/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { bytesToString, createPromiseCapability, createValidAbsoluteUrl, escapeString, getModificationDate, isArrayBuffer, isAscii, isBool, isNum, isSameOrigin, isString, removeNullCharacters, string32, stringToBytes, stringToPDFString, stringToUTF16BEString, } from "../../src/shared/util.js"; describe("util", function () { describe("bytesToString", function () { it("handles non-array arguments", function () { expect(function () { bytesToString(null); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid argument for bytesToString")); }); it("handles array arguments with a length not exceeding the maximum", function () { expect(bytesToString(new Uint8Array([]))).toEqual(""); expect(bytesToString(new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111]))).toEqual("foo"); }); it("handles array arguments with a length exceeding the maximum", function () { const length = 10000; // Larger than MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT = 8192. // Create an array with `length` 'a' character codes. const bytes = new Uint8Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { bytes[i] = "a".charCodeAt(0); } // Create a string with `length` 'a' characters. We need an array of size // `length + 1` since `join` puts the argument between the array elements. const string = Array(length + 1).join("a"); expect(bytesToString(bytes)).toEqual(string); }); }); describe("isArrayBuffer", function () { it("handles array buffer values", function () { expect(isArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(0))).toEqual(true); expect(isArrayBuffer(new Uint8Array(0))).toEqual(true); }); it("handles non-array buffer values", function () { expect(isArrayBuffer("true")).toEqual(false); expect(isArrayBuffer(1)).toEqual(false); expect(isArrayBuffer(null)).toEqual(false); expect(isArrayBuffer(undefined)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("isBool", function () { it("handles boolean values", function () { expect(isBool(true)).toEqual(true); expect(isBool(false)).toEqual(true); }); it("handles non-boolean values", function () { expect(isBool("true")).toEqual(false); expect(isBool("false")).toEqual(false); expect(isBool(1)).toEqual(false); expect(isBool(0)).toEqual(false); expect(isBool(null)).toEqual(false); expect(isBool(undefined)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("isNum", function () { it("handles numeric values", function () { expect(isNum(1)).toEqual(true); expect(isNum(0)).toEqual(true); expect(isNum(-1)).toEqual(true); expect(isNum(1000000000000000000)).toEqual(true); expect(isNum(12.34)).toEqual(true); }); it("handles non-numeric values", function () { expect(isNum("true")).toEqual(false); expect(isNum(true)).toEqual(false); expect(isNum(null)).toEqual(false); expect(isNum(undefined)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("isString", function () { it("handles string values", function () { expect(isString("foo")).toEqual(true); expect(isString("")).toEqual(true); }); it("handles non-string values", function () { expect(isString(true)).toEqual(false); expect(isString(1)).toEqual(false); expect(isString(null)).toEqual(false); expect(isString(undefined)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("string32", function () { it("converts unsigned 32-bit integers to strings", function () { expect(string32(0x74727565)).toEqual("true"); expect(string32(0x74797031)).toEqual("typ1"); expect(string32(0x4f54544f)).toEqual("OTTO"); }); }); describe("stringToBytes", function () { it("handles non-string arguments", function () { expect(function () { stringToBytes(null); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid argument for stringToBytes")); }); it("handles string arguments", function () { expect(stringToBytes("")).toEqual(new Uint8Array([])); expect(stringToBytes("foo")).toEqual(new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111])); }); }); describe("stringToPDFString", function () { it("handles ISO Latin 1 strings", function () { const str = "\x8Dstring\x8E"; expect(stringToPDFString(str)).toEqual("\u201Cstring\u201D"); }); it("handles UTF-16 big-endian strings", function () { const str = "\xFE\xFF\x00\x73\x00\x74\x00\x72\x00\x69\x00\x6E\x00\x67"; expect(stringToPDFString(str)).toEqual("string"); }); it("handles UTF-16 little-endian strings", function () { const str = "\xFF\xFE\x73\x00\x74\x00\x72\x00\x69\x00\x6E\x00\x67\x00"; expect(stringToPDFString(str)).toEqual("string"); }); it("handles empty strings", function () { // ISO Latin 1 const str1 = ""; expect(stringToPDFString(str1)).toEqual(""); // UTF-16BE const str2 = "\xFE\xFF"; expect(stringToPDFString(str2)).toEqual(""); // UTF-16LE const str3 = "\xFF\xFE"; expect(stringToPDFString(str3)).toEqual(""); }); }); describe("removeNullCharacters", function () { it("should not modify string without null characters", function () { const str = "string without null chars"; expect(removeNullCharacters(str)).toEqual("string without null chars"); }); it("should modify string with null characters", function () { const str = "string\x00With\x00Null\x00Chars"; expect(removeNullCharacters(str)).toEqual("stringWithNullChars"); }); it("should modify string with non-displayable characters", function () { const str = Array.from(Array(32).keys()) .map(x => String.fromCharCode(x) + "a") .join(""); // \x00 is replaced by an empty string. const expected = "a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a"; expect(removeNullCharacters(str, /* replaceInvisible */ true)).toEqual( expected ); }); }); describe("ReadableStream", function () { it("should return an Object", function () { const readable = new ReadableStream(); expect(typeof readable).toEqual("object"); }); it("should have property getReader", function () { const readable = new ReadableStream(); expect(typeof readable.getReader).toEqual("function"); }); }); describe("URL", function () { it("should return an Object", function () { const url = new URL("https://example.com"); expect(typeof url).toEqual("object"); }); it("should have property `href`", function () { const url = new URL("https://example.com"); expect(typeof url.href).toEqual("string"); }); }); describe("isSameOrigin", function () { it("handles invalid base URLs", function () { // The base URL is not valid. expect(isSameOrigin("/foo", "/bar")).toEqual(false); // The base URL has no origin. expect(isSameOrigin("blob:foo", "/bar")).toEqual(false); }); it("correctly checks if the origin of both URLs matches", function () { expect( isSameOrigin( "https://www.mozilla.org/foo", "https://www.mozilla.org/bar" ) ).toEqual(true); expect( isSameOrigin( "https://www.mozilla.org/foo", "https://www.example.com/bar" ) ).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("createValidAbsoluteUrl", function () { it("handles invalid URLs", function () { expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl(undefined, undefined)).toEqual(null); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl(null, null)).toEqual(null); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "/bar")).toEqual(null); }); it("handles URLs that do not use an allowed protocol", function () { expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("magnet:?foo", null)).toEqual(null); }); it("correctly creates a valid URL for allowed protocols", function () { // `http` protocol expect( createValidAbsoluteUrl("http://www.mozilla.org/foo", null) ).toEqual(new URL("http://www.mozilla.org/foo")); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "http://www.mozilla.org")).toEqual( new URL("http://www.mozilla.org/foo") ); // `https` protocol expect( createValidAbsoluteUrl("https://www.mozilla.org/foo", null) ).toEqual(new URL("https://www.mozilla.org/foo")); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "https://www.mozilla.org")).toEqual( new URL("https://www.mozilla.org/foo") ); // `ftp` protocol expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("ftp://www.mozilla.org/foo", null)).toEqual( new URL("ftp://www.mozilla.org/foo") ); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "ftp://www.mozilla.org")).toEqual( new URL("ftp://www.mozilla.org/foo") ); // `mailto` protocol (base URLs have no meaning and should yield `null`) expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("mailto:foo@bar.baz", null)).toEqual( new URL("mailto:foo@bar.baz") ); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "mailto:foo@bar.baz")).toEqual( null ); // `tel` protocol (base URLs have no meaning and should yield `null`) expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("tel:+0123456789", null)).toEqual( new URL("tel:+0123456789") ); expect(createValidAbsoluteUrl("/foo", "tel:0123456789")).toEqual(null); }); }); describe("createPromiseCapability", function () { it("should resolve with correct data", async function () { const promiseCapability = createPromiseCapability(); expect(promiseCapability.settled).toEqual(false); promiseCapability.resolve({ test: "abc" }); const data = await promiseCapability.promise; expect(promiseCapability.settled).toEqual(true); expect(data).toEqual({ test: "abc" }); }); it("should reject with correct reason", async function () { const promiseCapability = createPromiseCapability(); expect(promiseCapability.settled).toEqual(false); promiseCapability.reject(new Error("reason")); try { await promiseCapability.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(promiseCapability.settled).toEqual(true); expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual("reason"); } }); }); describe("escapeString", function () { it("should escape (, ), \\n, \\r, and \\", function () { expect(escapeString("((a\\a))\n(b(b\\b)\rb)")).toEqual( "\\(\\(a\\\\a\\)\\)\\n\\(b\\(b\\\\b\\)\\rb\\)" ); }); }); describe("getModificationDate", function () { it("should get a correctly formatted date", function () { const date = new Date(Date.UTC(3141, 5, 9, 2, 6, 53)); expect(getModificationDate(date)).toEqual("31410609020653"); }); }); describe("isAscii", function () { it("handles ascii/non-ascii strings", function () { expect(isAscii("hello world")).toEqual(true); expect(isAscii("こんにちは世界の")).toEqual(false); expect(isAscii("hello world in Japanese is こんにちは世界の")).toEqual( false ); }); }); describe("stringToUTF16BEString", function () { it("should encode a string in UTF16BE with a BOM", function () { expect(stringToUTF16BEString("hello world")).toEqual( "\xfe\xff\0h\0e\0l\0l\0o\0 \0w\0o\0r\0l\0d" ); expect(stringToUTF16BEString("こんにちは世界の")).toEqual( "\xfe\xff\x30\x53\x30\x93\x30\x6b\x30\x61" + "\x30\x6f\x4e\x16\x75\x4c\x30\x6e" ); }); }); });