/* Copyright 2022 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { AnnotationEditorParamsType, AnnotationEditorType, Util, } from "../../shared/util.js"; import { AnnotationEditor } from "./editor.js"; import { fitCurve } from "./fit_curve/fit_curve.js"; /** * Basic draw editor in order to generate an Ink annotation. */ class InkEditor extends AnnotationEditor { #aspectRatio = 0; #baseHeight = 0; #baseWidth = 0; #boundCanvasMousemove; #boundCanvasMouseleave; #boundCanvasMouseup; #boundCanvasMousedown; #disableEditing = false; #observer = null; #realWidth = 0; #realHeight = 0; static _defaultColor = null; static _defaultThickness = 1; constructor(params) { super({ ...params, name: "inkEditor" }); this.color = params.color || InkEditor._defaultColor || AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor; this.thickness = params.thickness || InkEditor._defaultThickness; this.paths = []; this.bezierPath2D = []; this.currentPath = []; this.scaleFactor = 1; this.translationX = this.translationY = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.#boundCanvasMousemove = this.canvasMousemove.bind(this); this.#boundCanvasMouseleave = this.canvasMouseleave.bind(this); this.#boundCanvasMouseup = this.canvasMouseup.bind(this); this.#boundCanvasMousedown = this.canvasMousedown.bind(this); } /** @inheritdoc */ copy() { const editor = new InkEditor({ parent: this.parent, id: this.parent.getNextId(), }); editor.x = this.x; editor.y = this.y; editor.width = this.width; editor.height = this.height; editor.color = this.color; editor.thickness = this.thickness; editor.paths = this.paths.slice(); editor.bezierPath2D = this.bezierPath2D.slice(); editor.scaleFactor = this.scaleFactor; editor.translationX = this.translationX; editor.translationY = this.translationY; editor.#aspectRatio = this.#aspectRatio; editor.#baseWidth = this.#baseWidth; editor.#baseHeight = this.#baseHeight; editor.#disableEditing = this.#disableEditing; editor.#realWidth = this.#realWidth; editor.#realHeight = this.#realHeight; return editor; } static updateDefaultParams(type, value) { switch (type) { case AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS: InkEditor._defaultThickness = value; break; case AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR: InkEditor._defaultColor = value; break; } } /** @inheritdoc */ updateParams(type, value) { switch (type) { case AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS: this.#updateThickness(value); break; case AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR: this.#updateColor(value); break; } } static get defaultPropertiesToUpdate() { return [ [AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, InkEditor._defaultThickness], [ AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, InkEditor._defaultColor || AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor, ], ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ get propertiesToUpdate() { return [ [AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, this.thickness], [AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, this.color], ]; } /** * Update the thickness and make this action undoable. * @param {number} thickness */ #updateThickness(thickness) { const savedThickness = this.thickness; this.parent.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.thickness = thickness; this.#fitToContent(); }, undo: () => { this.thickness = savedThickness; this.#fitToContent(); }, mustExec: true, type: AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, overwriteIfSameType: true, keepUndo: true, }); } /** * Update the color and make this action undoable. * @param {string} color */ #updateColor(color) { const savedColor = this.color; this.parent.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.color = color; this.#redraw(); }, undo: () => { this.color = savedColor; this.#redraw(); }, mustExec: true, type: AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, overwriteIfSameType: true, keepUndo: true, }); } /** @inheritdoc */ rebuild() { if (this.div === null) { return; } if (!this.canvas) { this.#createCanvas(); this.#createObserver(); } if (!this.isAttachedToDOM) { // At some point this editor was removed and we're rebuilding it, // hence we must add it to its parent. this.parent.add(this); this.#setCanvasDims(); } this.#fitToContent(); } /** @inheritdoc */ remove() { if (this.canvas === null) { return; } // Destroy the canvas. this.canvas.width = this.canvas.heigth = 0; this.canvas.remove(); this.canvas = null; this.#observer.disconnect(); this.#observer = null; super.remove(); } /** @inheritdoc */ enableEditMode() { if (this.#disableEditing || this.canvas === null) { return; } super.enableEditMode(); this.canvas.style.cursor = "pointer"; this.div.draggable = false; this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.#boundCanvasMousedown); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.#boundCanvasMouseup); } /** @inheritdoc */ disableEditMode() { if (!this.isInEditMode() || this.canvas === null) { return; } super.disableEditMode(); this.canvas.style.cursor = "auto"; this.div.draggable = !this.isEmpty(); this.div.classList.remove("editing"); this.canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.#boundCanvasMousedown); this.canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.#boundCanvasMouseup); } /** @inheritdoc */ onceAdded() { this.div.draggable = !this.isEmpty(); this.div.focus(); } /** @inheritdoc */ isEmpty() { return this.paths.length === 0; } #getInitialBBox() { const { width, height, rotation } = this.parent.viewport; switch (rotation) { case 90: return [0, width, width, height]; case 180: return [width, height, width, height]; case 270: return [height, 0, width, height]; default: return [0, 0, width, height]; } } /** * Set line styles. */ #setStroke() { this.ctx.lineWidth = (this.thickness * this.parent.scaleFactor) / this.scaleFactor; this.ctx.lineCap = "round"; this.ctx.lineJoin = "round"; this.ctx.miterLimit = 10; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.color; } /** * Start to draw on the canvas. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ #startDrawing(x, y) { this.currentPath.push([x, y]); this.#setStroke(); this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.moveTo(x, y); } /** * Draw on the canvas. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ #draw(x, y) { this.currentPath.push([x, y]); this.ctx.lineTo(x, y); this.ctx.stroke(); } /** * Stop to draw on the canvas. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ #stopDrawing(x, y) { x = Math.min(Math.max(x, 0), this.canvas.width); y = Math.min(Math.max(y, 0), this.canvas.height); this.currentPath.push([x, y]); // Interpolate the path entered by the user with some // Bezier's curves in order to have a smoother path and // to reduce the data size used to draw it in the PDF. let bezier; if ( this.currentPath.length !== 2 || this.currentPath[0][0] !== x || this.currentPath[0][1] !== y ) { bezier = fitCurve(this.currentPath, 30, null); } else { // We have only one point finally. const xy = [x, y]; bezier = [[xy, xy.slice(), xy.slice(), xy]]; } const path2D = this.#buildPath2D(bezier); this.currentPath.length = 0; const cmd = () => { this.paths.push(bezier); this.bezierPath2D.push(path2D); this.rebuild(); }; const undo = () => { this.paths.pop(); this.bezierPath2D.pop(); if (this.paths.length === 0) { this.remove(); } else { if (!this.canvas) { this.#createCanvas(); this.#createObserver(); } this.#fitToContent(); } }; this.parent.addCommands({ cmd, undo, mustExec: true }); } /** * Redraw all the paths. */ #redraw() { this.#setStroke(); if (this.isEmpty()) { this.#updateTransform(); return; } const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parent.viewportBaseDimensions; const { ctx, height, width } = this; ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * parentWidth, height * parentHeight); this.#updateTransform(); for (const path of this.bezierPath2D) { ctx.stroke(path); } } /** * Commit the curves we have in this editor. * @returns {undefined} */ commit() { if (this.#disableEditing) { return; } this.disableEditMode(); // This editor must be on top of the main ink editor. this.setInForeground(); this.#disableEditing = true; this.div.classList.add("disabled"); this.#fitToContent(); } /** @inheritdoc */ focusin(/* event */) { super.focusin(); this.enableEditMode(); } /** * onmousedown callback for the canvas we're drawing on. * @param {MouseEvent} event * @returns {undefined} */ canvasMousedown(event) { if (!this.isInEditMode() || this.#disableEditing) { return; } // We want to draw on top of any other editors. // Since it's the last child, there's no need to give it a higher z-index. this.setInForeground(); event.stopPropagation(); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.#boundCanvasMouseleave); this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.#boundCanvasMousemove); this.#startDrawing(event.offsetX, event.offsetY); } /** * onmousemove callback for the canvas we're drawing on. * @param {MouseEvent} event * @returns {undefined} */ canvasMousemove(event) { event.stopPropagation(); this.#draw(event.offsetX, event.offsetY); } /** * onmouseup callback for the canvas we're drawing on. * @param {MouseEvent} event * @returns {undefined} */ canvasMouseup(event) { if (this.isInEditMode() && this.currentPath.length !== 0) { event.stopPropagation(); this.#endDrawing(event); // Since the ink editor covers all of the page and we want to be able // to select another editor, we just put this one in the background. this.setInBackground(); } } /** * onmouseleave callback for the canvas we're drawing on. * @param {MouseEvent} event * @returns {undefined} */ canvasMouseleave(event) { this.#endDrawing(event); this.setInBackground(); } /** * End the drawing. * @param {MouseEvent} event */ #endDrawing(event) { this.#stopDrawing(event.offsetX, event.offsetY); this.canvas.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this.#boundCanvasMouseleave); this.canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.#boundCanvasMousemove); } /** * Create the canvas element. */ #createCanvas() { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.canvas.className = "inkEditorCanvas"; this.div.append(this.canvas); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); } /** * Create the resize observer. */ #createObserver() { this.#observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => { const rect = entries[0].contentRect; if (rect.width && rect.height) { this.setDimensions(rect.width, rect.height); } }); this.#observer.observe(this.div); } /** @inheritdoc */ render() { if (this.div) { return this.div; } let baseX, baseY; if (this.width) { baseX = this.x; baseY = this.y; } super.render(); this.div.classList.add("editing"); const [x, y, w, h] = this.#getInitialBBox(); this.setAt(x, y, 0, 0); this.setDims(w, h); this.#createCanvas(); if (this.width) { // This editor was created in using copy (ctrl+c). const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parent.viewportBaseDimensions; this.setAt( baseX * parentWidth, baseY * parentHeight, this.width * parentWidth, this.height * parentHeight ); this.setDims(this.width * parentWidth, this.height * parentHeight); this.#setCanvasDims(); this.#redraw(); this.div.classList.add("disabled"); } this.#createObserver(); return this.div; } #setCanvasDims() { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parent.viewportBaseDimensions; this.canvas.width = this.width * parentWidth; this.canvas.height = this.height * parentHeight; this.#updateTransform(); } /** * When the dimensions of the div change the inner canvas must * renew its dimensions, hence it must redraw its own contents. * @param {number} width - the new width of the div * @param {number} height - the new height of the div * @returns */ setDimensions(width, height) { const roundedWidth = Math.round(width); const roundedHeight = Math.round(height); if ( this.#realWidth === roundedWidth && this.#realHeight === roundedHeight ) { return; } this.#realWidth = roundedWidth; this.#realHeight = roundedHeight; this.canvas.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (this.#aspectRatio) { height = Math.ceil(width / this.#aspectRatio); this.setDims(width, height); } const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parent.viewportBaseDimensions; this.width = width / parentWidth; this.height = height / parentHeight; if (this.#disableEditing) { const padding = this.#getPadding(); const scaleFactorW = (width - padding) / this.#baseWidth; const scaleFactorH = (height - padding) / this.#baseHeight; this.scaleFactor = Math.min(scaleFactorW, scaleFactorH); } this.#setCanvasDims(); this.#redraw(); this.canvas.style.visibility = "visible"; } /** * Update the canvas transform. */ #updateTransform() { const padding = this.#getPadding() / 2; this.ctx.setTransform( this.scaleFactor, 0, 0, this.scaleFactor, this.translationX * this.scaleFactor + padding, this.translationY * this.scaleFactor + padding ); } /** * Convert the output of fitCurve in some Path2D. * @param {Arra<Array<number>} bezier * @returns {Path2D} */ #buildPath2D(bezier) { const path2D = new Path2D(); for (let i = 0, ii = bezier.length; i < ii; i++) { const [first, control1, control2, second] = bezier[i]; if (i === 0) { path2D.moveTo(...first); } path2D.bezierCurveTo( control1[0], control1[1], control2[0], control2[1], second[0], second[1] ); } return path2D; } /** * Transform and serialize the paths. * @param {number} s - scale factor * @param {number} tx - abscissa of the translation * @param {number} ty - ordinate of the translation * @param {number} h - height of the bounding box */ #serializePaths(s, tx, ty, h) { const NUMBER_OF_POINTS_ON_BEZIER_CURVE = 4; const paths = []; const padding = this.thickness / 2; let buffer, points; for (const bezier of this.paths) { buffer = []; points = []; for (let i = 0, ii = bezier.length; i < ii; i++) { const [first, control1, control2, second] = bezier[i]; const p10 = s * (first[0] + tx) + padding; const p11 = h - s * (first[1] + ty) - padding; const p20 = s * (control1[0] + tx) + padding; const p21 = h - s * (control1[1] + ty) - padding; const p30 = s * (control2[0] + tx) + padding; const p31 = h - s * (control2[1] + ty) - padding; const p40 = s * (second[0] + tx) + padding; const p41 = h - s * (second[1] + ty) - padding; if (i === 0) { buffer.push(p10, p11); points.push(p10, p11); } buffer.push(p20, p21, p30, p31, p40, p41); this.#extractPointsOnBezier( p10, p11, p20, p21, p30, p31, p40, p41, NUMBER_OF_POINTS_ON_BEZIER_CURVE, points ); } paths.push({ bezier: buffer, points }); } return paths; } /** * Extract n-1 points from the cubic Bezier curve. * @param {number} p10 * @param {number} p11 * @param {number} p20 * @param {number} p21 * @param {number} p30 * @param {number} p31 * @param {number} p40 * @param {number} p41 * @param {number} n * @param {Array<number>} points * @returns {undefined} */ #extractPointsOnBezier(p10, p11, p20, p21, p30, p31, p40, p41, n, points) { // If we can save few points thanks to the flatness we must do it. if (this.#isAlmostFlat(p10, p11, p20, p21, p30, p31, p40, p41)) { points.push(p40, p41); return; } // Apply the de Casteljau's algorithm in order to get n points belonging // to the Bezier's curve: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Casteljau%27s_algorithm // The first point is the last point of the previous Bezier curve // so no need to push the first point. for (let i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) { const t = i / n; const mt = 1 - t; let q10 = t * p10 + mt * p20; let q11 = t * p11 + mt * p21; let q20 = t * p20 + mt * p30; let q21 = t * p21 + mt * p31; const q30 = t * p30 + mt * p40; const q31 = t * p31 + mt * p41; q10 = t * q10 + mt * q20; q11 = t * q11 + mt * q21; q20 = t * q20 + mt * q30; q21 = t * q21 + mt * q31; q10 = t * q10 + mt * q20; q11 = t * q11 + mt * q21; points.push(q10, q11); } points.push(p40, p41); } /** * Check if a cubic Bezier curve is almost flat. * @param {number} p10 * @param {number} p11 * @param {number} p20 * @param {number} p21 * @param {number} p30 * @param {number} p31 * @param {number} p40 * @param {number} p41 * @returns {boolean} */ #isAlmostFlat(p10, p11, p20, p21, p30, p31, p40, p41) { // For reference: // https://jeremykun.com/tag/bezier-curves/ const tol = 10; const ax = (3 * p20 - 2 * p10 - p40) ** 2; const ay = (3 * p21 - 2 * p11 - p41) ** 2; const bx = (3 * p30 - p10 - 2 * p40) ** 2; const by = (3 * p31 - p11 - 2 * p41) ** 2; return Math.max(ax, bx) + Math.max(ay, by) <= tol; } /** * Get the bounding box containing all the paths. * @returns {Array<number>} */ #getBbox() { let xMin = Infinity; let xMax = -Infinity; let yMin = Infinity; let yMax = -Infinity; for (const path of this.paths) { for (const [first, control1, control2, second] of path) { const bbox = Util.bezierBoundingBox( ...first, ...control1, ...control2, ...second ); xMin = Math.min(xMin, bbox[0]); yMin = Math.min(yMin, bbox[1]); xMax = Math.max(xMax, bbox[2]); yMax = Math.max(yMax, bbox[3]); } } return [xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax]; } /** * The bounding box is computed with null thickness, so we must take * it into account for the display. * It corresponds to the total padding, hence it should be divided by 2 * in order to have left/right paddings. * @returns {number} */ #getPadding() { return Math.ceil(this.thickness * this.parent.scaleFactor); } /** * Set the div position and dimensions in order to fit to * the bounding box of the contents. * @returns {undefined} */ #fitToContent() { if (this.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!this.#disableEditing) { this.#redraw(); return; } const bbox = this.#getBbox(); const padding = this.#getPadding(); this.#baseWidth = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; this.#baseHeight = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; const width = Math.ceil(padding + this.#baseWidth * this.scaleFactor); const height = Math.ceil(padding + this.#baseHeight * this.scaleFactor); const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parent.viewportBaseDimensions; this.width = width / parentWidth; this.height = height / parentHeight; this.#aspectRatio = width / height; const prevTranslationX = this.translationX; const prevTranslationY = this.translationY; this.translationX = -bbox[0]; this.translationY = -bbox[1]; this.#setCanvasDims(); this.#redraw(); this.setDims(width, height); this.translate( prevTranslationX - this.translationX, prevTranslationY - this.translationY ); } /** @inheritdoc */ serialize() { const rect = this.getRect(0, 0); const height = this.rotation % 180 === 0 ? rect[3] - rect[1] : rect[2] - rect[0]; const color = AnnotationEditor._colorManager.convert(this.ctx.strokeStyle); return { annotationType: AnnotationEditorType.INK, color, thickness: this.thickness, paths: this.#serializePaths( this.scaleFactor / this.parent.scaleFactor, this.translationX, this.translationY, height ), pageIndex: this.parent.pageIndex, rect, rotation: this.rotation, }; } } export { InkEditor };