/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @typedef {import("./event_utils").EventBus} EventBus */ import { apiPageLayoutToViewerModes, RenderingStates } from "./ui_utils.js"; import { createPromiseCapability, shadow } from "pdfjs-lib"; /** * @typedef {Object} PDFScriptingManagerOptions * @property {EventBus} eventBus - The application event bus. * @property {string} sandboxBundleSrc - The path and filename of the scripting * bundle. * @property {Object} [scriptingFactory] - The factory that is used when * initializing scripting; must contain a `createScripting` method. * PLEASE NOTE: Primarily intended for the default viewer use-case. * @property {function} [docPropertiesLookup] - The function that is used to * lookup the necessary document properties. */ class PDFScriptingManager { /** * @param {PDFScriptingManagerOptions} options */ constructor({ eventBus, sandboxBundleSrc = null, scriptingFactory = null, docPropertiesLookup = null, }) { this._pdfDocument = null; this._pdfViewer = null; this._closeCapability = null; this._destroyCapability = null; this._scripting = null; this._mouseState = Object.create(null); this._ready = false; this._eventBus = eventBus; this._sandboxBundleSrc = sandboxBundleSrc; this._scriptingFactory = scriptingFactory; this._docPropertiesLookup = docPropertiesLookup; // The default viewer already handles adding/removing of DOM events, // hence limit this to only the viewer components. if ( typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("COMPONENTS") && !this._scriptingFactory ) { window.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", event => { this._eventBus.dispatch("updatefromsandbox", { source: window, detail: event.detail, }); }); } } setViewer(pdfViewer) { this._pdfViewer = pdfViewer; } async setDocument(pdfDocument) { if (this._pdfDocument) { await this._destroyScripting(); } this._pdfDocument = pdfDocument; if (!pdfDocument) { return; } const [objects, calculationOrder, docActions] = await Promise.all([ pdfDocument.getFieldObjects(), pdfDocument.getCalculationOrderIds(), pdfDocument.getJSActions(), ]); if (!objects && !docActions) { // No FieldObjects or JavaScript actions were found in the document. await this._destroyScripting(); return; } if (pdfDocument !== this._pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the data resolved. } try { this._scripting = this._createScripting(); } catch (error) { console.error(`PDFScriptingManager.setDocument: "${error?.message}".`); await this._destroyScripting(); return; } this._internalEvents.set("updatefromsandbox", event => { if (event?.source !== window) { return; } this._updateFromSandbox(event.detail); }); this._internalEvents.set("dispatcheventinsandbox", event => { this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox(event.detail); }); this._internalEvents.set("pagechanging", ({ pageNumber, previous }) => { if (pageNumber === previous) { return; // The current page didn't change. } this._dispatchPageClose(previous); this._dispatchPageOpen(pageNumber); }); this._internalEvents.set("pagerendered", ({ pageNumber }) => { if (!this._pageOpenPending.has(pageNumber)) { return; // No pending "PageOpen" event for the newly rendered page. } if (pageNumber !== this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber) { return; // The newly rendered page is no longer the current one. } this._dispatchPageOpen(pageNumber); }); this._internalEvents.set("pagesdestroy", async event => { await this._dispatchPageClose(this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber); await this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "WillClose", }); this._closeCapability?.resolve(); }); this._domEvents.set("mousedown", event => { this._mouseState.isDown = true; }); this._domEvents.set("mouseup", event => { this._mouseState.isDown = false; }); for (const [name, listener] of this._internalEvents) { this._eventBus._on(name, listener); } for (const [name, listener] of this._domEvents) { window.addEventListener(name, listener, true); } try { const docProperties = await this._getDocProperties(); if (pdfDocument !== this._pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the properties resolved. } await this._scripting.createSandbox({ objects, calculationOrder, appInfo: { platform: navigator.platform, language: navigator.language, }, docInfo: { ...docProperties, actions: docActions, }, }); this._eventBus.dispatch("sandboxcreated", { source: this }); } catch (error) { console.error(`PDFScriptingManager.setDocument: "${error?.message}".`); await this._destroyScripting(); return; } await this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "Open", }); await this._dispatchPageOpen( this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber, /* initialize = */ true ); // Defer this slightly, to ensure that scripting is *fully* initialized. Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (pdfDocument === this._pdfDocument) { this._ready = true; } }); } async dispatchWillSave(detail) { return this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "WillSave", }); } async dispatchDidSave(detail) { return this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "DidSave", }); } async dispatchWillPrint(detail) { return this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "WillPrint", }); } async dispatchDidPrint(detail) { return this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "doc", name: "DidPrint", }); } get mouseState() { return this._mouseState; } get destroyPromise() { return this._destroyCapability?.promise || null; } get ready() { return this._ready; } /** * @private */ get _internalEvents() { return shadow(this, "_internalEvents", new Map()); } /** * @private */ get _domEvents() { return shadow(this, "_domEvents", new Map()); } /** * @private */ get _pageOpenPending() { return shadow(this, "_pageOpenPending", new Set()); } /** * @private */ get _visitedPages() { return shadow(this, "_visitedPages", new Map()); } /** * @private */ async _updateFromSandbox(detail) { // Ignore some events, see below, that don't make sense in PresentationMode. const isInPresentationMode = this._pdfViewer.isInPresentationMode || this._pdfViewer.isChangingPresentationMode; const { id, siblings, command, value } = detail; if (!id) { switch (command) { case "clear": console.clear(); break; case "error": console.error(value); break; case "layout": if (isInPresentationMode) { return; } const modes = apiPageLayoutToViewerModes(value); this._pdfViewer.spreadMode = modes.spreadMode; break; case "page-num": this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = value + 1; break; case "print": await this._pdfViewer.pagesPromise; this._eventBus.dispatch("print", { source: this }); break; case "println": console.log(value); break; case "zoom": if (isInPresentationMode) { return; } this._pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = value; break; case "SaveAs": this._eventBus.dispatch("download", { source: this }); break; case "FirstPage": this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = 1; break; case "LastPage": this._pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = this._pdfViewer.pagesCount; break; case "NextPage": this._pdfViewer.nextPage(); break; case "PrevPage": this._pdfViewer.previousPage(); break; case "ZoomViewIn": if (isInPresentationMode) { return; } this._pdfViewer.increaseScale(); break; case "ZoomViewOut": if (isInPresentationMode) { return; } this._pdfViewer.decreaseScale(); break; } return; } if (isInPresentationMode) { if (detail.focus) { return; } } delete detail.id; delete detail.siblings; const ids = siblings ? [id, ...siblings] : [id]; for (const elementId of ids) { const element = document.getElementById(elementId); if (element) { element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("updatefromsandbox", { detail })); } else { // The element hasn't been rendered yet, use the AnnotationStorage. this._pdfDocument?.annotationStorage.setValue(elementId, detail); } } } /** * @private */ async _dispatchPageOpen(pageNumber, initialize = false) { const pdfDocument = this._pdfDocument, visitedPages = this._visitedPages; if (initialize) { this._closeCapability = createPromiseCapability(); } if (!this._closeCapability) { return; // Scripting isn't fully initialized yet. } const pageView = this._pdfViewer.getPageView(/* index = */ pageNumber - 1); if (pageView?.renderingState !== RenderingStates.FINISHED) { this._pageOpenPending.add(pageNumber); return; // Wait for the page to finish rendering. } this._pageOpenPending.delete(pageNumber); const actionsPromise = (async () => { // Avoid sending, and thus serializing, the `actions` data more than once. const actions = await (!visitedPages.has(pageNumber) ? pageView.pdfPage?.getJSActions() : null); if (pdfDocument !== this._pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the actions resolved. } await this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "page", name: "PageOpen", pageNumber, actions, }); })(); visitedPages.set(pageNumber, actionsPromise); } /** * @private */ async _dispatchPageClose(pageNumber) { const pdfDocument = this._pdfDocument, visitedPages = this._visitedPages; if (!this._closeCapability) { return; // Scripting isn't fully initialized yet. } if (this._pageOpenPending.has(pageNumber)) { return; // The page is still rendering; no "PageOpen" event dispatched. } const actionsPromise = visitedPages.get(pageNumber); if (!actionsPromise) { return; // The "PageClose" event must be preceded by a "PageOpen" event. } visitedPages.set(pageNumber, null); // Ensure that the "PageOpen" event is dispatched first. await actionsPromise; if (pdfDocument !== this._pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the actions resolved. } await this._scripting?.dispatchEventInSandbox({ id: "page", name: "PageClose", pageNumber, }); } /** * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise that is resolved with an {Object} * containing the necessary document properties; please find the expected * format in `PDFViewerApplication._scriptingDocProperties`. * @private */ async _getDocProperties() { if (this._docPropertiesLookup) { return this._docPropertiesLookup(this._pdfDocument); } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("COMPONENTS")) { const { docPropertiesLookup } = require("./generic_scripting.js"); return docPropertiesLookup(this._pdfDocument); } throw new Error("_getDocProperties: Unable to lookup properties."); } /** * @private */ _createScripting() { this._destroyCapability = createPromiseCapability(); if (this._scripting) { throw new Error("_createScripting: Scripting already exists."); } if (this._scriptingFactory) { return this._scriptingFactory.createScripting({ sandboxBundleSrc: this._sandboxBundleSrc, }); } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("COMPONENTS")) { const { GenericScripting } = require("./generic_scripting.js"); return new GenericScripting(this._sandboxBundleSrc); } throw new Error("_createScripting: Cannot create scripting."); } /** * @private */ async _destroyScripting() { if (!this._scripting) { this._pdfDocument = null; this._destroyCapability?.resolve(); return; } if (this._closeCapability) { await Promise.race([ this._closeCapability.promise, new Promise(resolve => { // Avoid the scripting/sandbox-destruction hanging indefinitely. setTimeout(resolve, 1000); }), ]).catch(reason => { // Ignore any errors, to ensure that the sandbox is always destroyed. }); this._closeCapability = null; } this._pdfDocument = null; try { await this._scripting.destroySandbox(); } catch (ex) {} for (const [name, listener] of this._internalEvents) { this._eventBus._off(name, listener); } this._internalEvents.clear(); for (const [name, listener] of this._domEvents) { window.removeEventListener(name, listener, true); } this._domEvents.clear(); this._pageOpenPending.clear(); this._visitedPages.clear(); this._scripting = null; delete this._mouseState.isDown; this._ready = false; this._destroyCapability?.resolve(); } } export { PDFScriptingManager };