/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals PDFJS, createPromiseCapability, LocalPdfManager, NetworkPdfManager, NetworkManager, isInt, RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE, MissingPDFException, UnexpectedResponseException, PasswordException, Promise, warn, PasswordResponses, InvalidPDFException, UnknownErrorException, XRefParseException, Ref, info, globalScope, error, MessageHandler */ 'use strict'; var WorkerMessageHandler = PDFJS.WorkerMessageHandler = { setup: function wphSetup(handler) { var pdfManager; function loadDocument(recoveryMode) { var loadDocumentCapability = createPromiseCapability(); var parseSuccess = function parseSuccess() { var numPagesPromise = pdfManager.ensureDoc('numPages'); var fingerprintPromise = pdfManager.ensureDoc('fingerprint'); var encryptedPromise = pdfManager.ensureXRef('encrypt'); Promise.all([numPagesPromise, fingerprintPromise, encryptedPromise]).then(function onDocReady(results) { var doc = { numPages: results[0], fingerprint: results[1], encrypted: !!results[2], }; loadDocumentCapability.resolve(doc); }, parseFailure); }; var parseFailure = function parseFailure(e) { loadDocumentCapability.reject(e); }; pdfManager.ensureDoc('checkHeader', []).then(function() { pdfManager.ensureDoc('parseStartXRef', []).then(function() { pdfManager.ensureDoc('parse', [recoveryMode]).then( parseSuccess, parseFailure); }, parseFailure); }, parseFailure); return loadDocumentCapability.promise; } function getPdfManager(data) { var pdfManagerCapability = createPromiseCapability(); var source = data.source; var disableRange = data.disableRange; if (source.data) { try { pdfManager = new LocalPdfManager(source.data, source.password); pdfManagerCapability.resolve(); } catch (ex) { pdfManagerCapability.reject(ex); } return pdfManagerCapability.promise; } else if (source.chunkedViewerLoading) { try { pdfManager = new NetworkPdfManager(source, handler); pdfManagerCapability.resolve(); } catch (ex) { pdfManagerCapability.reject(ex); } return pdfManagerCapability.promise; } var networkManager = new NetworkManager(source.url, { httpHeaders: source.httpHeaders, withCredentials: source.withCredentials }); var cachedChunks = []; var fullRequestXhrId = networkManager.requestFull({ onHeadersReceived: function onHeadersReceived() { if (disableRange) { return; } var fullRequestXhr = networkManager.getRequestXhr(fullRequestXhrId); if (fullRequestXhr.getResponseHeader('Accept-Ranges') !== 'bytes') { return; } var contentEncoding = fullRequestXhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Encoding') || 'identity'; if (contentEncoding !== 'identity') { return; } var length = fullRequestXhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'); length = parseInt(length, 10); if (!isInt(length)) { return; } source.length = length; if (length <= 2 * RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE) { // The file size is smaller than the size of two chunks, so it does // not make any sense to abort the request and retry with a range // request. return; } if (networkManager.isStreamingRequest(fullRequestXhrId)) { // We can continue fetching when progressive loading is enabled, // and we don't need the autoFetch feature. source.disableAutoFetch = true; } else { // NOTE: by cancelling the full request, and then issuing range // requests, there will be an issue for sites where you can only // request the pdf once. However, if this is the case, then the // server should not be returning that it can support range // requests. networkManager.abortRequest(fullRequestXhrId); } try { pdfManager = new NetworkPdfManager(source, handler); pdfManagerCapability.resolve(pdfManager); } catch (ex) { pdfManagerCapability.reject(ex); } }, onProgressiveData: source.disableStream ? null : function onProgressiveData(chunk) { if (!pdfManager) { cachedChunks.push(chunk); return; } pdfManager.sendProgressiveData(chunk); }, onDone: function onDone(args) { if (pdfManager) { return; // already processed } var pdfFile; if (args === null) { // TODO add some streaming manager, e.g. for unknown length files. // The data was returned in the onProgressiveData, combining... var pdfFileLength = 0, pos = 0; cachedChunks.forEach(function (chunk) { pdfFileLength += chunk.byteLength; }); if (source.length && pdfFileLength !== source.length) { warn('reported HTTP length is different from actual'); } var pdfFileArray = new Uint8Array(pdfFileLength); cachedChunks.forEach(function (chunk) { pdfFileArray.set(new Uint8Array(chunk), pos); pos += chunk.byteLength; }); pdfFile = pdfFileArray.buffer; } else { pdfFile = args.chunk; } // the data is array, instantiating directly from it try { pdfManager = new LocalPdfManager(pdfFile, source.password); pdfManagerCapability.resolve(); } catch (ex) { pdfManagerCapability.reject(ex); } }, onError: function onError(status) { var exception; if (status === 404) { exception = new MissingPDFException('Missing PDF "' + source.url + '".'); handler.send('MissingPDF', exception); } else { exception = new UnexpectedResponseException( 'Unexpected server response (' + status + ') while retrieving PDF "' + source.url + '".', status); handler.send('UnexpectedResponse', exception); } }, onProgress: function onProgress(evt) { handler.send('DocProgress', { loaded: evt.loaded, total: evt.lengthComputable ? evt.total : source.length }); } }); return pdfManagerCapability.promise; } handler.on('test', function wphSetupTest(data) { // check if Uint8Array can be sent to worker if (!(data instanceof Uint8Array)) { handler.send('test', false); return; } // making sure postMessage transfers are working var supportTransfers = data[0] === 255; handler.postMessageTransfers = supportTransfers; // check if the response property is supported by xhr var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var responseExists = 'response' in xhr; // check if the property is actually implemented try { var dummy = xhr.responseType; } catch (e) { responseExists = false; } if (!responseExists) { handler.send('test', false); return; } handler.send('test', { supportTypedArray: true, supportTransfers: supportTransfers }); }); handler.on('GetDocRequest', function wphSetupDoc(data) { var onSuccess = function(doc) { handler.send('GetDoc', { pdfInfo: doc }); }; var onFailure = function(e) { if (e instanceof PasswordException) { if (e.code === PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD) { handler.send('NeedPassword', e); } else if (e.code === PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD) { handler.send('IncorrectPassword', e); } } else if (e instanceof InvalidPDFException) { handler.send('InvalidPDF', e); } else if (e instanceof MissingPDFException) { handler.send('MissingPDF', e); } else if (e instanceof UnexpectedResponseException) { handler.send('UnexpectedResponse', e); } else { handler.send('UnknownError', new UnknownErrorException(e.message, e.toString())); } }; PDFJS.maxImageSize = data.maxImageSize === undefined ? -1 : data.maxImageSize; PDFJS.disableFontFace = data.disableFontFace; PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL = data.disableCreateObjectURL; PDFJS.verbosity = data.verbosity; PDFJS.cMapUrl = data.cMapUrl === undefined ? null : data.cMapUrl; PDFJS.cMapPacked = data.cMapPacked === true; getPdfManager(data).then(function () { handler.send('PDFManagerReady', null); pdfManager.onLoadedStream().then(function(stream) { handler.send('DataLoaded', { length: stream.bytes.byteLength }); }); }).then(function pdfManagerReady() { loadDocument(false).then(onSuccess, function loadFailure(ex) { // Try again with recoveryMode == true if (!(ex instanceof XRefParseException)) { if (ex instanceof PasswordException) { // after password exception prepare to receive a new password // to repeat loading pdfManager.passwordChanged().then(pdfManagerReady); } onFailure(ex); return; } pdfManager.requestLoadedStream(); pdfManager.onLoadedStream().then(function() { loadDocument(true).then(onSuccess, onFailure); }); }, onFailure); }, onFailure); }); handler.on('GetPage', function wphSetupGetPage(data) { return pdfManager.getPage(data.pageIndex).then(function(page) { var rotatePromise = pdfManager.ensure(page, 'rotate'); var refPromise = pdfManager.ensure(page, 'ref'); var viewPromise = pdfManager.ensure(page, 'view'); return Promise.all([rotatePromise, refPromise, viewPromise]).then( function(results) { return { rotate: results[0], ref: results[1], view: results[2] }; }); }); }); handler.on('GetPageIndex', function wphSetupGetPageIndex(data) { var ref = new Ref(data.ref.num, data.ref.gen); var catalog = pdfManager.pdfDocument.catalog; return catalog.getPageIndex(ref); }); handler.on('GetDestinations', function wphSetupGetDestinations(data) { return pdfManager.ensureCatalog('destinations'); } ); handler.on('GetAttachments', function wphSetupGetAttachments(data) { return pdfManager.ensureCatalog('attachments'); } ); handler.on('GetJavaScript', function wphSetupGetJavaScript(data) { return pdfManager.ensureCatalog('javaScript'); } ); handler.on('GetOutline', function wphSetupGetOutline(data) { return pdfManager.ensureCatalog('documentOutline'); } ); handler.on('GetMetadata', function wphSetupGetMetadata(data) { return Promise.all([pdfManager.ensureDoc('documentInfo'), pdfManager.ensureCatalog('metadata')]); } ); handler.on('GetData', function wphSetupGetData(data) { pdfManager.requestLoadedStream(); return pdfManager.onLoadedStream().then(function(stream) { return stream.bytes; }); }); handler.on('GetStats', function wphSetupGetStats(data) { return pdfManager.pdfDocument.xref.stats; } ); handler.on('UpdatePassword', function wphSetupUpdatePassword(data) { pdfManager.updatePassword(data); }); handler.on('GetAnnotations', function wphSetupGetAnnotations(data) { return pdfManager.getPage(data.pageIndex).then(function(page) { return pdfManager.ensure(page, 'getAnnotationsData', []); }); }); handler.on('RenderPageRequest', function wphSetupRenderPage(data) { pdfManager.getPage(data.pageIndex).then(function(page) { var pageNum = data.pageIndex + 1; var start = Date.now(); // Pre compile the pdf page and fetch the fonts/images. page.getOperatorList(handler, data.intent).then(function(operatorList) { info('page=' + pageNum + ' - getOperatorList: time=' + (Date.now() - start) + 'ms, len=' + operatorList.fnArray.length); }, function(e) { var minimumStackMessage = 'worker.js: while trying to getPage() and getOperatorList()'; var wrappedException; // Turn the error into an obj that can be serialized if (typeof e === 'string') { wrappedException = { message: e, stack: minimumStackMessage }; } else if (typeof e === 'object') { wrappedException = { message: e.message || e.toString(), stack: e.stack || minimumStackMessage }; } else { wrappedException = { message: 'Unknown exception type: ' + (typeof e), stack: minimumStackMessage }; } handler.send('PageError', { pageNum: pageNum, error: wrappedException, intent: data.intent }); }); }); }, this); handler.on('GetTextContent', function wphExtractText(data) { return pdfManager.getPage(data.pageIndex).then(function(page) { var pageNum = data.pageIndex + 1; var start = Date.now(); return page.extractTextContent().then(function(textContent) { info('text indexing: page=' + pageNum + ' - time=' + (Date.now() - start) + 'ms'); return textContent; }); }); }); handler.on('Cleanup', function wphCleanup(data) { return pdfManager.cleanup(); }); handler.on('Terminate', function wphTerminate(data) { pdfManager.terminate(); }); } }; var consoleTimer = {}; var workerConsole = { log: function log() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); globalScope.postMessage({ action: 'console_log', data: args }); }, error: function error() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); globalScope.postMessage({ action: 'console_error', data: args }); throw 'pdf.js execution error'; }, time: function time(name) { consoleTimer[name] = Date.now(); }, timeEnd: function timeEnd(name) { var time = consoleTimer[name]; if (!time) { error('Unknown timer name ' + name); } this.log('Timer:', name, Date.now() - time); } }; // Worker thread? if (typeof window === 'undefined') { if (!('console' in globalScope)) { globalScope.console = workerConsole; } // Listen for unsupported features so we can pass them on to the main thread. PDFJS.UnsupportedManager.listen(function (msg) { globalScope.postMessage({ action: '_unsupported_feature', data: msg }); }); var handler = new MessageHandler('worker_processor', this); WorkerMessageHandler.setup(handler); }