/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { createValidAbsoluteUrl, MissingDataException, shadow, unreachable, warn } from '../shared/util'; import { ChunkedStreamManager } from './chunked_stream'; import { PDFDocument } from './document'; import { Stream } from './stream'; class BasePdfManager { constructor() { if (this.constructor === BasePdfManager) { unreachable('Cannot initialize BasePdfManager.'); } } get docId() { return this._docId; } get password() { return this._password; } get docBaseUrl() { let docBaseUrl = null; if (this._docBaseUrl) { const absoluteUrl = createValidAbsoluteUrl(this._docBaseUrl); if (absoluteUrl) { docBaseUrl = absoluteUrl.href; } else { warn(`Invalid absolute docBaseUrl: "${this._docBaseUrl}".`); } } return shadow(this, 'docBaseUrl', docBaseUrl); } onLoadedStream() { unreachable('Abstract method `onLoadedStream` called'); } ensureDoc(prop, args) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument, prop, args); } ensureXRef(prop, args) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument.xref, prop, args); } ensureCatalog(prop, args) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument.catalog, prop, args); } getPage(pageIndex) { return this.pdfDocument.getPage(pageIndex); } cleanup() { return this.pdfDocument.cleanup(); } async ensure(obj, prop, args) { unreachable('Abstract method `ensure` called'); } requestRange(begin, end) { unreachable('Abstract method `requestRange` called'); } requestLoadedStream() { unreachable('Abstract method `requestLoadedStream` called'); } sendProgressiveData(chunk) { unreachable('Abstract method `sendProgressiveData` called'); } updatePassword(password) { this._password = password; } terminate() { unreachable('Abstract method `terminate` called'); } } class LocalPdfManager extends BasePdfManager { constructor(docId, data, password, evaluatorOptions, docBaseUrl) { super(); this._docId = docId; this._password = password; this._docBaseUrl = docBaseUrl; this.evaluatorOptions = evaluatorOptions; const stream = new Stream(data); this.pdfDocument = new PDFDocument(this, stream); this._loadedStreamPromise = Promise.resolve(stream); } async ensure(obj, prop, args) { const value = obj[prop]; if (typeof value === 'function') { return value.apply(obj, args); } return value; } requestRange(begin, end) { return Promise.resolve(); } requestLoadedStream() {} onLoadedStream() { return this._loadedStreamPromise; } terminate() {} } class NetworkPdfManager extends BasePdfManager { constructor(docId, pdfNetworkStream, args, evaluatorOptions, docBaseUrl) { super(); this._docId = docId; this._password = args.password; this._docBaseUrl = docBaseUrl; this.msgHandler = args.msgHandler; this.evaluatorOptions = evaluatorOptions; this.streamManager = new ChunkedStreamManager(pdfNetworkStream, { msgHandler: args.msgHandler, length: args.length, disableAutoFetch: args.disableAutoFetch, rangeChunkSize: args.rangeChunkSize, }); this.pdfDocument = new PDFDocument(this, this.streamManager.getStream()); } async ensure(obj, prop, args) { try { const value = obj[prop]; if (typeof value === 'function') { return value.apply(obj, args); } return value; } catch (ex) { if (!(ex instanceof MissingDataException)) { throw ex; } await this.requestRange(ex.begin, ex.end); return this.ensure(obj, prop, args); } } requestRange(begin, end) { return this.streamManager.requestRange(begin, end); } requestLoadedStream() { this.streamManager.requestAllChunks(); } sendProgressiveData(chunk) { this.streamManager.onReceiveData({ chunk, }); } onLoadedStream() { return this.streamManager.onLoadedStream(); } terminate() { this.streamManager.abort(); } } export { LocalPdfManager, NetworkPdfManager, };