/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* globals expect, it, describe, StringStream, Lexer, Linearization */ 'use strict'; describe('parser', function() { describe('Lexer', function() { it('should stop parsing numbers at the end of stream', function() { var input = new StringStream('11.234'); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getNumber(); expect(result).toEqual(11.234); }); it('should parse PostScript numbers', function() { var numbers = ['-.002', '34.5', '-3.62', '123.6e10', '1E-5', '-1.', '0.0', '123', '-98', '43445', '0', '+17']; for (var i = 0, ii = numbers.length; i < ii; i++) { var num = numbers[i]; var input = new StringStream(num); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getNumber(); expect(result).toEqual(parseFloat(num)); } }); it('should ignore double negative before number', function() { var input = new StringStream('--205.88'); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getNumber(); expect(result).toEqual(-205.88); }); it('should handle glued numbers and operators', function() { var input = new StringStream('123ET'); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var value = lexer.getNumber(); expect(value).toEqual(123); // The lexer must not have consumed the 'E' expect(lexer.currentChar).toEqual(0x45); // 'E' }); it('should stop parsing strings at the end of stream', function() { var input = new StringStream('(1$4)'); input.getByte = function(super_getByte) { // simulating end of file using null (see issue 2766) var ch = super_getByte.call(input); return (ch === 0x24 /* '$' */ ? -1 : ch); }.bind(input, input.getByte); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getString(); expect(result).toEqual('1'); }); it('should not throw exception on bad input', function() { // '8 0 2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4' // should be parsed as // '80 21 55 22 24 32' var input = new StringStream('<7 0 2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4>'); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getHexString(); expect(result).toEqual('p!U"$2'); }); it('should ignore escaped CR and LF', function() { // '(\101\\102)' // should be parsed as // "AB" var input = new StringStream('(\\101\\\r\n\\102\\\r\\103\\\n\\104)'); var lexer = new Lexer(input); var result = lexer.getString(); expect(result).toEqual('ABCD'); }); }); describe('Linearization', function() { it('should not find a linearization dictionary', function () { // Not an actual linearization dictionary. var stream1 = new StringStream( '3 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Length 4622\n' + '/Filter /FlateDecode\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(Linearization.create(stream1)).toEqual(null); // Linearization dictionary with invalid version number. var stream2 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 0\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(Linearization.create(stream2)).toEqual(null); }); it('should accept a valid linearization dictionary', function () { var stream = new StringStream( '131 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H [ 1388 863 ]\n' + '/L 90\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); var expectedLinearizationDict = { length: 90, hints: [1388, 863], objectNumberFirst: 133, endFirst: 43573, numPages: 18, mainXRefEntriesOffset: 193883, pageFirst: 0, }; expect(Linearization.create(stream)).toEqual(expectedLinearizationDict); }); it('should reject a linearization dictionary with invalid ' + 'integer parameters', function () { // The /L parameter should be equal to the stream length. var stream1 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H [ 1388 863 ]\n' + '/L 196622\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream1); }).toThrow(new Error('The "L" parameter in the linearization ' + 'dictionary does not equal the stream length.')); // The /E parameter should not be zero. var stream2 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H [ 1388 863 ]\n' + '/L 84\n' + '/E 0\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream2); }).toThrow(new Error('The "E" parameter in the linearization ' + 'dictionary is invalid.')); // The /O parameter should be an integer. var stream3 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O /abc\n' + '/H [ 1388 863 ]\n' + '/L 89\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream3); }).toThrow(new Error('The "O" parameter in the linearization ' + 'dictionary is invalid.')); }); it('should reject a linearization dictionary with invalid hint parameters', function () { // The /H parameter should be an array. var stream1 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H 1388\n' + '/L 80\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream1); }).toThrow(new Error('Hint array in the linearization dictionary ' + 'is invalid.')); // The hint array should contain two, or four, elements. var stream2 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H [ 1388 ]\n' + '/L 84\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream2); }).toThrow(new Error('Hint array in the linearization dictionary ' + 'is invalid.')); // The hint array should not contain zero. var stream3 = new StringStream( '1 0 obj\n' + '<<\n' + '/Linearized 1\n' + '/O 133\n' + '/H [ 1388 863 0 234]\n' + '/L 93\n' + '/E 43573\n' + '/N 18\n' + '/T 193883\n' + '>>\n' + 'endobj' ); expect(function () { return Linearization.create(stream3); }).toThrow(new Error('Hint (2) in the linearization dictionary ' + 'is invalid.')); }); }); });