# pdf.js ## Overview pdf.js is an HTML5 technology experiment that explores building a faithful and efficient Portable Document Format (PDF) renderer without native code assistance. pdf.js is community-driven and supported by Mozilla Labs. Our goal is to create a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs, and eventually release a PDF reader extension powered by pdf.js. Integration with Firefox is a possibility if the experiment proves successful. ## Getting started ### Online demo For an online demo, visit: + http://andreasgal.github.com/pdf.js/web/viewer.html This demo provides an interactive interface for displaying and browsing PDFs using the pdf.js API. ### Getting the code To get a local copy of the current code, clone it using git: $ git clone git://github.com/andreasgal/pdf.js.git pdfjs $ cd pdfjs Next, you need to start a local web server as some browsers don't allow opening PDF files for a file:// url: $ make server If everything worked out, you can now serve + http://localhost:8888/web/viewer.html You can also view all the test pdf files on the right side serving + http://localhost:8888/test/pdfs/?frame ### Learning Here are some initial pointers to help contributors get off the ground. Additional resources are available in a separate section below. #### Introductory video Check out the presentation by our contributor Julian Viereck on the inner workings of PDF and pdf.js: + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv15UY-4Fg8 #### Hello world For a "hello world" example, take a look at: + [examples/helloworld/hello.js](https://github.com/andreasgal/pdf.js/blob/master/examples/helloworld/hello.js) This example illustrates the bare minimum ingredients for integrating pdf.js in a custom project. ## Contributing pdf.js is a community-driven project, so contributors are always welcome. Simply fork our repo and contribute away. A great place to start is our [open issues](https://github.com/andreasgal/pdf.js/issues). For better consistency and long-term stability, please do look around the code and try to follow our conventions. If you don't want to hack on the project or have short spare times, __you still can help!__ Just open PDFs in the [online demo](http://andreasgal.github.com/pdf.js/web/viewer.html) and report any breakage in rendering. Our Github contributors so far: + https://github.com/andreasgal/pdf.js/contributors You can add your name to it! :) ## Running the tests pdf.js comes with browser-level regression tests that allow one to probe whether it's able to successfully parse PDFs, as well as compare its output against reference images, pixel-by-pixel. To run the tests, first configure the browser manifest file at: test/resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json Sample manifests for different platforms are provided in that directory. To run all the bundled tests, type: $ make test and cross your fingers. Different types of tests are available, see the test manifest file at: test/test_manifest.json The test type `eq` tests whether the output images are identical to reference images. The test type `load` simply tests whether the file loads without raising any errors. ## Running tests through our bot If you are a reviewer, you can use our remote bot to issue comprehensive tests against reference images before merging pull requests. See the bot repo for details: + https://github.com/arturadib/pdf.js-bot ## Additional resources Our demo site is here: + http://andreasgal.github.com/pdf.js/web/viewer.html You can read more about pdf.js here: + http://andreasgal.com/2011/06/15/pdf-js/ + http://blog.mozilla.com/cjones/2011/06/15/overview-of-pdf-js-guts/ Talk to us on IRC: + #pdfjs on irc.mozilla.org Join our mailing list: + dev-pdf-js@lists.mozilla.org Subscribe either using lists.mozilla.org or Google Groups: + https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-pdf-js + https://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.pdf-js/topics Follow us on twitter: @pdfjs + http://twitter.com/#!/pdfjs ## PDF-related resources A really basic overview of PDF is described here: + http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/livecycle/lc_pdf_overview_format.pdf A more detailed file example: + http://gnupdf.org/Introduction_to_PDF The PDF specification itself is an ISO and not freely available. However, there is a "PDF Reference" from Adobe: + http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf Recommended chapters to read: "2. Overview", "3.4 File Structure", "4.1 Graphics Objects" that lists the PDF commands.