# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json, platform, os, shutil, sys, subprocess, tempfile, threading import time, urllib, urllib2, hashlib, re, base64, uuid, socket, errno from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import SocketServer from optparse import OptionParser from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs USAGE_EXAMPLE = "%prog" # The local web server uses the git repo as the document root. DOC_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..")) GIT_CLONE_CHECK = True DEFAULT_MANIFEST_FILE = 'test_manifest.json' EQLOG_FILE = 'eq.log' BROWSERLOG_FILE = 'browser.log' REFDIR = 'ref' TMPDIR = 'tmp' VERBOSE = False BROWSER_TIMEOUT = 60 SERVER_HOST = "localhost" class TestOptions(OptionParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs): OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.add_option("-m", "--masterMode", action="store_true", dest="masterMode", help="Run the script in master mode.", default=False) self.add_option("--noPrompts", action="store_true", dest="noPrompts", help="Uses default answers (intended for CLOUD TESTS only!).", default=False) self.add_option("--manifestFile", action="store", type="string", dest="manifestFile", help="A JSON file in the form of test_manifest.json (the default).") self.add_option("-b", "--browser", action="store", type="string", dest="browser", help="The path to a single browser (right now, only Firefox is supported).") self.add_option("--browserManifestFile", action="store", type="string", dest="browserManifestFile", help="A JSON file in the form of those found in resources/browser_manifests") self.add_option("--reftest", action="store_true", dest="reftest", help="Automatically start reftest showing comparison test failures, if there are any.", default=False) self.add_option("--port", action="store", dest="port", type="int", help="The port the HTTP server should listen on.", default=8080) self.add_option("--unitTest", action="store_true", dest="unitTest", help="Run the unit tests.", default=False) self.add_option("--fontTest", action="store_true", dest="fontTest", help="Run the font tests.", default=False) self.add_option("--noDownload", action="store_true", dest="noDownload", help="Skips test PDFs downloading.", default=False) self.add_option("--ignoreDownloadErrors", action="store_true", dest="ignoreDownloadErrors", help="Ignores errors during test PDFs downloading.", default=False) self.set_usage(USAGE_EXAMPLE) def verifyOptions(self, options): if options.reftest and (options.unitTest or options.fontTest): self.error("--reftest and --unitTest/--fontTest must not be specified at the same time.") if options.masterMode and options.manifestFile: self.error("--masterMode and --manifestFile must not be specified at the same time.") if not options.manifestFile: options.manifestFile = DEFAULT_MANIFEST_FILE if options.browser and options.browserManifestFile: print "Warning: ignoring browser argument since manifest file was also supplied" if not options.browser and not options.browserManifestFile: print "Starting server on port %s." % options.port return options def prompt(question): '''Return True iff the user answered "yes" to |question|.''' inp = raw_input(question +' [yes/no] > ') return inp == 'yes' MIMEs = { '.css': 'text/css', '.html': 'text/html', '.js': 'application/javascript', '.json': 'application/json', '.svg': 'image/svg+xml', '.pdf': 'application/pdf', '.xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml', '.gif': 'image/gif', '.ico': 'image/x-icon', '.png': 'image/png', '.log': 'text/plain', '.properties': 'text/plain' } class State: browsers = [ ] manifest = { } taskResults = { } remaining = { } results = { } done = False numErrors = 0 numEqFailures = 0 numEqNoSnapshot = 0 numFBFFailures = 0 numLoadFailures = 0 eqLog = None lastPost = { } class UnitTestState: browsers = [ ] browsersRunning = 0 lastPost = { } numErrors = 0 numRun = 0 class Result: def __init__(self, snapshot, failure, page): self.snapshot = snapshot self.failure = failure self.page = page class TestServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True class TestHandlerBase(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): # Disable annoying noise by default def log_request(code=0, size=0): if VERBOSE: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request(code, size) def handle_one_request(self): try: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle_one_request(self) except socket.error, v: # Ignoring connection reset by peer exceptions if v[0] != errno.ECONNRESET: raise def sendFile(self, path, ext): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Type", MIMEs[ext]) self.send_header("Content-Length", os.path.getsize(path)) self.end_headers() with open(path, "rb") as f: self.wfile.write(f.read()) def do_GET(self): url = urlparse(self.path) # Ignore query string path, _ = urllib.unquote_plus(url.path), url.query path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(DOC_ROOT + os.sep + path)) prefix = os.path.commonprefix(( path, DOC_ROOT )) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path.lower()) if url.path == "/favicon.ico": self.sendFile(os.path.join(DOC_ROOT, "test", "resources", "favicon.ico"), ext) return if os.path.isdir(path): self.sendIndex(url.path, url.query) return if not (prefix == DOC_ROOT and os.path.isfile(path) and ext in MIMEs): print path self.send_error(404) return if 'Range' in self.headers: # TODO for fetch-as-you-go self.send_error(501) return self.sendFile(path, ext) class UnitTestHandler(TestHandlerBase): def sendIndex(self, path, query): print "send index" def translateFont(self, base64Data): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/xml") self.end_headers() data = base64.b64decode(base64Data) taskId = str(uuid.uuid4()) fontPath = 'ttx/' + taskId + '.otf' resultPath = 'ttx/' + taskId + '.ttx' with open(fontPath, "wb") as f: f.write(data) # When fontTools used directly, we need to snif ttx file # to check what version of python is used ttxPath = '' for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.isfile(path + os.sep + "ttx"): ttxPath = path + os.sep + "ttx" break if ttxPath == '': self.wfile.write("TTX was not found") return ttxRunner = '' with open(ttxPath, "r") as f: firstLine = f.readline() if firstLine[:2] == '#!' and firstLine.find('python') > -1: ttxRunner = firstLine[2:].strip() with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: if ttxRunner != '': result = subprocess.call([ttxRunner, ttxPath, fontPath], stdout = fnull) else: result = subprocess.call([ttxPath, fontPath], stdout = fnull) os.remove(fontPath) if not os.path.isfile(resultPath): self.wfile.write("Output was not generated") return with open(resultPath, "rb") as f: self.wfile.write(f.read()) os.remove(resultPath) return def do_POST(self): url = urlparse(self.path) numBytes = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) content = self.rfile.read(numBytes) # Process special utility requests if url.path == '/ttx': self.translateFont(content) return self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() result = json.loads(content) browser = result['browser'] UnitTestState.lastPost[browser] = int(time.time()) if url.path == "/tellMeToQuit": tellAppToQuit(url.path, url.query) UnitTestState.browsersRunning -= 1 UnitTestState.lastPost[browser] = None return elif url.path == '/info': print result['message'] elif url.path == '/submit_task_results': status, description = result['status'], result['description'] UnitTestState.numRun += 1 if status == 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL': UnitTestState.numErrors += 1 message = status + ' | ' + description + ' | in ' + browser if 'error' in result: message += ' | ' + result['error'] print message else: print 'Error: uknown action' + url.path class PDFTestHandler(TestHandlerBase): def sendIndex(self, path, query): if not path.endswith("/"): # we need trailing slash self.send_response(301) redirectLocation = path + "/" if query: redirectLocation += "?" + query self.send_header("Location", redirectLocation) self.end_headers() return self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html") self.end_headers() if query == "frame": self.wfile.write("" + "") return location = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(DOC_ROOT + os.sep + path)) self.wfile.write("

PDFs of " + path + "

\n") for filename in os.listdir(location): if filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'): self.wfile.write("" + filename + "
\n") self.wfile.write("") def do_POST(self): numBytes = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() url = urlparse(self.path) if url.path == "/tellMeToQuit": tellAppToQuit(url.path, url.query) return result = json.loads(self.rfile.read(numBytes)) browser = result['browser'] State.lastPost[browser] = int(time.time()) if url.path == "/info": print result['message'] return id, failure, round, page, snapshot = result['id'], result['failure'], result['round'], result['page'], result['snapshot'] taskResults = State.taskResults[browser][id] taskResults[round].append(Result(snapshot, failure, page)) def isTaskDone(): numPages = result["numPages"] rounds = State.manifest[id]["rounds"] for round in range(0,rounds): if len(taskResults[round]) < numPages: return False return True if isTaskDone(): # sort the results since they sometimes come in out of order for results in taskResults: results.sort(key=lambda result: result.page) check(State.manifest[id], taskResults, browser, self.server.masterMode) # Please oh please GC this ... del State.taskResults[browser][id] State.remaining[browser] -= 1 checkIfDone() def checkIfDone(): State.done = True for key in State.remaining: if State.remaining[key] != 0: State.done = False return # Applescript hack to quit Chrome on Mac def tellAppToQuit(path, query): if platform.system() != "Darwin": return d = parse_qs(query) path = d['path'][0] cmd = """osascript< -1) or path.find(key) > -1: command = types[key](browser) command.name = command.name or key break if command is None: raise Exception("Unrecognized browser: %s" % browser) return command def makeBrowserCommands(browserManifestFile): with open(browserManifestFile) as bmf: browsers = [makeBrowserCommand(browser) for browser in json.load(bmf)] return browsers def downloadLinkedPDF(f): linkFile = open(f +'.link') link = linkFile.read() linkFile.close() sys.stdout.write('Downloading '+ link +' to '+ f +' ...') sys.stdout.flush() response = urllib2.urlopen(link) with open(f, 'wb') as out: out.write(response.read()) print 'done' def downloadLinkedPDFs(manifestList, ignoreDownloadErrors): for item in manifestList: f, isLink = item['file'], item.get('link', False) if isLink and not os.access(f, os.R_OK): try: downloadLinkedPDF(f) except: print 'ERROR: Unable to download file "' + f + '".' if ignoreDownloadErrors: open(f, 'wb').close() else: raise def verifyPDFs(manifestList): error = False for item in manifestList: f = item['file'] if os.access(f, os.R_OK): fileMd5 = hashlib.md5(open(f, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if 'md5' not in item: print 'WARNING: Missing md5 for file "' + f + '".', print 'Hash for current file is "' + fileMd5 + '"' error = True continue md5 = item['md5'] if fileMd5 != md5: print 'WARNING: MD5 of file "' + f + '" does not match file.', print 'Expected "' + md5 + '" computed "' + fileMd5 + '"' error = True continue else: print 'WARNING: Unable to open file for reading "' + f + '".' error = True return not error def getTestBrowsers(options): testBrowsers = [] if options.browserManifestFile: testBrowsers = makeBrowserCommands(options.browserManifestFile) elif options.browser: testBrowsers = [makeBrowserCommand({"path":options.browser, "name":None})] if options.browserManifestFile or options.browser: assert len(testBrowsers) > 0 return testBrowsers def setUp(options): # Only serve files from a pdf.js clone assert not GIT_CLONE_CHECK or os.path.isfile('../src/pdf.js') and os.path.isdir('../.git') if options.masterMode and os.path.isdir(TMPDIR): print 'Temporary snapshot dir tmp/ is still around.' print 'tmp/ can be removed if it has nothing you need.' if options.noPrompts or prompt('SHOULD THIS SCRIPT REMOVE tmp/? THINK CAREFULLY'): subprocess.call(( 'rm', '-rf', 'tmp' )) assert not os.path.isdir(TMPDIR) testBrowsers = getTestBrowsers(options) with open(options.manifestFile) as mf: manifestList = json.load(mf) if not options.noDownload: downloadLinkedPDFs(manifestList, options.ignoreDownloadErrors) if not verifyPDFs(manifestList): print 'Unable to verify the checksum for the files that are used for testing.' print 'Please re-download the files, or adjust the MD5 checksum in the manifest for the files listed above.\n' for b in testBrowsers: State.taskResults[b.name] = { } State.remaining[b.name] = len(manifestList) State.lastPost[b.name] = int(time.time()) for item in manifestList: id, rounds = item['id'], int(item['rounds']) State.manifest[id] = item taskResults = [ ] for r in xrange(rounds): taskResults.append([ ]) State.taskResults[b.name][id] = taskResults return testBrowsers def setUpUnitTests(options): # Only serve files from a pdf.js clone assert not GIT_CLONE_CHECK or os.path.isfile('../src/pdf.js') and os.path.isdir('../.git') testBrowsers = getTestBrowsers(options) UnitTestState.browsersRunning = len(testBrowsers) for b in testBrowsers: UnitTestState.lastPost[b.name] = int(time.time()) return testBrowsers def startBrowsers(browsers, options, path): for b in browsers: b.setup() print 'Launching', b.name host = 'http://%s:%s' % (SERVER_HOST, options.port) qs = '?browser='+ urllib.quote(b.name) +'&manifestFile='+ urllib.quote(options.manifestFile) qs += '&path=' + b.path b.start(host + path + qs) def teardownBrowsers(browsers): for b in browsers: try: b.teardown() except: print "Error cleaning up after browser at ", b.path print "Temp dir was ", b.tempDir print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] def check(task, results, browser, masterMode): failed = False for r in xrange(len(results)): pageResults = results[r] for p in xrange(len(pageResults)): pageResult = pageResults[p] if pageResult is None: continue failure = pageResult.failure if failure: failed = True State.numErrors += 1 print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed', task['id'], '| in', browser, '| page', p + 1, 'round', r, '|', failure if failed: return kind = task['type'] if 'eq' == kind or 'text' == kind: checkEq(task, results, browser, masterMode) elif 'fbf' == kind: checkFBF(task, results, browser) elif 'load' == kind: checkLoad(task, results, browser) else: assert 0 and 'Unknown test type' def checkEq(task, results, browser, masterMode): pfx = os.path.join(REFDIR, sys.platform, browser, task['id']) results = results[0] taskId = task['id'] taskType = task['type'] passed = True for page in xrange(len(results)): snapshot = results[page].snapshot ref = None eq = True path = os.path.join(pfx, str(page + 1)) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): State.numEqNoSnapshot += 1 if not masterMode: print 'WARNING: no reference snapshot', path else: f = open(path) ref = f.read() f.close() eq = (ref == snapshot) if not eq: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL |', taskType, taskId, '| in', browser, '| rendering of page', page + 1, '!= reference rendering' if not State.eqLog: State.eqLog = open(EQLOG_FILE, 'w') eqLog = State.eqLog # NB: this follows the format of Mozilla reftest # output so that we can reuse its reftest-analyzer # script eqLog.write('REFTEST TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ' + browser +'-'+ taskId +'-page'+ str(page + 1) + ' | image comparison (==)\n') eqLog.write('REFTEST IMAGE 1 (TEST): ' + snapshot + '\n') eqLog.write('REFTEST IMAGE 2 (REFERENCE): ' + ref + '\n') passed = False State.numEqFailures += 1 if masterMode and (ref is None or not eq): tmpTaskDir = os.path.join(TMPDIR, sys.platform, browser, task['id']) try: os.makedirs(tmpTaskDir) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: # file exists print >>sys.stderr, 'Creating', tmpTaskDir, 'failed!' of = open(os.path.join(tmpTaskDir, str(page + 1)), 'w') of.write(snapshot) of.close() if passed: print 'TEST-PASS |', taskType, 'test', task['id'], '| in', browser def checkFBF(task, results, browser): round0, round1 = results[0], results[1] assert len(round0) == len(round1) passed = True for page in xrange(len(round1)): r0Page, r1Page = round0[page], round1[page] if r0Page is None: break if r0Page.snapshot != r1Page.snapshot: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | forward-back-forward test', task['id'], '| in', browser, '| first rendering of page', page + 1, '!= second' passed = False State.numFBFFailures += 1 if passed: print 'TEST-PASS | forward-back-forward test', task['id'], '| in', browser def checkLoad(task, results, browser): # Load just checks for absence of failure, so if we got here the # test has passed print 'TEST-PASS | load test', task['id'], '| in', browser def processResults(): print '' numFatalFailures = (State.numErrors + State.numFBFFailures) if 0 == State.numEqFailures and 0 == numFatalFailures: print 'All regression tests passed.' else: print 'OHNOES! Some tests failed!' if 0 < State.numErrors: print ' errors:', State.numErrors if 0 < State.numEqFailures: print ' different ref/snapshot:', State.numEqFailures if 0 < State.numFBFFailures: print ' different first/second rendering:', State.numFBFFailures def maybeUpdateRefImages(options, browser): if options.masterMode and (0 < State.numEqFailures or 0 < State.numEqNoSnapshot): print "Some eq tests failed or didn't have snapshots." print 'Checking to see if master references can be updated...' numFatalFailures = (State.numErrors + State.numFBFFailures) if 0 < numFatalFailures: print ' No. Some non-eq tests failed.' else: print ' Yes! The references in tmp/ can be synced with ref/.' if options.reftest: startReftest(browser, options) if options.noPrompts or prompt('Would you like to update the master copy in ref/?'): sys.stdout.write(' Updating ref/ ... ') # XXX unclear what to do on errors here ... # NB: do *NOT* pass --delete to rsync. That breaks this # entire scheme. subprocess.check_call(( 'rsync', '-arvq', 'tmp/', 'ref/' )) print 'done' else: print ' OK, not updating.' def startReftest(browser, options): url = "http://%s:%s" % (SERVER_HOST, options.port) url += "/test/resources/reftest-analyzer.xhtml" url += "#web=/test/eq.log" try: browser.setup() browser.start(url) print "Waiting for browser..." browser.process.wait() finally: teardownBrowsers([browser]) print "Completed reftest usage." def runTests(options, browsers): t1 = time.time() try: startBrowsers(browsers, options, '/test/test_slave.html') while not State.done: for b in State.lastPost: if State.remaining[b] > 0 and int(time.time()) - State.lastPost[b] > BROWSER_TIMEOUT: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed', b, "has not responded in", BROWSER_TIMEOUT, "s" State.numErrors += State.remaining[b] State.remaining[b] = 0 checkIfDone() time.sleep(1) processResults() finally: teardownBrowsers(browsers) t2 = time.time() print "Runtime was", int(t2 - t1), "seconds" if State.eqLog: State.eqLog.close(); if options.masterMode: maybeUpdateRefImages(options, browsers[0]) elif options.reftest and State.numEqFailures > 0: print "\nStarting reftest harness to examine %d eq test failures." % State.numEqFailures startReftest(browsers[0], options) def runUnitTests(options, browsers, url, name): t1 = time.time() try: startBrowsers(browsers, options, url) while UnitTestState.browsersRunning > 0: for b in UnitTestState.lastPost: if UnitTestState.lastPost[b] != None and int(time.time()) - UnitTestState.lastPost[b] > BROWSER_TIMEOUT: print 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test failed', b, "has not responded in", BROWSER_TIMEOUT, "s" UnitTestState.lastPost[b] = None UnitTestState.browsersRunning -= 1 UnitTestState.numErrors += 1 time.sleep(1) print '' print 'Ran', UnitTestState.numRun, 'tests' if UnitTestState.numErrors > 0: print 'OHNOES! Some', name, 'tests failed!' print ' ', UnitTestState.numErrors, 'of', UnitTestState.numRun, 'failed' else: print 'All', name, 'tests passed.' finally: teardownBrowsers(browsers) t2 = time.time() print '', name, 'tests runtime was', int(t2 - t1), 'seconds' def main(): optionParser = TestOptions() options, args = optionParser.parse_args() options = optionParser.verifyOptions(options) if options == None: sys.exit(1) if options.unitTest or options.fontTest: httpd = TestServer((SERVER_HOST, options.port), UnitTestHandler) httpd_thread = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever) httpd_thread.setDaemon(True) httpd_thread.start() browsers = setUpUnitTests(options) if len(browsers) > 0: if options.unitTest: runUnitTests(options, browsers, '/test/unit/unit_test.html', 'unit') if options.fontTest: runUnitTests(options, browsers, '/test/font/font_test.html', 'font') else: httpd = TestServer((SERVER_HOST, options.port), PDFTestHandler) httpd.masterMode = options.masterMode httpd_thread = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever) httpd_thread.setDaemon(True) httpd_thread.start() browsers = setUp(options) if len(browsers) > 0: runTests(options, browsers) else: # just run the server print "Running HTTP server. Press Ctrl-C to quit." try: while True: time.sleep(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt): print "\nExiting." if __name__ == '__main__': main()