/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ 'use strict'; var WorkerPage = (function() { function constructor(workerPDF, page) { this.workerPDF = workerPDF; this.page = page; this.ref = page.ref; } constructor.prototype = { get width() { return this.page.width; }, get height() { return this.page.height; }, get stats() { return this.page.stats; }, startRendering: function(ctx, callback, errback) { this.ctx = ctx; this.callback = callback; // TODO: Place the worker magic HERE. // this.page.startRendering(ctx, callback, errback); this.startRenderingTime = Date.now(); this.workerPDF.startRendering(this) }, startRenderingFromIRQueue: function(IRQueue, fonts) { var gfx = new CanvasGraphics(this.ctx); var startTime = Date.now(); var callback = function(err) { var pageNum = this.page.pageNumber + 1; console.log("page=%d - rendering time: time=%dms", pageNum, Date.now() - startTime); console.log("page=%d - total time: time=%dms", pageNum, Date.now() - this.startRenderingTime); this.callback(err); }.bind(this); this.page.startRenderingFromIRQueue(gfx, IRQueue, fonts, callback); }, getLinks: function() { return this.page.getLinks(); } }; return constructor; })(); // This holds a list of objects the IR queue depends on. var Objects = { resolve: function(objId, data) { // In case there is a promise already on this object, just resolve it. if (Objects[objId]) { Objects[objId].resolve(data); } else { Objects[objId] = new Promise(objId, data); } }, get: function(objId) { var obj = Objects[objId]; if (!obj || !obj.isResolved) { throw "Requesting object that isn't resolved yet"; } return obj.data; } }; var Promise = (function() { function Promise(name, data) { this.name = name; // If you build a promise and pass in some data it's already resolved. if (data != null) { this.isResolved = true; this.data = data; } else { this.isResolved = false; } this.callbacks = []; }; Promise.prototype = { resolve: function(data) { console.log("resolve", this.name); if (this.isResolved) { throw "A Promise can be resolved only once"; } this.isResolved = true; this.data = data; var callbacks = this.callbacks; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i].call(null, data); } }, then: function(callback) { // If the promise is already resolved, call the callback directly. if (this.isResolved) { callback.call(null, this.data); } else { this.callbacks.push(callback); } } } return Promise; })(); var WorkerPDFDoc = (function() { function constructor(data) { this.data = data; this.stream = new Stream(data); this.pdf = new PDFDoc(this.stream); this.catalog = this.pdf.catalog; this.pageCache = []; var useWorker = true; if (useWorker) { var worker = new Worker("../worker/boot.js"); } else { // If we don't use a worker, just post/sendMessage to the main thread. var worker = { postMessage: function(obj) { worker.onmessage({data: obj}); } } } var handler = this.handler = new MessageHandler("main", worker); handler.on("page", function(data) { var pageNum = data.pageNum; var page = this.pageCache[pageNum]; page.startRenderingFromIRQueue(data.IRQueue, data.fonts); }, this); handler.on("obj", function(data) { var objId = data[0]; var objType = data[1]; switch (objType) { case "JpegStream": var IR = data[2]; new JpegStreamIR(objId, IR); break; case "Font": var name = data[2]; var file = data[3]; var properties = data[4]; console.log("got new font", name); var font = { name: name, file: file, properties: properties }; // Some fonts don't have a file, e.g. the build in ones like Arial. if (file) { var fontFileDict = new Dict(); fontFileDict.map = file.dict.map; var fontFile = new Stream(file.bytes, file.start, file.end - file.start, fontFileDict); // Check if this is a FlateStream. Otherwise just use the created // Stream one. This makes complex_ttf_font.pdf work. var cmf = file.bytes[0]; if ((cmf & 0x0f) == 0x08) { font.file = new FlateStream(fontFile); } else { font.file = fontFile; } } FontLoader.bind( [ font ], function(fontObjs) { var fontObj = fontObjs[0]; Objects.resolve(objId, fontObj); } ); break; default: throw "Got unkown object type " + objType; } }, this); if (!useWorker) { // If the main thread is our worker, setup the handling for the messages // the main thread sends to it self. WorkerHandler.setup(handler); } handler.send("doc", data); } constructor.prototype = { get numPages() { return this.pdf.numPages; }, startRendering: function(page) { this.handler.send("page_request", page.page.pageNumber + 1); }, getPage: function(n) { if (this.pageCache[n]) { return this.pageCache[n]; } var page = this.pdf.getPage(n); return this.pageCache[n] = new WorkerPage(this, page); } }; return constructor; })();