var PDFFunction = (function() { var CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED = 0; var CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED = 2; var CONSTRUCT_STICHED = 3; var CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT = 4; return { getSampleArray: function(size, outputSize, bps, str) { var length = 1; for (var i = 0; i < size.length; i++) length *= size[i]; length *= outputSize; var array = []; var codeSize = 0; var codeBuf = 0; var strBytes = str.getBytes((length * bps + 7) / 8); var strIdx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { while (codeSize < bps) { codeBuf <<= 8; codeBuf |= strBytes[strIdx++]; codeSize += 8; } codeSize -= bps; array.push(codeBuf >> codeSize); codeBuf &= (1 << codeSize) - 1; } return array; }, getIR: function(xref, fn) { var dict = fn.dict; if (!dict) dict = fn; var types = [this.constructSampled, null, this.constructInterpolated, this.constructStiched, this.constructPostScript]; var typeNum = dict.get('FunctionType'); var typeFn = types[typeNum]; if (!typeFn) error('Unknown type of function'); return, fn, dict, xref); }, fromIR: function(IR) { var type = IR[0]; switch (type) { case CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED: return this.constructSampledFromIR(IR); case CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED: return this.constructInterpolatedFromIR(IR); case CONSTRUCT_STICHED: return this.constructStichedFromIR(IR); case CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT: return this.constructPostScriptFromIR(IR); } }, parse: function(xref, fn) { var IR = this.getIR(xref, fn); return this.fromIR(IR); }, constructSampled: function(str, dict) { var domain = dict.get('Domain'); var range = dict.get('Range'); if (!domain || !range) error('No domain or range'); var inputSize = domain.length / 2; var outputSize = range.length / 2; if (inputSize != 1) error('No support for multi-variable inputs to functions: ' + inputSize); var size = dict.get('Size'); var bps = dict.get('BitsPerSample'); var order = dict.get('Order'); if (!order) order = 1; if (order !== 1) error('No support for cubic spline interpolation: ' + order); var encode = dict.get('Encode'); if (!encode) { encode = []; for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) { encode.push(0); encode.push(size[i] - 1); } } var decode = dict.get('Decode'); if (!decode) decode = range; var samples = this.getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, str); return [ CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED, inputSize, domain, encode, decode, samples, size, outputSize, bps, range ]; }, constructSampledFromIR: function(IR) { var inputSize = IR[1]; var domain = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var decode = IR[4]; var samples = IR[5]; var size = IR[6]; var outputSize = IR[7]; var bps = IR[8]; var range = IR[9]; return function(args) { var clip = function(v, min, max) { if (v > max) v = max; else if (v < min) v = min; return v; }; if (inputSize != args.length) error('Incorrect number of arguments: ' + inputSize + ' != ' + args.length); for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; i++) { var i2 = i * 2; // clip to the domain var v = clip(args[i], domain[i2], domain[i2 + 1]); // encode v = encode[i2] + ((v - domain[i2]) * (encode[i2 + 1] - encode[i2]) / (domain[i2 + 1] - domain[i2])); // clip to the size args[i] = clip(v, 0, size[i] - 1); } // interpolate to table TODO('Multi-dimensional interpolation'); var floor = Math.floor(args[0]); var ceil = Math.ceil(args[0]); var scale = args[0] - floor; floor *= outputSize; ceil *= outputSize; var output = [], v = 0; for (var i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i) { if (ceil == floor) { v = samples[ceil + i]; } else { var low = samples[floor + i]; var high = samples[ceil + i]; v = low * scale + high * (1 - scale); } var i2 = i * 2; // decode v = decode[i2] + (v * (decode[i2 + 1] - decode[i2]) / ((1 << bps) - 1)); // clip to the domain output.push(clip(v, range[i2], range[i2 + 1])); } return output; } }, constructInterpolated: function pdfFunctionConstructInterpolated(str, dict) { var c0 = dict.get('C0') || [0]; var c1 = dict.get('C1') || [1]; var n = dict.get('N'); if (!isArray(c0) || !isArray(c1)) error('Illegal dictionary for interpolated function'); var length = c0.length; var diff = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) diff.push(c1[i] - c0[i]); return [CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED, c0, diff, n]; }, constructInterpolatedFromIR: function pdfFunctionconstructInterpolatedFromIR(IR) { var c0 = IR[1]; var diff = IR[2]; var n = IR[3]; var length = diff.length; return function(args) { var x = n == 1 ? args[0] : Math.pow(args[0], n); var out = []; for (var j = 0; j < length; ++j) out.push(c0[j] + (x * diff[j])); return out; } }, constructStiched: function pdfFunctionConstructStiched(fn, dict, xref) { var domain = dict.get('Domain'); var range = dict.get('Range'); if (!domain) error('No domain'); var inputSize = domain.length / 2; if (inputSize != 1) error('Bad domain for stiched function'); var fnRefs = dict.get('Functions'); var fns = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fnRefs.length; i < ii; ++i) fns.push(PDFFunction.getIR(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(fnRefs[i]))); var bounds = dict.get('Bounds'); var encode = dict.get('Encode'); return [CONSTRUCT_STICHED, domain, bounds, encode, fns]; }, constructStichedFromIR: function pdfFunctionConstructStichedFromIR(IR) { var domain = IR[1]; var bounds = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var fnsIR = IR[4]; var fns = []; for (var i = 0; i < fnsIR.length; i++) { fns.push(PDFFunction.fromIR(fnsIR[i])); } return function(args) { var clip = function(v, min, max) { if (v > max) v = max; else if (v < min) v = min; return v; }; // clip to domain var v = clip(args[0], domain[0], domain[1]); // calulate which bound the value is in for (var i = 0, ii = bounds.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (v < bounds[i]) break; } // encode value into domain of function var dmin = domain[0]; if (i > 0) dmin = bounds[i - 1]; var dmax = domain[1]; if (i < bounds.length) dmax = bounds[i]; var rmin = encode[2 * i]; var rmax = encode[2 * i + 1]; var v2 = rmin + (v - dmin) * (rmax - rmin) / (dmax - dmin); // call the appropropriate function return fns[i]([v2]); }; }, constructPostScript: function pdfFunctionConstructPostScript() { return [CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT]; }, constructPostScriptFromIR: function pdfFunctionConstructPostScriptFromIR() { TODO('unhandled type of function'); return function() { return [255, 105, 180]; }; } }; })();