import json, os, sys, subprocess, urllib2 from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from urlparse import urlparse def prompt(question): '''Return True iff the user answered "yes" to |question|.''' inp = raw_input(question +' [yes/no] > ') return inp == 'yes' ANAL = True DEFAULT_MANIFEST_FILE = 'test_manifest.json' EQLOG_FILE = 'eq.log' REFDIR = 'ref' TMPDIR = 'tmp' VERBOSE = False MIMEs = { '.css': 'text/css', '.html': 'text/html', '.js': 'application/javascript', '.json': 'application/json', '.pdf': 'application/pdf', '.xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml', } class State: browsers = [ ] manifest = { } taskResults = { } remaining = 0 results = { } done = False masterMode = False numErrors = 0 numEqFailures = 0 numEqNoSnapshot = 0 numFBFFailures = 0 numLoadFailures = 0 eqLog = None class Result: def __init__(self, snapshot, failure): self.snapshot = snapshot self.failure = failure class PDFTestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): # Disable annoying noise by default def log_request(code=0, size=0): if VERBOSE: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request(code, size) def do_GET(self): url = urlparse(self.path) # Ignore query string path, _ = url.path, url.query cwd = os.getcwd() path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(cwd + os.sep + path)) cwd = os.path.abspath(cwd) prefix = os.path.commonprefix(( path, cwd )) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if not (prefix == cwd and os.path.isfile(path) and ext in MIMEs): self.send_error(404) return if 'Range' in self.headers: # TODO for fetch-as-you-go self.send_error(501) return self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Type", MIMEs[ext]) self.end_headers() # Sigh, os.sendfile() plz f = open(path) self.wfile.write( f.close() def do_POST(self): numBytes = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() result = json.loads( browser, id, failure, round, page, snapshot = result['browser'], result['id'], result['failure'], result['round'], result['page'], result['snapshot'] taskResults = State.taskResults[browser][id] taskResults[round].append(Result(snapshot, failure)) assert len(taskResults[round]) == page if result['taskDone']: check(State.manifest[id], taskResults, browser) # Please oh please GC this ... del State.taskResults[browser][id] State.remaining -= 1 State.done = (0 == State.remaining) def setUp(manifestFile, masterMode): # Only serve files from a pdf.js clone assert not ANAL or os.path.isfile('pdf.js') and os.path.isdir('.git') State.masterMode = masterMode if masterMode and os.path.isdir(TMPDIR): print 'Temporary snapshot dir tmp/ is still around.' print 'tmp/ can be removed if it has nothing you need.' if prompt('SHOULD THIS SCRIPT REMOVE tmp/? THINK CAREFULLY'): 'rm', '-rf', 'tmp' )) assert not os.path.isdir(TMPDIR) testBrowsers = [ b for b in ( 'firefox5', 'firefox6', ) #'chrome12', 'chrome13', 'firefox4', 'opera11' ): if os.access(b, os.R_OK | os.X_OK) ] mf = open(manifestFile) manifestList = json.load(mf) mf.close() for item in manifestList: f, isLink = item['file'], item.get('link', False) if isLink and not os.access(f, os.R_OK): linkFile = open(f +'.link') link = linkFile.close() sys.stdout.write('Downloading '+ link +' to '+ f +' ...') sys.stdout.flush() response = urllib2.urlopen(link) out = open(f, 'w') out.write( out.close() print 'done' for b in testBrowsers: State.taskResults[b] = { } for item in manifestList: id, rounds = item['id'], int(item['rounds']) State.manifest[id] = item taskResults = [ ] for r in xrange(rounds): taskResults.append([ ]) State.taskResults[b][id] = taskResults State.remaining = len(testBrowsers) * len(manifestList) for b in testBrowsers: print 'Launching', b qs = 'browser='+ b +'&manifestFile='+ manifestFile subprocess.Popen(( os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(b)), 'http://localhost:8080/test_slave.html?'+ qs)) def check(task, results, browser): failed = False for r in xrange(len(results)): pageResults = results[r] for p in xrange(len(pageResults)): pageResult = pageResults[p] if pageResult is None: continue failure = pageResult.failure if failure: failed = True State.numErrors += 1 print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed', task['id'], '| in', browser, '| page', p + 1, 'round', r, '|', failure if failed: return kind = task['type'] if 'eq' == kind: checkEq(task, results, browser) elif 'fbf' == kind: checkFBF(task, results, browser) elif 'load' == kind: checkLoad(task, results, browser) else: assert 0 and 'Unknown test type' def checkEq(task, results, browser): pfx = os.path.join(REFDIR, sys.platform, browser, task['id']) results = results[0] taskId = task['id'] passed = True for page in xrange(len(results)): snapshot = results[page].snapshot ref = None eq = True path = os.path.join(pfx, str(page + 1)) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): print 'WARNING: no reference snapshot', path State.numEqNoSnapshot += 1 else: f = open(path) ref = f.close() eq = (ref == snapshot) if not eq: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | eq', taskId, '| in', browser, '| rendering of page', page + 1, '!= reference rendering' # XXX need to dump this always, somehow, when we have # the reference repository if State.masterMode: if not State.eqLog: State.eqLog = open(EQLOG_FILE, 'w') eqLog = State.eqLog # NB: this follows the format of Mozilla reftest # output so that we can reuse its reftest-analyzer # script print >>eqLog, 'REFTEST TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL |', browser +'-'+ taskId +'-page'+ str(page + 1), '| image comparison (==)' print >>eqLog, 'REFTEST IMAGE 1 (TEST):', snapshot print >>eqLog, 'REFTEST IMAGE 2 (REFERENCE):', ref passed = False State.numEqFailures += 1 if State.masterMode and (ref is None or not eq): tmpTaskDir = os.path.join(TMPDIR, sys.platform, browser, task['id']) try: os.makedirs(tmpTaskDir) except OSError, e: pass of = open(os.path.join(tmpTaskDir, str(page + 1)), 'w') of.write(snapshot) of.close() if passed: print 'TEST-PASS | eq test', task['id'], '| in', browser def checkFBF(task, results, browser): round0, round1 = results[0], results[1] assert len(round0) == len(round1) passed = True for page in xrange(len(round1)): r0Page, r1Page = round0[page], round1[page] if r0Page is None: break if r0Page.snapshot != r1Page.snapshot: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | forward-back-forward test', task['id'], '| in', browser, '| first rendering of page', page + 1, '!= second' passed = False State.numFBFFailures += 1 if passed: print 'TEST-PASS | forward-back-forward test', task['id'], '| in', browser def checkLoad(task, results, browser): # Load just checks for absence of failure, so if we got here the # test has passed print 'TEST-PASS | load test', task['id'], '| in', browser def processResults(): print '' numErrors, numEqFailures, numEqNoSnapshot, numFBFFailures = State.numErrors, State.numEqFailures, State.numEqNoSnapshot, State.numFBFFailures numFatalFailures = (numErrors + numFBFFailures) if 0 == numEqFailures and 0 == numFatalFailures: print 'All tests passed.' else: print 'OHNOES! Some tests failed!' if 0 < numErrors: print ' errors:', numErrors if 0 < numEqFailures: print ' different ref/snapshot:', numEqFailures if 0 < numFBFFailures: print ' different first/second rendering:', numFBFFailures if State.masterMode and (0 < numEqFailures or 0 < numEqNoSnapshot): print "Some eq tests failed or didn't have snapshots." print 'Checking to see if master references can be updated...' if 0 < numFatalFailures: print ' No. Some non-eq tests failed.' else: ' Yes! The references in tmp/ can be synced with ref/.' if not prompt('Would you like to update the master copy in ref/?'): print ' OK, not updating.' else: sys.stdout.write(' Updating ... ') # XXX unclear what to do on errors here ... # NB: do *NOT* pass --delete to rsync. That breaks this # entire scheme. subprocess.check_call(( 'rsync', '-arv', 'tmp/', 'ref/' )) print 'done' def main(args): masterMode = False manifestFile = DEFAULT_MANIFEST_FILE if len(args) == 1: masterMode = (args[0] == '-m') manifestFile = args[0] if not masterMode else manifestFile setUp(manifestFile, masterMode) server = HTTPServer(('', 8080), PDFTestHandler) while not State.done: server.handle_request() processResults() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])