from numpy import * from scipy import stats import json, locale from optparse import OptionParser VALID_GROUP_BYS = ['browser', 'pdf', 'page', 'round', 'stat'] USAGE_EXAMPLE = "%prog BASELINE CURRENT" class TestOptions(OptionParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs): OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.add_option("--groupBy", action="append", dest="groupBy", type="string", help="How the statistics should grouped. Valid options: " + ', '.join(VALID_GROUP_BYS) + '.', default=[]) self.set_usage(USAGE_EXAMPLE) def verifyOptions(self, options, args): if len(args) < 2: self.error('There must be two comparison files arguments.') # Veryify the group by options. groupBy = [] if not options.groupBy: options.groupBy = ['browser,stat', 'browser,pdf,stat'] for group in options.groupBy: group = group.split(',') for column in group: if column not in VALID_GROUP_BYS: self.error('Invalid group by option of "' + column + '"') groupBy.append(group) options.groupBy = groupBy return options ## {{{ (r7) import cStringIO,operator def indent(rows, hasHeader=False, headerChar='-', delim=' | ', justify='left', separateRows=False, prefix='', postfix='', wrapfunc=lambda x:x): """Indents a table by column. - rows: A sequence of sequences of items, one sequence per row. - hasHeader: True if the first row consists of the columns' names. - headerChar: Character to be used for the row separator line (if hasHeader==True or separateRows==True). - delim: The column delimiter. - justify: Determines how are data justified in their column. Valid values are 'left','right' and 'center'. - separateRows: True if rows are to be separated by a line of 'headerChar's. - prefix: A string prepended to each printed row. - postfix: A string appended to each printed row. - wrapfunc: A function f(text) for wrapping text; each element in the table is first wrapped by this function.""" # closure for breaking logical rows to physical, using wrapfunc def rowWrapper(row): newRows = [wrapfunc(str(item)).split('\n') for item in row] return [[substr or '' for substr in item] for item in map(None,*newRows)] # break each logical row into one or more physical ones logicalRows = [rowWrapper(row) for row in rows] # columns of physical rows columns = map(None,*reduce(operator.add,logicalRows)) # get the maximum of each column by the string length of its items maxWidths = [max([len(str(item)) for item in column]) for column in columns] rowSeparator = headerChar * (len(prefix) + len(postfix) + sum(maxWidths) + \ len(delim)*(len(maxWidths)-1)) # select the appropriate justify method justify = {'center', 'right':str.rjust, 'left':str.ljust}[justify.lower()] output=cStringIO.StringIO() if separateRows: print >> output, rowSeparator for physicalRows in logicalRows: for row in physicalRows: print >> output, \ prefix \ + delim.join([justify(str(item),width) for (item,width) in zip(row,maxWidths)]) \ + postfix if separateRows or hasHeader: print >> output, rowSeparator; hasHeader=False return output.getvalue() # written by Mike Brown # def wrap_onspace(text, width): """ A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line breaks are posix newlines (\n). """ return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' % (line, ' \n'[(len(line[line.rfind('\n')+1:]) + len(word.split('\n',1)[0] ) >= width)], word), text.split(' ') ) import re def wrap_onspace_strict(text, width): """Similar to wrap_onspace, but enforces the width constraint: words longer than width are split.""" wordRegex = re.compile(r'\S{'+str(width)+r',}') return wrap_onspace(wordRegex.sub(lambda m: wrap_always(,width),text),width) import math def wrap_always(text, width): """A simple word-wrap function that wraps text on exactly width characters. It doesn't split the text in words.""" return '\n'.join([ text[width*i:width*(i+1)] \ for i in xrange(int(math.ceil(1.*len(text)/width))) ]) def formatTime(time): return locale.format("%.*f", (0, time), True) # Group the stats by keys. We should really just stick these in a SQL database # so we aren't reiventing the wheel. def group(stats, groupBy): vals = {} for stat in stats: key = [] for group in groupBy: key.append(stat[group]) key = tuple(key) if key not in vals: vals[key] = [] vals[key].append(stat['time']) return vals; def mean(l): return array(l).mean() # Take the somewhat normalized stats file and flatten it so there is a row for # every recorded stat. def flatten(stats): rows = [] for stat in stats: for s in stat['stats']: rows.append({ 'browser': stat['browser'], 'page': stat['page'], 'pdf': stat['pdf'], 'round': stat['round'], 'stat': s['name'], 'time': int(s['end']) - int(s['start']) }) return rows # Dump various stats in a table to compare the baseline and current results. # T-test Refresher: # If I understand t-test correctly, p is the probability that we'll observe # another test that is as extreme as the current result assuming the null # hypothesis is true. P is NOT the probability of the null hypothesis. # The null hypothesis in this case is that the baseline and current results will # be the same. It is generally accepted that you can reject the null hypothesis # if the p-value is less than 0.05. So if p < 0.05 we can reject the results # are the same which doesn't necessarily mean the results are faster/slower but # it can be implied. def stat(baseline, current, groupBy): labels = groupBy + ['Baseline(ms)', 'Current(ms)', '+/-', '%', 'Result(P<.05)'] baselineGroup = group(baseline, groupBy) currentGroup = group(current, groupBy) rows = [] for key in baselineGroup: t, p = stats.ttest_ind(baselineGroup[key], currentGroup[key], equal_var = False) baseline = mean(baselineGroup[key]) current = mean(currentGroup[key]) speed = '' if p < 0.05: speed = 'faster' if current < baseline else 'slower' row = list(key) row += [ formatTime(baseline), formatTime(current), formatTime(baseline - current), round(100 * (1.0 * baseline - current) / baseline, 2), speed ] rows.append(row) rows.sort(key=lambda row: tuple(row[0:len(groupBy)])) print indent([labels] + rows, hasHeader=True) def main(): optionParser = TestOptions() options, args = optionParser.parse_args() options = optionParser.verifyOptions(options, args) if options == None: sys.exit(1) with open(args[0]) as baselineFile: baseline = flatten(json.load(baselineFile)) with open(args[1]) as currentFile: current = flatten(json.load(currentFile)) for groupBy in options.groupBy: print "-- Grouped By " + ', '.join(groupBy) + ' -- ' stat(baseline, current, groupBy) if __name__ == '__main__': main()