Yury Delendik cea388201d Merge remote-tracking branch 'mozilla/master' into mergexref-1
2012-04-05 10:03:49 -05:00

533 lines
16 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
'use strict';
var ColorSpace = (function ColorSpaceClosure() {
// Constructor should define this.numComps, this.defaultColor, this.name
function ColorSpace() {
error('should not call ColorSpace constructor');
ColorSpace.prototype = {
// Input: array of size numComps representing color component values
// Output: array of rgb values, each value ranging from [0.1]
getRgb: function ColorSpace_getRgb(color) {
error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgb: ' + color);
// Input: Uint8Array of component values, each value scaled to [0,255]
// Output: Uint8Array of rgb values, each value scaled to [0,255]
getRgbBuffer: function ColorSpace_getRgbBuffer(input) {
error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbBuffer: ' + input);
ColorSpace.parse = function ColorSpace_parse(cs, xref, res) {
var IR = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs, xref, res);
if (IR instanceof AlternateCS)
return IR;
return ColorSpace.fromIR(IR);
ColorSpace.fromIR = function ColorSpace_fromIR(IR) {
var name = isArray(IR) ? IR[0] : IR;
switch (name) {
case 'DeviceGrayCS':
return new DeviceGrayCS();
case 'DeviceRgbCS':
return new DeviceRgbCS();
case 'DeviceCmykCS':
return new DeviceCmykCS();
case 'PatternCS':
var basePatternCS = IR[1];
if (basePatternCS)
basePatternCS = ColorSpace.fromIR(basePatternCS);
return new PatternCS(basePatternCS);
case 'IndexedCS':
var baseIndexedCS = IR[1];
var hiVal = IR[2];
var lookup = IR[3];
return new IndexedCS(ColorSpace.fromIR(baseIndexedCS), hiVal, lookup);
case 'AlternateCS':
var numComps = IR[1];
var alt = IR[2];
var tintFnIR = IR[3];
return new AlternateCS(numComps, ColorSpace.fromIR(alt),
case 'LabCS':
var whitePoint = IR[1].WhitePoint;
var blackPoint = IR[1].BlackPoint;
var range = IR[1].Range;
return new LabCS(whitePoint, blackPoint, range);
error('Unkown name ' + name);
return null;
ColorSpace.parseToIR = function ColorSpace_parseToIR(cs, xref, res) {
if (isName(cs)) {
var colorSpaces = res.get('ColorSpace');
if (isDict(colorSpaces)) {
var refcs = colorSpaces.get(cs.name);
if (refcs)
cs = refcs;
cs = xref.fetchIfRef(cs);
var mode;
if (isName(cs)) {
mode = cs.name;
this.mode = mode;
switch (mode) {
case 'DeviceGray':
case 'G':
return 'DeviceGrayCS';
case 'DeviceRGB':
case 'RGB':
return 'DeviceRgbCS';
case 'DeviceCMYK':
case 'CMYK':
return 'DeviceCmykCS';
case 'Pattern':
return ['PatternCS', null];
error('unrecognized colorspace ' + mode);
} else if (isArray(cs)) {
mode = cs[0].name;
this.mode = mode;
switch (mode) {
case 'DeviceGray':
case 'G':
return 'DeviceGrayCS';
case 'DeviceRGB':
case 'RGB':
return 'DeviceRgbCS';
case 'DeviceCMYK':
case 'CMYK':
return 'DeviceCmykCS';
case 'CalGray':
return 'DeviceGrayCS';
case 'CalRGB':
return 'DeviceRgbCS';
case 'ICCBased':
var stream = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[1]);
var dict = stream.dict;
var numComps = dict.get('N');
if (numComps == 1)
return 'DeviceGrayCS';
if (numComps == 3)
return 'DeviceRgbCS';
if (numComps == 4)
return 'DeviceCmykCS';
case 'Pattern':
var basePatternCS = cs[1];
if (basePatternCS)
basePatternCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(basePatternCS, xref, res);
return ['PatternCS', basePatternCS];
case 'Indexed':
case 'I':
var baseIndexedCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[1], xref, res);
var hiVal = cs[2] + 1;
var lookup = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]);
return ['IndexedCS', baseIndexedCS, hiVal, lookup];
case 'Separation':
case 'DeviceN':
var name = cs[1];
var numComps = 1;
if (isName(name))
numComps = 1;
else if (isArray(name))
numComps = name.length;
var alt = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[2], xref, res);
var tintFnIR = PDFFunction.getIR(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]));
return ['AlternateCS', numComps, alt, tintFnIR];
case 'Lab':
var params = cs[1].getAll();
return ['LabCS', params];
error('unimplemented color space object "' + mode + '"');
} else {
error('unrecognized color space object: "' + cs + '"');
return null;
* Checks if a decode map matches the default decode map for a color space.
* This handles the general decode maps where there are two values per
* component. e.g. [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1] for a RGB color.
* This does not handle Lab, Indexed, or Pattern decode maps since they are
* slightly different.
* @param {Array} decode Decode map (usually from an image).
* @param {Number} n Number of components the color space has.
ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode = function ColorSpace_isDefaultDecode(decode, n) {
if (!decode)
return true;
if (n * 2 !== decode.length) {
warning('The decode map is not the correct length');
return true;
for (var i = 0, ii = decode.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
if (decode[i] != 0 || decode[i + 1] != 1)
return false;
return true;
return ColorSpace;
* Alternate color space handles both Separation and DeviceN color spaces. A
* Separation color space is actually just a DeviceN with one color component.
* Both color spaces use a tinting function to convert colors to a base color
* space.
var AlternateCS = (function AlternateCSClosure() {
function AlternateCS(numComps, base, tintFn) {
this.name = 'Alternate';
this.numComps = numComps;
this.defaultColor = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numComps; ++i)
this.base = base;
this.tintFn = tintFn;
AlternateCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function AlternateCS_getRgb(color) {
var tinted = this.tintFn(color);
return this.base.getRgb(tinted);
getRgbBuffer: function AlternateCS_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) {
var tintFn = this.tintFn;
var base = this.base;
var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
var length = input.length;
var pos = 0;
var baseNumComps = base.numComps;
var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(baseNumComps * length);
var numComps = this.numComps;
var scaled = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i += numComps) {
for (var z = 0; z < numComps; ++z)
scaled[z] = input[i + z] * scale;
var tinted = tintFn(scaled);
for (var j = 0; j < baseNumComps; ++j)
baseBuf[pos++] = 255 * tinted[j];
return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf, 8);
isDefaultDecode: function AlternateCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps);
return AlternateCS;
var PatternCS = (function PatternCSClosure() {
function PatternCS(baseCS) {
this.name = 'Pattern';
this.base = baseCS;
PatternCS.prototype = {};
return PatternCS;
var IndexedCS = (function IndexedCSClosure() {
function IndexedCS(base, highVal, lookup) {
this.name = 'Indexed';
this.numComps = 1;
this.defaultColor = [0];
this.base = base;
this.highVal = highVal;
var baseNumComps = base.numComps;
var length = baseNumComps * highVal;
var lookupArray = new Uint8Array(length);
if (isStream(lookup)) {
var bytes = lookup.getBytes(length);
} else if (isString(lookup)) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
lookupArray[i] = lookup.charCodeAt(i);
} else {
error('Unrecognized lookup table: ' + lookup);
this.lookup = lookupArray;
IndexedCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function IndexedCS_getRgb(color) {
var numComps = this.base.numComps;
var start = color[0] * numComps;
var c = [];
for (var i = start, ii = start + numComps; i < ii; ++i)
return this.base.getRgb(c);
getRgbBuffer: function IndexedCS_getRgbBuffer(input) {
var base = this.base;
var numComps = base.numComps;
var lookup = this.lookup;
var length = input.length;
var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(length * numComps);
var baseBufPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var lookupPos = input[i] * numComps;
for (var j = 0; j < numComps; ++j) {
baseBuf[baseBufPos++] = lookup[lookupPos + j];
return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf, 8);
isDefaultDecode: function IndexedCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
// indexed color maps shouldn't be changed
return true;
return IndexedCS;
var DeviceGrayCS = (function DeviceGrayCSClosure() {
function DeviceGrayCS() {
this.name = 'DeviceGray';
this.numComps = 1;
this.defaultColor = [0];
DeviceGrayCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function DeviceGrayCS_getRgb(color) {
var c = color[0];
return [c, c, c];
getRgbBuffer: function DeviceGrayCS_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) {
var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
var length = input.length;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length * 3);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var c = (scale * input[i]) | 0;
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
rgbBuf[j++] = c;
return rgbBuf;
isDefaultDecode: function DeviceGrayCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps);
return DeviceGrayCS;
var DeviceRgbCS = (function DeviceRgbCSClosure() {
function DeviceRgbCS() {
this.name = 'DeviceRGB';
this.numComps = 3;
this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0];
DeviceRgbCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function DeviceRgbCS_getRgb(color) {
return color;
getRgbBuffer: function DeviceRgbCS_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) {
if (bits == 8)
return input;
var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
var i, length = input.length;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
rgbBuf[i] = (scale * input[i]) | 0;
return rgbBuf;
isDefaultDecode: function DeviceRgbCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps);
return DeviceRgbCS;
var DeviceCmykCS = (function DeviceCmykCSClosure() {
function DeviceCmykCS() {
this.name = 'DeviceCMYK';
this.numComps = 4;
this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0, 1];
DeviceCmykCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function DeviceCmykCS_getRgb(color) {
var c = color[0], m = color[1], y = color[2], k = color[3];
// CMYK -> CMY: http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH&H=14#text14
c = (c * (1 - k) + k);
m = (m * (1 - k) + k);
y = (y * (1 - k) + k);
// CMY -> RGB: http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH&H=12#text12
var r = (1 - c);
var g = (1 - m);
var b = (1 - y);
return [r, g, b];
getRgbBuffer: function DeviceCmykCS_getRgbBuffer(colorBuf, bits) {
var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
var length = colorBuf.length / 4;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length * 3);
var rgbBufPos = 0;
var colorBufPos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var cmyk = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
cmyk.push(scale * colorBuf[colorBufPos++]);
var rgb = this.getRgb(cmyk);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
rgbBuf[rgbBufPos++] = Math.round(rgb[j] * 255);
return rgbBuf;
isDefaultDecode: function DeviceCmykCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps);
return DeviceCmykCS;
// LabCS: Based on "PDF Reference, Sixth Ed", p.250
var LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() {
function LabCS(whitePoint, blackPoint, range) {
this.name = 'Lab';
this.numComps = 3;
this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0];
if (!whitePoint)
error('WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab');
blackPoint = blackPoint || [0, 0, 0];
range = range || [-100, 100, -100, 100];
// Translate args to spec variables
this.XW = whitePoint[0];
this.YW = whitePoint[1];
this.ZW = whitePoint[2];
this.amin = range[0];
this.amax = range[1];
this.bmin = range[2];
this.bmax = range[3];
// These are here just for completeness - the spec doesn't offer any
// formulas that use BlackPoint in Lab
this.XB = blackPoint[0];
this.YB = blackPoint[1];
this.ZB = blackPoint[2];
// Validate vars as per spec
if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1)
error('Invalid WhitePoint components, no fallback available');
if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) {
warn('Invalid BlackPoint, falling back to default');
this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0;
if (this.amin > this.amax || this.bmin > this.bmax) {
warn('Invalid Range, falling back to defaults');
this.amin = -100;
this.amax = 100;
this.bmin = -100;
this.bmax = 100;
// Function g(x) from spec
function g(x) {
if (x >= 6 / 29)
return x * x * x;
return (108 / 841) * (x - 4 / 29);
LabCS.prototype = {
getRgb: function LabCS_getRgb(color) {
// Ls,as,bs <---> L*,a*,b* in the spec
var Ls = color[0], as = color[1], bs = color[2];
// Adjust limits of 'as' and 'bs'
as = as > this.amax ? this.amax : as;
as = as < this.amin ? this.amin : as;
bs = bs > this.bmax ? this.bmax : bs;
bs = bs < this.bmin ? this.bmin : bs;
// Computes intermediate variables X,Y,Z as per spec
var M = (Ls + 16) / 116;
var L = M + (as / 500);
var N = M - (bs / 200);
var X = this.XW * g(L);
var Y = this.YW * g(M);
var Z = this.ZW * g(N);
// XYZ to RGB 3x3 matrix, from:
// http://www.poynton.com/notes/colour_and_gamma/ColorFAQ.html#RTFToC18
var XYZtoRGB = [3.240479, -1.537150, -0.498535,
-0.969256, 1.875992, 0.041556,
0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311];
return Util.apply3dTransform(XYZtoRGB, [X, Y, Z]);
getRgbBuffer: function LabCS_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) {
if (bits == 8)
return input;
var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
var i, length = input.length / 3;
var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length);
var j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// Convert L*, a*, s* into RGB
var rgb = this.getRgb([input[i], input[i + 1], input[i + 2]]);
rgbBuf[j++] = rgb[0];
rgbBuf[j++] = rgb[1];
rgbBuf[j++] = rgb[2];
return rgbBuf;
isDefaultDecode: function LabCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) {
// From Table 90 in Adobe's:
// "Document management - Portable document format", 1st ed, 2008
if (decodeMap[0] === 0 && decodeMap[1] === 100 &&
decodeMap[2] === this.amin && decodeMap[3] === this.amax &&
decodeMap[4] === this.bmin && decodeMap[5] === this.bmax)
return true;
return false;
return LabCS;