/* globals expect, it, describe, Dict, Name, Annotation, AnnotationBorderStyle, AnnotationBorderStyleType, AnnotationType, AnnotationFlag, PDFJS, beforeEach, afterEach, stringToBytes, AnnotationFactory, Ref, beforeAll, afterAll */ 'use strict'; describe('Annotation layer', function() { function XrefMock(queue) { this.queue = queue || []; } XrefMock.prototype = { fetchIfRef: function() { return this.queue.shift(); } }; var annotationFactory; beforeAll(function (done) { annotationFactory = new AnnotationFactory(); done(); }); afterAll(function () { annotationFactory = null; }); describe('Annotation', function() { it('should set and get flags', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setFlags(13); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.INVISIBLE)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.NOZOOM)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.PRINT)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.READONLY)).toEqual(false); }); it('should be viewable and not printable by default', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); expect(annotation.viewable).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.printable).toEqual(false); }); it('should set and get a valid rectangle', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setRectangle([117, 694, 164.298, 720]); expect(annotation.rectangle).toEqual([117, 694, 164.298, 720]); }); it('should not set and get an invalid rectangle', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setRectangle([117, 694, 164.298]); expect(annotation.rectangle).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0]); }); it('should reject a color if it is not an array', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor('red'); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0])); }); it('should set and get a transparent color', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor([]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(null); }); it('should set and get a grayscale color', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor([0.4]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([102, 102, 102])); }); it('should set and get an RGB color', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor([0, 0, 1]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255])); }); it('should set and get a CMYK color', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor([0.1, 0.92, 0.84, 0.02]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([233, 59, 47])); }); it('should not set and get an invalid color', function() { var dict = new Dict(); dict.set('Subtype', ''); var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: 0 }); annotation.setColor([0.4, 0.6]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0])); }); }); describe('AnnotationBorderStyle', function() { it('should set and get a valid width', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setWidth(3); expect(borderStyle.width).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid width', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setWidth('three'); expect(borderStyle.width).toEqual(1); }); it('should set and get a valid style', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setStyle(Name.get('D')); expect(borderStyle.style).toEqual(AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED); }); it('should not set and get an invalid style', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setStyle('Dashed'); expect(borderStyle.style).toEqual(AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID); }); it('should set and get a valid dash array', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setDashArray([1, 2, 3]); expect(borderStyle.dashArray).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it('should not set and get an invalid dash array', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setDashArray([0, 0]); expect(borderStyle.dashArray).toEqual([3]); }); it('should set and get a valid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setHorizontalCornerRadius(3); expect(borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setHorizontalCornerRadius('three'); expect(borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius).toEqual(0); }); it('should set and get a valid vertical corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setVerticalCornerRadius(3); expect(borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setVerticalCornerRadius('three'); expect(borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('LinkAnnotation', function() { it('should correctly parse a URI action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('URI')); actionDict.set('URI', 'http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(820, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a URI action, where the URI entry ' + 'is missing a protocol', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('URI')); actionDict.set('URI', 'www.hmrc.gov.uk'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(353, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.hmrc.gov.uk'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a GoTo action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoTo')); actionDict.set('D', 'page.157'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(798, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.dest).toEqual('page.157'); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, where the FileSpec entry ' + 'is a string containing a relative URL', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', '../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', '4.3'); actionDict.set('NewWindow', true); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(489, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); // ../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf#4.3 expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toEqual(true); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, with named destination', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', '15'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(495, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.example.com/test.pdf#nameddest=15'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, with explicit destination array', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', [14, Name.get('XYZ'), null, 298.043, null]); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(489, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.example.com/test.pdf#' + '[14,{"name":"XYZ"},null,298.043,null]'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should correctly parse a Named action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('Named')); actionDict.set('N', Name.get('GoToPage')); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(12, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.action).toEqual('GoToPage'); }); it('should correctly parse a simple Dest', function() { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('Dest', Name.get('LI0')); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([annotationDict]); var annotationRef = new Ref(583, 0); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, annotationRef); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.dest).toEqual('LI0'); }); }); describe('FileAttachmentAnnotation', function() { var loadingTask; var annotations; beforeEach(function(done) { var pdfUrl = new URL('../pdfs/annotation-fileattachment.pdf', window.location).href; loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(pdfUrl); loadingTask.promise.then(function(pdfDocument) { return pdfDocument.getPage(1).then(function(pdfPage) { return pdfPage.getAnnotations().then(function (pdfAnnotations) { annotations = pdfAnnotations; done(); }); }); }).catch(function (reason) { done.fail(reason); }); }); afterEach(function() { loadingTask.destroy(); }); it('should correctly parse a file attachment', function() { var annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.file.filename).toEqual('Test.txt'); expect(annotation.file.content).toEqual(stringToBytes('Test attachment')); }); }); describe('PopupAnnotation', function() { it('should inherit the parent flags when the Popup is not viewable, ' + 'but the parent is (PR 7352)', function () { var parentDict = new Dict(); parentDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); parentDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Text')); parentDict.set('F', 28); // viewable var popupDict = new Dict(); popupDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); popupDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Popup')); popupDict.set('F', 25); // not viewable popupDict.set('Parent', parentDict); var xrefMock = new XrefMock([popupDict]); var popupRef = new Ref(13, 0); var popupAnnotation = annotationFactory.create(xrefMock, popupRef); var data = popupAnnotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.POPUP); // Should not modify the `annotationFlags` returned e.g. through the API. expect(data.annotationFlags).toEqual(25); // The Popup should inherit the `viewable` property of the parent. expect(popupAnnotation.viewable).toEqual(true); }); }); });