/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { normalizeWheelEventDelta, PresentationModeState, ScrollMode, SpreadMode, } from "./ui_utils.js"; import { AnnotationEditorType } from "pdfjs-lib"; const DELAY_BEFORE_HIDING_CONTROLS = 3000; // in ms const ACTIVE_SELECTOR = "pdfPresentationMode"; const CONTROLS_SELECTOR = "pdfPresentationModeControls"; const MOUSE_SCROLL_COOLDOWN_TIME = 50; // in ms const PAGE_SWITCH_THRESHOLD = 0.1; // Number of CSS pixels for a movement to count as a swipe. const SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 50; // Swipe angle deviation from the x or y axis before it is not // considered a swipe in that direction any more. const SWIPE_ANGLE_THRESHOLD = Math.PI / 6; /** * @typedef {Object} PDFPresentationModeOptions * @property {HTMLDivElement} container - The container for the viewer element. * @property {PDFViewer} pdfViewer - The document viewer. * @property {EventBus} eventBus - The application event bus. */ class PDFPresentationMode { #state = PresentationModeState.UNKNOWN; #args = null; /** * @param {PDFPresentationModeOptions} options */ constructor({ container, pdfViewer, eventBus }) { this.container = container; this.pdfViewer = pdfViewer; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.contextMenuOpen = false; this.mouseScrollTimeStamp = 0; this.mouseScrollDelta = 0; this.touchSwipeState = null; } /** * Request the browser to enter fullscreen mode. * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Indicating if the request was successful. */ async request() { const { container, pdfViewer } = this; if (this.active || !pdfViewer.pagesCount || !container.requestFullscreen) { return false; } this.#addFullscreenChangeListeners(); this.#notifyStateChange(PresentationModeState.CHANGING); const promise = container.requestFullscreen(); this.#args = { pageNumber: pdfViewer.currentPageNumber, scaleValue: pdfViewer.currentScaleValue, scrollMode: pdfViewer.scrollMode, spreadMode: null, annotationEditorMode: null, }; if ( pdfViewer.spreadMode !== SpreadMode.NONE && !(pdfViewer.pageViewsReady && pdfViewer.hasEqualPageSizes) ) { console.warn( "Ignoring Spread modes when entering PresentationMode, " + "since the document may contain varying page sizes." ); this.#args.spreadMode = pdfViewer.spreadMode; } if (pdfViewer.annotationEditorMode !== AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE) { this.#args.annotationEditorMode = pdfViewer.annotationEditorMode; } try { await promise; pdfViewer.focus(); // Fixes bug 1787456. return true; } catch { this.#removeFullscreenChangeListeners(); this.#notifyStateChange(PresentationModeState.NORMAL); } return false; } get active() { return ( this.#state === PresentationModeState.CHANGING || this.#state === PresentationModeState.FULLSCREEN ); } #mouseWheel(evt) { if (!this.active) { return; } evt.preventDefault(); const delta = normalizeWheelEventDelta(evt); const currentTime = Date.now(); const storedTime = this.mouseScrollTimeStamp; // If we've already switched page, avoid accidentally switching again. if ( currentTime > storedTime && currentTime - storedTime < MOUSE_SCROLL_COOLDOWN_TIME ) { return; } // If the scroll direction changed, reset the accumulated scroll delta. if ( (this.mouseScrollDelta > 0 && delta < 0) || (this.mouseScrollDelta < 0 && delta > 0) ) { this.#resetMouseScrollState(); } this.mouseScrollDelta += delta; if (Math.abs(this.mouseScrollDelta) >= PAGE_SWITCH_THRESHOLD) { const totalDelta = this.mouseScrollDelta; this.#resetMouseScrollState(); const success = totalDelta > 0 ? this.pdfViewer.previousPage() : this.pdfViewer.nextPage(); if (success) { this.mouseScrollTimeStamp = currentTime; } } } #notifyStateChange(state) { this.#state = state; this.eventBus.dispatch("presentationmodechanged", { source: this, state }); } #enter() { this.#notifyStateChange(PresentationModeState.FULLSCREEN); this.container.classList.add(ACTIVE_SELECTOR); // Ensure that the correct page is scrolled into view when entering // Presentation Mode, by waiting until fullscreen mode in enabled. setTimeout(() => { this.pdfViewer.scrollMode = ScrollMode.PAGE; if (this.#args.spreadMode !== null) { this.pdfViewer.spreadMode = SpreadMode.NONE; } this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = this.#args.pageNumber; this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = "page-fit"; if (this.#args.annotationEditorMode !== null) { this.pdfViewer.annotationEditorMode = { mode: AnnotationEditorType.NONE, }; } }, 0); this.#addWindowListeners(); this.#showControls(); this.contextMenuOpen = false; // Text selection is disabled in Presentation Mode, thus it's not possible // for the user to deselect text that is selected (e.g. with "Select all") // when entering Presentation Mode, hence we remove any active selection. document.getSelection().empty(); } #exit() { const pageNumber = this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber; this.container.classList.remove(ACTIVE_SELECTOR); // Ensure that the correct page is scrolled into view when exiting // Presentation Mode, by waiting until fullscreen mode is disabled. setTimeout(() => { this.#removeFullscreenChangeListeners(); this.#notifyStateChange(PresentationModeState.NORMAL); this.pdfViewer.scrollMode = this.#args.scrollMode; if (this.#args.spreadMode !== null) { this.pdfViewer.spreadMode = this.#args.spreadMode; } this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = this.#args.scaleValue; this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = pageNumber; if (this.#args.annotationEditorMode !== null) { this.pdfViewer.annotationEditorMode = { mode: this.#args.annotationEditorMode, }; } this.#args = null; }, 0); this.#removeWindowListeners(); this.#hideControls(); this.#resetMouseScrollState(); this.contextMenuOpen = false; } #mouseDown(evt) { if (this.contextMenuOpen) { this.contextMenuOpen = false; evt.preventDefault(); return; } if (evt.button !== 0) { return; } // Enable clicking of links in presentation mode. Note: only links // pointing to destinations in the current PDF document work. if ( evt.target.href && evt.target.parentNode?.hasAttribute("data-internal-link") ) { return; } // Unless an internal link was clicked, advance one page. evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.shiftKey) { this.pdfViewer.previousPage(); } else { this.pdfViewer.nextPage(); } } #contextMenu() { this.contextMenuOpen = true; } #showControls() { if (this.controlsTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.controlsTimeout); } else { this.container.classList.add(CONTROLS_SELECTOR); } this.controlsTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.container.classList.remove(CONTROLS_SELECTOR); delete this.controlsTimeout; }, DELAY_BEFORE_HIDING_CONTROLS); } #hideControls() { if (!this.controlsTimeout) { return; } clearTimeout(this.controlsTimeout); this.container.classList.remove(CONTROLS_SELECTOR); delete this.controlsTimeout; } /** * Resets the properties used for tracking mouse scrolling events. */ #resetMouseScrollState() { this.mouseScrollTimeStamp = 0; this.mouseScrollDelta = 0; } #touchSwipe(evt) { if (!this.active) { return; } if (evt.touches.length > 1) { // Multiple touch points detected; cancel the swipe. this.touchSwipeState = null; return; } switch (evt.type) { case "touchstart": this.touchSwipeState = { startX: evt.touches[0].pageX, startY: evt.touches[0].pageY, endX: evt.touches[0].pageX, endY: evt.touches[0].pageY, }; break; case "touchmove": if (this.touchSwipeState === null) { return; } this.touchSwipeState.endX = evt.touches[0].pageX; this.touchSwipeState.endY = evt.touches[0].pageY; // Avoid the swipe from triggering browser gestures (Chrome in // particular has some sort of swipe gesture in fullscreen mode). evt.preventDefault(); break; case "touchend": if (this.touchSwipeState === null) { return; } let delta = 0; const dx = this.touchSwipeState.endX - this.touchSwipeState.startX; const dy = this.touchSwipeState.endY - this.touchSwipeState.startY; const absAngle = Math.abs(Math.atan2(dy, dx)); if ( Math.abs(dx) > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && (absAngle <= SWIPE_ANGLE_THRESHOLD || absAngle >= Math.PI - SWIPE_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) ) { // Horizontal swipe. delta = dx; } else if ( Math.abs(dy) > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && Math.abs(absAngle - Math.PI / 2) <= SWIPE_ANGLE_THRESHOLD ) { // Vertical swipe. delta = dy; } if (delta > 0) { this.pdfViewer.previousPage(); } else if (delta < 0) { this.pdfViewer.nextPage(); } break; } } #addWindowListeners() { this.showControlsBind = this.#showControls.bind(this); this.mouseDownBind = this.#mouseDown.bind(this); this.mouseWheelBind = this.#mouseWheel.bind(this); this.resetMouseScrollStateBind = this.#resetMouseScrollState.bind(this); this.contextMenuBind = this.#contextMenu.bind(this); this.touchSwipeBind = this.#touchSwipe.bind(this); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.showControlsBind); window.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mouseDownBind); window.addEventListener("wheel", this.mouseWheelBind, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("keydown", this.resetMouseScrollStateBind); window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextMenuBind); window.addEventListener("touchstart", this.touchSwipeBind); window.addEventListener("touchmove", this.touchSwipeBind); window.addEventListener("touchend", this.touchSwipeBind); } #removeWindowListeners() { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.showControlsBind); window.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.mouseDownBind); window.removeEventListener("wheel", this.mouseWheelBind, { passive: false, }); window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.resetMouseScrollStateBind); window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextMenuBind); window.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.touchSwipeBind); window.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.touchSwipeBind); window.removeEventListener("touchend", this.touchSwipeBind); delete this.showControlsBind; delete this.mouseDownBind; delete this.mouseWheelBind; delete this.resetMouseScrollStateBind; delete this.contextMenuBind; delete this.touchSwipeBind; } #fullscreenChange() { if (/* isFullscreen = */ document.fullscreenElement) { this.#enter(); } else { this.#exit(); } } #addFullscreenChangeListeners() { this.fullscreenChangeBind = this.#fullscreenChange.bind(this); window.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", this.fullscreenChangeBind); } #removeFullscreenChangeListeners() { window.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this.fullscreenChangeBind); delete this.fullscreenChangeBind; } } export { PDFPresentationMode };