/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Dict, Name, Ref } from "../../src/core/primitives.js"; import { incrementalUpdate, writeDict } from "../../src/core/writer.js"; import { bytesToString } from "../../src/shared/util.js"; import { StringStream } from "../../src/core/stream.js"; describe("Writer", function () { describe("Incremental update", function () { it("should update a file with new objects", async function () { const originalData = new Uint8Array(); const newRefs = [ { ref: Ref.get(123, 0x2d), data: "abc\n" }, { ref: Ref.get(456, 0x4e), data: "defg\n" }, ]; const xrefInfo = { newRef: Ref.get(789, 0), startXRef: 314, fileIds: ["id", ""], rootRef: null, infoRef: null, encryptRef: null, filename: "foo.pdf", info: {}, }; let data = await incrementalUpdate({ originalData, xrefInfo, newRefs }); data = bytesToString(data); const expected = "\nabc\n" + "defg\n" + "789 0 obj\n" + "<< /Size 790 /Prev 314 /Type /XRef /Index [0 1 123 1 456 1 789 1] " + "/ID [(id) (\x01#Eg\x89\xab\xcd\xef\xfe\xdc\xba\x98vT2\x10)] " + "/W [1 1 2] /Length 16>> stream\n" + "\x00\x01\xff\xff" + "\x01\x01\x00\x2d" + "\x01\x05\x00\x4e" + "\x01\x0a\x00\x00\n" + "endstream\n" + "endobj\n" + "startxref\n" + "10\n" + "%%EOF\n"; expect(data).toEqual(expected); }); it("should update a file, missing the /ID-entry, with new objects", async function () { const originalData = new Uint8Array(); const newRefs = [{ ref: Ref.get(123, 0x2d), data: "abc\n" }]; const xrefInfo = { newRef: Ref.get(789, 0), startXRef: 314, fileIds: null, rootRef: null, infoRef: null, encryptRef: null, filename: "foo.pdf", info: {}, }; let data = await incrementalUpdate({ originalData, xrefInfo, newRefs }); data = bytesToString(data); const expected = "\nabc\n" + "789 0 obj\n" + "<< /Size 790 /Prev 314 /Type /XRef /Index [0 1 123 1 789 1] " + "/W [1 1 2] /Length 12>> stream\n" + "\x00\x01\xff\xff" + "\x01\x01\x00\x2d" + "\x01\x05\x00\x00\n" + "endstream\n" + "endobj\n" + "startxref\n" + "5\n" + "%%EOF\n"; expect(data).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe("writeDict", function () { it("should write a Dict", async function () { const dict = new Dict(null); dict.set("A", Name.get("B")); dict.set("B", Ref.get(123, 456)); dict.set("C", 789); dict.set("D", "hello world"); dict.set("E", "(hello\\world)"); dict.set("F", [1.23001, 4.50001, 6]); const gdict = new Dict(null); gdict.set("H", 123.00001); const string = "a stream"; const stream = new StringStream(string); stream.dict = new Dict(null); stream.dict.set("Length", string.length); gdict.set("I", stream); dict.set("G", gdict); dict.set("J", true); dict.set("K", false); dict.set("NullArr", [null, 10]); dict.set("NullVal", null); const buffer = []; await writeDict(dict, buffer, null); const expected = "<< /A /B /B 123 456 R /C 789 /D (hello world) " + "/E (\\(hello\\\\world\\)) /F [1.23 4.5 6] " + "/G << /H 123 /I << /Length 8>> stream\n" + "a stream\n" + "endstream>> /J true /K false " + "/NullArr [null 10] /NullVal null>>"; expect(buffer.join("")).toEqual(expected); }); it("should write a Dict in escaping PDF names", async function () { const dict = new Dict(null); dict.set("\xfeA#", Name.get("hello")); dict.set("B", Name.get("#hello")); dict.set("C", Name.get("he\xfello\xff")); const buffer = []; await writeDict(dict, buffer, null); const expected = "<< /#feA#23 /hello /B /#23hello /C /he#fello#ff>>"; expect(buffer.join("")).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe("XFA", function () { it("should update AcroForm when no datasets in XFA array", async function () { const originalData = new Uint8Array(); const newRefs = []; const acroForm = new Dict(null); acroForm.set("XFA", [ "preamble", Ref.get(123, 0), "postamble", Ref.get(456, 0), ]); const acroFormRef = Ref.get(789, 0); const xfaDatasetsRef = Ref.get(101112, 0); const xfaData = "<hello>world</hello>"; const xrefInfo = { newRef: Ref.get(131415, 0), startXRef: 314, fileIds: null, rootRef: null, infoRef: null, encryptRef: null, filename: "foo.pdf", info: {}, }; let data = await incrementalUpdate({ originalData, xrefInfo, newRefs, hasXfa: true, xfaDatasetsRef, hasXfaDatasetsEntry: false, acroFormRef, acroForm, xfaData, xref: {}, }); data = bytesToString(data); const expected = "\n" + "789 0 obj\n" + "<< /XFA [(preamble) 123 0 R (datasets) 101112 0 R (postamble) 456 0 R]>>\n" + "endobj\n" + "101112 0 obj\n" + "<< /Type /EmbeddedFile /Length 20>>\n" + "stream\n" + "<hello>world</hello>\n" + "endstream\n" + "endobj\n" + "131415 0 obj\n" + "<< /Size 131416 /Prev 314 /Type /XRef /Index [0 1 789 1 101112 1 131415 1] /W [1 1 2] /Length 16>> stream\n" + "\u0000\u0001ÿÿ\u0001\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0001[\u0000\u0000\u0001¹\u0000\u0000\n" + "endstream\n" + "endobj\n" + "startxref\n" + "185\n" + "%%EOF\n"; expect(data).toEqual(expected); }); }); });