Tim van der Meij 0351c7eff4 Move the getFileName helper function to the core
This is required to be able to use it in the annotation display code,
where we now apply it to sanitize the filename of the FileAttachment
annotation. The PDF file from https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1230933 has shown that some PDF generators include the path of the file rather than the filename, which causes filenames with weird initial characters. PDF viewers handle this differently (for example Foxit Reader just replaces forward slashes with spaces), but we think it's better to only show the filename as intended.

Additionally we add unit tests for the `getFilenameFromUrl` helper
2016-02-23 22:49:53 +01:00

403 lines
12 KiB

/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var CSS_UNITS = 96.0 / 72.0;
var DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.0;
var MAX_AUTO_SCALE = 1.25;
* Returns scale factor for the canvas. It makes sense for the HiDPI displays.
* @return {Object} The object with horizontal (sx) and vertical (sy)
scales. The scaled property is set to false if scaling is
not required, true otherwise.
function getOutputScale(ctx) {
var devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
var pixelRatio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
return {
sx: pixelRatio,
sy: pixelRatio,
scaled: pixelRatio !== 1
* Scrolls specified element into view of its parent.
* @param {Object} element - The element to be visible.
* @param {Object} spot - An object with optional top and left properties,
* specifying the offset from the top left edge.
* @param {boolean} skipOverflowHiddenElements - Ignore elements that have
* the CSS rule `overflow: hidden;` set. The default is false.
function scrollIntoView(element, spot, skipOverflowHiddenElements) {
// Assuming offsetParent is available (it's not available when viewer is in
// hidden iframe or object). We have to scroll: if the offsetParent is not set
// producing the error. See also animationStartedClosure.
var parent = element.offsetParent;
if (!parent) {
console.error('offsetParent is not set -- cannot scroll');
var checkOverflow = skipOverflowHiddenElements || false;
var offsetY = element.offsetTop + element.clientTop;
var offsetX = element.offsetLeft + element.clientLeft;
while (parent.clientHeight === parent.scrollHeight ||
(checkOverflow && getComputedStyle(parent).overflow === 'hidden')) {
if (parent.dataset._scaleY) {
offsetY /= parent.dataset._scaleY;
offsetX /= parent.dataset._scaleX;
offsetY += parent.offsetTop;
offsetX += parent.offsetLeft;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
if (!parent) {
return; // no need to scroll
if (spot) {
if (spot.top !== undefined) {
offsetY += spot.top;
if (spot.left !== undefined) {
offsetX += spot.left;
parent.scrollLeft = offsetX;
parent.scrollTop = offsetY;
* Helper function to start monitoring the scroll event and converting them into
* PDF.js friendly one: with scroll debounce and scroll direction.
function watchScroll(viewAreaElement, callback) {
var debounceScroll = function debounceScroll(evt) {
if (rAF) {
// schedule an invocation of scroll for next animation frame.
rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(function viewAreaElementScrolled() {
rAF = null;
var currentY = viewAreaElement.scrollTop;
var lastY = state.lastY;
if (currentY !== lastY) {
state.down = currentY > lastY;
state.lastY = currentY;
var state = {
down: true,
lastY: viewAreaElement.scrollTop,
_eventHandler: debounceScroll
var rAF = null;
viewAreaElement.addEventListener('scroll', debounceScroll, true);
return state;
* Helper function to parse query string (e.g. ?param1=value&parm2=...).
function parseQueryString(query) {
var parts = query.split('&');
var params = {};
for (var i = 0, ii = parts.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var param = parts[i].split('=');
var key = param[0].toLowerCase();
var value = param.length > 1 ? param[1] : null;
params[decodeURIComponent(key)] = decodeURIComponent(value);
return params;
* Use binary search to find the index of the first item in a given array which
* passes a given condition. The items are expected to be sorted in the sense
* that if the condition is true for one item in the array, then it is also true
* for all following items.
* @returns {Number} Index of the first array element to pass the test,
* or |items.length| if no such element exists.
function binarySearchFirstItem(items, condition) {
var minIndex = 0;
var maxIndex = items.length - 1;
if (items.length === 0 || !condition(items[maxIndex])) {
return items.length;
if (condition(items[minIndex])) {
return minIndex;
while (minIndex < maxIndex) {
var currentIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) >> 1;
var currentItem = items[currentIndex];
if (condition(currentItem)) {
maxIndex = currentIndex;
} else {
minIndex = currentIndex + 1;
return minIndex; /* === maxIndex */
* Approximates float number as a fraction using Farey sequence (max order
* of 8).
* @param {number} x - Positive float number.
* @returns {Array} Estimated fraction: the first array item is a numerator,
* the second one is a denominator.
function approximateFraction(x) {
// Fast paths for int numbers or their inversions.
if (Math.floor(x) === x) {
return [x, 1];
var xinv = 1 / x;
var limit = 8;
if (xinv > limit) {
return [1, limit];
} else if (Math.floor(xinv) === xinv) {
return [1, xinv];
var x_ = x > 1 ? xinv : x;
// a/b and c/d are neighbours in Farey sequence.
var a = 0, b = 1, c = 1, d = 1;
// Limiting search to order 8.
while (true) {
// Generating next term in sequence (order of q).
var p = a + c, q = b + d;
if (q > limit) {
if (x_ <= p / q) {
c = p; d = q;
} else {
a = p; b = q;
// Select closest of the neighbours to x.
if (x_ - a / b < c / d - x_) {
return x_ === x ? [a, b] : [b, a];
} else {
return x_ === x ? [c, d] : [d, c];
function roundToDivide(x, div) {
var r = x % div;
return r === 0 ? x : Math.round(x - r + div);
* Generic helper to find out what elements are visible within a scroll pane.
function getVisibleElements(scrollEl, views, sortByVisibility) {
var top = scrollEl.scrollTop, bottom = top + scrollEl.clientHeight;
var left = scrollEl.scrollLeft, right = left + scrollEl.clientWidth;
function isElementBottomBelowViewTop(view) {
var element = view.div;
var elementBottom =
element.offsetTop + element.clientTop + element.clientHeight;
return elementBottom > top;
var visible = [], view, element;
var currentHeight, viewHeight, hiddenHeight, percentHeight;
var currentWidth, viewWidth;
var firstVisibleElementInd = (views.length === 0) ? 0 :
binarySearchFirstItem(views, isElementBottomBelowViewTop);
for (var i = firstVisibleElementInd, ii = views.length; i < ii; i++) {
view = views[i];
element = view.div;
currentHeight = element.offsetTop + element.clientTop;
viewHeight = element.clientHeight;
if (currentHeight > bottom) {
currentWidth = element.offsetLeft + element.clientLeft;
viewWidth = element.clientWidth;
if (currentWidth + viewWidth < left || currentWidth > right) {
hiddenHeight = Math.max(0, top - currentHeight) +
Math.max(0, currentHeight + viewHeight - bottom);
percentHeight = ((viewHeight - hiddenHeight) * 100 / viewHeight) | 0;
id: view.id,
x: currentWidth,
y: currentHeight,
view: view,
percent: percentHeight
var first = visible[0];
var last = visible[visible.length - 1];
if (sortByVisibility) {
visible.sort(function(a, b) {
var pc = a.percent - b.percent;
if (Math.abs(pc) > 0.001) {
return -pc;
return a.id - b.id; // ensure stability
return {first: first, last: last, views: visible};
* Event handler to suppress context menu.
function noContextMenuHandler(e) {
* Returns the filename or guessed filename from the url (see issue 3455).
* url {String} The original PDF location.
* @return {String} Guessed PDF file name.
function getPDFFileNameFromURL(url) {
var reURI = /^(?:([^:]+:)?\/\/[^\/]+)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/;
// Pattern to get last matching NAME.pdf
var reFilename = /[^\/?#=]+\.pdf\b(?!.*\.pdf\b)/i;
var splitURI = reURI.exec(url);
var suggestedFilename = reFilename.exec(splitURI[1]) ||
reFilename.exec(splitURI[2]) ||
if (suggestedFilename) {
suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename[0];
if (suggestedFilename.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
// URL-encoded %2Fpath%2Fto%2Ffile.pdf should be file.pdf
try {
suggestedFilename =
} catch(e) { // Possible (extremely rare) errors:
// URIError "Malformed URI", e.g. for "%AA.pdf"
// TypeError "null has no properties", e.g. for "%2F.pdf"
return suggestedFilename || 'document.pdf';
var ProgressBar = (function ProgressBarClosure() {
function clamp(v, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max);
function ProgressBar(id, opts) {
this.visible = true;
// Fetch the sub-elements for later.
this.div = document.querySelector(id + ' .progress');
// Get the loading bar element, so it can be resized to fit the viewer.
this.bar = this.div.parentNode;
// Get options, with sensible defaults.
this.height = opts.height || 100;
this.width = opts.width || 100;
this.units = opts.units || '%';
// Initialize heights.
this.div.style.height = this.height + this.units;
this.percent = 0;
ProgressBar.prototype = {
updateBar: function ProgressBar_updateBar() {
if (this._indeterminate) {
this.div.style.width = this.width + this.units;
var progressSize = this.width * this._percent / 100;
this.div.style.width = progressSize + this.units;
get percent() {
return this._percent;
set percent(val) {
this._indeterminate = isNaN(val);
this._percent = clamp(val, 0, 100);
setWidth: function ProgressBar_setWidth(viewer) {
if (viewer) {
var container = viewer.parentNode;
var scrollbarWidth = container.offsetWidth - viewer.offsetWidth;
if (scrollbarWidth > 0) {
this.bar.setAttribute('style', 'width: calc(100% - ' +
scrollbarWidth + 'px);');
hide: function ProgressBar_hide() {
if (!this.visible) {
this.visible = false;
show: function ProgressBar_show() {
if (this.visible) {
this.visible = true;
return ProgressBar;