/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import {
} from "../../src/core/crypto.js";
import { Dict, Name } from "../../src/core/primitives.js";
import {
} from "../../src/shared/util.js";

describe("crypto", function () {
  function hex2binary(s) {
    const digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    s = s.toUpperCase();
    const n = s.length >> 1;
    const result = new Uint8Array(n);
    for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const d1 = s.charAt(j++);
      const d2 = s.charAt(j++);
      const value = (digits.indexOf(d1) << 4) | digits.indexOf(d2);
      result[i] = value;
    return result;

  // RFC 1321, A.5 Test suite
  describe("calculateMD5", function () {
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #1", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("");
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #2", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("a");
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #3", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("abc");
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #4", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("message digest");
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #5", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #6", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes(
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f");
    it("should pass RFC 1321 test #7", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes(
        "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678" +
      const result = calculateMD5(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary("57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a");

  // http://www.freemedialibrary.com/index.php/RC4_test_vectors are used
  describe("ARCFourCipher", function () {
    it("should pass test #1", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("0123456789abcdef");
      const input = hex2binary("0123456789abcdef");
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary("75b7878099e0c596");
    it("should pass test #2", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("0123456789abcdef");
      const input = hex2binary("0000000000000000");
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary("7494c2e7104b0879");
    it("should pass test #3", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("0000000000000000");
      const input = hex2binary("0000000000000000");
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary("de188941a3375d3a");
    it("should pass test #4", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("ef012345");
      const input = hex2binary("00000000000000000000");
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary("d6a141a7ec3c38dfbd61");
    it("should pass test #5", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("0123456789abcdef");
      const input = hex2binary(
        "010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
          "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010" +
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "7595c3e6114a09780c4ad452338e1ffd9a1be9498f813d76" +
          "533449b6778dcad8c78a8d2ba9ac66085d0e53d59c26c2d1c490c1ebbe0ce66d1b6b" +
          "1b13b6b919b847c25a91447a95e75e4ef16779cde8bf0a95850e32af9689444fd377" +
          "108f98fdcbd4e726567500990bcc7e0ca3c4aaa304a387d20f3b8fbbcd42a1bd311d" +
          "7a4303dda5ab078896ae80c18b0af66dff319616eb784e495ad2ce90d7f772a81747" +
          "b65f62093b1e0db9e5ba532fafec47508323e671327df9444432cb7367cec82f5d44" +
          "c0d00b67d650a075cd4b70dedd77eb9b10231b6b5b741347396d62897421d43df9b4" +
          "2e446e358e9c11a9b2184ecbef0cd8e7a877ef968f1390ec9b3d35a5585cb009290e" +
          "2fcde7b5ec66d9084be44055a619d9dd7fc3166f9487f7cb272912426445998514c1" +
          "5d53a18c864ce3a2b7555793988126520eacf2e3066e230c91bee4dd5304f5fd0405" +
          "b35bd99c73135d3d9bc335ee049ef69b3867bf2d7bd1eaa595d8bfc0066ff8d31509" +
          "eb0c6caa006c807a623ef84c3d33c195d23ee320c40de0558157c822d4b8c569d849" +
          "aed59d4e0fd7f379586b4b7ff684ed6a189f7486d49b9c4bad9ba24b96abf924372c" +
          "8a8fffb10d55354900a77a3db5f205e1b99fcd8660863a159ad4abe40fa48934163d" +
          "dde542a6585540fd683cbfd8c00f12129a284deacc4cdefe58be7137541c047126c8" +
    it("should pass test #6", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("fb029e3031323334");
      const input = hex2binary(
        "aaaa0300000008004500004e661a00008011be640a0001220af" +
          "fffff00890089003a000080a601100001000000000000204543454a4548454346434" +
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "f69c5806bd6ce84626bcbefb9474650aad1f7909b0f64d5f" +
          "58a503a258b7ed22eb0ea64930d3a056a55742fcce141d485f8aa836dea18df42c53" +
    it("should pass test #7", function () {
      const key = hex2binary("0123456789abcdef");
      const input = hex2binary(
      const cipher = new ARCFourCipher(key);
      const result = cipher.encryptBlock(input);
      const expected = hex2binary(

  describe("calculateSHA256", function () {
    it("should properly hash abc", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("abc");
      const result = calculateSHA256(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(
    it("should properly hash a multiblock input", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes(
      const result = calculateSHA256(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(

  describe("calculateSHA384", function () {
    it("should properly hash abc", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("abc");
      const result = calculateSHA384(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "CB00753F45A35E8BB5A03D699AC65007272C32AB0EDED163" +
    it("should properly hash a multiblock input", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes(
        "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklm" +
          "ghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrs" +
      const result = calculateSHA384(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "09330C33F71147E83D192FC782CD1B4753111B173B3B05D2" +

  describe("calculateSHA512", function () {
    it("should properly hash abc", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes("abc");
      const result = calculateSHA512(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "DDAF35A193617ABACC417349AE20413112E6FA4E89A97EA2" +
          "0A9EEEE64B55D39A2192992A274FC1A836BA3C23A3FEEBBD" +
    it("should properly hash a multiblock input", function () {
      const input = stringToBytes(
        "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklm" +
          "ghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrs" +
      const result = calculateSHA512(input, 0, input.length);
      const expected = hex2binary(
        "8E959B75DAE313DA8CF4F72814FC143F8F7779C6EB9F7FA1" +
          "7299AEADB6889018501D289E4900F7E4331B99DEC4B5433A" +

  describe("AES128", function () {
    describe("Encryption", function () {
      it("should be able to encrypt a block", function () {
        const input = hex2binary("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff");
        const key = hex2binary("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
        const iv = hex2binary("00000000000000000000000000000000");
        const cipher = new AES128Cipher(key);
        const result = cipher.encrypt(input, iv);
        const expected = hex2binary("69c4e0d86a7b0430d8cdb78070b4c55a");

    describe("Decryption", function () {
      it("should be able to decrypt a block with IV in stream", function () {
        const input = hex2binary(
          "0000000000000000000000000000000069c4e0d86a7b0430d" +
        const key = hex2binary("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
        const cipher = new AES128Cipher(key);
        const result = cipher.decryptBlock(input);
        const expected = hex2binary("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff");

  describe("AES256", function () {
    describe("Encryption", function () {
      it("should be able to encrypt a block", function () {
        const input = hex2binary("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff");
        const key = hex2binary(
          "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718" +
        const iv = hex2binary("00000000000000000000000000000000");
        const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
        const result = cipher.encrypt(input, iv);
        const expected = hex2binary("8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089");

    describe("Decryption", function () {
      it("should be able to decrypt a block with specified iv", function () {
        const input = hex2binary("8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089");
        const key = hex2binary(
          "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718" +
        const iv = hex2binary("00000000000000000000000000000000");
        const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
        const result = cipher.decryptBlock(input, false, iv);
        const expected = hex2binary("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff");
      it("should be able to decrypt a block with IV in stream", function () {
        const input = hex2binary(
          "000000000000000000000000000000008ea2b7ca516745bf" +
        const key = hex2binary(
          "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718" +
        const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key);
        const result = cipher.decryptBlock(input, false);
        const expected = hex2binary("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff");

  describe("PDF17Algorithm", function () {
    it("should correctly check a user key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF17();
      const password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const userValidation = new Uint8Array([
        117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220
      // prettier-ignore
      const userPassword = new Uint8Array([
        131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79,
        253, 189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81,
        197, 15, 249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65,
        3, 1, 126, 187, 221
      const result = alg.checkUserPassword(

    it("should correctly check an owner key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF17();
      const password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerValidation = new Uint8Array([
        243, 118, 71, 153, 128, 17, 101, 62
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerPassword = new Uint8Array([
        60, 98, 137, 35, 51, 101, 200, 152, 210,
        178, 226, 228, 134, 205, 163, 24, 204,
        126, 177, 36, 106, 50, 36, 125, 210, 172,
        171, 120, 222, 108, 139, 115
      // prettier-ignore
      const uBytes = new Uint8Array([
        131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79, 253,
        189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81, 197, 15,
        249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65, 3, 1, 126, 187,
        221, 117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220, 168,
        94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40
      const result = alg.checkOwnerPassword(

    it("should generate a file encryption key from the user key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF17();
      const password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
      const userKeySalt = new Uint8Array([168, 94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const userEncryption = new Uint8Array([
        35, 150, 195, 169, 245, 51, 51, 255,
        158, 158, 33, 242, 231, 75, 125, 190,
        25, 126, 172, 114, 195, 244, 137, 245,
        234, 165, 42, 74, 60, 38, 17, 17
      const result = alg.getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption);
      // prettier-ignore
      const expected = new Uint8Array([
        63, 114, 136, 209, 87, 61, 12, 30, 249, 1,
        186, 144, 254, 248, 163, 153, 151, 51, 133,
        10, 80, 152, 206, 15, 72, 187, 231, 33, 224,
        239, 13, 213

    it("should generate a file encryption key from the owner key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF17();
      const password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerKeySalt = new Uint8Array([
        200, 245, 242, 12, 218, 123, 24, 120
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerEncryption = new Uint8Array([
        213, 202, 14, 189, 110, 76, 70, 191, 6,
        195, 10, 190, 157, 100, 144, 85, 8, 62,
        123, 178, 156, 229, 50, 40, 229, 216,
        54, 222, 34, 38, 106, 223
      // prettier-ignore
      const uBytes = new Uint8Array([
        131, 242, 143, 160, 87, 2, 138, 134, 79, 253,
        189, 173, 224, 73, 144, 241, 190, 81, 197, 15,
        249, 105, 145, 151, 15, 194, 65, 3, 1, 126, 187,
        221, 117, 169, 4, 32, 159, 101, 22, 220, 168,
        94, 215, 192, 100, 38, 188, 40
      const result = alg.getOwnerKey(
      // prettier-ignore
      const expected = new Uint8Array([
        63, 114, 136, 209, 87, 61, 12, 30, 249, 1,
        186, 144, 254, 248, 163, 153, 151, 51, 133,
        10, 80, 152, 206, 15, 72, 187, 231, 33, 224,
        239, 13, 213

  describe("PDF20Algorithm", function () {
    it("should correctly check a user key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF20();
      const password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const userValidation = new Uint8Array([
        83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198
      // prettier-ignore
      const userPassword = new Uint8Array([
        94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219,
        128, 17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46,
        103, 176, 160, 156, 187, 233, 166, 223,
        163, 253, 147, 235, 95, 184
      const result = alg.checkUserPassword(

    it("should correctly check an owner key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF20();
      const password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerValidation = new Uint8Array([
        142, 232, 169, 208, 202, 214, 5, 185
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerPassword = new Uint8Array([
        88, 232, 62, 54, 245, 26, 245, 209, 137,
        123, 221, 72, 199, 49, 37, 217, 31, 74,
        115, 167, 127, 158, 176, 77, 45, 163, 87,
        47, 39, 90, 217, 141
      // prettier-ignore
      const uBytes = new Uint8Array([
        94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219, 128,
        17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46, 103, 176, 160,
        156, 187, 233, 166, 223, 163, 253, 147, 235, 95,
        184, 83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198, 191,
        11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175
      const result = alg.checkOwnerPassword(

    it("should generate a file encryption key from the user key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF20();
      const password = new Uint8Array([117, 115, 101, 114]);
      const userKeySalt = new Uint8Array([191, 11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const userEncryption = new Uint8Array([
        121, 208, 2, 181, 230, 89, 156, 60, 253,
        143, 212, 28, 84, 180, 196, 177, 173,
        128, 221, 107, 46, 20, 94, 186, 135, 51,
        95, 24, 20, 223, 254, 36
      const result = alg.getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption);
      // prettier-ignore
      const expected = new Uint8Array([
        42, 218, 213, 39, 73, 91, 72, 79, 67, 38, 248,
        133, 18, 189, 61, 34, 107, 79, 29, 56, 59,
        181, 213, 118, 113, 34, 65, 210, 87, 174, 22,

    it("should generate a file encryption key from the owner key", function () {
      const alg = new PDF20();
      const password = new Uint8Array([111, 119, 110, 101, 114]);
      const ownerKeySalt = new Uint8Array([29, 208, 185, 46, 11, 76, 135, 149]);
      // prettier-ignore
      const ownerEncryption = new Uint8Array([
        209, 73, 224, 77, 103, 155, 201, 181,
        190, 68, 223, 20, 62, 90, 56, 210, 5,
        240, 178, 128, 238, 124, 68, 254, 253,
        244, 62, 108, 208, 135, 10, 251
      // prettier-ignore
      const uBytes = new Uint8Array([
        94, 230, 205, 75, 166, 99, 250, 76, 219, 128,
        17, 85, 57, 17, 33, 164, 150, 46, 103, 176, 160,
        156, 187, 233, 166, 223, 163, 253, 147, 235, 95,
        184, 83, 245, 146, 101, 198, 247, 34, 198, 191,
        11, 16, 94, 237, 216, 20, 175
      const result = alg.getOwnerKey(
      // prettier-ignore
      const expected = new Uint8Array([
        42, 218, 213, 39, 73, 91, 72, 79, 67, 38, 248,
        133, 18, 189, 61, 34, 107, 79, 29, 56, 59,
        181, 213, 118, 113, 34, 65, 210, 87, 174, 22,

describe("CipherTransformFactory", function () {
  function buildDict(map) {
    const dict = new Dict();
    for (const key in map) {
      dict.set(key, map[key]);
    return dict;

  function ensurePasswordCorrect(done, dict, fileId, password) {
    try {
      const factory = new CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password);
      expect("createCipherTransform" in factory).toEqual(true);
    } catch (ex) {
      done.fail("Password should be accepted: " + ex);

  function ensurePasswordNeeded(done, dict, fileId, password) {
    try {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
      new CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password);
    } catch (ex) {
      expect(ex instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true);

    done.fail("Password should be rejected.");

  function ensurePasswordIncorrect(done, dict, fileId, password) {
    try {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
      new CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password);
    } catch (ex) {
      expect(ex instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true);

    done.fail("Password should be rejected.");

  function ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId, password, string) {
    const factory = new CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password);
    const cipher = factory.createCipherTransform(123, 0);
    const encrypted = cipher.encryptString(string);
    const decrypted = cipher.decryptString(encrypted);


  let fileId1, fileId2, dict1, dict2, dict3;
  let aes256Dict, aes256IsoDict, aes256BlankDict, aes256IsoBlankDict;

  beforeAll(function (done) {
    fileId1 = unescape("%F6%C6%AF%17%F3rR%8DRM%9A%80%D1%EF%DF%18");
    fileId2 = unescape("%3CL_%3AD%96%AF@%9A%9D%B3%3Cx%1Cv%AC");

    dict1 = buildDict({
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 2,
      Length: 128,
      O: unescape(
        "%80%C3%04%96%91o%20sl%3A%E6%1B%13T%91%F2%0DV%12%E3%FF%5E%B" +
      U: unescape(
        "j%0C%8D%3EY%19%00%BCjd%7D%91%BD%AA%00%18%00%00%00%00%00%00" +
      P: -1028,
      R: 3,
    dict2 = buildDict({
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 4,
      Length: 128,
      O: unescape(
        "sF%14v.y5%27%DB%97%0A5%22%B3%E1%D4%AD%BD%9B%3C%B4%A5%89u%1" +
      U: unescape(
        "%93%04%89%A9%BF%8AE%A6%88%A2%DB%C2%A0%A8gn%00%00%00%00%00%" +
      P: -1084,
      R: 4,
    dict3 = {
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 5,
      Length: 256,
      O: unescape(
        "%3Cb%89%233e%C8%98%D2%B2%E2%E4%86%CD%A3%18%CC%7E%B1%24j2%2" +
          "4%7D%D2%AC%ABx%DEl%8Bs%F3vG%99%80%11e%3E%C8%F5%F2%0C%DA%7B" +
      U: unescape(
        "%83%F2%8F%A0W%02%8A%86O%FD%BD%AD%E0I%90%F1%BEQ%C5%0F%F9i%9" +
          "1%97%0F%C2A%03%01%7E%BB%DDu%A9%04%20%9Fe%16%DC%A8%5E%D7%C0" +
      OE: unescape(
        "%D5%CA%0E%BDnLF%BF%06%C3%0A%BE%9Dd%90U%08%3E%7B%B2%9C%E52" +
      UE: unescape(
        "%23%96%C3%A9%F533%FF%9E%9E%21%F2%E7K%7D%BE%19%7E%ACr%C3%F" +
      Perms: unescape("%D8%FC%844%E5e%0DB%5D%7Ff%FD%3COMM"),
      P: -1084,
      R: 5,
    aes256Dict = buildDict(dict3);
    aes256IsoDict = buildDict({
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 5,
      Length: 256,
      O: unescape(
        "X%E8%3E6%F5%1A%F5%D1%89%7B%DDH%C71%25%D9%1FJs%A7%7F%9E%B0M" +
          "-%A3W/%27Z%D9%8D%8E%E8%A9%D0%CA%D6%05%B9%1D%D0%B9.%0BL%87%" +
      U: unescape(
        "%5E%E6%CDK%A6c%FAL%DB%80%11U9%11%21%A4%96.g%B0%A0%9C%BB%E9" +
          "%A6%DF%A3%FD%93%EB_%B8S%F5%92e%C6%F7%22%C6%BF%0B%10%5E%ED%" +
      OE: unescape(
        "%D1I%E0Mg%9B%C9%B5%BED%DF%14%3EZ8%D2%05%F0%B2%80%EE%7CD%F" +
      UE: unescape(
        "y%D0%02%B5%E6Y%9C%3C%FD%8F%D4%1CT%B4%C4%B1%AD%80%DDk.%14%" +
      Perms: unescape("l%AD%0F%A0%EBM%86WM%3E%CB%B5%E0X%C97"),
      P: -1084,
      R: 6,
    aes256BlankDict = buildDict({
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 5,
      Length: 256,
      O: unescape(
        "%B8p%04%C3g%26%FCW%CCN%D4%16%A1%E8%950YZ%C9%9E%B1-%97%F3%F" +
      U: unescape(
        "%83%D4zi%F1O0%961%12%CC%82%CB%CA%BF5y%FD%21%EB%E4%D1%B5%1D" +
          "%D6%FA%14%F3%BE%8Fqs%EF%88%DE%E2%E8%DC%F55%E4%B8%16%C8%14%" +
      OE: unescape(
        "%8F%19%E8%D4%27%D5%07%CA%C6%A1%11%A6a%5Bt%F4%DF%0F%84%29%" +
      UE: unescape(
        "%81%F5%5D%B0%28%81%E4%7F_%7C%8F%85b%A0%7E%10%D0%88lx%7B%7" +
      Perms: unescape("%86%1562%0D%AE%A2%FB%5D%3B%22%3Dq%12%B2H"),
      P: -1084,
      R: 5,
    aes256IsoBlankDict = buildDict({
      Filter: Name.get("Standard"),
      V: 5,
      Length: 256,
      O: unescape(
        "%F7%DB%99U%A6M%ACk%AF%CF%D7AFw%E9%C1%91%CBDgI%23R%CF%0C%15" +
      U: unescape(
        "%1A%A9%DC%918%83%93k%29%5B%117%B16%DB%E8%8E%FE%28%E5%89%D4" +
      OE: unescape(
        "%A4a%88%20h%1B%7F%CD%D5%CAc%D8R%83%E5%D6%1C%D2%98%07%984%" +
      UE: unescape(
        "%A0%0AZU%27%1D%27%2C%0B%FE%0E%A2L%F9b%5E%A1%B9%D6v7b%B26%" +
      Perms: unescape("%03%F2i%07%0D%C3%F9%F2%28%80%B7%F5%DD%D1c%EB"),
      P: -1084,
      R: 6,


  afterAll(function () {
    fileId1 = fileId2 = dict1 = dict2 = dict3 = null;
    aes256Dict = aes256IsoDict = aes256BlankDict = aes256IsoBlankDict = null;

  describe("#ctor", function () {
    describe("AES256 Revision 5", function () {
      it("should accept user password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256Dict, fileId1, "user");
      it("should accept owner password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256Dict, fileId1, "owner");
      it("should not accept blank password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordNeeded(done, aes256Dict, fileId1);
      it("should not accept wrong password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordIncorrect(done, aes256Dict, fileId1, "wrong");
      it("should accept blank password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256BlankDict, fileId1);

    describe("AES256 Revision 6", function () {
      it("should accept user password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256IsoDict, fileId1, "user");
      it("should accept owner password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256IsoDict, fileId1, "owner");
      it("should not accept blank password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordNeeded(done, aes256IsoDict, fileId1);
      it("should not accept wrong password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordIncorrect(done, aes256IsoDict, fileId1, "wrong");
      it("should accept blank password", function (done) {
        ensurePasswordCorrect(done, aes256IsoBlankDict, fileId1);

    it("should accept user password", function (done) {
      ensurePasswordCorrect(done, dict1, fileId1, "123456");
    it("should accept owner password", function (done) {
      ensurePasswordCorrect(done, dict1, fileId1, "654321");
    it("should not accept blank password", function (done) {
      ensurePasswordNeeded(done, dict1, fileId1);
    it("should not accept wrong password", function (done) {
      ensurePasswordIncorrect(done, dict1, fileId1, "wrong");
    it("should accept blank password", function (done) {
      ensurePasswordCorrect(done, dict2, fileId2);

  describe("Encrypt and decrypt", function () {
    it("should encrypt and decrypt using ARCFour", function (done) {
      dict3.CF = buildDict({
        Identity: buildDict({
          CFM: Name.get("V2"),
      const dict = buildDict(dict3);
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "hello world");
    it("should encrypt and decrypt using AES128", function (done) {
      dict3.CF = buildDict({
        Identity: buildDict({
          CFM: Name.get("AESV2"),
      const dict = buildDict(dict3);
      // 1 char
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "a");
      // 2 chars
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "aa");
      // 16 chars
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
      // 19 chars
    it("should encrypt and decrypt using AES256", function (done) {
      dict3.CF = buildDict({
        Identity: buildDict({
          CFM: Name.get("AESV3"),
      const dict = buildDict(dict3);
      // 4 chars
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "aaaa");
      // 5 chars
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "aaaaa");
      // 16 chars
      ensureEncryptDecryptIsIdentity(dict, fileId1, "user", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
      // 22 chars