/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Cmd, Dict, isCmd, isDict, isName, isRefsEqual, Name, Ref, RefSet, RefSetCache, } from "../../src/core/primitives.js"; import { StringStream } from "../../src/core/stream.js"; import { XRefMock } from "./test_utils.js"; describe("primitives", function () { describe("Name", function () { it("should retain the given name", function () { const givenName = "Font"; const name = Name.get(givenName); expect(name.name).toEqual(givenName); }); it("should create only one object for a name and cache it", function () { const firstFont = Name.get("Font"); const secondFont = Name.get("Font"); const firstSubtype = Name.get("Subtype"); const secondSubtype = Name.get("Subtype"); expect(firstFont).toBe(secondFont); expect(firstSubtype).toBe(secondSubtype); expect(firstFont).not.toBe(firstSubtype); }); it("should create only one object for *empty* names and cache it", function () { const firstEmpty = Name.get(""); const secondEmpty = Name.get(""); const normalName = Name.get("string"); expect(firstEmpty).toBe(secondEmpty); expect(firstEmpty).not.toBe(normalName); }); }); describe("Cmd", function () { it("should retain the given cmd name", function () { const givenCmd = "BT"; const cmd = Cmd.get(givenCmd); expect(cmd.cmd).toEqual(givenCmd); }); it("should create only one object for a command and cache it", function () { const firstBT = Cmd.get("BT"); const secondBT = Cmd.get("BT"); const firstET = Cmd.get("ET"); const secondET = Cmd.get("ET"); expect(firstBT).toBe(secondBT); expect(firstET).toBe(secondET); expect(firstBT).not.toBe(firstET); }); }); describe("Dict", function () { const checkInvalidHasValues = function (dict) { expect(dict.has()).toBeFalsy(); expect(dict.has("Prev")).toBeFalsy(); }; const checkInvalidKeyValues = function (dict) { expect(dict.get()).toBeUndefined(); expect(dict.get("Prev")).toBeUndefined(); expect(dict.get("D", "Decode")).toBeUndefined(); expect(dict.get("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3")).toBeUndefined(); }; let emptyDict, dictWithSizeKey, dictWithManyKeys; const storedSize = 42; const testFontFile = "file1"; const testFontFile2 = "file2"; const testFontFile3 = "file3"; beforeAll(function () { emptyDict = new Dict(); dictWithSizeKey = new Dict(); dictWithSizeKey.set("Size", storedSize); dictWithManyKeys = new Dict(); dictWithManyKeys.set("FontFile", testFontFile); dictWithManyKeys.set("FontFile2", testFontFile2); dictWithManyKeys.set("FontFile3", testFontFile3); }); afterAll(function () { emptyDict = dictWithSizeKey = dictWithManyKeys = null; }); it("should allow assigning an XRef table after creation", function () { const dict = new Dict(null); expect(dict.xref).toEqual(null); const xref = new XRefMock([]); dict.assignXref(xref); expect(dict.xref).toEqual(xref); }); it("should return correct size", function () { const dict = new Dict(null); expect(dict.size).toEqual(0); dict.set("Type", Name.get("Page")); expect(dict.size).toEqual(1); dict.set("Contents", Ref.get(10, 0)); expect(dict.size).toEqual(2); }); it("should return invalid values for unknown keys", function () { checkInvalidHasValues(emptyDict); checkInvalidKeyValues(emptyDict); }); it("should return correct value for stored Size key", function () { expect(dictWithSizeKey.has("Size")).toBeTruthy(); expect(dictWithSizeKey.get("Size")).toEqual(storedSize); expect(dictWithSizeKey.get("Prev", "Size")).toEqual(storedSize); expect(dictWithSizeKey.get("Prev", "Root", "Size")).toEqual(storedSize); }); it("should return invalid values for unknown keys when Size key is stored", function () { checkInvalidHasValues(dictWithSizeKey); checkInvalidKeyValues(dictWithSizeKey); }); it("should not accept to set a non-string key", function () { const dict = new Dict(); expect(function () { dict.set(123, "val"); }).toThrow(new Error('Dict.set: The "key" must be a string.')); expect(dict.has(123)).toBeFalsy(); checkInvalidKeyValues(dict); }); it("should not accept to set a key with an undefined value", function () { const dict = new Dict(); expect(function () { dict.set("Size"); }).toThrow(new Error('Dict.set: The "value" cannot be undefined.')); expect(dict.has("Size")).toBeFalsy(); checkInvalidKeyValues(dict); }); it("should return correct values for multiple stored keys", function () { expect(dictWithManyKeys.has("FontFile")).toBeTruthy(); expect(dictWithManyKeys.has("FontFile2")).toBeTruthy(); expect(dictWithManyKeys.has("FontFile3")).toBeTruthy(); expect(dictWithManyKeys.get("FontFile3")).toEqual(testFontFile3); expect(dictWithManyKeys.get("FontFile2", "FontFile3")).toEqual( testFontFile2 ); expect( dictWithManyKeys.get("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3") ).toEqual(testFontFile); }); it("should asynchronously fetch unknown keys", async function () { const keyPromises = [ dictWithManyKeys.getAsync("Size"), dictWithSizeKey.getAsync("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3"), ]; const values = await Promise.all(keyPromises); expect(values[0]).toBeUndefined(); expect(values[1]).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should asynchronously fetch correct values for multiple stored keys", async function () { const keyPromises = [ dictWithManyKeys.getAsync("FontFile3"), dictWithManyKeys.getAsync("FontFile2", "FontFile3"), dictWithManyKeys.getAsync("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3"), ]; const values = await Promise.all(keyPromises); expect(values[0]).toEqual(testFontFile3); expect(values[1]).toEqual(testFontFile2); expect(values[2]).toEqual(testFontFile); }); it("should callback for each stored key", function () { const callbackSpy = jasmine.createSpy("spy on callback in dictionary"); dictWithManyKeys.forEach(callbackSpy); expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); const callbackSpyCalls = callbackSpy.calls; expect(callbackSpyCalls.argsFor(0)).toEqual(["FontFile", testFontFile]); expect(callbackSpyCalls.argsFor(1)).toEqual(["FontFile2", testFontFile2]); expect(callbackSpyCalls.argsFor(2)).toEqual(["FontFile3", testFontFile3]); expect(callbackSpyCalls.count()).toEqual(3); }); it("should handle keys pointing to indirect objects, both sync and async", async function () { const fontRef = Ref.get(1, 0); const xref = new XRefMock([{ ref: fontRef, data: testFontFile }]); const fontDict = new Dict(xref); fontDict.set("FontFile", fontRef); expect(fontDict.getRaw("FontFile")).toEqual(fontRef); expect(fontDict.get("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3")).toEqual( testFontFile ); const value = await fontDict.getAsync( "FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3" ); expect(value).toEqual(testFontFile); }); it("should handle arrays containing indirect objects", function () { const minCoordRef = Ref.get(1, 0); const maxCoordRef = Ref.get(2, 0); const minCoord = 0; const maxCoord = 1; const xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: minCoordRef, data: minCoord }, { ref: maxCoordRef, data: maxCoord }, ]); const xObjectDict = new Dict(xref); xObjectDict.set("BBox", [minCoord, maxCoord, minCoordRef, maxCoordRef]); expect(xObjectDict.get("BBox")).toEqual([ minCoord, maxCoord, minCoordRef, maxCoordRef, ]); expect(xObjectDict.getArray("BBox")).toEqual([ minCoord, maxCoord, minCoord, maxCoord, ]); }); it("should get all key names", function () { const expectedKeys = ["FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3"]; const keys = dictWithManyKeys.getKeys(); expect(keys.sort()).toEqual(expectedKeys); }); it("should get all raw values", function () { // Test direct objects: const expectedRawValues1 = [testFontFile, testFontFile2, testFontFile3]; const rawValues1 = dictWithManyKeys.getRawValues(); expect(rawValues1.sort()).toEqual(expectedRawValues1); // Test indirect objects: const typeName = Name.get("Page"); const resources = new Dict(null), resourcesRef = Ref.get(5, 0); const contents = new StringStream("data"), contentsRef = Ref.get(10, 0); const xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: resourcesRef, data: resources }, { ref: contentsRef, data: contents }, ]); const dict = new Dict(xref); dict.set("Type", typeName); dict.set("Resources", resourcesRef); dict.set("Contents", contentsRef); const expectedRawValues2 = [contentsRef, resourcesRef, typeName]; const rawValues2 = dict.getRawValues(); expect(rawValues2.sort()).toEqual(expectedRawValues2); }); it("should create only one object for Dict.empty", function () { const firstDictEmpty = Dict.empty; const secondDictEmpty = Dict.empty; expect(firstDictEmpty).toBe(secondDictEmpty); expect(firstDictEmpty).not.toBe(emptyDict); }); it("should correctly merge dictionaries", function () { const expectedKeys = ["FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3", "Size"]; const fontFileDict = new Dict(); fontFileDict.set("FontFile", "Type1 font file"); const mergedDict = Dict.merge({ xref: null, dictArray: [dictWithManyKeys, dictWithSizeKey, fontFileDict], }); const mergedKeys = mergedDict.getKeys(); expect(mergedKeys.sort()).toEqual(expectedKeys); expect(mergedDict.get("FontFile")).toEqual(testFontFile); }); it("should correctly merge sub-dictionaries", function () { const localFontDict = new Dict(); localFontDict.set("F1", "Local font one"); const globalFontDict = new Dict(); globalFontDict.set("F1", "Global font one"); globalFontDict.set("F2", "Global font two"); globalFontDict.set("F3", "Global font three"); const localDict = new Dict(); localDict.set("Font", localFontDict); const globalDict = new Dict(); globalDict.set("Font", globalFontDict); const mergedDict = Dict.merge({ xref: null, dictArray: [localDict, globalDict], }); const mergedSubDict = Dict.merge({ xref: null, dictArray: [localDict, globalDict], mergeSubDicts: true, }); const mergedFontDict = mergedDict.get("Font"); const mergedSubFontDict = mergedSubDict.get("Font"); expect(mergedFontDict instanceof Dict).toEqual(true); expect(mergedSubFontDict instanceof Dict).toEqual(true); const mergedFontDictKeys = mergedFontDict.getKeys(); const mergedSubFontDictKeys = mergedSubFontDict.getKeys(); expect(mergedFontDictKeys).toEqual(["F1"]); expect(mergedSubFontDictKeys).toEqual(["F1", "F2", "F3"]); const mergedFontDictValues = mergedFontDict.getRawValues(); const mergedSubFontDictValues = mergedSubFontDict.getRawValues(); expect(mergedFontDictValues).toEqual(["Local font one"]); expect(mergedSubFontDictValues).toEqual([ "Local font one", "Global font two", "Global font three", ]); }); }); describe("Ref", function () { it("should get a string representation", function () { const nonZeroRef = Ref.get(4, 2); expect(nonZeroRef.toString()).toEqual("4R2"); // If the generation number is 0, a shorter representation is used. const zeroRef = Ref.get(4, 0); expect(zeroRef.toString()).toEqual("4R"); }); it("should retain the stored values", function () { const storedNum = 4; const storedGen = 2; const ref = Ref.get(storedNum, storedGen); expect(ref.num).toEqual(storedNum); expect(ref.gen).toEqual(storedGen); }); it("should create only one object for a reference and cache it", function () { const firstRef = Ref.get(4, 2); const secondRef = Ref.get(4, 2); const firstOtherRef = Ref.get(5, 2); const secondOtherRef = Ref.get(5, 2); expect(firstRef).toBe(secondRef); expect(firstOtherRef).toBe(secondOtherRef); expect(firstRef).not.toBe(firstOtherRef); }); }); describe("RefSet", function () { it("should have a stored value", function () { const ref = Ref.get(4, 2); const refset = new RefSet(); refset.put(ref); expect(refset.has(ref)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should not have an unknown value", function () { const ref = Ref.get(4, 2); const refset = new RefSet(); expect(refset.has(ref)).toBeFalsy(); refset.put(ref); const anotherRef = Ref.get(2, 4); expect(refset.has(anotherRef)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("RefSetCache", function () { const ref1 = Ref.get(4, 2); const ref2 = Ref.get(5, 2); const obj1 = Name.get("foo"); const obj2 = Name.get("bar"); let cache; beforeEach(function () { cache = new RefSetCache(); }); afterEach(function () { cache = null; }); it("should put, have and get a value", function () { cache.put(ref1, obj1); expect(cache.has(ref1)).toBeTruthy(); expect(cache.has(ref2)).toBeFalsy(); expect(cache.get(ref1)).toBe(obj1); }); it("should put, have and get a value by alias", function () { cache.put(ref1, obj1); cache.putAlias(ref2, ref1); expect(cache.has(ref1)).toBeTruthy(); expect(cache.has(ref2)).toBeTruthy(); expect(cache.get(ref1)).toBe(obj1); expect(cache.get(ref2)).toBe(obj1); }); it("should report the size of the cache", function () { cache.put(ref1, obj1); expect(cache.size).toEqual(1); cache.put(ref2, obj2); expect(cache.size).toEqual(2); }); it("should clear the cache", function () { cache.put(ref1, obj1); expect(cache.size).toEqual(1); cache.clear(); expect(cache.size).toEqual(0); }); it("should support iteration", function () { cache.put(ref1, obj1); cache.put(ref2, obj2); const values = []; cache.forEach(function (value) { values.push(value); }); expect(values).toEqual([obj1, obj2]); }); }); describe("isName", function () { /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ it("handles non-names", function () { const nonName = {}; expect(isName(nonName)).toEqual(false); }); it("handles names", function () { const name = Name.get("Font"); expect(isName(name)).toEqual(true); }); it("handles names with name check", function () { const name = Name.get("Font"); expect(isName(name, "Font")).toEqual(true); expect(isName(name, "Subtype")).toEqual(false); }); it("handles *empty* names, with name check", function () { const emptyName = Name.get(""); expect(isName(emptyName)).toEqual(true); expect(isName(emptyName, "")).toEqual(true); expect(isName(emptyName, "string")).toEqual(false); }); /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ }); describe("isCmd", function () { /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ it("handles non-commands", function () { const nonCmd = {}; expect(isCmd(nonCmd)).toEqual(false); }); it("handles commands", function () { const cmd = Cmd.get("BT"); expect(isCmd(cmd)).toEqual(true); }); it("handles commands with cmd check", function () { const cmd = Cmd.get("BT"); expect(isCmd(cmd, "BT")).toEqual(true); expect(isCmd(cmd, "ET")).toEqual(false); }); /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ }); describe("isDict", function () { /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ it("handles non-dictionaries", function () { const nonDict = {}; expect(isDict(nonDict)).toEqual(false); }); it("handles empty dictionaries with type check", function () { const dict = Dict.empty; expect(isDict(dict)).toEqual(true); expect(isDict(dict, "Page")).toEqual(false); }); it("handles dictionaries with type check", function () { const dict = new Dict(); dict.set("Type", Name.get("Page")); expect(isDict(dict, "Page")).toEqual(true); expect(isDict(dict, "Contents")).toEqual(false); }); /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ }); describe("isRefsEqual", function () { it("should handle Refs pointing to the same object", function () { const ref1 = Ref.get(1, 0); const ref2 = Ref.get(1, 0); expect(isRefsEqual(ref1, ref2)).toEqual(true); }); it("should handle Refs pointing to different objects", function () { const ref1 = Ref.get(1, 0); const ref2 = Ref.get(2, 0); expect(isRefsEqual(ref1, ref2)).toEqual(false); }); }); });