/* Copyright 2015 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @typedef {import("./display_utils").PageViewport} PageViewport */ /** @typedef {import("./api").TextContent} TextContent */ import { AbortException, PromiseCapability, Util } from "../shared/util.js"; import { setLayerDimensions } from "./display_utils.js"; /** * Text layer render parameters. * * @typedef {Object} TextLayerRenderParameters * @property {ReadableStream | TextContent} textContentSource - Text content to * render, i.e. the value returned by the page's `streamTextContent` or * `getTextContent` method. * @property {HTMLElement} container - The DOM node that will contain the text * runs. * @property {PageViewport} viewport - The target viewport to properly layout * the text runs. * @property {Array} [textDivs] - HTML elements that correspond to * the text items of the textContent input. * This is output and shall initially be set to an empty array. * @property {WeakMap} [textDivProperties] - Some properties * weakly mapped to the HTML elements used to render the text. * @property {Array} [textContentItemsStr] - Strings that correspond to * the `str` property of the text items of the textContent input. * This is output and shall initially be set to an empty array. */ /** * Text layer update parameters. * * @typedef {Object} TextLayerUpdateParameters * @property {HTMLElement} container - The DOM node that will contain the text * runs. * @property {PageViewport} viewport - The target viewport to properly layout * the text runs. * @property {Array} [textDivs] - HTML elements that correspond to * the text items of the textContent input. * This is output and shall initially be set to an empty array. * @property {WeakMap} [textDivProperties] - Some properties * weakly mapped to the HTML elements used to render the text. * @property {boolean} [mustRotate] true if the text layer must be rotated. * @property {boolean} [mustRescale] true if the text layer contents must be * rescaled. */ const MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER = 100000; const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 30; const DEFAULT_FONT_ASCENT = 0.8; const ascentCache = new Map(); let _canvasContext = null; function getCtx() { if (!_canvasContext) { // We don't use an OffscreenCanvas here because we use serif/sans serif // fonts with it and they depends on the locale. // In Firefox, the element get a lang attribute that depends on what // Fluent returns for the locale and the OffscreenCanvas uses the OS locale. // Those two locales can be different and consequently the used fonts will // be different (see bug 1869001). // Ideally, we should use in the text layer the fonts we've in the pdf (or // their replacements when they aren't embedded) and then we can use an // OffscreenCanvas. const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.className = "hiddenCanvasElement"; document.body.append(canvas); _canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); } return _canvasContext; } function cleanupTextLayer() { _canvasContext?.canvas.remove(); _canvasContext = null; } function getAscent(fontFamily) { const cachedAscent = ascentCache.get(fontFamily); if (cachedAscent) { return cachedAscent; } const ctx = getCtx(); const savedFont = ctx.font; ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.height = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; ctx.font = `${DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE}px ${fontFamily}`; const metrics = ctx.measureText(""); // Both properties aren't available by default in Firefox. let ascent = metrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent; let descent = Math.abs(metrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent); if (ascent) { const ratio = ascent / (ascent + descent); ascentCache.set(fontFamily, ratio); ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.height = 0; ctx.font = savedFont; return ratio; } // Try basic heuristic to guess ascent/descent. // Draw a g with baseline at 0,0 and then get the line // number where a pixel has non-null red component (starting // from bottom). ctx.strokeStyle = "red"; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); ctx.strokeText("g", 0, 0); let pixels = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE ).data; descent = 0; for (let i = pixels.length - 1 - 3; i >= 0; i -= 4) { if (pixels[i] > 0) { descent = Math.ceil(i / 4 / DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); break; } } // Draw an A with baseline at 0,DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE and then get the line // number where a pixel has non-null red component (starting // from top). ctx.clearRect(0, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); ctx.strokeText("A", 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE).data; ascent = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = pixels.length; i < ii; i += 4) { if (pixels[i] > 0) { ascent = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - Math.floor(i / 4 / DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); break; } } ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.height = 0; ctx.font = savedFont; if (ascent) { const ratio = ascent / (ascent + descent); ascentCache.set(fontFamily, ratio); return ratio; } ascentCache.set(fontFamily, DEFAULT_FONT_ASCENT); return DEFAULT_FONT_ASCENT; } function appendText(task, geom, styles) { // Initialize all used properties to keep the caches monomorphic. const textDiv = document.createElement("span"); const textDivProperties = { angle: 0, canvasWidth: 0, hasText: geom.str !== "", hasEOL: geom.hasEOL, fontSize: 0, }; task._textDivs.push(textDiv); const tx = Util.transform(task._transform, geom.transform); let angle = Math.atan2(tx[1], tx[0]); const style = styles[geom.fontName]; if (style.vertical) { angle += Math.PI / 2; } const fontFamily = (task._fontInspectorEnabled && style.fontSubstitution) || style.fontFamily; const fontHeight = Math.hypot(tx[2], tx[3]); const fontAscent = fontHeight * getAscent(fontFamily); let left, top; if (angle === 0) { left = tx[4]; top = tx[5] - fontAscent; } else { left = tx[4] + fontAscent * Math.sin(angle); top = tx[5] - fontAscent * Math.cos(angle); } const scaleFactorStr = "calc(var(--scale-factor)*"; const divStyle = textDiv.style; // Setting the style properties individually, rather than all at once, // should be OK since the `textDiv` isn't appended to the document yet. if (task._container === task._rootContainer) { divStyle.left = `${((100 * left) / task._pageWidth).toFixed(2)}%`; divStyle.top = `${((100 * top) / task._pageHeight).toFixed(2)}%`; } else { // We're in a marked content span, hence we can't use percents. divStyle.left = `${scaleFactorStr}${left.toFixed(2)}px)`; divStyle.top = `${scaleFactorStr}${top.toFixed(2)}px)`; } divStyle.fontSize = `${scaleFactorStr}${fontHeight.toFixed(2)}px)`; divStyle.fontFamily = fontFamily; textDivProperties.fontSize = fontHeight; // Keeps screen readers from pausing on every new text span. textDiv.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); textDiv.textContent = geom.str; // geom.dir may be 'ttb' for vertical texts. textDiv.dir = geom.dir; // `fontName` is only used by the FontInspector, and we only use `dataset` // here to make the font name available in the debugger. if (task._fontInspectorEnabled) { textDiv.dataset.fontName = style.fontSubstitutionLoadedName || geom.fontName; } if (angle !== 0) { textDivProperties.angle = angle * (180 / Math.PI); } // We don't bother scaling single-char text divs, because it has very // little effect on text highlighting. This makes scrolling on docs with // lots of such divs a lot faster. let shouldScaleText = false; if (geom.str.length > 1) { shouldScaleText = true; } else if (geom.str !== " " && geom.transform[0] !== geom.transform[3]) { const absScaleX = Math.abs(geom.transform[0]), absScaleY = Math.abs(geom.transform[3]); // When the horizontal/vertical scaling differs significantly, also scale // even single-char text to improve highlighting (fixes issue11713.pdf). if ( absScaleX !== absScaleY && Math.max(absScaleX, absScaleY) / Math.min(absScaleX, absScaleY) > 1.5 ) { shouldScaleText = true; } } if (shouldScaleText) { textDivProperties.canvasWidth = style.vertical ? geom.height : geom.width; } task._textDivProperties.set(textDiv, textDivProperties); if (task._isReadableStream) { task._layoutText(textDiv); } } function layout(params) { const { div, scale, properties, ctx, prevFontSize, prevFontFamily } = params; const { style } = div; let transform = ""; if (properties.canvasWidth !== 0 && properties.hasText) { const { fontFamily } = style; const { canvasWidth, fontSize } = properties; if (prevFontSize !== fontSize || prevFontFamily !== fontFamily) { ctx.font = `${fontSize * scale}px ${fontFamily}`; params.prevFontSize = fontSize; params.prevFontFamily = fontFamily; } // Only measure the width for multi-char text divs, see `appendText`. const { width } = ctx.measureText(div.textContent); if (width > 0) { transform = `scaleX(${(canvasWidth * scale) / width})`; } } if (properties.angle !== 0) { transform = `rotate(${properties.angle}deg) ${transform}`; } if (transform.length > 0) { style.transform = transform; } } function render(task) { if (task._canceled) { return; } const textDivs = task._textDivs; const capability = task._capability; const textDivsLength = textDivs.length; // No point in rendering many divs as it would make the browser // unusable even after the divs are rendered. if (textDivsLength > MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER) { capability.resolve(); return; } if (!task._isReadableStream) { for (const textDiv of textDivs) { task._layoutText(textDiv); } } capability.resolve(); } class TextLayerRenderTask { constructor({ textContentSource, container, viewport, textDivs, textDivProperties, textContentItemsStr, }) { this._textContentSource = textContentSource; this._isReadableStream = textContentSource instanceof ReadableStream; this._container = this._rootContainer = container; this._textDivs = textDivs || []; this._textContentItemsStr = textContentItemsStr || []; this._fontInspectorEnabled = !!globalThis.FontInspector?.enabled; this._reader = null; this._textDivProperties = textDivProperties || new WeakMap(); this._canceled = false; this._capability = new PromiseCapability(); this._layoutTextParams = { prevFontSize: null, prevFontFamily: null, div: null, scale: viewport.scale * (globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1), properties: null, ctx: getCtx(), }; const { pageWidth, pageHeight, pageX, pageY } = viewport.rawDims; this._transform = [1, 0, 0, -1, -pageX, pageY + pageHeight]; this._pageWidth = pageWidth; this._pageHeight = pageHeight; setLayerDimensions(container, viewport); // Always clean-up the temporary canvas once rendering is no longer pending. this._capability.promise .finally(() => { this._layoutTextParams = null; }) .catch(() => { // Avoid "Uncaught promise" messages in the console. }); } /** * Promise for textLayer rendering task completion. * @type {Promise} */ get promise() { return this._capability.promise; } /** * Cancel rendering of the textLayer. */ cancel() { this._canceled = true; if (this._reader) { this._reader .cancel(new AbortException("TextLayer task cancelled.")) .catch(() => { // Avoid "Uncaught promise" messages in the console. }); this._reader = null; } this._capability.reject(new AbortException("TextLayer task cancelled.")); } /** * @private */ _processItems(items, styleCache) { for (const item of items) { if (item.str === undefined) { if ( item.type === "beginMarkedContentProps" || item.type === "beginMarkedContent" ) { const parent = this._container; this._container = document.createElement("span"); this._container.classList.add("markedContent"); if (item.id !== null) { this._container.setAttribute("id", `${item.id}`); } parent.append(this._container); } else if (item.type === "endMarkedContent") { this._container = this._container.parentNode; } continue; } this._textContentItemsStr.push(item.str); appendText(this, item, styleCache); } } /** * @private */ _layoutText(textDiv) { const textDivProperties = (this._layoutTextParams.properties = this._textDivProperties.get(textDiv)); this._layoutTextParams.div = textDiv; layout(this._layoutTextParams); if (textDivProperties.hasText) { this._container.append(textDiv); } if (textDivProperties.hasEOL) { const br = document.createElement("br"); br.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); this._container.append(br); } } /** * @private */ _render() { const capability = new PromiseCapability(); let styleCache = Object.create(null); if (this._isReadableStream) { const pump = () => { this._reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => { if (done) { capability.resolve(); return; } Object.assign(styleCache, value.styles); this._processItems(value.items, styleCache); pump(); }, capability.reject); }; this._reader = this._textContentSource.getReader(); pump(); } else if (this._textContentSource) { const { items, styles } = this._textContentSource; this._processItems(items, styles); capability.resolve(); } else { throw new Error('No "textContentSource" parameter specified.'); } capability.promise.then(() => { styleCache = null; render(this); }, this._capability.reject); } } /** * @param {TextLayerRenderParameters} params * @returns {TextLayerRenderTask} */ function renderTextLayer(params) { const task = new TextLayerRenderTask(params); task._render(); return task; } /** * @param {TextLayerUpdateParameters} params * @returns {undefined} */ function updateTextLayer({ container, viewport, textDivs, textDivProperties, mustRotate = true, mustRescale = true, }) { if (mustRotate) { setLayerDimensions(container, { rotation: viewport.rotation }); } if (mustRescale) { const ctx = getCtx(); const scale = viewport.scale * (globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1); const params = { prevFontSize: null, prevFontFamily: null, div: null, scale, properties: null, ctx, }; for (const div of textDivs) { params.properties = textDivProperties.get(div); params.div = div; layout(params); } } } export { cleanupTextLayer, renderTextLayer, TextLayerRenderTask, updateTextLayer, };