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shadow */ 'use strict'; // Unicode Private Use Area var CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET = 0xE000; var GLYPH_AREA_SIZE = 0x1900; var SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET = 0xF000; // PDF Glyph Space Units are one Thousandth of a TextSpace Unit // except for Type 3 fonts var PDF_GLYPH_SPACE_UNITS = 1000; // Hinting is currently disabled due to unknown problems on windows // in tracemonkey and various other pdfs with type1 fonts. var HINTING_ENABLED = false; // Accented charactars are not displayed properly on windows, using this flag // to control analysis of seac charstrings. var SEAC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED = false; var FontFlags = { FixedPitch: 1, Serif: 2, Symbolic: 4, Script: 8, Nonsymbolic: 32, Italic: 64, AllCap: 65536, SmallCap: 131072, ForceBold: 262144 }; var Encodings = { ExpertEncoding: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', '', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 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'Courier-BoldOblique', 'CourierNew-Italic': 'Courier-Oblique', 'CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT': 'Courier-BoldOblique', 'CourierNewPS-BoldMT': 'Courier-Bold', 'CourierNewPS-ItalicMT': 'Courier-Oblique', 'CourierNewPSMT': 'Courier', 'Helvetica-Bold': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'Helvetica-BoldItalic': 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'Helvetica-Italic': 'Helvetica-Oblique', 'Symbol-Bold': 'Symbol', 'Symbol-BoldItalic': 'Symbol', 'Symbol-Italic': 'Symbol', 'TimesNewRoman': 'Times-Roman', 'TimesNewRoman-Bold': 'Times-Bold', 'TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic': 'Times-BoldItalic', 'TimesNewRoman-Italic': 'Times-Italic', 'TimesNewRomanPS': 'Times-Roman', 'TimesNewRomanPS-Bold': 'Times-Bold', 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic': 'Times-BoldItalic', 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT': 'Times-BoldItalic', 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT': 'Times-Bold', 'TimesNewRomanPS-Italic': 'Times-Italic', 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT': 'Times-Italic', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT': 'Times-Roman', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT-Bold': 'Times-Bold', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT-BoldItalic': 'Times-BoldItalic', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT-Italic': 'Times-Italic' }; /** * Holds the map of the non-standard fonts that might be included as a standard * fonts without glyph data. */ var nonStdFontMap = { 'ComicSansMS': 'Comic Sans MS', 'ComicSansMS-Bold': 'Comic Sans MS-Bold', 'ComicSansMS-BoldItalic': 'Comic Sans MS-BoldItalic', 'ComicSansMS-Italic': 'Comic Sans MS-Italic', 'LucidaConsole': 'Courier', 'LucidaConsole-Bold': 'Courier-Bold', 'LucidaConsole-BoldItalic': 'Courier-BoldOblique', 'LucidaConsole-Italic': 'Courier-Oblique', 'MS-Gothic': 'MS Gothic', 'MS-Gothic-Bold': 'MS Gothic-Bold', 'MS-Gothic-BoldItalic': 'MS Gothic-BoldItalic', 'MS-Gothic-Italic': 'MS Gothic-Italic', 'MS-Mincho': 'MS Mincho', 'MS-Mincho-Bold': 'MS Mincho-Bold', 'MS-Mincho-BoldItalic': 'MS Mincho-BoldItalic', 'MS-Mincho-Italic': 'MS Mincho-Italic', 'MS-PGothic': 'MS PGothic', 'MS-PGothic-Bold': 'MS PGothic-Bold', 'MS-PGothic-BoldItalic': 'MS PGothic-BoldItalic', 'MS-PGothic-Italic': 'MS PGothic-Italic', 'MS-PMincho': 'MS PMincho', 'MS-PMincho-Bold': 'MS PMincho-Bold', 'MS-PMincho-BoldItalic': 'MS PMincho-BoldItalic', 'MS-PMincho-Italic': 'MS PMincho-Italic', }; var serifFonts = { 'Adobe Jenson': true, 'Adobe Text': true, 'Albertus': true, 'Aldus': true, 'Alexandria': true, 'Algerian': true, 'American Typewriter': true, 'Antiqua': true, 'Apex': true, 'Arno': true, 'Aster': true, 'Aurora': true, 'Baskerville': true, 'Bell': true, 'Bembo': true, 'Bembo Schoolbook': true, 'Benguiat': true, 'Berkeley Old Style': true, 'Bernhard Modern': true, 'Berthold City': true, 'Bodoni': true, 'Bauer Bodoni': true, 'Book Antiqua': true, 'Bookman': true, 'Bordeaux Roman': true, 'Californian FB': true, 'Calisto': true, 'Calvert': true, 'Capitals': true, 'Cambria': true, 'Cartier': true, 'Caslon': true, 'Catull': true, 'Centaur': true, 'Century Old Style': true, 'Century Schoolbook': true, 'Chaparral': true, 'Charis SIL': true, 'Cheltenham': true, 'Cholla Slab': true, 'Clarendon': true, 'Clearface': true, 'Cochin': true, 'Colonna': true, 'Computer Modern': true, 'Concrete Roman': true, 'Constantia': true, 'Cooper Black': true, 'Corona': true, 'Ecotype': true, 'Egyptienne': true, 'Elephant': true, 'Excelsior': true, 'Fairfield': true, 'FF Scala': true, 'Folkard': true, 'Footlight': true, 'FreeSerif': true, 'Friz Quadrata': true, 'Garamond': true, 'Gentium': true, 'Georgia': true, 'Gloucester': true, 'Goudy Old Style': true, 'Goudy Schoolbook': true, 'Goudy Pro Font': true, 'Granjon': true, 'Guardian Egyptian': true, 'Heather': true, 'Hercules': true, 'High Tower Text': true, 'Hiroshige': true, 'Hoefler Text': true, 'Humana Serif': true, 'Imprint': true, 'Ionic No. 5': true, 'Janson': true, 'Joanna': true, 'Korinna': true, 'Lexicon': true, 'Liberation Serif': true, 'Linux Libertine': true, 'Literaturnaya': true, 'Lucida': true, 'Lucida Bright': true, 'Melior': true, 'Memphis': true, 'Miller': true, 'Minion': true, 'Modern': true, 'Mona Lisa': true, 'Mrs Eaves': true, 'MS Serif': true, 'Museo Slab': true, 'New York': true, 'Nimbus Roman': true, 'NPS Rawlinson Roadway': true, 'Palatino': true, 'Perpetua': true, 'Plantin': true, 'Plantin Schoolbook': true, 'Playbill': true, 'Poor Richard': true, 'Rawlinson Roadway': true, 'Renault': true, 'Requiem': true, 'Rockwell': true, 'Roman': true, 'Rotis Serif': true, 'Sabon': true, 'Scala': true, 'Seagull': true, 'Sistina': true, 'Souvenir': true, 'STIX': true, 'Stone Informal': true, 'Stone Serif': true, 'Sylfaen': true, 'Times': true, 'Trajan': true, 'Trinité': true, 'Trump Mediaeval': true, 'Utopia': true, 'Vale Type': true, 'Bitstream Vera': true, 'Vera Serif': true, 'Versailles': true, 'Wanted': true, 'Weiss': true, 'Wide Latin': true, 'Windsor': true, 'XITS': true }; var symbolsFonts = { 'Dingbats': true, 'Symbol': true, 'ZapfDingbats': true }; var CMapConverterList = { 'H': jis7ToUnicode, 'V': jis7ToUnicode, 'EUC-H': eucjpToUnicode, 'EUC-V': eucjpToUnicode, '83pv-RKSJ-H': sjis83pvToUnicode, '90pv-RKSJ-H': sjis90pvToUnicode, '90ms-RKSJ-H': sjisToUnicode, '90ms-RKSJ-V': sjisToUnicode, '90msp-RKSJ-H': sjisToUnicode, '90msp-RKSJ-V': sjisToUnicode, 'GBK-EUC-H': gbkToUnicode, 'GBKp-EUC-H': gbkToUnicode, 'B5pc-H': big5ToUnicode, 'ETenms-B5-H': big5ToUnicode, 'ETenms-B5-V': big5ToUnicode, }; // CMaps using Hankaku (Halfwidth) Latin glyphs instead of proportional one. // We need to distinguish them to get correct widths from CIDFont dicts. var HalfwidthCMaps = { 'H': true, 'V': true, 'EUC-H': true, 'EUC-V': true, '90ms-RKSJ-H': true, '90ms-RKSJ-V': true, 'UniJIS-UCS2-HW-H': true, 'UniJIS-UCS2-HW-V': true }; var decodeBytes; if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') { // The encodings supported by TextDecoder can be found at: // http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-encoding-get decodeBytes = function(bytes, encoding, fatal) { return new TextDecoder(encoding, {fatal: !!fatal}).decode(bytes); }; } else if (typeof FileReaderSync !== 'undefined') { decodeBytes = function(bytes, encoding) { return new FileReaderSync().readAsText(new Blob([bytes]), encoding); }; } else { // Clear the list so that decodeBytes will never be called. CMapConverterList = {}; } function jis7ToUnicode(str) { var bytes = stringToBytes(str); var length = bytes.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bytes[i] |= 0x80; } return decodeBytes(bytes, 'euc-jp'); } function eucjpToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'euc-jp'); } function sjisToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'shift_jis'); } function sjis83pvToUnicode(str) { var bytes = stringToBytes(str); try { // TODO: 83pv has incompatible mappings in ed40..ee9c range. return decodeBytes(bytes, 'shift_jis', true); } catch (e) { TODO('Unsupported 83pv character found'); // Just retry without checking errors for now. return decodeBytes(bytes, 'shift_jis'); } } function sjis90pvToUnicode(str) { var bytes = stringToBytes(str); try { // TODO: 90pv has incompatible mappings in 8740..879c and eb41..ee9c. return decodeBytes(bytes, 'shift_jis', true); } catch (e) { TODO('Unsupported 90pv character found'); // Just retry without checking errors for now. return decodeBytes(bytes, 'shift_jis'); } } function gbkToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'gbk'); } function big5ToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'big5'); } // Some characters, e.g. copyrightserif, mapped to the private use area and // might not be displayed using standard fonts. Mapping/hacking well-known chars // to the similar equivalents in the normal characters range. function mapPrivateUseChars(code) { switch (code) { case 0xF8E9: // copyrightsans case 0xF6D9: // copyrightserif return 0x00A9; // copyright default: return code; } } var UnicodeRanges = [ { 'begin': 0x0000, 'end': 0x007F }, // Basic Latin { 'begin': 0x0080, 'end': 0x00FF }, // Latin-1 Supplement { 'begin': 0x0100, 'end': 0x017F }, // Latin Extended-A { 'begin': 0x0180, 'end': 0x024F }, // Latin Extended-B { 'begin': 0x0250, 'end': 0x02AF }, // IPA Extensions { 'begin': 0x02B0, 'end': 0x02FF }, // Spacing Modifier Letters { 'begin': 0x0300, 'end': 0x036F }, // Combining Diacritical Marks { 'begin': 0x0370, 'end': 0x03FF }, // Greek and Coptic { 'begin': 0x2C80, 'end': 0x2CFF }, // Coptic { 'begin': 0x0400, 'end': 0x04FF }, // Cyrillic { 'begin': 0x0530, 'end': 0x058F }, // Armenian { 'begin': 0x0590, 'end': 0x05FF }, // Hebrew { 'begin': 0xA500, 'end': 0xA63F }, // Vai { 'begin': 0x0600, 'end': 0x06FF }, // Arabic { 'begin': 0x07C0, 'end': 0x07FF }, // NKo { 'begin': 0x0900, 'end': 0x097F }, // Devanagari { 'begin': 0x0980, 'end': 0x09FF }, // Bengali { 'begin': 0x0A00, 'end': 0x0A7F }, // Gurmukhi { 'begin': 0x0A80, 'end': 0x0AFF }, // Gujarati { 'begin': 0x0B00, 'end': 0x0B7F }, // Oriya { 'begin': 0x0B80, 'end': 0x0BFF }, // Tamil { 'begin': 0x0C00, 'end': 0x0C7F }, // Telugu { 'begin': 0x0C80, 'end': 0x0CFF }, // Kannada { 'begin': 0x0D00, 'end': 0x0D7F }, // Malayalam { 'begin': 0x0E00, 'end': 0x0E7F }, // Thai { 'begin': 0x0E80, 'end': 0x0EFF }, // Lao { 'begin': 0x10A0, 'end': 0x10FF }, // Georgian { 'begin': 0x1B00, 'end': 0x1B7F }, // Balinese { 'begin': 0x1100, 'end': 0x11FF }, // Hangul Jamo { 'begin': 0x1E00, 'end': 0x1EFF }, // Latin Extended Additional { 'begin': 0x1F00, 'end': 0x1FFF }, // Greek Extended { 'begin': 0x2000, 'end': 0x206F }, // General Punctuation { 'begin': 0x2070, 'end': 0x209F }, // Superscripts And Subscripts { 'begin': 0x20A0, 'end': 0x20CF }, // Currency Symbol { 'begin': 0x20D0, 'end': 0x20FF }, // Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols { 'begin': 0x2100, 'end': 0x214F }, // Letterlike Symbols { 'begin': 0x2150, 'end': 0x218F }, // Number Forms { 'begin': 0x2190, 'end': 0x21FF }, // Arrows { 'begin': 0x2200, 'end': 0x22FF }, // Mathematical Operators { 'begin': 0x2300, 'end': 0x23FF }, // Miscellaneous Technical { 'begin': 0x2400, 'end': 0x243F }, // Control Pictures { 'begin': 0x2440, 'end': 0x245F }, // Optical Character Recognition { 'begin': 0x2460, 'end': 0x24FF }, // Enclosed Alphanumerics { 'begin': 0x2500, 'end': 0x257F }, // Box Drawing { 'begin': 0x2580, 'end': 0x259F }, // Block Elements { 'begin': 0x25A0, 'end': 0x25FF }, // Geometric Shapes { 'begin': 0x2600, 'end': 0x26FF }, // Miscellaneous Symbols { 'begin': 0x2700, 'end': 0x27BF }, // Dingbats { 'begin': 0x3000, 'end': 0x303F }, // CJK Symbols And Punctuation { 'begin': 0x3040, 'end': 0x309F }, // Hiragana { 'begin': 0x30A0, 'end': 0x30FF }, // Katakana { 'begin': 0x3100, 'end': 0x312F }, // Bopomofo { 'begin': 0x3130, 'end': 0x318F }, // Hangul Compatibility Jamo { 'begin': 0xA840, 'end': 0xA87F }, // Phags-pa { 'begin': 0x3200, 'end': 0x32FF }, // Enclosed CJK Letters And Months { 'begin': 0x3300, 'end': 0x33FF }, // CJK Compatibility { 'begin': 0xAC00, 'end': 0xD7AF }, // Hangul Syllables { 'begin': 0xD800, 'end': 0xDFFF }, // Non-Plane 0 * { 'begin': 0x10900, 'end': 0x1091F }, // Phoenicia { 'begin': 0x4E00, 'end': 0x9FFF }, // CJK Unified Ideographs { 'begin': 0xE000, 'end': 0xF8FF }, // Private Use Area (plane 0) { 'begin': 0x31C0, 'end': 0x31EF }, // CJK Strokes { 'begin': 0xFB00, 'end': 0xFB4F }, // Alphabetic Presentation Forms { 'begin': 0xFB50, 'end': 0xFDFF }, // Arabic Presentation Forms-A { 'begin': 0xFE20, 'end': 0xFE2F }, // Combining Half Marks { 'begin': 0xFE10, 'end': 0xFE1F }, // Vertical Forms { 'begin': 0xFE50, 'end': 0xFE6F }, // Small Form Variants { 'begin': 0xFE70, 'end': 0xFEFF }, // Arabic Presentation Forms-B { 'begin': 0xFF00, 'end': 0xFFEF }, // Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms { 'begin': 0xFFF0, 'end': 0xFFFF }, // Specials { 'begin': 0x0F00, 'end': 0x0FFF }, // Tibetan { 'begin': 0x0700, 'end': 0x074F }, // Syriac { 'begin': 0x0780, 'end': 0x07BF }, // Thaana { 'begin': 0x0D80, 'end': 0x0DFF }, // Sinhala { 'begin': 0x1000, 'end': 0x109F }, // Myanmar { 'begin': 0x1200, 'end': 0x137F }, // Ethiopic { 'begin': 0x13A0, 'end': 0x13FF }, // Cherokee { 'begin': 0x1400, 'end': 0x167F }, // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics { 'begin': 0x1680, 'end': 0x169F }, // Ogham { 'begin': 0x16A0, 'end': 0x16FF }, // Runic { 'begin': 0x1780, 'end': 0x17FF }, // Khmer { 'begin': 0x1800, 'end': 0x18AF }, // Mongolian { 'begin': 0x2800, 'end': 0x28FF }, // Braille Patterns { 'begin': 0xA000, 'end': 0xA48F }, // Yi Syllables { 'begin': 0x1700, 'end': 0x171F }, // Tagalog { 'begin': 0x10300, 'end': 0x1032F }, // Old Italic { 'begin': 0x10330, 'end': 0x1034F }, // Gothic { 'begin': 0x10400, 'end': 0x1044F }, // Deseret { 'begin': 0x1D000, 'end': 0x1D0FF }, // Byzantine Musical Symbols { 'begin': 0x1D400, 'end': 0x1D7FF }, // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols { 'begin': 0xFF000, 'end': 0xFFFFD }, // Private Use (plane 15) { 'begin': 0xFE00, 'end': 0xFE0F }, // Variation Selectors { 'begin': 0xE0000, 'end': 0xE007F }, // Tags { 'begin': 0x1900, 'end': 0x194F }, // Limbu { 'begin': 0x1950, 'end': 0x197F }, // Tai Le { 'begin': 0x1980, 'end': 0x19DF }, // New Tai Lue { 'begin': 0x1A00, 'end': 0x1A1F }, // Buginese { 'begin': 0x2C00, 'end': 0x2C5F }, // Glagolitic { 'begin': 0x2D30, 'end': 0x2D7F }, // Tifinagh { 'begin': 0x4DC0, 'end': 0x4DFF }, // Yijing Hexagram Symbols { 'begin': 0xA800, 'end': 0xA82F }, // Syloti Nagri { 'begin': 0x10000, 'end': 0x1007F }, // Linear B Syllabary { 'begin': 0x10140, 'end': 0x1018F }, // Ancient Greek Numbers { 'begin': 0x10380, 'end': 0x1039F }, // Ugaritic { 'begin': 0x103A0, 'end': 0x103DF }, // Old Persian { 'begin': 0x10450, 'end': 0x1047F }, // Shavian { 'begin': 0x10480, 'end': 0x104AF }, // Osmanya { 'begin': 0x10800, 'end': 0x1083F }, // Cypriot Syllabary { 'begin': 0x10A00, 'end': 0x10A5F }, // Kharoshthi { 'begin': 0x1D300, 'end': 0x1D35F }, // Tai Xuan Jing Symbols { 'begin': 0x12000, 'end': 0x123FF }, // Cuneiform { 'begin': 0x1D360, 'end': 0x1D37F }, // Counting Rod Numerals { 'begin': 0x1B80, 'end': 0x1BBF }, // Sundanese { 'begin': 0x1C00, 'end': 0x1C4F }, // Lepcha { 'begin': 0x1C50, 'end': 0x1C7F }, // Ol Chiki { 'begin': 0xA880, 'end': 0xA8DF }, // Saurashtra { 'begin': 0xA900, 'end': 0xA92F }, // Kayah Li { 'begin': 0xA930, 'end': 0xA95F }, // Rejang { 'begin': 0xAA00, 'end': 0xAA5F }, // Cham { 'begin': 0x10190, 'end': 0x101CF }, // Ancient Symbols { 'begin': 0x101D0, 'end': 0x101FF }, // Phaistos Disc { 'begin': 0x102A0, 'end': 0x102DF }, // Carian { 'begin': 0x1F030, 'end': 0x1F09F } // Domino Tiles ]; var MacStandardGlyphOrdering = [ '.notdef', '.null', 'nonmarkingreturn', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quotesingle', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'grave', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', 'Adieresis', 'Aring', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ntilde', 'Odieresis', 'Udieresis', 'aacute', 'agrave', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis', 'atilde', 'aring', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'egrave', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'iacute', 'igrave', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ograve', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'otilde', 'uacute', 'ugrave', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'dagger', 'degree', 'cent', 'sterling', 'section', 'bullet', 'paragraph', 'germandbls', 'registered', 'copyright', 'trademark', 'acute', 'dieresis', 'notequal', 'AE', 'Oslash', 'infinity', 'plusminus', 'lessequal', 'greaterequal', 'yen', 'mu', 'partialdiff', 'summation', 'product', 'pi', 'integral', 'ordfeminine', 'ordmasculine', 'Omega', 'ae', 'oslash', 'questiondown', 'exclamdown', 'logicalnot', 'radical', 'florin', 'approxequal', 'Delta', 'guillemotleft', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'nonbreakingspace', 'Agrave', 'Atilde', 'Otilde', 'OE', 'oe', 'endash', 'emdash', 'quotedblleft', 'quotedblright', 'quoteleft', 'quoteright', 'divide', 'lozenge', 'ydieresis', 'Ydieresis', 'fraction', 'currency', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'perthousand', 'Acircumflex', 'Ecircumflex', 'Aacute', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'apple', 'Ograve', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Ugrave', 'dotlessi', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'Lslash', 'lslash', 'Scaron', 'scaron', 'Zcaron', 'zcaron', 'brokenbar', 'Eth', 'eth', 'Yacute', 'yacute', 'Thorn', 'thorn', 'minus', 'multiply', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'onehalf', 'onequarter', 'threequarters', 'franc', 'Gbreve', 'gbreve', 'Idotaccent', 'Scedilla', 'scedilla', 'Cacute', 'cacute', 'Ccaron', 'ccaron', 'dcroat']; function getUnicodeRangeFor(value) { for (var i = 0, ii = UnicodeRanges.length; i < ii; i++) { var range = UnicodeRanges[i]; if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) return i; } return -1; } function isRTLRangeFor(value) { var range = UnicodeRanges[13]; if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) return true; range = UnicodeRanges[11]; if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) return true; return false; } function isSpecialUnicode(unicode) { return (unicode <= 0x1F || (unicode >= 127 && unicode < GLYPH_AREA_SIZE)) || (unicode >= CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET && unicode < CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET + GLYPH_AREA_SIZE); } // The normalization table is obtained by filtering the Unicode characters // database with entries. var NormalizedUnicodes = { '\u00A8': '\u0020\u0308', '\u00AF': '\u0020\u0304', '\u00B4': '\u0020\u0301', '\u00B5': '\u03BC', '\u00B8': '\u0020\u0327', '\u0132': '\u0049\u004A', '\u0133': '\u0069\u006A', '\u013F': '\u004C\u00B7', '\u0140': '\u006C\u00B7', '\u0149': '\u02BC\u006E', '\u017F': '\u0073', '\u01C4': '\u0044\u017D', '\u01C5': '\u0044\u017E', '\u01C6': '\u0064\u017E', '\u01C7': '\u004C\u004A', '\u01C8': '\u004C\u006A', '\u01C9': '\u006C\u006A', '\u01CA': '\u004E\u004A', '\u01CB': '\u004E\u006A', '\u01CC': '\u006E\u006A', '\u01F1': '\u0044\u005A', '\u01F2': '\u0044\u007A', '\u01F3': '\u0064\u007A', '\u02D8': '\u0020\u0306', '\u02D9': '\u0020\u0307', '\u02DA': '\u0020\u030A', '\u02DB': '\u0020\u0328', '\u02DC': '\u0020\u0303', '\u02DD': '\u0020\u030B', '\u037A': '\u0020\u0345', '\u0384': '\u0020\u0301', '\u03D0': '\u03B2', '\u03D1': '\u03B8', '\u03D2': '\u03A5', '\u03D5': '\u03C6', '\u03D6': '\u03C0', '\u03F0': '\u03BA', '\u03F1': '\u03C1', '\u03F2': '\u03C2', '\u03F4': '\u0398', '\u03F5': '\u03B5', '\u03F9': '\u03A3', '\u0587': '\u0565\u0582', '\u0675': '\u0627\u0674', '\u0676': '\u0648\u0674', '\u0677': '\u06C7\u0674', '\u0678': '\u064A\u0674', '\u0E33': '\u0E4D\u0E32', '\u0EB3': '\u0ECD\u0EB2', '\u0EDC': '\u0EAB\u0E99', '\u0EDD': '\u0EAB\u0EA1', '\u0F77': '\u0FB2\u0F81', '\u0F79': '\u0FB3\u0F81', '\u1E9A': '\u0061\u02BE', '\u1FBD': '\u0020\u0313', '\u1FBF': '\u0020\u0313', '\u1FC0': '\u0020\u0342', '\u1FFE': '\u0020\u0314', '\u2002': '\u0020', '\u2003': '\u0020', '\u2004': '\u0020', '\u2005': '\u0020', '\u2006': '\u0020', '\u2008': '\u0020', '\u2009': '\u0020', '\u200A': '\u0020', '\u2017': '\u0020\u0333', '\u2024': '\u002E', '\u2025': '\u002E\u002E', '\u2026': '\u002E\u002E\u002E', '\u2033': '\u2032\u2032', '\u2034': '\u2032\u2032\u2032', '\u2036': '\u2035\u2035', '\u2037': '\u2035\u2035\u2035', '\u203C': '\u0021\u0021', '\u203E': '\u0020\u0305', '\u2047': '\u003F\u003F', '\u2048': '\u003F\u0021', '\u2049': '\u0021\u003F', '\u2057': '\u2032\u2032\u2032\u2032', '\u205F': '\u0020', '\u20A8': '\u0052\u0073', '\u2100': '\u0061\u002F\u0063', '\u2101': '\u0061\u002F\u0073', '\u2103': '\u00B0\u0043', '\u2105': '\u0063\u002F\u006F', '\u2106': '\u0063\u002F\u0075', '\u2107': '\u0190', '\u2109': '\u00B0\u0046', '\u2116': '\u004E\u006F', '\u2121': '\u0054\u0045\u004C', '\u2135': '\u05D0', '\u2136': '\u05D1', '\u2137': '\u05D2', '\u2138': '\u05D3', '\u213B': '\u0046\u0041\u0058', '\u2160': '\u0049', '\u2161': '\u0049\u0049', '\u2162': '\u0049\u0049\u0049', '\u2163': '\u0049\u0056', '\u2164': '\u0056', '\u2165': '\u0056\u0049', '\u2166': '\u0056\u0049\u0049', '\u2167': '\u0056\u0049\u0049\u0049', '\u2168': '\u0049\u0058', '\u2169': '\u0058', '\u216A': '\u0058\u0049', '\u216B': '\u0058\u0049\u0049', '\u216C': '\u004C', '\u216D': '\u0043', '\u216E': '\u0044', '\u216F': '\u004D', '\u2170': '\u0069', '\u2171': '\u0069\u0069', '\u2172': '\u0069\u0069\u0069', '\u2173': '\u0069\u0076', '\u2174': '\u0076', '\u2175': '\u0076\u0069', '\u2176': '\u0076\u0069\u0069', '\u2177': '\u0076\u0069\u0069\u0069', '\u2178': '\u0069\u0078', '\u2179': '\u0078', '\u217A': '\u0078\u0069', '\u217B': '\u0078\u0069\u0069', '\u217C': '\u006C', '\u217D': '\u0063', '\u217E': '\u0064', '\u217F': '\u006D', '\u222C': '\u222B\u222B', '\u222D': '\u222B\u222B\u222B', '\u222F': '\u222E\u222E', '\u2230': '\u222E\u222E\u222E', '\u2474': '\u0028\u0031\u0029', '\u2475': '\u0028\u0032\u0029', '\u2476': '\u0028\u0033\u0029', '\u2477': '\u0028\u0034\u0029', '\u2478': '\u0028\u0035\u0029', '\u2479': '\u0028\u0036\u0029', '\u247A': '\u0028\u0037\u0029', '\u247B': '\u0028\u0038\u0029', '\u247C': '\u0028\u0039\u0029', '\u247D': '\u0028\u0031\u0030\u0029', '\u247E': '\u0028\u0031\u0031\u0029', '\u247F': '\u0028\u0031\u0032\u0029', '\u2480': '\u0028\u0031\u0033\u0029', '\u2481': '\u0028\u0031\u0034\u0029', '\u2482': '\u0028\u0031\u0035\u0029', '\u2483': '\u0028\u0031\u0036\u0029', '\u2484': '\u0028\u0031\u0037\u0029', '\u2485': '\u0028\u0031\u0038\u0029', '\u2486': '\u0028\u0031\u0039\u0029', '\u2487': '\u0028\u0032\u0030\u0029', '\u2488': '\u0031\u002E', '\u2489': '\u0032\u002E', '\u248A': '\u0033\u002E', '\u248B': '\u0034\u002E', '\u248C': '\u0035\u002E', '\u248D': '\u0036\u002E', '\u248E': '\u0037\u002E', '\u248F': '\u0038\u002E', '\u2490': '\u0039\u002E', '\u2491': '\u0031\u0030\u002E', '\u2492': '\u0031\u0031\u002E', '\u2493': '\u0031\u0032\u002E', '\u2494': '\u0031\u0033\u002E', '\u2495': '\u0031\u0034\u002E', '\u2496': '\u0031\u0035\u002E', '\u2497': '\u0031\u0036\u002E', '\u2498': '\u0031\u0037\u002E', '\u2499': '\u0031\u0038\u002E', '\u249A': '\u0031\u0039\u002E', '\u249B': '\u0032\u0030\u002E', '\u249C': '\u0028\u0061\u0029', '\u249D': '\u0028\u0062\u0029', '\u249E': '\u0028\u0063\u0029', '\u249F': '\u0028\u0064\u0029', '\u24A0': '\u0028\u0065\u0029', '\u24A1': '\u0028\u0066\u0029', '\u24A2': '\u0028\u0067\u0029', '\u24A3': '\u0028\u0068\u0029', '\u24A4': '\u0028\u0069\u0029', '\u24A5': '\u0028\u006A\u0029', '\u24A6': '\u0028\u006B\u0029', '\u24A7': '\u0028\u006C\u0029', '\u24A8': '\u0028\u006D\u0029', '\u24A9': '\u0028\u006E\u0029', '\u24AA': '\u0028\u006F\u0029', '\u24AB': '\u0028\u0070\u0029', '\u24AC': '\u0028\u0071\u0029', '\u24AD': '\u0028\u0072\u0029', '\u24AE': '\u0028\u0073\u0029', '\u24AF': '\u0028\u0074\u0029', '\u24B0': '\u0028\u0075\u0029', '\u24B1': '\u0028\u0076\u0029', '\u24B2': '\u0028\u0077\u0029', '\u24B3': '\u0028\u0078\u0029', '\u24B4': '\u0028\u0079\u0029', '\u24B5': '\u0028\u007A\u0029', '\u2A0C': '\u222B\u222B\u222B\u222B', '\u2A74': '\u003A\u003A\u003D', '\u2A75': '\u003D\u003D', '\u2A76': '\u003D\u003D\u003D', '\u2E9F': '\u6BCD', '\u2EF3': '\u9F9F', '\u2F00': '\u4E00', '\u2F01': '\u4E28', '\u2F02': '\u4E36', '\u2F03': '\u4E3F', '\u2F04': '\u4E59', '\u2F05': '\u4E85', '\u2F06': '\u4E8C', '\u2F07': '\u4EA0', '\u2F08': '\u4EBA', '\u2F09': '\u513F', '\u2F0A': '\u5165', '\u2F0B': '\u516B', '\u2F0C': '\u5182', '\u2F0D': '\u5196', '\u2F0E': '\u51AB', '\u2F0F': '\u51E0', '\u2F10': '\u51F5', '\u2F11': '\u5200', '\u2F12': '\u529B', '\u2F13': '\u52F9', '\u2F14': '\u5315', '\u2F15': '\u531A', '\u2F16': '\u5338', '\u2F17': '\u5341', '\u2F18': '\u535C', '\u2F19': '\u5369', '\u2F1A': '\u5382', '\u2F1B': '\u53B6', '\u2F1C': '\u53C8', '\u2F1D': '\u53E3', '\u2F1E': '\u56D7', '\u2F1F': '\u571F', '\u2F20': '\u58EB', '\u2F21': '\u5902', '\u2F22': '\u590A', '\u2F23': '\u5915', '\u2F24': '\u5927', '\u2F25': '\u5973', '\u2F26': '\u5B50', '\u2F27': '\u5B80', '\u2F28': '\u5BF8', '\u2F29': '\u5C0F', '\u2F2A': '\u5C22', '\u2F2B': '\u5C38', '\u2F2C': '\u5C6E', '\u2F2D': '\u5C71', '\u2F2E': '\u5DDB', '\u2F2F': '\u5DE5', '\u2F30': '\u5DF1', '\u2F31': '\u5DFE', '\u2F32': '\u5E72', '\u2F33': '\u5E7A', '\u2F34': '\u5E7F', '\u2F35': '\u5EF4', '\u2F36': '\u5EFE', '\u2F37': '\u5F0B', '\u2F38': '\u5F13', '\u2F39': '\u5F50', '\u2F3A': '\u5F61', '\u2F3B': '\u5F73', '\u2F3C': '\u5FC3', '\u2F3D': '\u6208', '\u2F3E': '\u6236', '\u2F3F': '\u624B', '\u2F40': '\u652F', '\u2F41': '\u6534', '\u2F42': '\u6587', '\u2F43': '\u6597', '\u2F44': '\u65A4', '\u2F45': '\u65B9', '\u2F46': '\u65E0', '\u2F47': '\u65E5', '\u2F48': '\u66F0', '\u2F49': '\u6708', '\u2F4A': '\u6728', '\u2F4B': '\u6B20', '\u2F4C': '\u6B62', '\u2F4D': '\u6B79', '\u2F4E': '\u6BB3', '\u2F4F': '\u6BCB', '\u2F50': '\u6BD4', '\u2F51': '\u6BDB', '\u2F52': '\u6C0F', '\u2F53': '\u6C14', '\u2F54': '\u6C34', '\u2F55': '\u706B', '\u2F56': '\u722A', '\u2F57': '\u7236', '\u2F58': '\u723B', '\u2F59': '\u723F', '\u2F5A': '\u7247', '\u2F5B': '\u7259', '\u2F5C': '\u725B', '\u2F5D': '\u72AC', '\u2F5E': '\u7384', '\u2F5F': '\u7389', '\u2F60': '\u74DC', '\u2F61': '\u74E6', '\u2F62': '\u7518', '\u2F63': '\u751F', '\u2F64': '\u7528', '\u2F65': '\u7530', '\u2F66': '\u758B', '\u2F67': '\u7592', '\u2F68': '\u7676', '\u2F69': '\u767D', '\u2F6A': '\u76AE', '\u2F6B': '\u76BF', '\u2F6C': '\u76EE', '\u2F6D': '\u77DB', '\u2F6E': '\u77E2', '\u2F6F': '\u77F3', '\u2F70': '\u793A', '\u2F71': '\u79B8', '\u2F72': '\u79BE', '\u2F73': '\u7A74', '\u2F74': '\u7ACB', '\u2F75': '\u7AF9', '\u2F76': '\u7C73', '\u2F77': '\u7CF8', '\u2F78': '\u7F36', '\u2F79': '\u7F51', '\u2F7A': '\u7F8A', '\u2F7B': '\u7FBD', '\u2F7C': '\u8001', '\u2F7D': '\u800C', '\u2F7E': '\u8012', '\u2F7F': '\u8033', '\u2F80': '\u807F', '\u2F81': '\u8089', '\u2F82': '\u81E3', '\u2F83': '\u81EA', '\u2F84': '\u81F3', '\u2F85': '\u81FC', '\u2F86': '\u820C', '\u2F87': '\u821B', '\u2F88': '\u821F', '\u2F89': '\u826E', '\u2F8A': '\u8272', '\u2F8B': '\u8278', '\u2F8C': '\u864D', '\u2F8D': '\u866B', '\u2F8E': '\u8840', '\u2F8F': '\u884C', '\u2F90': '\u8863', '\u2F91': '\u897E', '\u2F92': '\u898B', '\u2F93': '\u89D2', '\u2F94': '\u8A00', '\u2F95': '\u8C37', '\u2F96': '\u8C46', '\u2F97': '\u8C55', '\u2F98': '\u8C78', '\u2F99': '\u8C9D', '\u2F9A': '\u8D64', '\u2F9B': '\u8D70', '\u2F9C': '\u8DB3', '\u2F9D': '\u8EAB', '\u2F9E': '\u8ECA', '\u2F9F': '\u8F9B', '\u2FA0': '\u8FB0', '\u2FA1': '\u8FB5', '\u2FA2': '\u9091', '\u2FA3': '\u9149', '\u2FA4': '\u91C6', '\u2FA5': '\u91CC', '\u2FA6': '\u91D1', '\u2FA7': '\u9577', '\u2FA8': '\u9580', '\u2FA9': '\u961C', '\u2FAA': '\u96B6', '\u2FAB': '\u96B9', '\u2FAC': '\u96E8', '\u2FAD': '\u9751', '\u2FAE': '\u975E', '\u2FAF': '\u9762', '\u2FB0': '\u9769', '\u2FB1': '\u97CB', '\u2FB2': '\u97ED', '\u2FB3': '\u97F3', '\u2FB4': '\u9801', '\u2FB5': '\u98A8', '\u2FB6': '\u98DB', '\u2FB7': '\u98DF', '\u2FB8': '\u9996', '\u2FB9': '\u9999', '\u2FBA': '\u99AC', '\u2FBB': '\u9AA8', '\u2FBC': '\u9AD8', '\u2FBD': '\u9ADF', '\u2FBE': '\u9B25', '\u2FBF': '\u9B2F', '\u2FC0': '\u9B32', '\u2FC1': '\u9B3C', '\u2FC2': '\u9B5A', '\u2FC3': '\u9CE5', '\u2FC4': '\u9E75', '\u2FC5': '\u9E7F', '\u2FC6': '\u9EA5', '\u2FC7': '\u9EBB', '\u2FC8': '\u9EC3', '\u2FC9': '\u9ECD', '\u2FCA': '\u9ED1', '\u2FCB': '\u9EF9', '\u2FCC': '\u9EFD', '\u2FCD': '\u9F0E', '\u2FCE': '\u9F13', '\u2FCF': '\u9F20', '\u2FD0': '\u9F3B', '\u2FD1': '\u9F4A', '\u2FD2': '\u9F52', '\u2FD3': '\u9F8D', '\u2FD4': '\u9F9C', '\u2FD5': '\u9FA0', '\u3036': '\u3012', '\u3038': '\u5341', '\u3039': '\u5344', '\u303A': '\u5345', '\u309B': '\u0020\u3099', '\u309C': '\u0020\u309A', '\u3131': '\u1100', '\u3132': '\u1101', '\u3133': '\u11AA', '\u3134': '\u1102', '\u3135': '\u11AC', '\u3136': '\u11AD', '\u3137': '\u1103', '\u3138': '\u1104', '\u3139': '\u1105', '\u313A': '\u11B0', '\u313B': '\u11B1', '\u313C': '\u11B2', '\u313D': '\u11B3', '\u313E': '\u11B4', '\u313F': '\u11B5', '\u3140': '\u111A', '\u3141': '\u1106', '\u3142': '\u1107', '\u3143': '\u1108', '\u3144': '\u1121', '\u3145': '\u1109', '\u3146': '\u110A', '\u3147': '\u110B', '\u3148': '\u110C', '\u3149': '\u110D', '\u314A': '\u110E', '\u314B': '\u110F', '\u314C': '\u1110', '\u314D': '\u1111', '\u314E': '\u1112', '\u314F': '\u1161', '\u3150': '\u1162', '\u3151': '\u1163', '\u3152': '\u1164', '\u3153': '\u1165', '\u3154': '\u1166', '\u3155': '\u1167', '\u3156': '\u1168', '\u3157': '\u1169', '\u3158': '\u116A', '\u3159': '\u116B', '\u315A': '\u116C', '\u315B': '\u116D', '\u315C': '\u116E', '\u315D': '\u116F', '\u315E': '\u1170', '\u315F': '\u1171', '\u3160': '\u1172', '\u3161': '\u1173', '\u3162': '\u1174', '\u3163': '\u1175', '\u3164': '\u1160', '\u3165': '\u1114', '\u3166': '\u1115', '\u3167': '\u11C7', '\u3168': '\u11C8', '\u3169': '\u11CC', '\u316A': '\u11CE', '\u316B': '\u11D3', '\u316C': '\u11D7', '\u316D': '\u11D9', '\u316E': '\u111C', '\u316F': '\u11DD', '\u3170': '\u11DF', '\u3171': '\u111D', '\u3172': '\u111E', '\u3173': '\u1120', '\u3174': '\u1122', '\u3175': '\u1123', '\u3176': '\u1127', '\u3177': '\u1129', '\u3178': '\u112B', '\u3179': '\u112C', '\u317A': '\u112D', '\u317B': '\u112E', '\u317C': '\u112F', '\u317D': '\u1132', '\u317E': '\u1136', '\u317F': '\u1140', '\u3180': '\u1147', '\u3181': '\u114C', '\u3182': '\u11F1', '\u3183': '\u11F2', '\u3184': '\u1157', '\u3185': '\u1158', '\u3186': '\u1159', '\u3187': '\u1184', '\u3188': '\u1185', '\u3189': '\u1188', '\u318A': '\u1191', '\u318B': '\u1192', '\u318C': '\u1194', '\u318D': '\u119E', '\u318E': '\u11A1', '\u3200': '\u0028\u1100\u0029', '\u3201': '\u0028\u1102\u0029', '\u3202': '\u0028\u1103\u0029', '\u3203': '\u0028\u1105\u0029', '\u3204': '\u0028\u1106\u0029', '\u3205': '\u0028\u1107\u0029', '\u3206': '\u0028\u1109\u0029', '\u3207': '\u0028\u110B\u0029', '\u3208': '\u0028\u110C\u0029', '\u3209': '\u0028\u110E\u0029', '\u320A': '\u0028\u110F\u0029', '\u320B': '\u0028\u1110\u0029', '\u320C': '\u0028\u1111\u0029', '\u320D': '\u0028\u1112\u0029', '\u320E': '\u0028\u1100\u1161\u0029', '\u320F': '\u0028\u1102\u1161\u0029', '\u3210': '\u0028\u1103\u1161\u0029', '\u3211': '\u0028\u1105\u1161\u0029', '\u3212': '\u0028\u1106\u1161\u0029', '\u3213': '\u0028\u1107\u1161\u0029', '\u3214': '\u0028\u1109\u1161\u0029', '\u3215': '\u0028\u110B\u1161\u0029', '\u3216': '\u0028\u110C\u1161\u0029', '\u3217': '\u0028\u110E\u1161\u0029', '\u3218': '\u0028\u110F\u1161\u0029', '\u3219': '\u0028\u1110\u1161\u0029', '\u321A': '\u0028\u1111\u1161\u0029', '\u321B': '\u0028\u1112\u1161\u0029', '\u321C': '\u0028\u110C\u116E\u0029', '\u321D': '\u0028\u110B\u1169\u110C\u1165\u11AB\u0029', '\u321E': '\u0028\u110B\u1169\u1112\u116E\u0029', '\u3220': '\u0028\u4E00\u0029', '\u3221': '\u0028\u4E8C\u0029', '\u3222': '\u0028\u4E09\u0029', '\u3223': '\u0028\u56DB\u0029', '\u3224': '\u0028\u4E94\u0029', '\u3225': '\u0028\u516D\u0029', '\u3226': '\u0028\u4E03\u0029', '\u3227': '\u0028\u516B\u0029', '\u3228': '\u0028\u4E5D\u0029', '\u3229': '\u0028\u5341\u0029', '\u322A': '\u0028\u6708\u0029', '\u322B': '\u0028\u706B\u0029', '\u322C': '\u0028\u6C34\u0029', '\u322D': '\u0028\u6728\u0029', '\u322E': '\u0028\u91D1\u0029', '\u322F': '\u0028\u571F\u0029', '\u3230': '\u0028\u65E5\u0029', '\u3231': '\u0028\u682A\u0029', '\u3232': '\u0028\u6709\u0029', '\u3233': '\u0028\u793E\u0029', '\u3234': '\u0028\u540D\u0029', '\u3235': '\u0028\u7279\u0029', '\u3236': '\u0028\u8CA1\u0029', '\u3237': '\u0028\u795D\u0029', '\u3238': '\u0028\u52B4\u0029', '\u3239': '\u0028\u4EE3\u0029', '\u323A': '\u0028\u547C\u0029', '\u323B': '\u0028\u5B66\u0029', '\u323C': '\u0028\u76E3\u0029', '\u323D': '\u0028\u4F01\u0029', '\u323E': '\u0028\u8CC7\u0029', '\u323F': '\u0028\u5354\u0029', '\u3240': '\u0028\u796D\u0029', '\u3241': '\u0028\u4F11\u0029', '\u3242': '\u0028\u81EA\u0029', '\u3243': '\u0028\u81F3\u0029', '\u32C0': '\u0031\u6708', '\u32C1': '\u0032\u6708', '\u32C2': '\u0033\u6708', '\u32C3': '\u0034\u6708', '\u32C4': '\u0035\u6708', '\u32C5': '\u0036\u6708', '\u32C6': '\u0037\u6708', '\u32C7': '\u0038\u6708', '\u32C8': '\u0039\u6708', '\u32C9': '\u0031\u0030\u6708', '\u32CA': '\u0031\u0031\u6708', '\u32CB': '\u0031\u0032\u6708', '\u3358': '\u0030\u70B9', '\u3359': '\u0031\u70B9', '\u335A': 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'\u0641\u062D', '\uFCC0': '\u0641\u062E', '\uFCC1': '\u0641\u0645', '\uFCC2': '\u0642\u062D', '\uFCC3': '\u0642\u0645', '\uFCC4': '\u0643\u062C', '\uFCC5': '\u0643\u062D', '\uFCC6': '\u0643\u062E', '\uFCC7': '\u0643\u0644', '\uFCC8': '\u0643\u0645', '\uFCC9': '\u0644\u062C', '\uFCCA': '\u0644\u062D', '\uFCCB': '\u0644\u062E', '\uFCCC': '\u0644\u0645', '\uFCCD': '\u0644\u0647', '\uFCCE': '\u0645\u062C', '\uFCCF': '\u0645\u062D', '\uFCD0': '\u0645\u062E', '\uFCD1': '\u0645\u0645', '\uFCD2': '\u0646\u062C', '\uFCD3': '\u0646\u062D', '\uFCD4': '\u0646\u062E', '\uFCD5': '\u0646\u0645', '\uFCD6': '\u0646\u0647', '\uFCD7': '\u0647\u062C', '\uFCD8': '\u0647\u0645', '\uFCD9': '\u0647\u0670', '\uFCDA': '\u064A\u062C', '\uFCDB': '\u064A\u062D', '\uFCDC': '\u064A\u062E', '\uFCDD': '\u064A\u0645', '\uFCDE': '\u064A\u0647', '\uFCDF': '\u0626\u0645', '\uFCE0': '\u0626\u0647', '\uFCE1': '\u0628\u0645', '\uFCE2': '\u0628\u0647', '\uFCE3': '\u062A\u0645', '\uFCE4': '\u062A\u0647', '\uFCE5': '\u062B\u0645', '\uFCE6': '\u062B\u0647', '\uFCE7': '\u0633\u0645', '\uFCE8': '\u0633\u0647', '\uFCE9': '\u0634\u0645', '\uFCEA': '\u0634\u0647', '\uFCEB': '\u0643\u0644', '\uFCEC': '\u0643\u0645', '\uFCED': '\u0644\u0645', '\uFCEE': '\u0646\u0645', '\uFCEF': '\u0646\u0647', '\uFCF0': '\u064A\u0645', '\uFCF1': '\u064A\u0647', '\uFCF2': '\u0640\u064E\u0651', '\uFCF3': '\u0640\u064F\u0651', '\uFCF4': '\u0640\u0650\u0651', '\uFCF5': '\u0637\u0649', '\uFCF6': '\u0637\u064A', '\uFCF7': '\u0639\u0649', '\uFCF8': '\u0639\u064A', '\uFCF9': '\u063A\u0649', '\uFCFA': '\u063A\u064A', '\uFCFB': '\u0633\u0649', '\uFCFC': '\u0633\u064A', '\uFCFD': '\u0634\u0649', '\uFCFE': '\u0634\u064A', '\uFCFF': '\u062D\u0649', '\uFD00': '\u062D\u064A', '\uFD01': '\u062C\u0649', '\uFD02': '\u062C\u064A', '\uFD03': '\u062E\u0649', '\uFD04': '\u062E\u064A', '\uFD05': '\u0635\u0649', '\uFD06': '\u0635\u064A', '\uFD07': '\u0636\u0649', '\uFD08': '\u0636\u064A', '\uFD09': '\u0634\u062C', '\uFD0A': '\u0634\u062D', '\uFD0B': '\u0634\u062E', '\uFD0C': '\u0634\u0645', '\uFD0D': '\u0634\u0631', '\uFD0E': '\u0633\u0631', '\uFD0F': '\u0635\u0631', '\uFD10': '\u0636\u0631', '\uFD11': '\u0637\u0649', '\uFD12': '\u0637\u064A', '\uFD13': '\u0639\u0649', '\uFD14': '\u0639\u064A', '\uFD15': '\u063A\u0649', '\uFD16': '\u063A\u064A', '\uFD17': '\u0633\u0649', '\uFD18': '\u0633\u064A', '\uFD19': '\u0634\u0649', '\uFD1A': '\u0634\u064A', '\uFD1B': '\u062D\u0649', '\uFD1C': '\u062D\u064A', '\uFD1D': '\u062C\u0649', '\uFD1E': '\u062C\u064A', '\uFD1F': '\u062E\u0649', '\uFD20': '\u062E\u064A', '\uFD21': '\u0635\u0649', '\uFD22': '\u0635\u064A', '\uFD23': '\u0636\u0649', '\uFD24': '\u0636\u064A', '\uFD25': '\u0634\u062C', '\uFD26': '\u0634\u062D', '\uFD27': '\u0634\u062E', '\uFD28': '\u0634\u0645', '\uFD29': '\u0634\u0631', '\uFD2A': '\u0633\u0631', '\uFD2B': '\u0635\u0631', '\uFD2C': '\u0636\u0631', '\uFD2D': '\u0634\u062C', '\uFD2E': '\u0634\u062D', '\uFD2F': '\u0634\u062E', '\uFD30': '\u0634\u0645', '\uFD31': '\u0633\u0647', '\uFD32': '\u0634\u0647', '\uFD33': '\u0637\u0645', '\uFD34': '\u0633\u062C', '\uFD35': '\u0633\u062D', '\uFD36': '\u0633\u062E', '\uFD37': '\u0634\u062C', '\uFD38': '\u0634\u062D', '\uFD39': '\u0634\u062E', '\uFD3A': '\u0637\u0645', '\uFD3B': '\u0638\u0645', '\uFD3C': '\u0627\u064B', '\uFD3D': '\u0627\u064B', '\uFD50': '\u062A\u062C\u0645', '\uFD51': '\u062A\u062D\u062C', '\uFD52': '\u062A\u062D\u062C', '\uFD53': '\u062A\u062D\u0645', '\uFD54': '\u062A\u062E\u0645', '\uFD55': '\u062A\u0645\u062C', '\uFD56': '\u062A\u0645\u062D', '\uFD57': '\u062A\u0645\u062E', '\uFD58': '\u062C\u0645\u062D', '\uFD59': '\u062C\u0645\u062D', '\uFD5A': '\u062D\u0645\u064A', '\uFD5B': '\u062D\u0645\u0649', '\uFD5C': '\u0633\u062D\u062C', '\uFD5D': '\u0633\u062C\u062D', '\uFD5E': '\u0633\u062C\u0649', '\uFD5F': '\u0633\u0645\u062D', '\uFD60': '\u0633\u0645\u062D', '\uFD61': '\u0633\u0645\u062C', '\uFD62': '\u0633\u0645\u0645', '\uFD63': '\u0633\u0645\u0645', '\uFD64': '\u0635\u062D\u062D', '\uFD65': '\u0635\u062D\u062D', '\uFD66': '\u0635\u0645\u0645', '\uFD67': '\u0634\u062D\u0645', '\uFD68': '\u0634\u062D\u0645', '\uFD69': '\u0634\u062C\u064A', '\uFD6A': '\u0634\u0645\u062E', '\uFD6B': '\u0634\u0645\u062E', '\uFD6C': '\u0634\u0645\u0645', '\uFD6D': '\u0634\u0645\u0645', '\uFD6E': '\u0636\u062D\u0649', '\uFD6F': '\u0636\u062E\u0645', '\uFD70': '\u0636\u062E\u0645', '\uFD71': '\u0637\u0645\u062D', '\uFD72': '\u0637\u0645\u062D', '\uFD73': '\u0637\u0645\u0645', '\uFD74': '\u0637\u0645\u064A', '\uFD75': '\u0639\u062C\u0645', '\uFD76': '\u0639\u0645\u0645', '\uFD77': '\u0639\u0645\u0645', '\uFD78': '\u0639\u0645\u0649', '\uFD79': '\u063A\u0645\u0645', '\uFD7A': '\u063A\u0645\u064A', '\uFD7B': '\u063A\u0645\u0649', '\uFD7C': '\u0641\u062E\u0645', '\uFD7D': '\u0641\u062E\u0645', '\uFD7E': '\u0642\u0645\u062D', '\uFD7F': '\u0642\u0645\u0645', '\uFD80': '\u0644\u062D\u0645', '\uFD81': '\u0644\u062D\u064A', '\uFD82': '\u0644\u062D\u0649', '\uFD83': '\u0644\u062C\u062C', '\uFD84': '\u0644\u062C\u062C', '\uFD85': '\u0644\u062E\u0645', '\uFD86': '\u0644\u062E\u0645', '\uFD87': '\u0644\u0645\u062D', '\uFD88': '\u0644\u0645\u062D', '\uFD89': '\u0645\u062D\u062C', '\uFD8A': '\u0645\u062D\u0645', '\uFD8B': '\u0645\u062D\u064A', '\uFD8C': '\u0645\u062C\u062D', '\uFD8D': '\u0645\u062C\u0645', '\uFD8E': '\u0645\u062E\u062C', '\uFD8F': '\u0645\u062E\u0645', '\uFD92': '\u0645\u062C\u062E', '\uFD93': '\u0647\u0645\u062C', '\uFD94': '\u0647\u0645\u0645', '\uFD95': '\u0646\u062D\u0645', '\uFD96': '\u0646\u062D\u0649', '\uFD97': '\u0646\u062C\u0645', '\uFD98': '\u0646\u062C\u0645', '\uFD99': '\u0646\u062C\u0649', '\uFD9A': '\u0646\u0645\u064A', '\uFD9B': '\u0646\u0645\u0649', '\uFD9C': '\u064A\u0645\u0645', '\uFD9D': '\u064A\u0645\u0645', '\uFD9E': '\u0628\u062E\u064A', '\uFD9F': '\u062A\u062C\u064A', '\uFDA0': '\u062A\u062C\u0649', '\uFDA1': '\u062A\u062E\u064A', '\uFDA2': '\u062A\u062E\u0649', '\uFDA3': '\u062A\u0645\u064A', '\uFDA4': '\u062A\u0645\u0649', '\uFDA5': '\u062C\u0645\u064A', '\uFDA6': '\u062C\u062D\u0649', '\uFDA7': '\u062C\u0645\u0649', '\uFDA8': '\u0633\u062E\u0649', '\uFDA9': '\u0635\u062D\u064A', '\uFDAA': '\u0634\u062D\u064A', '\uFDAB': '\u0636\u062D\u064A', '\uFDAC': '\u0644\u062C\u064A', '\uFDAD': '\u0644\u0645\u064A', '\uFDAE': '\u064A\u062D\u064A', '\uFDAF': '\u064A\u062C\u064A', '\uFDB0': '\u064A\u0645\u064A', '\uFDB1': '\u0645\u0645\u064A', '\uFDB2': '\u0642\u0645\u064A', '\uFDB3': '\u0646\u062D\u064A', '\uFDB4': '\u0642\u0645\u062D', '\uFDB5': '\u0644\u062D\u0645', '\uFDB6': '\u0639\u0645\u064A', '\uFDB7': '\u0643\u0645\u064A', '\uFDB8': '\u0646\u062C\u062D', '\uFDB9': '\u0645\u062E\u064A', '\uFDBA': '\u0644\u062C\u0645', '\uFDBB': '\u0643\u0645\u0645', '\uFDBC': '\u0644\u062C\u0645', '\uFDBD': '\u0646\u062C\u062D', '\uFDBE': '\u062C\u062D\u064A', '\uFDBF': '\u062D\u062C\u064A', '\uFDC0': '\u0645\u062C\u064A', '\uFDC1': '\u0641\u0645\u064A', '\uFDC2': '\u0628\u062D\u064A', '\uFDC3': '\u0643\u0645\u0645', '\uFDC4': '\u0639\u062C\u0645', '\uFDC5': '\u0635\u0645\u0645', '\uFDC6': '\u0633\u062E\u064A', '\uFDC7': '\u0646\u062C\u064A', '\uFE49': '\u203E', '\uFE4A': '\u203E', '\uFE4B': '\u203E', '\uFE4C': '\u203E', '\uFE4D': '\u005F', '\uFE4E': '\u005F', '\uFE4F': '\u005F', '\uFE80': '\u0621', '\uFE81': '\u0622', '\uFE82': '\u0622', '\uFE83': '\u0623', '\uFE84': '\u0623', '\uFE85': '\u0624', '\uFE86': '\u0624', '\uFE87': '\u0625', '\uFE88': '\u0625', '\uFE89': '\u0626', '\uFE8A': '\u0626', '\uFE8B': '\u0626', '\uFE8C': '\u0626', '\uFE8D': '\u0627', '\uFE8E': '\u0627', '\uFE8F': '\u0628', '\uFE90': '\u0628', '\uFE91': '\u0628', '\uFE92': '\u0628', '\uFE93': '\u0629', '\uFE94': '\u0629', '\uFE95': '\u062A', '\uFE96': '\u062A', '\uFE97': '\u062A', '\uFE98': '\u062A', '\uFE99': '\u062B', '\uFE9A': '\u062B', '\uFE9B': '\u062B', '\uFE9C': '\u062B', '\uFE9D': '\u062C', '\uFE9E': '\u062C', '\uFE9F': '\u062C', '\uFEA0': '\u062C', '\uFEA1': '\u062D', '\uFEA2': '\u062D', '\uFEA3': '\u062D', '\uFEA4': '\u062D', '\uFEA5': '\u062E', '\uFEA6': '\u062E', '\uFEA7': '\u062E', '\uFEA8': '\u062E', '\uFEA9': '\u062F', '\uFEAA': '\u062F', '\uFEAB': '\u0630', '\uFEAC': '\u0630', '\uFEAD': '\u0631', '\uFEAE': '\u0631', '\uFEAF': '\u0632', '\uFEB0': '\u0632', '\uFEB1': '\u0633', '\uFEB2': '\u0633', '\uFEB3': '\u0633', '\uFEB4': '\u0633', '\uFEB5': '\u0634', '\uFEB6': '\u0634', '\uFEB7': '\u0634', '\uFEB8': '\u0634', '\uFEB9': '\u0635', '\uFEBA': '\u0635', '\uFEBB': '\u0635', '\uFEBC': '\u0635', '\uFEBD': '\u0636', '\uFEBE': '\u0636', '\uFEBF': '\u0636', '\uFEC0': '\u0636', '\uFEC1': '\u0637', '\uFEC2': '\u0637', '\uFEC3': '\u0637', '\uFEC4': '\u0637', '\uFEC5': '\u0638', '\uFEC6': '\u0638', '\uFEC7': '\u0638', '\uFEC8': '\u0638', '\uFEC9': '\u0639', '\uFECA': '\u0639', '\uFECB': '\u0639', '\uFECC': '\u0639', '\uFECD': '\u063A', '\uFECE': '\u063A', '\uFECF': '\u063A', '\uFED0': '\u063A', '\uFED1': '\u0641', '\uFED2': '\u0641', '\uFED3': '\u0641', '\uFED4': '\u0641', '\uFED5': '\u0642', '\uFED6': '\u0642', '\uFED7': '\u0642', '\uFED8': '\u0642', '\uFED9': '\u0643', '\uFEDA': '\u0643', '\uFEDB': '\u0643', '\uFEDC': '\u0643', '\uFEDD': '\u0644', '\uFEDE': '\u0644', '\uFEDF': '\u0644', '\uFEE0': '\u0644', '\uFEE1': '\u0645', '\uFEE2': '\u0645', '\uFEE3': '\u0645', '\uFEE4': '\u0645', '\uFEE5': '\u0646', '\uFEE6': '\u0646', '\uFEE7': '\u0646', '\uFEE8': '\u0646', '\uFEE9': '\u0647', '\uFEEA': '\u0647', '\uFEEB': '\u0647', '\uFEEC': '\u0647', '\uFEED': '\u0648', '\uFEEE': '\u0648', '\uFEEF': '\u0649', '\uFEF0': '\u0649', '\uFEF1': '\u064A', '\uFEF2': '\u064A', '\uFEF3': '\u064A', '\uFEF4': '\u064A', '\uFEF5': '\u0644\u0622', '\uFEF6': '\u0644\u0622', '\uFEF7': '\u0644\u0623', '\uFEF8': '\u0644\u0623', '\uFEF9': '\u0644\u0625', '\uFEFA': '\u0644\u0625', '\uFEFB': '\u0644\u0627', '\uFEFC': '\u0644\u0627' }; function reverseIfRtl(chars) { var charsLength = chars.length; //reverse an arabic ligature if (charsLength <= 1 || !isRTLRangeFor(chars.charCodeAt(0))) return chars; var s = ''; for (var ii = charsLength - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) s += chars[ii]; return s; } function fontCharsToUnicode(charCodes, font) { var glyphs = font.charsToGlyphs(charCodes); var result = ''; for (var i = 0, ii = glyphs.length; i < ii; i++) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; if (!glyph) continue; var glyphUnicode = glyph.unicode; if (glyphUnicode in NormalizedUnicodes) glyphUnicode = NormalizedUnicodes[glyphUnicode]; result += reverseIfRtl(glyphUnicode); } return result; } function adjustWidths(properties) { if (properties.fontMatrix[0] === FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX[0]) { return; } // adjusting width to fontMatrix scale var scale = 0.001 / properties.fontMatrix[0]; var glyphsWidths = properties.widths; for (var glyph in glyphsWidths) { glyphsWidths[glyph] *= scale; } properties.defaultWidth *= scale; } /** * 'Font' is the class the outside world should use, it encapsulate all the font * decoding logics whatever type it is (assuming the font type is supported). * * For example to read a Type1 font and to attach it to the document: * var type1Font = new Font("MyFontName", binaryFile, propertiesObject); * type1Font.bind(); */ var Font = (function FontClosure() { function Font(name, file, properties) { this.name = name; this.loadedName = properties.loadedName; this.coded = properties.coded; this.loadCharProcs = properties.coded; this.sizes = []; var names = name.split('+'); names = names.length > 1 ? names[1] : names[0]; names = names.split(/[-,_]/g)[0]; this.isSerifFont = !!(properties.flags & FontFlags.Serif); this.isSymbolicFont = !!(properties.flags & FontFlags.Symbolic); this.isMonospace = !!(properties.flags & FontFlags.FixedPitch); var type = properties.type; this.type = type; this.fallbackName = this.isMonospace ? 'monospace' : this.isSerifFont ? 'serif' : 'sans-serif'; this.differences = properties.differences; this.widths = properties.widths; this.defaultWidth = properties.defaultWidth; this.composite = properties.composite; this.wideChars = properties.wideChars; this.hasEncoding = properties.hasEncoding; this.fontMatrix = properties.fontMatrix; if (properties.type == 'Type3') { this.encoding = properties.baseEncoding; return; } // Trying to fix encoding using glyph CIDSystemInfo. this.loadCidToUnicode(properties); this.cidEncoding = properties.cidEncoding; this.vertical = properties.vertical; if (this.vertical) { this.vmetrics = properties.vmetrics; this.defaultVMetrics = properties.defaultVMetrics; } if (properties.toUnicode && properties.toUnicode.length > 0) this.toUnicode = properties.toUnicode; else this.rebuildToUnicode(properties); this.toFontChar = this.buildToFontChar(this.toUnicode); if (!file) { // The file data is not specified. Trying to fix the font name // to be used with the canvas.font. var fontName = name.replace(/[,_]/g, '-'); fontName = stdFontMap[fontName] || nonStdFontMap[fontName] || fontName; this.bold = (fontName.search(/bold/gi) != -1); this.italic = (fontName.search(/oblique/gi) != -1) || (fontName.search(/italic/gi) != -1); // Use 'name' instead of 'fontName' here because the original // name ArialBlack for example will be replaced by Helvetica. this.black = (name.search(/Black/g) != -1); // if at least one width is present, remeasure all chars when exists this.remeasure = Object.keys(this.widths).length > 0; this.encoding = properties.baseEncoding; this.noUnicodeAdaptation = true; this.loadedName = fontName.split('-')[0]; this.loading = false; return; } // Some fonts might use wrong font types for Type1C or CIDFontType0C var subtype = properties.subtype; if (subtype == 'Type1C' && (type != 'Type1' && type != 'MMType1')) type = 'Type1'; if (subtype == 'CIDFontType0C' && type != 'CIDFontType0') type = 'CIDFontType0'; // XXX: Temporarily change the type for open type so we trigger a warning. // This should be removed when we add support for open type. if (subtype === 'OpenType') { type = 'OpenType'; } var data; switch (type) { case 'Type1': case 'CIDFontType0': this.mimetype = 'font/opentype'; var cff = (subtype == 'Type1C' || subtype == 'CIDFontType0C') ? new CFFFont(file, properties) : new Type1Font(name, file, properties); adjustWidths(properties); // Wrap the CFF data inside an OTF font file data = this.convert(name, cff, properties); break; case 'OpenType': case 'TrueType': case 'CIDFontType2': this.mimetype = 'font/opentype'; // Repair the TrueType file. It is can be damaged in the point of // view of the sanitizer data = this.checkAndRepair(name, file, properties); break; default: error('Font ' + type + ' is not supported'); break; } this.data = data; // Transfer some properties again that could change during font conversion this.fontMatrix = properties.fontMatrix; this.widths = properties.widths; this.defaultWidth = properties.defaultWidth; this.encoding = properties.baseEncoding; this.seacMap = properties.seacMap; this.loading = true; } var numFonts = 0; function getUniqueName() { return 'pdfFont' + numFonts++; } function stringToArray(str) { var array = []; for (var i = 0, ii = str.length; i < ii; ++i) array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); return array; } function arrayToString(arr) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; ++i) str += String.fromCharCode(arr[i]); return str; } function int16(bytes) { return (bytes[0] << 8) + (bytes[1] & 0xff); } function int32(bytes) { return (bytes[0] << 24) + (bytes[1] << 16) + (bytes[2] << 8) + (bytes[3] & 0xff); } function getMaxPower2(number) { var maxPower = 0; var value = number; while (value >= 2) { value /= 2; maxPower++; } value = 2; for (var i = 1; i < maxPower; i++) value *= 2; return value; } function string16(value) { return String.fromCharCode((value >> 8) & 0xff) + String.fromCharCode(value & 0xff); } function safeString16(value) { // clamp value to the 16-bit int range value = value > 0x7FFF ? 0x7FFF : value < -0x8000 ? -0x8000 : value; return String.fromCharCode((value >> 8) & 0xff) + String.fromCharCode(value & 0xff); } function string32(value) { return String.fromCharCode((value >> 24) & 0xff) + String.fromCharCode((value >> 16) & 0xff) + String.fromCharCode((value >> 8) & 0xff) + String.fromCharCode(value & 0xff); } function createOpenTypeHeader(sfnt, file, numTables) { // Windows hates the Mac TrueType sfnt version number if (sfnt == 'true') sfnt = string32(0x00010000); // sfnt version (4 bytes) var header = sfnt; // numTables (2 bytes) header += string16(numTables); // searchRange (2 bytes) var tablesMaxPower2 = getMaxPower2(numTables); var searchRange = tablesMaxPower2 * 16; header += string16(searchRange); // entrySelector (2 bytes) header += string16(Math.log(tablesMaxPower2) / Math.log(2)); // rangeShift (2 bytes) header += string16(numTables * 16 - searchRange); file.file += header; file.virtualOffset += header.length; } function createTableEntry(file, tag, data) { // offset var offset = file.virtualOffset; // length var length = data.length; // Per spec tables must be 4-bytes align so add padding as needed while (data.length & 3) data.push(0x00); while (file.virtualOffset & 3) file.virtualOffset++; // checksum var checksum = 0, n = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i += 4) checksum = (checksum + int32([data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]])) | 0; var tableEntry = (tag + string32(checksum) + string32(offset) + string32(length)); file.file += tableEntry; file.virtualOffset += data.length; } function getRanges(glyphs, deltas) { // Array.sort() sorts by characters, not numerically, so convert to an // array of characters. var codes = []; var length = glyphs.length; for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n) codes.push({ unicode: glyphs[n].unicode, code: n }); codes.sort(function fontGetRangesSort(a, b) { return a.unicode - b.unicode; }); // Split the sorted codes into ranges. var ranges = []; for (var n = 0; n < length; ) { var start = codes[n].unicode; var codeIndices = [deltas ? deltas[codes[n].code] : codes[n].code + 1]; ++n; var end = start; while (n < length && end + 1 == codes[n].unicode) { codeIndices.push(deltas ? deltas[codes[n].code] : codes[n].code + 1); ++end; ++n; if (end === 0xFFFF) { break; } } ranges.push([start, end, codeIndices]); } return ranges; } function createCmapTable(glyphs, deltas) { var ranges = getRanges(glyphs, deltas); var numTables = ranges[ranges.length - 1][1] > 0xFFFF ? 2 : 1; var cmap = '\x00\x00' + // version string16(numTables) + // numTables '\x00\x03' + // platformID '\x00\x01' + // encodingID string32(4 + numTables * 8); // start of the table record for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (ranges[i][0] <= 0xFFFF) { break; } } var bmpLength = i + 1; if (ranges[i][0] < 0xFFFF && ranges[i][1] === 0xFFFF) { ranges[i][1] = 0xFFFE; } var trailingRangesCount = ranges[i][1] < 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0; var segCount = bmpLength + trailingRangesCount; var segCount2 = segCount * 2; var searchRange = getMaxPower2(segCount) * 2; var searchEntry = Math.log(segCount) / Math.log(2); var rangeShift = 2 * segCount - searchRange; // Fill up the 4 parallel arrays describing the segments. var startCount = ''; var endCount = ''; var idDeltas = ''; var idRangeOffsets = ''; var glyphsIds = ''; var bias = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = bmpLength; i < ii; i++) { var range = ranges[i]; var start = range[0]; var end = range[1]; startCount += string16(start); endCount += string16(end); var codes = range[2]; var contiguous = true; for (var j = 1, jj = codes.length; j < jj; ++j) { if (codes[j] !== codes[j - 1] + 1) { contiguous = false; break; } } if (!contiguous) { var offset = (segCount - i) * 2 + bias * 2; bias += (end - start + 1); idDeltas += string16(0); idRangeOffsets += string16(offset); for (var j = 0, jj = codes.length; j < jj; ++j) { glyphsIds += string16(codes[j]); } } else { var startCode = codes[0]; idDeltas += string16((startCode - start) & 0xFFFF); idRangeOffsets += string16(0); } } if (trailingRangesCount > 0) { endCount += '\xFF\xFF'; startCount += '\xFF\xFF'; idDeltas += '\x00\x01'; idRangeOffsets += '\x00\x00'; } var format314 = '\x00\x00' + // language string16(segCount2) + string16(searchRange) + string16(searchEntry) + string16(rangeShift) + endCount + '\x00\x00' + startCount + idDeltas + idRangeOffsets + glyphsIds; var format31012 = ''; var header31012 = ''; if (numTables > 1) { cmap += '\x00\x03' + // platformID '\x00\x0A' + // encodingID string32(4 + numTables * 8 + 4 + format314.length); // start of the table record format31012 = ''; for (var i = 0, ii = ranges.length; i < ii; i++) { var range = ranges[i]; var start = range[0]; var codes = range[2]; var code = codes[0]; for (var j = 1, jj = codes.length; j < jj; ++j) { if (codes[j] !== codes[j - 1] + 1) { var end = range[0] + j - 1; format31012 += string32(start) + // startCharCode string32(end) + // endCharCode string32(code); // startGlyphID start = end + 1; code = codes[j]; } } format31012 += string32(start) + // startCharCode string32(range[1]) + // endCharCode string32(code); // startGlyphID } header31012 = '\x00\x0C' + // format '\x00\x00' + // reserved string32(format31012.length + 16) + // length '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // language string32(format31012.length / 12); // nGroups } return stringToArray(cmap + '\x00\x04' + // format string16(format314.length + 4) + // length format314 + header31012 + format31012); } function validateOS2Table(os2) { var stream = new Stream(os2.data); var version = int16(stream.getBytes(2)); // TODO verify all OS/2 tables fields, but currently we validate only those // that give us issues stream.getBytes(60); // skipping type, misc sizes, panose, unicode ranges var selection = int16(stream.getBytes(2)); if (version < 4 && (selection & 0x0300)) { return false; } var firstChar = int16(stream.getBytes(2)); var lastChar = int16(stream.getBytes(2)); if (firstChar > lastChar) { return false; } stream.getBytes(6); // skipping sTypoAscender/Descender/LineGap var usWinAscent = int16(stream.getBytes(2)); if (usWinAscent === 0) { // makes font unreadable by windows return false; } // OS/2 appears to be valid, resetting some fields os2.data[8] = os2.data[9] = 0; // IE rejects fonts if fsType != 0 return true; } function createOS2Table(properties, charstrings, override) { override = override || { unitsPerEm: 0, yMax: 0, yMin: 0, ascent: 0, descent: 0 }; var ulUnicodeRange1 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange2 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange3 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange4 = 0; var firstCharIndex = null; var lastCharIndex = 0; if (charstrings) { for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; ++i) { var code = charstrings[i].unicode; if (firstCharIndex > code || !firstCharIndex) firstCharIndex = code; if (lastCharIndex < code) lastCharIndex = code; var position = getUnicodeRangeFor(code); if (position < 32) { ulUnicodeRange1 |= 1 << position; } else if (position < 64) { ulUnicodeRange2 |= 1 << position - 32; } else if (position < 96) { ulUnicodeRange3 |= 1 << position - 64; } else if (position < 123) { ulUnicodeRange4 |= 1 << position - 96; } else { error('Unicode ranges Bits > 123 are reserved for internal usage'); } } } else { // TODO firstCharIndex = 0; lastCharIndex = 255; } var bbox = properties.bbox || [0, 0, 0, 0]; var unitsPerEm = override.unitsPerEm || 1 / (properties.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX)[0]; // if the font units differ to the PDF glyph space units // then scale up the values var scale = properties.ascentScaled ? 1.0 : unitsPerEm / PDF_GLYPH_SPACE_UNITS; var typoAscent = override.ascent || Math.round(scale * (properties.ascent || bbox[3])); var typoDescent = override.descent || Math.round(scale * (properties.descent || bbox[1])); if (typoDescent > 0 && properties.descent > 0 && bbox[1] < 0) { typoDescent = -typoDescent; // fixing incorrect descent } var winAscent = override.yMax || typoAscent; var winDescent = -override.yMin || -typoDescent; return '\x00\x03' + // version '\x02\x24' + // xAvgCharWidth '\x01\xF4' + // usWeightClass '\x00\x05' + // usWidthClass '\x00\x00' + // fstype (0 to let the font loads via font-face on IE) '\x02\x8A' + // ySubscriptXSize '\x02\xBB' + // ySubscriptYSize '\x00\x00' + // ySubscriptXOffset '\x00\x8C' + // ySubscriptYOffset '\x02\x8A' + // ySuperScriptXSize '\x02\xBB' + // ySuperScriptYSize '\x00\x00' + // ySuperScriptXOffset '\x01\xDF' + // ySuperScriptYOffset '\x00\x31' + // yStrikeOutSize '\x01\x02' + // yStrikeOutPosition '\x00\x00' + // sFamilyClass '\x00\x00\x06' + String.fromCharCode(properties.fixedPitch ? 0x09 : 0x00) + '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // Panose string32(ulUnicodeRange1) + // ulUnicodeRange1 (Bits 0-31) string32(ulUnicodeRange2) + // ulUnicodeRange2 (Bits 32-63) string32(ulUnicodeRange3) + // ulUnicodeRange3 (Bits 64-95) string32(ulUnicodeRange4) + // ulUnicodeRange4 (Bits 96-127) '\x2A\x32\x31\x2A' + // achVendID string16(properties.italicAngle ? 1 : 0) + // fsSelection string16(firstCharIndex || properties.firstChar) + // usFirstCharIndex string16(lastCharIndex || properties.lastChar) + // usLastCharIndex string16(typoAscent) + // sTypoAscender string16(typoDescent) + // sTypoDescender '\x00\x64' + // sTypoLineGap (7%-10% of the unitsPerEM value) string16(winAscent) + // usWinAscent string16(winDescent) + // usWinDescent '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // ulCodePageRange1 (Bits 0-31) '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // ulCodePageRange2 (Bits 32-63) string16(properties.xHeight) + // sxHeight string16(properties.capHeight) + // sCapHeight string16(0) + // usDefaultChar string16(firstCharIndex || properties.firstChar) + // usBreakChar '\x00\x03'; // usMaxContext } function createPostTable(properties) { var angle = Math.floor(properties.italicAngle * (Math.pow(2, 16))); return '\x00\x03\x00\x00' + // Version number string32(angle) + // italicAngle '\x00\x00' + // underlinePosition '\x00\x00' + // underlineThickness string32(properties.fixedPitch) + // isFixedPitch '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // minMemType42 '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // maxMemType42 '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // minMemType1 '\x00\x00\x00\x00'; // maxMemType1 } function createNameTable(name, proto) { if (!proto) { proto = [[], []]; // no strings and unicode strings } var strings = [ proto[0][0] || 'Original licence', // 0.Copyright proto[0][1] || name, // 1.Font family proto[0][2] || 'Unknown', // 2.Font subfamily (font weight) proto[0][3] || 'uniqueID', // 3.Unique ID proto[0][4] || name, // 4.Full font name proto[0][5] || 'Version 0.11', // 5.Version proto[0][6] || '', // 6.Postscript name proto[0][7] || 'Unknown', // 7.Trademark proto[0][8] || 'Unknown', // 8.Manufacturer proto[0][9] || 'Unknown' // 9.Designer ]; // Mac want 1-byte per character strings while Windows want // 2-bytes per character, so duplicate the names table var stringsUnicode = []; for (var i = 0, ii = strings.length; i < ii; i++) { var str = proto[1][i] || strings[i]; var strUnicode = ''; for (var j = 0, jj = str.length; j < jj; j++) strUnicode += string16(str.charCodeAt(j)); stringsUnicode.push(strUnicode); } var names = [strings, stringsUnicode]; var platforms = ['\x00\x01', '\x00\x03']; var encodings = ['\x00\x00', '\x00\x01']; var languages = ['\x00\x00', '\x04\x09']; var namesRecordCount = strings.length * platforms.length; var nameTable = '\x00\x00' + // format string16(namesRecordCount) + // Number of names Record string16(namesRecordCount * 12 + 6); // Storage // Build the name records field var strOffset = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = platforms.length; i < ii; i++) { var strs = names[i]; for (var j = 0, jj = strs.length; j < jj; j++) { var str = strs[j]; var nameRecord = platforms[i] + // platform ID encodings[i] + // encoding ID languages[i] + // language ID string16(j) + // name ID string16(str.length) + string16(strOffset); nameTable += nameRecord; strOffset += str.length; } } nameTable += strings.join('') + stringsUnicode.join(''); return nameTable; } // Normalize the charcodes in the cmap table into unicode values // that will work with the (3, 1) cmap table we will write out. function cmapCharcodeToUnicode(charcode, symbolic, platformId, encodingId) { var unicode; if (symbolic) { // These codes will be shifted into the range // SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET to (SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET + 0xFF) // so that they are not in the control character range that could // be displayed as spaces by browsers. if (platformId === 3 && encodingId === 0 || platformId === 1 && encodingId === 0) { unicode = SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET | (charcode & 0xFF); } } else { if (platformId === 3 && encodingId === 1) { // A (3, 1) table is alredy unicode (Microsoft Unicode format) unicode = charcode; } else if (platformId === 1 && encodingId === 0) { // TODO(mack): Should apply the changes to convert the // MacRomanEncoding to Mac OS Roman encoding in // table 115 of the pdf spec var glyphName = Encodings.MacRomanEncoding[charcode]; if (glyphName) { unicode = GlyphsUnicode[glyphName]; } } } return unicode; } Font.prototype = { name: null, font: null, mimetype: null, encoding: null, get renderer() { var renderer = FontRendererFactory.create(this); return shadow(this, 'renderer', renderer); }, exportData: function Font_exportData() { var data = {}; for (var i in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) data[i] = this[i]; } return data; }, checkAndRepair: function Font_checkAndRepair(name, font, properties) { function readTableEntry(file) { var tag = file.getBytes(4); tag = String.fromCharCode(tag[0]) + String.fromCharCode(tag[1]) + String.fromCharCode(tag[2]) + String.fromCharCode(tag[3]); var checksum = int32(file.getBytes(4)); var offset = int32(file.getBytes(4)); var length = int32(file.getBytes(4)); // Read the table associated data var previousPosition = file.pos; file.pos = file.start ? file.start : 0; file.skip(offset); var data = file.getBytes(length); file.pos = previousPosition; if (tag == 'head') { // clearing checksum adjustment data[8] = data[9] = data[10] = data[11] = 0; data[17] |= 0x20; //Set font optimized for cleartype flag } return { tag: tag, checksum: checksum, length: length, offset: offset, data: data }; } function readOpenTypeHeader(ttf) { return { version: arrayToString(ttf.getBytes(4)), numTables: int16(ttf.getBytes(2)), searchRange: int16(ttf.getBytes(2)), entrySelector: int16(ttf.getBytes(2)), rangeShift: int16(ttf.getBytes(2)) }; } function createGlyphNameMap(glyphs, ids, properties) { var glyphNames = properties.glyphNames; if (!glyphNames) { properties.glyphNameMap = {}; return; } var glyphsLength = glyphs.length; var glyphNameMap = {}; var encoding = []; for (var i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) { var glyphName = glyphNames[ids[i]]; if (!glyphName) continue; var unicode = glyphs[i].unicode; glyphNameMap[glyphName] = unicode; var code = glyphs[i].code; encoding[code] = glyphName; } properties.glyphNameMap = glyphNameMap; if (properties.overridableEncoding) properties.baseEncoding = encoding; } /** * Read the appropriate subtable from the cmap according to from * PDF spec */ function readCmapTable(cmap, font, hasEncoding, isSymbolicFont) { var start = (font.start ? font.start : 0) + cmap.offset; font.pos = start; var version = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var numTables = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var potentialTable; var foundPreferredTable; // There's an order of preference in terms of which cmap subtable we // want to use. So scan through them to find our preferred table. for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { var platformId = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var encodingId = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var offset = int32(font.getBytes(4)); var useTable = false; var canBreak = false; // The following block implements the following from the spec: // // When the font has no Encoding entry, or the font descriptor’s // Symbolic flag is set (in which case the Encoding entry // is ignored), this shall occur: // - If the font contains a (3, 0) subtable, the range of // - Otherwise, the (1, 0) subtable will be used. // Otherwise, if the font does have an encoding: // - Use the (3, 1) cmap subtable // - Otherwise, use the (1, 0) subtable if present // // The following diverges slightly from the above spec in order // to handle the case that hasEncoding and isSymbolicFont are both // true. In this, based on the ordering of the rules in the spec, // my interpretation is that we should be acting as if the font is // symbolic. // // However, in this case, the test pdf 'preistabelle.pdf' // is interpreting this case as a non-symbolic font. In this case // though, 'presitabelle.pdf' does contain a (3, 1) table and does // not contain a (3, 0) table which indicates it is non-symbolic. // // Thus, I am using this heurisitic of looking at which table is // found to truly determine whether or not the font is symbolic. // That is, if the specific symbolic/non-symbolic font specific // tables (3, 0) or (3, 1) is found, that information is used for // deciding if the font is symbolic or not. // // TODO(mack): This section needs some more thought on whether the // heuristic is good enough. For now, it passes all the regression // tests. if (isSymbolicFont && platformId === 3 && encodingId === 0) { useTable = true; canBreak = true; foundPreferredTable = true; } else if (hasEncoding && platformId === 3 && encodingId === 1) { useTable = true; canBreak = true; foundPreferredTable = true; // Update the isSymbolicFont based on this heuristic isSymbolicFont = false; } else if (platformId === 1 && encodingId === 0 && !foundPreferredTable) { useTable = true; foundPreferredTable = true; } else if (!potentialTable) { // We will use an arbitrary table if we cannot find a preferred // table useTable = true; } if (useTable) { potentialTable = { platformId: platformId, encodingId: encodingId, offset: offset, isSymbolicFont: isSymbolicFont }; } if (canBreak) { break; } } if (!potentialTable) { error('Could not find a cmap table'); return; } if (!foundPreferredTable) { warn('Did not find a cmap of suitable format. Interpreting (' + potentialTable.platformId + ', ' + potentialTable.encodingId + ') as (3, 1) table'); potentialTable.platformId = 3; potentialTable.encodingId = 1; } font.pos = start + potentialTable.offset; var format = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var length = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var language = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var hasShortCmap = false; var mappings = []; // TODO(mack): refactor this cmap subtable reading logic out if (format === 0) { for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++) { var index = font.getByte(); if (!index) { continue; } mappings.push({ charcode: j, glyphId: index }); } hasShortCmap = true; } else if (format === 4) { // re-creating the table in format 4 since the encoding // might be changed var segCount = (int16(font.getBytes(2)) >> 1); font.getBytes(6); // skipping range fields var segIndex, segments = []; for (segIndex = 0; segIndex < segCount; segIndex++) { segments.push({ end: int16(font.getBytes(2)) }); } font.getBytes(2); for (segIndex = 0; segIndex < segCount; segIndex++) { segments[segIndex].start = int16(font.getBytes(2)); } for (segIndex = 0; segIndex < segCount; segIndex++) { segments[segIndex].delta = int16(font.getBytes(2)); } var offsetsCount = 0; for (segIndex = 0; segIndex < segCount; segIndex++) { var segment = segments[segIndex]; var rangeOffset = int16(font.getBytes(2)); if (!rangeOffset) { segment.offsetIndex = -1; continue; } var offsetIndex = (rangeOffset >> 1) - (segCount - segIndex); segment.offsetIndex = offsetIndex; offsetsCount = Math.max(offsetsCount, offsetIndex + segment.end - segment.start + 1); } var offsets = []; for (var j = 0; j < offsetsCount; j++) { offsets.push(int16(font.getBytes(2))); } for (segIndex = 0; segIndex < segCount; segIndex++) { var segment = segments[segIndex]; var start = segment.start, end = segment.end; var delta = segment.delta, offsetIndex = segment.offsetIndex; for (var j = start; j <= end; j++) { if (j == 0xFFFF) { continue; } var glyphId = offsetIndex < 0 ? j : offsets[offsetIndex + j - start]; glyphId = (glyphId + delta) & 0xFFFF; if (glyphId === 0) { continue; } mappings.push({ charcode: j, glyphId: glyphId }); } } } else if (format == 6) { // Format 6 is a 2-bytes dense mapping, which means the font data // lives glue together even if they are pretty far in the unicode // table. (This looks weird, so I can have missed something), this // works on Linux but seems to fails on Mac so let's rewrite the // cmap table to a 3-1-4 style var firstCode = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var entryCount = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var glyphs = []; var ids = []; for (var j = 0; j < entryCount; j++) { var glyphId = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var charcode = firstCode + j; mappings.push({ charcode: charcode, glyphId: glyphId }); } } else { error('cmap table has unsupported format: ' + format); } return { platformId: potentialTable.platformId, encodingId: potentialTable.encodingId, isSymbolicFont: potentialTable.isSymbolicFont, mappings: mappings, hasShortCmap: hasShortCmap }; } function sanitizeMetrics(font, header, metrics, numGlyphs) { if (!header) { if (metrics) { metrics.data = null; } return; } font.pos = (font.start ? font.start : 0) + header.offset; font.pos += header.length - 2; var numOfMetrics = int16(font.getBytes(2)); if (numOfMetrics > numGlyphs) { info('The numOfMetrics (' + numOfMetrics + ') should not be ' + 'greater than the numGlyphs (' + numGlyphs + ')'); // Reduce numOfMetrics if it is greater than numGlyphs numOfMetrics = numGlyphs; header.data[34] = (numOfMetrics & 0xff00) >> 8; header.data[35] = numOfMetrics & 0x00ff; } var numOfSidebearings = numGlyphs - numOfMetrics; var numMissing = numOfSidebearings - ((metrics.length - numOfMetrics * 4) >> 1); if (numMissing > 0) { font.pos = (font.start ? font.start : 0) + metrics.offset; var entries = ''; for (var i = 0, ii = metrics.length; i < ii; i++) entries += String.fromCharCode(font.getByte()); for (var i = 0; i < numMissing; i++) entries += '\x00\x00'; metrics.data = stringToArray(entries); } } function sanitizeGlyph(source, sourceStart, sourceEnd, dest, destStart, hintsValid) { if (sourceEnd - sourceStart <= 12) { // glyph with data less than 12 is invalid one return 0; } var glyf = source.subarray(sourceStart, sourceEnd); var contoursCount = (glyf[0] << 8) | glyf[1]; if (contoursCount & 0x8000) { // complex glyph, writing as is dest.set(glyf, destStart); return glyf.length; } var j = 10, flagsCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < contoursCount; i++) { var endPoint = (glyf[j] << 8) | glyf[j + 1]; flagsCount = endPoint + 1; j += 2; } // skipping instructions var instructionsStart = j; var instructionsLength = (glyf[j] << 8) | glyf[j + 1]; j += 2 + instructionsLength; var instructionsEnd = j; // validating flags var coordinatesLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < flagsCount; i++) { var flag = glyf[j++]; if (flag & 0xC0) { // reserved flags must be zero, rejecting return 0; } var xyLength = ((flag & 2) ? 1 : (flag & 16) ? 0 : 2) + ((flag & 4) ? 1 : (flag & 32) ? 0 : 2); coordinatesLength += xyLength; if (flag & 8) { var repeat = glyf[j++]; i += repeat; coordinatesLength += repeat * xyLength; } } var glyphDataLength = j + coordinatesLength; if (glyphDataLength > glyf.length) { // not enough data for coordinates return 0; } if (!hintsValid && instructionsLength > 0) { dest.set(glyf.subarray(0, instructionsStart), destStart); dest.set([0, 0], destStart + instructionsStart); dest.set(glyf.subarray(instructionsEnd, glyphDataLength), destStart + instructionsStart + 2); glyphDataLength -= instructionsLength; if (glyf.length - glyphDataLength > 3) { glyphDataLength = (glyphDataLength + 3) & ~3; } return glyphDataLength; } if (glyf.length - glyphDataLength > 3) { // truncating and aligning to 4 bytes the long glyph data glyphDataLength = (glyphDataLength + 3) & ~3; dest.set(glyf.subarray(0, glyphDataLength), destStart); return glyphDataLength; } // glyph data is fine dest.set(glyf, destStart); return glyf.length; } function sanitizeHead(head, numGlyphs, locaLength) { var data = head.data; // Validate version: // Should always be 0x00010000 var version = int32([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]]); if (version >> 16 !== 1) { info('Attempting to fix invalid version in head table: ' + version); data[0] = 0; data[1] = 1; data[2] = 0; data[3] = 0; } var indexToLocFormat = int16([data[50], data[51]]); if (indexToLocFormat < 0 || indexToLocFormat > 1) { info('Attempting to fix invalid indexToLocFormat in head table: ' + indexToLocFormat); // The value of indexToLocFormat should be 0 if the loca table // consists of short offsets, and should be 1 if the loca table // consists of long offsets. // // The number of entries in the loca table should be numGlyphs + 1. // // Using this information, we can work backwards to deduce if the // size of each offset in the loca table, and thus figure out the // appropriate value for indexToLocFormat. var numGlyphsPlusOne = numGlyphs + 1; if (locaLength === numGlyphsPlusOne << 1) { // 0x0000 indicates the loca table consists of short offsets data[50] = 0; data[51] = 0; } else if (locaLength === numGlyphsPlusOne << 2) { // 0x0001 indicates the loca table consists of long offsets data[50] = 0; data[51] = 1; } else { warn('Could not fix indexToLocFormat: ' + indexToLocFormat); } } } function sanitizeGlyphLocations(loca, glyf, numGlyphs, isGlyphLocationsLong, hintsValid, dupFirstEntry) { var itemSize, itemDecode, itemEncode; if (isGlyphLocationsLong) { itemSize = 4; itemDecode = function fontItemDecodeLong(data, offset) { return (data[offset] << 24) | (data[offset + 1] << 16) | (data[offset + 2] << 8) | data[offset + 3]; }; itemEncode = function fontItemEncodeLong(data, offset, value) { data[offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xFF; data[offset + 1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; data[offset + 2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; data[offset + 3] = value & 0xFF; }; } else { itemSize = 2; itemDecode = function fontItemDecode(data, offset) { return (data[offset] << 9) | (data[offset + 1] << 1); }; itemEncode = function fontItemEncode(data, offset, value) { data[offset] = (value >> 9) & 0xFF; data[offset + 1] = (value >> 1) & 0xFF; }; } var locaData = loca.data; // removing the invalid glyphs var oldGlyfData = glyf.data; var oldGlyfDataLength = oldGlyfData.length; var newGlyfData = new Uint8Array(oldGlyfDataLength); var startOffset = itemDecode(locaData, 0); var writeOffset = 0; itemEncode(locaData, 0, writeOffset); for (var i = 0, j = itemSize; i < numGlyphs; i++, j += itemSize) { var endOffset = itemDecode(locaData, j); if (endOffset > oldGlyfDataLength) { // glyph end offset points outside glyf data, rejecting the glyph itemEncode(locaData, j, writeOffset); startOffset = endOffset; continue; } var newLength = sanitizeGlyph(oldGlyfData, startOffset, endOffset, newGlyfData, writeOffset, hintsValid); writeOffset += newLength; itemEncode(locaData, j, writeOffset); startOffset = endOffset; } if (writeOffset === 0) { // glyf table cannot be empty -- redoing the glyf and loca tables // to have single glyph with one point var simpleGlyph = new Uint8Array( [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0]); for (var i = 0, j = itemSize; i < numGlyphs; i++, j += itemSize) itemEncode(locaData, j, simpleGlyph.length); glyf.data = simpleGlyph; return; } if (dupFirstEntry) { var firstEntryLength = itemDecode(locaData, itemSize); if (newGlyfData.length > firstEntryLength + writeOffset) { glyf.data = newGlyfData.subarray(0, firstEntryLength + writeOffset); } else { glyf.data = new Uint8Array(firstEntryLength + writeOffset); glyf.data.set(newGlyfData.subarray(0, writeOffset)); } glyf.data.set(newGlyfData.subarray(0, firstEntryLength), writeOffset); loca.data = new Uint8Array(locaData.length + itemSize); loca.data.set(locaData); itemEncode(loca.data, locaData.length, writeOffset + firstEntryLength); } else { glyf.data = newGlyfData.subarray(0, writeOffset); } } function readPostScriptTable(post, properties, maxpNumGlyphs) { var start = (font.start ? font.start : 0) + post.offset; font.pos = start; var length = post.length, end = start + length; var version = int32(font.getBytes(4)); // skip rest to the tables font.getBytes(28); var glyphNames; var valid = true; switch (version) { case 0x00010000: glyphNames = MacStandardGlyphOrdering; break; case 0x00020000: var numGlyphs = int16(font.getBytes(2)); if (numGlyphs != maxpNumGlyphs) { valid = false; break; } var glyphNameIndexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { var index = int16(font.getBytes(2)); if (index >= 32768) { valid = false; break; } glyphNameIndexes.push(index); } if (!valid) { break; } var customNames = []; while (font.pos < end) { var stringLength = font.getByte(); var string = ''; for (var i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i) { string += String.fromCharCode(font.getByte()); } customNames.push(string); } glyphNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { var j = glyphNameIndexes[i]; if (j < 258) { glyphNames.push(MacStandardGlyphOrdering[j]); continue; } glyphNames.push(customNames[j - 258]); } break; case 0x00030000: break; default: warn('Unknown/unsupported post table version ' + version); valid = false; break; } properties.glyphNames = glyphNames; return valid; } function readNameTable(nameTable) { var start = (font.start ? font.start : 0) + nameTable.offset; font.pos = start; var names = [[], []]; var length = nameTable.length, end = start + length; var format = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var FORMAT_0_HEADER_LENGTH = 6; if (format !== 0 || length < FORMAT_0_HEADER_LENGTH) { // unsupported name table format or table "too" small return names; } var numRecords = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var stringsStart = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var records = []; var NAME_RECORD_LENGTH = 12; for (var i = 0; i < numRecords && font.pos + NAME_RECORD_LENGTH <= end; i++) { var r = { platform: int16(font.getBytes(2)), encoding: int16(font.getBytes(2)), language: int16(font.getBytes(2)), name: int16(font.getBytes(2)), length: int16(font.getBytes(2)), offset: int16(font.getBytes(2)) }; // using only Macintosh and Windows platform/encoding names if ((r.platform == 1 && r.encoding === 0 && r.language === 0) || (r.platform == 3 && r.encoding == 1 && r.language == 0x409)) { records.push(r); } } for (var i = 0, ii = records.length; i < ii; i++) { var record = records[i]; var pos = start + stringsStart + record.offset; if (pos + record.length > end) { continue; // outside of name table, ignoring } font.pos = pos; var nameIndex = record.name; var encoding = record.encoding ? 1 : 0; if (record.encoding) { // unicode var str = ''; for (var j = 0, jj = record.length; j < jj; j += 2) { str += String.fromCharCode(int16(font.getBytes(2))); } names[1][nameIndex] = str; } else { names[0][nameIndex] = bytesToString(font.getBytes(record.length)); } } return names; } var TTOpsStackDeltas = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, -2, -5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -999, 0, 1, 0, -1, -2, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -999, -999, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -999, -2, -2, -999, 0, -2, -2, 0, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -999, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -1, -1, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -999, -2, -2, 0, 0, -1, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2]; // 0xC0-DF == -1 and 0xE0-FF == -2 function sanitizeTTProgram(table, ttContext) { var data = table.data; var i = 0, n, lastEndf = 0, lastDeff = 0; var stack = []; var callstack = []; var functionsCalled = []; var tooComplexToFollowFunctions = ttContext.tooComplexToFollowFunctions; var inFDEF = false, ifLevel = 0, inELSE = 0; for (var ii = data.length; i < ii;) { var op = data[i++]; // The TrueType instruction set docs can be found at // https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM05/Chap5.html if (op === 0x40) { // NPUSHB - pushes n bytes n = data[i++]; if (inFDEF || inELSE) { i += n; } else { for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { stack.push(data[i++]); } } } else if (op === 0x41) { // NPUSHW - pushes n words n = data[i++]; if (inFDEF || inELSE) { i += n * 2; } else { for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { var b = data[i++]; stack.push((b << 8) | data[i++]); } } } else if ((op & 0xF8) === 0xB0) { // PUSHB - pushes bytes n = op - 0xB0 + 1; if (inFDEF || inELSE) { i += n; } else { for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { stack.push(data[i++]); } } } else if ((op & 0xF8) === 0xB8) { // PUSHW - pushes words n = op - 0xB8 + 1; if (inFDEF || inELSE) { i += n * 2; } else { for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { var b = data[i++]; stack.push((b << 8) | data[i++]); } } } else if (op === 0x2B && !tooComplexToFollowFunctions) { // CALL if (!inFDEF && !inELSE) { // collecting inforamtion about which functions are used var funcId = stack[stack.length - 1]; ttContext.functionsUsed[funcId] = true; if (funcId in ttContext.functionsStackDeltas) { stack.length += ttContext.functionsStackDeltas[funcId]; } else if (funcId in ttContext.functionsDefined && functionsCalled.indexOf(funcId) < 0) { callstack.push({data: data, i: i, stackTop: stack.length - 1}); functionsCalled.push(funcId); var pc = ttContext.functionsDefined[funcId]; data = pc.data; i = pc.i; } } } else if (op === 0x2C && !tooComplexToFollowFunctions) { // FDEF if (inFDEF || inELSE) { warn('TT: nested FDEFs not allowed'); tooComplexToFollowFunctions = true; } inFDEF = true; // collecting inforamtion about which functions are defined lastDeff = i; var funcId = stack.pop(); ttContext.functionsDefined[funcId] = {data: data, i: i}; } else if (op === 0x2D) { // ENDF - end of function if (inFDEF) { inFDEF = false; lastEndf = i; } else { var pc = callstack.pop(); var funcId = functionsCalled.pop(); data = pc.data; i = pc.i; ttContext.functionsStackDeltas[funcId] = stack.length - pc.stackTop; } } else if (op === 0x89) { // IDEF - instruction definition if (inFDEF || inELSE) { warn('TT: nested IDEFs not allowed'); tooComplexToFollowFunctions = true; } inFDEF = true; // recording it as a function to track ENDF lastDeff = i; } else if (op === 0x58) { // IF ++ifLevel; } else if (op === 0x1B) { // ELSE inELSE = ifLevel; } else if (op === 0x59) { // EIF if (inELSE === ifLevel) { inELSE = 0; } --ifLevel; } else if (op === 0x1C) { // JMPR var offset = stack[stack.length - 1]; // only jumping forward to prevent infinite loop if (offset > 0) { i += offset - 1; } } // Adjusting stack not extactly, but just enough to get function id if (!inFDEF && !inELSE) { var stackDelta = op <= 0x8E ? TTOpsStackDeltas[op] : op >= 0xC0 && op <= 0xDF ? -1 : op >= 0xE0 ? -2 : 0; if (op >= 0x71 && op <= 0x75) { n = stack.pop(); if (n === n) { stackDelta = -n * 2; } } while (stackDelta < 0 && stack.length > 0) { stack.pop(); stackDelta++; } while (stackDelta > 0) { stack.push(NaN); // pushing any number into stack stackDelta--; } } } ttContext.tooComplexToFollowFunctions = tooComplexToFollowFunctions; var content = [data]; if (i > data.length) { content.push(new Uint8Array(i - data.length)); } if (lastDeff > lastEndf) { warn('TT: complementing a missing function tail'); // new function definition started, but not finished // complete function by [CLEAR, ENDF] content.push(new Uint8Array([0x22, 0x2D])); } foldTTTable(table, content); } function checkInvalidFunctions(ttContext, maxFunctionDefs) { if (ttContext.tooComplexToFollowFunctions) { return; } for (var j = 0, jj = ttContext.functionsUsed.length; j < jj; j++) { if (j > maxFunctionDefs) { warn('TT: invalid function id: ' + j); ttContext.hintsValid = false; return; } if (ttContext.functionsUsed[j] && !ttContext.functionsDefined[j]) { warn('TT: undefined function: ' + j); ttContext.hintsValid = false; return; } } } function foldTTTable(table, content) { if (content.length > 1) { // concatenating the content items var newLength = 0; for (var j = 0, jj = content.length; j < jj; j++) { newLength += content[j].length; } newLength = (newLength + 3) & ~3; var result = new Uint8Array(newLength); var pos = 0; for (var j = 0, jj = content.length; j < jj; j++) { result.set(content[j], pos); pos += content[j].length; } table.data = result; table.length = newLength; } } function sanitizeTTPrograms(fpgm, prep) { var ttContext = { functionsDefined: [], functionsUsed: [], functionsStackDeltas: [], tooComplexToFollowFunctions: false, hintsValid: true }; if (fpgm) { sanitizeTTProgram(fpgm, ttContext); } if (prep) { sanitizeTTProgram(prep, ttContext); } if (fpgm) { checkInvalidFunctions(ttContext, maxFunctionDefs); } return ttContext.hintsValid; } // The following steps modify the original font data, making copy font = new Stream(new Uint8Array(font.getBytes())); var VALID_TABLES = ['OS/2', 'cmap', 'head', 'hhea', 'hmtx', 'maxp', 'name', 'post', 'loca', 'glyf', 'fpgm', 'prep', 'cvt ', 'CFF ']; var header = readOpenTypeHeader(font); var numTables = header.numTables; var tables = { 'OS/2': null, cmap: null, head: null, hhea: null, hmtx: null, maxp: null, name: null, post: null}; for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { var table = readTableEntry(font); if (VALID_TABLES.indexOf(table.tag) < 0) { continue; // skipping table if it's not a required or optional table } tables[table.tag] = table; } var isTrueType = !tables['CFF ']; if (!isTrueType) { // OpenType font if (!tables.head || !tables.hhea || !tables.maxp || !tables.post) { // no major tables: throwing everything at CFFFont var cffFile = new Stream(tables['CFF '].data); var cff = new CFFFont(cffFile, properties); return this.convert(name, cff, properties); } delete tables.glyf; delete tables.loca; delete tables.fpgm; delete tables.prep; delete tables['cvt ']; } else { if (!tables.glyf || !tables.loca) { error('Required "glyf" or "loca" tables are not found'); } } if (!tables.maxp) { error('Required "maxp" table is not found'); } font.pos = (font.start || 0) + tables.maxp.offset; var version = int32(font.getBytes(4)); var numGlyphs = int16(font.getBytes(2)); var maxFunctionDefs = 0; if (version >= 0x00010000 && tables.maxp.length >= 22) { font.pos += 14; maxFunctionDefs = int16(font.getBytes(2)); } var dupFirstEntry = false; if (properties.type == 'CIDFontType2' && properties.toUnicode && properties.toUnicode[0] > 0) { // oracle's defect (see 3427), duplicating first entry dupFirstEntry = true; numGlyphs++; tables.maxp.data[4] = numGlyphs >> 8; tables.maxp.data[5] = numGlyphs & 255; } var hintsValid = sanitizeTTPrograms(tables.fpgm, tables.prep, maxFunctionDefs); if (!hintsValid) { delete tables.fpgm; delete tables.prep; } // Tables needs to be written by ascendant alphabetic order var tablesNames = Object.keys(tables); tablesNames.sort(); numTables = tablesNames.length; // header and new offsets. Table entry information is appended to the // end of file. The virtualOffset represents where to put the actual // data of a particular table; var ttf = { file: '', virtualOffset: numTables * (4 * 4) }; // The new numbers of tables will be the last one plus the num // of missing tables createOpenTypeHeader(header.version, ttf, numTables); // Ensure the hmtx table contains the advance width and // sidebearings information for numGlyphs in the maxp table sanitizeMetrics(font, tables.hhea, tables.hmtx, numGlyphs); if (!tables.head) { error('Required "head" table is not found'); } sanitizeHead(tables.head, numGlyphs, isTrueType ? tables.loca.length : 0); if (isTrueType) { var isGlyphLocationsLong = int16([tables.head.data[50], tables.head.data[51]]); sanitizeGlyphLocations(tables.loca, tables.glyf, numGlyphs, isGlyphLocationsLong, hintsValid, dupFirstEntry); } if (!tables.hhea) { error('Required "hhea" table is not found'); } // Sanitizer reduces the glyph advanceWidth to the maxAdvanceWidth // Sometimes it's 0. That needs to be fixed if (tables.hhea.data[10] === 0 && tables.hhea.data[11] === 0) { tables.hhea.data[10] = 0xFF; tables.hhea.data[11] = 0xFF; } // The 'post' table has glyphs names. if (tables.post) { var valid = readPostScriptTable(tables.post, properties, numGlyphs); if (!valid) { tables.post = null; } } var glyphs, ids; if (properties.type == 'CIDFontType2') { // Replace the old CMAP table with a shiny new one // Type2 composite fonts map characters directly to glyphs so the cmap // table must be replaced. // canvas fillText will reencode some characters even if the font has a // glyph at that position - e.g. newline is converted to a space and // U+00AD (soft hyphen) is not drawn. // So, offset all the glyphs by 0xFF to avoid these cases and use // the encoding to map incoming characters to the new glyph positions if (!tables.cmap) { tables.cmap = { tag: 'cmap', data: null }; } var cidToGidMap = properties.cidToGidMap || []; var gidToCidMap = [0]; if (cidToGidMap.length > 0) { for (var j = cidToGidMap.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var gid = cidToGidMap[j]; if (gid) gidToCidMap[gid] = j; } // filling the gaps using CID above the CIDs currently used in font var nextCid = cidToGidMap.length; for (var i = 1; i < numGlyphs; i++) { if (!gidToCidMap[i]) gidToCidMap[i] = nextCid++; } } else { for (var i = 1; i < numGlyphs; i++) { gidToCidMap[i] = i; } if (dupFirstEntry) { gidToCidMap[numGlyphs - 1] = 0; } } glyphs = []; ids = []; var usedUnicodes = []; var unassignedUnicodeItems = []; var toFontChar = this.cidToFontChar || this.toFontChar; for (var i = 1; i < numGlyphs; i++) { var cid = gidToCidMap[i]; var unicode = toFontChar[cid]; if (!unicode || typeof unicode !== 'number' || isSpecialUnicode(unicode) || unicode in usedUnicodes) { unassignedUnicodeItems.push(i); continue; } usedUnicodes[unicode] = true; glyphs.push({ unicode: unicode, code: cid }); ids.push(i); } // unassigned codepoints will never be used for non-Identity CMap // because the input will be Unicode if (!this.cidToFontChar) { // trying to fit as many unassigned symbols as we can // in the range allocated for the user defined symbols var unusedUnicode = CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET; for (var j = 0, jj = unassignedUnicodeItems.length; j < jj; j++) { var i = unassignedUnicodeItems[j]; var cid = gidToCidMap[i]; while (unusedUnicode in usedUnicodes) unusedUnicode++; if (unusedUnicode >= CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET + GLYPH_AREA_SIZE) break; var unicode = unusedUnicode++; this.toFontChar[cid] = unicode; usedUnicodes[unicode] = true; glyphs.push({ unicode: unicode, code: cid }); ids.push(i); } } } else { this.useToFontChar = true; // Most of the following logic in this code branch is based on the // of the PDF spec. // TODO(mack): // We are using this.hasEncoding to mean that the encoding is either // MacRomanEncoding or WinAnsiEncoding (following spec in, // but this.hasEncoding is currently true for any encodings on the // Encodings object (e.g. MacExpertEncoding). So should consider using // better check for this. var cmapTable = readCmapTable(tables.cmap, font, this.hasEncoding, this.isSymbolicFont); // TODO(mack): If the (3, 0) cmap table used, then the font is // symbolic. The range of charcodes in the cmap table should be // one of the following: // -> 0x0000 - 0x00FF // -> 0xF000 - 0xF0FF // -> 0xF100 - 0xF1FF // -> 0xF200 - 0xF2FF // If it is not, we should change not consider this a symbolic font this.isSymbolicFont = cmapTable.isSymbolicFont; var cmapPlatformId = cmapTable.platformId; var cmapEncodingId = cmapTable.encodingId; var cmapMappings = cmapTable.mappings; var cmapMappingsLength = cmapMappings.length; var glyphs = []; var ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < cmapMappingsLength; ++i) { var cmapMapping = cmapMappings[i]; var charcode = cmapMapping.charcode; var unicode = cmapCharcodeToUnicode(charcode, this.isSymbolicFont, cmapPlatformId, cmapEncodingId); if (!unicode) { // TODO(mack): gotta check if skipping mappings where we cannot find // a unicode is the correct behaviour continue; } glyphs.push({ code: charcode, unicode: unicode }); ids.push(cmapMapping.glyphId); } var hasShortCmap = cmapTable.hasShortCmap; var toFontChar = this.toFontChar; if (hasShortCmap && ids.length == numGlyphs) { // Fixes the short cmap tables -- some generators use incorrect // glyph id. for (var i = 0, ii = ids.length; i < ii; i++) { ids[i] = i; } } // Rewrite the whole toFontChar dictionary with a new one using the // information from the mappings in the cmap table. var newToFontChar = []; if (this.isSymbolicFont) { for (var i = 0, ii = glyphs.length; i < ii; i++) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; // For (3, 0) cmap tables: // The charcode key being stored in toFontChar is the lower byte // of the two-byte charcodes of the cmap table since according to // the spec: 'each byte from the string shall be prepended with the // high byte of the range [of charcodes in the cmap table], to form // a two-byte character, which shall be used to select the // associated glyph description from the subtable'. // // For (1, 0) cmap tables: // 'single bytes from the string shall be used to look up the // associated glyph descriptions from the subtable'. This means // charcodes in the cmap will be single bytes, so no-op since // glyph.code & 0xFF === glyph.code newToFontChar[glyph.code & 0xFF] = glyph.unicode; } } else { var encoding = properties.baseEncoding; var differences = properties.differences; // TODO(mack): check if it is necessary to shift control characters // for non-symbolic fonts so that browsers dont't render them using // space characters var glyphCodeMapping = cmapTable.glyphCodeMapping; for (var charcode = 0; charcode < encoding.length; ++charcode) { if (!encoding.hasOwnProperty(charcode)) { continue; } // Since the cmap table that we will be writing out is a (3, 1) // unicode table, in this section we will rewrites the charcodes // in the pdf into unicodes var glyphName = encoding[charcode]; // A nonsymbolic font should not have a Differences array, but // if it does have one, we should still use it if (charcode in differences) { glyphName = differences[charcode]; } // Finally, any undefined entries in the table shall be filled // using StandardEncoding if (!glyphName) { glyphName = Encodings.StandardEncoding[charcode]; } // TODO(mack): Handle the case that the glyph name cannot be // mapped as specified, in which case the glyph name shall be // looked up in the font program's 'post' table (if one is // present) and the associated glyph id shall be used. // // For now, we're just using the '.notdef' glyph name in this // case. glyphName = glyphName || '.notdef'; var unicode = GlyphsUnicode[glyphName]; newToFontChar[charcode] = unicode; } } this.toFontChar = toFontChar = newToFontChar; createGlyphNameMap(glyphs, ids, properties); this.glyphNameMap = properties.glyphNameMap; } if (glyphs.length === 0) { // defines at least one glyph glyphs.push({ unicode: 0xF000, code: 0xF000, glyph: '.notdef' }); ids.push(0); } // Converting glyphs and ids into font's cmap table tables.cmap.data = createCmapTable(glyphs, ids); var unicodeIsEnabled = []; for (var i = 0, ii = glyphs.length; i < ii; i++) { unicodeIsEnabled[glyphs[i].unicode] = true; } this.unicodeIsEnabled = unicodeIsEnabled; if (!tables['OS/2'] || !validateOS2Table(tables['OS/2'])) { // extract some more font properties from the OpenType head and // hhea tables; yMin and descent value are always negative var override = { unitsPerEm: int16([tables.head.data[18], tables.head.data[19]]), yMax: int16([tables.head.data[42], tables.head.data[43]]), yMin: int16([tables.head.data[38], tables.head.data[39]]) - 0x10000, ascent: int16([tables.hhea.data[4], tables.hhea.data[5]]), descent: int16([tables.hhea.data[6], tables.hhea.data[7]]) - 0x10000 }; tables['OS/2'] = { tag: 'OS/2', data: stringToArray(createOS2Table(properties, glyphs, override)) }; } // Rewrite the 'post' table if needed if (!tables.post) { tables.post = { tag: 'post', data: stringToArray(createPostTable(properties)) }; } if (!isTrueType) { try { // Trying to repair CFF file var cffFile = new Stream(tables['CFF '].data); var parser = new CFFParser(cffFile, properties); var cff = parser.parse(); var compiler = new CFFCompiler(cff); tables['CFF '].data = compiler.compile(); } catch (e) { warn('Failed to compile font ' + properties.loadedName); } } // Re-creating 'name' table if (!tables.name) { tables.name = { tag: 'name', data: stringToArray(createNameTable(this.name)) }; } else { // ... using existing 'name' table as prototype var namePrototype = readNameTable(tables.name); tables.name.data = stringToArray(createNameTable(name, namePrototype)); } // rewrite the tables but tweak offsets for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { var table = tables[tablesNames[i]]; var data = []; var tableData = table.data; for (var j = 0, jj = tableData.length; j < jj; j++) data.push(tableData[j]); createTableEntry(ttf, table.tag, data); } // Add the table datas for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { var table = tables[tablesNames[i]]; var tableData = table.data; ttf.file += arrayToString(tableData); // 4-byte aligned data while (ttf.file.length & 3) ttf.file += String.fromCharCode(0); } return stringToArray(ttf.file); }, convert: function Font_convert(fontName, font, properties) { function isFixedPitch(glyphs) { for (var i = 0, ii = glyphs.length - 1; i < ii; i++) { if (glyphs[i] != glyphs[i + 1]) return false; } return true; } // The offsets object holds at the same time a representation of where // to write the table entry information about a table and another offset // representing the offset where to draw the actual data of a particular // table var REQ_TABLES_CNT = 9; var otf = { file: '', virtualOffset: 9 * (4 * 4) }; createOpenTypeHeader('\x4F\x54\x54\x4F', otf, 9); var charstrings = font.charstrings; properties.fixedPitch = isFixedPitch(charstrings); var glyphNameMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; ++i) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; glyphNameMap[charstring.glyph] = charstring.unicode; } this.glyphNameMap = glyphNameMap; var seacs = font.seacs; if (SEAC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED && seacs) { var seacMap = []; var matrix = properties.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; ++i) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; var seac = seacs[charstring.gid]; if (!seac) { continue; } var baseGlyphName = Encodings.StandardEncoding[seac[2]]; var baseUnicode = glyphNameMap[baseGlyphName]; var accentGlyphName = Encodings.StandardEncoding[seac[3]]; var accentUnicode = glyphNameMap[accentGlyphName]; if (!baseUnicode || !accentUnicode) { continue; } var accentOffset = { x: seac[0] * matrix[0] + seac[1] * matrix[2] + matrix[4], y: seac[0] * matrix[1] + seac[1] * matrix[3] + matrix[5] }; seacMap[charstring.unicode] = { baseUnicode: baseUnicode, accentUnicode: accentUnicode, accentOffset: accentOffset }; } properties.seacMap = seacMap; } if (!properties.hasEncoding && (properties.subtype == 'Type1C' || properties.subtype == 'CIDFontType0C')) { var encoding = []; for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; ++i) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; encoding[charstring.code] = charstring.glyph; } properties.baseEncoding = encoding; } if (properties.subtype == 'CIDFontType0C') { var toFontChar = []; for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; ++i) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; toFontChar[charstring.code] = charstring.unicode; } this.toFontChar = toFontChar; } var unitsPerEm = 1 / (properties.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX)[0]; var fields = { // PostScript Font Program 'CFF ': font.data, // OS/2 and Windows Specific metrics 'OS/2': stringToArray(createOS2Table(properties, charstrings)), // Character to glyphs mapping 'cmap': createCmapTable(charstrings.slice(), ('glyphIds' in font) ? font.glyphIds : null), // Font header 'head': (function fontFieldsHead() { return stringToArray( '\x00\x01\x00\x00' + // Version number '\x00\x00\x10\x00' + // fontRevision '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + // checksumAdjustement '\x5F\x0F\x3C\xF5' + // magicNumber '\x00\x00' + // Flags safeString16(unitsPerEm) + // unitsPerEM '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x9e\x0b\x7e\x27' + // creation date '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x9e\x0b\x7e\x27' + // modifification date '\x00\x00' + // xMin safeString16(properties.descent) + // yMin '\x0F\xFF' + // xMax safeString16(properties.ascent) + // yMax string16(properties.italicAngle ? 2 : 0) + // macStyle '\x00\x11' + // lowestRecPPEM '\x00\x00' + // fontDirectionHint '\x00\x00' + // indexToLocFormat '\x00\x00'); // glyphDataFormat })(), // Horizontal header 'hhea': (function fontFieldsHhea() { return stringToArray( '\x00\x01\x00\x00' + // Version number safeString16(properties.ascent) + // Typographic Ascent safeString16(properties.descent) + // Typographic Descent '\x00\x00' + // Line Gap '\xFF\xFF' + // advanceWidthMax '\x00\x00' + // minLeftSidebearing '\x00\x00' + // minRightSidebearing '\x00\x00' + // xMaxExtent safeString16(properties.capHeight) + // caretSlopeRise safeString16(Math.tan(properties.italicAngle) * properties.xHeight) + // caretSlopeRun '\x00\x00' + // caretOffset '\x00\x00' + // -reserved- '\x00\x00' + // -reserved- '\x00\x00' + // -reserved- '\x00\x00' + // -reserved- '\x00\x00' + // metricDataFormat string16(charstrings.length + 1)); // Number of HMetrics })(), // Horizontal metrics 'hmtx': (function fontFieldsHmtx() { var hmtx = '\x00\x00\x00\x00'; // Fake .notdef for (var i = 0, ii = charstrings.length; i < ii; i++) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; var width = 'width' in charstring ? charstring.width : 0; hmtx += string16(width) + string16(0); } return stringToArray(hmtx); })(), // Maximum profile 'maxp': (function fontFieldsMaxp() { return stringToArray( '\x00\x00\x50\x00' + // Version number string16(charstrings.length + 1)); // Num of glyphs })(), // Naming tables 'name': stringToArray(createNameTable(fontName)), // PostScript informations 'post': stringToArray(createPostTable(properties)) }; for (var field in fields) createTableEntry(otf, field, fields[field]); for (var field in fields) { var table = fields[field]; otf.file += arrayToString(table); } return stringToArray(otf.file); }, buildToFontChar: function Font_buildToFontChar(toUnicode) { var result = []; var unusedUnicode = CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET; for (var i = 0, ii = toUnicode.length; i < ii; i++) { var unicode = toUnicode[i]; var fontCharCode = typeof unicode === 'object' ? unusedUnicode++ : unicode; if (typeof unicode !== 'undefined') result[i] = fontCharCode; } return result; }, rebuildToUnicode: function Font_rebuildToUnicode(properties) { var firstChar = properties.firstChar, lastChar = properties.lastChar; var map = []; var toUnicode = this.toUnicode || this.cidToUnicode; if (toUnicode) { var isIdentityMap = toUnicode.length === 0; for (var i = firstChar, ii = lastChar; i <= ii; i++) { // TODO missing map the character according font's CMap map[i] = isIdentityMap ? i : toUnicode[i]; } } else { for (var i = firstChar, ii = lastChar; i <= ii; i++) { var glyph = properties.differences[i]; if (!glyph) glyph = properties.baseEncoding[i]; if (!!glyph && (glyph in GlyphsUnicode)) map[i] = GlyphsUnicode[glyph]; } } this.toUnicode = map; }, loadCidToUnicode: function Font_loadCidToUnicode(properties) { if (!properties.cidSystemInfo) return; var cidToUnicodeMap = [], unicodeToCIDMap = []; this.cidToUnicode = cidToUnicodeMap; this.unicodeToCID = unicodeToCIDMap; var cidEncoding = properties.cidEncoding; if (properties.toUnicode) { if (cidEncoding && cidEncoding.indexOf('Identity-') !== 0) { TODO('Need to create a reverse mapping from \'ToUnicode\' CMap'); } return; // 'ToUnicode' CMap will be used } var cidSystemInfo = properties.cidSystemInfo; var cidToUnicode; if (cidSystemInfo) { cidToUnicode = CIDToUnicodeMaps[ cidSystemInfo.registry + '-' + cidSystemInfo.ordering]; } if (!cidToUnicode) return; // identity encoding var overwrite = HalfwidthCMaps[cidEncoding]; var cid = 1, i, j, k, ii; for (i = 0, ii = cidToUnicode.length; i < ii; ++i) { var unicode = cidToUnicode[i]; if (isArray(unicode)) { var length = unicode.length; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { cidToUnicodeMap[cid] = k = unicode[j]; if (!unicodeToCIDMap[k] || overwrite) { unicodeToCIDMap[k] = cid; } } cid++; } else if (typeof unicode === 'object') { var fillLength = unicode.f; if (fillLength) { k = unicode.c; for (j = 0; j < fillLength; ++j) { cidToUnicodeMap[cid] = k; if (!unicodeToCIDMap[k] || overwrite) { unicodeToCIDMap[k] = cid; } cid++; k++; } } else cid += unicode.s; } else if (unicode) { cidToUnicodeMap[cid] = unicode; if (!unicodeToCIDMap[unicode] || overwrite) { unicodeToCIDMap[unicode] = cid; } cid++; } else cid++; } if (!cidEncoding) { return; } if (cidEncoding.indexOf('Identity-') !== 0) { // input is already Unicode for non-Identity CMap encodings. this.cidToUnicode = []; // For CIDFontType2, however, we need cid-to-Unicode conversion // to rebuild cmap. if (properties.type == 'CIDFontType2') { this.cidToFontChar = cidToUnicodeMap; } } else { // We don't have to do reverse conversions if the string is // already CID. this.unicodeToCID = []; } }, get spaceWidth() { if ('_shadowWidth' in this) { return this._shadowWidth; } // trying to estimate space character width var possibleSpaceReplacements = ['space', 'minus', 'one', 'i']; var width; for (var i = 0, ii = possibleSpaceReplacements.length; i < ii; i++) { var glyphName = possibleSpaceReplacements[i]; // if possible, getting width by glyph name if (glyphName in this.widths) { width = this.widths[glyphName]; break; } var glyphUnicode = GlyphsUnicode[glyphName]; // finding the charcode via unicodeToCID map var charcode = 0; if (this.composite) charcode = this.unicodeToCID[glyphUnicode]; // ... via toUnicode map if (!charcode && 'toUnicode' in this) charcode = this.toUnicode.indexOf(glyphUnicode); // setting it to unicode if negative or undefined if (charcode <= 0) charcode = glyphUnicode; // trying to get width via charcode width = this.widths[charcode]; if (width) break; // the non-zero width found } width = width || this.defaultWidth; // Do not shadow the property here. See discussion: // https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/pull/2127#discussion_r1662280 this._shadowWidth = width; return width; }, charToGlyph: function Font_charToGlyph(charcode) { var fontCharCode, width, operatorList, disabled; var width = this.widths[charcode]; var vmetric = this.vmetrics && this.vmetrics[charcode]; switch (this.type) { case 'CIDFontType0': var cid = this.unicodeToCID[charcode] || charcode; if (this.unicodeToCID.length > 0) { width = this.widths[cid]; vmetric = this.vmetrics && this.vmetrics[cid]; } if (this.noUnicodeAdaptation) { fontCharCode = this.toFontChar[charcode] || charcode; break; } // CIDFontType0 is not encoded in Unicode. fontCharCode = this.toFontChar[cid] || cid; break; case 'CIDFontType2': if (this.unicodeToCID.length > 0) { var cid = this.unicodeToCID[charcode] || charcode; width = this.widths[cid]; vmetric = this.vmetrics && this.vmetrics[cid]; fontCharCode = charcode; break; } fontCharCode = this.toFontChar[charcode] || charcode; break; case 'MMType1': // XXX at the moment only "standard" fonts are supported case 'Type1': var glyphName = this.differences[charcode] || this.encoding[charcode]; if (!isNum(width)) width = this.widths[glyphName]; if (this.noUnicodeAdaptation) { fontCharCode = mapPrivateUseChars(GlyphsUnicode[glyphName] || charcode); break; } fontCharCode = this.glyphNameMap[glyphName] || GlyphsUnicode[glyphName] || charcode; break; case 'Type3': var glyphName = this.differences[charcode] || this.encoding[charcode]; operatorList = this.charProcOperatorList[glyphName]; fontCharCode = charcode; break; case 'TrueType': if (this.useToFontChar) { fontCharCode = this.toFontChar[charcode] || charcode; break; } var glyphName = this.differences[charcode] || this.encoding[charcode]; if (!glyphName) glyphName = Encodings.StandardEncoding[charcode]; if (!isNum(width)) width = this.widths[glyphName]; if (this.noUnicodeAdaptation) { fontCharCode = GlyphsUnicode[glyphName] || charcode; break; } if (!this.hasEncoding || this.isSymbolicFont) { fontCharCode = this.useToFontChar ? this.toFontChar[charcode] : charcode; break; } // MacRoman encoding address by re-encoding the cmap table fontCharCode = glyphName in this.glyphNameMap ? this.glyphNameMap[glyphName] : GlyphsUnicode[glyphName]; break; default: warn('Unsupported font type: ' + this.type); break; } var unicodeChars = !('toUnicode' in this) ? charcode : this.toUnicode[charcode] || charcode; if (typeof unicodeChars === 'number') { unicodeChars = String.fromCharCode(unicodeChars); } width = isNum(width) ? width : this.defaultWidth; disabled = this.unicodeIsEnabled ? !this.unicodeIsEnabled[fontCharCode] : false; var accent = null; if (this.seacMap && this.seacMap[fontCharCode]) { var seac = this.seacMap[fontCharCode]; fontCharCode = seac.baseUnicode; accent = { fontChar: String.fromCharCode(seac.accentUnicode), offset: seac.accentOffset }; } return { fontChar: String.fromCharCode(fontCharCode), unicode: unicodeChars, accent: accent, width: width, vmetric: vmetric, disabled: disabled, operatorList: operatorList }; }, charsToGlyphs: function Font_charsToGlyphs(chars) { var charsCache = this.charsCache; var glyphs; // if we translated this string before, just grab it from the cache if (charsCache) { glyphs = charsCache[chars]; if (glyphs) return glyphs; } // lazily create the translation cache if (!charsCache) charsCache = this.charsCache = Object.create(null); glyphs = []; var charsCacheKey = chars; var converter; var cidEncoding = this.cidEncoding; if (cidEncoding) { converter = CMapConverterList[cidEncoding]; if (converter) { chars = converter(chars); } else if (cidEncoding.indexOf('Uni') !== 0 && cidEncoding.indexOf('Identity-') !== 0) { warn('Unsupported CMap: ' + cidEncoding); } } if (!converter && this.wideChars) { // composite fonts have multi-byte strings convert the string from // single-byte to multi-byte // XXX assuming CIDFonts are two-byte - later need to extract the // correct byte encoding according to the PDF spec var length = chars.length - 1; // looping over two bytes at a time so // loop should never end on the last byte for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var charcode = int16([chars.charCodeAt(i++), chars.charCodeAt(i)]); var glyph = this.charToGlyph(charcode); glyphs.push(glyph); // placing null after each word break charcode (ASCII SPACE) if (charcode == 0x20) glyphs.push(null); } } else { for (var i = 0, ii = chars.length; i < ii; ++i) { var charcode = chars.charCodeAt(i); var glyph = this.charToGlyph(charcode); glyphs.push(glyph); if (charcode == 0x20) glyphs.push(null); } } // Enter the translated string into the cache return (charsCache[charsCacheKey] = glyphs); } }; return Font; })(); var ErrorFont = (function ErrorFontClosure() { function ErrorFont(error) { this.error = error; } ErrorFont.prototype = { charsToGlyphs: function ErrorFont_charsToGlyphs() { return []; }, exportData: function ErrorFont_exportData() { return {error: this.error}; } }; return ErrorFont; })(); /* * CharStrings are encoded following the the CharString Encoding sequence * describe in Chapter 6 of the "Adobe Type1 Font Format" specification. * The value in a byte indicates a command, a number, or subsequent bytes * that are to be interpreted in a special way. * * CharString Number Encoding: * A CharString byte containing the values from 32 through 255 inclusive * indicate an integer. These values are decoded in four ranges. * * 1. A CharString byte containing a value, v, between 32 and 246 inclusive, * indicate the integer v - 139. Thus, the integer values from -107 through * 107 inclusive may be encoded in single byte. * * 2. A CharString byte containing a value, v, between 247 and 250 inclusive, * indicates an integer involving the next byte, w, according to the formula: * [(v - 247) x 256] + w + 108 * * 3. A CharString byte containing a value, v, between 251 and 254 inclusive, * indicates an integer involving the next byte, w, according to the formula: * -[(v - 251) * 256] - w - 108 * * 4. A CharString containing the value 255 indicates that the next 4 bytes * are a two complement signed integer. The first of these bytes contains the * highest order bits, the second byte contains the next higher order bits * and the fourth byte contain the lowest order bits. * * * CharString Command Encoding: * CharStrings commands are encoded in 1 or 2 bytes. * * Single byte commands are encoded in 1 byte that contains a value between * 0 and 31 inclusive. * If a command byte contains the value 12, then the value in the next byte * indicates a command. This "escape" mechanism allows many extra commands * to be encoded and this encoding technique helps to minimize the length of * the charStrings. */ var Type1CharString = (function Type1CharStringClosure() { var COMMAND_MAP = { 'hstem': [1], 'vstem': [3], 'vmoveto': [4], 'rlineto': [5], 'hlineto': [6], 'vlineto': [7], 'rrcurveto': [8], 'callsubr': [10], 'flex': [12, 35], 'drop' : [12, 18], 'endchar': [14], 'rmoveto': [21], 'hmoveto': [22], 'vhcurveto': [30], 'hvcurveto': [31] }; function Type1CharString() { this.width = 0; this.lsb = 0; this.flexing = false; this.output = []; this.stack = []; } Type1CharString.prototype = { convert: function Type1CharString_convert(encoded, subrs) { var count = encoded.length; var error = false; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var value = encoded[i]; if (value < 32) { if (value === 12) { value = (value << 8) + encoded[++i]; } switch (value) { case 1: // hstem if (!HINTING_ENABLED) { this.stack = []; break; } error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.hstem); break; case 3: // vstem if (!HINTING_ENABLED) { this.stack = []; break; } error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.vstem); break; case 4: // vmoveto if (this.flexing) { if (this.stack.length < 1) { error = true; break; } // Add the dx for flex and but also swap the values so they are // the right order. var dy = this.stack.pop(); this.stack.push(0, dy); break; } error = this.executeCommand(1, COMMAND_MAP.vmoveto); break; case 5: // rlineto error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.rlineto); break; case 6: // hlineto error = this.executeCommand(1, COMMAND_MAP.hlineto); break; case 7: // vlineto error = this.executeCommand(1, COMMAND_MAP.vlineto); break; case 8: // rrcurveto error = this.executeCommand(6, COMMAND_MAP.rrcurveto); break; case 9: // closepath // closepath is a Type1 command that does not take argument and is // useless in Type2 and it can simply be ignored. this.stack = []; break; case 10: // callsubr if (this.stack.length < 1) { error = true; break; } var subrNumber = this.stack.pop(); error = this.convert(subrs[subrNumber], subrs); break; case 11: // return return error; case 13: // hsbw if (this.stack.length < 2) { error = true; break; } // To convert to type2 we have to move the width value to the // first part of the charstring and then use hmoveto with lsb. var wx = this.stack.pop(); var sbx = this.stack.pop(); this.lsb = sbx; this.width = wx; this.stack.push(sbx); error = this.executeCommand(1, COMMAND_MAP.hmoveto); break; case 14: // endchar this.output.push(COMMAND_MAP.endchar[0]); break; case 21: // rmoveto if (this.flexing) { break; } error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.rmoveto); break; case 22: // hmoveto if (this.flexing) { // Add the dy for flex. this.stack.push(0); break; } error = this.executeCommand(1, COMMAND_MAP.hmoveto); break; case 30: // vhcurveto error = this.executeCommand(4, COMMAND_MAP.vhcurveto); break; case 31: // hvcurveto error = this.executeCommand(4, COMMAND_MAP.hvcurveto); break; case (12 << 8) + 0: // dotsection // dotsection is a Type1 command to specify some hinting feature // for dots that do not take a parameter and it can safely be // ignored for Type2. this.stack = []; break; case (12 << 8) + 1: // vstem3 if (!HINTING_ENABLED) { this.stack = []; break; } // [vh]stem3 are Type1 only and Type2 supports [vh]stem with // multiple parameters, so instead of returning [vh]stem3 take a // shortcut and return [vhstem] instead. error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.vstem); break; case (12 << 8) + 2: // hstem3 if (!HINTING_ENABLED) { this.stack = []; break; } // See vstem3. error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.hstem); break; case (12 << 8) + 6: // seac // seac is like type 2's special endchar but it doesn't use the // first argument asb, so remove it. if (SEAC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED) { this.seac = this.stack.splice(-4, 4); error = this.executeCommand(0, COMMAND_MAP.endchar); } else { error = this.executeCommand(4, COMMAND_MAP.endchar); } break; case (12 << 8) + 7: // sbw if (this.stack.length < 4) { error = true; break; } // To convert to type2 we have to move the width value to the // first part of the charstring and then use rmoveto with // (dx, dy). The height argument will not be used for vmtx and // vhea tables reconstruction -- ignoring it. var wy = this.stack.pop(); var wx = this.stack.pop(); var sby = this.stack.pop(); var sbx = this.stack.pop(); this.lsb = sbx; this.width = wx; this.stack.push(sbx, sby); error = this.executeCommand(2, COMMAND_MAP.rmoveto); break; case (12 << 8) + 12: // div if (this.stack.length < 2) { error = true; break; } var num2 = this.stack.pop(); var num1 = this.stack.pop(); this.stack.push(num1 / num2); break; case (12 << 8) + 16: // callothersubr if (this.stack.length < 2) { error = true; break; } var subrNumber = this.stack.pop(); var numArgs = this.stack.pop(); if (subrNumber === 0 && numArgs === 3) { var flexArgs = this.stack.splice(this.stack.length - 17, 17); this.stack.push( flexArgs[2] + flexArgs[0], // bcp1x + rpx flexArgs[3] + flexArgs[1], // bcp1y + rpy flexArgs[4], // bcp2x flexArgs[5], // bcp2y flexArgs[6], // p2x flexArgs[7], // p2y flexArgs[8], // bcp3x flexArgs[9], // bcp3y flexArgs[10], // bcp4x flexArgs[11], // bcp4y flexArgs[12], // p3x flexArgs[13], // p3y flexArgs[14] // flexDepth // 15 = finalx unused by flex // 16 = finaly unused by flex ); error = this.executeCommand(13, COMMAND_MAP.flex, true); this.flexing = false; this.stack.push(flexArgs[15], flexArgs[16]); } else if (subrNumber === 1 && numArgs === 0) { this.flexing = true; } break; case (12 << 8) + 17: // pop // Ignore this since it is only used with othersubr. break; case (12 << 8) + 33: // setcurrentpoint // Ignore for now. this.stack = []; break; default: warn('Unknown type 1 charstring command of "' + value + '"'); break; } if (error) { break; } continue; } else if (value <= 246) { value = value - 139; } else if (value <= 250) { value = ((value - 247) * 256) + encoded[++i] + 108; } else if (value <= 254) { value = -((value - 251) * 256) - encoded[++i] - 108; } else { value = (encoded[++i] & 0xff) << 24 | (encoded[++i] & 0xff) << 16 | (encoded[++i] & 0xff) << 8 | (encoded[++i] & 0xff) << 0; } this.stack.push(value); } return error; }, executeCommand: function(howManyArgs, command, keepStack) { var stackLength = this.stack.length; if (howManyArgs > stackLength) { return true; } var start = stackLength - howManyArgs; for (var i = start; i < stackLength; i++) { var value = this.stack[i]; if (value === (value | 0)) { // int this.output.push(28, (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff); } else { // fixed point value = (65536 * value) | 0; this.output.push(255, (value >> 24) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF); } } this.output.push.apply(this.output, command); if (keepStack) { this.stack.splice(start, howManyArgs); } else { this.stack = []; } return false; } }; return Type1CharString; })(); /* * Type1Parser encapsulate the needed code for parsing a Type1 font * program. Some of its logic depends on the Type2 charstrings * structure. * Note: this doesn't really parse the font since that would require evaluation * of PostScript, but it is possible in most cases to extract what we need * without a full parse. */ var Type1Parser = (function Type1ParserClosure() { /* * Decrypt a Sequence of Ciphertext Bytes to Produce the Original Sequence * of Plaintext Bytes. The function took a key as a parameter which can be * for decrypting the eexec block of for decoding charStrings. */ var EEXEC_ENCRYPT_KEY = 55665; var CHAR_STRS_ENCRYPT_KEY = 4330; function decrypt(stream, key, discardNumber) { var r = key, c1 = 52845, c2 = 22719; var decryptedString = []; var value = ''; var count = stream.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { value = stream[i]; decryptedString[i] = value ^ (r >> 8); r = ((value + r) * c1 + c2) & ((1 << 16) - 1); } return decryptedString.slice(discardNumber); } function isSpecial(c) { return c === 0x2F || // '/' c === 0x5B || c === 0x5D || // '[', ']' c === 0x7B || c === 0x7D || // '{', '}' c === 0x28 || c === 0x29; // '(', ')' } function Type1Parser(stream, encrypted) { if (encrypted) { stream = new Stream(decrypt(stream.getBytes(), EEXEC_ENCRYPT_KEY, 4)); } this.stream = stream; this.nextChar(); } Type1Parser.prototype = { readNumberArray: function Type1Parser_readNumberArray() { this.getToken(); // read '[' or '{' (arrays can start with either) var array = []; while (true) { var token = this.getToken(); if (token === null || token === ']' || token === '}') { break; } array.push(parseFloat(token || 0)); } return array; }, readNumber: function Type1Parser_readNumber() { var token = this.getToken(); return parseFloat(token || 0); }, readInt: function Type1Parser_readInt() { // Use '| 0' to prevent setting a double into length such as the double // does not flow into the loop variable. var token = this.getToken(); return parseInt(token || 0, 10) | 0; }, readBoolean: function Type1Parser_readBoolean() { var token = this.getToken(); // Use 1 and 0 since that's what type2 charstrings use. return token === 'true' ? 1 : 0; }, nextChar : function Type1_nextChar() { return (this.currentChar = this.stream.getByte()); }, getToken: function Type1Parser_getToken() { // Eat whitespace and comments. var comment = false; var ch = this.currentChar; while (true) { if (ch === -1) { return null; } if (comment) { if (ch === 0x0A || ch === 0x0D) { comment = false; } } else if (ch === 0x25) { // '%' comment = true; } else if (!Lexer.isSpace(ch)) { break; } ch = this.nextChar(); } if (isSpecial(ch)) { this.nextChar(); return String.fromCharCode(ch); } var token = ''; do { token += String.fromCharCode(ch); ch = this.nextChar(); } while (ch >= 0 && !Lexer.isSpace(ch) && !isSpecial(ch)); return token; }, /* * Returns an object containing a Subrs array and a CharStrings * array extracted from and eexec encrypted block of data */ extractFontProgram: function Type1Parser_extractFontProgram() { var stream = this.stream; var subrs = [], charstrings = []; var program = { subrs: [], charstrings: [], properties: { 'privateData': { 'lenIV': 4 } } }; var token; while ((token = this.getToken()) !== null) { if (token !== '/') { continue; } token = this.getToken(); switch (token) { case 'CharStrings': // The number immediately following CharStrings must be greater or // equal to the number of CharStrings. this.getToken(); this.getToken(); // read in 'dict' this.getToken(); // read in 'dup' this.getToken(); // read in 'begin' while(true) { token = this.getToken(); if (token === null || token === 'end') { break; } if (token !== '/') { continue; } var glyph = this.getToken(); var length = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); // read in 'RD' or '-|' var data = stream.makeSubStream(stream.pos, length); var lenIV = program.properties.privateData['lenIV']; var encoded = decrypt(data.getBytes(), CHAR_STRS_ENCRYPT_KEY, lenIV); // Skip past the required space and binary data. stream.skip(length); this.nextChar(); token = this.getToken(); // read in 'ND' or '|-' if (token === 'noaccess') { this.getToken(); // read in 'def' } charstrings.push({ glyph: glyph, encoded: encoded }); } break; case 'Subrs': var num = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); // read in 'array' while ((token = this.getToken()) === 'dup') { var index = this.readInt(); var length = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); // read in 'RD' or '-|' var data = stream.makeSubStream(stream.pos, length); var lenIV = program.properties.privateData['lenIV']; var encoded = decrypt(data.getBytes(), CHAR_STRS_ENCRYPT_KEY, lenIV); // Skip past the required space and binary data. stream.skip(length); this.nextChar(); token = this.getToken(); // read in 'NP' or '|' if (token === 'noaccess') { this.getToken(); // read in 'put' } subrs[index] = encoded; } break; case 'BlueValues': case 'OtherBlues': case 'FamilyBlues': case 'FamilyOtherBlues': var blueArray = this.readNumberArray(); // *Blue* values may contain invalid data: disables reading of // those values when hinting is disabled. if (blueArray.length > 0 && (blueArray.length % 2) === 0 && HINTING_ENABLED) { program.properties.privateData[token] = blueArray; } break; case 'StemSnapH': case 'StemSnapV': program.properties.privateData[token] = this.readNumberArray(); break; case 'StdHW': case 'StdVW': program.properties.privateData[token] = this.readNumberArray()[0]; break; case 'BlueShift': case 'lenIV': case 'BlueFuzz': case 'BlueScale': case 'LanguageGroup': case 'ExpansionFactor': program.properties.privateData[token] = this.readNumber(); break; case 'ForceBold': program.properties.privateData[token] = this.readBoolean(); break; } } for (var i = 0; i < charstrings.length; i++) { var glyph = charstrings[i].glyph; var encoded = charstrings[i].encoded; var charString = new Type1CharString(); var error = charString.convert(encoded, subrs); var output = charString.output; if (error) { // It seems when FreeType encounters an error while evaluating a glyph // that it completely ignores the glyph so we'll mimic that behaviour // here and put an endchar to make the validator happy. output = [14]; } program.charstrings.push({ glyph: glyph, data: output, seac: charString.seac, lsb: charString.lsb, width: charString.width }); } return program; }, extractFontHeader: function Type1Parser_extractFontHeader(properties) { var token; while ((token = this.getToken()) !== null) { if (token !== '/') { continue; } token = this.getToken(); switch (token) { case 'FontMatrix': var matrix = this.readNumberArray(); properties.fontMatrix = matrix; break; case 'Encoding': var encodingArg = this.getToken(); var encoding; if (!/^\d+$/.test(encodingArg)) { // encoding name is specified encoding = Encodings[encodingArg]; } else { encoding = []; var size = parseInt(encodingArg, 10) | 0; this.getToken(); // read in 'array' for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) { var token = this.getToken(); if (token === 'dup') { var index = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); // read in '/' var glyph = this.getToken(); encoding[index] = glyph; this.getToken(); // read the in 'put' } } } if (properties.overridableEncoding && encoding) { properties.baseEncoding = encoding; break; } break; } } } }; return Type1Parser; })(); /** * The CFF class takes a Type1 file and wrap it into a * 'Compact Font Format' which itself embed Type2 charstrings. */ var CFFStandardStrings = [ '.notdef', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quoteright', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'quoteleft', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling', 'fraction', 'yen', 'florin', 'section', 'currency', 'quotesingle', 'quotedblleft', 'guillemotleft', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'endash', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', 'paragraph', 'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'quotedblright', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'perthousand', 'questiondown', 'grave', 'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'dieresis', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'emdash', 'AE', 'ordfeminine', 'Lslash', 'Oslash', 'OE', 'ordmasculine', 'ae', 'dotlessi', 'lslash', 'oslash', 'oe', 'germandbls', 'onesuperior', 'logicalnot', 'mu', 'trademark', 'Eth', 'onehalf', 'plusminus', 'Thorn', 'onequarter', 'divide', 'brokenbar', 'degree', 'thorn', 'threequarters', 'twosuperior', 'registered', 'minus', 'eth', 'multiply', 'threesuperior', 'copyright', 'Aacute', 'Acircumflex', 'Adieresis', 'Agrave', 'Aring', 'Atilde', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ecircumflex', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Ntilde', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'Odieresis', 'Ograve', 'Otilde', 'Scaron', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Udieresis', 'Ugrave', 'Yacute', 'Ydieresis', 'Zcaron', 'aacute', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis', 'agrave', 'aring', 'atilde', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'egrave', 'iacute', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'igrave', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'ograve', 'otilde', 'scaron', 'uacute', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'ugrave', 'yacute', 'ydieresis', 'zcaron', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', '266 ff', 'onedotenleader', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', 'isuperior', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', 'ff', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', 'Dotaccentsmall', 'Macronsmall', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', 'zerosuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall', '001.000', '001.001', '001.002', '001.003', 'Black', 'Bold', 'Book', 'Light', 'Medium', 'Regular', 'Roman', 'Semibold' ]; // Type1Font is also a CIDFontType0. var Type1Font = function Type1Font(name, file, properties) { // Get the data block containing glyphs and subrs informations var headerBlock = new Stream(file.getBytes(properties.length1)); var headerBlockParser = new Type1Parser(headerBlock); headerBlockParser.extractFontHeader(properties); // Decrypt the data blocks and retrieve it's content var eexecBlock = new Stream(file.getBytes(properties.length2)); var eexecBlockParser = new Type1Parser(eexecBlock, true); var data = eexecBlockParser.extractFontProgram(); for (var info in data.properties) properties[info] = data.properties[info]; var charstrings = this.getOrderedCharStrings(data.charstrings, properties); var type2Charstrings = this.getType2Charstrings(charstrings); var subrs = this.getType2Subrs(data.subrs); this.charstrings = charstrings; this.data = this.wrap(name, type2Charstrings, this.charstrings, subrs, properties); this.seacs = this.getSeacs(data.charstrings); }; Type1Font.prototype = { getOrderedCharStrings: function Type1Font_getOrderedCharStrings(glyphs, properties) { var charstrings = []; var usedUnicodes = []; var i, length, glyphName; var unusedUnicode = CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET; for (i = 0, length = glyphs.length; i < length; i++) { var item = glyphs[i]; var glyphName = item.glyph; var unicode = glyphName in GlyphsUnicode ? GlyphsUnicode[glyphName] : unusedUnicode++; while (usedUnicodes[unicode]) { unicode = unusedUnicode++; } usedUnicodes[unicode] = true; charstrings.push({ glyph: glyphName, unicode: unicode, gid: i, charstring: item.data, width: item.width, lsb: item.lsb }); } charstrings.sort(function charstrings_sort(a, b) { return a.unicode - b.unicode; }); return charstrings; }, getSeacs: function Type1Font_getSeacs(charstrings) { var i, ii; var seacMap = []; for (i = 0, ii = charstrings.length; i < ii; i++) { var charstring = charstrings[i]; if (charstring.seac) { seacMap[i] = charstring.seac; } } return seacMap; }, getType2Charstrings: function Type1Font_getType2Charstrings( type1Charstrings) { var type2Charstrings = []; for (var i = 0, ii = type1Charstrings.length; i < ii; i++) { type2Charstrings.push(type1Charstrings[i].charstring); } return type2Charstrings; }, getType2Subrs: function Type1Font_getType2Subrs(type1Subrs) { var bias = 0; var count = type1Subrs.length; if (count < 1133) bias = 107; else if (count < 33769) bias = 1131; else bias = 32768; // Add a bunch of empty subrs to deal with the Type2 bias var type2Subrs = []; for (var i = 0; i < bias; i++) type2Subrs.push([0x0B]); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { type2Subrs.push(type1Subrs[i]); } return type2Subrs; }, wrap: function Type1Font_wrap(name, glyphs, charstrings, subrs, properties) { var cff = new CFF(); cff.header = new CFFHeader(1, 0, 4, 4); cff.names = [name]; var topDict = new CFFTopDict(); // CFF strings IDs 0...390 are predefined names, so refering // to entries in our own String INDEX starts at SID 391. topDict.setByName('version', 391); topDict.setByName('Notice', 392); topDict.setByName('FullName', 393); topDict.setByName('FamilyName', 394); topDict.setByName('Weight', 395); topDict.setByName('Encoding', null); // placeholder topDict.setByName('FontMatrix', properties.fontMatrix); topDict.setByName('FontBBox', properties.bbox); topDict.setByName('charset', null); // placeholder topDict.setByName('CharStrings', null); // placeholder topDict.setByName('Private', null); // placeholder cff.topDict = topDict; var strings = new CFFStrings(); strings.add('Version 0.11'); // Version strings.add('See original notice'); // Notice strings.add(name); // FullName strings.add(name); // FamilyName strings.add('Medium'); // Weight cff.strings = strings; cff.globalSubrIndex = new CFFIndex(); var count = glyphs.length; var charsetArray = [0]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var index = CFFStandardStrings.indexOf(charstrings[i].glyph); // Some characters like asterikmath && circlecopyrt are // missing from the original strings, for the moment let's // map them to .notdef and see later if it cause any // problems if (index == -1) index = 0; charsetArray.push((index >> 8) & 0xff, index & 0xff); } cff.charset = new CFFCharset(false, 0, [], charsetArray); var charStringsIndex = new CFFIndex(); charStringsIndex.add([0x8B, 0x0E]); // .notdef for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { charStringsIndex.add(glyphs[i]); } cff.charStrings = charStringsIndex; var privateDict = new CFFPrivateDict(); privateDict.setByName('Subrs', null); // placeholder var fields = [ 'BlueValues', 'OtherBlues', 'FamilyBlues', 'FamilyOtherBlues', 'StemSnapH', 'StemSnapV', 'BlueShift', 'BlueFuzz', 'BlueScale', 'LanguageGroup', 'ExpansionFactor', 'ForceBold', 'StdHW', 'StdVW' ]; for (var i = 0, ii = fields.length; i < ii; i++) { var field = fields[i]; if (!properties.privateData.hasOwnProperty(field)) continue; var value = properties.privateData[field]; if (isArray(value)) { // All of the private dictionary array data in CFF must be stored as // "delta-encoded" numbers. for (var j = value.length - 1; j > 0; j--) { value[j] -= value[j - 1]; // ... difference from previous value } } privateDict.setByName(field, value); } cff.topDict.privateDict = privateDict; var subrIndex = new CFFIndex(); for (var i = 0, ii = subrs.length; i < ii; i++) { subrIndex.add(subrs[i]); } privateDict.subrsIndex = subrIndex; var compiler = new CFFCompiler(cff); return compiler.compile(); } }; var CFFFont = (function CFFFontClosure() { function CFFFont(file, properties) { this.properties = properties; var parser = new CFFParser(file, properties); this.cff = parser.parse(); var compiler = new CFFCompiler(this.cff); this.readExtra(); try { this.data = compiler.compile(); } catch (e) { warn('Failed to compile font ' + properties.loadedName); // There may have just been an issue with the compiler, set the data // anyway and hope the font loaded. this.data = file; } } CFFFont.prototype = { readExtra: function CFFFont_readExtra() { // charstrings contains info about glyphs (one element per glyph // containing mappings for {unicode, width}) var charstrings = this.getCharStrings(); // create the mapping between charstring and glyph id var glyphIds = []; for (var i = 0, ii = charstrings.length; i < ii; i++) glyphIds.push(charstrings[i].gid); this.charstrings = charstrings; this.glyphIds = glyphIds; this.seacs = this.cff.seacs; }, getCharStrings: function CFFFont_getCharStrings() { var cff = this.cff; var charsets = cff.charset.charset; var encoding = cff.encoding ? cff.encoding.encoding : null; var charstrings = []; var unicodeUsed = []; var unassignedUnicodeItems = []; var inverseEncoding = []; var gidStart = 0; // Even though the CFF font may not actually be a CID font is could have // CID information in the font descriptor. if (this.properties.cidSystemInfo) { // According to section if the font is actually a CID font then // we should use the charset to map CIDs to GIDs. If it is not actually // a CID font then CIDs can be mapped directly to GIDs. if (this.cff.isCIDFont) { inverseEncoding = charsets; } else { for (var i = 0, ii = charsets.length; i < charsets.length; i++) { inverseEncoding.push(i); } } } else { for (var charcode in encoding) inverseEncoding[encoding[charcode]] = charcode | 0; if (charsets[0] === '.notdef') { gidStart = 1; } } for (var i = gidStart, ii = charsets.length; i < ii; i++) { var glyph = charsets[i]; var code = inverseEncoding[i]; if (!code || isSpecialUnicode(code)) { unassignedUnicodeItems.push(i); continue; } charstrings.push({ unicode: code, code: code, gid: i, glyph: glyph }); unicodeUsed[code] = true; } var nextUnusedUnicode = CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET; for (var j = 0, jj = unassignedUnicodeItems.length; j < jj; ++j) { var i = unassignedUnicodeItems[j]; // giving unicode value anyway while (nextUnusedUnicode in unicodeUsed) nextUnusedUnicode++; var unicode = nextUnusedUnicode++; charstrings.push({ unicode: unicode, code: inverseEncoding[i] || 0, gid: i, glyph: charsets[i] }); } // sort the array by the unicode value (again) charstrings.sort(function getCharStringsSort(a, b) { return a.unicode - b.unicode; }); return charstrings; } }; return CFFFont; })(); var CFFParser = (function CFFParserClosure() { var CharstringValidationData = [ null, { id: 'hstem', min: 2, resetStack: true, stem: true }, null, { id: 'vstem', min: 2, resetStack: true, stem: true }, { id: 'vmoveto', min: 1, resetStack: true }, { id: 'rlineto', min: 2, resetStack: true }, { id: 'hlineto', min: 1, resetStack: true }, { id: 'vlineto', min: 1, resetStack: true }, { id: 'rrcurveto', min: 6, resetStack: true }, null, { id: 'callsubr', min: 1, undefStack: true }, { id: 'return', min: 0, undefStack: true }, null, // 12 null, null, // endchar null, null, null, { id: 'hstemhm', min: 2, resetStack: true, stem: true }, null, // hintmask null, // cntrmask { id: 'rmoveto', min: 2, resetStack: true }, { id: 'hmoveto', min: 1, resetStack: true }, { id: 'vstemhm', min: 2, resetStack: true, stem: true }, { id: 'rcurveline', min: 8, resetStack: true }, { id: 'rlinecurve', min: 8, resetStack: true }, { id: 'vvcurveto', min: 4, resetStack: true }, { id: 'hhcurveto', min: 4, resetStack: true }, null, // shortint { id: 'callgsubr', min: 1, undefStack: true }, { id: 'vhcurveto', min: 4, resetStack: true }, { id: 'hvcurveto', min: 4, resetStack: true } ]; var CharstringValidationData12 = [ null, null, null, { id: 'and', min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, { id: 'or', min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, { id: 'not', min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, null, null, null, { id: 'abs', min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: 'add', min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn: function stack_div(stack, index) { stack[index - 2] = stack[index - 2] + stack[index - 1]; } }, { id: 'sub', min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn: function stack_div(stack, index) { stack[index - 2] = stack[index - 2] - stack[index - 1]; } }, { id: 'div', min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn: function stack_div(stack, index) { stack[index - 2] = stack[index - 2] / stack[index - 1]; } }, null, { id: 'neg', min: 1, stackDelta: 0, stackFn: function stack_div(stack, index) { stack[index - 1] = -stack[index - 1]; } }, { id: 'eq', min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, null, null, { id: 'drop', min: 1, stackDelta: -1 }, null, { id: 'put', min: 2, stackDelta: -2 }, { id: 'get', min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: 'ifelse', min: 4, stackDelta: -3 }, { id: 'random', min: 0, stackDelta: 1 }, { id: 'mul', min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn: function stack_div(stack, index) { stack[index - 2] = stack[index - 2] * stack[index - 1]; } }, null, { id: 'sqrt', min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: 'dup', min: 1, stackDelta: 1 }, { id: 'exch', min: 2, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: 'index', min: 2, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: 'roll', min: 3, stackDelta: -2 }, null, null, null, { id: 'hflex', min: 7, resetStack: true }, { id: 'flex', min: 13, resetStack: true }, { id: 'hflex1', min: 9, resetStack: true }, { id: 'flex1', min: 11, resetStack: true } ]; function CFFParser(file, properties) { this.bytes = file.getBytes(); this.properties = properties; } CFFParser.prototype = { parse: function CFFParser_parse() { var properties = this.properties; var cff = new CFF(); this.cff = cff; // The first five sections must be in order, all the others are reached // via offsets contained in one of the below. var header = this.parseHeader(); var nameIndex = this.parseIndex(header.endPos); var topDictIndex = this.parseIndex(nameIndex.endPos); var stringIndex = this.parseIndex(topDictIndex.endPos); var globalSubrIndex = this.parseIndex(stringIndex.endPos); var topDictParsed = this.parseDict(topDictIndex.obj.get(0)); var topDict = this.createDict(CFFTopDict, topDictParsed, cff.strings); cff.header = header.obj; cff.names = this.parseNameIndex(nameIndex.obj); cff.strings = this.parseStringIndex(stringIndex.obj); cff.topDict = topDict; cff.globalSubrIndex = globalSubrIndex.obj; this.parsePrivateDict(cff.topDict); cff.isCIDFont = topDict.hasName('ROS'); var charStringOffset = topDict.getByName('CharStrings'); var charStringsAndSeacs = this.parseCharStrings(charStringOffset); cff.charStrings = charStringsAndSeacs.charStrings; cff.seacs = charStringsAndSeacs.seacs; var fontMatrix = topDict.getByName('FontMatrix'); if (fontMatrix) { properties.fontMatrix = fontMatrix; } var fontBBox = topDict.getByName('FontBBox'); if (fontBBox) { // adjusting ascent/descent properties.ascent = fontBBox[3]; properties.descent = fontBBox[1]; properties.ascentScaled = true; } var charset, encoding; if (cff.isCIDFont) { var fdArrayIndex = this.parseIndex(topDict.getByName('FDArray')).obj; for (var i = 0, ii = fdArrayIndex.count; i < ii; ++i) { var dictRaw = fdArrayIndex.get(i); var fontDict = this.createDict(CFFTopDict, this.parseDict(dictRaw), cff.strings); this.parsePrivateDict(fontDict); cff.fdArray.push(fontDict); } // cid fonts don't have an encoding encoding = null; charset = this.parseCharsets(topDict.getByName('charset'), cff.charStrings.count, cff.strings, true); cff.fdSelect = this.parseFDSelect(topDict.getByName('FDSelect'), cff.charStrings.count); } else { charset = this.parseCharsets(topDict.getByName('charset'), cff.charStrings.count, cff.strings, false); encoding = this.parseEncoding(topDict.getByName('Encoding'), properties, cff.strings, charset.charset); } cff.charset = charset; cff.encoding = encoding; return cff; }, parseHeader: function CFFParser_parseHeader() { var bytes = this.bytes; var offset = 0; while (bytes[offset] != 1) ++offset; if (offset !== 0) { info('cff data is shifted'); bytes = bytes.subarray(offset); this.bytes = bytes; } var major = bytes[0]; var minor = bytes[1]; var hdrSize = bytes[2]; var offSize = bytes[3]; var header = new CFFHeader(major, minor, hdrSize, offSize); return {obj: header, endPos: hdrSize}; }, parseDict: function CFFParser_parseDict(dict) { var pos = 0; function parseOperand() { var value = dict[pos++]; if (value === 30) { return parseFloatOperand(pos); } else if (value === 28) { value = dict[pos++]; value = ((value << 24) | (dict[pos++] << 16)) >> 16; return value; } else if (value === 29) { value = dict[pos++]; value = (value << 8) | dict[pos++]; value = (value << 8) | dict[pos++]; value = (value << 8) | dict[pos++]; return value; } else if (value >= 32 && value <= 246) { return value - 139; } else if (value >= 247 && value <= 250) { return ((value - 247) * 256) + dict[pos++] + 108; } else if (value >= 251 && value <= 254) { return -((value - 251) * 256) - dict[pos++] - 108; } else { error('255 is not a valid DICT command'); } return -1; } function parseFloatOperand() { var str = ''; var eof = 15; var lookup = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', 'E', 'E-', null, '-']; var length = dict.length; while (pos < length) { var b = dict[pos++]; var b1 = b >> 4; var b2 = b & 15; if (b1 == eof) break; str += lookup[b1]; if (b2 == eof) break; str += lookup[b2]; } return parseFloat(str); } var operands = []; var entries = []; var pos = 0; var end = dict.length; while (pos < end) { var b = dict[pos]; if (b <= 21) { if (b === 12) b = (b << 8) | dict[++pos]; entries.push([b, operands]); operands = []; ++pos; } else { operands.push(parseOperand()); } } return entries; }, parseIndex: function CFFParser_parseIndex(pos) { var cffIndex = new CFFIndex(); var bytes = this.bytes; var count = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; var offsets = []; var start = pos; var end = pos; if (count !== 0) { var offsetSize = bytes[pos++]; // add 1 for offset to determine size of last object var startPos = pos + ((count + 1) * offsetSize) - 1; for (var i = 0, ii = count + 1; i < ii; ++i) { var offset = 0; for (var j = 0; j < offsetSize; ++j) { offset <<= 8; offset += bytes[pos++]; } offsets.push(startPos + offset); } end = offsets[count]; } for (var i = 0, ii = offsets.length - 1; i < ii; ++i) { var offsetStart = offsets[i]; var offsetEnd = offsets[i + 1]; cffIndex.add(bytes.subarray(offsetStart, offsetEnd)); } return {obj: cffIndex, endPos: end}; }, parseNameIndex: function CFFParser_parseNameIndex(index) { var names = []; for (var i = 0, ii = index.count; i < ii; ++i) { var name = index.get(i); // OTS doesn't allow names to be over 127 characters. var length = Math.min(name.length, 127); var data = []; // OTS also only permits certain characters in the name. for (var j = 0; j < length; ++j) { var c = name[j]; if (j === 0 && c === 0) { data[j] = c; continue; } if ((c < 33 || c > 126) || c === 91 /* [ */ || c === 93 /* ] */ || c === 40 /* ( */ || c === 41 /* ) */ || c === 123 /* { */ || c === 125 /* } */ || c === 60 /* < */ || c === 62 /* > */ || c === 47 /* / */ || c === 37 /* % */) { data[j] = 95; continue; } data[j] = c; } names.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data)); } return names; }, parseStringIndex: function CFFParser_parseStringIndex(index) { var strings = new CFFStrings(); for (var i = 0, ii = index.count; i < ii; ++i) { var data = index.get(i); strings.add(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data)); } return strings; }, createDict: function CFFParser_createDict(Type, dict, strings) { var cffDict = new Type(strings); var types = cffDict.types; for (var i = 0, ii = dict.length; i < ii; ++i) { var pair = dict[i]; var key = pair[0]; var value = pair[1]; cffDict.setByKey(key, value); } return cffDict; }, parseCharStrings: function CFFParser_parseCharStrings(charStringOffset) { var charStrings = this.parseIndex(charStringOffset).obj; var seacs = []; var count = charStrings.count; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var charstring = charStrings.get(i); var stackSize = 0; var stack = []; var undefStack = true; var hints = 0; var valid = true; var data = charstring; var length = data.length; for (var j = 0; j < length;) { var value = data[j++]; var validationCommand = null; if (value == 12) { var q = data[j++]; if (q === 0) { // The CFF specification state that the 'dotsection' command // (12, 0) is deprecated and treated as a no-op, but all Type2 // charstrings processors should support them. Unfortunately // the font sanitizer don't. As a workaround the sequence (12, 0) // is replaced by a useless (0, hmoveto). data[j - 2] = 139; data[j - 1] = 22; stackSize = 0; } else { validationCommand = CharstringValidationData12[q]; } } else if (value === 28) { // number (16 bit) stack[stackSize] = ((data[j] << 24) | (data[j + 1] << 16)) >> 16; j += 2; stackSize++; } else if (value == 14) { if (stackSize >= 4) { stackSize -= 4; if (SEAC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED) { seacs[i] = stack.slice(stackSize, stackSize + 4); valid = false; } } } else if (value >= 32 && value <= 246) { // number stack[stackSize] = value - 139; stackSize++; } else if (value >= 247 && value <= 254) { // number (+1 bytes) stack[stackSize] = value < 251 ? ((value - 247) << 8) + data[j] + 108 : -((value - 251) << 8) - data[j] - 108; j++; stackSize++; } else if (value == 255) { // number (32 bit) stack[stackSize] = ((data[j] << 24) | (data[j + 1] << 16) | (data[j + 2] << 8) | data[j + 3]) / 65536; j += 4; stackSize++; } else if (value == 19 || value == 20) { hints += stackSize >> 1; j += (hints + 7) >> 3; // skipping right amount of hints flag data stackSize = 0; } else { validationCommand = CharstringValidationData[value]; } if (validationCommand) { if (validationCommand.stem) { hints += stackSize >> 1; } if ('min' in validationCommand) { if (!undefStack && stackSize < validationCommand.min) { warn('Not enough parameters for ' + validationCommand.id + '; actual: ' + stackSize + ', expected: ' + validationCommand.min); valid = false; break; } } if ('stackDelta' in validationCommand) { if ('stackFn' in validationCommand) { validationCommand.stackFn(stack, stackSize); } stackSize += validationCommand.stackDelta; } else if (validationCommand.resetStack) { stackSize = 0; undefStack = false; } else if (validationCommand.undefStack) { stackSize = 0; undefStack = true; } } } if (!valid) { // resetting invalid charstring to single 'endchar' charStrings.set(i, new Uint8Array([14])); } } return { charStrings: charStrings, seacs: seacs }; }, emptyPrivateDictionary: function CFFParser_emptyPrivateDictionary(parentDict) { var privateDict = this.createDict(CFFPrivateDict, [], parentDict.strings); parentDict.setByKey(18, [0, 0]); parentDict.privateDict = privateDict; }, parsePrivateDict: function CFFParser_parsePrivateDict(parentDict) { // no private dict, do nothing if (!parentDict.hasName('Private')) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(parentDict); return; } var privateOffset = parentDict.getByName('Private'); // make sure the params are formatted correctly if (!isArray(privateOffset) || privateOffset.length !== 2) { parentDict.removeByName('Private'); return; } var size = privateOffset[0]; var offset = privateOffset[1]; // remove empty dicts or ones that refer to invalid location if (size === 0 || offset >= this.bytes.length) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(parentDict); return; } var privateDictEnd = offset + size; var dictData = this.bytes.subarray(offset, privateDictEnd); var dict = this.parseDict(dictData); var privateDict = this.createDict(CFFPrivateDict, dict, parentDict.strings); parentDict.privateDict = privateDict; // Parse the Subrs index also since it's relative to the private dict. if (!privateDict.getByName('Subrs')) return; var subrsOffset = privateDict.getByName('Subrs'); var relativeOffset = offset + subrsOffset; // Validate the offset. if (subrsOffset === 0 || relativeOffset >= this.bytes.length) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(parentDict); return; } var subrsIndex = this.parseIndex(relativeOffset); privateDict.subrsIndex = subrsIndex.obj; }, parseCharsets: function CFFParser_parseCharsets(pos, length, strings, cid) { if (pos === 0) { return new CFFCharset(true, CFFCharsetPredefinedTypes.ISO_ADOBE, ISOAdobeCharset); } else if (pos == 1) { return new CFFCharset(true, CFFCharsetPredefinedTypes.EXPERT, ExpertCharset); } else if (pos == 2) { return new CFFCharset(true, CFFCharsetPredefinedTypes.EXPERT_SUBSET, ExpertSubsetCharset); } var bytes = this.bytes; var start = pos; var format = bytes[pos++]; var charset = ['.notdef']; // subtract 1 for the .notdef glyph length -= 1; switch (format) { case 0: for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var id = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; charset.push(cid ? id : strings.get(id)); } break; case 1: while (charset.length <= length) { var id = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; var count = bytes[pos++]; for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++) charset.push(cid ? id++ : strings.get(id++)); } break; case 2: while (charset.length <= length) { var id = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; var count = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++) charset.push(cid ? id++ : strings.get(id++)); } break; default: error('Unknown charset format'); } // Raw won't be needed if we actually compile the charset. var end = pos; var raw = bytes.subarray(start, end); return new CFFCharset(false, format, charset, raw); }, parseEncoding: function CFFParser_parseEncoding(pos, properties, strings, charset) { var encoding = {}; var bytes = this.bytes; var predefined = false; var hasSupplement = false; var format; var raw = null; function readSupplement() { var supplementsCount = bytes[pos++]; for (var i = 0; i < supplementsCount; i++) { var code = bytes[pos++]; var sid = (bytes[pos++] << 8) + (bytes[pos++] & 0xff); encoding[code] = properties.differences.indexOf(strings.get(sid)); } } if (pos === 0 || pos == 1) { predefined = true; format = pos; var baseEncoding = pos ? Encodings.ExpertEncoding : Encodings.StandardEncoding; for (var i = 0, ii = charset.length; i < ii; i++) { var index = baseEncoding.indexOf(charset[i]); if (index != -1) { encoding[index] = i; } } } else { var dataStart = pos; var format = bytes[pos++]; switch (format & 0x7f) { case 0: var glyphsCount = bytes[pos++]; for (var i = 1; i <= glyphsCount; i++) encoding[bytes[pos++]] = i; break; case 1: var rangesCount = bytes[pos++]; var gid = 1; for (var i = 0; i < rangesCount; i++) { var start = bytes[pos++]; var left = bytes[pos++]; for (var j = start; j <= start + left; j++) encoding[j] = gid++; } break; default: error('Unknow encoding format: ' + format + ' in CFF'); break; } var dataEnd = pos; if (format & 0x80) { // The font sanitizer does not support CFF encoding with a // supplement, since the encoding is not really used to map // between gid to glyph, let's overwrite what is declared in // the top dictionary to let the sanitizer think the font use // StandardEncoding, that's a lie but that's ok. bytes[dataStart] &= 0x7f; readSupplement(); hasSupplement = true; } raw = bytes.subarray(dataStart, dataEnd); } format = format & 0x7f; return new CFFEncoding(predefined, format, encoding, raw); }, parseFDSelect: function CFFParser_parseFDSelect(pos, length) { var start = pos; var bytes = this.bytes; var format = bytes[pos++]; var fdSelect = []; switch (format) { case 0: for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var id = bytes[pos++]; fdSelect.push(id); } break; case 3: var rangesCount = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; for (var i = 0; i < rangesCount; ++i) { var first = (bytes[pos++] << 8) | bytes[pos++]; var fdIndex = bytes[pos++]; var next = (bytes[pos] << 8) | bytes[pos + 1]; for (var j = first; j < next; ++j) fdSelect.push(fdIndex); } // Advance past the sentinel(next). pos += 2; break; default: error('Unknown fdselect format ' + format); break; } var end = pos; return new CFFFDSelect(fdSelect, bytes.subarray(start, end)); } }; return CFFParser; })(); // Compact Font Format var CFF = (function CFFClosure() { function CFF() { this.header = null; this.names = []; this.topDict = null; this.strings = new CFFStrings(); this.globalSubrIndex = null; // The following could really be per font, but since we only have one font // store them here. this.encoding = null; this.charset = null; this.charStrings = null; this.fdArray = []; this.fdSelect = null; this.isCIDFont = false; } return CFF; })(); var CFFHeader = (function CFFHeaderClosure() { function CFFHeader(major, minor, hdrSize, offSize) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; this.hdrSize = hdrSize; this.offSize = offSize; } return CFFHeader; })(); var CFFStrings = (function CFFStringsClosure() { function CFFStrings() { this.strings = []; } CFFStrings.prototype = { get: function CFFStrings_get(index) { if (index >= 0 && index <= 390) return CFFStandardStrings[index]; if (index - 391 <= this.strings.length) return this.strings[index - 391]; return CFFStandardStrings[0]; }, add: function CFFStrings_add(value) { this.strings.push(value); }, get count() { return this.strings.length; } }; return CFFStrings; })(); var CFFIndex = (function CFFIndexClosure() { function CFFIndex() { this.objects = []; this.length = 0; } CFFIndex.prototype = { add: function CFFIndex_add(data) { this.length += data.length; this.objects.push(data); }, set: function CFFIndex_set(index, data) { this.length += data.length - this.objects[index].length; this.objects[index] = data; }, get: function CFFIndex_get(index) { return this.objects[index]; }, get count() { return this.objects.length; } }; return CFFIndex; })(); var CFFDict = (function CFFDictClosure() { function CFFDict(tables, strings) { this.keyToNameMap = tables.keyToNameMap; this.nameToKeyMap = tables.nameToKeyMap; this.defaults = tables.defaults; this.types = tables.types; this.opcodes = tables.opcodes; this.order = tables.order; this.strings = strings; this.values = {}; } CFFDict.prototype = { // value should always be an array setByKey: function CFFDict_setByKey(key, value) { if (!(key in this.keyToNameMap)) return false; // ignore empty values if (value.length === 0) return true; var type = this.types[key]; // remove the array wrapping these types of values if (type === 'num' || type === 'sid' || type === 'offset') value = value[0]; this.values[key] = value; return true; }, setByName: function CFFDict_setByName(name, value) { if (!(name in this.nameToKeyMap)) { error('Invalid dictionary name "' + name + '"'); } this.values[this.nameToKeyMap[name]] = value; }, hasName: function CFFDict_hasName(name) { return this.nameToKeyMap[name] in this.values; }, getByName: function CFFDict_getByName(name) { if (!(name in this.nameToKeyMap)) error('Invalid dictionary name "' + name + '"'); var key = this.nameToKeyMap[name]; if (!(key in this.values)) return this.defaults[key]; return this.values[key]; }, removeByName: function CFFDict_removeByName(name) { delete this.values[this.nameToKeyMap[name]]; } }; CFFDict.createTables = function CFFDict_createTables(layout) { var tables = { keyToNameMap: {}, nameToKeyMap: {}, defaults: {}, types: {}, opcodes: {}, order: [] }; for (var i = 0, ii = layout.length; i < ii; ++i) { var entry = layout[i]; var key = isArray(entry[0]) ? (entry[0][0] << 8) + entry[0][1] : entry[0]; tables.keyToNameMap[key] = entry[1]; tables.nameToKeyMap[entry[1]] = key; tables.types[key] = entry[2]; tables.defaults[key] = entry[3]; tables.opcodes[key] = isArray(entry[0]) ? entry[0] : [entry[0]]; tables.order.push(key); } return tables; }; return CFFDict; })(); var CFFTopDict = (function CFFTopDictClosure() { var layout = [ [[12, 30], 'ROS', ['sid', 'sid', 'num'], null], [[12, 20], 'SyntheticBase', 'num', null], [0, 'version', 'sid', null], [1, 'Notice', 'sid', null], [[12, 0], 'Copyright', 'sid', null], [2, 'FullName', 'sid', null], [3, 'FamilyName', 'sid', null], [4, 'Weight', 'sid', null], [[12, 1], 'isFixedPitch', 'num', 0], [[12, 2], 'ItalicAngle', 'num', 0], [[12, 3], 'UnderlinePosition', 'num', -100], [[12, 4], 'UnderlineThickness', 'num', 50], [[12, 5], 'PaintType', 'num', 0], [[12, 6], 'CharstringType', 'num', 2], [[12, 7], 'FontMatrix', ['num', 'num', 'num', 'num', 'num', 'num'], [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0]], [13, 'UniqueID', 'num', null], [5, 'FontBBox', ['num', 'num', 'num', 'num'], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[12, 8], 'StrokeWidth', 'num', 0], [14, 'XUID', 'array', null], [15, 'charset', 'offset', 0], [16, 'Encoding', 'offset', 0], [17, 'CharStrings', 'offset', 0], [18, 'Private', ['offset', 'offset'], null], [[12, 21], 'PostScript', 'sid', null], [[12, 22], 'BaseFontName', 'sid', null], [[12, 23], 'BaseFontBlend', 'delta', null], [[12, 31], 'CIDFontVersion', 'num', 0], [[12, 32], 'CIDFontRevision', 'num', 0], [[12, 33], 'CIDFontType', 'num', 0], [[12, 34], 'CIDCount', 'num', 8720], [[12, 35], 'UIDBase', 'num', null], // XXX: CID Fonts on DirectWrite 6.1 only seem to work if FDSelect comes // before FDArray. [[12, 37], 'FDSelect', 'offset', null], [[12, 36], 'FDArray', 'offset', null], [[12, 38], 'FontName', 'sid', null] ]; var tables = null; function CFFTopDict(strings) { if (tables === null) tables = CFFDict.createTables(layout); CFFDict.call(this, tables, strings); this.privateDict = null; } CFFTopDict.prototype = Object.create(CFFDict.prototype); return CFFTopDict; })(); var CFFPrivateDict = (function CFFPrivateDictClosure() { var layout = [ [6, 'BlueValues', 'delta', null], [7, 'OtherBlues', 'delta', null], [8, 'FamilyBlues', 'delta', null], [9, 'FamilyOtherBlues', 'delta', null], [[12, 9], 'BlueScale', 'num', 0.039625], [[12, 10], 'BlueShift', 'num', 7], [[12, 11], 'BlueFuzz', 'num', 1], [10, 'StdHW', 'num', null], [11, 'StdVW', 'num', null], [[12, 12], 'StemSnapH', 'delta', null], [[12, 13], 'StemSnapV', 'delta', null], [[12, 14], 'ForceBold', 'num', 0], [[12, 17], 'LanguageGroup', 'num', 0], [[12, 18], 'ExpansionFactor', 'num', 0.06], [[12, 19], 'initialRandomSeed', 'num', 0], [20, 'defaultWidthX', 'num', 0], [21, 'nominalWidthX', 'num', 0], [19, 'Subrs', 'offset', null] ]; var tables = null; function CFFPrivateDict(strings) { if (tables === null) tables = CFFDict.createTables(layout); CFFDict.call(this, tables, strings); this.subrsIndex = null; } CFFPrivateDict.prototype = Object.create(CFFDict.prototype); return CFFPrivateDict; })(); var CFFCharsetPredefinedTypes = { ISO_ADOBE: 0, EXPERT: 1, EXPERT_SUBSET: 2 }; var CFFCharsetEmbeddedTypes = { FORMAT0: 0, FORMAT1: 1, FORMAT2: 2 }; var CFFCharset = (function CFFCharsetClosure() { function CFFCharset(predefined, format, charset, raw) { this.predefined = predefined; this.format = format; this.charset = charset; this.raw = raw; } return CFFCharset; })(); var CFFEncodingPredefinedTypes = { STANDARD: 0, EXPERT: 1 }; var CFFCharsetEmbeddedTypes = { FORMAT0: 0, FORMAT1: 1 }; var CFFEncoding = (function CFFEncodingClosure() { function CFFEncoding(predefined, format, encoding, raw) { this.predefined = predefined; this.format = format; this.encoding = encoding; this.raw = raw; } return CFFEncoding; })(); var CFFFDSelect = (function CFFFDSelectClosure() { function CFFFDSelect(fdSelect, raw) { this.fdSelect = fdSelect; this.raw = raw; } return CFFFDSelect; })(); // Helper class to keep track of where an offset is within the data and helps // filling in that offset once it's known. var CFFOffsetTracker = (function CFFOffsetTrackerClosure() { function CFFOffsetTracker() { this.offsets = {}; } CFFOffsetTracker.prototype = { isTracking: function CFFOffsetTracker_isTracking(key) { return key in this.offsets; }, track: function CFFOffsetTracker_track(key, location) { if (key in this.offsets) error('Already tracking location of ' + key); this.offsets[key] = location; }, offset: function CFFOffsetTracker_offset(value) { for (var key in this.offsets) { this.offsets[key] += value; } }, setEntryLocation: function CFFOffsetTracker_setEntryLocation(key, values, output) { if (!(key in this.offsets)) error('Not tracking location of ' + key); var data = output.data; var dataOffset = this.offsets[key]; var size = 5; for (var i = 0, ii = values.length; i < ii; ++i) { var offset0 = i * size + dataOffset; var offset1 = offset0 + 1; var offset2 = offset0 + 2; var offset3 = offset0 + 3; var offset4 = offset0 + 4; // It's easy to screw up offsets so perform this sanity check. if (data[offset0] !== 0x1d || data[offset1] !== 0 || data[offset2] !== 0 || data[offset3] !== 0 || data[offset4] !== 0) error('writing to an offset that is not empty'); var value = values[i]; data[offset0] = 0x1d; data[offset1] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF; data[offset2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; data[offset3] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; data[offset4] = value & 0xFF; } } }; return CFFOffsetTracker; })(); // Takes a CFF and converts it to the binary representation. var CFFCompiler = (function CFFCompilerClosure() { function stringToArray(str) { var array = []; for (var i = 0, ii = str.length; i < ii; ++i) array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); return array; } function CFFCompiler(cff) { this.cff = cff; } CFFCompiler.prototype = { compile: function CFFCompiler_compile() { var cff = this.cff; var output = { data: [], length: 0, add: function CFFCompiler_add(data) { this.data = this.data.concat(data); this.length = this.data.length; } }; // Compile the five entries that must be in order. var header = this.compileHeader(cff.header); output.add(header); var nameIndex = this.compileNameIndex(cff.names); output.add(nameIndex); if (cff.isCIDFont) { // The spec is unclear on how font matrices should relate to each other // when there is one in the main top dict and the sub top dicts. // Windows handles this differently than linux and osx so we have to // normalize to work on all. // Rules based off of some mailing list discussions: // - If main font has a matrix and subfont doesn't, use the main matrix. // - If no main font matrix and there is a subfont matrix, use the // subfont matrix. // - If both have matrices, concat together. // - If neither have matrices, use default. // To make this work on all platforms we move the top matrix into each // sub top dict and concat if necessary. if (cff.topDict.hasName('FontMatrix')) { var base = cff.topDict.getByName('FontMatrix'); cff.topDict.removeByName('FontMatrix'); for (var i = 0, ii = cff.fdArray.length; i < ii; i++) { var subDict = cff.fdArray[i]; var matrix = base.slice(0); if (subDict.hasName('FontMatrix')) { matrix = Util.transform(matrix, subDict.getByName('FontMatrix')); } subDict.setByName('FontMatrix', matrix); } } } var compiled = this.compileTopDicts([cff.topDict], output.length, cff.isCIDFont); output.add(compiled.output); var topDictTracker = compiled.trackers[0]; var stringIndex = this.compileStringIndex(cff.strings.strings); output.add(stringIndex); var globalSubrIndex = this.compileIndex(cff.globalSubrIndex); output.add(globalSubrIndex); // Now start on the other entries that have no specfic order. if (cff.encoding && cff.topDict.hasName('Encoding')) { if (cff.encoding.predefined) { topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('Encoding', [cff.encoding.format], output); } else { var encoding = this.compileEncoding(cff.encoding); topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('Encoding', [output.length], output); output.add(encoding); } } if (cff.charset && cff.topDict.hasName('charset')) { if (cff.charset.predefined) { topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('charset', [cff.charset.format], output); } else { var charset = this.compileCharset(cff.charset); topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('charset', [output.length], output); output.add(charset); } } var charStrings = this.compileCharStrings(cff.charStrings); topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('CharStrings', [output.length], output); output.add(charStrings); if (cff.isCIDFont) { // For some reason FDSelect must be in front of FDArray on windows. OSX // and linux don't seem to care. topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('FDSelect', [output.length], output); var fdSelect = this.compileFDSelect(cff.fdSelect.raw); output.add(fdSelect); // It is unclear if the sub font dictionary can have CID related // dictionary keys, but the sanitizer doesn't like them so remove them. var compiled = this.compileTopDicts(cff.fdArray, output.length, true); topDictTracker.setEntryLocation('FDArray', [output.length], output); output.add(compiled.output); var fontDictTrackers = compiled.trackers; this.compilePrivateDicts(cff.fdArray, fontDictTrackers, output); } this.compilePrivateDicts([cff.topDict], [topDictTracker], output); // If the font data ends with INDEX whose object data is zero-length, // the sanitizer will bail out. Add a dummy byte to avoid that. output.add([0]); return output.data; }, encodeNumber: function CFFCompiler_encodeNumber(value) { if (parseFloat(value) == parseInt(value, 10) && !isNaN(value)) // isInt return this.encodeInteger(value); else return this.encodeFloat(value); }, encodeFloat: function CFFCompiler_encodeFloat(num) { var value = num.toString(); // rounding inaccurate doubles var m = /\.(\d*?)(?:9{5,20}|0{5,20})\d{0,2}(?:e(.+)|$)/.exec(value); if (m) { var epsilon = parseFloat('1e' + ((m[2] ? +m[2] : 0) + m[1].length)); value = (Math.round(num * epsilon) / epsilon).toString(); } var nibbles = ''; for (var i = 0, ii = value.length; i < ii; ++i) { var a = value[i]; if (a === 'e') { nibbles += value[++i] === '-' ? 'c' : 'b'; } else if (a === '.') { nibbles += 'a'; } else if (a === '-') { nibbles += 'e'; } else { nibbles += a; } } nibbles += (nibbles.length & 1) ? 'f' : 'ff'; var out = [30]; for (var i = 0, ii = nibbles.length; i < ii; i += 2) { out.push(parseInt(nibbles.substr(i, 2), 16)); } return out; }, encodeInteger: function CFFCompiler_encodeInteger(value) { var code; if (value >= -107 && value <= 107) { code = [value + 139]; } else if (value >= 108 && value <= 1131) { value = [value - 108]; code = [(value >> 8) + 247, value & 0xFF]; } else if (value >= -1131 && value <= -108) { value = -value - 108; code = [(value >> 8) + 251, value & 0xFF]; } else if (value >= -32768 && value <= 32767) { code = [0x1c, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF]; } else { code = [0x1d, (value >> 24) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF]; } return code; }, compileHeader: function CFFCompiler_compileHeader(header) { return [ header.major, header.minor, header.hdrSize, header.offSize ]; }, compileNameIndex: function CFFCompiler_compileNameIndex(names) { var nameIndex = new CFFIndex(); for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; ++i) nameIndex.add(stringToArray(names[i])); return this.compileIndex(nameIndex); }, compileTopDicts: function CFFCompiler_compileTopDicts(dicts, length, removeCidKeys) { var fontDictTrackers = []; var fdArrayIndex = new CFFIndex(); for (var i = 0, ii = dicts.length; i < ii; ++i) { var fontDict = dicts[i]; if (removeCidKeys) { fontDict.removeByName('CIDFontVersion'); fontDict.removeByName('CIDFontRevision'); fontDict.removeByName('CIDFontType'); fontDict.removeByName('CIDCount'); fontDict.removeByName('UIDBase'); } var fontDictTracker = new CFFOffsetTracker(); var fontDictData = this.compileDict(fontDict, fontDictTracker); fontDictTrackers.push(fontDictTracker); fdArrayIndex.add(fontDictData); fontDictTracker.offset(length); } fdArrayIndex = this.compileIndex(fdArrayIndex, fontDictTrackers); return { trackers: fontDictTrackers, output: fdArrayIndex }; }, compilePrivateDicts: function CFFCompiler_compilePrivateDicts(dicts, trackers, output) { for (var i = 0, ii = dicts.length; i < ii; ++i) { var fontDict = dicts[i]; assert(fontDict.privateDict && fontDict.hasName('Private'), 'There must be an private dictionary.'); var privateDict = fontDict.privateDict; var privateDictTracker = new CFFOffsetTracker(); var privateDictData = this.compileDict(privateDict, privateDictTracker); var outputLength = output.length; privateDictTracker.offset(outputLength); if (!privateDictData.length) { // The private dictionary was empty, set the output length to zero to // ensure the offset length isn't out of bounds in the eyes of the // sanitizer. outputLength = 0; } trackers[i].setEntryLocation('Private', [privateDictData.length, outputLength], output); output.add(privateDictData); if (privateDict.subrsIndex && privateDict.hasName('Subrs')) { var subrs = this.compileIndex(privateDict.subrsIndex); privateDictTracker.setEntryLocation('Subrs', [privateDictData.length], output); output.add(subrs); } } }, compileDict: function CFFCompiler_compileDict(dict, offsetTracker) { var out = []; // The dictionary keys must be in a certain order. var order = dict.order; for (var i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) { var key = order[i]; if (!(key in dict.values)) continue; var values = dict.values[key]; var types = dict.types[key]; if (!isArray(types)) types = [types]; if (!isArray(values)) values = [values]; // Remove any empty dict values. if (values.length === 0) continue; for (var j = 0, jj = types.length; j < jj; ++j) { var type = types[j]; var value = values[j]; switch (type) { case 'num': case 'sid': out = out.concat(this.encodeNumber(value)); break; case 'offset': // For offsets we just insert a 32bit integer so we don't have to // deal with figuring out the length of the offset when it gets // replaced later on by the compiler. var name = dict.keyToNameMap[key]; // Some offsets have the offset and the length, so just record the // position of the first one. if (!offsetTracker.isTracking(name)) offsetTracker.track(name, out.length); out = out.concat([0x1d, 0, 0, 0, 0]); break; case 'array': case 'delta': out = out.concat(this.encodeNumber(value)); for (var k = 1, kk = values.length; k < kk; ++k) out = out.concat(this.encodeNumber(values[k])); break; default: error('Unknown data type of ' + type); break; } } out = out.concat(dict.opcodes[key]); } return out; }, compileStringIndex: function CFFCompiler_compileStringIndex(strings) { var stringIndex = new CFFIndex(); for (var i = 0, ii = strings.length; i < ii; ++i) stringIndex.add(stringToArray(strings[i])); return this.compileIndex(stringIndex); }, compileGlobalSubrIndex: function CFFCompiler_compileGlobalSubrIndex() { var globalSubrIndex = this.cff.globalSubrIndex; this.out.writeByteArray(this.compileIndex(globalSubrIndex)); }, compileCharStrings: function CFFCompiler_compileCharStrings(charStrings) { return this.compileIndex(charStrings); }, compileCharset: function CFFCompiler_compileCharset(charset) { return this.compileTypedArray(charset.raw); }, compileEncoding: function CFFCompiler_compileEncoding(encoding) { return this.compileTypedArray(encoding.raw); }, compileFDSelect: function CFFCompiler_compileFDSelect(fdSelect) { return this.compileTypedArray(fdSelect); }, compileTypedArray: function CFFCompiler_compileTypedArray(data) { var out = []; for (var i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; ++i) out[i] = data[i]; return out; }, compileIndex: function CFFCompiler_compileIndex(index, trackers) { trackers = trackers || []; var objects = index.objects; // First 2 bytes contains the number of objects contained into this index var count = objects.length; // If there is no object, just create an index. This technically // should just be [0, 0] but OTS has an issue with that. if (count === 0) return [0, 0, 0]; var data = [(count >> 8) & 0xFF, count & 0xff]; var lastOffset = 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) lastOffset += objects[i].length; var offsetSize; if (lastOffset < 0x100) offsetSize = 1; else if (lastOffset < 0x10000) offsetSize = 2; else if (lastOffset < 0x1000000) offsetSize = 3; else offsetSize = 4; // Next byte contains the offset size use to reference object in the file data.push(offsetSize); // Add another offset after this one because we need a new offset var relativeOffset = 1; for (var i = 0; i < count + 1; i++) { if (offsetSize === 1) { data.push(relativeOffset & 0xFF); } else if (offsetSize === 2) { data.push((relativeOffset >> 8) & 0xFF, relativeOffset & 0xFF); } else if (offsetSize === 3) { data.push((relativeOffset >> 16) & 0xFF, (relativeOffset >> 8) & 0xFF, relativeOffset & 0xFF); } else { data.push((relativeOffset >>> 24) & 0xFF, (relativeOffset >> 16) & 0xFF, (relativeOffset >> 8) & 0xFF, relativeOffset & 0xFF); } if (objects[i]) relativeOffset += objects[i].length; } var offset = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Notify the tracker where the object will be offset in the data. if (trackers[i]) trackers[i].offset(data.length); for (var j = 0, jj = objects[i].length; j < jj; j++) data.push(objects[i][j]); } return data; } }; return CFFCompiler; })(); // Workaround for seac on Windows. (function checkSeacSupport() { if (/Windows/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { SEAC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED = true; } })(); // Workaround for Private Use Area characters in Chrome on Windows // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=122465 // https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/1689 (function checkChromeWindows() { if (/Windows.*Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET = 0xF100; } })();