Calixte Denizet 094ff38da0 [JS] Fix few bugs present in the pdf for issue #14862
- since resetForm function reset a field value a calculateNow is consequently triggered.
  But the calculate callback can itself call resetForm, hence an infinite recursive loop.
  So basically, prevent calculeNow to be triggered by itself.
- in Firefox, the letters entered in some fields were duplicated: "AaBb" instead of "AB".
  It was mainly because beforeInput was triggering a Keystroke which was itself triggering
  an input value update and then the input event was triggered.
  So in order to avoid that, beforeInput calls preventDefault and then it's up to the JS to
  handle the event.
- fields have a property valueAsString which returns the value as a string. In the
  implementation it was wrongly used to store the formatted value of a field (2€ when the user
  entered 2). So this patch implements correctly valueAsString.
- non-rendered fields can be updated in using JS but when they're, they must take some properties
  in the annotationStorage. It was implemented for field values, but it wasn't for
  display, colors, ...
- it fixes #14862 and #14705.
2022-05-03 15:48:44 +02:00

1306 lines
41 KiB

/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const { clearInput, closePages, loadAndWait } = require("./test_utils.js");
describe("Interaction", () => {
async function actAndWaitForInput(page, selector, action, clear = true) {
if (clear) {
await clearInput(page, selector);
await action();
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("${selector.replace("\\", "\\\\")}").value !== ""`
return page.$eval(selector, el => el.value);
describe("in 160F-2019.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("160F-2019.pdf", "#\\34 16R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check that first text field has focus", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
// The document has an open action in order to give
// the focus to 401R.
const id = await page.evaluate(
() => window.document.activeElement.id
expect(id).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("401R");
it("must show a text field and then make in invisible when content is removed", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
let visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\34 27R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
expect(visibility).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("hidden");
await page.type("#\\34 16R", "3.14159", { delay: 200 });
await page.click("#\\34 19R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#\\\\34 27R")).visibility !== "hidden"`
visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\34 27R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\34 16R");
// and leave it
await page.click("#\\34 19R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#\\\\34 27R")).visibility !== "visible"`
visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\34 27R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
expect(visibility).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("hidden");
it("must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a click", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.type("#\\34 16R", "3.14159", { delay: 200 });
await page.click("#\\34 19R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 16R").value !== "3.14159"`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 16R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,14");
const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value);
expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,14");
it("must format the field with 2 digits, leave field with a click and again", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.type("#\\34 48R", "61803", { delay: 200 });
await page.click("#\\34 19R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 48R").value !== "61803"`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("61.803,00");
await page.click("#\\34 48R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 48R").value !== "61.803,00"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("61803");
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\34 48R");
await page.type("#\\34 48R", "1.61803", { delay: 200 });
await page.click("#\\34 19R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 48R").value !== "1.61803"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("1,62");
it("must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a TAB", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const prevSum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value);
await page.type("#\\34 22R", "2.7182818", { delay: 200 });
await page.keyboard.press("Tab");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 22R").value !== "2.7182818"`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 22R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("2,72");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 27R").value !== "${prevSum}"`
const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value);
expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("5,86");
it("must format the field with 2 digits and hit ESC", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
let sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 71R", el => el.value);
expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("4,24");
await page.type("#\\34 36R", "0.69314", { delay: 200 });
await page.keyboard.press("Escape");
const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 36R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("0.69314");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 71R").value !== "${sum}"`
sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 71R", el => el.value);
expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,55");
it("must format the field with 2 digits on key ENTER", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const prevSum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value);
await page.type("#\\34 19R", "0.577215", { delay: 200 });
await page.keyboard.press("Enter");
const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 19R", el => el.value);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 27R").value !== "${prevSum}"`
const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value);
it("must reset all", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
// click on a radio button
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='449R']");
// this field has no actions but it must be cleared on reset
await page.type("#\\34 05R", "employee", { delay: 200 });
let checked = await page.$eval("#\\34 49R", el => el.checked);
// click on reset button
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='402R']");
await Promise.all(
["16", "22", "19", "05"].map(id =>
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 ${id}R").value === ""`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 16R", el => el.value);
text = await page.$eval("#\\34 22R", el => el.value);
text = await page.$eval("#\\34 19R", el => el.value);
text = await page.$eval("#\\34 05R", el => el.value);
checked = await page.$eval("#\\34 49R", el => el.checked);
const visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\34 27R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
describe("in js-buttons.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("js-buttons.pdf", "#\\38 0R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must show values in a text input when clicking on radio buttons", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
const expected = [
["#\\38 1R", "Group1=Choice1::1"],
["#\\38 2R", "Group1=Choice2::2"],
["#\\38 3R", "Group1=Choice3::3"],
["#\\38 4R", "Group1=Choice4::4"],
for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) {
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R");
await page.click(selector);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText);
it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const expected = [
["#\\38 5R", "Check1=Yes::5"],
["#\\38 7R", "Check2=Yes::6"],
["#\\38 8R", "Check3=Yes::7"],
["#\\38 9R", "Check4=Yes::8"],
["#\\38 5R", "Check1=Off::5"],
["#\\38 7R", "Check2=Off::6"],
["#\\38 8R", "Check3=Off::7"],
["#\\38 9R", "Check4=Off::8"],
for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) {
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R");
await page.click(selector);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText);
it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes in a group", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const expected = [
["#\\39 0R", "Check5=Yes1::9"],
["#\\39 1R", "Check5=Yes2::10"],
["#\\39 2R", "Check5=Yes3::11"],
["#\\39 3R", "Check5=Yes4::12"],
["#\\39 3R", "Check5=Off::12"],
for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) {
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R");
await page.click(selector);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText);
it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes or radio with no actions", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const expected = [
["", "Off;Off"],
["#\\39 4R", "Yes;Off"],
["#\\39 5R", "Yes;NoAct2"],
["#\\39 6R", "Yes;NoAct3"],
["#\\39 4R", "Off;NoAct3"],
["#\\39 5R", "Off;NoAct2"],
for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) {
// Clear the textfield
await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R");
if (selector) {
await page.click(selector);
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='97R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText);
describe("in doc_actions.pdf for printing", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must execute WillPrint and DidPrint actions", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
if (process.platform === "win32" && browserName === "firefox") {
pending("Disabled in Firefox on Windows, because of bug 1662471.");
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await clearInput(page, "#\\34 7R");
await page.evaluate(_ => {
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 7R").value === ""`
let text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\34 7R", async () => {
await page.click("#print");
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("WillPrint");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\35 0R").value !== ""`
text = await page.$eval("#\\35 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("DidPrint");
describe("in doc_actions.pdf for saving", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must execute WillSave and DidSave actions", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
try {
// Disable download in chrome
// (it leads to an error in firefox so the try...)
await page._client.send("Page.setDownloadBehavior", {
behavior: "deny",
} catch (_) {}
await clearInput(page, "#\\34 7R");
await page.evaluate(_ => {
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 7R").value === ""`
let text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\34 7R", async () => {
await page.click("#download");
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("WillSave");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\35 0R").value !== ""`
text = await page.$eval("#\\35 0R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("DidSave");
describe("in doc_actions.pdf for page actions", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must execute PageOpen and PageClose actions", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\34 7R").value !== ""`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("PageOpen 1");
for (let run = 0; run < 5; run++) {
for (const ref of [18, 19, 20, 21, 47, 50]) {
await page.evaluate(refElem => {
const element = window.document.getElementById(`${refElem}R`);
if (element) {
element.value = "";
}, ref);
for (const [refOpen, refClose, pageNumOpen, pageNumClose] of [
[18, 50, 2, 1],
[21, 19, 3, 2],
[47, 20, 1, 3],
]) {
text = await actAndWaitForInput(
`#\\3${Math.floor(refOpen / 10)} ${refOpen % 10}R`,
async () => {
await page.evaluate(refElem => {
}, refOpen);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
.toEqual(`PageOpen ${pageNumOpen}`);
text = await page.$eval(
`#\\3${Math.floor(refClose / 10)} ${refClose % 10}R`,
el => el.value
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
.toEqual(`PageClose ${pageNumClose}`);
describe("in js-authors.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("js-authors.pdf", "#\\32 5R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must print authors in a text field", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\32 5R", async () => {
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='26R']");
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
describe("in listbox_actions.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("listbox_actions.pdf", "#\\33 3R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must print selected value in a text field", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
for (const num of [7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 3R");
await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
it("must clear and restore list elements", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
// Click on ClearItems button.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='34R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === 0`
// Click on Restore button.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='37R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length !== 0`
for (const num of [7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 3R");
await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
it("must insert new elements", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
let len = 6;
for (const num of [1, 3, 5, 6, 431, -1, 0]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 3R");
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 9R");
await page.type("#\\33 9R", `${num},Insert${num},Tresni${num}`, {
delay: 10,
// Click on AddItem button.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='38R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}`
// Click on newly added option.
await page.select("#\\33 0R", `Tresni${num}`);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
it("must delete some element", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
let len = 6;
// Click on Restore button.
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 3R");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='37R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}`
for (const num of [2, 5]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 9R");
await page.type("#\\33 9R", `${num}`);
// Click on DeleteItem button.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='36R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}`
for (const num of [6, 4, 2, 1]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 3R");
await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`);
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
describe("in js-colors.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("js-colors.pdf", "#\\33 4R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must change colors", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
for (const [name, ref] of [
["Text1", "#\\33 4R"],
["Check1", "#\\33 5R"],
["Radio1", "#\\33 7R"],
["Choice1", "#\\33 8R"],
]) {
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 4R");
await page.type("#\\33 4R", `${name}`, {
delay: 10,
for (const [id, propName, expected] of [
[41, "backgroundColor", "rgb(255, 0, 0)"],
[43, "color", "rgb(0, 255, 0)"],
[44, "border-top-color", "rgb(0, 0, 255)"],
]) {
const current = await page.$eval(
(el, _propName) => getComputedStyle(el)[_propName],
await page.click(`[data-annotation-id='${id}R']`);
const selector = ref.replace("\\", "\\\\");
await page.waitForFunction(
`getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("${selector}"))["${propName}"] !== "${current}"`
const color = await page.$eval(
(el, _propName) => getComputedStyle(el)[_propName],
expect(color).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expected);
describe("in issue13132.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue13132.pdf", "#\\31 71R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must compute sum of fields", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.evaluate(() => {
let sum = 0;
for (const [id, val] of [
["#\\31 38R", 1],
["#\\37 7R", 2],
["#\\39 3R", 3],
["#\\31 51R", 4],
["#\\37 9R", 5],
]) {
const prev = await page.$eval("#\\31 71R", el => el.value);
await page.type(id, val.toString(), { delay: 100 });
await page.keyboard.press("Tab");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\31 71R").value !== "${prev}"`
sum += val;
const total = await page.$eval("#\\31 71R", el => el.value);
expect(total).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(`£${sum}`);
// Some unrendered annotations have been updated, so check
// that they've the correct value when rendered.
await page.evaluate(() => {
await page.waitForSelector("#\\32 99R", {
timeout: 0,
const total = await page.$eval("#\\32 99R", el => el.value);
expect(total).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(`£${sum}`);
describe("Check field properties", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("evaljs.pdf", "#\\35 5R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check page index", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await clearInput(page, "#\\35 5R");
await page.type(
"#\\35 5R",
['Text1', 'Text2', 'Text4',
'List Box7', 'Group6'].map(x => this.getField(x).page).join(',')
// Click on execute button to eval the above code.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='57R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\35 6R").value !== ""`
const text = await page.$eval("#\\35 6R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("0,0,1,1,1");
it("must check display", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
for (const [type, vis] of [
["hidden", "hidden"],
["noPrint", "visible"],
["noView", "hidden"],
["visible", "visible"],
]) {
let visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\35 6R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
await clearInput(page, "#\\35 5R");
await page.type(
"#\\35 5R",
`this.getField("Text2").display = display.${type};`
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='57R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#\\\\35 6R")).visibility !== "${visibility}"`
visibility = await page.$eval(
"#\\35 6R",
el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility
expect(visibility).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(vis);
describe("in issue13269.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue13269.pdf", "#\\32 7R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must update fields with the same name from JS", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.type("#\\32 7R", "hello");
await page.keyboard.press("Enter");
await Promise.all(
[4, 5, 6].map(async n =>
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 ${n}R").value !== ""`
const expected = "hello world";
for (const n of [4, 5, 6]) {
const text = await page.$eval(`#\\32 ${n}R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expected);
describe("in secHandler.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("secHandler.pdf", "#\\32 5R");
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must print securityHandler value in a text field", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
const text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\32 5R", async () => {
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='26R']");
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("Standard");
describe("in issue14307.pdf (1)", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue14307.pdf", "#\\33 0R");
pages.map(async ([, page]) => {
page.on("dialog", async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check input for US zip format", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await clearInput(page, "#\\32 9R");
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 0R");
await page.focus("#\\32 9R");
await page.type("#\\32 9R", "12A");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 9R").value !== "12A"`
let text = await page.$eval(`#\\32 9R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("12");
await page.focus("#\\32 9R");
await page.type("#\\32 9R", "34");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='30R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 9R").value !== "1234"`
text = await page.$eval(`#\\32 9R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("");
await page.focus("#\\32 9R");
await page.type("#\\32 9R", "12345");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='30R']");
text = await page.$eval(`#\\32 9R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("12345");
describe("in issue14307.pdf (2)", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue14307.pdf", "#\\33 0R");
pages.map(async ([, page]) => {
page.on("dialog", async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check input for US phone number (long) format", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await clearInput(page, "#\\32 9R");
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 0R");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "(123) 456A");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").value !== "(123) 456A"`
let text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("(123) 456");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "-789");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='29R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").value !== "(123) 456-789"`
text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "(123) 456-7890");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='29R']");
text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
.withContext(`In ${browserName}`)
.toEqual("(123) 456-7890");
describe("in issue14307.pdf (3)", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue14307.pdf", "#\\33 0R");
pages.map(async ([, page]) => {
page.on("dialog", async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check input for US phone number (short) format", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await clearInput(page, "#\\32 9R");
await clearInput(page, "#\\33 0R");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "123A");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").value !== "123A"`
let text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("123");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "-456");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='29R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").value !== "123-456"`
text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("");
await page.focus("#\\33 0R");
await page.type("#\\33 0R", "123-4567");
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='29R']");
text = await page.$eval(`#\\33 0R`, el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("123-4567");
describe("in issue14862.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue14862.pdf", "#\\32 7R");
pages.map(async ([, page]) => {
page.on("dialog", async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must convert input in uppercase", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.type("#\\32 7R", "Hello", { delay: 100 });
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 7R").value !== "Hello"`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HELLO");
await page.type("#\\32 7R", " world", { delay: 100 });
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 7R").value !== "HELLO world"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HELLO WORLD");
await page.keyboard.press("Backspace");
await page.keyboard.press("Backspace");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 7R").value !== "HELLO WORLD"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HELLO WOR");
await page.type("#\\32 7R", "12.dL", { delay: 100 });
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 7R").value !== "HELLO WOR"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HELLO WORDL");
await page.type("#\\32 7R", " ", { delay: 100 });
await page.keyboard.down("Control");
await page.keyboard.press("Backspace");
await page.keyboard.up("Control");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 7R").value !== "HELLO WORDL "`
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HELLO ");
await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => {
// Select LL
el.selectionStart = 2;
el.selectionEnd = 4;
await page.keyboard.press("a");
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 7R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("HEAO ");
it("must check that an infinite loop is not triggered", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.type("#\\32 8R", "Hello", { delay: 100 });
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 8R").value !== "123"`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\32 8R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("Hello123");
// The action will trigger a calculateNow which itself
// will trigger a resetForm (inducing a calculateNow) and a
// calculateNow.
await page.click("[data-annotation-id='31R']");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 8R").value !== "Hello123"`
// Without preventing against infinite loop the field is empty.
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 8R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("123");
describe("in issue14705.pdf", () => {
let pages;
beforeAll(async () => {
pages = await loadAndWait("issue14705.pdf", "#\\32 9R");
pages.map(async ([, page]) => {
page.on("dialog", async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
afterAll(async () => {
await closePages(pages);
it("must check that field value is correctly updated", async () => {
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => {
await page.waitForFunction(
"window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true"
await page.type("#\\32 9R", "Hello World", { delay: 100 });
await page.click("#\\32 7R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 9R").value !== "Hello World"`
let text = await page.$eval("#\\32 9R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("checked");
await page.click("#\\32 7R");
await page.waitForFunction(
`document.querySelector("#\\\\32 9R").value !== "checked"`
text = await page.$eval("#\\32 9R", el => el.value);
expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("unchecked");