/* * Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-disable no-var */ import { copySubtreeSync, ensureDirSync, removeDirSync } from "./testutils.mjs"; import { downloadManifestFiles, verifyManifestFiles, } from "./downloadutils.mjs"; import dns from "dns"; import fs from "fs"; import os from "os"; import path from "path"; import puppeteer from "puppeteer"; import readline from "readline"; import rimraf from "rimraf"; import { translateFont } from "./font/ttxdriver.mjs"; import url from "url"; import { WebServer } from "./webserver.mjs"; import yargs from "yargs"; const rimrafSync = rimraf.sync; // Chrome uses host `` in the browser's websocket endpoint URL while // Firefox uses `localhost`, which before Node.js 17 also resolved to the IPv4 // address `` by Node.js' DNS resolver. However, this behavior changed // in Node.js 17 where the default is to prefer an IPv6 address if one is // offered (which varies based on the OS and/or how the `localhost` hostname // resolution is configured), so it can now also resolve to `::1`. This causes // Firefox to not start anymore since it doesn't bind on the `::1` interface. // To avoid this, we switch Node.js' DNS resolver back to preferring IPv4 // since we connect to a local browser anyway. Only do this for Node.js versions // that actually have this API since it got introduced in Node.js 14.18.0 and // it's not relevant for older versions anyway. if (dns.setDefaultResultOrder !== undefined) { dns.setDefaultResultOrder("ipv4first"); } function parseOptions() { const parsedArgs = yargs(process.argv) .usage("Usage: $0") .option("downloadOnly", { default: false, describe: "Download test PDFs without running the tests.", type: "boolean", }) .option("fontTest", { default: false, describe: "Run the font tests.", type: "boolean", }) .option("help", { alias: "h", default: false, describe: "Show this help message.", type: "boolean", }) .option("integration", { default: false, describe: "Run the integration tests.", type: "boolean", }) .option("manifestFile", { default: "test_manifest.json", describe: "A path to JSON file in the form of `test_manifest.json`.", type: "string", }) .option("masterMode", { alias: "m", default: false, describe: "Run the script in master mode.", type: "boolean", }) .option("noChrome", { default: false, describe: "Skip Chrome when running tests.", type: "boolean", }) .option("noDownload", { default: false, describe: "Skip downloading of test PDFs.", type: "boolean", }) .option("noPrompts", { default: false, describe: "Uses default answers (intended for CLOUD TESTS only!).", type: "boolean", }) .option("port", { default: 0, describe: "The port the HTTP server should listen on.", type: "number", }) .option("reftest", { default: false, describe: "Automatically start reftest showing comparison test failures, if there are any.", type: "boolean", }) .option("statsDelay", { default: 0, describe: "The amount of time in milliseconds the browser should wait before starting stats.", type: "number", }) .option("statsFile", { default: "", describe: "The file where to store stats.", type: "string", }) .option("strictVerify", { default: false, describe: "Error if verifying the manifest files fails.", type: "boolean", }) .option("testfilter", { alias: "t", default: [], describe: "Run specific reftest(s).", type: "array", }) .example( "testfilter", "$0 -t=issue5567 -t=issue5909\n" + "Run the reftest identified by issue5567 and issue5909." ) .option("unitTest", { default: false, describe: "Run the unit tests.", type: "boolean", }) .option("xfaOnly", { default: false, describe: "Only run the XFA reftest(s).", type: "boolean", }) .check(argv => { if ( +argv.reftest + argv.unitTest + argv.fontTest + argv.masterMode <= 1 ) { return true; } throw new Error( "--reftest, --unitTest, --fontTest, and --masterMode must not be specified together." ); }) .check(argv => { if ( +argv.unitTest + argv.fontTest + argv.integration + argv.xfaOnly <= 1 ) { return true; } throw new Error( "--unitTest, --fontTest, --integration, and --xfaOnly must not be specified together." ); }) .check(argv => { if (argv.testfilter && argv.testfilter.length > 0 && argv.xfaOnly) { throw new Error("--testfilter and --xfaOnly cannot be used together."); } return true; }) .check(argv => { if (!argv.noDownload || !argv.downloadOnly) { return true; } throw new Error( "--noDownload and --downloadOnly cannot be used together." ); }) .check(argv => { if (!argv.masterMode || argv.manifestFile === "test_manifest.json") { return true; } throw new Error( "when --masterMode is specified --manifestFile shall be equal to `test_manifest.json`." ); }); const result = parsedArgs.argv; result.testfilter = Array.isArray(result.testfilter) ? result.testfilter : [result.testfilter]; return result; } var refsTmpDir = "tmp"; var testResultDir = "test_snapshots"; var refsDir = "ref"; var eqLog = "eq.log"; var browserTimeout = 120; function monitorBrowserTimeout(session, onTimeout) { if (session.timeoutMonitor) { clearTimeout(session.timeoutMonitor); } if (!onTimeout) { session.timeoutMonitor = null; return; } session.timeoutMonitor = setTimeout(function () { onTimeout(session); }, browserTimeout * 1000); } function updateRefImages() { function sync(removeTmp) { console.log(" Updating ref/ ... "); copySubtreeSync(refsTmpDir, refsDir); if (removeTmp) { removeDirSync(refsTmpDir); } console.log("done"); } if (options.noPrompts) { sync(false); // don't remove tmp/ for botio return; } const reader = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); reader.question( "Would you like to update the master copy in ref/? [yn] ", function (answer) { if (answer.toLowerCase() === "y") { sync(true); } else { console.log(" OK, not updating."); } reader.close(); } ); } function examineRefImages() { startServer(); const startUrl = `http://${host}:${server.port}/test/resources/reftest-analyzer.html#web=/test/eq.log`; startBrowser("firefox", startUrl).then(function (browser) { browser.on("disconnected", function () { stopServer(); process.exit(0); }); }); } function startRefTest(masterMode, showRefImages) { function finalize() { stopServer(); let numRuns = 0; var numErrors = 0; var numFBFFailures = 0; var numEqFailures = 0; var numEqNoSnapshot = 0; sessions.forEach(function (session) { numRuns += session.numRuns; numErrors += session.numErrors; numFBFFailures += session.numFBFFailures; numEqFailures += session.numEqFailures; numEqNoSnapshot += session.numEqNoSnapshot; }); var numFatalFailures = numErrors + numFBFFailures; console.log(); if (!numRuns) { console.log(`OHNOES! No tests ran!`); } else if (numFatalFailures + numEqFailures > 0) { console.log("OHNOES! Some tests failed!"); if (numErrors > 0) { console.log(" errors: " + numErrors); } if (numEqFailures > 0) { console.log(" different ref/snapshot: " + numEqFailures); } if (numFBFFailures > 0) { console.log(" different first/second rendering: " + numFBFFailures); } } else { console.log("All regression tests passed."); } var runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000; console.log("Runtime was " + runtime.toFixed(1) + " seconds"); if (options.statsFile) { fs.writeFileSync(options.statsFile, JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)); } if (masterMode) { if (numEqFailures + numEqNoSnapshot > 0) { console.log(); console.log("Some eq tests failed or didn't have snapshots."); console.log("Checking to see if master references can be updated..."); if (numFatalFailures > 0) { console.log(" No. Some non-eq tests failed."); } else { console.log( " Yes! The references in tmp/ can be synced with ref/." ); updateRefImages(); } } } else if (showRefImages && numEqFailures > 0) { console.log(); console.log( `Starting reftest harness to examine ${numEqFailures} eq test failures.` ); examineRefImages(); } } async function setup() { if (fs.existsSync(refsTmpDir)) { console.error("tmp/ exists -- unable to proceed with testing"); process.exit(1); } if (fs.existsSync(eqLog)) { fs.unlinkSync(eqLog); } if (fs.existsSync(testResultDir)) { removeDirSync(testResultDir); } startTime = Date.now(); startServer(); server.hooks.POST.push(refTestPostHandler); onAllSessionsClosed = finalize; const startUrl = `http://${host}:${server.port}/test/test_slave.html`; await startBrowsers(function (session) { session.masterMode = masterMode; session.taskResults = {}; session.tasks = {}; session.remaining = manifest.length; manifest.forEach(function (item) { var rounds = item.rounds || 1; var roundsResults = []; roundsResults.length = rounds; session.taskResults[item.id] = roundsResults; session.tasks[item.id] = item; }); session.numRuns = 0; session.numErrors = 0; session.numFBFFailures = 0; session.numEqNoSnapshot = 0; session.numEqFailures = 0; monitorBrowserTimeout(session, handleSessionTimeout); }, makeTestUrl(startUrl)); } function checkRefsTmp() { if (masterMode && fs.existsSync(refsTmpDir)) { if (options.noPrompts) { removeDirSync(refsTmpDir); setup(); return; } console.log("Temporary snapshot dir tmp/ is still around."); console.log("tmp/ can be removed if it has nothing you need."); const reader = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); reader.question( "SHOULD THIS SCRIPT REMOVE tmp/? THINK CAREFULLY [yn] ", function (answer) { if (answer.toLowerCase() === "y") { removeDirSync(refsTmpDir); } setup(); reader.close(); } ); } else { setup(); } } var startTime; var manifest = getTestManifest(); if (!manifest) { return; } if (options.noDownload) { checkRefsTmp(); } else { ensurePDFsDownloaded(checkRefsTmp); } } function handleSessionTimeout(session) { if (session.closed) { return; } var browser = session.name; console.log( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed " + browser + " has not responded in " + browserTimeout + "s" ); session.numErrors += session.remaining; session.remaining = 0; closeSession(browser); } function getTestManifest() { var manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(options.manifestFile)); const testFilter = options.testfilter.slice(0), xfaOnly = options.xfaOnly; if (testFilter.length || xfaOnly) { manifest = manifest.filter(function (item) { var i = testFilter.indexOf(item.id); if (i !== -1) { testFilter.splice(i, 1); return true; } if (xfaOnly && item.enableXfa) { return true; } return false; }); if (testFilter.length) { console.error("Unrecognized test IDs: " + testFilter.join(" ")); return undefined; } } return manifest; } function checkEq(task, results, browser, masterMode) { var taskId = task.id; var refSnapshotDir = path.join(refsDir, os.platform(), browser, taskId); var testSnapshotDir = path.join( testResultDir, os.platform(), browser, taskId ); var pageResults = results[0]; var taskType = task.type; var numEqNoSnapshot = 0; var numEqFailures = 0; for (var page = 0; page < pageResults.length; page++) { if (!pageResults[page]) { continue; } const pageResult = pageResults[page]; let testSnapshot = pageResult.snapshot; if (testSnapshot && testSnapshot.startsWith("data:image/png;base64,")) { testSnapshot = Buffer.from(testSnapshot.substring(22), "base64"); } else { console.error("Valid snapshot was not found."); } var refSnapshot = null; var eq = false; var refPath = path.join(refSnapshotDir, page + 1 + ".png"); if (!fs.existsSync(refPath)) { numEqNoSnapshot++; if (!masterMode) { console.log("WARNING: no reference snapshot " + refPath); } } else { refSnapshot = fs.readFileSync(refPath); eq = refSnapshot.toString("hex") === testSnapshot.toString("hex"); if (!eq) { console.log( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | " + taskType + " " + taskId + " | in " + browser + " | rendering of page " + (page + 1) + " != reference rendering" ); ensureDirSync(testSnapshotDir); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testSnapshotDir, page + 1 + ".png"), testSnapshot ); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testSnapshotDir, page + 1 + "_ref.png"), refSnapshot ); // This no longer follows the format of Mozilla reftest output. const viewportString = `(${pageResult.viewportWidth}x${pageResult.viewportHeight}x${pageResult.outputScale})`; fs.appendFileSync( eqLog, "REFTEST TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | " + browser + "-" + taskId + "-page" + (page + 1) + " | image comparison (==)\n" + `REFTEST IMAGE 1 (TEST)${viewportString}: ` + path.join(testSnapshotDir, page + 1 + ".png") + "\n" + `REFTEST IMAGE 2 (REFERENCE)${viewportString}: ` + path.join(testSnapshotDir, page + 1 + "_ref.png") + "\n" ); numEqFailures++; } } if (masterMode && (!refSnapshot || !eq)) { var tmpSnapshotDir = path.join( refsTmpDir, os.platform(), browser, taskId ); ensureDirSync(tmpSnapshotDir); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(tmpSnapshotDir, page + 1 + ".png"), testSnapshot ); } } var session = getSession(browser); session.numEqNoSnapshot += numEqNoSnapshot; if (numEqFailures > 0) { session.numEqFailures += numEqFailures; } else { console.log( "TEST-PASS | " + taskType + " test " + taskId + " | in " + browser ); } } function checkFBF(task, results, browser, masterMode) { var numFBFFailures = 0; var round0 = results[0], round1 = results[1]; if (round0.length !== round1.length) { console.error("round 1 and 2 sizes are different"); } for (var page = 0; page < round1.length; page++) { var r0Page = round0[page], r1Page = round1[page]; if (!r0Page) { continue; } if (r0Page.snapshot !== r1Page.snapshot) { // The FBF tests fail intermittently in Firefox and Google Chrome when run // on the bots, ignoring `makeref` failures for now; see // - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/pull/12368 // - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/pull/11491 // // TODO: Figure out why this happens, so that we can remove the hack; see // https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/12371 if (masterMode) { console.log( "TEST-SKIPPED | forward-back-forward test " + task.id + " | in " + browser + " | page" + (page + 1) ); continue; } console.log( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | forward-back-forward test " + task.id + " | in " + browser + " | first rendering of page " + (page + 1) + " != second" ); numFBFFailures++; } } if (numFBFFailures > 0) { getSession(browser).numFBFFailures += numFBFFailures; } else { console.log( "TEST-PASS | forward-back-forward test " + task.id + " | in " + browser ); } } function checkLoad(task, results, browser) { // Load just checks for absence of failure, so if we got here the // test has passed console.log("TEST-PASS | load test " + task.id + " | in " + browser); } function checkRefTestResults(browser, id, results) { var failed = false; var session = getSession(browser); var task = session.tasks[id]; session.numRuns++; results.forEach(function (roundResults, round) { roundResults.forEach(function (pageResult, page) { if (!pageResult) { return; // no results } if (pageResult.failure) { failed = true; if (fs.existsSync(task.file + ".error")) { console.log( "TEST-SKIPPED | PDF was not downloaded " + id + " | in " + browser + " | page" + (page + 1) + " round " + (round + 1) + " | " + pageResult.failure ); } else { session.numErrors++; console.log( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed " + id + " | in " + browser + " | page" + (page + 1) + " round " + (round + 1) + " | " + pageResult.failure ); } } }); }); if (failed) { return; } switch (task.type) { case "eq": case "text": checkEq(task, results, browser, session.masterMode); break; case "fbf": checkFBF(task, results, browser, session.masterMode); break; case "load": checkLoad(task, results, browser); break; default: throw new Error("Unknown test type"); } // clear memory results.forEach(function (roundResults, round) { roundResults.forEach(function (pageResult, page) { pageResult.snapshot = null; }); }); } function refTestPostHandler(req, res) { var parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url, true); var pathname = parsedUrl.pathname; if ( pathname !== "/tellMeToQuit" && pathname !== "/info" && pathname !== "/submit_task_results" ) { return false; } var body = ""; req.on("data", function (data) { body += data; }); req.on("end", function () { res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); res.end(); var session; if (pathname === "/tellMeToQuit") { session = getSession(parsedUrl.query.browser); monitorBrowserTimeout(session, null); closeSession(session.name); return; } var data = JSON.parse(body); if (pathname === "/info") { console.log(data.message); return; } var browser = data.browser; var round = data.round; var id = data.id; var page = data.page - 1; var failure = data.failure; var snapshot = data.snapshot; var lastPageNum = data.lastPageNum; session = getSession(browser); monitorBrowserTimeout(session, handleSessionTimeout); var taskResults = session.taskResults[id]; if (!taskResults[round]) { taskResults[round] = []; } if (taskResults[round][page]) { console.error( "Results for " + browser + ":" + id + ":" + round + ":" + page + " were already submitted" ); // TODO abort testing here? } taskResults[round][page] = { failure, snapshot, viewportWidth: data.viewportWidth, viewportHeight: data.viewportHeight, outputScale: data.outputScale, }; if (stats) { stats.push({ browser, pdf: id, page, round, stats: data.stats, }); } var isDone = taskResults.at(-1) && taskResults.at(-1)[lastPageNum - 1]; if (isDone) { checkRefTestResults(browser, id, taskResults); session.remaining--; } }); return true; } function onAllSessionsClosedAfterTests(name) { const startTime = Date.now(); return function () { stopServer(); var numRuns = 0, numErrors = 0; sessions.forEach(function (session) { numRuns += session.numRuns; numErrors += session.numErrors; }); console.log(); console.log("Run " + numRuns + " tests"); if (!numRuns) { console.log(`OHNOES! No ${name} tests ran!`); } else if (numErrors > 0) { console.log("OHNOES! Some " + name + " tests failed!"); console.log(" " + numErrors + " of " + numRuns + " failed"); } else { console.log("All " + name + " tests passed."); } var runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000; console.log(name + " tests runtime was " + runtime.toFixed(1) + " seconds"); }; } function makeTestUrl(startUrl) { return function (browserName) { const queryParameters = `?browser=${encodeURIComponent(browserName)}` + `&manifestFile=${encodeURIComponent("/test/" + options.manifestFile)}` + `&testFilter=${JSON.stringify(options.testfilter)}` + `&xfaOnly=${options.xfaOnly}` + `&delay=${options.statsDelay}` + `&masterMode=${options.masterMode}`; return startUrl + queryParameters; }; } async function startUnitTest(testUrl, name) { onAllSessionsClosed = onAllSessionsClosedAfterTests(name); startServer(); server.hooks.POST.push(unitTestPostHandler); const startUrl = `http://${host}:${server.port}${testUrl}`; await startBrowsers(function (session) { session.numRuns = 0; session.numErrors = 0; }, makeTestUrl(startUrl)); } async function startIntegrationTest() { onAllSessionsClosed = onAllSessionsClosedAfterTests("integration"); startServer(); const { runTests } = await import("./integration-boot.mjs"); await startBrowsers(function (session) { session.numRuns = 0; session.numErrors = 0; }); global.integrationBaseUrl = `http://${host}:${server.port}/build/generic/web/viewer.html`; global.integrationSessions = sessions; const results = { runs: 0, failures: 0 }; await runTests(results); sessions[0].numRuns = results.runs; sessions[0].numErrors = results.failures; await Promise.all(sessions.map(session => closeSession(session.name))); } function unitTestPostHandler(req, res) { var parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url); var pathname = parsedUrl.pathname; if ( pathname !== "/tellMeToQuit" && pathname !== "/info" && pathname !== "/ttx" && pathname !== "/submit_task_results" ) { return false; } var body = ""; req.on("data", function (data) { body += data; }); req.on("end", function () { if (pathname === "/ttx") { var onCancel = null, ttxTimeout = 10000; var timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { onCancel?.("TTX timeout"); }, ttxTimeout); translateFont( body, function (fn) { onCancel = fn; }, function (err, xml) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/xml" }); res.end(err ? "<error>" + err + "</error>" : xml); } ); return; } res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); res.end(); var data = JSON.parse(body); if (pathname === "/tellMeToQuit") { closeSession(data.browser); return; } if (pathname === "/info") { console.log(data.message); return; } var session = getSession(data.browser); session.numRuns++; var message = data.status + " | " + data.description + " | in " + session.name; if (data.status === "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") { session.numErrors++; } if (data.error) { message += " | " + data.error; } console.log(message); }); return true; } async function startBrowser(browserName, startUrl = "") { const options = { product: browserName, headless: false, defaultViewport: null, ignoreDefaultArgs: ["--disable-extensions"], // The timeout for individual protocol (CDP) calls should always be lower // than the Jasmine timeout. This way protocol errors are always raised in // the context of the tests that actually triggered them and don't leak // through to other tests (causing unrelated failures or tracebacks). protocolTimeout: /* jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = */ 30000 - 1000, }; if (!tempDir) { tempDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "pdfjs-")); } const printFile = path.join(tempDir, "print.pdf"); if (browserName === "chrome") { // avoid crash options.args = ["--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox"]; // silent printing in a pdf options.args.push("--kiosk-printing"); } if (browserName === "firefox") { options.extraPrefsFirefox = { // avoid to have a prompt when leaving a page with a form "dom.disable_beforeunload": true, // Disable dialog when saving a pdf "pdfjs.disabled": true, "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk": "application/pdf", // Avoid popup when saving is done "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types": true, "browser.download.panel.shown": true, "browser.download.alwaysOpenPanel": false, // Save file in output "browser.download.folderList": 2, "browser.download.dir": tempDir, // Print silently in a pdf "print.always_print_silent": true, "print.show_print_progress": false, print_printer: "PDF", "print.printer_PDF.print_to_file": true, "print.printer_PDF.print_to_filename": printFile, // Enable OffscreenCanvas "gfx.offscreencanvas.enabled": true, // Disable gpu acceleration "gfx.canvas.accelerated": false, // Enable the `round` CSS function. "layout.css.round.enabled": true, // This allow to copy some data in the clipboard. "dom.events.asyncClipboard.clipboardItem": true, }; } const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options); if (startUrl) { const pages = await browser.pages(); const page = pages[0]; await page.goto(startUrl, { timeout: 0, waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" }); } return browser; } async function startBrowsers(initSessionCallback, makeStartUrl = null) { // Remove old browser revisions from Puppeteer's cache. Updating Puppeteer can // cause new browser revisions to be downloaded, so trimming the cache will // prevent the disk from filling up over time. await puppeteer.trimCache(); const browserNames = options.noChrome ? ["firefox"] : ["firefox", "chrome"]; sessions = []; for (const browserName of browserNames) { // The session must be pushed first and augmented with the browser once // it's initialized. The reason for this is that browser initialization // takes more time when the browser is not found locally yet and we don't // want `onAllSessionsClosed` to trigger if one of the browsers is done // and the other one is still initializing, since that would mean that // once the browser is initialized the server would have stopped already. // Pushing the session first ensures that `onAllSessionsClosed` will // only trigger once all browsers are initialized and done. const session = { name: browserName, browser: undefined, closed: false, }; sessions.push(session); const startUrl = makeStartUrl ? makeStartUrl(browserName) : ""; await startBrowser(browserName, startUrl) .then(function (browser) { session.browser = browser; initSessionCallback?.(session); }) .catch(function (ex) { console.log(`Error while starting ${browserName}: ${ex.message}`); closeSession(browserName); }); } } function startServer() { server = new WebServer(); server.host = host; server.port = options.port; server.root = ".."; server.cacheExpirationTime = 3600; server.start(); } function stopServer() { server.stop(); } function getSession(browser) { return sessions.find(session => session.name === browser); } async function closeSession(browser) { for (const session of sessions) { if (session.name !== browser) { continue; } if (session.browser !== undefined) { for (const page of await session.browser.pages()) { await page.close(); } await session.browser.close(); } session.closed = true; const allClosed = sessions.every(function (s) { return s.closed; }); if (allClosed) { if (tempDir) { rimrafSync(tempDir); } onAllSessionsClosed?.(); } } } function ensurePDFsDownloaded(callback) { var manifest = getTestManifest(); downloadManifestFiles(manifest, function () { verifyManifestFiles(manifest, function (hasErrors) { if (hasErrors) { console.log( "Unable to verify the checksum for the files that are " + "used for testing." ); console.log( "Please re-download the files, or adjust the MD5 " + "checksum in the manifest for the files listed above.\n" ); if (options.strictVerify) { process.exit(1); } } callback(); }); }); } function main() { if (options.statsFile) { stats = []; } if (options.downloadOnly) { ensurePDFsDownloaded(function () {}); } else if (options.unitTest) { // Allows linked PDF files in unit-tests as well. ensurePDFsDownloaded(function () { startUnitTest("/test/unit/unit_test.html", "unit"); }); } else if (options.fontTest) { startUnitTest("/test/font/font_test.html", "font"); } else if (options.integration) { // Allows linked PDF files in integration-tests as well. ensurePDFsDownloaded(function () { startIntegrationTest(); }); } else { startRefTest(options.masterMode, options.reftest); } } var server; var sessions; var onAllSessionsClosed; var host = ""; var options = parseOptions(); var stats; var tempDir = null; main();