/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { buildGetDocumentParams, DefaultFileReaderFactory, TEST_PDFS_PATH, } from "./test_utils.js"; import { createPromiseCapability, FontType, ImageKind, InvalidPDFException, MissingPDFException, OPS, PasswordException, PasswordResponses, PermissionFlag, StreamType, } from "../../src/shared/util.js"; import { DefaultCanvasFactory, getDocument, PDFDataRangeTransport, PDFDocumentProxy, PDFPageProxy, PDFWorker, } from "../../src/display/api.js"; import { RenderingCancelledException, StatTimer, } from "../../src/display/display_utils.js"; import { AutoPrintRegExp } from "../../web/ui_utils.js"; import { GlobalImageCache } from "../../src/core/image_utils.js"; import { GlobalWorkerOptions } from "../../src/display/worker_options.js"; import { isNodeJS } from "../../src/shared/is_node.js"; import { Metadata } from "../../src/display/metadata.js"; describe("api", function () { const basicApiFileName = "basicapi.pdf"; const basicApiFileLength = 105779; // bytes const basicApiGetDocumentParams = buildGetDocumentParams(basicApiFileName); let CanvasFactory; beforeAll(function () { CanvasFactory = new DefaultCanvasFactory(); }); afterAll(function () { CanvasFactory = null; }); function waitSome(callback) { const WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10; setTimeout(function () { callback(); }, WAIT_TIMEOUT); } describe("getDocument", function () { it("creates pdf doc from URL-string", async function () { const urlStr = TEST_PDFS_PATH + basicApiFileName; const loadingTask = getDocument(urlStr); const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise; expect(typeof urlStr).toEqual("string"); expect(pdfDocument instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(3); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from URL-object", async function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("window.location is not supported in Node.js."); } const urlObj = new URL( TEST_PDFS_PATH + basicApiFileName, window.location ); const loadingTask = getDocument(urlObj); const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise; expect(urlObj instanceof URL).toEqual(true); expect(pdfDocument instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(3); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from URL", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); const progressReportedCapability = createPromiseCapability(); // Attach the callback that is used to report loading progress; // similarly to how viewer.js works. loadingTask.onProgress = function (progressData) { if (!progressReportedCapability.settled) { progressReportedCapability.resolve(progressData); } }; const data = await Promise.all([ progressReportedCapability.promise, loadingTask.promise, ]); expect(data[0].loaded / data[0].total >= 0).toEqual(true); expect(data[1] instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); expect(loadingTask).toEqual(data[1].loadingTask); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from URL and aborts before worker initialized", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); const destroyed = loadingTask.destroy(); try { await loadingTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(true).toEqual(true); await destroyed; } }); it("creates pdf doc from URL and aborts loading after worker initialized", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); // This can be somewhat random -- we cannot guarantee perfect // 'Terminate' message to the worker before/after setting up pdfManager. const destroyed = loadingTask._worker.promise.then(function () { return loadingTask.destroy(); }); await destroyed; expect(true).toEqual(true); }); it("creates pdf doc from typed array", async function () { const typedArrayPdf = await DefaultFileReaderFactory.fetch({ path: TEST_PDFS_PATH + basicApiFileName, }); // Sanity check to make sure that we fetched the entire PDF file. expect(typedArrayPdf.length).toEqual(basicApiFileLength); const loadingTask = getDocument(typedArrayPdf); const progressReportedCapability = createPromiseCapability(); loadingTask.onProgress = function (data) { progressReportedCapability.resolve(data); }; const data = await Promise.all([ loadingTask.promise, progressReportedCapability.promise, ]); expect(data[0] instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); expect(data[1].loaded / data[1].total).toEqual(1); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from invalid PDF file", async function () { // A severely corrupt PDF file (even Adobe Reader fails to open it). const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("bug1020226.pdf")); try { await loadingTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof InvalidPDFException).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual("Invalid PDF structure."); } await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from non-existent URL", async function () { if (!isNodeJS) { // Re-enable in https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/13061. pending("Fails intermittently on Linux in browsers."); } const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("non-existent.pdf") ); try { await loadingTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof MissingPDFException).toEqual(true); } await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from PDF file protected with user and owner password", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("pr6531_1.pdf")); const passwordNeededCapability = createPromiseCapability(); const passwordIncorrectCapability = createPromiseCapability(); // Attach the callback that is used to request a password; // similarly to how viewer.js handles passwords. loadingTask.onPassword = function (updatePassword, reason) { if ( reason === PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD && !passwordNeededCapability.settled ) { passwordNeededCapability.resolve(); updatePassword("qwerty"); // Provide an incorrect password. return; } if ( reason === PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD && !passwordIncorrectCapability.settled ) { passwordIncorrectCapability.resolve(); updatePassword("asdfasdf"); // Provide the correct password. return; } // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }; const data = await Promise.all([ passwordNeededCapability.promise, passwordIncorrectCapability.promise, loadingTask.promise, ]); expect(data[2] instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("creates pdf doc from PDF file protected with only a user password", async function () { const filename = "pr6531_2.pdf"; const passwordNeededLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { password: "", }) ); const result1 = passwordNeededLoadingTask.promise.then( function () { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); return Promise.reject(new Error("loadingTask should be rejected")); }, function (data) { expect(data instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(data.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD); return passwordNeededLoadingTask.destroy(); } ); const passwordIncorrectLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { password: "qwerty", }) ); const result2 = passwordIncorrectLoadingTask.promise.then( function () { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); return Promise.reject(new Error("loadingTask should be rejected")); }, function (data) { expect(data instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(data.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD); return passwordIncorrectLoadingTask.destroy(); } ); const passwordAcceptedLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { password: "asdfasdf", }) ); const result3 = passwordAcceptedLoadingTask.promise.then(function (data) { expect(data instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); return passwordAcceptedLoadingTask.destroy(); }); await Promise.all([result1, result2, result3]); }); it( "creates pdf doc from password protected PDF file and aborts/throws " + "in the onPassword callback (issue 7806)", async function () { const filename = "issue3371.pdf"; const passwordNeededLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename) ); const passwordIncorrectLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { password: "qwerty", }) ); let passwordNeededDestroyed; passwordNeededLoadingTask.onPassword = function (callback, reason) { if (reason === PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD) { passwordNeededDestroyed = passwordNeededLoadingTask.destroy(); return; } // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }; const result1 = passwordNeededLoadingTask.promise.then( function () { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); return Promise.reject(new Error("loadingTask should be rejected")); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(reason.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD); return passwordNeededDestroyed; } ); passwordIncorrectLoadingTask.onPassword = function (callback, reason) { if (reason === PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD) { throw new Error("Incorrect password"); } // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }; const result2 = passwordIncorrectLoadingTask.promise.then( function () { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); return Promise.reject(new Error("loadingTask should be rejected")); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(reason.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD); return passwordIncorrectLoadingTask.destroy(); } ); await Promise.all([result1, result2]); } ); it("creates pdf doc from empty typed array", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(new Uint8Array(0)); try { await loadingTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof InvalidPDFException).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual( "The PDF file is empty, i.e. its size is zero bytes." ); } await loadingTask.destroy(); }); }); describe("PDFWorker", function () { it("worker created or destroyed", async function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Worker is not supported in Node.js."); } const worker = new PDFWorker({ name: "test1" }); await worker.promise; expect(worker.name).toEqual("test1"); expect(!!worker.port).toEqual(true); expect(worker.destroyed).toEqual(false); expect(!!worker._webWorker).toEqual(true); expect(worker.port === worker._webWorker).toEqual(true); worker.destroy(); expect(!!worker.port).toEqual(false); expect(worker.destroyed).toEqual(true); }); it("worker created or destroyed by getDocument", async function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Worker is not supported in Node.js."); } const loadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); let worker; loadingTask.promise.then(function () { worker = loadingTask._worker; expect(!!worker).toEqual(true); }); const destroyPromise = loadingTask.promise.then(function () { return loadingTask.destroy(); }); await destroyPromise; const destroyedWorker = loadingTask._worker; expect(!!destroyedWorker).toEqual(false); expect(worker.destroyed).toEqual(true); }); it("worker created and can be used in getDocument", async function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Worker is not supported in Node.js."); } const worker = new PDFWorker({ name: "test1" }); const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(basicApiFileName, { worker, }) ); loadingTask.promise.then(function () { const docWorker = loadingTask._worker; expect(!!docWorker).toEqual(false); // checking is the same port is used in the MessageHandler const messageHandlerPort = loadingTask._transport.messageHandler.comObj; expect(messageHandlerPort === worker.port).toEqual(true); }); const destroyPromise = loadingTask.promise.then(function () { return loadingTask.destroy(); }); await destroyPromise; expect(worker.destroyed).toEqual(false); worker.destroy(); }); it("creates more than one worker", async function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Worker is not supported in Node.js."); } const worker1 = new PDFWorker({ name: "test1" }); const worker2 = new PDFWorker({ name: "test2" }); const worker3 = new PDFWorker({ name: "test3" }); await Promise.all([worker1.promise, worker2.promise, worker3.promise]); expect( worker1.port !== worker2.port && worker1.port !== worker3.port && worker2.port !== worker3.port ).toEqual(true); worker1.destroy(); worker2.destroy(); worker3.destroy(); }); it("gets current workerSrc", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Worker is not supported in Node.js."); } const workerSrc = PDFWorker.getWorkerSrc(); expect(typeof workerSrc).toEqual("string"); expect(workerSrc).toEqual(GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc); }); }); describe("PDFDocument", function () { let pdfLoadingTask, pdfDocument; beforeAll(async function () { pdfLoadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); pdfDocument = await pdfLoadingTask.promise; }); afterAll(async function () { await pdfLoadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets number of pages", function () { expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(3); }); it("gets fingerprint", function () { expect(pdfDocument.fingerprint).toEqual( "ea8b35919d6279a369e835bde778611b" ); }); it("gets page", async function () { const data = await pdfDocument.getPage(1); expect(data instanceof PDFPageProxy).toEqual(true); expect(data.pageNumber).toEqual(1); }); it("gets non-existent page", async function () { let outOfRangePromise = pdfDocument.getPage(100); let nonIntegerPromise = pdfDocument.getPage(2.5); let nonNumberPromise = pdfDocument.getPage("1"); outOfRangePromise = outOfRangePromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for out-of-range pageNumber parameter"); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); nonIntegerPromise = nonIntegerPromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for non-integer pageNumber parameter"); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); nonNumberPromise = nonNumberPromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for non-number pageNumber parameter"); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); await Promise.all([ outOfRangePromise, nonIntegerPromise, nonNumberPromise, ]); }); it("gets page, from /Pages tree with circular reference", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("Pages-tree-refs.pdf") ); const page1 = loadingTask.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then( function (pdfPage) { expect(pdfPage instanceof PDFPageProxy).toEqual(true); expect(pdfPage.ref).toEqual({ num: 6, gen: 0 }); }, function (reason) { throw new Error("shall not fail for valid page"); } ); }); const page2 = loadingTask.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPage(2).then( function (pdfPage) { throw new Error("shall fail for invalid page"); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual( "Pages tree contains circular reference." ); } ); }); await Promise.all([page1, page2]); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets page index", async function () { const ref = { num: 17, gen: 0 }; // Reference to second page. const pageIndex = await pdfDocument.getPageIndex(ref); expect(pageIndex).toEqual(1); }); it("gets invalid page index", async function () { const ref = { num: 3, gen: 0 }; // Reference to a font dictionary. try { await pdfDocument.getPageIndex(ref); // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } }); it("gets destinations, from /Dests dictionary", async function () { const destinations = await pdfDocument.getDestinations(); expect(destinations).toEqual({ chapter1: [{ gen: 0, num: 17 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 841.89, null], }); }); it("gets a destination, from /Dests dictionary", async function () { const destination = await pdfDocument.getDestination("chapter1"); expect(destination).toEqual([ { gen: 0, num: 17 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 841.89, null, ]); }); it("gets a non-existent destination, from /Dests dictionary", async function () { const destination = await pdfDocument.getDestination( "non-existent-named-destination" ); expect(destination).toEqual(null); }); it("gets destinations, from /Names (NameTree) dictionary", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue6204.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const destinations = await pdfDoc.getDestinations(); expect(destinations).toEqual({ "Page.1": [{ num: 1, gen: 0 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 375, null], "Page.2": [{ num: 6, gen: 0 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 375, null], }); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets a destination, from /Names (NameTree) dictionary", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue6204.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const destination = await pdfDoc.getDestination("Page.1"); expect(destination).toEqual([ { num: 1, gen: 0 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 375, null, ]); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets a non-existent destination, from /Names (NameTree) dictionary", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue6204.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const destination = await pdfDoc.getDestination( "non-existent-named-destination" ); expect(destination).toEqual(null); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-string destination", async function () { let numberPromise = pdfDocument.getDestination(4.3); let booleanPromise = pdfDocument.getDestination(true); let arrayPromise = pdfDocument.getDestination([ { num: 17, gen: 0 }, { name: "XYZ" }, 0, 841.89, null, ]); numberPromise = numberPromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for non-string destination."); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); booleanPromise = booleanPromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for non-string destination."); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); arrayPromise = arrayPromise.then( function () { throw new Error("shall fail for non-string destination."); }, function (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); } ); await Promise.all([numberPromise, booleanPromise, arrayPromise]); }); it("gets non-existent page labels", async function () { const pageLabels = await pdfDocument.getPageLabels(); expect(pageLabels).toEqual(null); }); it("gets page labels", async function () { // PageLabels with Roman/Arabic numerals. const loadingTask0 = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("bug793632.pdf")); const promise0 = loadingTask0.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPageLabels(); }); // PageLabels with only a label prefix. const loadingTask1 = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue1453.pdf")); const promise1 = loadingTask1.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPageLabels(); }); // PageLabels identical to standard page numbering. const loadingTask2 = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("rotation.pdf")); const promise2 = loadingTask2.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPageLabels(); }); // PageLabels with bad "Prefix" entries. const loadingTask3 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("bad-PageLabels.pdf") ); const promise3 = loadingTask3.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPageLabels(); }); const pageLabels = await Promise.all([ promise0, promise1, promise2, promise3, ]); expect(pageLabels[0]).toEqual(["i", "ii", "iii", "1"]); expect(pageLabels[1]).toEqual(["Front Page1"]); expect(pageLabels[2]).toEqual(["1", "2"]); expect(pageLabels[3]).toEqual(["X3"]); await Promise.all([ loadingTask0.destroy(), loadingTask1.destroy(), loadingTask2.destroy(), loadingTask3.destroy(), ]); }); it("gets default page layout", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pageLayout = await pdfDoc.getPageLayout(); expect(pageLayout).toEqual(""); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-default page layout", async function () { const pageLayout = await pdfDocument.getPageLayout(); expect(pageLayout).toEqual("SinglePage"); }); it("gets default page mode", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pageMode = await pdfDoc.getPageMode(); expect(pageMode).toEqual("UseNone"); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-default page mode", async function () { const pageMode = await pdfDocument.getPageMode(); expect(pageMode).toEqual("UseOutlines"); }); it("gets default viewer preferences", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const prefs = await pdfDoc.getViewerPreferences(); expect(prefs).toEqual(null); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-default viewer preferences", async function () { const prefs = await pdfDocument.getViewerPreferences(); expect(prefs).toEqual({ Direction: "L2R" }); }); it("gets default open action", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const openAction = await pdfDoc.getOpenAction(); expect(openAction).toEqual(null); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-default open action (with destination)", async function () { const openAction = await pdfDocument.getOpenAction(); expect(openAction.dest).toEqual([ { num: 15, gen: 0 }, { name: "FitH" }, null, ]); expect(openAction.action).toBeUndefined(); }); it("gets non-default open action (with Print action)", async function () { // PDF document with "Print" Named action in the OpenAction dictionary. const loadingTask1 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("bug1001080.pdf") ); // PDF document with "Print" Named action in the OpenAction dictionary, // but the OpenAction dictionary is missing the `Type` entry. const loadingTask2 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue11442_reduced.pdf") ); const promise1 = loadingTask1.promise .then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getOpenAction(); }) .then(function (openAction) { expect(openAction.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(openAction.action).toEqual("Print"); return loadingTask1.destroy(); }); const promise2 = loadingTask2.promise .then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getOpenAction(); }) .then(function (openAction) { expect(openAction.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(openAction.action).toEqual("Print"); return loadingTask2.destroy(); }); await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]); }); it("gets non-existent attachments", async function () { const attachments = await pdfDocument.getAttachments(); expect(attachments).toEqual(null); }); it("gets attachments", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("attachment.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const attachments = await pdfDoc.getAttachments(); const attachment = attachments["foo.txt"]; expect(attachment.filename).toEqual("foo.txt"); expect(attachment.content).toEqual( new Uint8Array([98, 97, 114, 32, 98, 97, 122, 32, 10]) ); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets javascript", async function () { const javascript = await pdfDocument.getJavaScript(); expect(javascript).toEqual(null); }); it("gets javascript with printing instructions (JS action)", async function () { // PDF document with "JavaScript" action in the OpenAction dictionary. const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue6106.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const javascript = await pdfDoc.getJavaScript(); expect(javascript).toEqual([ "this.print({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true});", ]); expect(javascript[0]).toMatch(AutoPrintRegExp); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets hasJSActions, in document without javaScript", async function () { const hasJSActions = await pdfDocument.hasJSActions(); expect(hasJSActions).toEqual(false); }); it("gets hasJSActions, in document with javaScript", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("doc_actions.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const hasJSActions = await pdfDoc.hasJSActions(); expect(hasJSActions).toEqual(true); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-existent JSActions", async function () { const jsActions = await pdfDocument.getJSActions(); expect(jsActions).toEqual(null); }); it("gets JSActions", async function () { // PDF document with "JavaScript" action in the OpenAction dictionary. const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("doc_actions.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const docActions = await pdfDoc.getJSActions(); const page1 = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const page1Actions = await page1.getJSActions(); const page3 = await pdfDoc.getPage(3); const page3Actions = await page3.getJSActions(); expect(docActions).toEqual({ DidPrint: [`this.getField("Text2").value = "DidPrint";`], DidSave: [`this.getField("Text2").value = "DidSave";`], WillClose: [`this.getField("Text1").value = "WillClose";`], WillPrint: [`this.getField("Text1").value = "WillPrint";`], WillSave: [`this.getField("Text1").value = "WillSave";`], }); expect(page1Actions).toEqual({ PageOpen: [`this.getField("Text1").value = "PageOpen 1";`], PageClose: [`this.getField("Text2").value = "PageClose 1";`], }); expect(page3Actions).toEqual({ PageOpen: [`this.getField("Text5").value = "PageOpen 3";`], PageClose: [`this.getField("Text6").value = "PageClose 3";`], }); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-existent outline", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const outline = await pdfDoc.getOutline(); expect(outline).toEqual(null); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets outline", async function () { const outline = await pdfDocument.getOutline(); // Two top level entries. expect(Array.isArray(outline)).toEqual(true); expect(outline.length).toEqual(2); // Make sure some basic attributes are set. const outlineItem = outline[1]; expect(outlineItem.title).toEqual("Chapter 1"); expect(Array.isArray(outlineItem.dest)).toEqual(true); expect(outlineItem.url).toEqual(null); expect(outlineItem.unsafeUrl).toBeUndefined(); expect(outlineItem.newWindow).toBeUndefined(); expect(outlineItem.bold).toEqual(true); expect(outlineItem.italic).toEqual(false); expect(outlineItem.color).toEqual(new Uint8ClampedArray([0, 64, 128])); expect(outlineItem.items.length).toEqual(1); expect(outlineItem.items[0].title).toEqual("Paragraph 1.1"); }); it("gets outline containing a URL", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue3214.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const outline = await pdfDoc.getOutline(); expect(Array.isArray(outline)).toEqual(true); expect(outline.length).toEqual(5); const outlineItemTwo = outline[2]; expect(typeof outlineItemTwo.title).toEqual("string"); expect(outlineItemTwo.dest).toEqual(null); expect(outlineItemTwo.url).toEqual("http://google.com/"); expect(outlineItemTwo.unsafeUrl).toEqual("http://google.com"); expect(outlineItemTwo.newWindow).toBeUndefined(); const outlineItemOne = outline[1]; expect(outlineItemOne.bold).toEqual(false); expect(outlineItemOne.italic).toEqual(true); expect(outlineItemOne.color).toEqual(new Uint8ClampedArray([0, 0, 0])); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets non-existent permissions", async function () { const permissions = await pdfDocument.getPermissions(); expect(permissions).toEqual(null); }); it("gets permissions", async function () { // Editing not allowed. const loadingTask0 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue9972-1.pdf") ); const promise0 = loadingTask0.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPermissions(); }); // Printing not allowed. const loadingTask1 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue9972-2.pdf") ); const promise1 = loadingTask1.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPermissions(); }); // Copying not allowed. const loadingTask2 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue9972-3.pdf") ); const promise2 = loadingTask2.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPermissions(); }); const totalPermissionCount = Object.keys(PermissionFlag).length; const permissions = await Promise.all([promise0, promise1, promise2]); expect(permissions[0].length).toEqual(totalPermissionCount - 1); expect( permissions[0].includes(PermissionFlag.MODIFY_CONTENTS) ).toBeFalsy(); expect(permissions[1].length).toEqual(totalPermissionCount - 2); expect(permissions[1].includes(PermissionFlag.PRINT)).toBeFalsy(); expect( permissions[1].includes(PermissionFlag.PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY) ).toBeFalsy(); expect(permissions[2].length).toEqual(totalPermissionCount - 1); expect(permissions[2].includes(PermissionFlag.COPY)).toBeFalsy(); await Promise.all([ loadingTask0.destroy(), loadingTask1.destroy(), loadingTask2.destroy(), ]); }); it("gets metadata", async function () { const { info, metadata, contentDispositionFilename, contentLength } = await pdfDocument.getMetadata(); expect(info.Title).toEqual("Basic API Test"); // Custom, non-standard, information dictionary entries. expect(info.Custom).toEqual(undefined); // The following are PDF.js specific, non-standard, properties. expect(info.PDFFormatVersion).toEqual("1.7"); expect(info.IsLinearized).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsAcroFormPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsXFAPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsCollectionPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsSignaturesPresent).toEqual(false); expect(metadata instanceof Metadata).toEqual(true); expect(metadata.get("dc:title")).toEqual("Basic API Test"); expect(contentDispositionFilename).toEqual(null); expect(contentLength).toEqual(basicApiFileLength); }); it("gets metadata, with custom info dict entries", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const { info, metadata, contentDispositionFilename, contentLength } = await pdfDoc.getMetadata(); expect(info.Creator).toEqual("TeX"); expect(info.Producer).toEqual("pdfeTeX-1.21a"); expect(info.CreationDate).toEqual("D:20090401163925-07'00'"); // Custom, non-standard, information dictionary entries. const custom = info.Custom; expect(typeof custom === "object" && custom !== null).toEqual(true); expect(custom["PTEX.Fullbanner"]).toEqual( "This is pdfeTeX, " + "Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) kpathsea version 3.5.6" ); // The following are PDF.js specific, non-standard, properties. expect(info.PDFFormatVersion).toEqual("1.4"); expect(info.IsLinearized).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsAcroFormPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsXFAPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsCollectionPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsSignaturesPresent).toEqual(false); expect(metadata).toEqual(null); expect(contentDispositionFilename).toEqual(null); expect(contentLength).toEqual(1016315); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets metadata, with missing PDF header (bug 1606566)", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("bug1606566.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const { info, metadata, contentDispositionFilename, contentLength } = await pdfDoc.getMetadata(); // The following are PDF.js specific, non-standard, properties. expect(info.PDFFormatVersion).toEqual(null); expect(info.IsLinearized).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsAcroFormPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsXFAPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsCollectionPresent).toEqual(false); expect(info.IsSignaturesPresent).toEqual(false); expect(metadata).toEqual(null); expect(contentDispositionFilename).toEqual(null); expect(contentLength).toEqual(624); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets markInfo", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("annotation-line.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const markInfo = await pdfDoc.getMarkInfo(); expect(markInfo.Marked).toEqual(true); expect(markInfo.UserProperties).toEqual(false); expect(markInfo.Suspects).toEqual(false); }); it("gets data", async function () { const data = await pdfDocument.getData(); expect(data instanceof Uint8Array).toEqual(true); expect(data.length).toEqual(basicApiFileLength); }); it("gets download info", async function () { const downloadInfo = await pdfDocument.getDownloadInfo(); expect(downloadInfo).toEqual({ length: basicApiFileLength }); }); it("gets document stats", async function () { const stats = await pdfDocument.getStats(); expect(stats).toEqual({ streamTypes: {}, fontTypes: {} }); }); it("cleans up document resources", async function () { await pdfDocument.cleanup(); expect(true).toEqual(true); }); it("checks that fingerprints are unique", async function () { const loadingTask1 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue4436r.pdf") ); const loadingTask2 = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue4575.pdf")); const data = await Promise.all([ loadingTask1.promise, loadingTask2.promise, ]); const fingerprint1 = data[0].fingerprint; const fingerprint2 = data[1].fingerprint; expect(fingerprint1).not.toEqual(fingerprint2); expect(fingerprint1).toEqual("2f695a83d6e7553c24fc08b7ac69712d"); expect(fingerprint2).toEqual("04c7126b34a46b6d4d6e7a1eff7edcb6"); await Promise.all([loadingTask1.destroy(), loadingTask2.destroy()]); }); describe("Cross-origin", function () { let loadingTask; function _checkCanLoad(expectSuccess, filename, options) { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Cannot simulate cross-origin requests in Node.js"); } const params = buildGetDocumentParams(filename, options); const url = new URL(params.url); if (url.hostname === "localhost") { url.hostname = ""; } else if (params.url.hostname === "") { url.hostname = "localhost"; } else { pending("Can only run cross-origin test on localhost!"); } params.url = url.href; loadingTask = getDocument(params); return loadingTask.promise .then(function (pdf) { return pdf.destroy(); }) .then( function () { expect(expectSuccess).toEqual(true); }, function (error) { if (expectSuccess) { // For ease of debugging. expect(error).toEqual("There should not be any error"); } expect(expectSuccess).toEqual(false); } ); } function testCanLoad(filename, options) { return _checkCanLoad(true, filename, options); } function testCannotLoad(filename, options) { return _checkCanLoad(false, filename, options); } afterEach(async function () { if (loadingTask && !loadingTask.destroyed) { await loadingTask.destroy(); } }); it("server disallows cors", async function () { await testCannotLoad("basicapi.pdf"); }); it("server allows cors without credentials, default withCredentials", async function () { await testCanLoad("basicapi.pdf?cors=withoutCredentials"); }); it("server allows cors without credentials, and withCredentials=false", async function () { await testCanLoad("basicapi.pdf?cors=withoutCredentials", { withCredentials: false, }); }); it("server allows cors without credentials, but withCredentials=true", async function () { await testCannotLoad("basicapi.pdf?cors=withoutCredentials", { withCredentials: true, }); }); it("server allows cors with credentials, and withCredentials=true", async function () { await testCanLoad("basicapi.pdf?cors=withCredentials", { withCredentials: true, }); }); it("server allows cors with credentials, and withCredentials=false", async function () { // The server supports even more than we need, so if the previous tests // pass, then this should pass for sure. // The only case where this test fails is when the server does not reply // with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. await testCanLoad("basicapi.pdf?cors=withCredentials", { withCredentials: false, }); }); }); }); describe("Page", function () { let pdfLoadingTask, pdfDocument, page; beforeAll(async function () { pdfLoadingTask = getDocument(basicApiGetDocumentParams); pdfDocument = await pdfLoadingTask.promise; page = await pdfDocument.getPage(1); }); afterAll(async function () { await pdfLoadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets page number", function () { expect(page.pageNumber).toEqual(1); }); it("gets rotate", function () { expect(page.rotate).toEqual(0); }); it("gets ref", function () { expect(page.ref).toEqual({ num: 15, gen: 0 }); }); it("gets userUnit", function () { expect(page.userUnit).toEqual(1.0); }); it("gets view", function () { expect(page.view).toEqual([0, 0, 595.28, 841.89]); }); it("gets view, with empty/invalid bounding boxes", async function () { const viewLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("boundingBox_invalid.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await viewLoadingTask.promise; const numPages = pdfDoc.numPages; expect(numPages).toEqual(3); const viewPromises = []; for (let i = 0; i < numPages; i++) { viewPromises[i] = pdfDoc.getPage(i + 1).then(pdfPage => { return pdfPage.view; }); } const [page1, page2, page3] = await Promise.all(viewPromises); expect(page1).toEqual([0, 0, 612, 792]); expect(page2).toEqual([0, 0, 800, 600]); expect(page3).toEqual([0, 0, 600, 800]); await viewLoadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets viewport", function () { const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1.5, rotation: 90 }); expect(viewport.viewBox).toEqual(page.view); expect(viewport.scale).toEqual(1.5); expect(viewport.rotation).toEqual(90); expect(viewport.transform).toEqual([0, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0, 0]); expect(viewport.width).toEqual(1262.835); expect(viewport.height).toEqual(892.92); }); it('gets viewport with "offsetX/offsetY" arguments', function () { const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1, rotation: 0, offsetX: 100, offsetY: -100, }); expect(viewport.transform).toEqual([1, 0, 0, -1, 100, 741.89]); }); it('gets viewport respecting "dontFlip" argument', function () { const scale = 1, rotation = 0; const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale, rotation }); const dontFlipViewport = page.getViewport({ scale, rotation, dontFlip: true, }); expect(dontFlipViewport).not.toEqual(viewport); expect(dontFlipViewport).toEqual(viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true })); expect(viewport.transform).toEqual([1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 841.89]); expect(dontFlipViewport.transform).toEqual([1, 0, -0, 1, 0, 0]); }); it("gets viewport with invalid rotation", function () { expect(function () { page.getViewport({ scale: 1, rotation: 45 }); }).toThrow( new Error( "PageViewport: Invalid rotation, must be a multiple of 90 degrees." ) ); }); it("gets annotations", async function () { const defaultPromise = page.getAnnotations().then(function (data) { expect(data.length).toEqual(4); }); const displayPromise = page .getAnnotations({ intent: "display" }) .then(function (data) { expect(data.length).toEqual(4); }); const printPromise = page .getAnnotations({ intent: "print" }) .then(function (data) { expect(data.length).toEqual(4); }); await Promise.all([defaultPromise, displayPromise, printPromise]); }); it("gets annotations containing relative URLs (bug 766086)", async function () { const filename = "bug766086.pdf"; const defaultLoadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams(filename)); const defaultPromise = defaultLoadingTask.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then(function (pdfPage) { return pdfPage.getAnnotations(); }); }); const docBaseUrlLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { docBaseUrl: "http://www.example.com/test/pdfs/qwerty.pdf", }) ); const docBaseUrlPromise = docBaseUrlLoadingTask.promise.then(function ( pdfDoc ) { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then(function (pdfPage) { return pdfPage.getAnnotations(); }); }); const invalidDocBaseUrlLoadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(filename, { docBaseUrl: "qwerty.pdf", }) ); const invalidDocBaseUrlPromise = invalidDocBaseUrlLoadingTask.promise.then(function (pdfDoc) { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then(function (pdfPage) { return pdfPage.getAnnotations(); }); }); const [ defaultAnnotations, docBaseUrlAnnotations, invalidDocBaseUrlAnnotations, ] = await Promise.all([ defaultPromise, docBaseUrlPromise, invalidDocBaseUrlPromise, ]); expect(defaultAnnotations[0].url).toBeUndefined(); expect(defaultAnnotations[0].unsafeUrl).toEqual( "../../0021/002156/215675E.pdf#15" ); expect(docBaseUrlAnnotations[0].url).toEqual( "http://www.example.com/0021/002156/215675E.pdf#15" ); expect(docBaseUrlAnnotations[0].unsafeUrl).toEqual( "../../0021/002156/215675E.pdf#15" ); expect(invalidDocBaseUrlAnnotations[0].url).toBeUndefined(); expect(invalidDocBaseUrlAnnotations[0].unsafeUrl).toEqual( "../../0021/002156/215675E.pdf#15" ); await Promise.all([ defaultLoadingTask.destroy(), docBaseUrlLoadingTask.destroy(), invalidDocBaseUrlLoadingTask.destroy(), ]); }); it("gets text content", async function () { const defaultPromise = page.getTextContent(); const parametersPromise = page.getTextContent({ normalizeWhitespace: true, disableCombineTextItems: true, }); const data = await Promise.all([defaultPromise, parametersPromise]); expect(!!data[0].items).toEqual(true); expect(data[0].items.length).toEqual(12); expect(!!data[0].styles).toEqual(true); expect(!!data[1].items).toEqual(true); expect(data[1].items.length).toEqual(7); expect(!!data[1].styles).toEqual(true); }); it("gets text content, with correct properties (issue 8276)", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue8276_reduced.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const { items, styles } = await pdfPage.getTextContent(); expect(items.length).toEqual(1); expect(Object.keys(styles)).toEqual(["Times"]); expect(items[0]).toEqual({ dir: "ltr", fontName: "Times", height: 18, str: "Issue 8276", transform: [18, 0, 0, 18, 441.81, 708.4499999999999], width: 77.49, hasEOL: false, }); expect(styles.Times).toEqual({ fontFamily: "serif", ascent: NaN, descent: NaN, vertical: false, }); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets empty structure tree", async function () { const tree = await page.getStructTree(); expect(tree).toEqual(null); }); it("gets simple structure tree", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("structure_simple.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const tree = await pdfPage.getStructTree(); expect(tree).toEqual({ role: "Root", children: [ { role: "Document", children: [ { role: "H1", children: [ { role: "NonStruct", children: [{ type: "content", id: "page2R_mcid0" }], }, ], }, { role: "P", children: [ { role: "NonStruct", children: [{ type: "content", id: "page2R_mcid1" }], }, ], }, { role: "H2", children: [ { role: "NonStruct", children: [{ type: "content", id: "page2R_mcid2" }], }, ], }, { role: "P", children: [ { role: "NonStruct", children: [{ type: "content", id: "page2R_mcid3" }], }, ], }, ], }, ], }); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets operator list", async function () { const operatorList = await page.getOperatorList(); expect(!!operatorList.fnArray).toEqual(true); expect(!!operatorList.argsArray).toEqual(true); expect(operatorList.lastChunk).toEqual(true); }); it("gets operatorList with JPEG image (issue 4888)", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("cmykjpeg.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const operatorList = await pdfPage.getOperatorList(); const imgIndex = operatorList.fnArray.indexOf(OPS.paintImageXObject); const imgArgs = operatorList.argsArray[imgIndex]; const { data } = pdfPage.objs.get(imgArgs[0]); expect(data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray).toEqual(true); expect(data.length).toEqual(90000); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it( "gets operatorList, from corrupt PDF file (issue 8702), " + "with/without `stopAtErrors` set", async function () { const loadingTask1 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue8702.pdf", { stopAtErrors: false, // The default value. }) ); const loadingTask2 = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("issue8702.pdf", { stopAtErrors: true, }) ); const result1 = loadingTask1.promise.then(pdfDoc => { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then(pdfPage => { return pdfPage.getOperatorList().then(opList => { expect(opList.fnArray.length).toBeGreaterThan(100); expect(opList.argsArray.length).toBeGreaterThan(100); expect(opList.lastChunk).toEqual(true); return loadingTask1.destroy(); }); }); }); const result2 = loadingTask2.promise.then(pdfDoc => { return pdfDoc.getPage(1).then(pdfPage => { return pdfPage.getOperatorList().then(opList => { expect(opList.fnArray.length).toEqual(0); expect(opList.argsArray.length).toEqual(0); expect(opList.lastChunk).toEqual(true); return loadingTask2.destroy(); }); }); }); await Promise.all([result1, result2]); } ); it("gets document stats after parsing page", async function () { const stats = await page.getOperatorList().then(function () { return pdfDocument.getStats(); }); const expectedStreamTypes = {}; expectedStreamTypes[StreamType.FLATE] = true; const expectedFontTypes = {}; expectedFontTypes[FontType.TYPE1] = true; expectedFontTypes[FontType.CIDFONTTYPE2] = true; expect(stats).toEqual({ streamTypes: expectedStreamTypes, fontTypes: expectedFontTypes, }); }); it("gets page stats after parsing page, without `pdfBug` set", async function () { await page.getOperatorList(); expect(page.stats).toEqual(null); }); it("gets page stats after parsing page, with `pdfBug` set", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(basicApiFileName, { pdfBug: true }) ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); await pdfPage.getOperatorList(); const stats = pdfPage.stats; expect(stats instanceof StatTimer).toEqual(true); expect(stats.times.length).toEqual(1); const [statEntry] = stats.times; expect(statEntry.name).toEqual("Page Request"); expect(statEntry.end - statEntry.start).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("gets page stats after rendering page, with `pdfBug` set", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams(basicApiFileName, { pdfBug: true }) ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const viewport = pdfPage.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = pdfPage.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); await renderTask.promise; const stats = pdfPage.stats; expect(stats instanceof StatTimer).toEqual(true); expect(stats.times.length).toEqual(3); const [statEntryOne, statEntryTwo, statEntryThree] = stats.times; expect(statEntryOne.name).toEqual("Page Request"); expect(statEntryOne.end - statEntryOne.start).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); expect(statEntryTwo.name).toEqual("Rendering"); expect(statEntryTwo.end - statEntryTwo.start).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(statEntryThree.name).toEqual("Overall"); expect(statEntryThree.end - statEntryThree.start).toBeGreaterThan(0); CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("cancels rendering of page", async function () { const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); renderTask.cancel(); try { await renderTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof RenderingCancelledException).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual("Rendering cancelled, page 1"); expect(reason.type).toEqual("canvas"); } CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); }); it("re-render page, using the same canvas, after cancelling rendering", async function () { const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); renderTask.cancel(); try { await renderTask.promise; // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof RenderingCancelledException).toEqual(true); } const reRenderTask = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); await reRenderTask.promise; CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); }); it("multiple render() on the same canvas", async function () { const optionalContentConfigPromise = pdfDocument.getOptionalContentConfig(); const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask1 = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, optionalContentConfigPromise, }); const renderTask2 = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, optionalContentConfigPromise, }); await Promise.all([ renderTask1.promise, renderTask2.promise.then( () => { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }, reason => { // It fails because we are already using this canvas. expect(/multiple render\(\)/.test(reason.message)).toEqual(true); } ), ]); }); it("cleans up document resources after rendering of page", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams(basicApiFileName)); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const viewport = pdfPage.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = pdfPage.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); await renderTask.promise; await pdfDoc.cleanup(); expect(true).toEqual(true); CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("cleans up document resources during rendering of page", async function () { const loadingTask = getDocument( buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf") ); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(1); const viewport = pdfPage.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = pdfPage.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); // Ensure that clean-up runs during rendering. renderTask.onContinue = function (cont) { waitSome(cont); }; try { await pdfDoc.cleanup(); // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); } catch (reason) { expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); expect(reason.message).toEqual( "startCleanup: Page 1 is currently rendering." ); } await renderTask.promise; CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("caches image resources at the document/page level as expected (issue 11878)", async function () { const { NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD } = GlobalImageCache, EXPECTED_WIDTH = 2550, EXPECTED_HEIGHT = 3300; const loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("issue11878.pdf")); const pdfDoc = await loadingTask.promise; let firstImgData = null; for (let i = 1; i <= pdfDoc.numPages; i++) { const pdfPage = await pdfDoc.getPage(i); const opList = await pdfPage.getOperatorList(); const { commonObjs, objs } = pdfPage; const imgIndex = opList.fnArray.indexOf(OPS.paintImageXObject); const [objId, width, height] = opList.argsArray[imgIndex]; if (i < NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD) { expect(objId).toEqual(`img_p${i - 1}_1`); expect(objs.has(objId)).toEqual(true); expect(commonObjs.has(objId)).toEqual(false); } else { expect(objId).toEqual( `g_${loadingTask.docId}_img_p${NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD - 1}_1` ); expect(objs.has(objId)).toEqual(false); expect(commonObjs.has(objId)).toEqual(true); } expect(width).toEqual(EXPECTED_WIDTH); expect(height).toEqual(EXPECTED_HEIGHT); // Ensure that the actual image data is identical for all pages. if (i === 1) { firstImgData = objs.get(objId); expect(firstImgData.width).toEqual(EXPECTED_WIDTH); expect(firstImgData.height).toEqual(EXPECTED_HEIGHT); expect(firstImgData.kind).toEqual(ImageKind.RGB_24BPP); expect(firstImgData.data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray).toEqual(true); expect(firstImgData.data.length).toEqual(25245000); } else { const objsPool = i >= NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD ? commonObjs : objs; const currentImgData = objsPool.get(objId); expect(currentImgData.width).toEqual(firstImgData.width); expect(currentImgData.height).toEqual(firstImgData.height); expect(currentImgData.kind).toEqual(firstImgData.kind); expect(currentImgData.data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray).toEqual( true ); expect( currentImgData.data.every((value, index) => { return value === firstImgData.data[index]; }) ).toEqual(true); } } await loadingTask.destroy(); firstImgData = null; }); }); describe("Multiple `getDocument` instances", function () { // Regression test for https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/6205 // A PDF using the Helvetica font. const pdf1 = buildGetDocumentParams("tracemonkey.pdf"); // A PDF using the Times font. const pdf2 = buildGetDocumentParams("TAMReview.pdf"); // A PDF using the Arial font. const pdf3 = buildGetDocumentParams("issue6068.pdf"); const loadingTasks = []; // Render the first page of the given PDF file. // Fulfills the promise with the base64-encoded version of the PDF. async function renderPDF(filename) { const loadingTask = getDocument(filename); loadingTasks.push(loadingTask); const pdf = await loadingTask.promise; const page = await pdf.getPage(1); const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1.2 }); const canvasAndCtx = CanvasFactory.create( viewport.width, viewport.height ); const renderTask = page.render({ canvasContext: canvasAndCtx.context, canvasFactory: CanvasFactory, viewport, }); await renderTask.promise; const data = canvasAndCtx.canvas.toDataURL(); CanvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndCtx); return data; } afterEach(async function () { // Issue 6205 reported an issue with font rendering, so clear the loaded // fonts so that we can see whether loading PDFs in parallel does not // cause any issues with the rendered fonts. const destroyPromises = loadingTasks.map(function (loadingTask) { return loadingTask.destroy(); }); await Promise.all(destroyPromises); }); it("should correctly render PDFs in parallel", async function () { let baseline1, baseline2, baseline3; const promiseDone = renderPDF(pdf1) .then(function (data1) { baseline1 = data1; return renderPDF(pdf2); }) .then(function (data2) { baseline2 = data2; return renderPDF(pdf3); }) .then(function (data3) { baseline3 = data3; return Promise.all([ renderPDF(pdf1), renderPDF(pdf2), renderPDF(pdf3), ]); }) .then(function (dataUrls) { expect(dataUrls[0]).toEqual(baseline1); expect(dataUrls[1]).toEqual(baseline2); expect(dataUrls[2]).toEqual(baseline3); return true; }); await promiseDone; }); }); describe("PDFDataRangeTransport", function () { let dataPromise; beforeAll(function () { const fileName = "tracemonkey.pdf"; dataPromise = DefaultFileReaderFactory.fetch({ path: TEST_PDFS_PATH + fileName, }); }); afterAll(function () { dataPromise = null; }); it("should fetch document info and page using ranges", async function () { const initialDataLength = 4000; let fetches = 0; const data = await dataPromise; const initialData = data.subarray(0, initialDataLength); const transport = new PDFDataRangeTransport(data.length, initialData); transport.requestDataRange = function (begin, end) { fetches++; waitSome(function () { transport.onDataProgress(4000); transport.onDataRange(begin, data.subarray(begin, end)); }); }; const loadingTask = getDocument(transport); const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise; expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(14); const pdfPage = await pdfDocument.getPage(10); expect(pdfPage.rotate).toEqual(0); expect(fetches).toBeGreaterThan(2); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it("should fetch document info and page using range and streaming", async function () { const initialDataLength = 4000; let fetches = 0; const data = await dataPromise; const initialData = data.subarray(0, initialDataLength); const transport = new PDFDataRangeTransport(data.length, initialData); transport.requestDataRange = function (begin, end) { fetches++; if (fetches === 1) { // Send rest of the data on first range request. transport.onDataProgressiveRead(data.subarray(initialDataLength)); } waitSome(function () { transport.onDataRange(begin, data.subarray(begin, end)); }); }; const loadingTask = getDocument(transport); const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise; expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(14); const pdfPage = await pdfDocument.getPage(10); expect(pdfPage.rotate).toEqual(0); expect(fetches).toEqual(1); await new Promise(resolve => { waitSome(resolve); }); await loadingTask.destroy(); }); it( "should fetch document info and page, without range, " + "using complete initialData", async function () { let fetches = 0; const data = await dataPromise; const transport = new PDFDataRangeTransport( data.length, data, /* progressiveDone = */ true ); transport.requestDataRange = function (begin, end) { fetches++; }; const loadingTask = getDocument({ disableRange: true, range: transport, }); const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise; expect(pdfDocument.numPages).toEqual(14); const pdfPage = await pdfDocument.getPage(10); expect(pdfPage.rotate).toEqual(0); expect(fetches).toEqual(0); await loadingTask.destroy(); } ); }); });