = '', ch;
while ((ch = stream.getChar()) > ' ') {
if (version.length >= MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) {
version += ch;
// removing "%PDF-"-prefix
this.pdfFormatVersion = version.substring(5);
// May not be a PDF file, continue anyway.
parseStartXRef: function PDFDocument_parseStartXRef() {
var startXRef = this.startXRef;
setup: function PDFDocument_setup(recoveryMode) {
this.catalog = new Catalog(this.pdfManager, this.xref);
get numPages() {
var linearization = this.linearization;
var num = linearization ? linearization.numPages : this.catalog.numPages;
// shadow the prototype getter
return shadow(this, 'numPages', num);
get documentInfo() {
var docInfo = {
PDFFormatVersion: this.pdfFormatVersion,
IsAcroFormPresent: !!this.acroForm
if (this.xref.trailer.has('Info')) {
var infoDict = this.xref.trailer.get('Info');
var validEntries = DocumentInfoValidators.entries;
// Only fill the document info with valid entries from the spec.
for (var key in validEntries) {
if (infoDict.has(key)) {
var value = infoDict.get(key);
// Make sure the value conforms to the spec.
if (validEntries[key](value)) {
docInfo[key] = typeof value !== 'string' ? value :
} else {
info('Bad value in document info for "' + key + '"');
return shadow(this, 'documentInfo', docInfo);
get fingerprint() {
var xref = this.xref, fileID;
if (xref.trailer.has('ID')) {
fileID = '';
var id = xref.trailer.get('ID')[0];
id.split('').forEach(function(el) {
fileID += Number(el.charCodeAt(0)).toString(16);
} else {
// If we got no fileID, then we generate one,
// from the first 100 bytes of PDF
var data = this.stream.bytes.subarray(0, 100);
var hash = calculateMD5(data, 0, data.length);
fileID = '';
for (var i = 0, length = hash.length; i < length; i++) {
fileID += Number(hash[i]).toString(16);
return shadow(this, 'fingerprint', fileID);
traversePages: function PDFDocument_traversePages() {
getPage: function PDFDocument_getPage(pageIndex) {
return this.catalog.getPage(pageIndex);
return PDFDocument;