/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals pdfjsLib, pdfjsViewer */ "use strict"; const { AnnotationLayer, AnnotationMode, getDocument, GlobalWorkerOptions, PixelsPerInch, renderTextLayer, shadow, XfaLayer, } = pdfjsLib; const { parseQueryString, SimpleLinkService } = pdfjsViewer; const WAITING_TIME = 100; // ms const CMAP_URL = "/build/generic/web/cmaps/"; const CMAP_PACKED = true; const STANDARD_FONT_DATA_URL = "/build/generic/web/standard_fonts/"; const IMAGE_RESOURCES_PATH = "/web/images/"; const WORKER_SRC = "../build/generic/build/pdf.worker.js"; const RENDER_TASK_ON_CONTINUE_DELAY = 5; // ms const SVG_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; const md5FileMap = new Map(); function loadStyles(styles) { const promises = []; for (const file of styles) { promises.push( new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", file); xhr.onload = function () { resolve(xhr.responseText); }; xhr.onerror = function (e) { reject(new Error(`Error fetching style (${file}): ${e}`)); }; xhr.send(null); }) ); } return Promise.all(promises); } function writeSVG(svgElement, ctx, outputScale) { // We need to have UTF-8 encoded XML. const svg_xml = unescape( encodeURIComponent(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgElement)) ); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = new Image(); img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svg_xml); img.onload = function () { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); resolve(); }; img.onerror = function (e) { reject(new Error(`Error rasterizing SVG: ${e}`)); }; }); } function inlineImages(images) { const imagePromises = []; for (let i = 0, ii = images.length; i < ii; i++) { imagePromises.push( new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.onload = function () { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); }; xhr.onerror = function (e) { reject(new Error("Error fetching inline image " + e)); }; xhr.open("GET", images[i].src); xhr.send(); }) ); } return Promise.all(imagePromises); } async function convertCanvasesToImages(annotationCanvasMap, outputScale) { const results = new Map(); const promises = []; for (const [key, canvas] of annotationCanvasMap) { promises.push( new Promise(resolve => { canvas.toBlob(blob => { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.onload = function () { image.style.width = Math.floor(image.width / outputScale) + "px"; resolve(); }; results.set(key, image); image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); }) ); } await Promise.all(promises); return results; } async function resolveImages(node, silentErrors = false) { const images = node.getElementsByTagName("img"); const data = await inlineImages(images); const loadedPromises = []; for (let i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; i++) { loadedPromises.push( new Promise(function (resolveImage, rejectImage) { images[i].onload = resolveImage; images[i].onerror = function (e) { if (silentErrors) { resolveImage(); } else { rejectImage(new Error("Error loading image " + e)); } }; images[i].src = data[i]; }) ); } await Promise.all(loadedPromises); } class Rasterize { /** * For the reference tests, the full content of the various layers must be * visible. To achieve this, we load the common styles as used by the viewer * and extend them with a set of overrides to make all elements visible. * * Note that we cannot simply use `@import` to import the common styles in * the overrides file because the browser does not resolve that when the * styles are inserted via XHR. Therefore, we load and combine them here. */ static get annotationStylePromise() { const styles = [ "../web/annotation_layer_builder.css", "./annotation_layer_builder_overrides.css", ]; return shadow(this, "annotationStylePromise", loadStyles(styles)); } static get textStylePromise() { const styles = ["./text_layer_test.css"]; return shadow(this, "textStylePromise", loadStyles(styles)); } static get xfaStylePromise() { const styles = [ "../web/xfa_layer_builder.css", "./xfa_layer_builder_overrides.css", ]; return shadow(this, "xfaStylePromise", loadStyles(styles)); } static createContainer(viewport) { const svg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "svg:svg"); svg.setAttribute("width", `${viewport.width}px`); svg.setAttribute("height", `${viewport.height}px`); const foreignObject = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "svg:foreignObject"); foreignObject.setAttribute("x", "0"); foreignObject.setAttribute("y", "0"); foreignObject.setAttribute("width", `${viewport.width}px`); foreignObject.setAttribute("height", `${viewport.height}px`); const style = document.createElement("style"); foreignObject.appendChild(style); const div = document.createElement("div"); foreignObject.appendChild(div); return { svg, foreignObject, style, div }; } static async annotationLayer( ctx, viewport, outputScale, annotations, annotationCanvasMap, page, imageResourcesPath, renderForms = false ) { try { const { svg, foreignObject, style, div } = this.createContainer(viewport); div.className = "annotationLayer"; const [common, overrides] = await this.annotationStylePromise; style.textContent = `${common}\n${overrides}`; const annotationViewport = viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true }); const annotationImageMap = await convertCanvasesToImages( annotationCanvasMap, outputScale ); // Rendering annotation layer as HTML. const parameters = { viewport: annotationViewport, div, annotations, page, linkService: new SimpleLinkService(), imageResourcesPath, renderForms, annotationCanvasMap: annotationImageMap, }; AnnotationLayer.render(parameters); // Inline SVG images from text annotations. await resolveImages(div); foreignObject.appendChild(div); svg.appendChild(foreignObject); await writeSVG(svg, ctx); } catch (reason) { throw new Error(`Rasterize.annotationLayer: "${reason?.message}".`); } } static async textLayer(ctx, viewport, textContent, enhanceTextSelection) { try { const { svg, foreignObject, style, div } = this.createContainer(viewport); div.className = "textLayer"; // Items are transformed to have 1px font size. svg.setAttribute("font-size", 1); const [cssRules] = await this.textStylePromise; style.textContent = cssRules; // Rendering text layer as HTML. const task = renderTextLayer({ textContent, container: div, viewport, enhanceTextSelection, }); await task.promise; task.expandTextDivs(true); svg.appendChild(foreignObject); await writeSVG(svg, ctx); } catch (reason) { throw new Error(`Rasterize.textLayer: "${reason?.message}".`); } } static async xfaLayer( ctx, viewport, xfaHtml, fontRules, annotationStorage, isPrint ) { try { const { svg, foreignObject, style, div } = this.createContainer(viewport); const [common, overrides] = await this.xfaStylePromise; style.textContent = `${fontRules}\n${common}\n${overrides}`; // Rendering XFA layer as HTML. XfaLayer.render({ viewport: viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true }), div, xfaHtml, annotationStorage, linkService: new SimpleLinkService(), intent: isPrint ? "print" : "display", }); // Some unsupported type of images (e.g. tiff) lead to errors. await resolveImages(div, /* silentErrors = */ true); svg.appendChild(foreignObject); await writeSVG(svg, ctx); } catch (reason) { throw new Error(`Rasterize.xfaLayer: "${reason?.message}".`); } } } /** * @typedef {Object} DriverOptions * @property {HTMLSpanElement} inflight - Field displaying the number of * inflight requests. * @property {HTMLInputElement} disableScrolling - Checkbox to disable * automatic scrolling of the output container. * @property {HTMLPreElement} output - Container for all output messages. * @property {HTMLDivElement} end - Container for a completion message. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars class Driver { /** * @param {DriverOptions} options */ constructor(options) { // Configure the global worker options. GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = WORKER_SRC; // Set the passed options this.inflight = options.inflight; this.disableScrolling = options.disableScrolling; this.output = options.output; this.end = options.end; // Set parameters from the query string const params = parseQueryString(window.location.search.substring(1)); this.browser = params.get("browser"); this.manifestFile = params.get("manifestfile"); this.delay = params.get("delay") | 0; this.inFlightRequests = 0; this.testFilter = JSON.parse(params.get("testfilter") || "[]"); this.xfaOnly = params.get("xfaonly") === "true"; // Create a working canvas this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } run() { window.onerror = (message, source, line, column, error) => { this._info( "Error: " + message + " Script: " + source + " Line: " + line + " Column: " + column + " StackTrace: " + error ); }; this._info("User agent: " + navigator.userAgent); this._log(`Harness thinks this browser is ${this.browser}\n`); this._log('Fetching manifest "' + this.manifestFile + '"... '); const r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open("GET", this.manifestFile, false); r.onreadystatechange = () => { if (r.readyState === 4) { this._log("done\n"); this.manifest = JSON.parse(r.responseText); if (this.testFilter?.length || this.xfaOnly) { this.manifest = this.manifest.filter(item => { if (this.testFilter.includes(item.id)) { return true; } if (this.xfaOnly && item.enableXfa) { return true; } return false; }); } this.currentTask = 0; this._nextTask(); } }; if (this.delay > 0) { this._log("\nDelaying for " + this.delay + " ms...\n"); } // When gathering the stats the numbers seem to be more reliable // if the browser is given more time to start. setTimeout(function () { r.send(null); }, this.delay); } /** * A debugging tool to log to the terminal while tests are running. * XXX: This isn't currently referenced, but it's useful for debugging so * do not remove it. * * @param {string} msg - The message to log, it will be prepended with the * current PDF ID if there is one. */ log(msg) { let id = this.browser; const task = this.manifest[this.currentTask]; if (task) { id += `-${task.id}`; } this._info(`${id}: ${msg}`); } _nextTask() { let failure = ""; this._cleanup().then(() => { if (this.currentTask === this.manifest.length) { this._done(); return; } const task = this.manifest[this.currentTask]; task.round = 0; task.pageNum = task.firstPage || 1; task.stats = { times: [] }; task.enableXfa = task.enableXfa === true; const prevFile = md5FileMap.get(task.md5); if (prevFile) { if (task.file !== prevFile) { this._nextPage( task, `The "${task.file}" file is identical to the previously used "${prevFile}" file.` ); return; } } else { md5FileMap.set(task.md5, task.file); } // Support *linked* test-cases for the other suites, e.g. unit- and // integration-tests, without needing to run them as reference-tests. if (task.type === "other") { this._log(`Skipping file "${task.file}"\n`); if (!task.link) { this._nextPage(task, 'Expected "other" test-case to be linked.'); return; } this.currentTask++; this._nextTask(); return; } this._log('Loading file "' + task.file + '"\n'); const absoluteUrl = new URL(task.file, window.location).href; try { let xfaStyleElement = null; if (task.enableXfa) { // Need to get the font definitions to inject them in the SVG. // So we create this element and those definitions will be // appended in font_loader.js. xfaStyleElement = document.createElement("style"); document.documentElement .getElementsByTagName("head")[0] .appendChild(xfaStyleElement); } const loadingTask = getDocument({ url: absoluteUrl, password: task.password, cMapUrl: CMAP_URL, cMapPacked: CMAP_PACKED, standardFontDataUrl: STANDARD_FONT_DATA_URL, disableRange: task.disableRange, disableAutoFetch: !task.enableAutoFetch, pdfBug: true, useSystemFonts: task.useSystemFonts, useWorkerFetch: task.useWorkerFetch, enableXfa: task.enableXfa, styleElement: xfaStyleElement, }); loadingTask.promise.then( async doc => { if (task.enableXfa) { task.fontRules = ""; for (const rule of xfaStyleElement.sheet.cssRules) { task.fontRules += rule.cssText + "\n"; } } task.pdfDoc = doc; task.optionalContentConfigPromise = doc.getOptionalContentConfig(); if (task.optionalContent) { const entries = Object.entries(task.optionalContent), optionalContentConfig = await task.optionalContentConfigPromise; for (const [id, visible] of entries) { optionalContentConfig.setVisibility(id, visible); } } this._nextPage(task, failure); }, err => { failure = "Loading PDF document: " + err; this._nextPage(task, failure); } ); return; } catch (e) { failure = "Loading PDF document: " + this._exceptionToString(e); } this._nextPage(task, failure); }); } _cleanup() { // Clear out all the stylesheets since a new one is created for each font. while (document.styleSheets.length > 0) { const styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0]; while (styleSheet.cssRules.length > 0) { styleSheet.deleteRule(0); } styleSheet.ownerNode.remove(); } const body = document.body; while (body.lastChild !== this.end) { body.lastChild.remove(); } const destroyedPromises = []; // Wipe out the link to the pdfdoc so it can be GC'ed. for (let i = 0; i < this.manifest.length; i++) { if (this.manifest[i].pdfDoc) { destroyedPromises.push(this.manifest[i].pdfDoc.destroy()); delete this.manifest[i].pdfDoc; } } return Promise.all(destroyedPromises); } _exceptionToString(e) { if (typeof e !== "object") { return String(e); } if (!("message" in e)) { return JSON.stringify(e); } return e.message + ("stack" in e ? " at " + e.stack.split("\n")[0] : ""); } _getLastPageNumber(task) { if (!task.pdfDoc) { return task.firstPage || 1; } let lastPageNumber = task.lastPage || 0; if (!lastPageNumber || lastPageNumber > task.pdfDoc.numPages) { lastPageNumber = task.pdfDoc.numPages; } return lastPageNumber; } _nextPage(task, loadError) { let failure = loadError || ""; let ctx; if (!task.pdfDoc) { const dataUrl = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); this._sendResult(dataUrl, task, failure, () => { this._log( "done" + (failure ? " (failed !: " + failure + ")" : "") + "\n" ); this.currentTask++; this._nextTask(); }); return; } if (task.pageNum > this._getLastPageNumber(task)) { if (++task.round < task.rounds) { this._log(" Round " + (1 + task.round) + "\n"); task.pageNum = task.firstPage || 1; } else { this.currentTask++; this._nextTask(); return; } } if (task.skipPages && task.skipPages.includes(task.pageNum)) { this._log( " Skipping page " + task.pageNum + "/" + task.pdfDoc.numPages + "...\n" ); task.pageNum++; this._nextPage(task); return; } if (!failure) { try { this._log( " Loading page " + task.pageNum + "/" + task.pdfDoc.numPages + "... " ); this.canvas.mozOpaque = true; ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); task.pdfDoc.getPage(task.pageNum).then( page => { // Default to creating the test images at the devices pixel ratio, // unless the test explicitly specifies an output scale. const outputScale = task.outputScale || window.devicePixelRatio; let viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS, }); // Restrict the test from creating a canvas that is too big. const MAX_CANVAS_PIXEL_DIMENSION = 4096; const largestDimension = Math.max(viewport.width, viewport.height); if ( Math.floor(largestDimension * outputScale) > MAX_CANVAS_PIXEL_DIMENSION ) { const rescale = MAX_CANVAS_PIXEL_DIMENSION / largestDimension; viewport = viewport.clone({ scale: PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS * rescale, }); } const pixelWidth = Math.floor(viewport.width * outputScale); const pixelHeight = Math.floor(viewport.height * outputScale); task.viewportWidth = Math.floor(viewport.width); task.viewportHeight = Math.floor(viewport.height); task.outputScale = outputScale; this.canvas.width = pixelWidth; this.canvas.height = pixelHeight; this.canvas.style.width = Math.floor(viewport.width) + "px"; this.canvas.style.height = Math.floor(viewport.height) + "px"; this._clearCanvas(); const transform = outputScale !== 1 ? [outputScale, 0, 0, outputScale, 0, 0] : null; // Initialize various `eq` test subtypes, see comment below. let renderAnnotations = false, renderForms = false, renderPrint = false, renderXfa = false, annotationCanvasMap = null; if (task.annotationStorage) { const entries = Object.entries(task.annotationStorage), docAnnotationStorage = task.pdfDoc.annotationStorage; for (const [key, value] of entries) { docAnnotationStorage.setValue(key, value); } } let textLayerCanvas, annotationLayerCanvas, annotationLayerContext; let initPromise; if (task.type === "text") { // Using a dummy canvas for PDF context drawing operations textLayerCanvas = this.textLayerCanvas; if (!textLayerCanvas) { textLayerCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.textLayerCanvas = textLayerCanvas; } textLayerCanvas.width = pixelWidth; textLayerCanvas.height = pixelHeight; const textLayerContext = textLayerCanvas.getContext("2d"); textLayerContext.clearRect( 0, 0, textLayerCanvas.width, textLayerCanvas.height ); textLayerContext.scale(outputScale, outputScale); const enhanceText = !!task.enhance; // The text builder will draw its content on the test canvas initPromise = page .getTextContent({ includeMarkedContent: true, }) .then(function (textContent) { return Rasterize.textLayer( textLayerContext, viewport, textContent, enhanceText ); }); } else { textLayerCanvas = null; // We fetch the `eq` specific test subtypes here, to avoid // accidentally changing the behaviour for other types of tests. renderAnnotations = !!task.annotations; renderForms = !!task.forms; renderPrint = !!task.print; renderXfa = !!task.enableXfa; // Render the annotation layer if necessary. if (renderAnnotations || renderForms || renderXfa) { // Create a dummy canvas for the drawing operations. annotationLayerCanvas = this.annotationLayerCanvas; if (!annotationLayerCanvas) { annotationLayerCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.annotationLayerCanvas = annotationLayerCanvas; } annotationLayerCanvas.width = pixelWidth; annotationLayerCanvas.height = pixelHeight; annotationLayerContext = annotationLayerCanvas.getContext("2d"); annotationLayerContext.clearRect( 0, 0, annotationLayerCanvas.width, annotationLayerCanvas.height ); annotationLayerContext.scale(outputScale, outputScale); if (!renderXfa) { // The annotation builder will draw its content // on the canvas. initPromise = page.getAnnotations({ intent: "display" }); annotationCanvasMap = new Map(); } else { initPromise = page.getXfa().then(function (xfaHtml) { return Rasterize.xfaLayer( annotationLayerContext, viewport, xfaHtml, task.fontRules, task.pdfDoc.annotationStorage, task.renderPrint ); }); } } else { annotationLayerCanvas = null; initPromise = Promise.resolve(); } } const renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, viewport, optionalContentConfigPromise: task.optionalContentConfigPromise, annotationCanvasMap, transform, }; if (renderForms) { renderContext.annotationMode = AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; } else if (renderPrint) { if (task.annotationStorage) { renderContext.annotationMode = AnnotationMode.ENABLE_STORAGE; } renderContext.intent = "print"; } const completeRender = error => { // if text layer is present, compose it on top of the page if (textLayerCanvas) { ctx.save(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "screen"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(128, 255, 128)"; // making it green ctx.fillRect(0, 0, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); ctx.restore(); ctx.drawImage(textLayerCanvas, 0, 0); } // If we have annotation layer, compose it on top of the page. if (annotationLayerCanvas) { ctx.drawImage(annotationLayerCanvas, 0, 0); } if (page.stats) { // Get the page stats *before* running cleanup. task.stats = page.stats; } page.cleanup(/* resetStats = */ true); this._snapshot(task, error); }; initPromise .then(function (data) { const renderTask = page.render(renderContext); if (task.renderTaskOnContinue) { renderTask.onContinue = function (cont) { // Slightly delay the continued rendering. setTimeout(cont, RENDER_TASK_ON_CONTINUE_DELAY); }; } return renderTask.promise.then(function () { if (annotationCanvasMap) { Rasterize.annotationLayer( annotationLayerContext, viewport, outputScale, data, annotationCanvasMap, page, IMAGE_RESOURCES_PATH, renderForms ).then(() => { completeRender(false); }); } else { completeRender(false); } }); }) .catch(function (error) { completeRender("render : " + error); }); }, error => { this._snapshot(task, "render : " + error); } ); } catch (e) { failure = "page setup : " + this._exceptionToString(e); this._snapshot(task, failure); } } } _clearCanvas() { const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } _snapshot(task, failure) { this._log("Snapshotting... "); const dataUrl = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); this._sendResult(dataUrl, task, failure, () => { this._log( "done" + (failure ? " (failed !: " + failure + ")" : "") + "\n" ); task.pageNum++; this._nextPage(task); }); } _quit() { this._log("Done !"); this.end.textContent = "Tests finished. Close this window!"; // Send the quit request const r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open("POST", `/tellMeToQuit?browser=${escape(this.browser)}`, false); r.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if (r.readyState === 4) { window.close(); } }; r.send(null); } _info(message) { this._send( "/info", JSON.stringify({ browser: this.browser, message, }) ); } _log(message) { // Using insertAdjacentHTML yields a large performance gain and // reduces runtime significantly. if (this.output.insertAdjacentHTML) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsanitized/method this.output.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", message); } else { this.output.textContent += message; } if (message.lastIndexOf("\n") >= 0 && !this.disableScrolling.checked) { // Scroll to the bottom of the page this.output.scrollTop = this.output.scrollHeight; } } _done() { if (this.inFlightRequests > 0) { this.inflight.textContent = this.inFlightRequests; setTimeout(this._done.bind(this), WAITING_TIME); } else { setTimeout(this._quit.bind(this), WAITING_TIME); } } _sendResult(snapshot, task, failure, callback) { const result = JSON.stringify({ browser: this.browser, id: task.id, numPages: task.pdfDoc ? task.lastPage || task.pdfDoc.numPages : 0, lastPageNum: this._getLastPageNumber(task), failure, file: task.file, round: task.round, page: task.pageNum, snapshot, stats: task.stats.times, viewportWidth: task.viewportWidth, viewportHeight: task.viewportHeight, outputScale: task.outputScale, }); this._send("/submit_task_results", result, callback); } _send(url, message, callback) { const r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open("POST", url, true); r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); r.onreadystatechange = e => { if (r.readyState === 4) { this.inFlightRequests--; // Retry until successful if (r.status !== 200) { setTimeout(() => { this._send(url, message); }); } if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this.inflight.textContent = this.inFlightRequests++; r.send(message); } }