/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { $acceptWhitespace, $childrenToHTML, $clean, $content, $extra, $getChildren, $getParent, $globalData, $nodeName, $onText, $pushGlyphs, $text, $toHTML, XmlObject, } from "./xfa_object.js"; import { $buildXFAObject, NamespaceIds } from "./namespaces.js"; import { fixTextIndent, fixURL, measureToString, setFontFamily, setParaStyle, } from "./html_utils.js"; import { getMeasurement, HTMLResult, stripQuotes } from "./utils.js"; const XHTML_NS_ID = NamespaceIds.xhtml.id; const $richText = Symbol(); const VALID_STYLES = new Set([ "color", "font", "font-family", "font-size", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-weight", "margin", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "letter-spacing", "line-height", "orphans", "page-break-after", "page-break-before", "page-break-inside", "tab-interval", "tab-stop", "text-align", "text-decoration", "text-indent", "vertical-align", "widows", "kerning-mode", "xfa-font-horizontal-scale", "xfa-font-vertical-scale", "xfa-spacerun", "xfa-tab-stops", ]); const StyleMapping = new Map([ ["page-break-after", "breakAfter"], ["page-break-before", "breakBefore"], ["page-break-inside", "breakInside"], ["kerning-mode", value => (value === "none" ? "none" : "normal")], [ "xfa-font-horizontal-scale", value => `scaleX(${Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value) / 100)).toFixed(2)})`, ], [ "xfa-font-vertical-scale", value => `scaleY(${Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value) / 100)).toFixed(2)})`, ], ["xfa-spacerun", ""], ["xfa-tab-stops", ""], [ "font-size", (value, original) => { value = original.fontSize = getMeasurement(value); return measureToString(0.99 * value); }, ], ["letter-spacing", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["line-height", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["margin", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["margin-bottom", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["margin-left", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["margin-right", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["margin-top", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["text-indent", value => measureToString(getMeasurement(value))], ["font-family", value => value], ]); const spacesRegExp = /\s+/g; const crlfRegExp = /[\r\n]+/g; const crlfForRichTextRegExp = /\r\n?/g; function mapStyle(styleStr, node) { const style = Object.create(null); if (!styleStr) { return style; } const original = Object.create(null); for (const [key, value] of styleStr.split(";").map(s => s.split(":", 2))) { const mapping = StyleMapping.get(key); if (mapping === "") { continue; } let newValue = value; if (mapping) { if (typeof mapping === "string") { newValue = mapping; } else { newValue = mapping(value, original); } } if (key.endsWith("scale")) { if (style.transform) { style.transform = `${style[key]} ${newValue}`; } else { style.transform = newValue; } } else { style[key.replaceAll(/-([a-zA-Z])/g, (_, x) => x.toUpperCase())] = newValue; } } if (style.fontFamily) { setFontFamily( { typeface: style.fontFamily, weight: style.fontWeight || "normal", posture: style.fontStyle || "normal", size: original.fontSize || 0, }, node, node[$globalData].fontFinder, style ); } fixTextIndent(style); return style; } function checkStyle(node) { if (!node.style) { return ""; } // Remove any non-allowed keys. return node.style .trim() .split(/\s*;\s*/) .filter(s => !!s) .map(s => s.split(/\s*:\s*/, 2)) .filter(([key, value]) => { if (key === "font-family") { node[$globalData].usedTypefaces.add(value); } return VALID_STYLES.has(key); }) .map(kv => kv.join(":")) .join(";"); } const NoWhites = new Set(["body", "html"]); class XhtmlObject extends XmlObject { constructor(attributes, name) { super(XHTML_NS_ID, name); this[$richText] = false; this.style = attributes.style || ""; } [$clean](builder) { super[$clean](builder); this.style = checkStyle(this); } [$acceptWhitespace]() { return !NoWhites.has(this[$nodeName]); } [$onText](str, richText = false) { if (!richText) { str = str.replace(crlfRegExp, ""); if (!this.style.includes("xfa-spacerun:yes")) { str = str.replace(spacesRegExp, " "); } } else { this[$richText] = true; } if (str) { this[$content] += str; } } [$pushGlyphs](measure, mustPop = true) { const xfaFont = Object.create(null); const margin = { top: NaN, bottom: NaN, left: NaN, right: NaN, }; let lineHeight = null; for (const [key, value] of this.style .split(";") .map(s => s.split(":", 2))) { switch (key) { case "font-family": xfaFont.typeface = stripQuotes(value); break; case "font-size": xfaFont.size = getMeasurement(value); break; case "font-weight": xfaFont.weight = value; break; case "font-style": xfaFont.posture = value; break; case "letter-spacing": xfaFont.letterSpacing = getMeasurement(value); break; case "margin": const values = value.split(/ \t/).map(x => getMeasurement(x)); switch (values.length) { case 1: margin.top = margin.bottom = margin.left = margin.right = values[0]; break; case 2: margin.top = margin.bottom = values[0]; margin.left = margin.right = values[1]; break; case 3: margin.top = values[0]; margin.bottom = values[2]; margin.left = margin.right = values[1]; break; case 4: margin.top = values[0]; margin.left = values[1]; margin.bottom = values[2]; margin.right = values[3]; break; } break; case "margin-top": margin.top = getMeasurement(value); break; case "margin-bottom": margin.bottom = getMeasurement(value); break; case "margin-left": margin.left = getMeasurement(value); break; case "margin-right": margin.right = getMeasurement(value); break; case "line-height": lineHeight = getMeasurement(value); break; } } measure.pushData(xfaFont, margin, lineHeight); if (this[$content]) { measure.addString(this[$content]); } else { for (const child of this[$getChildren]()) { if (child[$nodeName] === "#text") { measure.addString(child[$content]); continue; } child[$pushGlyphs](measure); } } if (mustPop) { measure.popFont(); } } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { const children = []; this[$extra] = { children, }; this[$childrenToHTML]({}); if (children.length === 0 && !this[$content]) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } let value; if (this[$richText]) { value = this[$content] ? this[$content].replace(crlfForRichTextRegExp, "\n") : undefined; } else { value = this[$content] || undefined; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: this[$nodeName], attributes: { href: this.href, style: mapStyle(this.style, this), }, children, value, }); } } class A extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "a"); this.href = fixURL(attributes.href) || ""; } } class B extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "b"); } [$pushGlyphs](measure) { measure.pushFont({ weight: "bold" }); super[$pushGlyphs](measure); measure.popFont(); } } class Body extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "body"); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { const res = super[$toHTML](availableSpace); const { html } = res; if (!html) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } html.name = "div"; html.attributes.class = ["xfaRich"]; return res; } } class Br extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "br"); } [$text]() { return "\n"; } [$pushGlyphs](measure) { measure.addString("\n"); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "br", }); } } class Html extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "html"); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { const children = []; this[$extra] = { children, }; this[$childrenToHTML]({}); if (children.length === 0) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: {}, }, value: this[$content] || "", }); } if (children.length === 1) { const child = children[0]; if (child.attributes && child.attributes.class.includes("xfaRich")) { return HTMLResult.success(child); } } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: {}, }, children, }); } } class I extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "i"); } [$pushGlyphs](measure) { measure.pushFont({ posture: "italic" }); super[$pushGlyphs](measure); measure.popFont(); } } class Li extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "li"); } } class Ol extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "ol"); } } class P extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "p"); } [$pushGlyphs](measure) { super[$pushGlyphs](measure, /* mustPop = */ false); measure.addString("\n"); measure.addPara(); measure.popFont(); } [$text]() { const siblings = this[$getParent]()[$getChildren](); if (siblings[siblings.length - 1] === this) { return super[$text](); } return super[$text]() + "\n"; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { const res = super[$toHTML](availableSpace); const { html } = res; if (!html) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } if (!html.attributes.style) { html.attributes.style = Object.create(null); } setParaStyle(this, html.attributes.style); return res; } } class Span extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "span"); } } class Sub extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "sub"); } } class Sup extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "sup"); } } class Ul extends XhtmlObject { constructor(attributes) { super(attributes, "ul"); } } class XhtmlNamespace { static [$buildXFAObject](name, attributes) { if (XhtmlNamespace.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return XhtmlNamespace[name](attributes); } return undefined; } static a(attributes) { return new A(attributes); } static b(attributes) { return new B(attributes); } static body(attributes) { return new Body(attributes); } static br(attributes) { return new Br(attributes); } static html(attributes) { return new Html(attributes); } static i(attributes) { return new I(attributes); } static li(attributes) { return new Li(attributes); } static ol(attributes) { return new Ol(attributes); } static p(attributes) { return new P(attributes); } static span(attributes) { return new Span(attributes); } static sub(attributes) { return new Sub(attributes); } static sup(attributes) { return new Sup(attributes); } static ul(attributes) { return new Ul(attributes); } } export { XhtmlNamespace };