/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('pdfjs-web/secondary_toolbar', ['exports', 'pdfjs-web/ui_utils'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { factory(exports, require('./ui_utils.js')); } else { factory((root.pdfjsWebSecondaryToolbar = {}), root.pdfjsWebUIUtils); } }(this, function (exports, uiUtils) { var SCROLLBAR_PADDING = uiUtils.SCROLLBAR_PADDING; var mozL10n = uiUtils.mozL10n; /** * @typedef {Object} SecondaryToolbarOptions * @property {HTMLDivElement} toolbar - Container for the secondary toolbar. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} toggleButton - Button to toggle the visibility * of the secondary toolbar. * @property {HTMLDivElement} toolbarButtonContainer - Container where all the * toolbar buttons are placed. The maximum height of the toolbar is controlled * dynamically by adjusting the 'max-height' CSS property of this DOM element. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} presentationModeButton - Button for entering * presentation mode. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} openFileButton - Button to open a file. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} printButton - Button to print the document. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} downloadButton - Button to download the * document. * @property {HTMLLinkElement} viewBookmarkButton - Button to obtain a bookmark * link to the current location in the document. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} firstPageButton - Button to go to the first * page in the document. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} lastPageButton - Button to go to the last page * in the document. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} pageRotateCwButton - Button to rotate the pages * clockwise. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} pageRotateCcwButton - Button to rotate the * pages counterclockwise. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} toggleHandToolButton - Button to toggle the * hand tool. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} documentPropertiesButton - Button for opening * the document properties dialog. */ /** * @class */ var SecondaryToolbar = (function SecondaryToolbarClosure() { /** * @constructs SecondaryToolbar * @param {SecondaryToolbarOptions} options * @param {HTMLDivElement} mainContainer * @param {EventBus} eventBus */ function SecondaryToolbar(options, mainContainer, eventBus) { this.toolbar = options.toolbar; this.toggleButton = options.toggleButton; this.toolbarButtonContainer = options.toolbarButtonContainer; this.buttons = [ { element: options.presentationModeButton, eventName: 'presentationmode', close: true }, { element: options.openFileButton, eventName: 'openfile', close: true }, { element: options.printButton, eventName: 'print', close: true }, { element: options.downloadButton, eventName: 'download', close: true }, { element: options.viewBookmarkButton, eventName: null, close: true }, { element: options.firstPageButton, eventName: 'firstpage', close: true }, { element: options.lastPageButton, eventName: 'lastpage', close: true }, { element: options.pageRotateCwButton, eventName: 'rotatecw', close: false }, { element: options.pageRotateCcwButton, eventName: 'rotateccw', close: false }, { element: options.toggleHandToolButton, eventName: 'togglehandtool', close: true }, { element: options.documentPropertiesButton, eventName: 'documentproperties', close: true } ]; this.items = { firstPage: options.firstPageButton, lastPage: options.lastPageButton, pageRotateCw: options.pageRotateCwButton, pageRotateCcw: options.pageRotateCcwButton, }; this.mainContainer = mainContainer; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.opened = false; this.containerHeight = null; this.previousContainerHeight = null; this.reset(); // Bind the event listeners for click and hand tool actions. this._bindClickListeners(); this._bindHandToolListener(options.toggleHandToolButton); // Bind the event listener for adjusting the 'max-height' of the toolbar. this.eventBus.on('resize', this._setMaxHeight.bind(this)); } SecondaryToolbar.prototype = { /** * @return {boolean} */ get isOpen() { return this.opened; }, setPageNumber: function SecondaryToolbar_setPageNumber(pageNumber) { this.pageNumber = pageNumber; this._updateUIState(); }, setPagesCount: function SecondaryToolbar_setPagesCount(pagesCount) { this.pagesCount = pagesCount; this._updateUIState(); }, reset: function SecondaryToolbar_reset() { this.pageNumber = 0; this.pagesCount = 0; this._updateUIState(); }, _updateUIState: function SecondaryToolbar_updateUIState() { var items = this.items; items.firstPage.disabled = (this.pageNumber <= 1); items.lastPage.disabled = (this.pageNumber >= this.pagesCount); items.pageRotateCw.disabled = this.pagesCount === 0; items.pageRotateCcw.disabled = this.pagesCount === 0; }, _bindClickListeners: function SecondaryToolbar_bindClickListeners() { // Button to toggle the visibility of the secondary toolbar. this.toggleButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this)); // All items within the secondary toolbar. for (var button in this.buttons) { var element = this.buttons[button].element; var eventName = this.buttons[button].eventName; var close = this.buttons[button].close; element.addEventListener('click', function (eventName, close) { if (eventName !== null) { this.eventBus.dispatch(eventName, { source: this, }); } if (close) { this.close(); } }.bind(this, eventName, close)); } }, _bindHandToolListener: function SecondaryToolbar_bindHandToolListener(toggleHandToolButton) { var isHandToolActive = false; this.eventBus.on('handtoolchanged', function (e) { if (isHandToolActive === e.isActive) { return; } isHandToolActive = e.isActive; if (isHandToolActive) { toggleHandToolButton.title = mozL10n.get('hand_tool_disable.title', null, 'Disable hand tool'); toggleHandToolButton.firstElementChild.textContent = mozL10n.get('hand_tool_disable_label', null, 'Disable hand tool'); } else { toggleHandToolButton.title = mozL10n.get('hand_tool_enable.title', null, 'Enable hand tool'); toggleHandToolButton.firstElementChild.textContent = mozL10n.get('hand_tool_enable_label', null, 'Enable hand tool'); } }.bind(this)); }, open: function SecondaryToolbar_open() { if (this.opened) { return; } this.opened = true; this._setMaxHeight(); this.toggleButton.classList.add('toggled'); this.toolbar.classList.remove('hidden'); }, close: function SecondaryToolbar_close() { if (!this.opened) { return; } this.opened = false; this.toolbar.classList.add('hidden'); this.toggleButton.classList.remove('toggled'); }, toggle: function SecondaryToolbar_toggle() { if (this.opened) { this.close(); } else { this.open(); } }, /** * @private */ _setMaxHeight: function SecondaryToolbar_setMaxHeight() { if (!this.opened) { return; // Only adjust the 'max-height' if the toolbar is visible. } this.containerHeight = this.mainContainer.clientHeight; if (this.containerHeight === this.previousContainerHeight) { return; } this.toolbarButtonContainer.setAttribute('style', 'max-height: ' + (this.containerHeight - SCROLLBAR_PADDING) + 'px;'); this.previousContainerHeight = this.containerHeight; } }; return SecondaryToolbar; })(); exports.SecondaryToolbar = SecondaryToolbar; }));