/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { PostScriptCompiler, PostScriptEvaluator, } from "../../src/core/function.js"; import { PostScriptLexer, PostScriptParser } from "../../src/core/ps_parser.js"; import { StringStream } from "../../src/core/stream.js"; describe("function", function() { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.addMatchers({ toMatchArray(util, customEqualityTesters) { return { compare(actual, expected) { var result = {}; if (actual.length !== expected.length) { result.pass = false; result.message = "Array length: " + actual.length + ", expected: " + expected.length; return result; } result.pass = true; for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { var a = actual[i], b = expected[i]; if (Array.isArray(b)) { if (a.length !== b.length) { result.pass = false; break; } for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { var suba = a[j], subb = b[j]; if (suba !== subb) { result.pass = false; break; } } } else { if (a !== b) { result.pass = false; break; } } } return result; }, }; }, }); }); describe("PostScriptParser", function() { function parse(program) { var stream = new StringStream(program); var parser = new PostScriptParser(new PostScriptLexer(stream)); return parser.parse(); } it("parses empty programs", function() { var output = parse("{}"); expect(output.length).toEqual(0); }); it("parses positive numbers", function() { var number = 999; var program = parse("{ " + number + " }"); var expectedProgram = [number]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("parses negative numbers", function() { var number = -999; var program = parse("{ " + number + " }"); var expectedProgram = [number]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("parses negative floats", function() { var number = 3.3; var program = parse("{ " + number + " }"); var expectedProgram = [number]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("parses operators", function() { var program = parse("{ sub }"); var expectedProgram = ["sub"]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("parses if statements", function() { var program = parse("{ { 99 } if }"); var expectedProgram = [3, "jz", 99]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("parses ifelse statements", function() { var program = parse("{ { 99 } { 44 } ifelse }"); var expectedProgram = [5, "jz", 99, 6, "j", 44]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); it("handles missing brackets", function() { expect(function() { parse("{"); }).toThrow(new Error("Unexpected symbol: found undefined expected 1.")); }); it("handles junk after the end", function() { var number = 3.3; var program = parse("{ " + number + " }#"); var expectedProgram = [number]; expect(program).toMatchArray(expectedProgram); }); }); describe("PostScriptEvaluator", function() { function evaluate(program) { var stream = new StringStream(program); var parser = new PostScriptParser(new PostScriptLexer(stream)); var code = parser.parse(); var evaluator = new PostScriptEvaluator(code); var output = evaluator.execute(); return output; } it("pushes stack", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 99 }"); var expectedStack = [99]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles if with true", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 {99} if }"); var expectedStack = [99]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles if with false", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 0 {99} if }"); var expectedStack = []; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles ifelse with true", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 {99} {77} ifelse }"); var expectedStack = [99]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles ifelse with false", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 0 {99} {77} ifelse }"); var expectedStack = [77]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles nested if", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 {1 {77} if} if }"); var expectedStack = [77]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("abs", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ -2 abs }"); var expectedStack = [2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("adds", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 2 add }"); var expectedStack = [3]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("boolean and", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ true false and }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("bitwise and", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 254 1 and }"); var expectedStack = [254 & 1]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the inverse tangent of a number", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 90 atan }"); var expectedStack = [Math.atan(90)]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles bitshifting ", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 50 2 bitshift }"); var expectedStack = [200]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the ceiling value", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9.9 ceiling }"); var expectedStack = [10]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("copies", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 99 98 2 copy }"); var expectedStack = [99, 98, 99, 98]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the cosine of a number", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 90 cos }"); var expectedStack = [Math.cos(90)]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("converts to int", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9.9 cvi }"); var expectedStack = [9]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("converts negatives to int", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ -9.9 cvi }"); var expectedStack = [-9]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("converts to real", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 55.34 cvr }"); var expectedStack = [55.34]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("divides", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 6 5 div }"); var expectedStack = [1.2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("maps division by zero to infinity", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 6 0 div }"); var expectedStack = [Infinity]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("duplicates", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 99 dup }"); var expectedStack = [99, 99]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("accepts an equality", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 9 eq }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects an inequality", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 8 eq }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("exchanges", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 44 99 exch }"); var expectedStack = [99, 44]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles exponentiation", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 2 exp }"); var expectedStack = [100]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("pushes false onto the stack", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ false }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the floor value", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9.9 floor }"); var expectedStack = [9]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles greater than or equal to", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 9 ge }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects less than for greater than or equal to", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 8 9 ge }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles greater than", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 9 gt }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects less than or equal for greater than", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 9 gt }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("divides to integer", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 2 3 idiv }"); var expectedStack = [0]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("divides to negative integer", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ -2 3 idiv }"); var expectedStack = [0]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("duplicates index", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 4 3 2 1 2 index }"); var expectedStack = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles less than or equal to", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 10 le }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects greater than for less than or equal to", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 9 le }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the natural logarithm", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 ln }"); var expectedStack = [Math.log(10)]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the base 10 logarithm", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 100 log }"); var expectedStack = [2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("handles less than", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 10 lt }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects greater than or equal to for less than", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 10 9 lt }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("performs the modulo operation", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 4 3 mod }"); var expectedStack = [1]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("multiplies two numbers (positive result)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 8 mul }"); var expectedStack = [72]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("multiplies two numbers (negative result)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 -8 mul }"); var expectedStack = [-72]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("accepts an inequality", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 8 ne }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rejects an equality", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9 9 ne }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("negates", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 4.5 neg }"); var expectedStack = [-4.5]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("boolean not", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ true not }"); var expectedStack = [false]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("bitwise not", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 12 not }"); var expectedStack = [-13]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("boolean or", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ true false or }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("bitwise or", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 254 1 or }"); var expectedStack = [254 | 1]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("pops stack", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 2 pop }"); var expectedStack = [1]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rolls stack right", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 3 2 2 4 1 roll }"); var expectedStack = [2, 1, 3, 2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rolls stack left", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 1 3 2 2 4 -1 roll }"); var expectedStack = [3, 2, 2, 1]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("rounds a number", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 9.52 round }"); var expectedStack = [10]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates the sine of a number", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 90 sin }"); var expectedStack = [Math.sin(90)]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates a square root (integer)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 100 sqrt }"); var expectedStack = [10]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates a square root (float)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 99 sqrt }"); var expectedStack = [Math.sqrt(99)]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("subtracts (positive result)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 6 4 sub }"); var expectedStack = [2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("subtracts (negative result)", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 4 6 sub }"); var expectedStack = [-2]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("pushes true onto the stack", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ true }"); var expectedStack = [true]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("truncates a number", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 35.004 truncate }"); var expectedStack = [35]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); it("calculates an exclusive or value", function() { var stack = evaluate("{ 3 9 xor }"); var expectedStack = [10]; expect(stack).toMatchArray(expectedStack); }); }); describe("PostScriptCompiler", function() { function check(code, domain, range, samples) { var compiler = new PostScriptCompiler(); var compiledCode = compiler.compile(code, domain, range); if (samples === null) { expect(compiledCode).toBeNull(); } else { expect(compiledCode).not.toBeNull(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func var fn = new Function( "src", "srcOffset", "dest", "destOffset", compiledCode ); for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) { var out = new Float32Array(samples[i].output.length); fn(samples[i].input, 0, out, 0); expect(Array.prototype.slice.call(out, 0)).toMatchArray( samples[i].output ); } } } it("check compiled add", function() { check([0.25, 0.5, "add"], [], [0, 1], [{ input: [], output: [0.75] }]); check([0, "add"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.25] }]); check([0.5, "add"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.75] }]); check( [0, "exch", "add"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.25] }] ); check( [0.5, "exch", "add"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.75] }] ); check( ["add"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25, 0.5], output: [0.75] }] ); check(["add"], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); }); it("check compiled sub", function() { check([0.5, 0.25, "sub"], [], [0, 1], [{ input: [], output: [0.25] }]); check([0, "sub"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.25] }]); check([0.5, "sub"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.75], output: [0.25] }]); check( [0, "exch", "sub"], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [-0.25] }] ); check( [0.75, "exch", "sub"], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.5] }] ); check( ["sub"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1], [{ input: [0.25, 0.5], output: [-0.25] }] ); check(["sub"], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); check( [1, "dup", 3, 2, "roll", "sub", "sub"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.75], output: [0.75] }] ); }); it("check compiled mul", function() { check([0.25, 0.5, "mul"], [], [0, 1], [{ input: [], output: [0.125] }]); check([0, "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0] }]); check([0.5, "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.125] }]); check([1, "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.25] }]); check( [0, "exch", "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0] }] ); check( [0.5, "exch", "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.125] }] ); check( [1, "exch", "mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25], output: [0.25] }] ); check( ["mul"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.25, 0.5], output: [0.125] }] ); check(["mul"], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); }); it("check compiled max", function() { check( ["dup", 0.75, "gt", 7, "jz", "pop", 0.75], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.5], output: [0.5] }] ); check( ["dup", 0.75, "gt", 7, "jz", "pop", 0.75], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [1], output: [0.75] }] ); check(["dup", 0.75, "gt", 5, "jz", "pop", 0.75], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); }); it("check pop/roll/index", function() { check([1, "pop"], [0, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0.5], output: [0.5] }]); check( [1, 3, -1, "roll"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [{ input: [0.25, 0.5], output: [0.5, 1, 0.25] }] ); check( [1, 3, 1, "roll"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [{ input: [0.25, 0.5], output: [1, 0.25, 0.5] }] ); check([1, 3, 1.5, "roll"], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], null); check( [1, 1, "index"], [0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [{ input: [0.5], output: [0.5, 1, 0.5] }] ); check([1, 3, "index", "pop"], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); check([1, 0.5, "index", "pop"], [0, 1], [0, 1], null); }); it("check input boundaries", function() { check([], [0, 0.5], [0, 1], [{ input: [1], output: [0.5] }]); check([], [0.5, 1], [0, 1], [{ input: [0], output: [0.5] }]); check( ["dup"], [0.5, 0.75], [0, 1, 0, 1], [{ input: [0], output: [0.5, 0.5] }] ); check([], [100, 1001], [0, 10000], [{ input: [1000], output: [1000] }]); }); it("check output boundaries", function() { check([], [0, 1], [0, 0.5], [{ input: [1], output: [0.5] }]); check([], [0, 1], [0.5, 1], [{ input: [0], output: [0.5] }]); check( ["dup"], [0, 1], [0.5, 1, 0.75, 1], [{ input: [0], output: [0.5, 0.75] }] ); check([], [0, 10000], [100, 1001], [{ input: [1000], output: [1000] }]); }); it("compile optimized", function() { var compiler = new PostScriptCompiler(); var code = [0, "add", 1, 1, 3, -1, "roll", "sub", "sub", 1, "mul"]; var compiledCode = compiler.compile(code, [0, 1], [0, 1]); expect(compiledCode).toEqual( "dest[destOffset + 0] = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, src[srcOffset + 0]));" ); }); }); });