/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { $acceptWhitespace, $clean, $content, $finalize, $globalData, $isCDATAXml, $nsAttributes, $onChild, $onText, $setId, } from "./xfa_object.js"; import { XMLParserBase, XMLParserErrorCode } from "../xml_parser.js"; import { Builder } from "./builder.js"; import { warn } from "../../shared/util.js"; class XFAParser extends XMLParserBase { constructor() { super(); this._builder = new Builder(); this._stack = []; this._globalData = Object.create(null); this._ids = new Map(); this._current = this._builder.buildRoot(this._ids); this._errorCode = XMLParserErrorCode.NoError; this._whiteRegex = /^\s+$/; this._nbsps = /\xa0+/g; } parse(data) { this.parseXml(data); if (this._errorCode !== XMLParserErrorCode.NoError) { return undefined; } this._current[$finalize](); return this._current.element; } onText(text) { // Normally by definition a   is unbreakable // but in real life Acrobat can break strings on  . text = text.replace(this._nbsps, match => match.slice(1) + " "); if (this._current[$acceptWhitespace]()) { this._current[$onText](text); return; } if (this._whiteRegex.test(text)) { return; } this._current[$onText](text.trim()); } onCdata(text) { this._current[$onText](text); } _mkAttributes(attributes, tagName) { // Transform attributes into an object and get out // namespaces information. let namespace = null; let prefixes = null; const attributeObj = Object.create({}); for (const { name, value } of attributes) { if (name === "xmlns") { if (!namespace) { namespace = value; } else { warn(`XFA - multiple namespace definition in <${tagName}>`); } } else if (name.startsWith("xmlns:")) { const prefix = name.substring("xmlns:".length); if (!prefixes) { prefixes = []; } prefixes.push({ prefix, value }); } else { const i = name.indexOf(":"); if (i === -1) { attributeObj[name] = value; } else { // Attributes can have their own namespace. // For example in data, we can have let nsAttrs = attributeObj[$nsAttributes]; if (!nsAttrs) { nsAttrs = attributeObj[$nsAttributes] = Object.create(null); } const [ns, attrName] = [name.slice(0, i), name.slice(i + 1)]; let attrs = nsAttrs[ns]; if (!attrs) { attrs = nsAttrs[ns] = Object.create(null); } attrs[attrName] = value; } } } return [namespace, prefixes, attributeObj]; } _getNameAndPrefix(name) { const i = name.indexOf(":"); if (i === -1) { return [name, null]; } return [name.substring(i + 1), name.substring(0, i)]; } onBeginElement(tagName, attributes, isEmpty) { const [namespace, prefixes, attributesObj] = this._mkAttributes( attributes, tagName ); const [name, nsPrefix] = this._getNameAndPrefix(tagName); const node = this._builder.build({ nsPrefix, name, attributes: attributesObj, namespace, prefixes, }); node[$globalData] = this._globalData; if (isEmpty) { // No children: just push the node into its parent. node[$finalize](); if (this._current[$onChild](node)) { node[$setId](this._ids); } node[$clean](this._builder); return; } this._stack.push(this._current); this._current = node; } onEndElement(name) { const node = this._current; if (node[$isCDATAXml]() && typeof node[$content] === "string") { const parser = new XFAParser(); parser._globalData = this._globalData; const root = parser.parse(node[$content]); node[$content] = null; node[$onChild](root); } node[$finalize](); this._current = this._stack.pop(); if (this._current[$onChild](node)) { node[$setId](this._ids); } node[$clean](this._builder); } onError(code) { this._errorCode = code; } } export { XFAParser };