/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { FormatError, info, isBool, isEvalSupported, shadow, unreachable, } from "../shared/util.js"; import { isDict, isStream } from "./primitives.js"; import { PostScriptLexer, PostScriptParser } from "./ps_parser.js"; let IsEvalSupportedCached = { get value() { return shadow(this, "value", isEvalSupported()); }, }; class PDFFunctionFactory { constructor({ xref, isEvalSupported = true }) { this.xref = xref; this.isEvalSupported = isEvalSupported !== false; } create(fn) { return PDFFunction.parse({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.isEvalSupported, fn, }); } createFromArray(fnObj) { return PDFFunction.parseArray({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.isEvalSupported, fnObj, }); } } function toNumberArray(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { return null; } const length = arr.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (typeof arr[i] !== "number") { // Non-number is found -- convert all items to numbers. const result = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = +arr[i]; } return result; } } return arr; } var PDFFunction = (function PDFFunctionClosure() { const CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED = 0; const CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED = 2; const CONSTRUCT_STICHED = 3; const CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT = 4; return { getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, stream) { var i, ii; var length = 1; for (i = 0, ii = size.length; i < ii; i++) { length *= size[i]; } length *= outputSize; var array = new Array(length); var codeSize = 0; var codeBuf = 0; // 32 is a valid bps so shifting won't work var sampleMul = 1.0 / (Math.pow(2.0, bps) - 1); var strBytes = stream.getBytes((length * bps + 7) / 8); var strIdx = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { while (codeSize < bps) { codeBuf <<= 8; codeBuf |= strBytes[strIdx++]; codeSize += 8; } codeSize -= bps; array[i] = (codeBuf >> codeSize) * sampleMul; codeBuf &= (1 << codeSize) - 1; } return array; }, getIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn }) { var dict = fn.dict; if (!dict) { dict = fn; } var types = [ this.constructSampled, null, this.constructInterpolated, this.constructStiched, this.constructPostScript, ]; var typeNum = dict.get("FunctionType"); var typeFn = types[typeNum]; if (!typeFn) { throw new FormatError("Unknown type of function"); } return typeFn.call(this, { xref, isEvalSupported, fn, dict }); }, fromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }) { var type = IR[0]; switch (type) { case CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED: return this.constructSampledFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }); case CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED: return this.constructInterpolatedFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR, }); case CONSTRUCT_STICHED: return this.constructStichedFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }); // case CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT: default: return this.constructPostScriptFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }); } }, parse({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn }) { let IR = this.getIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn }); return this.fromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }); }, parseArray({ xref, isEvalSupported, fnObj }) { if (!Array.isArray(fnObj)) { // not an array -- parsing as regular function return this.parse({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn: fnObj }); } var fnArray = []; for (var j = 0, jj = fnObj.length; j < jj; j++) { fnArray.push( this.parse({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn: xref.fetchIfRef(fnObj[j]) }) ); } return function(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { for (var i = 0, ii = fnArray.length; i < ii; i++) { fnArray[i](src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset + i); } }; }, constructSampled({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn, dict }) { function toMultiArray(arr) { var inputLength = arr.length; var out = []; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < inputLength; i += 2) { out[index] = [arr[i], arr[i + 1]]; ++index; } return out; } var domain = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Domain")); var range = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Range")); if (!domain || !range) { throw new FormatError("No domain or range"); } var inputSize = domain.length / 2; var outputSize = range.length / 2; domain = toMultiArray(domain); range = toMultiArray(range); var size = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Size")); var bps = dict.get("BitsPerSample"); var order = dict.get("Order") || 1; if (order !== 1) { // No description how cubic spline interpolation works in PDF32000:2008 // As in poppler, ignoring order, linear interpolation may work as good info("No support for cubic spline interpolation: " + order); } var encode = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Encode")); if (!encode) { encode = []; for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) { encode.push([0, size[i] - 1]); } } else { encode = toMultiArray(encode); } var decode = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Decode")); if (!decode) { decode = range; } else { decode = toMultiArray(decode); } var samples = this.getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, fn); return [ CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED, inputSize, domain, encode, decode, samples, size, outputSize, Math.pow(2, bps) - 1, range, ]; }, constructSampledFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }) { // See chapter 3, page 109 of the PDF reference function interpolate(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) { return ymin + (x - xmin) * ((ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin)); } return function constructSampledFromIRResult( src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset ) { // See chapter 3, page 110 of the PDF reference. var m = IR[1]; var domain = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var decode = IR[4]; var samples = IR[5]; var size = IR[6]; var n = IR[7]; // var mask = IR[8]; var range = IR[9]; // Building the cube vertices: its part and sample index // http://rjwagner49.com/Mathematics/Interpolation.pdf var cubeVertices = 1 << m; var cubeN = new Float64Array(cubeVertices); var cubeVertex = new Uint32Array(cubeVertices); var i, j; for (j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) { cubeN[j] = 1; } var k = n, pos = 1; // Map x_i to y_j for 0 <= i < m using the sampled function. for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { // x_i' = min(max(x_i, Domain_2i), Domain_2i+1) var domain_2i = domain[i][0]; var domain_2i_1 = domain[i][1]; var xi = Math.min( Math.max(src[srcOffset + i], domain_2i), domain_2i_1 ); // e_i = Interpolate(x_i', Domain_2i, Domain_2i+1, // Encode_2i, Encode_2i+1) var e = interpolate( xi, domain_2i, domain_2i_1, encode[i][0], encode[i][1] ); // e_i' = min(max(e_i, 0), Size_i - 1) var size_i = size[i]; e = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), size_i - 1); // Adjusting the cube: N and vertex sample index var e0 = e < size_i - 1 ? Math.floor(e) : e - 1; // e1 = e0 + 1; var n0 = e0 + 1 - e; // (e1 - e) / (e1 - e0); var n1 = e - e0; // (e - e0) / (e1 - e0); var offset0 = e0 * k; var offset1 = offset0 + k; // e1 * k for (j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) { if (j & pos) { cubeN[j] *= n1; cubeVertex[j] += offset1; } else { cubeN[j] *= n0; cubeVertex[j] += offset0; } } k *= size_i; pos <<= 1; } for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { // Sum all cube vertices' samples portions var rj = 0; for (i = 0; i < cubeVertices; i++) { rj += samples[cubeVertex[i] + j] * cubeN[i]; } // r_j' = Interpolate(r_j, 0, 2^BitsPerSample - 1, // Decode_2j, Decode_2j+1) rj = interpolate(rj, 0, 1, decode[j][0], decode[j][1]); // y_j = min(max(r_j, range_2j), range_2j+1) dest[destOffset + j] = Math.min( Math.max(rj, range[j][0]), range[j][1] ); } }; }, constructInterpolated({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn, dict }) { var c0 = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("C0")) || [0]; var c1 = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("C1")) || [1]; var n = dict.get("N"); var length = c0.length; var diff = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { diff.push(c1[i] - c0[i]); } return [CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED, c0, diff, n]; }, constructInterpolatedFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }) { var c0 = IR[1]; var diff = IR[2]; var n = IR[3]; var length = diff.length; return function constructInterpolatedFromIRResult( src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset ) { var x = n === 1 ? src[srcOffset] : Math.pow(src[srcOffset], n); for (var j = 0; j < length; ++j) { dest[destOffset + j] = c0[j] + x * diff[j]; } }; }, constructStiched({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn, dict }) { var domain = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Domain")); if (!domain) { throw new FormatError("No domain"); } var inputSize = domain.length / 2; if (inputSize !== 1) { throw new FormatError("Bad domain for stiched function"); } var fnRefs = dict.get("Functions"); var fns = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fnRefs.length; i < ii; ++i) { fns.push( this.parse({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn: xref.fetchIfRef(fnRefs[i]) }) ); } var bounds = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Bounds")); var encode = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Encode")); return [CONSTRUCT_STICHED, domain, bounds, encode, fns]; }, constructStichedFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }) { var domain = IR[1]; var bounds = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var fns = IR[4]; var tmpBuf = new Float32Array(1); return function constructStichedFromIRResult( src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset ) { var clip = function constructStichedFromIRClip(v, min, max) { if (v > max) { v = max; } else if (v < min) { v = min; } return v; }; // clip to domain var v = clip(src[srcOffset], domain[0], domain[1]); // calculate which bound the value is in for (var i = 0, ii = bounds.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (v < bounds[i]) { break; } } // encode value into domain of function var dmin = domain[0]; if (i > 0) { dmin = bounds[i - 1]; } var dmax = domain[1]; if (i < bounds.length) { dmax = bounds[i]; } var rmin = encode[2 * i]; var rmax = encode[2 * i + 1]; // Prevent the value from becoming NaN as a result // of division by zero (fixes issue6113.pdf). tmpBuf[0] = dmin === dmax ? rmin : rmin + ((v - dmin) * (rmax - rmin)) / (dmax - dmin); // call the appropriate function fns[i](tmpBuf, 0, dest, destOffset); }; }, constructPostScript({ xref, isEvalSupported, fn, dict }) { var domain = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Domain")); var range = toNumberArray(dict.getArray("Range")); if (!domain) { throw new FormatError("No domain."); } if (!range) { throw new FormatError("No range."); } var lexer = new PostScriptLexer(fn); var parser = new PostScriptParser(lexer); var code = parser.parse(); return [CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT, domain, range, code]; }, constructPostScriptFromIR({ xref, isEvalSupported, IR }) { var domain = IR[1]; var range = IR[2]; var code = IR[3]; if (isEvalSupported && IsEvalSupportedCached.value) { let compiled = new PostScriptCompiler().compile(code, domain, range); if (compiled) { // Compiled function consists of simple expressions such as addition, // subtraction, Math.max, and also contains 'var' and 'return' // statements. See the generation in the PostScriptCompiler below. // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func return new Function( "src", "srcOffset", "dest", "destOffset", compiled ); } } info("Unable to compile PS function"); var numOutputs = range.length >> 1; var numInputs = domain.length >> 1; var evaluator = new PostScriptEvaluator(code); // Cache the values for a big speed up, the cache size is limited though // since the number of possible values can be huge from a PS function. var cache = Object.create(null); // The MAX_CACHE_SIZE is set to ~4x the maximum number of distinct values // seen in our tests. var MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 2048 * 4; var cache_available = MAX_CACHE_SIZE; var tmpBuf = new Float32Array(numInputs); return function constructPostScriptFromIRResult( src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset ) { var i, value; var key = ""; var input = tmpBuf; for (i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { value = src[srcOffset + i]; input[i] = value; key += value + "_"; } var cachedValue = cache[key]; if (cachedValue !== undefined) { dest.set(cachedValue, destOffset); return; } var output = new Float32Array(numOutputs); var stack = evaluator.execute(input); var stackIndex = stack.length - numOutputs; for (i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { value = stack[stackIndex + i]; var bound = range[i * 2]; if (value < bound) { value = bound; } else { bound = range[i * 2 + 1]; if (value > bound) { value = bound; } } output[i] = value; } if (cache_available > 0) { cache_available--; cache[key] = output; } dest.set(output, destOffset); }; }, }; })(); function isPDFFunction(v) { var fnDict; if (typeof v !== "object") { return false; } else if (isDict(v)) { fnDict = v; } else if (isStream(v)) { fnDict = v.dict; } else { return false; } return fnDict.has("FunctionType"); } var PostScriptStack = (function PostScriptStackClosure() { var MAX_STACK_SIZE = 100; function PostScriptStack(initialStack) { this.stack = !initialStack ? [] : Array.prototype.slice.call(initialStack, 0); } PostScriptStack.prototype = { push: function PostScriptStack_push(value) { if (this.stack.length >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) { throw new Error("PostScript function stack overflow."); } this.stack.push(value); }, pop: function PostScriptStack_pop() { if (this.stack.length <= 0) { throw new Error("PostScript function stack underflow."); } return this.stack.pop(); }, copy: function PostScriptStack_copy(n) { if (this.stack.length + n >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) { throw new Error("PostScript function stack overflow."); } var stack = this.stack; for (var i = stack.length - n, j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--, i++) { stack.push(stack[i]); } }, index: function PostScriptStack_index(n) { this.push(this.stack[this.stack.length - n - 1]); }, // rotate the last n stack elements p times roll: function PostScriptStack_roll(n, p) { var stack = this.stack; var l = stack.length - n; var r = stack.length - 1, c = l + (p - Math.floor(p / n) * n), i, j, t; for (i = l, j = r; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } for (i = l, j = c - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } for (i = c, j = r; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } }, }; return PostScriptStack; })(); var PostScriptEvaluator = (function PostScriptEvaluatorClosure() { function PostScriptEvaluator(operators) { this.operators = operators; } PostScriptEvaluator.prototype = { execute: function PostScriptEvaluator_execute(initialStack) { var stack = new PostScriptStack(initialStack); var counter = 0; var operators = this.operators; var length = operators.length; var operator, a, b; while (counter < length) { operator = operators[counter++]; if (typeof operator === "number") { // Operator is really an operand and should be pushed to the stack. stack.push(operator); continue; } switch (operator) { // non standard ps operators case "jz": // jump if false b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (!a) { counter = b; } break; case "j": // jump a = stack.pop(); counter = a; break; // all ps operators in alphabetical order (excluding if/ifelse) case "abs": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.abs(a)); break; case "add": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a + b); break; case "and": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) { stack.push(a && b); } else { stack.push(a & b); } break; case "atan": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.atan(a)); break; case "bitshift": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (a > 0) { stack.push(a << b); } else { stack.push(a >> b); } break; case "ceiling": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.ceil(a)); break; case "copy": a = stack.pop(); stack.copy(a); break; case "cos": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.cos(a)); break; case "cvi": a = stack.pop() | 0; stack.push(a); break; case "cvr": // noop break; case "div": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a / b); break; case "dup": stack.copy(1); break; case "eq": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a === b); break; case "exch": stack.roll(2, 1); break; case "exp": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.pow(a, b)); break; case "false": stack.push(false); break; case "floor": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.floor(a)); break; case "ge": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a >= b); break; case "gt": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a > b); break; case "idiv": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push((a / b) | 0); break; case "index": a = stack.pop(); stack.index(a); break; case "le": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a <= b); break; case "ln": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.log(a)); break; case "log": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.log(a) / Math.LN10); break; case "lt": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a < b); break; case "mod": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a % b); break; case "mul": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a * b); break; case "ne": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a !== b); break; case "neg": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(-a); break; case "not": a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a)) { stack.push(!a); } else { stack.push(~a); } break; case "or": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) { stack.push(a || b); } else { stack.push(a | b); } break; case "pop": stack.pop(); break; case "roll": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.roll(a, b); break; case "round": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.round(a)); break; case "sin": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.sin(a)); break; case "sqrt": a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.sqrt(a)); break; case "sub": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a - b); break; case "true": stack.push(true); break; case "truncate": a = stack.pop(); a = a < 0 ? Math.ceil(a) : Math.floor(a); stack.push(a); break; case "xor": b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) { stack.push(a !== b); } else { stack.push(a ^ b); } break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unknown operator ${operator}`); } } return stack.stack; }, }; return PostScriptEvaluator; })(); // Most of the PDFs functions consist of simple operations such as: // roll, exch, sub, cvr, pop, index, dup, mul, if, gt, add. // // We can compile most of such programs, and at the same moment, we can // optimize some expressions using basic math properties. Keeping track of // min/max values will allow us to avoid extra Math.min/Math.max calls. var PostScriptCompiler = (function PostScriptCompilerClosure() { function AstNode(type) { this.type = type; } AstNode.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { unreachable("abstract method"); }; function AstArgument(index, min, max) { AstNode.call(this, "args"); this.index = index; this.min = min; this.max = max; } AstArgument.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstArgument.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitArgument(this); }; function AstLiteral(number) { AstNode.call(this, "literal"); this.number = number; this.min = number; this.max = number; } AstLiteral.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstLiteral.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitLiteral(this); }; function AstBinaryOperation(op, arg1, arg2, min, max) { AstNode.call(this, "binary"); this.op = op; this.arg1 = arg1; this.arg2 = arg2; this.min = min; this.max = max; } AstBinaryOperation.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstBinaryOperation.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitBinaryOperation(this); }; function AstMin(arg, max) { AstNode.call(this, "max"); this.arg = arg; this.min = arg.min; this.max = max; } AstMin.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstMin.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitMin(this); }; function AstVariable(index, min, max) { AstNode.call(this, "var"); this.index = index; this.min = min; this.max = max; } AstVariable.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstVariable.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitVariable(this); }; function AstVariableDefinition(variable, arg) { AstNode.call(this, "definition"); this.variable = variable; this.arg = arg; } AstVariableDefinition.prototype = Object.create(AstNode.prototype); AstVariableDefinition.prototype.visit = function(visitor) { visitor.visitVariableDefinition(this); }; function ExpressionBuilderVisitor() { this.parts = []; } ExpressionBuilderVisitor.prototype = { visitArgument(arg) { this.parts.push( "Math.max(", arg.min, ", Math.min(", arg.max, ", src[srcOffset + ", arg.index, "]))" ); }, visitVariable(variable) { this.parts.push("v", variable.index); }, visitLiteral(literal) { this.parts.push(literal.number); }, visitBinaryOperation(operation) { this.parts.push("("); operation.arg1.visit(this); this.parts.push(" ", operation.op, " "); operation.arg2.visit(this); this.parts.push(")"); }, visitVariableDefinition(definition) { this.parts.push("var "); definition.variable.visit(this); this.parts.push(" = "); definition.arg.visit(this); this.parts.push(";"); }, visitMin(max) { this.parts.push("Math.min("); max.arg.visit(this); this.parts.push(", ", max.max, ")"); }, toString() { return this.parts.join(""); }, }; function buildAddOperation(num1, num2) { if (num2.type === "literal" && num2.number === 0) { // optimization: second operand is 0 return num1; } if (num1.type === "literal" && num1.number === 0) { // optimization: first operand is 0 return num2; } if (num2.type === "literal" && num1.type === "literal") { // optimization: operands operand are literals return new AstLiteral(num1.number + num2.number); } return new AstBinaryOperation( "+", num1, num2, num1.min + num2.min, num1.max + num2.max ); } function buildMulOperation(num1, num2) { if (num2.type === "literal") { // optimization: second operands is a literal... if (num2.number === 0) { return new AstLiteral(0); // and it's 0 } else if (num2.number === 1) { return num1; // and it's 1 } else if (num1.type === "literal") { // ... and first operands is a literal too return new AstLiteral(num1.number * num2.number); } } if (num1.type === "literal") { // optimization: first operands is a literal... if (num1.number === 0) { return new AstLiteral(0); // and it's 0 } else if (num1.number === 1) { return num2; // and it's 1 } } var min = Math.min( num1.min * num2.min, num1.min * num2.max, num1.max * num2.min, num1.max * num2.max ); var max = Math.max( num1.min * num2.min, num1.min * num2.max, num1.max * num2.min, num1.max * num2.max ); return new AstBinaryOperation("*", num1, num2, min, max); } function buildSubOperation(num1, num2) { if (num2.type === "literal") { // optimization: second operands is a literal... if (num2.number === 0) { return num1; // ... and it's 0 } else if (num1.type === "literal") { // ... and first operands is a literal too return new AstLiteral(num1.number - num2.number); } } if ( num2.type === "binary" && num2.op === "-" && num1.type === "literal" && num1.number === 1 && num2.arg1.type === "literal" && num2.arg1.number === 1 ) { // optimization for case: 1 - (1 - x) return num2.arg2; } return new AstBinaryOperation( "-", num1, num2, num1.min - num2.max, num1.max - num2.min ); } function buildMinOperation(num1, max) { if (num1.min >= max) { // optimization: num1 min value is not less than required max return new AstLiteral(max); // just returning max } else if (num1.max <= max) { // optimization: num1 max value is not greater than required max return num1; // just returning an argument } return new AstMin(num1, max); } function PostScriptCompiler() {} PostScriptCompiler.prototype = { compile: function PostScriptCompiler_compile(code, domain, range) { var stack = []; var i, ii; var instructions = []; var inputSize = domain.length >> 1, outputSize = range.length >> 1; var lastRegister = 0; var n, j; var num1, num2, ast1, ast2, tmpVar, item; for (i = 0; i < inputSize; i++) { stack.push(new AstArgument(i, domain[i * 2], domain[i * 2 + 1])); } for (i = 0, ii = code.length; i < ii; i++) { item = code[i]; if (typeof item === "number") { stack.push(new AstLiteral(item)); continue; } switch (item) { case "add": if (stack.length < 2) { return null; } num2 = stack.pop(); num1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(buildAddOperation(num1, num2)); break; case "cvr": if (stack.length < 1) { return null; } break; case "mul": if (stack.length < 2) { return null; } num2 = stack.pop(); num1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(buildMulOperation(num1, num2)); break; case "sub": if (stack.length < 2) { return null; } num2 = stack.pop(); num1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(buildSubOperation(num1, num2)); break; case "exch": if (stack.length < 2) { return null; } ast1 = stack.pop(); ast2 = stack.pop(); stack.push(ast1, ast2); break; case "pop": if (stack.length < 1) { return null; } stack.pop(); break; case "index": if (stack.length < 1) { return null; } num1 = stack.pop(); if (num1.type !== "literal") { return null; } n = num1.number; if (n < 0 || !Number.isInteger(n) || stack.length < n) { return null; } ast1 = stack[stack.length - n - 1]; if (ast1.type === "literal" || ast1.type === "var") { stack.push(ast1); break; } tmpVar = new AstVariable(lastRegister++, ast1.min, ast1.max); stack[stack.length - n - 1] = tmpVar; stack.push(tmpVar); instructions.push(new AstVariableDefinition(tmpVar, ast1)); break; case "dup": if (stack.length < 1) { return null; } if ( typeof code[i + 1] === "number" && code[i + 2] === "gt" && code[i + 3] === i + 7 && code[i + 4] === "jz" && code[i + 5] === "pop" && code[i + 6] === code[i + 1] ) { // special case of the commands sequence for the min operation num1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(buildMinOperation(num1, code[i + 1])); i += 6; break; } ast1 = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (ast1.type === "literal" || ast1.type === "var") { // we don't have to save into intermediate variable a literal or // variable. stack.push(ast1); break; } tmpVar = new AstVariable(lastRegister++, ast1.min, ast1.max); stack[stack.length - 1] = tmpVar; stack.push(tmpVar); instructions.push(new AstVariableDefinition(tmpVar, ast1)); break; case "roll": if (stack.length < 2) { return null; } num2 = stack.pop(); num1 = stack.pop(); if (num2.type !== "literal" || num1.type !== "literal") { // both roll operands must be numbers return null; } j = num2.number; n = num1.number; if ( n <= 0 || !Number.isInteger(n) || !Number.isInteger(j) || stack.length < n ) { // ... and integers return null; } j = ((j % n) + n) % n; if (j === 0) { break; // just skipping -- there are nothing to rotate } Array.prototype.push.apply( stack, stack.splice(stack.length - n, n - j) ); break; default: return null; // unsupported operator } } if (stack.length !== outputSize) { return null; } var result = []; instructions.forEach(function(instruction) { var statementBuilder = new ExpressionBuilderVisitor(); instruction.visit(statementBuilder); result.push(statementBuilder.toString()); }); stack.forEach(function(expr, i) { var statementBuilder = new ExpressionBuilderVisitor(); expr.visit(statementBuilder); var min = range[i * 2], max = range[i * 2 + 1]; var out = [statementBuilder.toString()]; if (min > expr.min) { out.unshift("Math.max(", min, ", "); out.push(")"); } if (max < expr.max) { out.unshift("Math.min(", max, ", "); out.push(")"); } out.unshift("dest[destOffset + ", i, "] = "); out.push(";"); result.push(out.join("")); }); return result.join("\n"); }, }; return PostScriptCompiler; })(); export { isPDFFunction, PDFFunctionFactory, PostScriptEvaluator, PostScriptCompiler, };